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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XVIII Locked

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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:42 AM

Good Morning. Coffee and a Sweet Roll please. Thanks. Happy First Day of Fall! Sorry I didn't get a card.

Today: Showers and thunderstorms likely. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 78. South southeast wind between 7 and 9 mph. Chance of precipitation is 60%.
Tonight: A 30 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 59. Light southwest wind.

Not much happening here. Bills to pay, groceries to buy and w**k to go to this afternoon. Drizzling rain now so I don't have much gumption. Sigh

Garry- AngelFor your BIL

Ray- Nice picture! Looks so peaceful there. It kinda makes me want to walk to the gas station and get a soda then right up to the well lit building in the center and check it out. Then, I‘ll need a park to sit a spell in.

Ulrich- Be glad you're there just to recover. They are no better in the States. Well, I shouldn't say that, I have not been to them all. There is bound to be some good ones around. Just not around here. My Mother has used them all at one time or another in the past few years. She hates them also. The food is not fit to feed a dog. The management should make the employees have to eat the slop they put out. And the service and care the staff gives the patients is deplorable. I have never seen people move that slow in my life. Allowing someone to wallow in their own waste as the Aide saunters down the hall as slow as Molasses in January (literally)and then stop at the door and "just a minute hun" as they continue talking some worthless babble to someone else who should be doing something also. Luckily my Mother was there just for therapy and was capable of washing and using the toilet on her own. A fine way to treat our elderly. SoapBoxSorry, rant over. Hurry up do your therapy and get the heck out of there. Like Lee said, it was great motivation for her. Unfortunately the food was so bad she couldn't eat much of it and lost a lot of weight. And at 70 she just doesn't put on weight.

The doctor wasn't pleased with the weight loss and when she mentioned the food his response was, "well I know, but you should eat it anyway" She said, "have you tried it?" ..... "No"

CPD95-Sign - Welcome to the Diner! 

Well, best be gettin' along now the dog is asleep at my feet and has had a slight backfire from the exhaust. Not very common with this particular critter, but when it happens it's worth leaving the immediate area for a few minutesDead

Ya'll Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

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I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Robby P. on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:34 AM

 Just a quick stop.  Its raining, and thats not a good way to start the day off.

 Hope everybody has a good day, and I'm about to hit the hay.  


 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by pcarrell on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:22 AM

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:18 AM

The ringling bros. Circus train just went by 95th st. In south Chicago At 0210. . Must be heading south for the winter.

First of all: Sign - Welcome CPD95 !! Second of all--I wouldn't mind knowing where in the south----hmmnWhistling

Ulrich:- Y'see, that is part of their plan--make it so that you get outta there ASAP!! My computer issue involves a certain fellow by the name of 'Spring' who seems to have this idea that when I'm on the 'pooter he can come up here to be snugged---of course stepping all over the keyboard and sending my posts into lalaland----Whistling


Good morningSmile--

Our bits and pieces summer is here again--warm and stickyWhistling Highs in the mid to upper 20's and lows in the low 20's----

Gonna be doing a bit of running outa town today to check on a couple of clients and then it'll be back to the evening classes routine---heeheeheeMischief I'm going by one place that has --at least it did when I last checkedWhistling --a LHS and see whethher there is more scratchbuilding material--I NEED some railing types of things for the bridge/trestleTongue

Chloe, I'll have 3 eggs sunny side up and toast with jam and a coffee please---I'll be at the RC for now--Smile,Wink, & Grin

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...

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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:38 AM

Good morning All,

   Mid 50's and cloudy this morning with the high predicted in the mid 60's. Spoke to my mo tyhis morning before she left for Halifax and she is in good spirits and full of hope. The one thing she loves to do above all else is sit and read and to be reduced to books on tape really bugs her.Thanks for your prayers and we'll let you know how the operation turns out later this week.

   Ulrich - if they made the rehab facility too comfy no one would want to leave. Very clever ploy on your doctors part. Hope you're back up and on your feet in all respects soon.

No progress on the house yesterday - got back from the shop late and just turned in for the night. Today we get our new bedroom set so we can figure out the rest of the bedroom and I should get a start on the rest of the job list. Time permitting I'll get some hours in at the museum as well this evening.

Jerry - hope you're feeling better and Sallie weathers this latest round of trouble. Any chance we'll see some more progress shots of the layout soon?

Ray - will that be a future design element for you? I mean the pile of rubbish at the side of the road with an envelope addressed to you sticking out the bottom? .... and if two of us do it it's a conspiracy, and if three of us do it it's a movement....

I see the house is looking into repealing antitrust exeptions for freight railroads (H.R.233). Wonder what's up with that? I figure the railroads have enough trouble already without even more gov't assistance. SoapBox 

Well time to pick up tools and get back to it in the shop. Todays' project is an ex factory Lotus11 with Le Mans history plus the usual shop stuff.   Catch y'all later, J.R.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:34 AM

Sir Madog
I have arrived at the convalescence center and the best I can say about it, that it is a terrible place with terrible people and terrible food. I need to recover asap to get out of here.

That's funny. My mother had the exact same thing to say about the recovery center in Leesville a while back.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by LSWrr on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:25 AM


Maybe that's their motivation to get you healthy,

Get well soon!

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 3:42 AM

 Good morning everyone,

I have arrived at the convalescence center and the best I can say about it, that it is a terrible place with terrible people and terrible food. I need to recover asap to get out of here.

My ´puter does not love anymore, this is my third attempt to post to this forum. I have been reading about snakes and bats and other varmints - thank good the only pest we really have here in Gemany is of the two-legged kind called politician. But you are not allowed to use Rugers, Berettas, Smith & Wessons or any other thing of that sort as a means of pest control Sad

Janie, just a quick glass of OJ - I need to be off for some cardiac exercises... 

 Y´all have a good one!

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Posted by CPD95 on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:37 AM
The ringling bros. Circus train just went by 95th st. In south Chicago At 0210. . Must be heading south for the winter.
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Posted by LSWrr on Monday, September 21, 2009 10:24 PM

I got the locomotive at a get together.  People set out their unwanted train stuff for $2 to $3, some of the locomotives run from $5 to $45 depending on condition.  The 0-6-0 I picked up is an older Bachman model but doesn’t look like the package was ever opened.  The motor does draw some amps to get the locomotive moving, so slow speed control is out of the question, but I have some 5 pole motors on the shelf here that should fit it.  Just too many started projects here to open it up and start tinkering with it, so I plan on finishing the block lights and then move to the next project.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by howmus on Monday, September 21, 2009 10:18 PM

Evenin' folks!

Chloe I'll have what Chris is having.  Looks good whatever it is. Oh, and a cup of decafe to sooth the nerves.....  I'll be at the Rivet Counter for a bit.

Chris, that sounds like fun except for the part about the skeeters....Whistling

You say I just missed Jeffrey wielding a tomahawk?  Thought he was supposed to stay off that foot not cut it off.  Oh, he was giving free haircuts?  No thanks on that one!

Jim, I have never even opened iCal on my macs........  I still use Palm Desktop.  I have some birthdays that automatically come up, but not all of them.  I had the party in the calendar, but I just never checked it like I should have.  Oh well, had fun out at the museum....Whistling

I spent most of today photographing the layout for the paperwork on the certificate.  Ended up with 40 photos to include with it.  Now I am in the process of writing up a description of each one (with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one to be used against me in a.........  Never mind!).  I think I am going to go back and reread a couple articles I have about the Scenery AP Certificate to make sure what I am doing meets what they expect.  Probably a very good idea, don't you think?

Oh it looks like this on the SLO&W tonight:

Hope you are all having a great evening!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Monday, September 21, 2009 10:14 PM

Evenin' Chloe. I'll have a Santa Fe mug of hot cocoa, please - and would you add a few of those little mini-marshmallows on the top, too, please? Thanks!

We had a little bit of fog this morning, but it faded away to just humid the rest of the day (except for the misting/drizzle that I went through on the way to a jail for some assessments mid-day).

The water tower cost me nothing but my time to put it together.

  Jeff, that's an even better deal! Yeah!! Hey, do you have any photos of your parents' yard (after mowing)? From the sound of things, it likely looks great (though not quite so much to mow). Sorry to hear about your 'run-in' with your foot doctor...Blindfold

Calif.Tom - that was good of the other Catholic school to do that for the kids' family, and will mean a lot to them (because I'm betting there will be a lot of people attending). Hey, didn't your weather people get the memo that it's about time for fall?

Barry, how's the trestle project coming along? Barry? (Gee Chloe, how come his eyes rolled back in his head when I said the word trestle?)Whistling Albino skunk? Did it stink like the regular kind? Oops

Nah, Todd, it's not rushing the season for hot cocoa; tomorrow is the first day of fall, isn't it? By the way, I think you have it nailed about that sense of 'invincibility' with four-wheel drive vehicles (and [ditto] what you mentioned about the OTHER drivers out there...)

Ray, you mean you haven't set iCal on your computer to remind you of all your grandkids' and grandnieces' and grandnephews' ? Wink I bet you will now, eh?

Inch, nice photos of the train trip there, and cool about getting to ride a speeder! What'd Debbie think of it?

Lee, looking forward to the info on building the signals. I've been debating (still) the semaphore (upper quad) vs. 2-light signals (kinda like the BLMA ones, but an earlier style). Your info might help me decide, I hope. I was thinking last night that I don't care about having the signals control the locos, since that "ain't prototypical", anyway - on the real RR's, an engineer could run through a signal, right? Smile,Wink, & Grin And excellent haul on your purchases - was that at a train show, or a not-so-LHS that had some major bargains?

JR, keeping your mother's surgery in AngelAngel (or is it over already by this evening?).

Jerry, hope Sallie holds up okay with that long day. I'd agree with you about those little switchers, except I'm partial to the SW900/1200's or SW7's.Smile

Chris - "So long, and thanks for the fish!" Smile,Wink, & Grin

Garry, will add your BIL to my prayer list - is there much history of heart problems in your family? Heck of a thing to have (even if it's just two of you).

Time for me to head for home, I think. Prayers for all those in need of healing and comfort (and that list's a bit longer today than usual). See you all in the morning.



Jim in Cape Girardeau


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Posted by AmanaMedic on Monday, September 21, 2009 10:02 PM

Good Evening, Chloe? I've got a craving for something I haven't had in years...the Woolworth's and Kresgie stores in Cedar Rapids had this when I was a kid: square chocolate cake, vanilia ice cream, another layer of the cake, lots of hot fudge, a big glop of whipped topping, and a cherry on the top.


Well... my theory was right, it was hose testing night. We took the main pumper out to the park, and pulled off every inch of hose. Charge it, bleed it out, shut-down and look for any leaky connections. We found a faulty O-ring that way. Re-charge, bleed it again, shut the nozzles and walk away while the Chief cranks up the pressure. Stand around and get mosquito-bit for five minutes. Shut down, break it all down, drain it all, drag it all. Reload the engine...go home. Good for another year.

TOM: I remember hearing about that incident, never heard about the settlement though...scary deal for sure!

VINCENT: For now I'm going with the pool car theory. I've got a shot of a BN 2-bay centerflo cement load in Cedar Rapids in the early '90s....I just haven't figured out how it got there (origin). I know it either went to Northwestern States or Lehigh, both on the Chicago Central (ex-Milwaukee Road main line), and located next to each other.

LEE: It's been a long time since I've had to fight with a canvas hosebed cover.

Uh Chloe? That looks real good...but maybe just a bit more hot fudge??? Please?

 JEFF: A close haircut with a tomahawk....I love it! Laugh I was once laid-up for 3 months and was about ready to go to the nutatarium.

I think Chloe is about ready to pummel me with my treat, so will carefully take it from her hands and over to the RC. In doing so, I'll yield the floor.

ChrisEight Ball

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Posted by Packers#1 on Monday, September 21, 2009 8:41 PM


Sawyer, It's Falcons/Bucs/Dolphins territory here, but there are a bunch of metalheads (steelers) around here for some reason. I happen to know a site where I can get minute-by minute updates on Packers' games.


Ouch about that bone spur, never had one, hope I don't.

Yeah, that's what usually is on Fox and CBS. least the falcons play the Packers usually.

 Mind PMing me that site?

And about the steelers fans, yeah man, there's a fair bunch of them here too. I'm a pittsburgh fan myself; they run a tight ship and a clean program. Big Ben is in my opinion the best example for any NFL QB to follow; no headlines, no news, jsut goes out and plays hard and tough every game.

EDIT: oh yeah, had another soccer game tonight, and it was another 2-2 tie. Our defense was great though, they capitalized on one mistake and had a lucky and excellent shot that fell in.

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, September 21, 2009 7:05 PM


Happy last day of summer!

Jerry.... Sounds like Sallie is having a rough time. Prayers for her. Also, I hope the flu goes away for you.

Jeff.... It almost goes without saying, but take care of that foot. Also, I like the water tower!

Vincent..... Sorry to hear about your bone spur. Hope it is not too bad.

JR ..... My 90 year old Mom has had the eye surgery and is doing fine now. Praying your Mom does well too.

Barry .... Bats, eh ??? In your belfry ???? Confused

Lee ...... Great price on the 0-6-0... Can you tell more about it?

Inch..... Thanks for the Montecello pictures. I've been there. Great place! Looks like Deb is enjoying the speeder.

Ray ...... Now, that sounds like a fun day being a museum guide. I bet you liked that.

Cal Tom..... Uh, oh..... my eyes are getting green with envy... A PSC 2-10-2.... Wow!!!. I suppose it is a good thing the 4-6-6-4 never showed up our I would be having a fit! Have fun!

Jim CG ..... Evidently, you are a clumsy gandy dancer. Be careful next time.

Now that Fall is arriving, my railroad already has some football specials scheduled. I may be taking pictures.

Finally, Shelley and I are awaiting to learn results of our B-I-L's heart cath procedure he had today in Nashville. He had a stroke a few months ago and was doing much better, but evidently, his heart is having problems now.

Edit..... Brother in law (Nick) in Nashville needs heart valve replacement and double bi-pass.






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Posted by LSWrr on Monday, September 21, 2009 6:59 PM

Well we had a canvas cover over the hose bed and it was secured with the twist snaps, but we drove 20 minutes to get to the next town, then up and down a country road< I guess the twist snaps let loose.  We did add a bungee cord to the bitter end of the hose and it never happened again.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, September 21, 2009 6:12 PM

I'm going to call the doctor sometime this week, I might have a bone spur in my right hand. And I still haven't gotten the U33C's weight milled enough for my U30C shell. I should have that done tommorow.

Oh, those bone spurs hurt! Especially when you break one. It feels like you just pushed a knife all the way through your hand.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Packer on Monday, September 21, 2009 6:05 PM

Chris, a BN PS2 did you say? If you can't expain it, my SP PS2 is getting a tad loney being my only PS2 ya know.

Sawyer, It's Falcons/Bucs/Dolphins territory here, but there are a bunch of metalheads (steelers) around here for some reason. I happen to know a site where I can get minute-by minute updates on Packers' games.

I'm going to call the doctor sometime this week, I might have a bone spur in my right hand. And I still haven't gotten the U33C's weight milled enough for my U30C shell. I should have that done tommorow.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by GMTRacing on Monday, September 21, 2009 5:30 PM

Jeff - I can understand the stir crazy bit. When I was recovering from the broken toes I had to miss a couple races due to doctors orders and then I had to wear a moon boot (one piece braced sole and side pieces to keep the foot from flexing) and do light duty so I didn't rebreak the toes. The jig was up when I went in for a checkup and he asked how the moon boot broke. He wasn't amused when I told him it broke while push starting a car in the pits. Well - for me it was light dutyWhistling.  J.R.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, September 21, 2009 5:18 PM


Jeff- Naughty, naughty. When will you ever grow up and do what the doctor says. You've got the layout, here, another forum or two and I suppose if you looked real hard you might find a movie laying around the house. No need to put yourself out. 

Just teasing, I bet it's tuff for a guy like you to stay still for too long. Probably get stir crazy quick. Still, you'll end up laying yourself out longer, but I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

I was getting beyond stir crazy and was starting to go up the wall! I was coming up the 'go over and beat up the neighbor for the heck of it' stage.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, September 21, 2009 5:16 PM

So Jeff, the doc is going to make sure you don't mow any more lawns by keeping you in his office, huh?

Only if he want'um close haircut with tomahawk.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by tcwright973 on Monday, September 21, 2009 5:05 PM

Two familys were recently awarded 5 million dollars in a law suit filed after two 10 year old girls were struck by a hose and nozzel which played out of the bed of a pumper while enroute to an alarm. Unfortunately, one of the girls died from her injuries. As a retired fire fighter, I must admit I never even considered an accident like that happening, although I personnaly lost two loads over the years.



Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, September 21, 2009 4:18 PM

Jeff- Naughty, naughty. When will you ever grow up and do what the doctor says. You've got the layout, here, another forum or two and I suppose if you looked real hard you might find a movie laying around the house. No need to put yourself out. 

Just teasing, I bet it's tuff for a guy like you to stay still for too long. Probably get stir crazy quick. Still, you'll end up laying yourself out longer, but I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by pcarrell on Monday, September 21, 2009 3:52 PM

So Jeff, the doc is going to make sure you don't mow any more lawns by keeping you in his office, huh?

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Posted by Packers#1 on Monday, September 21, 2009 3:50 PM


SAWYER: Just saw your videos...funny! I'd rather watch productions like yours, than some geek in a polo shirt...anyday. Your Mother hollarin' the dinner-call added just the touch to the show Laugh. You and my wife have something in common: "awwww crap." That's as close as she gets to swearing...unless a) she's gone and did trauma to herself, or b) she's REALLY mad. #83 Vickers 'eh? I'm thinking he wrecked "Shrub" Busch earlier this season...if so, he gets a Thumbs Up from me. Kenseth never had a chance this year...Rousch-Fenway is way-screwed up. I'm hoping he gets at least one more win this season...but it's not looking good. If anything, he'll win the final race, and be standing all alone as everybody goes to slap Johnson on the back for another championship.'s happened before.


lol, thanks man. Hey, I like to let my funny side loose in the videos, who wants to see something boring?

As to Vickers, he ahd an ok day, didn't knock himself out yet.

Vincent, I didn't watch the game (gotta love cable and the fact I live in the Falcon and Panther region), but coulda seen the end, thoguh I was watchin the race. I'm guessing the offensive line didn't hold up again.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, September 21, 2009 3:40 PM

 Went to see the foot doc today. I told him that I'm having pain in my right foot, very unusual as I usually have no pain in my feet at all. In fact this pain is intense enough that I had to a lortab this morning. The only pain I can feel is deep bone pain. He poked and prodded at my foot, stuck it with this and that and naturally there was no reaction. Then he put some pressure down on the top of the foot just ahead of the ankle and it hurt like the dickens. He then had some X-rays done and we examined them together. At first nothing stood out. Then we compared then to X-rays done in June and lo and behold, one of the bones in top of the foot has dropped nearly a 1/4 of an inch. He asked me what I've been doing and I admitted to him that I mowed my parent's yard yesterday at which time he gave me a dirty look that could knock a Big Boy over. Now I have ANOTHER TWO APPOINTMENTS to add to my schedule. So now I have the appointment tomorrow in DeRidder with the urologist then an appointment Wednesday morning with my PCP. The two additional are an appointment Wednesday afternoon at Deer Creek for an MRI then I have an appointment Thursday afternoon with the foot doc again to go over the MRI findings. So that's my week pretty much shot.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by AmanaMedic on Monday, September 21, 2009 2:35 PM

somehow we accidentally paid out all of our hose and never knew it!

About the third trip we noticed over 1,000 feet of brand new 1.5” fire hose very neatly laid out along the country road. 

LEE: I watched a Cedar Rapids engine company do that one day enroute to a house fire. They hit a large dip in the road, at "going to a working house fire" speed...and the entire load of 5" dia. supply hose came off the back just as pretty as any training video could duplicate. They were second-in and staged at the hydrant when I finally caught up to them. I went up to the Lieutenant's side. "Hey Loo, how's it going today Sir?"  "Pretty good so-far." "Well Loo, that's about to change on you....all of your 5" is about 4 blocks up the street..." He comes flying out of the cab with the driver, they meet at the rear and look at the very empty hose bed. "EXPLATIVE!"  Fortunately, the first-in had the very small kitchen fire knocked down, so they were released to go and recover their hose. This was back in '92. I see they have large cargo webbing across the hosebeds now. We don't on our Clarence Vol. Fire Dept. rigs...not yet. Sooner or later, I figure we'll suffer the same fate.

The more I think about it, it's about hose-testing time...that might be what we do tonight. Yippee.

JEFF: Timbers and diamonds??? Geesh!

Back to w**k...

ChrisEight Ball

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, September 21, 2009 2:05 PM


JEFF: I like the new water tank...I was wondering if it would be a water supply for your FD...and IS! Great minds think alike...Smile,Wink, & Grin Glad Mr. Ruger was able to send the offending snake to the nether-world.

I HATE snakes. I know timber rattlers are common in the bluffs near and around Anamosa, and along the Mississippi... haven't even seen as much as a garter snake around here though...and THAT is OK with me!

We have timber rattlers here too. BIG ones. The small diamondbacks are the worst though. They're everywhere. Back in the mid 80's my father and I were digging a drainage ditch for a septic tank. The project took the better part part of two weeks as we had only a couple of hours in the early morning to work on it. We'd come across at least one of the little devils every day or two. It didn't last long after that.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Cederstrand on Monday, September 21, 2009 1:39 PM

A quick coffee TO GO, please.

With all the thunderstorms and the occasional power fluctuations, I've been leaving the computer off since yesterday. Will try to catch up on reading posts tonight, weather permitting.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by LSWrr on Monday, September 21, 2009 1:33 PM
Jeff, I took the rural water supply course about 23 years ago and I was the center of attention at the Volunteer department I was on.  Once we had an 1800’s church catch fire in a town nearby without a hydrant system; we ran 1,000 gallon pumpers shuttling water from a farmer’s pond to a tanker and portable ponds we had set near the structure.  About the third trip we noticed over 1,000 feet of brand new 1.5” fire hose very neatly laid out along the country road.  On our 5th and final trip we decided to stop and pick it up.  Wouldn’t you know it was already stenciled WVFD (Wayne Volunteer Fire Department).  I yelled back at my partner to check our hose bed on our pumper, somehow we accidentally paid out all of our hose and never knew it!  When I moved I joined the Lakeside Volunteer Fire Department and we had our own water tower; the hydrant system in town was a dry system so the first guy at the station had the duty to turn the well pump on and throw the switch to flood the hydrant system before we left the station.

Bats are an issue up here too, but they don’t bother many people and eat flying bugs so I guess they are ok.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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