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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XIX Locked

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Posted by howmus on Sunday, October 18, 2009 7:15 AM

Mornin' everybody!

Just a quick cup of Joe, Flo....  Oh and maybe a slice of that "whatchamacllit" that Ulrich brought in.

Only have a minute as I have to get to church.  Today is Kabob Lunch Sunday and I am in charge of the salt potatoes.  Probably around 80 lbs. of 'em.

Jim the battery is one made for the Canon Digital Rebel.  I believe it is a Lithium Ion type and can take several hundred photos on one charge.  I'm using a 2 gig card that can hold 350 or so photos, so I'm usually good for the day.....

Tom sounds like another nice day in SoCal....Whistling  Sorry you lost the videos,but hopefully you'll find it on the tube sometime and rerecord them.

I better get moving....


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Robby P. on Sunday, October 18, 2009 6:58 AM

 Good morning.  Just a quick stop.

 Not much planned other than watching the Steelers this afternoon.  

 Hope everybody has a good Sunday.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, October 18, 2009 5:55 AM

Barry, remind me - what class is that that you're teaching?

It is not so much teaching as "facilitating". These seminars are for the 3yr and 4th yr students in the business svhool to talk about their own researches and such---and then get into these convoluted discussions about all manner of things business wiseWhistling A bit more than a TA but not a prof either---Smile,Wink, & Grin


Good Morning--

Another day of runnin' 'roun' doin' stuff---church this morning then back to the university this afternoon. Off and all piculous I beSmile,Wink, & Grin

We're at -3 right now---our low got to -6 at 5am---sheeesh. So much for frost warnings around here. Going to be sunny today and tomorrow then it'll be back to the usual rainy/showery--stuck to the umbrella for the rest of the week.

Chloe, I'll be having a coffee and a toasted bagel please--I'll be at the RC for a bit

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by LSWrr on Sunday, October 18, 2009 5:21 AM

Good morning


Today: Mostly sunny, with a high near 50. North wind between 11 and 14 mph.

Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around 39. Northwest wind at 8 mph becoming south.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, October 18, 2009 2:33 AM

 ... while the rest of the world is Zzz, it must be me to open up the Diner for today - just for reasons of geography (hehe, I am doing my best to change that... Wink)

Good Morning everyone,

Flo, I´ll have the breakfast special # 2, with all the works and coffee, blond and sweet, in my LKAB mug, please ´n thanks.

After the WET and stormy days, we now enjoy a crisp and clear autumn day again. It is quite frosty, though, and some areas here in northern Germany have already seen some of that white stuff we don´t want to mention in here.

Petra and I are checking our gear to decide what we can take along, what can be sold or just left behind. It is always amazing to find out how much useless stuff of no value at all accumulates over the years and how little valuables  there are. Interesting also to find out that the stereo I bought only yesterday is already 20 years old...

Well I found an old Marklin track plan book from the late 1960´s that showed the plan for my first layout I built as an 11-year old.

It was built with the typical Marklin HO tin-plate track on a table roughly 4 by 8 ft. For scenery I had glued one of those green mats made of colored saw dust on paper to the plywood base. The track was then screwed to the plywood and the trains made a terrific noise, despite the rubber buffers I place underneath each piece of track.  Certainly crude when viewed from today's means and methods, but it was fun to build, fun to run (even operate) and it was MINE! I wish I still had it, but I sold it off when I was 16-17, just before I left Germany and headed towards Washington State. Never cry over spilled milk ---- Sigh

Tomorrow I will have to go to get tied up with the red tape again - I need to get welfare approval to rent the flat, although it cost less than the allowance granted, but is is slightly bigger. I then need to go to the county council to get the approval for renting a publicly funded flat. That will take me a day and some 100 miles of driving... Sad

Petra has made some  "Apfelkuchen" for the "chowhounds" in here to enjoy ...

You all have a good day!

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Sunday, October 18, 2009 1:30 AM


Good evening Crew,

Hi Girls, I'll just have two oatmeal raisen cookies and a Hot Chocolate before bed tonight.

It was a beautiful day here today. The first time we have seen the sun in 16 days. and the first time there was any warmth in the air for a month.

Here is just an interesting little story for you folks to chew on.

I have called my railroad (in many different forms over the years)  the "Last Mountain & Eastern"    56 years to be exact.

Well remember those two U-boats that I said had come by my back fence here about six weeks ago.  At that time they were in solid black livery with only white handrails.  There was no name or numbers.  Didn't know where they came from or went back to about an hour later.  This is on a CN line that hasn't been used for anything but storage for four years.

Well this morning in the paper ( Regina Leader-Post.)   There is a big picture of them and now they are now lettered.  "LMR" on the sides  and up ahead of the grills in smaller letters it says"Last Mountain Railroad"  This is a new shortline that will haul grain and potash on some CN rails that they have purchased and leased another 27 miles to get into the city here.  How about that.??   You see sometimes the prototype follows the Model.

Not a big deal, but after all this time I found it quite interesting.

Hope you all have a good sleep and a peaceful and relaxing Sunday.

Go to Church if you can.

Night all.

Johnboy out........................ Zzz

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, October 17, 2009 11:19 PM

Chamomile tea, please. 

***Ray, can I catch a ride on that train as far as the swimming hole and get off there?CoolThumbs Up

***Tom, now you have me curious about that movie: "A TICKET TO TOMAHAWK". Wonder if there is a website online where you can watch it? Sorry you lost it (and the rest) to the storm.

Good night all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by twhite on Saturday, October 17, 2009 10:58 PM

Evening all from Soggy/Humid/Yuk! California: 

Remnants of the typhoon still hanging around in the air--partly cloudy and HUMID!   Unfortunately, the temperature has taken a big rise back into the mid-eighties with what feels like about 95% humidity.  Played Vespers this evening, and the church was so humid that my violinist's instrument went out of tune within five minutes.  He spent the entire evening re-tuning, I spent the entire evening watching my fingers slide around the keys--not a fun time. 

We got it all explained by the WeatherPeople out here.  Seems that once in a lifetime, California gets hit with a hurricane.  What happens, is that an upper-level trough develops in the Far East and sucks whatever typhoon is roaming around there into a funnel that heads straight for our Coast.  We had one in the 1970's that caused major flooding around here, but evidently the worst one was in 1861-62, where 45 days of rain flooded the entire Central Valley and almost caused Sacramento to be abandoned.  In fact, the State Capitol had to be moved to San Francisco for about four months until Sacramento dried out. 

This one was 'minor', according to the Weather People.  Sacramento only got 4 inches of rain in less than 24 hours, and Big Sur and the Coast only got a total of 21 inches.  Small potatoes, historically.  Wow, if this one was 'minor', I'd sure hate to be caught in a 'major' one.  30 hours without power. 

And if you want to hear me REALLY "Kvetch", when the storm blew out my satellite reciever, it also wiped out about two years of really NEAT movies that I'd been collecting that aren't commercially available. 

Yah, I know, "Poor Me."  Well, one of the movies was the very nifty railroad western A TICKET TO TOMAHAWK, featuring a beautiful little Rio Grande Southern 4-6-0.  The movie isn't available on DVD, so I'm going to have to hope that it gets shown on TV again sometime before I die. 

(Mutter, Mutter! Sigh)

Anyway, we're supposed to get back to Abnormal within the next several days.  And I'll quit "Kvetching." 

Der:  Love those stories about Columbus Day.   Of course, out here if we DIDN'T celebrate it, San Francisco would secede from the Union, LOL!  And for some strange reason, it's celebrated in our Catholic School system at least here in our Diocese.   But I love those stories about the Phoneicans, Romans, Vikings and such.  Hey, if one of those Viking "Skogkatts" hadn't jumped ship in Nova Scotia, we might not have had Maine Coons, for cryin' out loud--and what would I do without Spooky?   And Uff-Dah wouldn't have had an American Cousin to constantly bug.  Besides, also, the Phonecians went EVERYWHERE!   Why not North America?  Heck, according to the history of Cornwall, that's why they don't consider themselves English,  they were settled by Phonecian pirates.  Fine by me, I'm part Cornish, anyway.  Tongue    I look at it this way--the North Atlantic couldn't have been THAT difficult to cross--you've got all of those land masses between Scandanavia and Nova Scotia, anyway.  Just skirt the icebergs, LOL!

I mean--COLUMBUS?  What did he do when he got back to Spain, anyway?  "Hey, Isabella, I brought back a new dance with me.  It's called the "Cha-Cha." 

Hm.  Never even got far enough south to discover the Tango. 

Well, that's about it.  Heading out to the garage tomorrow and run the track-cleaning train.  Humidity, you know.  I hope the scenery isn't too soggy, LOL!

Best to all, prayers to those in need.

Tom Big Smile 


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Posted by JimRCGMO on Saturday, October 17, 2009 10:37 PM

Evening, Janie, I'll just have a cup of cocoa to go, please. Thanks!

Gee, you all have been bizzzzy last coupl'a days! Won't begin to respond like I should (don't want to take up a whole page by myselfOops), just the Reader's Digest Condensed Post...

Calif.Tom, your mighty (furry) Norse warrior was intimidated by that itsy-bitsy, tree-toppling storm? Wink

Chris, best wishes on the layout progress, and on staying under THAT editor's radar until her mood improves. And I agree, you should ask the bird lady about those sparrows and hawks...Whistling

Sawyer's doing fine on the field, it sounds like. Thumbs Up

PC, are you playing guitar, or what instrument for the church band/team?

DerJohn, no problem on your post - I found it amazing and interesting!Thumbs Up

Jerry, like your idea of the tribute pond, too. You could put a backhoe by the pond hole for now, until you get ready to pour. Yeah!!

Jeff, I dunno about a sink hole, myself. But I tend to avoid really scary or 'downer' stuff for my layout.

Barry, remind me - what class is that that you're teaching?

And Ray, are you using rechargeable AA's in your camera, or does it come with some built-in battery that takes beaucoups of photos? Liked your photos of the layouts at the museum and all, but I really like your Scout camp photo - that one's going onto my 'puter's desktop!

Sue, maybe you could post some nice photos from your layout, too? Wink

Attaboy, good to hear from you again, even if it wasn't on your best day. Didja figure out if the car brake gave out, or why it took off downhill?

Ulrich, as the man (Chris?) said, put that German stubborn to work for you, and plow through the paperw**k. You'll get past this too,AngelAngel I'm sure. I'm wondering if in Germany, they must not have an abundance of apartments (flats) like we do here around town.They sure seem awfully picky!Confused

I'm sure I've missed half or more of the posts, so my apologies. On-call duty had me out till midnight Friday, but I was able to get more track (re-)laid for the layout today. Also dug through my MRR tubs and located a detail item I was looking for (Rix turnout switch stands), as well as finding that I may need a bigger layout to make use of all the detail stuff I have. Let's see, maybe if I get a four-bedroom apartment and persuade the new landlord to let me open up the walls between most of them....Pirate

Well, time for me to head for the pillow and catch up on my Zzz's...


Blesssings and prayers,

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by ns3010 on Saturday, October 17, 2009 9:37 PM

Evening all. Chloe, I'll take a bacon cheeseburger and a RBF, thanks.

I'll be in the back corner catching up if ya need me...

EDIT: Looks like I got TOP for the late diners/early breakfast. That's twice in a few days...

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Posted by Packers#1 on Saturday, October 17, 2009 9:04 PM

 Yeah ray, it was. Sweet pics, looking forward to the rest in WPF

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, October 17, 2009 8:57 PM

Evenin' folks!

Got back from the Central NY, NMRA trip a few hours ago, had supper and have busied myself getting the photo from today downloaded, processed, and uploaded to Photobucket.  

Flo just a cup of decafe and one of those chocolate brownies with vanilla ice cream on it for me.

Trip was a blast!  They had a bus full and a van besides.  We stopped at "Ridge Road Station" a very large train/hobby/toy/Christmas year around shop and then proceeded to the Medina RR Museum.  Both the store and the Museum have very large and excellent layouts.  The Store has an inside G scale layout, and the museum has a huge HO scale layout.  I will post photos over in the WPF thread soon. Here are a cpoulpe to whet your appetite:

G scale swimming hole....

This photo was taken just past the half way point of the museum layout.  The dispatchers office is in the middle of the layout. The overhead lights going down the center are all over the top of the layout.

We got to ride in style on coaches from the NYC 20th. Century Limited, complete with an appropriately dressed conductor:

If any of you are bored and want to see all the photos, they can be found here.

Got to meet some wonderful other people in the hobby (one of which has been known to lurk hereabouts from time to time....) see some great sights, and have a lot of fun!

Sawyer sounds like you have had a fun and productive day!

Sue, the battery worked all day with no problem.... Whistling  In fact I got to play with my new boot flash for the first time and found with today's photos that if I was able to bounce the flash off the ceiling, it made a much nicer, softer, photo of the models. 

Barry?  A sunset.......  Wow!  I was sitting on the bus as we were loading up after the visit to the store and suddenly this bright orange/red thing was in the sky......  I thought for sure they would have to cancel the rest of the trip, but luckily it disappeared back behind a cloud and we were able to continue....ConfusedWhistling

Der, definitely fasinating stuff!

Hope you all are having a great day!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, October 17, 2009 8:44 PM

***Jeffrey, nice work on the truck!Thumbs Up Are you going to be re-paiting the SF loco?

The SF loco won't be repainted but it will eventually be patched.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by der5997 on Saturday, October 17, 2009 8:37 PM


Good evening Diners:  Nearly a week since Columbus Day, so I'd better answer Ulrich's comment and say what I was going to say before the Diner is towed away again!

The book that I go by for this pre-Columbus discovery of North America stuff is "Atlantic Crossings Before Columbus" by Frederick Pohl. Google the title, and the first result should take you to a download of almost, but frustratingly not quite, the entire thing!

Pohl starts with the Phoenicians, and I would add that since we've been in Canada, a stone anchor of the typical design used by the Phoenicians has been dredged from the St. Lawrence at or near Montreal. In a footnote Pohl mentions Roman coins having been found in Venezuela.

Pohl then discusses St. Brendan of Ireland and his voyages - and how very possible a sea-going leather clad vessel is. He strongly postulates an Irish presence in Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland before the Norse.

Then there's the Heavener ("Heave" as in lift) Runestone - a Norse petroglyph in Oklahoma written in an alphabet going out of use before Leif Erickson's voyages to Vineland the Good!!

Skipping ahead, because the Vineland Sagas are long and detailed, we come to the Kensington Runestone in Minnesota. Unearthed from inside the roots of a stump being pulled in 1898, this stone records, in a mix of language sources, Swedish, Norwegian and 14th Century English, the plight of 8 Goths (Swedes) and 22 Norwegians...attacked by the indigenous population of the area, and preparing for their "last stand". 

The aerial photos of a "fort" mentioned by JR(?) fits in very well with the terms used on this stone for "home" rather than an overnight camp, BTW. 

The remains of a Norse type boat was found at the north end of Grant's Lake, just 6 miles from the Kensington Runestone find, which may indicate that the last stand was about as successful as Custer's!

Pohl brings us to within 100 years of 1492, and to Nova Scotia Yeah!! with the story of Henry St. Clair (Sinclair in today's English) Baron of Roslin, and Earl of Orkney. Orkney at the time ( Henry was born in 1345) belonged to Norway, but became Scottish. Sinclair brought a fleet of ships to Newfoundland, but the natives were not friendly! So he went further west and landed in Nova Scotia, where there is fair evidence that he may be the historical personage behind the mythical Mic Mac hero Glooscap, who had "come among them as a visitor". 1398, or thereabouts.

So, having bored you all silly, I'll have a JR Regular and an oatmeal and molasses cookie, and join the newly  ORFed Duke in the corner booth.

LSWrr: That micro-Mark liquid insulator looks to be just the thing!Thumbs Up thanks.

Picked up a sanding tower and sand shed on evilBay last night. I've also decided that I really have to re-configure my main yard. The operating plan relies on reversing trains into sidings, and the #4 turnouts I have in the ladder and approaches are not friendly to cars over 40'. Since I'm aiming for a modern look, most of my stuff is 50' and up Banged Head So, major work ahead......

Maybe this weekend will get rainy enough to stop the outside yard work so I can get some mrr time.

Goodnight all, and God Bless. Prayers continuing for all in need of healing, comfort, peace and prosperity.Angel







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Posted by Packers#1 on Saturday, October 17, 2009 8:16 PM

 Well, had fun working at SEED. went to the hobby shop afterwards and picked up some fine gray ballast and medium cinders ballast. Also soldered some feeders today, I'm out of black and red wire now, but I've gotten enough feeders soldered to ballast all the actual yard tracks. still need to solder feeders on the yard lead, engine servicing, and furniture factory areas.

Also picked up some model master white paint and some testors thinner that works w/ model master. also have some model master red paint. We'll see what happens to the locos overnight, eh?

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, October 17, 2009 5:39 PM

Good Evening--

We're seeing a sunset here---first time for everything --especially around here at this time of year!Big Smile They are now saying that the low for here wil be -6CShock

Had an interesting day--discussions did center around the "conflict of interest" thing that rears its head every so often. Even popped the issue of kits being taken out of various companies inventories and the search for a higher profit margin. We are seeing something of an interest in building a market via filling a hole in the market. Now, if one can get $$$ togetherMischiefTongue

Chloe, I'll have the coffee for now, I'll think about the chowdown---I mean--supper a little later--whew--that was close--Whistling-----oh---yes---I'll be at the RC---

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, October 17, 2009 3:12 PM

Extra bold coffee in a large UNION PACIFIC mug & a bowl of that Black Eyed Pea Stew, please & thanks.

***Philip, sending healing thoughts your families way.

***Jeffrey, nice work on the truck!Thumbs Up Are you going to be re-paiting the SF loco?

Put in a new gate where it will be easier to give the goats & cows hay from during winter. Also put together a new hay ring for them, as their old one is dangerously falling apart  Did a hay run to rest of the pastures/paddocks, so everyone is set for the coming week. One more gate to put up and 4 peach trees to plant and I'll be done for the day (excluding night barn feedings).

Have a good day all.

Cowboy Rob



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Posted by AmanaMedic on Saturday, October 17, 2009 3:10 PM

Good afternoon, ladies? a bowl of chili please 'n thankyou...

Back from a fun morning/afternoon of covering girl scouts with their first pinewood derby. As usual, I've got far more photos than THAT editor will ever be able to use.

my trucks got a weird feeling to it and I might need to fix something

I know that feeling all too well. All 4 shocks are completely shot, the truck pulls to the right (goes around curves just fine and dandy, don't even have to steer), and a "shackle bracket" which somehow holds the box to the frame or spring or broken. The box tilts down to the left. A very sad looking Ranger. But, with 201,200+ miles on her, she sure runs good (knocking frantically on anything wood).

Another paycheck or two...and I "should" be able to get some repair w**k done. The parts aren't so bad, it's the labor. For a guy who's not a mechanic, and really doesn't have the means to do the job... I'm kinda at their mercy.Disapprove We used to use a mechanic in a nearby town. He had a "pay me what you can when you can" policy. But, he got so successful, it now takes a few months to be able to get in for a brake job. If I called him today, he could probably get me in sometime in February or March. That's no exaggeration.

Did you ask, if a sparrow can carry a coconut, why can't a hawk carry a dog? At least a small one

*DING DING DING* The King of Toddland figured out exactly what I was gonna ask the nice U of I bird lady. Maybe I shoulda...

ChrisEight Ball

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, October 17, 2009 2:57 PM

 Today I was looking at a couple of the Athearn BB locos that are on my layout. Among them are this GP38-2:

And this SDP40F:

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Posted by LSWrr on Saturday, October 17, 2009 1:22 PM

I forgot who had the under layout wires that they were going to insulate with masking tape but I finally found this that might help you out; item #82216, liquid electrical tape.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by Cox 47 on Saturday, October 17, 2009 10:46 AM

Morning...The sun is shinning and its 42 with a frost warning for tonite..I'll have biscuits and gravey and coffee please..thank you..I got layout cleaned and put back together yesterday ran train for Son is posta come today so don't have any railroad all have a good one..Jerry

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, October 17, 2009 10:42 AM

 Sue was saying something about clotography so I decided to take a stab at it myself. This is a truck on an old express reefer.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, October 17, 2009 9:31 AM

Mornin all nothing but coffee please. Gotta make it quick. Brenda has to work at 1 and she wants to go to the Great Train Expo show at the fairgrounds so I'll have to get going here soon. It starts at 10 am. Not a whole lot to spend, (my trucks got a weird feeling to it and I might need to fix something) and I'm not going to make it to the bank to get a fist full of ones like Lee (too bad I wanted to try that). Besides, the first thing on the first day they might not be as willing to haggle anyway.

Jeff- I like the tag on the hopper, of course the other side looks great too.

Tom- Yes I heard about your "situation" on the weather channel. When Jim Cantori is there, something's up. Glad you made it through fine. Hope it dries up so you won't have to wear the mask much longer.

Garry- nice F units

Chris- Did you ask, if a sparrow can carry a coconut, why can't a hawk carry a dog? At least a small one.

Best get movin. I'll pick up after Jerry's post on the pond, very nice by the way, when I get back from the show, then it's back to cleaning the train room.

Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

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Posted by gear-jammer on Saturday, October 17, 2009 9:30 AM

Chloe,  I will have scrambled eggs on an english muffin with my coffee, please.

Barry and Ray,  The battery thing is my downfall.  We went to the local airshow, and guess what, I ran out before the good stuff.  LaughLaughLaugh


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Posted by SilverSpike on Saturday, October 17, 2009 9:20 AM

Speaking of high school football, we went to Ben's high school game last night, real fun time! Ben's school Wake Forest Rolesville (WFR) stomped on Wakefield High 47 - 0. Go Cougars!

Here is some warm slow-cooker Black-Eyed Pea Stew for these cooling days....

You all have a great weekend!

Ryan Boudreaux
The Piedmont Division
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Posted by Packers#1 on Saturday, October 17, 2009 9:07 AM

 Morning everyone. I'll be helping out the SAMS (Students Applying Math and Science) club of my school that I'm a member of at SEED (Science Education and Enrichment Day) day today at the local university.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

Building a protolanced industrial park layout


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Posted by LSWrr on Saturday, October 17, 2009 8:22 AM
Good Morning all,

Today: Showers likely, mainly before noon. Cloudy, with a high near 48. East wind between 10 and 15 mph. Chance of precipitation is 60%. New rainfall amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible. Tonight: A slight chance of showers before midnight. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 41. Northeast wind around 8 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%. There is a “hard freeze” warning for tonight.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by Robby P. on Saturday, October 17, 2009 7:46 AM

 Just a quick stop. 

 Hope everybody has a good day, and a warm one at that.  Another cool one here!!

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, October 17, 2009 7:08 AM


I'm almost awake....  Zoe need about 4 cups of coffee to wake me up...  On second thought just a couple will do.

I am heading out this morning for a day of trains.  The Central New York Division of the NMRA  is haveing a bus trip today to go to the RR Museum in Medina, NY and visit a very large train/toy store as well.  I decided to join them so the bus will be picking me up at the Thruway exit North of Geneva in a bout a half hour.

blownout cylinder
Sue: I'm always going around about that---"camera--check------batteries---now, where did I put the batteries----oh---in the camera------I can take pictures---YES!!!" I was lucky this year as I was actually putting new batteries everytime I went out------now---what I need to do is close ups without fuzzinessesWhistling


I'll second or third that....  Just charged the battery last week so it should be good for a couple hundred or so flash photos.  Hopefully I will have some stuff to share tonight after I get back.

Best be gulping down the rest of the coffee and hitting the road.  Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, October 17, 2009 5:11 AM

Good Morning

We are having enough wind to set up a "Wind Chill" of -6C from a 0C temp. Nice and chilly at this hour. Cloudy with sunny periods is in our forecast this fine morning. Todays will be 7C ---Tomorrow will be sunny with the high at 10C. Tonight will be clearing up with the low at -4C. Frost? What frost?Whistling

Well, I got the seminars to do this weekend so I'm off and all piculous getting the stuff ready for it--my so called notes are going all over the map today so who knows where the discussions will lead. One of the topics we've been yippering about is "conflicts of interest"----OYWhistling

Sue: I'm always going around about that---"camera--check------batteries---now, where did I put the batteries----oh---in the camera------I can take pictures---YES!!!" I was lucky this year as I was actually putting new batteries everytime I went out------now---what I need to do is close ups without fuzzinessesWhistling

Chloe, I'll have a coffee and toast/jam please------I'll be over at the RC and see if'n anyone show up this morning--


Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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