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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XVIII Locked

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, September 25, 2009 10:25 PM

Heartland Division CB&Q
The old Frisco Railroad had a line from St louis to Tulsa that roughly paralleled US 66 in MO. US 66 would cross Frisco's other line from KC to Memphis in western MO. The Missouri Pacific crossed US 66 in western MO, also. The KCS had a line along MO's western border that crossed US 66.

I was thinking about that area now that I think about it--one of Eric's schoolmates is wanting to model that area in some way so I'm just garnering bits and pieces of info from all over the place. I'm kind of thinking about some ideas for scenery from around there--so if anyone has some ideas pass them on!Smile,Wink, & Grin

Heartland Division CB&Q
Barry, I did not give the "short answer". Did I?

This is what I was looking for ---it will give me some place names to start the searches---tnx!!!---oh did I txt?---oops!!Smile


I'sa going to be a little busy tomorrow--will have very quick visit then off to seminars I go-----Whistling

Chloe---I'll just have a quick coffee and a teabiscuit please-----I'll be over at the window booth for a bit----

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Packers#1 on Friday, September 25, 2009 9:56 PM

Here's a couple overview shots and the vids of the work I did, everything else is in WPF.


Overview of yard:


part 1:

part 2:

part 3:

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by Packer on Friday, September 25, 2009 9:07 PM

Jim, I tested it more thourghouly and it's not the greatest fix, but it'll do. Around 9/12s throttle (I guess 9 volts, the point between 4 and 5 on my Zepyher's controller) it started making screeching and squealling noises around the same time. I re-oiled it, tightened all the screws, and sanded the flywheel a bit (taking it to max power and holding a piece of sandpaper to the flywheel while it's spinning) and managed to knock that noise back to 11/12s throttle (beween 5 and full). Luckily for me, about 3/4 throttle on it is about where I want it's top speed to be. I've been programming all of my engines so that there mid speed is 40 scale mph, and they'll top out at 80 mph.

I found a use for those Kato C424/425 chassis I had laying around, just snagged some new (from the classic line runs) C425 shells factory painted for the BN:


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Friday, September 25, 2009 8:32 PM

G'dEvenin', Chloe, just a fudge brownie and a D&RGW mug of coffee, please. Thanks!

TimanTom - thanks for filling us in on yourself (and your family plus menagerie...). We have some other mechanics in the Diner (Bama, PC, Jeff, and a handful of others), shade tree and even paid, so you'll have some who will understand if you talk 'shop'. Wink Your mastiff sounds about like one that one gal had (I dated her back in my junior college days), and she was probably only 5' tall or so! What's your layout like (scale, time period modeled, particular RR you follow - or just freelancing)? Our thanks to your son for his service. Cowboy (Closest smiley we have to a GI, unless your son was in the Navy or Marines...) I was wondering about your track with the ballast mounds - do you think they temporarily moved it to there, with the idea to even things out later? Of course, now I have the prototypical excuse to overdo when I start on my ballasting. Oops

Jim: I put that rust covered building up as a reminder to people that there are structures out there like that and having one on a layout isn't a flight of fancy. Would you believe that one is occupied by a couple of families? Very low rent of course.


Jeff, thanks for the reminder of that rusty ol' building. And yes, I can believe that - heck, if it's near a college town, I can even guess how high their rent would be! (Okay, no rants tonight for me...) Good to hear you are coming up the other side of that nasty flu bug, and that you're taking care of yourself. Thumbs Up

Nice afternoon here - sun actually came out, after some grey clouds this morning. Kinda busy - all my morning people showed up, and my two after-lunch appointments either cancelled or didn't show. Got part of the paperw**k caught up, anyway. Stopped by after I got off (forgot my laptop's little mouse, so I'll have to borrow the 'retractible cord' from my desktop - which I don't use as much since I stopped internet at home) and picked up groceries before I headed home. Some comfort foods (shortbread/microwaveable lunch things, ice cream, etc.), lunchmeat, milk, OJ (unfortunately, they don't carry Ed's OJ like you do here, Chloe...Sigh).

Tried out a new 'Mexican' restaurant after that - Qdoba - which opened this past Monday. A lot of food (for me - Jeff would consider their portions a snack, I'm sure!)Wink but a bit high-priced. May not go there again, kinda noisy, too. I took my burrito outside to one of their tables under the umbrellas to eat. Then back over here to the Diner to kick back, maybe join Duke in the back booth... Huh? Oh, nothing, Chloe...

Didn't see any particular specials on the Hobby Lobby website for this week, so I'll probably see about my tracklaying after I get laundry done in the morning.

Paul, did the neighbor (used to) go to the same JD dealer you'd had problems with in the past? (I think it was you, right)?

Hey, Chris - with your different styles, do you have to use a different byline for each? I've had clients like that sometimes (change from one person to another mid-session...Whistling). I'm sure you get a good w**kout on your writing skills there, all right! Yeah, on those kids, I figured it was likely a bit of both reasons for Jeff... On your multi-nuked burrito, I had one guy I knew back in my college days who'd bring in one of those Banquet frozen dinners, stick it in the oven (non-microwave) on some lower temp, go to class, come back an hour or two later, open the oven and take a look, pop it back in, and... (well, you know the drill).Laugh Wanna join me and Todd in our new weathering group? Sounds like you're already following some of our approved practices... Smile,Wink, & Grin

Yep, Garry, no lunch - you just know that I've been 'waisting' away this week...Wink I did get out for lunch today, though.

Barry, I'm afraid that if I brought my own IV nutrient bag, they'd try to schedule me another client through lunch time. Shock Geesh, is your area doing all their road repair stuff before fall arrives there? Sounds like every time you head out this week, that they're doing some w**k on the roads.Oh, on your Missouri Rt. 66 RR's, I would expect that those would include MoPac, Frisco, possibly GM&O, and maybe the Santa Fe and other bigger ones, perhaps. GM&O also went to Columbia (north of 66, up near the middle of the state), and Frisco also goes down through Poplar Bluff (in the southern part, near where the 'bootheel' of MO drops down). Are you modeling this area now? Ah, I see that Garry's covered some of your answer ('briefly'...). And that cavern that Garry's talking about is Meramec Cavern (near Stanton, MO, a bit northeast from Sullivan, MO). There used to be all kinds of barns in the eastern part of Missouri with 'Meramec Cavern' painted on their roofs back then. (A little like the tobacco brands on some barns in other parts of the country).

NittanyLion - on the Homasote, I think they will need to use a finer-toother blade for cutting it, and it does create a lot of dust, I understand. My 4X8 of it is still in the storage shed, as I'm planning on using it (from a VERY OLD Boys' Life article) to break up for making rock outcroppings/the side of cliffs. If I am remembering correctly, I cut or score on one side, and snap it across a solid surface to get something like the article MR had on using ceiling tiles for the same end result. Best wishes on it going well for you.

Todd - almost went to the doctor, eh? Smile,Wink, & Grin That flu description sounded really nasty. Hope I never get that variety. I like the track plan - of course, you know how those have to be modified once you start putting track down on the boards, right?

Bama (Eddie), enjoy your day, and hope you have some decent weather there. Is the south still getting soaked? I didn't see the weather radar this a.m.

Okay, Robby - when'll you be posting the 'after' photo of that demonstrator hopper? Wink

Rob, we're gonna hafta sing another refrain of "TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF" if you don't watch out - and remember what Todd described in his flu account... Good to hear about your concrete job being poured (and hopefully it's now drying/curing). Thumbs Up

Vincent, good to hear you got your problem resolved okay on the engine(s). My luck on that kind of things probably wouldn't be quite that good. Whistling

Oh, I'll post in the morning a thing one of our nurses posted on preparing for good ol' H1N1 (with a home preparedness kit). It points out you should have such a kit ahead of time, since once it hits, you may not want to go anywhere, least of all to the store to infect all your neighbors.

I'll sit a spell at the window booth and watch the evening switcher finish up its duties before the coal drag comes through.


Blessings and prayers,

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, September 25, 2009 7:15 PM

 For those who have noticed I've been strangely absent today, I've only been doing what you've been after me to do. I crawled into bed and stayed there. After I get something to eat I'm gonna crawl back into the bed. Y'all have a good one.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Packer on Friday, September 25, 2009 6:00 PM

Hey ya'll

Actually have been fairly busy with work on my MR stuff. I recently bought a 1x6 and layed a double-track line on it with crosovers at each end. I've been using it to speed match my engines. That was going well until my sound-equipped SD24 didn't like something that I programmed in it's consist settings. Then I decided to put a decoder into an Atlas U30C as luck would have it the bottom wire lead broke. So I pulled of a flywheel to fix it and ended up bending the shaft. After trying my best to straigthen out the shaft, and modifying the flywheel so I could put it back on (read, make the hole bigger) then supergluing the flywheel to it. I was kind of doubtful that it would work, but lo and behold it does work really well.

Now to rig some LEDs and fiberoptics together so I can light those beacons.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, September 25, 2009 5:19 PM

Rob.....I know you said "Nuff said"............but take care of yourself!




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Posted by Cederstrand on Friday, September 25, 2009 4:48 PM

Grilled Salmon with Baked Potato & Steamed Veggies, please.

I've had some health issues the past few days keeping me from doing anything more than minimal farm requirements. My Doc was out of town this week and I'm not big on the idea of an ER visit, so I'll see him first thing next week when he returns. Nuff said!

Hope to be back working on the wife's HO models by this time next week. I think she will really enjoy her layout when the day comes it is near completion. She already likes to go look at it and come up with more work ideas for me it. 

Last of the concrete was poured today, including a little sidewalk with steps so we can go from the house to the train room without hitting mud. That was entirely my wife's idea.Smile,Wink, & Grin

Have a good night all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by Robby P. on Friday, September 25, 2009 3:18 PM

 Just a quick stop.  Sweet tea to go!!

 I went by a LHS, and found this hopper.  It might not be a prototype, but I thought it was neat.





 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by pcarrell on Friday, September 25, 2009 1:22 PM


I could be down with that!

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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, September 25, 2009 12:56 PM

I'll have the buffet and a DR Pepper. It's not often I arrive when there is a special like this. Thanks Jerry. Then I think I'll head downstairs to do some wiring. Maybe get a train to move. I'm on DC and trying to cut a happy medium so's when I make the big move to DCC someday, maybe, I won't have a lot of rewiring.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Friday, September 25, 2009 12:37 PM

Good middle of the day all.  I think I'll join Jerry on the pizza buffett.  Not a whole lot happening on my end of the world, got some friends coming over for dinner this evening, so I'll be doing my "normal" (cooking) this afternoon.  Going to go and ride here in a few after lunch.  I'm off work for the day so, I'm going to goof off!  Welp, I'll be back in at some point in time, so I'll take my plate and glass of sweet tea and hit the window booth and see what I can see.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, September 25, 2009 10:55 AM

Cox 47

looks like I'm buying..How about a pizza buffett for lunch?...Jerry

Good idea, Jerry. Did you ask Ulrich to fly some pizzas in?

Todd........ Lots of memories from back then. I recall enjoying a Howard Johnson's hot dog when we ate there. We stayed at the 1950's era motels with the neon advertising. Now I am thinking the smelly barnyards were on other trips to relatives in Iowa and Minnesota. Of course, Illionois had its share of smelly barnyards and cattle trucks. Once we saw Ike in a motorcade in Evanston, IL. He was in an open convertible, and no bullet-proof limos were to be seen.




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Posted by Cox 47 on Friday, September 25, 2009 10:32 AM

looks like I'm buying..How about a pizza buffett for lunch?...Jerry

ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by Cox 47 on Friday, September 25, 2009 10:31 AM

Good morning...its cloudy and 66 here more rain overnite...I'll have coffee and toast..I got a UP shell in a trade for my unpainted B-man doodle bug..I was just to lazy to paint shell..looks better painted..I took MP GP 40 yesterday and stripped motor and gears getting ready to make it into dummy...You all have a good one...Jerry

ILLinois and Southern...Serving the Coal belt of southern Illinois with a Smile...
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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, September 25, 2009 10:24 AM

Garry- 1950 Buick. You should have had enough room in the backseat to set up a barricade and still had enough room to stretch out, get comfortable and say at the top of your lungs "Moooooooooom! Tell her to leave me alone!" every 5 minutes. ROFL!!!!Laugh Aaah the good ole days.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, September 25, 2009 10:17 AM

Good Morning. Today: Showers likely and possibly a thunderstorm before 1pm, then a chance of showers. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 73. Southwest wind between 3 and 5 mph. Chance of precipitation is 60%.
Tonight: Patchy fog after 1am. Otherwise, mostly cloudy, with a low around 53. Calm wind.

Been working on putting my track plan to paper this morning. I've discovered something. A draftsman I'm not. Went to get my colored markers, gone. Went to get my compass to draw halfway decent curves, gone. So, this is the best I'm gonna do.

With the size of the room and the required other than layout residents, mainly my modeling desk, and the desire to traverse the area without too much bouncing off the bench work and squeezing and reaching areas, I'm fairly confident the bench work is pretty much the most area for the........ Spaaaacccce, I guess. Anywhoo, the bench work is represented by the broken lines. The sidelines and team tracks are represented by the thin lines and the mainline is the heavy black. With the exception of the oopsy that is not there and has "X's" through it. It is basically a almost twice around main starting at the as of not yet named yard in some not yet named town in the lower left corner, traveling clockwise around the perimeter. The second time around it will take switch 1 (at the top past the Pizza/Bait/Garage and follow to point B. The area fom point B to point A is not built and has no bench work. I opted to wait until I get the backdrop and a few more things done in the area for easier reaching. Oh by the way, the stretch of bench work that contains point A is compressed by 4 ft. The graph paper wasn't long enough to use 6 inch grid so since all it contains is a straight and future scenery with no industry I just decided to make it short so there really is more room between the two islands than just a foot. The benchwork between points C and D at the bottom, has not been constructed yet but will be in the future and may contain a siding or a team track that has yet to be decided. Point E will also join in there.


I know it's not the greatest track plan in the world or even the township, but it works for me. Even though it doesn't reflect it on the graph paper, even after measuring twice, the curves are no smaller than 22"R with the exception of the one where the sideline to the tourist trap town enters the mainline. That won't be any problem because the only train that will be on that privately owned section will be the tourist rain pulled by a 4-4-0

As I said the thing was added on to over time with the Gold Creek section being the original section which was, like the second figure below. It's not to scale because I don't recall exact but gives you and idea of what it was when I had it as a young man up to about Sawyers age. Then I got a car and a job and it took what, 31 years to get back to it. Sorry, got side tracked there. Anyway, then it was expanded to 5X14 then Perfect wife allowed the wall to be removed and working counter clockwise the first island then to the second and now the final stretch is waiting it's turn. The door will be a lift out. Both islands started out as track plans from MRR but after applying the track to the ground, they didn't allow for the scenery and industry as shown so they got modified also.

There you go. My world on paper.

Barry- Oh boy! Like what time frame for the crossing of RT 66? MoPac, UP, GM&O, IL Central lot's of little ones. I've left out many. Of course that all depends on how far a surrounding area of MO is. And of course if MO is (Missouri).

Jeff- Ugh! That sounds like what the flu did to me a bunch of years ago. Only I felt great in the morning through the middle of the afternoon. I thought it was losing it's grip too, then the traffic picked up and by the time I went to bed, like you, I couldn't count how many times I'd been hit. I'd knock myself out with Nyquil and crawl, literally, from the couch to the bed. Wake up sometime in the 2 am to 4am area in a pool of water feeling like a million bucks. Get up in the morning fine then start all over again. This went on for almost a week. Then I think I died for about 3 or 4 days straight. Then to a couple days of feeling better and then great by bedtime and the trucks were smaller until it was gone I sure hope it doesn't get you like that. That was horrible, I had never been that sick in my life. Never have since. I almost went to the doctor over that one.

Ya'll Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by howmus on Friday, September 25, 2009 10:12 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Flo, something hot from the griddle like a short stack of buttermilk pancakes with NYS maple syrup would be good this morning to go along with the dark roast coffee.  I'll go sit at the Rivet Counter and see what I can learn over there this morning.

Coooooooolllllldddd outside and inside here in the Finger Lakes this morning.  House was about 57°F when I got up.  Right now it is 53°F outside.  I decided to shut the windows for a bit.....Whistling  It may get all the way up to 63°F this afternoon.

I have to gather together all the stuff I have been saving for the annual "Household Hazardous Waste" day at the landfill and get it loaded into the back of the pickup truck.  Then I think I may actually clean house for a bit.......  Certainly needs it.  Tonight is the annual NAACP Dinner so I will be out amongst the good folks of Geneva.  There will be a lot of my friends attending so I am looking forward to being there.  Just replied to an email I got first thing this morning from the director of the Human Rights commission in Geneva.  She needed a copy of the MLK membership list and our Mission Statement.  She is the MC for the dinner.  I may have to stand and take a bow sometime during the evening...Whistling

Jeffrey, glad you are starting to feel better.  Take care of yourself!

Sent an email last night to the MMR who will be heading up the team for Merit Award judging.  Sent him a copy of what I wrote for one of the requirements.  His response was that I "worry too much"....  Said he would look it over later......  Actually I am not worried about it, either it passes or it doesn't.  If it doesn't they will let me know what needs to be corrected for the award and then I fix it.  Actually I am looking forward to getting them over here to see the layout and give me advise to improve my work.  That is all part of the fun!  I now find myself having fun doing things that a few years ago I would have said a person was completely nuts to do on a model railroad.....  Yep!  That describes me well!WhistlingSmile,Wink, & Grin

Bets get a move on.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, September 25, 2009 10:12 AM

Good morning.... 

blownout cylinder

Got a small question---which RRs crossed or came near the old route 66 in MO and area? I went looking through some old maps but----?  I've tried googling but either me word searches are screwy or google ain't doing the google in this area too well----ConfusedSigh

Barry ... I spent some of my childhood on old route 66. We moved to Chicago just prior to my 5th Birthday. I had already resided in 3 states, Texas, Missouri, and Tennessee. Our family would drive from Chicago on US 66 to visit family in St Louis, MO area and in Parsons, KS (southeastern Kansas). I was a passenger with my 2 sisters (yuk) in the backseat of the 1950 Buick on US 66. (I liked it better when we rode the Santa Fe to Kansas CIty and were picked up there.) My Dad's sister lived in Parsons along with my cousin, a girl.

It was a long, hot ride as I recall. No Interstate highways. Once we stopped to see the cave which was a hideout for the Jessie James gang in MO. The Buick's windows were down (no AC) and there sure were a lot of smelly barnyards. Being behind cattle trucks was even worse. We held our noses.

Sadly, my cousin's parents died in an accident. She moved to live with us in Chicago when we were early teens.  No more trips to Kansas after that.

The old Frisco Railroad had a line from St louis to Tulsa that roughly paralleled US 66 in MO. US 66 would cross Frisco's other line from KC to Memphis in western MO. The Missouri Pacific crossed US 66 in western MO, also. The KCS had a line along MO's western border that crossed US 66.

Barry, I did not give the "short answer". Did I?




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, September 25, 2009 9:27 AM

 Good morning.

It's 70 and foggy. The high will be around 83 and there's a chance of rain. What else is new.

Well, it's Friday and I'm still here though I woke up this morning feeling like I'd been hit by a car that got hit by a bus that got hit by a truck that got hit by a train! In other words I hurt in places I didn't know I had. But within a couple of hours I've begun to feel better than I have for several days. This virus-flu-bug whatever it is may be loosing it's grip.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by Robby P. on Friday, September 25, 2009 8:52 AM

 Good morning.  Another rough night at work.  Just kinda tired.

 Well the "brother in law" is in town Blindfold.  He's here for his 10yr high school anv.  His future wife will be coming into town today.  So we get to meet her as well.  So..........I will keep myself busy so I don't have to deal with it Mischief.

 No MRR yesterday.  Bought me a new video game system and took most of the day to hook up.  Now it takes a few hours to play a game.  Something about it has to download to the system first.  Well for $400 it should be ready to go right when I put game into the system Banged Head.

 We will go to a craft store this morning.  Got several coupons to use.  Paint brushes, etc.....

 Hope everybody is doing good, and I will talk to ya'll later. 

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, September 25, 2009 8:32 AM

Good Morning-

Got a bunch of work stuff and school stuff today then I have an all day conference thing to be at tomorrow----and maybe some lunch will fall by me at some point between!Whistling

Have a few more bents made up so I might get some time to put the thing together for the first stage of the trestle bridge-----that we'll see--Approve

Got a small question---which RRs crossed or came near the old route 66 in MO and area? I went looking through some old maps but----?  I've tried googling but either me word searches are screwy or google ain't doing the google in this area too well----ConfusedSigh

Chloe, I'll have a coffee and a toasted bagel please----gonna sit at the RC  for a bit---Smile,Wink, & Grin

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by LSWrr on Friday, September 25, 2009 6:14 AM
AHM/IHC/Rivarossi Parts needed for a 4-8-8-4 anybody have a source of supply?  Since Golf Manor shut down I don’t know where to go.



BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by LSWrr on Friday, September 25, 2009 6:11 AM
Tinman, welcome to the diner, Retired USCG BM1 here in Northern Ohio.  Sorry to hear about your son, but glad he made it back and able to raise his kids.  I was in the sand box in 2003.  If you’re up for a road trip next weekend is the Cuyahoga County fairgrounds model train show.  What scale are you modeling?

Sunday is the Toledo train show, so this week will be a double header for me; Sunday Toledo then Sat-Sun in Cleveland at the Berea (Cuyahoga county fairgrounds) train shows.  I may visit some of the smaller shows but the next big event will be the Lakeland show in Kirtland near St. Patrick’s Day.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, September 25, 2009 12:27 AM

Evenin, RC Cola please.

Ray-Bow Big SmileThumbs Up Bow

Inch- Love the pictures of Leviathan. I like the old 4-4-0's with the spark arrestor. Sorry big steam guys.

Tom- No wonder he was grinning from ear to ear!! Sounds like he will be the night of the dance too!Laugh

Jim- Rough day eh. We had the shortest budget setting meeting since I've been on the finance comity. The numbers were good and the income though not great, has kept up and the members are putting the money in the plates. They really like this Preacher and it shows. Small town churches have a problem when they get a Preacher they don't like they quit giving. Not realizing they are only hurting their beloved church.

Tinman- Thanks for the info on you. Thanks for you service to our country and I'm, sorry your son was not as lucky as many. Tell him that though you would not know it from the news reports, there are countless citizens out here that truly appreciate his sacrifice. I haven't been back in the hobby but going on 2 years in January myself. Oh and I'll throw in various electrical appliances from the 50's and 60's without cords. You may find some for them someday. By the way, you wouldn't know anyone who would need the Springfield, Illinois area phone books from 1977 thru 1996 would you. You may need to know what someones phone number used to be then.

Jeff- I'm assuming you don't have the stomach flu. Chili Dogs. I'm glad to see you spell Chili with one "L" up here they have a passion for some reason, to use 2. Of course they adamantly say the s is silent in Illinois also. Go figure.

Chris- Rest assured with the bearing swap you have a reserved space at the rivet counter, AND are allowed one foobie credit. Congratulations.

(SLUUUUUUURRRRP) Welp, it's tomorrow today, so I wish you all a peaceful rest. Especially you Jim.



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, September 25, 2009 12:04 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q
Barry .... How old is Spring? Just curious

'Spring' is about 9 yr old --minus a couple of months. The last check up he had at the vet was a doozer ---he is a cabinet jumper--he cruises both sides of our galley kitchenWhistling---so he saw a few cabinets and he went for them!!

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:25 PM

Back again....... The brownie was good, and I'd like another.

Nitany Lion .... Thanks for posting your photo and comments in the football special thread. That old photo at Penn State is a classic!!!

Jerry ... Thanks for your remark in the football thread, too.,

Barry .... How old is Spring? Just curious. You gave the weight which is aboy what Lttle Kitten weighted most of the time. She is down to about 5 or 6 lbs now. She has cysts in her skin and we fear it is cancer. Vet gave her steroid injections which do help for a short period.

Well, it is getting late here. I bet Ulrich will be awakening soon. Sounds like he is doing his best to take control of the place.  I wish I could have one of those strudels you have talked about, Ulrich.

Good nite all.






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Posted by NittanyLion on Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:02 PM

 Sometimes I entertain the idea that I would like to be a novelist.  I'll get an idea and eventually it will go nowhere.  But I struggle to give it up, even after its past its time.  An artist friend of mine said that I have a hard time killing my babies.  Yeah, awful sounding phrase, but its to the point. 

Tonight I was working on my benchwork.  For the last few days I've debated on scrapping my top of quarter inch plywood and half inch foam.  No part of it was projected to work as I'd like.  Instead of hemming and hawing over it, I just went and pitched it.  It wasn't THAT much easier to work with and I was not satisfied with its damage sensitivity.  I liked that I wouldn't have to get out the drill to plant things into the surface, but I'd rather have a surface I am not obligated to glue my roadbed to.  So my demo sheet of foam-plywood laminate was stripped of its foam (I can salvage the plywood).  I shall return to the Olden Tymes method of Homosote.  My old late childhood-teens layout was quarter inch plywood and half inch homosote, and I remember not having much trouble.  Only downside is that I have no means to actually transport such a mighty sheet in a Honda Accord.  I'd imagine Home Depot would cut Homosote like plywood though.

My layout will be an L shape with a 9'x2' short leg and 14'x30" long leg.  I really wanted to do the long leg with cookie cutter terrain and I think the change in materials is more conducive.  The whole layout is in a small valley, but the northern portion (short leg) is much flatter than the eastern (long).  Plus my math seemed to indicate that segmenting both plywood and foam into a pair of 6'x30" sections was difficult and wasteful. 

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, September 24, 2009 10:40 PM

W**k? Let's see - THIRD day in a row of not getting out for lunch Banged Head

I suggest getting an IV bag with the essential nutrients if this keeps up---didn't anyone tell mgmt that people going without proper nutrition will suffer from a drop in performance?SoapBox ---grumble snort grumble grouchGrumpy

Robby - 25 pounds? Now, THAT's one hefty furball! It's tough enough when you have a teenager eating you out of house and home, but when you have to wrestle the four-legged ones for YOUR food, that's getting to be a bit too much (IMHO)!Angry

I was lucky with a certain fellow named Miximax---he weighed 19lbs and was a gourmand fellow--and very patient---he'd just stare at you-----'Spring' now---for a 7 lb cat he is pushy!! He's likely to headbut you away from your food at times!!Laugh

Jeff, that's a bit of a day - do like PC said, (Ray, Calif.Tom - hey, can you guys lead us in a four-part harmony, all together now:...TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!

Jeff:--you seem to have a chorus now---I'll also join---like me--take care of yourself---sheeesh--you should hear Audrey lecturing me!! OY

Speaking of which--got home at a wonderful time of 11 pm from runnin' 'roun' all over de place---and got only a coupla things done--it seemed more of hurry up and wait for construction destruction sites and accidents and detoured detours that were themselves detoured detours---Grumpy---so now I's be done---not quite for dinner

Tomorrow will be a little less chaos and mayhem so I might get on a bit more---

Chloe, I'll just have a chamomile tea to relax a bit---I'll be at the RC with Ray

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Thursday, September 24, 2009 10:36 PM

Hello ...

Wow, the chow hounds have raided this place! ..Hmmm ...I see some brownies left over, and I'll have one, please.

Tinman (Ohio Tom) .... Welcome... That's a lot of pets. I'm familiar with Mastiffs. My son had one. ...I'm really sorry to learn about your son's Iraq injury. Blessings to him for serving our country.

Jeff .. I hope you get over the flu. If it is the one I had a couple of weeks ago, it lasted about 10 days. I kept taking lots of vitimins.

JimCG... What! No lunch! That's terible!

California Tom...... I'm sure that was a really emotional funeral. What a terrible crime that was.

Todd ... You mentioned another bad crime, too. What's wrong with people?

Inch ... The latest pix and the vids are great!

Ray .... Keep those nights posted. Wow! They look real.

Paul .... You are now the tractor hero of Texas. Bravo.\

Chris ... I'm glad yo ucould finally decal teh hopper even if it is a dust collector.

We took our old cat ("Little Kitten") to the vet again today. Again she got injections to keep her going. I'm not sure how much longer she has to live. This is our last survinving pet.

It loooks like people are still enjoying the football special thread. I like adjusting my model passenger train service to the seasons. Soon there will be extra mail and express cars for the Christmas packages. Additional coaches and sleepers will be needed for Thanksgiving and for Christmas.




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