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Elliot's Trackside Diner XXV- Milepost 25 Locked

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Posted by Packer on Saturday, February 20, 2010 8:36 PM

Evening ya'll

Not much done today except w0rk and going to an ops session.

Painting the athearn hopper bottoms kind of got put on the back burner. I plan to use testors flat interior gray since it looks closer to the grey of the hoppers I have (DRGW, NW, RI) than the primer gray I tried earlier. I just have to find a way to get laquer thinner from the big can into the airbrush jar, without using a plastic funnel...

Todd, What about front, rear, left, and right brakes. So maybe front left brake fluid could fall into that?

I'm really quite tired since w0rk was a bear today...


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Robby P. on Saturday, February 20, 2010 8:49 PM

Vincent.......I use a paint cup you would buy from Lowes/Walmart/etc...   I just pour some (thinner) into the cup and use the plastic eye dropper.  Then from the eye dropper to the air-brush.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by Packers#1 on Saturday, February 20, 2010 8:59 PM


Sawyer, sounds like one of those 'live and learn' things. I learn some things the hard way ONE time, and usually don't repeat my mistake for a long ways after that. Hopefully you will remember the next time you're in that kind of playing situation. Thumbs Up


oh yes. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. You better beleive I'm going to be stoked going into our next game.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, February 20, 2010 9:05 PM


Jeff, while I was in the service my favorites were:

I need a bucket of prop wash
I need 50 feet of shoreline with an eye in one end
No I wanted the eye in the other end!
Go weigh the anchor
I need a left handed metric crescent wrench
go find the keys to the sea chest
I need one gallon of bumblebee paint
I need two buckets of steam
You need to tie a dragon bowline and a Bowline on a bite
You can’t leave until you get a proper haircut

One of my favorites when I was in the army was to tell one of the newbee truck drivers to go to maintenance to order new muffler bearings for his truck.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

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Posted by ns3010 on Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:08 PM

Evening again.

Just stopping in. Gonna go catch up for a bit.

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:14 PM

Good evenin', still no raccoon? And the Fox is he had a big meal. Hmmmmmm.

Welp, I'll take a double cheeseburger basket with fries and a large Coke...from whoever/whatever is manning the counter this evening.Smile,Wink, & Grin

TODD: Yep, THAT's prezackly the kinda bridge I pictureated in my mind... Like I said, I've seen dozens of 'em...just never got them on film. Good to see you making progress on Toddland!

JIM: Yeah, it's a helluva gamble for Shueyville to take on their full maximum debt limit. As they make payments to the county, they'll start to build it back making payments on a credit card; but yeah, wow...anything comes up needing a bond issue, they're screwed. Looks like I'll be going to their next city council meeting since the ball is now firmly in their court on this one.

JOE: YIPE! Glad yer feeling better... I'll leave it at THAT!

SAWYER: So it was an error in ball handling...OK, I thought maybe you clonked somebody in a manner not approved!

BARRY: I think most of the drivers' ed around here is still in the schools...though there are a few private programs. I saw one of my former EMT students this evening. He's a cop in Cedar Rapids (SWAT medic tooThumbs Up). He said they've been busy this winter. His theory had something to do with lots of..."imports" to the area, i.e.: non-native Iowans trying to drive. Now it sounds like we're in for another "major winter weather event" starting tomorrow afternoon through Monday. Yippee. I don't have anything scheduled (other than scheduling things), and the Wife already had the day off (trying to burn down some accumulated vacation time), so....for once, I'm gonna say "let it s**w, let it s**w, let it s**w..." On the other hand, I'll probably find myself working an accident on Hwy. 30...

LEE: "Left handed shovel" I gotta remember THAT one!Laugh Knew a guy who claimed to have done radio stuff during his time in the Guard (he claimed to have done a LOT of things...). He said they'd send the newbies to ask the head Sgt. for "a can of static." My ex-fiancee', who was the training NCO for the unit (ground ambulance co.) told me some others...darned if I can remember them now though, naturally.Disapprove Heck, right now, I can't even remember the "good" EMS ones...other than having the newbie look for the biggest the smallest compartment. Or maybe THAT's just what the EMS newbies did by nature...

My mind is failing me...terribly.

THAT my friends, must be a sign it's time to sign-off and inspect the inside of my eyelids...



ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by ns3010 on Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:30 PM

Chris, I don't think I want to find out if it's a he or a she either... 

Sam, hopefully Transit won't have to make any layoffs. But if they do, at least you'll be at the top of the list for when they re-hire (that is, assuming they do). But, hopefully we won't have to worry about it.
Although, I bet that with these budget cuts, Transit is probably regretting buying 4-hundred-something MLs and something like 2.5M apiece...
And those 20-30% fare increases are rediculous... That's a lot!
And no prob. I just hope my description of LB was good enough and understandable to everyone else...

Garry, that's a, uh, interesting, way to make pancakes...

I'm getting kinda tired, so I guess I'll just do more tomorrow. Have nowhere to go, other than church, but a crapload of homework to do...


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Posted by Trainman Sam on Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:31 PM

Hello all!

I just got home... and caught up on the days goings on here!  I see we had the King of Prussia here while I was IN King of Prussia, PA!!!  How ironic!

Well, I got a few things:

Two kits, one from Pikestuff, Angine house(1 or 2 doors), and the other is from City Classics, Kit #110 Route 22 Diner (I figure I HAVE to have Elliotts Trackside Diner on my layout, and this little kit just begged me to buy it!

I got a Reading Caboose (In the colors that they were on the NH&I, and I got it for a bargain, the guy had three of them two were marked at $7, and this one was marked $5!!! It's from BEVBEL Corp.)

I also bought my wife a car!  She has mentioned that she likes the Mini Coopers, so I bought her one in Metallic Blue and 1:87 Scale!!!  She liked that I was thinking about her at the train show, she didn't go ( She knew she woulda been bored if she did go...).  I'm gonna park it at the Diner when I get it built, hopefully sooner rather than later!

I ALMOST bought two FA-1's.  One of the vendors was having a P2K sale, and the FA-1's were only $25... I thought about it, and thought about it, and thought about it some more... but the realization that I would have to buy two to run on the NH&I is what changed my mind. THAT would have wiped out my "show" money, and ended my purchasing day at just those two engines (that I DON'T need).  So I am actually very proud of myself that I didn't just jump in there and buy something I didn't need!

Well, I have to head to bed NOW, if I don't I will not get enough sleep and I am exhausted already.

Good night my friends,


 May He bless you, guide you, and keep you safe on your journey through life!

 I Model the New Hope & Ivyland RR (Bucks County, PA)

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:38 PM

Hello ...

Lee ... I like your post about the military. In particular, I like th two buckets of steam.

On roads, I don't always use cardboard. Downtown Blackhawk, for example, sits on a piece of 1/4" plywood painted concrete color. The highway bridge deck is a sheet of styrene.

Here's another picture of the cardboard road in Prairie View. It gets more narrow as it goes toward the backdrop.


Here is another road in Valley Heights. The cardboard road has the same color as the one it meets at the backdrop. Trees block the view of the transition point.


JimCG asked about the construction adhesive. It is the kind that goes in a calk gun such as liquid nails. The stuff is not a liquid though. I sometimes need a thick layer of adhesive, and therefore I need to wait a few days for it to harden before doing more work.  







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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:39 PM

Just stopped in to say goodnight aaaaand......

Sawyer- Don't sweat it. I seem to recall a professional football player running the wrong way one time and another spiking the ball BEFORE he got to the end zone. Did I mention these were professionals?

Lee- Double track eh. Well, I appreciate the offer, but can't really use double track portals. Thanks anyway. And yes I know you have more pictures.I visit your site occasionally. I have yours, as well as Tom's and Ray's favorite placed and go snooping through them from time to time. Gives me inspiration. And at the risk of being called a copy cat, several ideasBig Smile.

Actually to those of you who post photos, I hope you won't get upset to find out that I glean yours for ideas too. In fact if you were to look at my minds plan of my layout, you would see a little bit of something from everyone in there somewhere. Maybe a part of a fence I liked, or a small structure idea in a scene of yours, maybe just the way something sits. Trying to come up with some kind of place that would have a couple few of those sheet metal stacks that Robby showed us how to make too. Sorry, can't help it. Way to tempting of stuff you folks haveBow.

Jim- No. There will be a peninsula that will extend farther out and the track will go behind Gold Creek and around the peninsula which will go around the tourist trap town and then past a proposed Lumber yard and then the trailer park, around the room to the down grade and then on to.... Well haven't got what will be there yet and then reconnect. I have the track plan just not all the scenery yet. Well actually I don't really plan on having an industry on the wall behind where I was standing. I more would like to have another small town and a strip of highway with just businesses paralleling the tracks, of course.. Haven't figured out the space or what I'll end up having yet.

Well time for some shut eye. Starting to get fuzzy eyes. And with the characters that have been wandering around here lately, that's not a good thing.

Prayers for those in need.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by GMTRacing on Saturday, February 20, 2010 11:52 PM

Good Evening All,

   Long day at the shop and the CFO is off to the horsepiddle for a sleep study so I'm batching it tonight.

Lee - no leave without a haircut? So that was you eh? We did have an Admirable spend who knows how much time (more likely his staff spent the time) publishing a 20 page booklet in proper grooming standards complete with color glossy photos (no paragraph on the back of each one though) that was sent to the entire 7th fleet (including those of us in the Tonkin Gulf).  Made for entertaining reading and was the cause of much mirth at his expense which I claim no knowledge of. It was ok on duty as I was standing watch 12/7 in a little tiny room with 6 other techs so no trouble there. Going out into the rest of the ship was another story and I admit to buying Brylcreme in large quantities to disguise the real length of my hair (had some back then as well).  Imagine Elvis with a beard and glasses. Mostly worked. Really I thought there were better things to worry about in the middle of a war but there you go.My section chief and OIC were happy we were doing a good job and didn't sweat the small stuff.

Ray - I assume you've checked that the trucks aren't fouling anything right? Whose cars are they? If the trucks are binding I assume they are three axel. Any chance of cutting the flange off the center wheels making them blind? Or swapping the trucks for two axel versions? Or just removing the center axels? Having said that I have a set of Rivarossi and AHM heavyweights that I take to the train shows and run around 18"r curves with no problem. U did have no end of trouble with my Walthers 89' cars derailing everywhere until I trimmed the undercarriages. Bachmans also work on tighter radii due to their two stage articulated coupler pockets.

  I'm really glad those oil tenders didn't turn out to be mobile barbeques.Whistling . There was a tv show featuring some wild set ups for tailgating but none quite that big.

I'm catching up on posts again but will try to get some shut eye now.   CUL, J.R.


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Posted by LSWrr on Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:38 AM

Good morning all,

Garry, I really like the backdrop of the houses and the old barn, where did you find that?  Is that a picture you picked up?

Sam, sounds like a good start.  I did the Betsy’s Diner kit for the club layout from Walther’s, it came with an interior.  I’m looking for pictures of your Route 66 diner.

Todd, no offense taken.  I had some tunnels on my last layout and now those are just sitting around.  I’m glad the group thinks I’m some sort of master manipulator of the HO-Scale train set, but I think there are many very talented people in the group here that can put me to shame, LOL. 

Well today I need to work on the round house and the turntable pit.  I really need to get that done and move on with the other projects in the train room.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by fec153 on Sunday, February 21, 2010 6:17 AM

Good morning all. Hi Jannie, western omelet, whole-wheat toast and black coffee, please.

Lee-Have you looked at Cat Tom's layout? His locos are great but his scenery and bridges are terrific.       

J.R.- Didn't know you got your feet wet in 'Nam. Welcome home, sailor. You and Fergie could tell tall tales about weather at sea.

Garry- Nicely done. I like the forced perspective with the road at Praire View.

Sam- Bev-Bel used mostly B B kits and painted them in correct colors for the roads they represented. I have a bunch in different roads. Four in particular in G N with different road numbers. Wanted more but low in funds at the time, [ still am but haven't seen them anyway. 

Prayers for all of us. Enjoy the day.



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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, February 21, 2010 6:27 AM



Jeff, while I was in the service my favorites were:

I need a bucket of prop wash
I need 50 feet of shoreline with an eye in one end
No I wanted the eye in the other end!
Go weigh the anchor
I need a left handed metric crescent wrench
go find the keys to the sea chest
I need one gallon of bumblebee paint
I need two buckets of steam
You need to tie a dragon bowline and a Bowline on a bite
You can’t leave until you get a proper haircut

One of my favorites when I was in the army was to tell one of the newbee truck drivers to go to maintenance to order new muffler bearings for his truck.

I ended up placing this in my list of good stuff!!LaughLaugh

Good Morning!

Up and at'em----yeah right! I got church stuff to do AFTER church so I be a busy little camper....

We are having sun today with a high of 5C!!Big Smile Tomorrow back to s**w and wind and grrrr--get outa my way---grrr drivers as we get 4-6" of the stuffGrumpy

When I finish my church stuff later today I be going with Audrey and have a nice repast at our favourite little restaurant near here-----we need to do dis you know!Whistling

Chloe--I'll have my usual breakfast bagel and coffee please---I'll be at the RC this morning---Whistling


Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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Posted by fec153 on Sunday, February 21, 2010 6:35 AM

Reread this and an old memory popped to my mind. I was 16, made a delivery to a mechanic and he ordered a fuel pump for a model A from me. Got back to the store to look up the number and couldn't find one listed. Asked my dad and he started to laugh. They didnt use a fuel pump, it was gravity fed  Darn, I'm old. That was long before most of you were even thought of.  Glad I can laugh at myself.

Think I'll change my name from Flip to " Geezer" , the OLD being understood.             lol


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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, February 21, 2010 7:09 AM


The restrooms in the diner are closed for repair until further notice. You may use the outhouse behind the building. Thank you for your cooperation. ....... The Manangement 







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Posted by fec153 on Sunday, February 21, 2010 7:18 AM

Garry- That would be a heck of a way to find out who your friends REALLY are!!!!!! lol



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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, February 21, 2010 7:19 AM


Garry, I really like the backdrop of the houses and the old barn, where did you find that?  Is that a picture you picked up?

Lee .... I save old calandars, catalogs, etc. that may late become part of a backdrop. In this case, the dark barn on the left was at the edge of a calandar picture, and I had to paint the left end of the barn to match. (My part is the slppy part.)  The road in the caladar scene was repainted to match the road on teh layout.

One more point. My roads always slope upward at the back of the layout. It looks better than if the road is horizontal until it reaches the backdrop which is vertical,




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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, February 21, 2010 7:20 AM


Garry- That would be a heck of a way to find out who your friends REALLY are!!!!!! lol



Just having fun. Can I call you "Geez" for short?

Edit .... Flip ... I just thought of this. That photo would make a great prop for an Avodart commercial. Perhaps it would encourage some men to use their product.

....... Oh never mind ....

Enjoy the day.




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Posted by Robby P. on Sunday, February 21, 2010 8:18 AM

 Good morning.  Its cool once again, and maybe a mix of snow/rain is coming.

 Well I guess today I will fade the cars I bought.  That takes a day or so to dry.  Not much planned today.  I spent about 3 hours on the steel loads yesterday.  I guess this will be a "take it easy day".

 Todd........I'm the same way.  I look at pictures for ideas on placement of bushes, what people put around the buildings, etc.....


 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, February 21, 2010 8:40 AM


Sawyer- Don't sweat it. I seem to recall a professional football player running the wrong way one time and another spiking the ball BEFORE he got to the end zone. Did I mention these were professionals?


True. It's jsut one of those experience deals.

Chris, the only way to tackle illegally is tackle someone above the shoulders. Otherwise jsut get 'em to the turf haha

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

Building a protolanced industrial park layout


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, February 21, 2010 8:42 AM

 Good morning. It's 55 and cloudy. The high will be in the mid 60's and there's a 50% chance of thunderstorms.

Today I'll be giving my attention to two identical boxcars I recently received. They're both Slovenian made IHC offerings with roller bearing trucks fitted with flat tread pizza cutter wheels. They appear to have been painted with an enamel type paint that was on the verge of obscuring what little rivet details the cars have. Both of the cars have both plug doors and sliding doors. The roof and doors may have been done with an airbrush. It's a bit hard to tell at this point. If I decide to strip them the evidence of whether it was done with an airbrush or a rattle can will come out as the rattle can paint will tend to be thicker. They have Life-Like type truck mounted knuckle couplers. Right now I'm not sure if I'll do away with them and body mount Kadee's or change out the the car bottoms altogether.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by howmus on Sunday, February 21, 2010 9:20 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Well looky here, the girls are back from vacation this morning!  Zoe I'll have a short stack of buttermilk pancakes with a side of bacon and a cup of dark roast in a FGLK mug to start the day.

Jeffrey, I have sent my share of new Scouts  to the tool box to find a "left handed Smoke Shifter" for me.  At Camp Brulé when I was camp director, our waterfront director used to commonly ask some new scout to go up to the Rangers Shed and ask him for more Red oil for the Port lamps on the sailboats.  (The Starboard lamps need Green oil you know!)  My all time favorite THAT I did a few times was to send some kid over to the Rifle Range to get me the Rifle Report.  The Field Sports Director was 70 years old almost totally deaf and after he finally found out why the kid was there, he would calmly get out one of our 22 rifles, walk up to the firing line, and load and discharge the rifle in a safe manner.  Turn to the kid and with a straight face say, "There, Done!".  We aren't allowed (officially) to do things like THAT anymore as it falls under "Hazing" and THAT is completely forbidden in Scouting.  Too bad as they removed some very wrong and even dangerous "Traditions" in certain Troops (Had to handle some situations concerning those kind of things back when I was  Camp Director.....  Not fun!), they also took a lot of harmless fun out as well........

I will be leaving for Syracuse in a half hour or so.  Should stop back in here sometime this evening.

Hope all of you have a great day!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:04 AM

Good Morning. (walks in and tries the restroom door to find it locked) As you can tell, I'm not where I should be. At Church. No excuses other than just lazy. It's drizzle raining and just can't get moving.

So far, and it's early, it looks like I will be able to spend some quality time with the kingdom in the basement. I feel in some places I may be "overbuilding". But, I don't want to experience an unexpected "underbuild" later after it becomes very difficult to correct. Better safe than sorry I‘m a thinkin. Especially since I believe this will be "the" layout.

Lee- As I look around my areas allotted to me, mainly the garage, it is not unusual for me to acquire items I don't need, just in case I do........., somedayWhistling. However, I'm somewhat proud of myself for not grabbing up something that I don't need that someone else mayBig Smile. Ah it's the little things that make me proud. Not sucking up, I really do think your layout is fantastic. But as we all know, no matter how good someone is, there is always someone better. Something the folks here in the diner, and many others too, grasp that a few out there don't.

I tink I'm in pretty good company here and can share and learn for a long time from among the best.

Heartland Division CB&Q
One more point. My roads always slope upward at the back of the layout. It looks better than if the road is horizontal until it reaches the backdrop which is vertical,


See? Little things like this. Thank you! (wrting it down and shoving in pocket).

Robby- Problem with me is I have no independent vision. I need to see someone elses work to get an idea. I can then modify it for me. I can see changes like my such and such can be here, I don't want this and I can add that, but to come up with something like a track plan or other things even with a healthy list of givens and druthers from a clean sheet..... Blank. Also helps to look at what someone else does and say, "how come there's looks so much better than mine"Laugh

Sawyer- Everyone is human and no one is perfect and makes no mistake in whatever they do. No matter how good they are. It's a sport and perfection is strived for, but rarely achieved. Well, except for a few who are in the stands or sitting in front of the TV. I wonder why they aren't coaches? ConfusedWink

Jeffrey- Sounds like who ever painted those cars, painted Toms' loco. Good think there isn't as much separate detail on the cars. Have fun.

Say, who's in the restroom? Been in there a looong time.  Shock. Oh you've got to be kidding. Everybody knows PC's a Port-A-Potty tipper. I ain't goin' in there.

Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:30 AM

 Good Afternoon,

well, it has been a fairly dull and boring day today. We stayed up much later than usual yesterday night, as we had friends joining us for dinner. It was those people who had helped us so much in getting our new flat fixed up and Petra went way out of her way to come up with a dinner that earned her ChefChefChef !

Our friends gave us a voucher from a local accessory shop, just to buy the few missing things! Needless to say, that both Petra and I were in tears. Without these folks, we would not have survived the move. It is so good to have friends!

Zoe, supper time is coming up quickly, so I just have a cafe au lait and a slice of that apple crumble thingy I see there on the counter!

I have spend a good deal of time watching steam vids on youtube.Those British steam locos are so diminutive, they just look like toy-trains made by Lionel. It is amazing how well kept they are, especially when compared to the state of repair the rest of the country is in. I also added finishing touches on the plan - added another track on the traverser, so the layout can now be operated by two people, one for each train. I also found a nice Welsh name for it - can anyone tell me, how to pronounce Glyndyfdrwy?

 Here is the plan, if you are interested:


The last couple of days saw above-freezing temps, so that white stuff is slowly disappearing. It is still way to cold for this time of the year - we normally have temps of + 10 C and more at the end of Feb.

Have a good day!

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Posted by fec153 on Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:31 AM

Man, what a beautiful day. Temp in low 70's , bright sunshine and just a few clouds. Went to Renningers Flea market. Actually found a GN  reefer I didn't have.. Have to change couplers and weigh it..---------------  Who is looking for construction vehicles? Found some but not sure of scale. Look to be H O . There is a fire truck, snorkle type, in box, 1/82 , asking $10.The other trucks are a $1 each.. If interested, let me know as I'll have to back to get them / it.



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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, February 21, 2010 10:47 AM

ShockGrumpy Dogs have no manners. They should excuse themselves to the bathroom when they do that. Ruined WPF for me. I'm going to the basement.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, February 21, 2010 11:17 AM


Sawyer- Everyone is human and no one is perfect and makes no mistake in whatever they do. No matter how good they are. It's a sport and perfection is strived for, but rarely achieved. Well, except for a few who are in the stands or sitting in front of the TV. I wonder why they aren't coaches? ConfusedWink


Todd, very true words.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

Building a protolanced industrial park layout


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Posted by ns3010 on Sunday, February 21, 2010 1:49 PM

Afternoon all. Flo, I'll take a bacon cheeseburger and a RBF, thanks.

Got a good bit of homework done already today, but I'm gonna hafta do more later.

So, who wants to ask me ABSOLUTELY anything, or just leave a comment!? And the fun part is, I won't even know who you are! Who wants go give it a go? This should be entertaining...

I'll be in the back, catching up and answering questions.

My Model Railroad: Tri State Rail
My Photos on Flickr: Flickr
My Videos on Youtube: Youtube
My Photos on RRPA: RR Picture Archives

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Posted by Trainman Sam on Sunday, February 21, 2010 3:25 PM

Lee- here's the cover to the "Diner" I'll be back later, going to dinner with my wife!!!! Smile,Wink, & Grin


 May He bless you, guide you, and keep you safe on your journey through life!

 I Model the New Hope & Ivyland RR (Bucks County, PA)

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