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Elliott's Trackside Diner XXI - Further down the line... Locked

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Posted by Flashwave on Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:47 PM

Not even sure about the language as Kyrie Eleison is "Lord have mercy" in Greek.

We did a version of Kyrie last year. Loved the piece. We'll try the bowls idea too. I'd thought about that, but I had some reason that it wouldn't be feasible. I dunno though, I ate Turkey since then. (And ham, and a Cinnamon braid, and an antacid...)

And to your earlier post, I dun gedit

Morgan - on lapsing over into the Trains forum tracks, no problem on that; when we get to the last MR track, we'll probably just head back up to the first track (which by then we'll all have forgotten, and it will look like a new location to us all!)Smile,Wink, & Grin Sorry to hear you haven't got in much MRR'ing, but you want to keep your grades up and do well, so you can get the job you'd like after you get out of school (and college, probably). Will look forward to your Christmas story, having read your earlier one...

I spose that works. I never did the original Coffee Shop siding, aside from the pictures and old posts you guys dug out.

Yeah, keepin' the grades up. Actually, I'd kinda like to parallell Trsinman Sam and head for Amtrak. (Though if that falls through, there's always Elementary teaching, since I'm having a blast) And since I can do the training either with AMTK or ITM, College becomes a non-essential. Useful, maybe, but with finances as they are, why rack up a leg's worth of debt for half a degree.


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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:56 PM


Actually, Hospodepomilluie, is a French word. Meaning "hospital for poor mules" Little known fact about it is..... (smack!) OW!

OK I'l sit down.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, November 29, 2009 5:10 PM


Mr.Duff told us or it was on the sheet music, it is  Russian Othodox  and means "HAVE MERCY ON US O LORD".  I Sang bass in 52 tru 54 choir.



I think the version that you mentioned was translated partially from Cyrillic to the verbal Russian. I saw a Cyrillic version of that used for choral direction(?).

Me----I'll stick with Gaudette---at least I can sing Latin--Whistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Sunday, November 29, 2009 5:25 PM

Good evenin', double cheeseburger basket with a Coke please 'n the RC as usual.

SAM: Thanks! No, wait a minute....THAT's not the one I was looking for.... uh oh.

JIM: The "good outcome" was courtesy of an almost forgotten, almost finished bottle of Mr. Beam's finest corn squeezings. I'm not much on wine, and don't care much for vodka; which wipes out most of Cedar Ridge's offerings. They are however, preparing to launch a bourbon whiskey (made from squeezing Iowa corn) early next year (it's in the barrels aging right now). THAT's more my cup 'o, as it were. For the roundhouse, I'm leaning toward the DPM walls. I'll have some extra walls from combining roundhouses, but so far I haven't found a big enough blank area to use. I finger, with brick sheet, I'll still have to adhere THAT to styrene sheet. Why cut twice as many pieces when I can just hack up a wall panel? Thanks for the ideer!

Did some cogitating in the RR room today. I was thinking about getting around to thinking about getting back on the wall repainting project. Four years ago, when the room was first "repurposed" into the RR room, I had Loving Wife paint a CNW-ish green, and a CNW-esque yellow stripe around the room, dividing a darker sky blue from a lighter blue. Now, I'm narrowing it, and looking at the yellow, which looked so good then...but is really bugging me now.

Here's what it looks like in the "junk corner" or more appropriately "Lucky's Museum of RR Artifacts"

How it was done 4 years ago:

The remodeling/improvement effort, in-progress:

 Taking a cue from JEFF, I'm thinking about thinking about taking a 2" x 2" square of Accupaint CNW old yellow in to have a can of paint mixed. The yellow looks much better in pictures than in real life...

I'll yield the floor and have a seat over *BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!*

Now, THAT's the whoopie cushion I was looking for...

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, November 29, 2009 6:14 PM

 Thnaka Jim and Sam! I've fixed the vidoe link, as the orginal one screwed up.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by Cox 47 on Sunday, November 29, 2009 6:22 PM

Evening...I'll have a double RBF please...Thank you...I got the railroad top off..everthing back in place and work bench back up..had all the tools put up away from little fingers and ran a train over main..good to have it running!...You all have a good sunday nite...Gonna retire for a nite in front of TV with Sallie...Jerry

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Posted by Packer on Sunday, November 29, 2009 6:28 PM

Sawyer, the progress looks good. Good to see that the insulter type people haven't gotten you down.

Todd, maybe it's "mill boy" instead of mule.

Chris, You got a nice stash of railroadania, I especially like the SD40-2 builder plate above the window. All I have is a sweater though, but I almost bought an MP hardhat once.

Got the swaybars and brake calipers in on my car, and the driveshaft out so new emergency brake cables can be put in. The swaybars were fun, I pinched and cut up my hand getting the rear one in on the aftermarket control arms. The front I managed to get it lined up and when I tried to grab the bolt, the thing decided of slip off my hand and land on my forehead. Dead then when the arm I was holding it up wit came down, my elbow hit it Black Eye After that I decided to call it a night before I hurt myself some more. My elbow still hurts....

I noticed when I test-fitted the front tires and wheels they stuck out from the wheelwell a little bit. The front conrol arms are resting o jackstands so I'm wondering if the tires will go back in some when the car is back on the ground?


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, November 29, 2009 6:30 PM

 Thanks Vincent. Eh, that's their way to feel good about themselves. Why let the little bullies get me down? Like i said, they still haven't shaken the sand outta their Power rangers sneakers.

Soudns liek the Mustang is fighting you. Hope you get 'er straightened out!

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by nik .n on Sunday, November 29, 2009 6:54 PM

I have sent in a form to join a MRR Club a friend of mine is trying to set up. He so far has 14 people in it. Let's see how this goes. 

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Posted by twhite on Sunday, November 29, 2009 6:59 PM

Holy cow, I not only missed the move, I missed all the fun!   Teach me to get Bronchitis for Thanksgiving break, LOL!

Anyway, greetings from Sunny/Crisp/Cold/Cal.  Fall is in full bloom out here, we've had a couple of rainstorms here in the Valley, and a couple of relatively good snowfalls in the mountains--at least enough to open up the ski resorts around Truckee and Lake Tahoe.   It's very colorful down here in the Valley--in fact it's the most colorful Fall I've seen around here in years.  Could be a harbinger of things to come--mainly storms.  God knows we can use them!

Ray:  Your lamp just cracks me up!  Tongue  Is that a double or single horn, and does it play the opening theme from "Rosenkavalier" when you turn it on?  Inquiring minds need to know, LOL!

And what's this about Packers getting slammed by both Al and JK?  Kind of like getting chewed on by chipmunks in my opinion.  Small, nasty, but they might carry Rabies.  Whistling  Don't let it bother you, Sawyer--you're a HECK of a lot better than that, believe me! 

And yes, as far as I know, the "Hospodie" in the Orthodox Church is the same as the "Kyrie" in the Catholic Church.  One of the best versions I've ever heard of that particular Orthodox chant is in the Rachmaninoff "Vesper Mass".  It's absolutely overpowering.   

Well, had the family down for Thanksgiving.  Didn't do turkey (I'm not a big turkey fan) so I did prime rib with all the trimmings.  Even had some left-overs--imagine that!   Mother was not pleased: "Thanksgiving is for TURKEY!",  but everyone else chowed down like the good carnivores that my family is.  Even Mother finally admitted that it was a good meal.  "I liked that steak," she said.  Mother doesn't get around, much.  Whistling

Unfortunately, the next day, I woke up with Bronchitis, and I'm still pretty much under the weather from it.  Doctor has told me to take the first couple of days of school off this week, but I'm not sure--we're getting ready for our Christmas Concert, and I really feel I should be there.  I'm going to phone Leah a little later tonight and see what she thinks.  Of course, she'll get all 'motherly' (for a 30 year old) and tell me to stay home. 

Christmas is going to be in Vancouver, this year, with my son and his wife.  Can hardly wait.  This means, of course, that I get to catch the "Coast Starlight" here in Sacramento and head north.  That's always a fun trip.  The last time I went up, about six years ago, I closed up the bar in the dome car with a bunch of college kids heading home to Oregon from Southern California (why would kids from a state as gorgeous as Oregon want to go to school in SoCal, anyway?Confused--oh well--) and they thought it was very 'cool' actually partying with a 'Professor'.   One neat thing about the trip is that you cross the Oregon Cascades in the morning, and that portion of the trip is absolutely SPECTACULAR!   

So, while I've been under the weather, I've been fine-tuning a couple of my locos.  I photographed one of them for this week's WPF.  I still think it needs a new can motor, the one that came with it seems to be a little underpowered, but I understand that was pretty common with that particular loco.  However, it did handle about 14 cars up the grade without complaining too much.  It has turned into a nice, smooth runner, even if it IS a little light on its feet for its 4-8-2 wheel arrangement. 

We'll see. 

Well, that's about all from SunnyCal for me.  I think it's time for Aspirin and Nyquil and curl up on the couch and watch a movie.  Something rowdy like Errol Flynn, LOL!  I think I WILL take the next couple of days off.  Morning and night are the worst for Bronchitis, and I can feel myself getting a little yucky. 

Best to all, prayers to those in need. 

Tom Smile


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Posted by AmanaMedic on Sunday, November 29, 2009 7:01 PM

Good evening,

VINCENT: Man, whatta battle 'eh? Hope you come out on the winning end vs. the Mustang. As for the RR stuff...the SD40-2 plate was purchased from Schrader's (sp.), maybe... some big RR "stuff" catalog, you know, the kind where they'll put RR logos and such on just about anything/everything? The rest of the "stuff" was acquired through various means. Some 100% free-and-clear legal, others....well, St. Peter and I might have to have a little conversation when I'm called to the Pearly Gates...Whistling

JERRY: Glad the RR is back up and running, and safe from "little fingers." A set of "little fingers" damaged and all but destroyed a number of things back in 2003 on the wedding day, so I understand very well what/why you did what you did. "Trains CRASH!" is what the very young nephew attached to the little fingers said when caught. Disapprove He apparently would grab a couple of freight cars, or a locomotive and a car, and smash 'em together. The parents (in-laws) while somewhat embarrased, never really made much attempt to "put things right." Oh well.

Janie? Flo? whoever, whichever (I STILL can't tell them apart...), I'll take a bucket of coffee while I cogitate and fixate upon the w**k week ahead...

ChrisEight Ball

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, November 29, 2009 7:32 PM

Some fruit & nuts in a small bowl, please.  

***Chris, neat junk corner....I wouldn't change a thing. Cool light! 

MIL was taken to the hospital tonight. My wife didn't go to work so she could oversee things and help take care of her dad (who can't be left alone). That's all I know. 

I made it in the train room for a little ballast work, but it didn't go well. Seems the new ballast material I got is so fine that even dribbling watered down glue on it messes it up. Oh well. 

Hope everyone is doing well.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by twhite on Sunday, November 29, 2009 7:55 PM


I made it in the train room for a little ballast work, but it didn't go well. Seems the new ballast material I got is so fine that even dribbling watered down glue on it messes it up. Oh well. 

Hope everyone is doing well.

Cowboy Rob


Spray the ballast down with a spray bottle of water mixed with about 3 or 4 drops of liquid detergent.  Just SATURATE the ballast, then dribble on the watered glue.  Works for me, at least.   I use either thinned Elmer's white glue or WS Scenic Cement.  Either one works, the WS seems to be a little more flexible.  But get that ballast SOAKED before you do the glue-bit.  I use fairly fine ballast myself, and that stuff just kind of lies there and DARES you to get it to stick.   But it looks Very Cool after. 

Hope this helps.

Tom Big Smile

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Posted by Packer on Sunday, November 29, 2009 8:05 PM

Sawyer, it probably is trying to fight me; maybe it's doesn't want to change or it saw the last one. Laugh At least most of the heavy stuff is back in (there are heavy interior pieces, but I can't drop them on my head), and most of the rest of the stuff to be put back in is mostly cables, wires, and tubes.

Chris, The battle for upgrading the suspension and brakes is almost over. The battle on increasing power is just beginning, especially considering I started porting the intake on the 2.3l, and got a Cobra longblock the other day Mischief. lol on the St. peter part. Guess that'll explain my stash of spikes from the SP (that I no longer know where they are). So I have a BN sweater and SP spikes somewhere. If I dig through my Grandparent's attic I might find some Omaha Road stuff.

On an MR note, I was outbid 2 weeks ago on a BN GP9 (Ph 3, ex-np). I managed to snag a different GP9 (Ph 1, ex CB&Q) and a GP18 (ex-NP) with a UP GP7 shell for less than the earlier BN GP9 (the Ph 3 one).


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, November 29, 2009 8:07 PM


And what's this about Packers getting slammed by both Al and JK?  Kind of like getting chewed on by chipmunks in my opinion.  Small, nasty, but they might carry Rabies.  Whistling  Don't let it bother you, Sawyer--you're a HECK of a lot better than that, believe me! 


You got a point there. Chipmunk Al and chipmunk JK; hmm, only a duo, and there voices are probably the same as their vocabulary; lousy and disgusting.

I ain't letting them bother me; heck, as I've been saying, they're the ones still carrying that elementary school playground sand around and haven't grown up. It's just like water on a duck's feathers; just rolls right off (thank you to my youthgroup leaders for that quote.)

Vincent, eh, you'll beat it into submission, lol. 

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by fec153 on Sunday, November 29, 2009 8:16 PM

Vinnie- Don't you have a Ford tool???????    [ 5 lb. hammer ]

Goodnight to all. Pleasent dreams and Prayers for all.


p.s.- Eats and drinks on me.


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Posted by howmus on Sunday, November 29, 2009 8:29 PM

Evenin' folks!

Cup of decafe and a slice of pumpkin pie Flo.  I'll go sit at the rivet counter for a bit.

Finally got the tortoise installed on the second stub end switch (turnout).  It is one of those places that can only be accessed by chanting some very bad words............  Hooked up the toggle switch, made the connections to the DCC Bus, and did a little testing.  With a couple of adjustments the tortoise throws the turnout perfectly.  The track iself is on a curve and acts like a spring to bring it into the main position.  The siding however needs a very stiff piece of piano wire to actuate it and get it all the way over.  The only problem I see right now is that the DCC wires need to be reversed to make the frog the right polarity.  I'll get to it tomorrow.

Ray:  Your lamp just cracks me up!  Tongue  Is that a double or single horn, and does it play the opening theme from "Rosenkavalier" when you turn it on?  Inquiring minds need to know, LOL!


Tom, I was wondering how long it would be before someone noticed the lamp!  I figured it would have to wait until you came in.  Interesting story behind those. About 25 years ago my Father was back teaching band to elementary kids.  He was looking for some old Alto Horns for beginning French Horn Players (a bit easier to start on).  After looking in several music repair shops and stores in the Rochester area, he came upon a shop that had a half a dozen old beat up instruments.  Dad grabbed all six of them figuring he would fix as many of them up for his students as he could.  A couple were just beyond saving so he decided they would make good lamps.  Oh but tha is just the beginning of the story.......  As he was making the first lamp, he tried to buff the metal on the horn and clean it up a bit.  He saw what appeared to be a fancy pattern and some writing.  His curiosity peaked, and he kept at it until he could read the inscription......  It became a very special Christmas present to me that year.  When Dad died, I inherited the other one, so I now have a pair.  BTW here is the inscription:

Cool huh?

BTW, the Whamus, Thamus, and Zamus thing just means that just because you know what something is called, doesn't mean that you have any idea of what it really is and what it does.  In the case of music, what it is supposed to sound like.   In music the brain has to respond to the written page way too fast to stop and analyze the relationships using names and theory.  You have to see the notes and respond with sound.  So in teaching music it is more important to teach the sound it represents, than what it is called (even though it is important to know as well....).  You have to have the experience of using the concept..........



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Packer on Sunday, November 29, 2009 8:37 PM

Sawyer, flip has the answer

Flip, already used it. Needed it to get a bigger power brake booster in and to hammer the rear wheel wells to clear the 17x9s that will be installed.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, November 29, 2009 9:03 PM

WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!!!! Oh sorry didn't see you guys.

Tom- Sure hope you feel better soon. (Now would be a good time to quit the puff puffs, if you know what I mean.)

Rob- Yeah what Tom said. I thought I could skip a step with my ballast and it wasn't that small. Wrong, Soaking first, (I use 70% alcohol myself. I'm under the assumption it will dry faster. Why? I don't know) is now the only way I'll do anything that requires the glue, ground foam, gravel, you name it.

Guess I'll call it a night since I heard someone has rabies. Don't want to catch it myself. Never can be too careful ya know.

Prayers for those in need.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, November 29, 2009 9:06 PM


Sawyer, flip has the answer

Flip, already used it. Needed it to get a bigger power brake booster in and to hammer the rear wheel wells to clear the 17x9s that will be installed.

A good ol' hammer does the trick every time---Smile,Wink, & Grin

Got the 2-6-0 working---gear issue--and lubed the thing. Fred is a happy camper----Smile,Wink, & Grin

Next up the 2-8-4-----Whistling---

Now I wish I had a Brown Book----Smile,Wink, & Grin

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by der5997 on Sunday, November 29, 2009 9:10 PM


Hospodie po mir loy
...Lord have mercy in Ukranian = Hospody, pomyluy according to Google Translate. I went through all the mid european countries they listed, and this is the closest I could find. So, that's Russian Orthodox, with a Ukrainian accent maybe?Cool Mind you, the Translate had something quite different looking for the Russian, and that looked very similar to a bunch of other languages in eastern I don't entirely trust it.Whistling
(by BridgeTom) Ray:  Your lamp just cracks me up!     Is that a double or single horn, and does it play the opening theme from "Rosenkavalier" when you turn it on?  Inquiring minds need to know, LOL!
...yes, and how did you do the wiring? Bow BTW, about the "see the notation, sound the notation" thing..did you see this before? I'm not at all musical, and this is the first time I've come close to understanding the relationship of sound and keys on the keyboard.Cool


who makes Soy out of Saw?
  the same as make Don out of Dawn?...or is it just my English ear that can't get used to that one?Clown   You've answered my question BTW, the stuff I was thinking of is the Perfectcast that you are now ripping out. I'd go with the Sheetrock joint compound(Drywall mud NOTB) It sands very well (but watch the dust - a vacuum cleaner nearby, if you've any large area to do; paints well too, and that's a bonus!  BTW2 - could you PM me on how to do the narrated slideshow? Thnx.


Unfortunately, the next day, I woke up with Bronchitis, and I'm still pretty much under the weather from it.  Doctor has told me to take the first couple of days of school off this week, but I'm not sure--we're getting ready for our Christmas Concert, and I really feel I should be there.  I'm going to phone Leah a little later tonight and see what she thinks.  Of course, she'll get all 'motherly' (for a 30 year old) and tell me to stay home. 
...stay home Sir,(if you want to enjoy Vancouver that is, and we would like you to do that!) Bronchitis is not to be fooled with. My 2 cents


made it in the train room for a little ballast work, but it didn't go well. Seems the new ballast material I got is so fine that even dribbling watered down glue on it messes it up. Oh well. 
...which is why I use a tip I got from Fergie. Alcohol and water mix (with a drop of India ink to pre-weather the ballast) in a FINE spray to soak the ballast down thoroughly first without disturbing the ballast.( I use a pump bottle that had eyeglass cleaning fluid - find one that is fine and doesn't make big drops, and guard it with your life!) Then the dilute glue will just wick right into the wet ballast. I use an eye dropper for that, inside the rails first, and then finishing off outside. Worth the effort,and cuts out the frustration...which I see reading down a bit is just what BridgeTom just said!

Time for bed, Good night everyone,and God Bless. Prayers continuing for all in need of healing, comfort, prosperity and peace.Angel




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Posted by LSWrr on Monday, November 30, 2009 6:52 AM
Good morning all,

JIM, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This weekend I started work in the train room, not much was accomplished but after a long summer hiatus it was good to get back to work.

 NIK, I joined the Euclid MRR Club and I’ve met some interesting people, I’ll never regret joining.

 Joint Compound, I like it because you don’t have to mix it but it takes much longer to dry than plaster of Paris. It was 57F yesterday and only 40F today, I wish the weather would make up its mind!


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Monday, November 30, 2009 7:13 AM

Happy Birthday JIM!!!

Good Morning

We're getting "wet" snowflurries---as opposed to dry, I guess--and this'll be for today, tonight and tomorrow---high today will be 3C and the low tonight at -2C and the high for tomorrow will be the big 0C.

I got mostly everything I need to make up some stair railings and stuff for some of the elevators---hopefullyWhistling

Nik: We sort of have an informal group of about 9 here ---- getting a few more as wellSmile 

Chloe, I'll have a coffee for now --I'll be at the RC for a bitSmile,Wink, & Grin

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Robby P. on Monday, November 30, 2009 7:38 AM

 Good morning.  Right now, just a cold rain.  Might have some snow showers late tonight.

 I haven't touched the layout in a few days.  I will have to today.  Get the "dust bunnies" off.   Just not to much planned today.

 Jim....Happy B-Day

 Rob...This tool worked real good when I was doing some ballast.  Its about $4.00 at WalMart.  It was in the paint section. 

 Sawyer.....I think your layout is really coming along.  You always get that "one" person that has to be a hard head.

 Oh..............I didi find this on my table.  I hope no one was going to throw it Whistling

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, November 30, 2009 7:40 AM

 Good morning. It's 57 and cloudy. We are already at the high and the catch word today is rain.

I have an appointment with the foot doc this morning and the discussion will center on getting a new set of X-rays done. My ankle is already hurting this morning and in a couple of hours it will be hard to put weight on it for any length of time. There's something going on in there and I want to know what it is. The only thing going on layout wise is that I have a couple of nearly complete Athearn chassis (GP38-2 and SD40-2) almost ready to send out to another modeler. That will have to wait until I can walk more than a couple dozen feet though. The local post office is not handicap accessible and I can't see myself climbing the dozen plus steps from the street to the doors to say nothing of coming back down them. That's just a bit too much at this time. I may end up sending them via UPS. No steps to climb but still quite a walk.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, November 30, 2009 8:40 AM

Good morning,

I see the sun rising for a beautiful day there at Jeff's. I sure hope the XRays show it's nothing serious.


Today: Mostly sunny, with a high near 46. West wind around 11 mph. Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around 34. West southwest wind between 7 and 10 mph.

Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 30, 2009 9:56 AM

 Good Afternoon,

I am back!

Zoe, make that the burger platter with fries and a RBF for me, please!

The move was and still is a disaster. Despite working way beyond the limits of physical and metal power, Petra and I did not achieve what we wanted to. The place is still a mess, but at least the telephone and internet connection are up - actually, the only thing that worked out as promised.

 I will write more details as soon as we have come to a rest.

Jim -  Happy Birthday!

... feels good to be back!


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Posted by Blazzin on Monday, November 30, 2009 9:59 AM

  Happy Birthday Jim~    Don't ya just wonder about babies born at this time of year?  Nah, not really .. just think 9 months earlier it was springtime.  Then again, the time of year you were born .. by the time you started walking,  it might have been on snow!  What ever the case..  have a Wonderful Happy Birthday.

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Posted by howmus on Monday, November 30, 2009 10:31 AM

 Mornin' everyone!

Zoe I'll have my usual cup of dark roast in a FGLK mug and a slice of that pie Robby found at his booth.  I'll be at the front booth watching everything going on outside.

Hey, is that Ulrich sleeping in the back booth this morning.  He snores as bad as Duke!  Glad he found his way back here even if he is sound asleep!  (Glad that the move has been made and I know that soon you and Petra will have the new place looking and feeling like home.....)

Happy Birthday Jim! Happy B-Day

Jeffrey, hope all goes well at the Dr. office this morning and you get that ankle x-rayed and some answers as to what is going on with it!!!  You are in my prayers!

der (John) great link, thanks!  You can bet it will get passed around to my musical type friends and family.  Wiring???  My Dad threaded lamp cord through the horn and put a lamp socket where the mouthpiece would be on one of them.  The other one wouldn't thread, so after he gave up trying to get it done, he soldered a tube on the outside and the lamp cord goes up through it to the socket.

Todd, Why Not?!

Barry???  You have the white stuff over your way???  I'll make sure the snow blower starts and the shovel still operates properly..........

I didn't even roll over and look at the clock until 10:30 this morning......  Guess I needed to catch up on some Zzz myself.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cox 47 on Monday, November 30, 2009 12:15 PM

Happy Birthday Jim!....

Good afternoon...Its cloudy and 37 here...I'll have a cheese burger and a Diet Coke please...Thank You...Got the railroad uncovered,workbench back up and trains running...Got the fiddle yard going,ballasted some track,put in some ground throws.wired it with a 1/4 plug so I can pull it to work on it and worked on backdrop...



You all have a good one...Jerry


ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...

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