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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XIX Locked

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Posted by ns3010 on Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:00 PM

Evening all. Chloe, a bacon cheeseburger, please?

Sorry I haven't been in in a few days again. Just took PSATs yesterday, and spend the majority of my week working on my english paperSigh

I'm gettin tired, so I'll be back in tomorrow to blab some more and skim through the posts. Night all

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Thursday, October 15, 2009 8:12 PM

Good evening, ladies? Yup...doublecheeseburger basket, with a Coke....yeah, at the RC please 'n thankyou.

Well, another Thursday night, and another round of stuff being finished up for THAT editor. She's getting another football game write-up (to go with the 3 still sitting in her "cache." She's getting some pics to go with it, a little blurb on a homecoming king and queen, and a Hall of Fame inductee who looks like a Furbie... For those not wanting to google it, or otherwise have no idea what that is, it's a little furry critter. Looks like the furry things from Gremlins. They interact with whoever is playing with 'em. Kinda neat, until the batteries die...then they just look depressingly pathetic.

THAT editor also gets a photo story on a bunch of 6th graders spending the day "studying" prairies, gardens, and wetlands. They got a rare treat: the U of I folks caught a red tailed hawk for 'em to see. Lucky me, I picked the right day to be there, got some pics of it. Neat bird.

The RR room is getting some changes made. I had the sky blue paint going all the way down to the petrified, harder than concrete baseboards. Now, with one bracket up, I'm moving the CNW green trim color up to the bracket level. CNW yellow and green stripes go around the upper part of the walls...I'm taking a few inches of depth off both. The bracket has been painted CNW green, except for the underside and "inside" of a 1x4 attached for wiring. That will be white. I figure when I finally run wires, I'm going to label EVERYTHING. I'm even going to attach wiring diagrams underneath the layout, so when Murphey comes a-calling and messes with me and the wires...I'll at least have a picture to look at rather than trying to rely on memory.

I'll try to get some pics of the "zone of chaos" for you guys...some of you may be needing a good laugh in a day or so...

Ah....dinner is served. I'm gonna have a seat at the RC, sit for awhile, then it's back to w**k.

Have a good evening,

ChrisEight Ball

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Posted by twhite on Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:14 PM

Greetings all from SoggyCal: 

Been remiss about tracking the diner and already there's about 14 pages.  Nothing like staying on TOP of things, LOL!  Shock

Well, in case the news didn't hit anywhere else, we got SLAMMED the day before yesterday by the remnants of a Japanese typhoon.  It came roaring into the Northern and Central Coast, left about 10 inches of rain in Santa Cruz county, continued on into the Valley, gave us about 4 inches in a little over 24 hours, knocked out power to at LEAST 100,000 people here in the Valley, continued up to the Sierra, dumped another 7 or 8 inches, plus about a foot of snow over the Passes, and left me in the dark for about 24 hours. 

Thank God for Coleman Lanterns!   School was closed--no power--and when the power went off in my house, it blew the Bloody Hell out of my DirectTV box--they're sending a new one UPS, LOL!--

Hint:  Do NOT watch the latest episode of NCIS during a California Storm. 

Spooky thought it was really neat, she sat in the window and watched the wind and the rain and the flying tree limbs.  Uff-Dah curled up on my lap on the couch and just stared at me.  "What the Bloody HELL is THIS, Daddy?"  

At least now I know why those two were so busily growing their winter coats lately.  Anyway, the streets are covered with leaves and tree limbs (and trunks), there's still areas of flooding, the runoff from the mountains is very busily filling all of the dams around here, and our usual dry climate is about as humid as Louisiana in July (sorry 'bout that, Jeff).   Now humidity is not my best friend because of my COPD, so I've had the Purifier on for the past two days just so I can draw a nice, deep DRY breath.  It's better this afternoon.  Actually got air all the way down into my diaphraghm.  Hey, I should be able to SING, tomorrow in class.  Today, I sounded like Death Warmed Over with the choir.  They were really worried.  "Hey, Doc, are you okay?"  "Yes, thanks.  Do what I've been TEACHING you, not what I'm doing."  They got it.  I just played the piano and gasped a lot. 

Anyway, this storm has really socked us.  We generally get about an inch of rain around here in October.  Right now, we're dealing with something like 4 to 5 right here in River City, and God only knows what the rivers look like in the mountains.  If this is a harbinger of a Winter To Come, my next message may be from a row-boat. 

But Spooky is just ecstatic.  The worse the weather, the better she likes it. 

Weird cat.

Anyhow, as soon as we get all of the tree-limbs cut up and find out where the roads are, we should be back to California Abnormal in another day or two.  One thing--two more of these babies, and our Drought could be over for a long, LONG time!

Jeff:  Neat decals!  Keep healing. 

Garry:  Love those F's.  I WANT that Burlington reefer behind them.  Where'd you get it?   Need to find out so I can add it to my fleet. 

Best to all, prayers to those in need. 

Tom Smile 




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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:06 PM


Got most of the HD stuff done as there were 2 things that were not where we thought they were---running around added a few more $$$$ to the tankGrumpyWhistling My MR budget gets a wack taken out Grumpy AGAINBanged Head

So, anyhoooo. The trainroom is alot cleaner now and I now found that a couple of my so called custom turnouts tried to modify themselves---actually what happened was I left some big books on them---Oops There are going to be some more turnouts to be made--two yards need some holding tracks for an exchange or two----or 3Whistling

Jeff: I thought that was where they came from----BTW the original source for that appears to have created a number of really fantastic work--keeping in mind all the issues around it---there was some talk a while back about the issues surrounding this type of work.

Flo, I'll have a coffee and a slice of that Pecan Torte for now, please--I'll be over at the RC..


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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:01 PM

Good evening...

Thanks for the thoughts. We depart afternoon tomorrow. Gives me time to have brunch here and to bother some diners in the morning.

Jeff ... The hopper looks creative.

Here is are pictures of my new F7's. I have pix of them for WPF if I get a chance to do that.




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, October 15, 2009 6:40 PM

 Johnboy: That's a decal copy of the rea; thing. I got it from Blair Line.

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Thursday, October 15, 2009 6:40 PM


It's a spray painted tag.

Wow!! Cool!


Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Thursday, October 15, 2009 6:38 PM




Hi Jeff,

That is the Spraycan Rembrandt coming out in you.

I once saw a 60 ft. high pressure vessel tank car that had a very similar if not the same mural or tag on it.

Was this a copy of the real thing ??

Nice work.   Really glad you are feeling better and that you are attending to those medical issues.

Johnboy out.......................................

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, October 15, 2009 6:28 PM

Jeff, on that Santa Fe hopper, would that be a hunting type tag, or a spraypainted tag, on the other side? Good to hear your folks are back from their trip - do they do that every so often?

It's a spray painted tag.

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Thursday, October 15, 2009 5:54 PM

Evening, Zoe, Chloe - I see it's about shift change for you two, eh? Oh, I'll have a lighter dinner, just a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of chili, please, and a RBF. I'll have coffee after dinner, thanks! Hi, Janie, you helping Chloe with the shift tonight? Probably difficult at times to keep up with these chowhounds, huh?

Garry, I'm sure (like others here) that you would much prefer if all your family were in one area (like yours?). Will keep you and Shelley's travelling in mind and AngelAngel, as well as your and sister's figuring out details, and Shelley's monitoring the pending arrival of your new grandchild. Good news there on your BIL!

Ulrich, that almost looks like a good ol' EMD F-unit there - 'cept more like Siamese twins, joined at birth...Whistling Keep at it with getting ready for your move, and the landlord will probably get around to approving you, after he/she gets good and ready, anyway. And congratulations on your 1,000th post - but I think Jeff has too much of a lead on you (or any of us) for catching up to him. Wink

Rob, great to hear you'll actually be able to sleep! Thumbs UpYeah!! How soon will the machines arrive? Can't be soon enough for you and your wife, I'm sure. Hope the doctors track down whatever's causing the equilibrium problems (any history of inner ear problems?).

Jeff, on that Santa Fe hopper, would that be a hunting type tag, or a spraypainted tag, on the other side? Good to hear your folks are back from their trip - do they do that every so often?

Keith, that's too bad on the mountain supports - will you be able to 're-purpose' any of the wood for a different arrangement?

Kinda a slow day at w**k today - my (immediate) supervisor was out (she's on-call tonight, tomorrow night's my turn), and I had two intake assessments, plus a regular client to see. The two intakes would've been a bit much if they'd both showed up (but luckily for me, only the later one showed up, and their history was fairly 'plain', so I got that done, typed into the computer and printed 'n' ready for my putting in my signing supervisor's mail slot, all before time for me to head home. My other two crisis w**kers, who were covering that and walk-in today, left early. So I figured I'd treat myself to dinner out tonight and come by here. Dinner

I'll be at the window booth a while, just in case there's any problems, uh... with the chili's after-effects...

[Edit] Well, looky who has the dinner tab. Okay, chow time!



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Posted by Robby P. on Thursday, October 15, 2009 3:30 PM

 Lee.....I honestly don't have many mining things around me.  A coke (coal) plant is near me (2 miles away), but thats about it.  Its honestly more steel (steel plant about 10 miles away) than mining around me.    You might have that neighborhood that looks the same, and thats about it.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, October 15, 2009 3:16 PM

Jeff, that Santa Fe hopper in the back looks great!

You should see the other side. It has a huge wildlife tag that runs the entire length of the car from top to bottom.

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Posted by LSWrr on Thursday, October 15, 2009 1:35 PM
Jeff, that Santa Fe hopper in the back looks great! Ulrich, why do the Euro locomotives have the bumpers on the locomotives and cars?

Ray, Thanks, they look really good.  I wanted something for my PA mining area other than just a mine; I think those would fit in nicely. 
What do you think Robby?

Barry, my “baby” is 150 pounds and Crystal the oldest cat is the Alpha animal in the house.  Jasmine (the dog) tolerates the cats sleeping in her bed but not while she is sleeping in the bed.  Crystal normally “allows” me to sleep in my own bed most nights.

Garry good to hear your BIL is recovering…


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by Cox 47 on Thursday, October 15, 2009 12:40 PM

Afternoon..It is cloudy damp and 46 here...I'll have a Windy City dog drag it thru the garden,onion rings and a diet Coke please...thank you...sallie and I watch Movie caregiver brought this morning and sallie is watching soaps..Jeff hope all goes well at Dr.....You all have a good one..Jerry

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Posted by Blazzin on Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:55 AM

 "  I have just a cheeseburger, fries.. and a large coke please."

 Jeff, thank you for telling about the trees. Now I have to go back and look at the pic.  As me .. I've made it back.. with both cats.  Any time life seems like its letting up.. start to look over your shoulder.. I'm a firm believe .. there is no letting up on life and its hurdles.  The one I took in today had a fever and a swollen leg. The Vet said.. probably/maybe a spider bite. They took x rays.. I even looked.  She sleeps outside.  And for the other one..he got into a fight from a roamming stray.. and lost his eye.  So, now 450 bucks out of my pocket.. and both cats are home now...home sweet home...I could just see the two light up.  Home~

  As for me.. I'm going eat breakfast.. and go back to bed and forget about reality for a few winks.. I slept lousy.  I once told my son... I'd rather have a good 5 hrs of sleep than a lousy 8.  My son replied.. he rather have a lousy 12 hrs of sleep.



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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:36 AM

 Blazzin: Those two trees you asked about aren't on the layout at all. They're part of the backdrop picture. The color ranges on each tree run from light to dark, just as they would in nature.

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Posted by Cederstrand on Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:36 AM

Extra strong coffee in a large UNION PACIFIC mug, please & thanks.

Last night wife & I did the Sleep Lab and we will both be getting home Cpap machines. "Dualing Cpaps"Laugh I could tell I had actually slept without waking up profusely sweating, or coughing, or with numb extremities. Didn't help with the equilibrium problems so will still need a CT scan to search for that cause. I suspect that is going to be a permanent thing anyway. At least sleep won't be an issue anymore and that's a BIG DEAL for me.Thumbs Up

Off to do critter rounds. Have a good day Y'all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by TMarsh on Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:44 AM

Good morning, just coffee please running late today. It's Mom day so I must spend the morning and afternoon with her doing her grocery shopping and odds and ends she needs done. She also likes the lunch date. Then to work at 5pm cst

Got the wiring problem repaired Banged Headand things run well. Just have to finish the feeders and then get rid of the old, old, switch that is causing problems and add the new switch in a different direction for the meat packers. I already decided that in my modern world, cattle are still shipped by rail and I have some cars, so now I have to do the meat packing thingApprove.

Hey Duke- CONGRATULATIONS!!!! But don't plan anything now that you have the time, for some reason you'll be busier now than ever it seems.

Garry- Prayers for your Mom and for you and your sister to get things in order. Also for a safe blessed event in Michigan.

AHH! Robby said "Snow". AH! Now I said it! Where's the soap.

Have a Great Day!!!

EDIT: Aw man! Ulrich, I was going to pay every ones diner ticket when I hit my 1000th. Shoot I missed it. Oh well ladies when Ulrich is done, put 'em on my tab 


Central Illinoyz

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I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:31 AM

Sir Madog
Doesn´t that loco look familiar to you guys?

So that is where the 'babyface' went too!!Tongue

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Blazzin on Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:30 AM

 " Cop of cufee please.. ugh"

 Good morning to all of you~ 

Jeff that is some pic there.  I would like to know more about those two trees in the background.  Those two trees look as if there is more than one color there on each tree.. and also.. the back part of the trees almost look like a darker color.. or is that shading from the lights?  Its so real looking those trees. Looks nice.. I love to look at pics.  I'll get there I'm sure.  I got lost in watching war movies yesterday.. I don't know where the time went.  But I did manage to continue working on the layout so I guess all is well.  Except.. today now, I will go pick up one of my cats that had to have his eye removed.  At the same time..I'll be taking in another cat.. for a possible broken leg.  Not too happy about that one.  I think the Husky of mine .. ran her over.  A few x rays should tell.  So it seems my day .. or at least a better part of the morning will be at the Vets office. 



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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:20 AM

 Good Afternoon,

Jeffrey - I do like this background - Whistling

Zoe, I´ll have some hot cocoa with cream topping and a slice of that Linzer Torte, if there is any left.... Yes, you may add a swig of rum to the cocoa... Whistling

Clear and sunny day with a temperature of 8 C. I cut the grass for the last time, which made me kind of sad. My copy of MR arrived today, so I have something to read. This week is train week on TV, there is a program called "Taking the train to..." Today´s feature was Norway, from Oslo all the way up north to Bodoe. Spectacular pictures!

Doesn´t that loco look familiar to you guys?

Still no info from the landlord - we are running short of time... Sad

Garry - my Angel for your mom.

 Hard to believe, but it will be dark in just about an hour from now.

 CU later!

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, October 15, 2009 9:17 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe I'll have a short stack of buckwheat pancakes with good old NYS Maple Syrup...  What?  You're out of the NYS stuff?  OK the Canadian Maple Syrup just a good so Barry, please pass the genuine Canadian Maple Syrup.  Oh, and yes I need several cups of Dark Roast coffee in a FGLK mug and some bacon as well.

Lee the buildings were made from the Walthers Modulars.  The biggest problem was that you have to paint the inside black or you will get an unearthly glow if you put lights in them.......... It is a whole lot easier to paint the building inside before you do any other inside detail.  Don't ask!

Jeffrey, good luck with the doctors visit today.  It sure sounds like you have been improving on the regimen.  Bet you will be glad to get rid of the antibiotics and extra hardware.......

"We're havin' a heat wave......."  Currently 34°F here in the Finger Lakes under cloudy skies.  Calling for rain and snow showers today.  Tonight is Rain and snow mixed.  Tomorrow is Rain and snow mixed.  Ah, always so nice here in Camelot.....Whistling

I'll in the back booth staying warm and congratulating Duke on the retirement (if he wakes up that is).


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Robby P. on Thursday, October 15, 2009 8:38 AM

 Gooooooood morning.  Its a cold rain today, but maybe some snow flakes Fri/Sat.  The high today will be about 42degs.

 Well not much planned for me either today.  Maybe work on the layout some more today.  

 Hope everybody has a good day.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:41 AM

Ulrich: You keep going and you may catch up to me.


Good morning.

It's 76 and cloudy. The high will be in the upper 80's and there's a chance of rain.

Not much happening today other than a visit to the foot docs office this afternoon to get a new set of X-rays done. My parents will be getting back home today after their visit to my younger sister in Pennsylvania. Knowing them my mother will probably shut herself in for a couple of days while my father starts right back to usual schedule.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:06 AM

Barry, Tiger and Crystal have commandeered the dogs flannel bed in the bedroom.  We will see how long that lasts.

'Spring' is too small to take over the bed here----but your two probably might have 'interesting' times' with the canine---I remember when I was younger and we had that 25lb 'Baby'---he'd sleep anywhere he wanted----even in 'Putzi's basketLaugh

Good Morning--

So--woke up to next door neighbour knocking on door and asking me whether I checked out my backyard. I said no. There is a deer sleeping on the deck---Smile,Wink, & Grin

Got some things that need done----dern honey do list---SighWhistling---so's I befigures that meeebee get them doneSad

Chloe, I'll have coffee and a large stack o' pancakes with maple syrup please---I'll be over at the RC this am.Big Smile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by LSWrr on Thursday, October 15, 2009 6:07 AM
Good morning; Hi of 44F today and a low of 33F just above the freezing mark.  I pulled the garden hoses inside yesterday and secured the water to the outside spigots.  The only project I didn’t complete this summer was fixing the gap under the garage door.  The pad heaved up a little under the door.  Tonight I’m going to soak dowel rods in water and pound them into the holes I drilled around the uneven part of the garage floor.  The floor is 8” thick and I didn’t have the money to rent a saw for that little bit of work.

Rob, nice progress on the layout.

Sawyer good job on the game!

Ray, who makes the warehouses in your previous pictures?  Are those Modular kits?

Barry, Tiger and Crystal have commandeered the dogs flannel bed in the bedroom.  We will see how long that lasts.

Jim, I think the best “toaster” ever made was the GG1.

Garry Congratulations and Condolences all in the same breath!  It’s unfortunate we can’t heard or families in one spot so we can visit each other in some mannerism of convenience.  

Ulrich, that means you talk too much!  Just kidding, congratulations on post # 1, 000 and we look forward to another 1,000.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, October 15, 2009 5:09 AM

Hi everyone,

it is lunchtime here in central Europe, so I ll have a bowl of that hot chili and a coke, Flo!

Still waiting for the landlord to react - I am getting a little nervous. Petra and I would like to be able to move into this place, because it is the best we can get, given the circumstances.

This is post no. 1,000 since I joined in March! The drinks are on me, folks!

Have a good one!

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Thursday, October 15, 2009 12:07 AM

Hello ...

I'll have an RBF at the RC.. I'm glad Bama, and Ray are here ...Looks like Rob, Sawyer, Barry, Keith, Jeff, Lee, and Jim CG were here earlier. ...You'd think Duke would stop in and tell us more about the "promotion".

Rob ... Your fence is a mess !!!! Good luck getting it back together.

I don't need to acquire any new locos, but I could not resist the Walthers sale for P1000 F7's lettered and detailed for Burlington. 167ABC (an F7 ABA) arrived today. Amazing model!

Good News. Grandchild number 5 is due to arrive in Michigan in a few days. Bad news is my 90 year old Mom is having problems. She lives in Alabama where my sister does. .... So ...... Shelley will be traveling to MI while I travel to AL. ..... I'll help my sister take care of stuff for Mom....... We leave this weekend.

MEanwhile my brother in law is recovering nicely from major ehart surgery. I'll see him in anshvile enroute to AL.

It's hard to accomplish stuff on the layout with all these things going on.





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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 10:42 PM

Evenin' folks!

Flo just a cup of decafe to warm me up.  I'll be at the stove in the back corner warming up.

It is currently 32°F here in the Finger Lakes with a predicted low of 30°.  So there should be some frost on the roof tops tomorrow morning.  I am surprised they don't have a freeze advisory out for tonight.  Maybe the frost we had a couple days ago was considered heavy enough that they aren't going to give the advisory/warning again.  Anyway it is nice and warm by the wood stove and both my cats are on the floor near it.

Looks like everything is go for the Merit Badge session at Troop 1 tomorrow night.  I have timed everything and it should run very close to the 45 minute session they wanted.

Jim, thank you sir for the compliment.  The only thing I would say of help to you creating a South Western look is to get some books that have good color photos of the area you will be modeling and absorb the look and feel you want.  One trick I have is that I almost never use A color.  I have a sand colored paint that by itself doesn't anything like sand, but when oversprayed with a fine mist of similar colors starts to looks more like sand.  Concrete is a group of colors.  I use 3 of 4 shades of gray to make it look right to me at least.  Same is true of grass, weeds, and the like.  The one thing I may do after the judging is to go back and add some fine ground foam to some of the trees to add some different colors to individual trees.  Someone on here suggested that to me a while back.......

Duke!  Congratulations on the "promotion".  You're gonna love it!  I think we will find that even when he is napping there will be a big grin on his face!

Well, it is getting to that time, so I will say goodnight to all of you and may you all have sweet dreams of Mallets climbing grades belching smoke and ash as they go.  Or what ever would make sweet dreams for you......Smile,Wink, & Grin


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

  • Member since
    November 2008
  • From: Troy, AL
  • 724 posts
Posted by BamaCSX83 on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:49 PM

Evening all, just a RBF for me.  Haven't done a whole lot today, went to w**k, came home and have been on and off (more on than off) helping Amy clean house (she's in the "nesting" mode).  Right now I'm hiding in the living room watching tv while she's cleaning up and out the bedroom.  Well, I'm probably going to be heading back into the bedroom here in a few, but it'll be more heading into bed as compared to cleaning more.

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