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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XVIII Locked

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Thursday, September 24, 2009 10:32 PM

Good evening, Chloe? a double cheeseburger basket...yeah, with a Coke and over at the RC if you please?

Well, it's Thursday night, I've got some articles ready to "file" (send to Mr. Boss via email), and am switching gears to knock-out the last. I've written about a POW-MIA Recognition Day event from last Friday at the Solon High School...including stories from some of the WW2 vets who were in attendance. I also put together a short photo-heavy feature from last Saturday's car show near North Liberty. Next up? A recap of last Friday night's football game from Clear Creek Amana. The "joys" of writing for a weekly: we're always "old news," and three different writing styles for three different articles.

JIM: I can empathize with you on the lunch situation. I think the record for most times a microwave burrito was "nuked" (initially and re-heated) before I finally was allowed to eat it...was one dozen. This was back in my Program Director, Regional Center for EMS Education at Kirkwood Community College days. I remember I'd go nuke it, take it back to my office (mistake #1), pick it up to take a bite...and a student would appear with a problem. Fix the student and/or the problem...go nuke the now cold burrito, repeat. It was like the "lather, rinse, repeat" directions on a shampoo bottle: heat, fix problem, re-heat, repeat as necessary. Dead More than once, the "lunch" was eaten during the 45 minute commute back home at the end of the day.

As for JEFF chasing away the kids and "keeping the kids from getting used to mischief," I think he was more about preventing an incident he'd have to respond to later.

TINMAN1 (Tom) Welcome! Also many grateful thanks to you and your son for your service, and extra thanks to him for his sacrifice. There are still some of us in this country who appreciate what the men and women in uniform are doing for us.

ULRICH: Keep up that fighting spirit man! Also, keep us posted on your adventures there in the Stalag...I guess "institutional food" is crap regardless of which continent it's "served" on. Maybe they figure most of the clients have lost so much of there senses, they won't notice the lack of flavor??? I covered an event at a senior dining (congregate meal) site earlier this year, and was invited to partake of the meal. This was cooked by volunteers in a church I got what I paid for... It was some kind of mystery meat, barely recognizable vegetables, and some kind of noodle-thing. Fortunately, I haven't been assigned any story leads from there since!

Well, to continue my sitting at the Rivet Counter priviledges, today as I scrapped up enough for a small Walthers order, I included a set of Atlas 70 ton roller bearing trucks, to replace the 70 ton friction bearing ones which came on the BN cement hopper. As I understand it, friction bearing cars weren't allowed in interchange service in the late 80's/early 90's, so gotta make the swap. I have some home road cars still with the friction bearings, since they are captive (Mason City cement plants to Cedar Rapids distribution plants) they only undergo a speed restriction as noted in the system timetable and the Cedar Rapids Terminal Operations Guide (my own in-progress creation)

Some long back-ordered parts are now in-stock...hence the small order. Upon arrival, I'll be able to add a few more items to the GP40-1.5, and the Chicago Central caboose. I might have them finished by the end of the year at this rate. Also, I discovered that Microscale is issuing a decal set for FMC Chemical covered hoppers...I don't need THAT, but the set also has the markings for XTRA grain hoppers!

Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!

I bashed a Portec XTRA hopper two (or was it three?) years ago following an old MR article, then discovered the Islington Station Decals set was sold-out, company closed down, etc. The poor hopper has been sitting on the w** table ever since. FINALLY! She'll get decaled and then can go from sitting on the table and collecting sitting on the shelf in the RR room and collecting dust. Sigh

Have a good night, and an even better tomorrow...

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by Paul W. Beverung on Thursday, September 24, 2009 10:01 PM

Evening Gang: Well I've done my good deed for the week I think. Our nieghbors tractor had been getting very hot in the transmission. My SIL and I went over and took a look at it and I picked it up yesterday. After calling the John Deer service guy I drained out about a gallon of excess transmission oil and it did seem better. I'll take out another half gallon tomorrow and that should do it. Would you believe the the dealers people overfilled the thing when they delivered it? She doesn't go there anymore.

Tinman tell your son an old former Army CW-2 pilot says hi. I'm glad that he is back but sorry that he came back injured. As we used to say in flight school WETSU. We eat this s---- up.

Well it's bed time so I'll say Good Night All

Jeff take care of yourself.

Paul The Duluth, Superior, & Southeastern " The Superior Route " WETSU
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:36 PM

Jeff, that's a bit of a day - do like PC said, (Ray, Calif.Tom - hey, can you guys lead us in a four-part harmony, all together now:...TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! (And no, you don't have to draw flies - draw track revisions...)! Good for you in keeping those kids from getting too used to mischief. Better to nip those habits in the bud ASAP. Hope you get over that flu soon (and that it's the garden variety)! Oh, and thanks for posting that photo of that old rusty shed building. Thumbs Up

This one looks like one of the milder ones. I'm keeping up on my meds and taking half doses of Vicks Dayquil (full dose wreaks havoc with some of my meds) so I can at least keep things down. Had chili dogs with the parents earlier. Now I'm sitting back watching some TV. Jim: I put that rust covered building up as a reminder to people that there are structures out there like that and having one on a layout isn't a flight of fancy. Would you believe that one is occupied by a couple of families? Very low rent of course.

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Posted by tinman1 on Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:28 PM

Just me again. Sorry I didn't respond back to a couple posts from the other day but I've been out of town and working. I guess a little about myself first. I'm in my 40's and married, with one son and grand-daughter. My son has been to Iraq, but returned in far worse shape due to an IED. He is 100% disabled but doing good. He really likes being the stay at home dad. I am self employed in the construction field, doing just about everything but carpet, linoleum, or concrete. It's not that I cannot do it, but don't have enough experience at it to charge for it. I was in the navy prior to that on a sub out of Pearl Harbor.  I have a house in  St-Louisville, OH ( not far at all from Utica) on 20acres of mostly woods. My hobbies and interests include mechanics (when they are not a necessity), hunting, target shooting, stamps, and trains. I have only recently started acquiring trains (2yrs), but have been interested since I was a child. I have several pets, 2 English Mastiffs, 1 Jack Russell, 7 birds, and a couple cats. I only claim the 2 mastiffs, the rest are the wifes. The male mastiff is 180#, and can put his paws on my shoulders and stare me in the face (I'm 6'4). He is smart and proud dog, cute dog tricks are beneath him. The female mastiff,....well, she's just.....special is the word I'm looking for. She's 120# and everything is birds and butterflies to her.

As for the nickname, it was more descriptive than anything I guess. I've had issues with several joints (hips and shoulders) since I was young. If I got caught in the rain (mostly spring and fall) I guess I walked like the tinman, so it stuck. I havn't helped the situation over the years and I'm rudely finding out what that "it'll catch up to you" phrase is about.

-Todd, I'll throw in a weight machine, several broken fans and many bags of newspapers. 

I was going up SR13 north of Utica the other day and was checking out the track that parallels the road. They have been replacing ties and have put ballast down. I really need to get some pics of it, just for some people who worry about a piece of ballast on the ties. I'm not kidding when I say they hi-railed a dump truck and tailgated the ballast down the track. There are many spots where the ballast between the rails is actually higher than the rails, so seeing the ties is out of the question. Just thought it amuzing. 


Tom "dust is not weathering"
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Posted by JimRCGMO on Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:22 PM

Good Evening, Chloe, I'll have a hot fudge sundae brownie and a Santa Fe mug of coffee, please 'n' thank you.

[Warning: rant following... you may skip if you like...]

W**k? Let's see - THIRD day in a row of not getting out for lunch Banged Head, had another homeless person (at least this one had some agoraphobia, so we had a mental health reason to help get her into a home), and one woman (whom I had told earlier that she really needed to arrange for someone to babysit her young one) showed up - you guessed it - with crying, squirming 3 or 4 year old in tow. Then the appointment person sets her up for me to do the intake assessment. I (firmly) explained to her that the child had had great difficulty in managing to make it through our 25-30 minute follow-up, and he definitely would NOT be able to behave himself through the one hour assessment, so she must get someone to watch her child, or would need to reschedule until she could come by herself. Besides the fact that the mother wouldn't be paying attention to the questions on the assessment because she'd be distracted with watching the kid... I was able to get my co-worker (did I mention I was covering walk-in for him?) to agree that if the client had to reschedule, that they would reschedule for him to do the intake. I do wonder if she thinks she's going to bring the child with her to her doctor's appointments, as well...

SoapBox[rant off]

Not sure what's up with my phone at home today - went to call back one of my friends from church tonight on the cordless, and it would light up when I picked it up, but when I had the # I wanted to dial and I pressed "Talk" to dial his number, I got.... nothing. I'll drag out the corded phone when I get back home and see if it is the cordless' battery that's dead, or the phone line. I tried calling the home phone from my w**k cell, and it just (on the cell phone) rang and rang and rang... but no sound from the cordless phone. Pooh!

Jim, I think you should look into Unitrack and save bodily injury from that flex stuff. Besides if you don't like your layout you can just re-do it. It saves all that tedious track planning stuff too.


CN Charlie, but first, I use a track planning program (I just didn't look close at the design and neglected to notice the crossover, so that's why I'm re-doing now); second, the Unitrack doesn't offer enough choices on curve radii to avoid looking like I'm still back on my 4X8 sheet. Anyway, I like more flowing curves and interesting designs. Plus, if I hadn't been tired when I tried to shift the rails, I probably wouldn't have damaged my hand. More of that good ol' "operator error" type of thing... Oh, I like your idea of an oversize air conditioning unit to give Uff-Dah some taste of (s**wy) home. Thumbs UpWink

Eddie (Bama), that's a good start for your new job, all right! Now, if you keep that up a bunch of days, they may decide they want you around full-time... Good thinking, there! Thumbs Up Take good care of Amy (and Mikayla Wink) and hope 'the girls' get got a great report from the OB/GYN tomorrow today.

Ulrich - $3 a day? Shock Sheesh, you are indeed right, they need to free up some more funds (they might even find out that their 'inmates' recuperate better and may give them more referrals when someone they know is needing rehabilitation after surgery). Maybe you should see if they'll hire Petra on as a consultant? (For a good fee, of course, given her many years of excellent experience) Enjoy tracking down information on your American Dream. Yeah!! "Your Honour", eh? Laugh

Todd, sure you can be in the rolling stock and locos section...Whistling Hey, I can definitely understand about how church budgets can go; I used to be on the stewardship committee at a previous church. Somebody had made a statement back then about how in 2010 (this was in the 1980's, I think), the cost of gas would be up $X, the cost of a car would be up $YY,YYY, and there'd still be a lot of members who'd still be putting a $1 bill in the offering plate. Oops (Did I just step up on that soapbox? My bad! Wink) Now, the pastor at my current church actually says the 't' word when it's his turn to say a word and prayer before the collection - and he isn't bashful about it: "If you're gonna be on vacation Labor Day weekiend, that's okay, just leave your t**he at the office before you head out of town" (and I'm pretty sure he's only half-kidding...)Laugh

Jeff, that's a bit of a day - do like PC said, (Ray, Calif.Tom - hey, can you guys lead us in a four-part harmony, all together now:...TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! (And no, you don't have to draw flies - draw track revisions...)! Good for you in keeping those kids from getting too used to mischief. Better to nip those habits in the bud ASAP. Hope you get over that flu soon (and that it's the garden variety)! Oh, and thanks for posting that photo of that old rusty shed building. Thumbs Up

JR - you mean, we're supposed to justify having our layout?ShockConfused I thought that was like the Mt. Everest quote from years back: "Because it's there." Yeah!! Hope you get your last 10 percent on the house done quickly!

Robby - 25 pounds? Now, THAT's one hefty furball! It's tough enough when you have a teenager eating you out of house and home, but when you have to wrestle the four-legged ones for YOUR food, that's getting to be a bit too much (IMHO)!Angry

Aw, PC, that's rubbing it in for your co-worker there. His friends had probably already been hassling him some before you arrived...Wink

Inch - those speeders DO move along, don't they!

Sawyer, sorry for missing your post on your team's win, and hope your team (and the Cardinals) win! Thumbs Up

Not-so-cool-Calif.Tom (just the temperature, Tom - you're still cool in our book!) - Had to chuckle about your student with the Ace bandage. And you're likely 100 percent right about him and the dance - nothing like a big honkin' brace on his leg to draw all the ladies to him, 'ooh'-ing and 'aw'-ing and fussing over him... (Neven had that experience myself - not a bone broken and no mishaps with my legs or such until a minor one or two in college and later) Hope for Uff-Dah's and Spooky's sakes that it does cool off pronto out your way. Oh, you mean Uff-Dah won't settle for a pet ferret??Smile,Wink, & Grin

I think I'll settle back in the window booth for now, before I get ready to head for home. Mentally tired, more than physically at the moment. At least, tomorrow is FRIDAY! Yay!!  Can someone be my designated pray-er tonight? Think I'm almost too tired (though I'll likely feel more like it in the morning)...



Jim in Cape Girardeau



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Posted by twhite on Thursday, September 24, 2009 7:19 PM

Evening all from DecidingToCoolOffALittleCal: 

It was only 101 today, instead of the predicted 105.  WHOOPIE! Whistling  Our weathermen on TV were dancing up and down as if it were the Second Coming or something.  Anyway, the heat wave is supposed to break tomorrow and head back down into what we refer to as "Seasonal Normal" for the remainder of the month. 

Yah, SURE! 

Well, we're reaching the end of a very stressful week at school.  The Funeral for the Helms was very heavily attended, with huge crowds from both Jesuit High and Edward's college.  The church was packed.  Both boys held up extremely well under the stress.  Colton returns to Jesuit Monday, and Edward goes back to St. Mary's the same day.  Fr. Bonifiglio gave one of his usual, absolutely incredible Homilies, and the Liturgy Workshop Choir literally stormed Heaven they sounded so wonderful.  

One of my Seniors, who is not only a wonderful bass but a Big-Time Jock on the basketball team wracked his knee up last year and has had to have additional surgery on it.  He's been hobbling around the choir room on crutches and grimacing in pain for the past three weeks since his latest surgery.  He's been wearing an Ace bandage around the knee.  I happened to ask him why he wasn't in a brace and he just blinked at me and said that the doctor didn't mention anything about one.  But he's supposed to keep his knee IMMOBILE! 

Now tell me how an active 18-year old student is supposed to keep his knee immobile with an Ace Bandage, huh?  It just ain't gonna happen!   Last year, I had to have my leg rebuilt from an accident, and I happened to have a brace at home.  I took it to him today.  He was all grins.  He wrapped his leg up in it, and leaning on his crutches, grinned at me and said, "Doc, this is terrific.  I think I can actually go to the Homecoming Dance this weekend." 

I just stared at him.  I was going to give him a lecture about how he needs to be VERY careful about that valuable knee of his, and then I started thinking:  He's not going to go to the dance to DANCE, he's going to show up with the brace on and get so much attention from the girls from his athletic injury that he'll probably Score Like A Bandit!    And besides, it's two-tone blue, it'll look Very Cool wrapped around his tux-pant leg, right? 

Ah, Teaching teen-age boys.  One crisis to the other without a break. 

Jeff:  Take care of the flu.  Rest up.  A couple of strains of this years stuff are NOT pleasant!

Ulrich:  I was wondering about your use of the word "Kapo" until I read the whole story.  Get well soon and get out of that place as soon as you can, friend.  If it makes you feel any better, paying the equivalent of $15 for a $3 hospital meal happens here in the States also.  FAR more often than it should.  Prayers for you.

Inch:  "LEVIATHAN" looks very aptly named.  That's one BIG, handsome chunk of 19th Century 4-4-0. 

Jim:  I said the Heck with the utility bill, turned the AC down to 72 the past several days and Uff-Dah and Spooky seem to be in much better moods.   They stopped shedding, and Uff-Dah's 'guard' hairs are starting to sprout all over the place.  Spooky, of course, is just being Regal about the whole thing, LOL!   I keep telling them "Winter is coming, Winter is coming," and they just stare at me and mutter, "Sure, Daddy.  SURE!" 

Does anyone know where I can obtain a pet Lemming for Uff-Dah?  Tongue

Well, I have tomorrow off, and the weather is supposed to make it at least semi-comfortable  to head out into the garage.  I've got a new project in mind for my Helpers.  This time I'm going to try one of my big remotored Westside brass 4-6-6-4's with my new Proto 2-8-8-2 ahead of the caboose.   Maybe a long reefer train.  We'll see.   And for those of you who missed my story about the steam "Triple" a week ago, I'm DC.  THAT'S what makes it so interesting.  Smile,Wink, & Grin

Best to all, prayers to those in need. 

Tom Smile     

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Posted by teen steam fan on Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:51 PM

Hey guys.
I'm looking on Ebay. There is one company called Caley Coachs that sells locomotives from the Caldonian Railway.

If you can read this... thank a teacher. If you are reading this in english... thank a veteran

When in doubt. grab a hammer. 

If it moves and isn't supposed to, get a hammer

If it doesn't move and is supposed to, get a hammer

If it's broken, get a hammer

If it can't be fixed with a hammer... DUCK TAPE!

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Posted by pcarrell on Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:49 PM

nik .n


Almost forgot, yesterday on my way home I caught a work train picking up the old ties they changed out last summer.  The second loco was kind of a different one for around here, and it was wearing new paint.  All I had was my cell phone camera, but here you go...........


A GP35?

ex B&O GP30 converted to a road slug

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Posted by bjdukert on Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:20 PM

Inch   Guess what was at Trainfest 09 in Owosso.


"Don't take a wooden nickel,because it isn't worth a dime" by my Dad

"There are only 3 things you need out of life:A gentle grade,the wind in your face,and cinders in your hair.....But keep an eye on the water glass!" Jack Evans

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Posted by nik .n on Thursday, September 24, 2009 5:30 PM


Almost forgot, yesterday on my way home I caught a work train picking up the old ties they changed out last summer.  The second loco was kind of a different one for around here, and it was wearing new paint.  All I had was my cell phone camera, but here you go...........


A GP35?

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Posted by Packers#1 on Thursday, September 24, 2009 4:40 PM

 Thansk robby and Todd!

Well, the team with the best record is currently 2-1-0 (purple team. there are team names, but the color of jerseys is the easiest way to identify them). And we play them next week. I figure if we win, that means we'll have the best record in the league.

 We win, we're 2-0-2 (green)

the other team is 2-2-0 (purple)

the team we beat (blue), if they win, will be, at best, 2-1-1

the other team in our league (yellow) is 0-2-1 right now, and if they lose to the blue team, they'd be 0-3-1. if they beat blue, then they're 1-2-1 and blue is 1-2-1. Kinda throws a wrench in there, don't it?

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by inch53 on Thursday, September 24, 2009 4:05 PM


Afternoon folks, an irish coffee please Zoe.

Been rainy gloomy day round here, so I thought I'd swing by for abit.

ULRICH,, hope you don't have to endure staying in rehab to long. Sounds like a change in management would greatly improve the place. Hey maybe you could apply for the manager's job there.

JERRY,,, you n Sallie seems to have had a time of this summer. Hope ya both get the feelins better soon. Did get yur new chair yets??

RAY,,, sure enjoy the pics your posting.. You should be certified in something from the photo's alone.

JR,,,, congrads to your neighbor and your son on the award. And it sounds like the house is coming along.

PC,,,, I think I've some got pics of 2227 on a grain train a year or two back somewhere round here. Good catch by the way.

BAMA,,, good to hear the job is going well and your making a good impression in sells.

GARY,,,, our thoughts for your BIL also. Glad you liked the Monticello pics.

JIM,,,, Deb did kinda like the ride, be it abit rough. Here's a couple of short clips of our speeder ride

And here's of Leviathan,

I've got a bunch of pics uploaded into Rail Images [link below] from the musuem and still more ta-go.

Best get back on chores, thoughts for all those in need n hope ya'll has a gooden

DISCLAIMER-- This post does not clam anything posted here as fact or truth, but it may be just plain funny
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, September 24, 2009 3:23 PM

 Went to see the foot doc today and got a good report about the MRI. He took some culture swabs of the wounds and sent them off to the lab. I have to go back Monday and find out what they show.The blood test results from my physical came back good.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by howmus on Thursday, September 24, 2009 10:53 AM

Sir Madog
Ray - I took a long look at the pictures of your layout. Have you noticed that you become a part of the scene when looking at the pictures for a little while? Your layout is super!


Thank you sir!!!  Still keeping you in my prayers for a quick recovery and and many years of health!Angel


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 24, 2009 10:32 AM

 Good Afternoon,

Zoe, I´ll have my RBF at the RC, thank you.

Well, nothing really new to report about today. The "chef" and I did have a talk with the manager, which went on in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere... Smile,Wink, & Grin.

Food for lunch showed further improvement, still not gourmet style, but dead sense some other seasoning than just salt and pepper. See what Dinner will be like.

We still enjoy nice fall weather here, so I went for a little walk. Things seem to improve, as I don´t get tired as quickly as I used to before the surgery.

Despite the food getting better, I still want to get out of here asap. I miss Petra, I miss my books, my music...

Jeff - will you please take care of yourself?

Ray - I took a long look at the pictures of your layout. Have you noticed that you become a part of the scene when looking at the pictures for a little while? Your layout is super!

Blessings to all of you!

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:51 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Bowl of oatmeal with some brown sugar and a cup of dark roast in a FGLK Mug thank you.  I'll go sit at the Rivet Counter away from where Jeff is coughing and hacking......  Don't want to catch that.

Have to start up the truck and take it in for it yearly NYS Inspection this afternoon, get my allergy shots, and do some grocery shopping, then the rest of the day is mine to do what ever I please.Big Smile  The truck had better start up and run right.  I think there have been about 600  miles put on it since the last inspection a year ago.

Got out the new boot flash attachment for the camera.  Looks pretty simple as long as I just leave it in automatic and don't mess with anything.  Seems that photography has quickly become a second hobby here.  I'll probably try it out tonight.  My sister seemed very happy with her purchase yesterday.  I'm sure I will get some phone calls asking for advise from her.  She will be going on another trip to the "very far" soon and wants to take some shots so she is comfortable with the camera before she goes.  She got a 4Gig card to go with it so if she uses standard jpg shots (it will save as RAW as well) she can take close to 700 photos without downloading them......  That should keep her happy. 

Jeffrey, hope all goes well at the doc and you get to feeling better real quick!

Ulrich, I am thoroughly enjoying your tales from the rehab center.  Hope you are doing well and can back home soon!

I best get a move on, so I will catch up to all of you later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cox 47 on Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:26 AM

Good Morning...its cloudy and 67 here got some rain over nite...I'll have coffee and toast please..You all have a good one..Jerry

ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:55 AM


Yeah, I hear ya. I hqve an appointment with the foot doc this afternoon then I'll have a couple of weeks in which nothing is happening. I can lay around, take it easy and draw flies.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by pcarrell on Thursday, September 24, 2009 7:54 AM

Mornin' all!

Rode into work this morning in the lightest sprinkle I think I've ever seen.  It's supposed to clear up later.  So anyways, when I got to work, there's a guy in the next office over that rides a new Harley that was standing out front.  His bike was not to be seen, but his car was.  Now understand, yesterday he didn't ride either, and it was beautiful.  I gave him a hard time about it and his work friends joined in the ribbing.  This morning one of those friends is with him, so as I slowly ride past I'm looking at him and shaking my head.  I park and pull off my helmet, look at him and ask if this is too much rain.  (There's maybe a single itty bitty drop coming down every thirty seconds or so.)  He starts laughing and his friends is busting up and pointing at him.  He starts making excuses, but I just hold up my hand and give him the "Talk to the hand" look.

Got a busy day at the office today it looks like.  Thats OK though......helps the day pass quick, right?

I'm looking froward to the message I'll be preaching this weekend.  It's titled, "How To Change For Good".  I think it might be more for me then anyone else, but then that often seems to be the case.

Oh well, gotta run.........Later!

Wow, top of the page and my name isn't PC!!

Strange as it may seem, I haven't had to buy you chow hounds a meal for a while now!





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Posted by Robby P. on Thursday, September 24, 2009 7:50 AM

 Gooood morning.  Its a VERY foggy morning, and the fire alarm has gone off twice so far. 

 Well I'm in the same boat as a few others on here.........Didn't do much MRR yesterday.   Maybe I can today.  

 Sawyer......Good job on the win.  Not a bad record either.  

 Barry.........Our one cat "Hannibal" waits for us to get home, but waits more for human food.   When I fix some breakfast, I go to get on the computer.......and he beats me upstairs!!  Now the other cat "Smokey" has watched him get/try to get food, and he's following in his foot steps.  "I DON'T THINK SO!!".  The other cat "Bandit", well he really doesn't care.  Plus the boxer is trying as well.  He's been watching the cocker spaniel.   They act like we don't feed them.  The boxer is 80lbs, and Hannibal is 25lbs for a cat!!!

 Hope everybody is doing good, and talk to everybody later. 

Tags: Kadee

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by TMarsh on Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:55 AM

Good Morning. Ham, fried eggs over easy, fried potatoes grits with butter and coffee please. Thanks.

Today: Showers and thunderstorms likely. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 75. Calm wind becoming east around 6 mph. Chance of precipitation is 60%.Tonight: A 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 61. East wind between 3 and 6 mph.

Mom day today, then w**k so I doubt I'll get anything done on the layout. I might try to cleanup a bit.

Jeff- Sounds like you had a very long day yesterday. Take it easy for a couple of days and get over the flu.

Ya'll Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by GMTRacing on Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:51 AM

Good morning All,

    Just a quick coffee to go and I'm on my way out the door. Spent  yesterday evening cleaning and putting up curtain rods, etc. We have a saying in auto restoration that the last 10% takes 90% of the time and it is proving the case here with the house as well. On the other hand the sooner I get the house done the sooner I can justify starting another layout. CUL, J.R.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:29 AM

 Good morning.

It's 69 and cloudy. The high will be in the mid 80's and there's a chance of rain.

I started off yesterday at the early morning hour of 2 am to get things done before going off for my first appointment of the day. I got most of the things on the list taken care of. By that time it was time to go to my 8 am appointment with my primary care provider. He did the usual checks then had blood drawn. I should know the outcome of those tests today. I stopped in at Dairy Queen for breakfast then went to my parent's place to check on my mother. She's doing as well as can be expected. During this time my father came home and he and I went to town to get some things done and to have lunch. On the way back home we stopped at the pharmacy where I picked up a couple of prescriptions for myself and a packet of water pills for my mother. My father dropped me at my home where I promptly got into my car and went off to my second appointment. This was to get an MRI done on my right foot. I could think of more pleasant ways to blow 45 minutes. It was cold in there. I felt vaguely out of sorts when the procedure was done. On the way home I went by the Vernon Lake Spillway Park to see what, if anything, was going on there. I saw three juveniles out on top of the spillway apparently oblivious to the No trespassing on spillway - $500.00 fine' signs that are posted on both sides.  I pulled up to the fence at the south observation platform and hit my air horns to get their attention. I identified myself as the Sundown Fire Dept Safety Officer and ordered them off the spillway. They complied reluctantly and I told them that I or one of my friends in the Sheriff's Dept would be by to do spot checks later on. I then went home and arranged for a Sheriff's deputy to go out and make sure they got the message. I then took my mother her water pills and told her to use them. She's got to loose that water weight she's put on. I then went back home where I promptly collapsed. Now it seems that on top of everything else I also have the flu. Great! What else can happen.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:43 PM

 Todd - I chose the term cook on purpose, a "chef" would never have served that junk to us. But to be fair, this guy has been complaining with the management for quite some time that the budget is just too low to make up something decent. He seems to be happy to have someone supporting him now. Well, we will see...

Keep you posted!

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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:35 PM

Evenin' Nothing thanks. On second thought I'll have what Bama's having. Just got back from the annual budget setting meeting at the church. Pleased we were that the numbers we chose last year were very close. We worked out a new budget real quick this year. I'm not big on budgets because for the most part it just doesn't matter. (too lengthy to explain , but anybody that has dealt with income based on giving without pledges and designated funds will understand) some things yes, but it doesn't matter what you paid in utilities last year or what you budget they still have to be paid.

Matthew (teamsteamfan) Oh I dunno if your insane. Do you still play with trains?Wink

PC- Your phone takes better pictures than I can get out of the camera.

Sawyer- Congrats on the win.

Jim- Where do I sign up. I got some weathering powders but I seem to do better on structures. Can I sign up just for rolling stock and locos?

CNCharlie- Hey, that's alright on the card for the Equinox. No hard feelings here as long as you don't get upset with the not receiving a second Tuesday in September card.Laugh

Ulrich- You mean the head cook, or chef, listened to you??!!! Unbelievable. ( a United Statsian term for something that is so out of the ordinary that it is difficult to believe it really happened because if it's unusualness. Not an insinuation you are lying Big Smile) but good for you!

After looking at Ray's picture I'm tired and relaxed. I'll check out the rest on his website tomorrow.



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:09 PM

 Good Morning everyone,

it is way too early - not even 6.00 hrs., but I cannot sleep anymore - just a few to many thought haunting me at night.

Zoe, just coffee for me, please.

I had a chat with the cook of this place and made him call my wife. 25 years ago, before she went into teaching,  she had managed a place like that, with 3 cooks reporting to her as the boss. She was able to give him some clues on how to improve the quality of the food being served without exceeding the budget for it. The guy told me that they have to feed an "inmate" on $ 3 a day - and that just can´t be done. We both will talk to the manager to free up some more funds. I should mention that they collect $ 15 each day from us for the food - this is the amount my wife and are spending for the both of us.

My days here are really boring. The exercises I have to do keep me busy for 2 hours in the morning and that´s it. I have started to work on my personal "American Dream", collecting as much info as possible. I am confident that one fine day I will be in the same time zone ("Zeitzone) as most of you are in.

Ray  - that night shot of your layout is just fantastic! Bow

Jim - Keister? I had to look it up. It does translate into "Allerwertester", meaning "Your Honour"! Smile,Wink, & Grin

Bama - those 4 weeks for Mikayla to arrive will pass in no time - I keep my fingers crossed for all of you!


A good one to all of you!

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:06 PM

Barry, you know you have to watch those pre-teen(cat)s around computers and the Internet! Don't want those big fines, right? Laugh

I got home just after 11pm and he was waiting for me!! I sat down at the 'pooter and he was headbutting me and purring up a storm---I basically had to cuddle the little one for the last little while---now he's off and being all piculous--running around and cruising the kitchen cupboards---happy little camper he is--Laugh

Well I'm headin' off to Zzz

Have a good one---

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:20 PM

Evening all, I'll have a bowl of vanilla ice cream with some hot fudge dribbled over it, with a few pieces of Butterfinger in it, please ma'am? 

Glad to hear of everyone pulling through whatever trials and tribulations you are having (especially you, Ulrich).  W**k has been pretty busy here recently, and so far I've been fairly well impressing my superiors with what I know and how I handle things (IMHO its part of my job, and I wouldn't have spent the money to get the ASE certification if I didn't take it seriously).  Today was fairly interesting since I had one sale that was over $900....(we're supposed to "average" $100 for every hour worked)....I was joking with my store manager and said "So I guess I can just coast the rest of the day now, right?"  He laughed kinda nervously and was like "Uhh, no"  Thankfully he knew I was just kidding.

Nothing happening on the MRR front, the rest of life has been interfering.  Well I guess I'll go and enjoy my bowl.  Tomorrow holds a day off w**k for me, but we;ll be heading to Montgomery, Amy's got an OB appointment (only 4 weeks to go before Mikayla is "scheduled" to arrive), so I know we'll be up there most of the day...

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Posted by CNCharlie on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:09 PM

Wow, top of the page and my name isn't PC!!

Anyway, Chloe just tell the boys to order up when they come in for breakfast and put it on my tab.

CN Charlie

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Posted by CNCharlie on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:08 PM

Good Evening from not even being close to Winterpeg!

Yes it is still summer here as we are expecting a high tomorrow of 29C or about 85F. Not bad for this time of year, well actually it is rather amazing.

Had a call today from the fellow who bought the boat. He was asking about the lay-up procedure. It seems that he and his wife are really enjoying it and were out no matter what the weather. It was good to hear that it is getting used as it should be.

Ray, that was a really great photo of your yard, engine service area. You certainly do set the bar high.

Todd, sorry I missed sending an autumnal equinox card. I expect I missed the display at the Hallmark store now that they are going full bore with Halloween. Doesn't everyone send Halloween cards??

Tom, I think you will just have to move further north or just install a very large air conditioner capable of generating snow. After all Uff-dah is from Norway and he most certainly will be pining for the fiords. I bet a little snow would really make him feel great. I know that our little Pippa is really happy once there is snow on the ground and she just originates from Scotland so just think how tough it must be for Uff-dah. Besides a little real snow around your Christmas tree would indeed be a great conversation piece.

Jim, I think you should look into Unitrack and save bodily injury from that flex stuff. Besides if you don't like your layout you can just re-do it. It saves all that tedious track planning stuff too.

Well I didn't get much sleep last night so I suppose I should make a move as it is another  busy day "at mill" tomorrow.

CN Charlie



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