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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XVIII Locked

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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:52 PM

(yaaaaaaaawwwwn) Long day. Didn't get anything accomplished really. Got most of the yard mowed I still have to do the trimming and push mowing. Tomorrow I guess.

Jeff- From your standpoint of being a former IT guy you must just be beside yourself on your internet stuff. For some reason my internet goes down every morning for a few minutes and then all is well. Overall I'm happy but it's nothing like you describe.

Barry- I resemble that remark, and am shocked that you would even think that I would be associated in any way to the hap-hazzard flinging of food stuff.Whistling

Garry- OK, so I hear you have a football game going on. How about letting us watch tooBig Smile. Be sure to let us know when BIL is going in for surgery so we can kick the prayers in high gear.

Ray- Like now, I usually write the post in my word processor then cut and paste. But occasionally I don't and that will be when something goes wacko on the site. Don't feel alone. By the way, I can find only one fault in the photo and that is that the subject is not in my basement. Bravo! I'm really getting anxious about this thing.

Ulrich- Whew! Glad you got the pizza. I sure wouldn't want to be the one who told you you couldn't have it!!!!!!! Though I wish you the best, (I really do), Like Jeff said, I would like to be a fly on the wall for your stay there. I'm sure it would be entertaining. Keep us posted on the events. Do they have Bingo?Laugh Oh, Jim's reference to the meds got me thinking. Don't eat any chocolate they give you.Laugh

Nik- Hey, even the junkiest car can be useful in some way. I agree with JR. I mean for Pete's sake, if they don't even make the couplers right for the box photo......yeeesh. I don't see a brand name, what is it in case an E-bay bargain shows up I'll know.

Tinman- Sign - WelcomeNope on the bike but thanks for offering. I've got the same situation myself with my Mother. (She had 4 exercise bikes ??????) My Daddy passed in 2000 and the stuff is amazing now that she has decided to move from the family home. Say you wouldn't be interested in trading the exercise bike for a questionable treadmill would you?

Jim- You're right on tinman's dust comments ( or whatever that things called.) I thought dust was a good HO scale dirt for the buildings too!Laugh Best weathering I've ever done!!Laugh

Tom- That is absolutely wonderful news regarding the tragedy. There still is good in many people and I would be proud to be associated with them.Bow

Well time for bed in these parts.



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:34 PM

I have ended up with 37 photos.....  I will probably be told to cut that in half.  Each photo has to have an explaination with it of what is being modeled, etc.

A bunch of photos with the circles and arrows and a paragraph written on the back------OYWhistling-----I love that one that you just posted--

TWhite: It's good to hear everyone pulling together---We'll pray for all of you down there--Angel

Sign - Welcome Tinman1!!


Busy day for this little one. Now I'm gonna do a lot of small scale stuff with the little building here---and no it is not a warehouse for pie catapaults--so there---nyahSmile,Wink, & Grin

Chloe, I'll have a coffee and a muffin please----oh, chocolate chip please---I'll be at the corner boothSmile,Wink, & Grin

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:09 PM

Evenin' folks!

Zoe just a cup of decafe to relax me this evening.  I'll go join Jim at the window booth.

Been a productive day as I have finished one of the written requirements for the certificate.  Requirement 2 is to make a series of photographs that show what you have accomplished on the scenery.  There has to be a minimum of 6, or you can use a video to show the judged portion of the layout. I have ended up with 37 photos.....  I will probably be told to cut that in half.  Each photo has to have an explaination with it of what is being modeled, etc.

Jim, glad you liked the night shot.  Those are fun to set up and take in part because you never know exactly what you will get...... Whistling

Ulrich I hope the extra pizza gets sent here to the diner.  I haven't had any really good pizza since.....  Ah..... Last Saturday as a matter of fact.  But I bet yours is better, especially downed with a RBF.

Welcome to the new guy, Tinman1.  Bet there is a story behind the name.  Sit a spell and tell us about yourself..

Tom you posted while I was finishing my post.  What a great way to handle that horrible tragedy!  Sounds like a wonderful community of faith!!  Any word on what happened to cause all this?  All you folks are in my prayers!

How about I share my favorite photo I have for the Certificate???   I just like this one for some reason.

Have a great evening!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by twhite on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:05 PM

Evening all from SunnyHotterThanHadesCal: 

Ah yes, with Autumn just hours away, the temperature today was 103 here in the Valley, with 105 predicted for tomorrow.  Supposed to 'cool off' to the high 90's by the weekend. 

Uff-Dah and Spooky are still glaring at me every time I walk in the front door.  Of course, in their busy little Feline brains, it's DADDY'S fault that they can't get their Winter Coats to stabilize.  Seriously, if it keeps up like this, I'm going to pack them both up and move to Oslo and let them raise Lemmings.  I KNOW that Uff-Dah is really seriously pining for the Fjords, LOL! 

As my lady friend Lois remarked the other day:  "You are the only person I know insane enough to raise a Norwegian Forest Cat in California!" 

Well, I just wanted you all to know the latest about the Helms murder tragedy.  And it's had a rather unusual and uplifting turn, if you can call anything so tragic 'uplifting'.  Jesuit High School has taken over the funeral arrangements as a donation to the family--the funeral is tomorrow at St. Ignatius Church--the Jesuit Parish here in Sacramento--and school has been suspended for several hours so that the students can attend.   Our Liturgy workshop choir is singing for it, and Fr. Bonafigilo, the school President is the Presiding Priest. 

Colton, the youngest son, is anxious to return to Jesuit, and one of his classmate's families has offered to let him stay with them for both his Junior and Senior year.  Edward, the oldest boy, a Junior at St. Mary's College here in northern California has been offered an emergency Scholarship to enable him to finish his Junior and Senior year at that institution.  There have also been some rather generous donations by Jesuit families toward a fund for the two boys. 

Edward, the oldest boy and who was a student of mine here, came by the school today, and he and I had a good talk.  He's still in shock, of course, but I'm really amazed at how maturely he's handling what has happened to him.  I think he'll be okay in time.  He wants to get back to St. Mary's as soon as possible and continue his music studies.   Lots of hugs, and some tears (he soaked my shoulder, but who cares about a big wet spot?), but also a lot of strength. 

So at least there may be some light at the end of this very dark and tragic tunnel. 

Anyway, just wanted to let you know how absolutely moved I am with the Administration, Faculty and Students at this remarkable school. I feel that I am truly Blessed to be associated with these people.  It's things like this that make me so incredibly PROUD of my profession!

Best to all, prayers to those in need. 


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Posted by JimRCGMO on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 9:15 PM

Evenin', Chloe - just a mug of hot cocoa, please. Thanks!

Another busy day at w**k - no lunch (not that it would hurt me to miss one or two...) and then I'm out at dinner and (a bit before 6) I got a call from my supervisor about a client who was sitting around (I guess waiting for her ride to come back?). Sheesh - talk about wanting their pound of flesh and THEN some! Got to get things where I'm able to change jobs....Banged Head

But at least it's payday today, and maybe I'll have something left over after getting the bills paid (I hope...).Smile

Jim, I have never even opened iCal on my macs........  I still use Palm Desktop.


You mentioning that reminded me, Ray - I had been using Palm Desktop way back when it was still Claris Organizer (before Palm bought the software from Claris and renamed it)! I still have it on my hard drive, and liked its better importing and exporting capabilities (compared to iCal).Nice evening photos on the S.L.O.& W., too. Thumbs Up

CPD95/Dale - you are up way too late in the night for most of us (except for Ulrich/Maddog - but then again, he's half a world away in another time zoen...)(Is that the German spelling?) Whistling Oh yeah, and Sign - Welcome and have a cup of your favorite beverage on me. Smile

Ulrich, as you said, get healed up as quickly as possible so you can get out of there. The sooner you get out, the sooner you and Petra can start planning for your move 'across the pond'. Is that Pizza service a subsidiary of Todd and Barry's Flying Pie Service? Good to hear that you got an apology already (but check your evening meds....) And if a good fighting spirit gets you healed up and out of there sooner, I'm all for it! Thumbs UpYeah!! Now, that pizza stunt in the dining hall makes me sure that either you're too much like the rest of us in here, or else you've been hanging around us way too long!Laugh

JR - "...and can you imagine fifty people a day - I mean, fifty people a day walkin' in, singing a few bars..." (is a movement... Smile,Wink, & Grin) (T.A.R.A-M.M.) Hope you get things lined out soon in the new place.

Todd, no problem on that card - I just figured it was " the mail", like everything else. Whistling

Tinman1/OHTom - Sign - Welcome to the Diner and have a mug (or glass) of your favorite beverage on me. Sounds like you got a little more incentive to tackle the storage area, eh? Thumbs Up (...and I'm totally disappointed after reading your signature; here I though I had well-weathered locos and rolling stock! Sigh

CN Charlie, I wish I lived closer to you - I might drive over and make you an offer on some things. But don't feel quite up to that long of a road trip...Oops

I'll sit a spell at the window booth and see if any more circus train cars go by. (Ohboyohboyohboy!)

Prayers continue for those healing up, in need of comfort, or awaiting surgery - which ought to cover about all of us, I guess. AngelAngel



Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by CNCharlie on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:47 PM

Good Evening Diners!

  Ok I'm getting really tired of typing and then having it all go Poof! off into space. It has now happened 3 times so hopefully this one will be successful.

Garry, hope your BIL gets well soon. It is amazing what they can do with by-pass surgery now , to the point where it is just a routine operation.

Ulrich, glad to hear you are on the mend. I really laughed at your pizza weez.

I've just finished boxing up my FIL's train stuff to take to a LHS for a consignment sale. I know it won't get much even though some is new in the box. My MIL told me to take what I want but I only took a PK2 0-8-0 .

Hope everyone is having a nice evening.

CN Charlie

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Posted by tinman1 on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:38 PM

My mother has given me a couple of those cheesy tankers as well. I've tried to tell her I model in HO, but to her they are al the same. I might try to find what box I've put it in and go for the propane tank as others have done. I'm not sure about the Avon Christmas village set tho, it's hopeless, just as the cowboy/indian set and cattle from Odd Lots. I did get a nice surprise the other day when I was trying to clean out one of the storage sheds my mom and (late) dad had. He had saved literally everything his whole life, regardless of any worth or chances of being useful. I opened one box and found a ream of paper (I thought), and figured if it was stained I would get rid of it. It turned out to be a box of letterheads for the Nickle Plate Road, unused and clean from the Terminal Tower- Cleveland 1, Ohio - E.M. Thomas, Vice President. I'm not quite sure what I want to do with it, and it appears to be a full box of 500. I really don't even know how he had come to get it. I'm thinking I may keep some and let others have some if they want it. Now I'm looking forward to sorting out the 3 10x20 storage sheds, that are packed to the ceilingSad Anyone want an exercise bike?

Tom "dust is not weathering"
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 5:52 PM

 I had an N guage European style tank car with 4 wheels.

The tank became a propane tank as Jeff also has done. It is next to my interlocking tower. (I modified a cheap broken Plasticville tower.)

 The chassis is the base of a machine that travles back and forth on my coke oven. I munted N guage track on a ledge of the coke oven. The machine is scratch built, and I was looking at a photo of such a machine when I made it. You can see the machine above the Difco dump car. I still plan to kit bash the Difco dump car into a Quench car to look correct. (That is a round tuit project.)




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Posted by nik .n on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 5:15 PM


Nik. n: I found one of those worthless things in a flea market here for 50 cents. I tore it down and am turning it into an HO propane tank.


Good Idea.

GMT: Laugh I told you, It makes Tyco look like Exactrail.

If anyone can find info on this, Thanks! I heard that this was a promotion by Reader's Digest. The set included a tank car, gondola, boxcar, a GP40, and a hopper and caboose. I'm not sure though.

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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 3:53 PM

I especially like the droopy couplers - if prototypical they must be why they invented shelf couplers Confused

And on that note it's off to the house to do a bit before heading to the museum. Catch y'all on the flip side.   J.R.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 3:29 PM

Robby P.
 Jeff.......Did you get my email yesterday with the newest Railbox pictures.  I don't wanna send it to the wrong person Dunce.

Rest assured, I got it. I like what I'm seeing.


Nik. n: I found one of those worthless things in a flea market here for 50 cents. I tore it down and am turning it into an HO propane tank.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by pcarrell on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:09 PM

nik .n
My grandmother keeps on finding these and giving them to me.

My Mom keeps giving me stuff like that too.  She means well and all, but GP-40's and Autoracks just don't look right in 1930's Maine.

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Posted by nik .n on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:00 PM

 Milk and a pile of wild bills jerky, Chloe.

My sister and I have aquired a Betta fish named Pish (Not my Choice, I wanted it named AlcoWhistling) It is a very pretty fish.

I am going to drown in these:


My grandmother keeps on finding these and giving them to me. They are N scale, and they make Tyco's cheapest stuff look like Exactrail.  They make good weathering practice, though, because I'm HO.

See Yall!



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Posted by Robby P. on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 1:41 PM

 Good afternoon.

 Been painting some hills/mountains, and working ona few cars.  Now the wife will be home in a few hours, I might better get some house cleaning done Whistling.

 Ulrich........Its good to hear you are doing better.   Do you think a flying pizza might make it my way Dinner??

 Jeff.......Did you get my email yesterday with the newest Railbox pictures.  I don't wanna send it to the wrong person Dunce.

 Well everybody have a good afternoon/evening.  I will try to pop back in later.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 12:24 PM

Sir Madog
In comes the pizza man with a nice pizza "quadro stagione" for me! Either I now have 200 friends or 200 foes...

I would have loved to see the looks on some of those faces! That would have been priceless.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 12:04 PM

 I did it!

Picture a dining hall with 200 people bent over some type of soup of unknown content, a blob of you-know-what they call meat and a mash of potatoes? sea urchins?

In comes the pizza man with a nice pizza "quadro stagione" for me! Either I now have 200 friends or 200 foes...

It was worth the laugh!

A few more hours in front of the telly and then it is off to Zzz for me!

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 11:24 AM


Had a fairly long message all ready to post and when I did the website made me log in and erased the whole thing........... 

Try what I do. I write the whole thing up in Notepad and save it. From there it's a simple copy and paste. If the site wipes it out for some reason all I have to do is paste it again. Then I go back and delete the text file.


Actually all I need to do is remember to copy the message to the clipboard on the Mac and just paste it back in if the site goes whacko.....  Even easier.  I just never think to do that. Sigh

I almost never have problems posting here except when the site is down for some reason or when like this morning it decided to log me out........Angry


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 11:20 AM

Had a fairly long message all ready to post and when I did the website made me log in and erased the whole thing........... 

Try what I do. I write the whole thing up in Notepad and save it. From there it's a simple copy and paste. If the site wipes it out for some reason all I have to do is paste it again. Then I go back and delete the text file.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:47 AM

Happy Fall Equinox.

I have a Football Special operating on the layout now. I'm think of starting a Footbal Special thread.

Ray.......... The night photo was so real that I could hear the crickets in the weeds. Bravo!

Ulrich......... It is good to hear from you. Evidently, you are not in Utopia at the mont. Flying pizza ??????....... Do they serve the coffee cups on flying saucers, too?

Thanks for comments on my BIL. I'm not sure when his surgey will take place, but it will be soon.






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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:32 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Flo just a cup of dark roast in a FGLK mug.

Had a fairly long message all ready to post and when I did the website made me log in and erased the whole thing........... 

Need to get some stuff done so I be back later.

Ulrich, hang in there!  Hopefully your incarceration in rehab will go by quickly....Smile,Wink, & Grin


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:29 AM


Flying Pizza....... Hmmm........that gives me..., er... Barry an idea.

I would never do that-----now you on the other hand---LaughWhistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:16 AM

 My internet connection is pulling it's tricks again. The service in this area went out for a few hours the other night and since then the speeds have been fluctuating wildly. Download speed is pretty much OK but the upload speed and the speed at which pages are displayed is inordinately slow at times. This is a problem that goes back several years and they haven't fixed it yet! When a problem is called in a tech comes out, locates a problem and does a quick patch job on it and calls it in as fixed. After this has occurred several dozen times they come out and replace the faulty component. Then the cycle repeats with the next component in line. This cable system out here has more bugs than a bait store! And it's little wonder. When SuddenLink (then Cebridge Connections) came in they took over an already antiquated cable system that was doing good to carry the load it had which was just cable TV. Instead of replacing the cable which was already experiencing problems due to it's age they simply upgraded it to digital (that's almost a whole year I'd rather not remember). When they connected in their booster boxes they did it with fiber optics. Now that's copper to fiber optic back to copper until the next box. Where's the sense in that? Either the entire system is fiber optic or none of it is. Transmitting through a copper cable the signal is limited in speed to that allowed by the copper, which is far slower than that of fiber optics. Then they stacked on internet and things got worse and now they've added phone service. All this being carried by a cable that was put up in the mid 80's to carry nothing more than cable TV.

On the layout front there's not been much progress.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:02 AM

Flying Pizza....... Hmmm........that gives me..., er... Barry an idea.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Cox 47 on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 9:57 AM

Good morning...its cloudy and 69 here humidity is kinda high..I'll have coffee please..Thank You..not much going on here...You all have a good one...Jerry

ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 9:53 AM

 Barry - I thought the catapult is with you or did you send it to Germany by special courier - just in case I plan to order a pizza or a pie? Vinnie? Vinnie! had promised to lock it away.

This little argument I had today has revived my good ole´ fighting spirit - I start to feel much better. I even got a smile from the Kapo girl...

Zoe, may I have an RBF befor I have to go down to the hall for Dinner? Dinner is being served by 17.30 hrs. so most of the staff can leave by 18.00 hrs. I shall be hungry again by 20.00 hrs...Sigh

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 9:07 AM

Sir Madog
I understand that they are totally overworked and underpaid, but paying a little respect to the poor souls in here just does not cost much, in fact, nothing

That is one aspect of patient/client care that seems to be easily forgotten---yes they may be overworked/underpaid but that doesn't mean that one should spread their misery around-----Whistling a smile 'costs' nada---Smile

Sir Madog
I have ordered a pizza from "Flying Pizza Service" to be delivered to me in the dining hall tonight...  Evil

Hopefully no catapaults will be used-------Smile,Wink, & Grin---that might be a bit messy---Whistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 9:00 AM



Ulrich- Careful, they will sedate you. Of course on the other hand.........Whistling


... they shall try! I am a 6´5" guy of 240 lbs and I still know quite well how defend my rights - Mischief

Seriously, I have already received a formal excuse from the manager of this place. Although the place does not look very friendly (more like a correctional institution), a smile on the face of the people here would certainly make things bearable. I understand that they are totally overworked and underpaid, but paying a little respect to the poor souls in here just does not cost much, in fact, nothing.

I have ordered a pizza from "Flying Pizza Service" to be delivered to me in the dining hall tonight...  Evil


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Posted by fec153 on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:53 AM

Winter quarters in Sarasota. Most likely.


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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:51 AM

Ulrich- Careful, they will sedate you. Of course on the other hand.........Whistling


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 8:43 AM

 Help! Sign - Dots

Zoe, I need something stronger - and when I say stronger , I mean REALLY strong!

I don´t know where they recruit the staff for this place here, some of them appear to be left-overs of the 1940´s - you know what I mean. I just had an argument with one of the Kapos here and turned in a written complaint about the behaviour of this person. After all, I am an ill person and demand to be treated respectfully.

I guess I will be fully recovered by tomorrow

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