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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XVIII Locked

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 9:10 PM

Good Evening, Chloe, I'll have a bowl of beef stew, some whole grain bread, and a RBF to wash it down with, please. Thanks. Dinner

Tom, that is good to read, about everybody at the schools pulling together for the two boys and helping them out in so many ways. Now, you did have me wondering when you mentioned 'Jesuit families' Confused (I'm guessing you meant Jesuit *School* families or close to that, right? You had me thinking "Hmm, the Catholic Church sure must have changed some of their requirements lately...") Wink Can you help Uff-Dah and Her Royalness stay cool by hosing them down? Or would that be a severe tactical blunder (unless you planned on hoping NOT to have some kind of payback in the middle of the night from your twin felines?

Ray, EXCELLENT photo of your servicing area! Bow If the other 36 photos are even close to that quality, I cannot see them not approving you. And yep, I could understand that about the 'variations' of trying to get night shots of the layout to come out right.

Ulrich, double kudos to you on your 'pizza-demonstration' Bow - first, for highlighting the difference between REAL food and what they're serving, and second, for nailing the (somewhat?) arrogant young punk trying to run the show (over the stomachs of all the 'inmates') - they at least can understand the power or (negative) press coverage there the same as here. Thumbs Up They'll be sooooooo busy, trying to get you all healed up quickly, so that you'll be ready to leave! Hey, great to hear that you've perked up the other folks there with your gumption (nerve, that is). On the something to do, maybe you could do some layout sketching (if you have a big flat area to draw on there)? Allerwertester, eh? Is that kind of like keister?Wink

Todd, do you want to join the new association I'm forming: The LMWA (Low Maintenance Weathering Association)? Our motto is "We think that house dust IS weathering - the easy, low-impact way!" Smile,Wink, & Grin Anyone else wanna join?

JR, that's great to hear that your neighbor is getting recognition for rescuing your son. Thumbs Up (And [ditto] on Chris' comments. Smile

Heck, Ulrich, with Petra's cooking as good as it is, you would have them spoiled if you even just took your table friends home for lunch or dinner! Dinner

Barry, you know you have to watch those pre-teen(cat)s around computers and the Internet! Don't want those big fines, right? Laugh

Nittany, Nittany - Ya know, I don't think you're supposed to use a miter saw for cutting bagels....Whistling

Teen Steam Fan - I'd say (in your order of questions): 1) Dunno, and 2) probably. Smile,Wink, & Grin Takes a real glutton for punishment to build your own brass loco.Wow!!

CPD95 (Dale) - Yeah, CSX sounds right for heading to Florida. So was your junk yard gig a temporary job, or are you on swing shift (the bane of workers everywhere)? Are you in the Chicago area by any chance?

Jeff, hope things will be getting back (closer?) to right for you soon, and  as was said, AngelAngel

Today was fairly busy for me at w**k - mostly, 'cause all but one of my appointments showed up. I did still get my last day of paperw**k caught up (by staying late an hour, but it was worth it). We had a meeting with our medical director, clinical director and all of us who are on the on-call rotation (for the evenings and weekends). Even our CEO dropped in partway through the meeting! Covered some beefs we have with the way the local hospital does our on-calls and what our directors will be seeking when they meet with the hospital's folks. Basically, the way it is now, we're losing money for the services our on-calls provide, compared to what we get reimbursed by the state. Some of the bunch are about ready to suggest the hospital take all of the evenings and weekends over, and we'll just cover the jails and residential facilities. I don't think any of the on-call people there would mind dropping that, not one bit. (S'cuse the rant...) But it was good to have some support and reinforcement from the further-up-the-foodchain people. Yeah!!

Ordered some figures and detail stuff from Dallas Model Works tonight for the layout, since I had a discount coupon I'd received in an earlier order with them. My 'wounds' from last weekend's attempt at track re-laying have about healed up, so think I'll try some more this weekend (but more carefully and rested up this time...). I'd like to get all my rolling stock, loads, locomotives, and structures into a database so I can devise some kind of car order system, as well as to print out a list of the stuff I have so I don't wind up doing like I did in the past (ending up with duplicates of some W-S figure sets, for example). Just dreading the time involved to get what I have entered in, since I won't be adding any big quantities from here on out.

I'll be chowing down on my stew at the RC for now. Prayers for those with surgery coming up, for comfort and healing (including the families of those killed recently), AngelAngel for Jeff's situation (and his foot), and for the food at Ulrich's 'home-away-from-home' to continue to improve.Thumbs Up



Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by Packers#1 on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 9:06 PM

 We won 3-2! Our team is 1-0-2

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:58 PM

Evenin' folks!

Flo I'll have a piece of Boston Creme pie and a cup of decafe if you please.

Busy day here in the Finger Lakes. A hot one also!  First time I have turned on the air conditioners in a couple of weeks.  May be the last time this season.

I drove up to Canandaigua for my Dermatology appt. leaving about 10 minutes extra for traffic problems if necessary Got about half way there and there is a car with its lights flashing parked on the side of the road right near the end of a small little town on the way.  Guy with a safety jacket on directs me back through the town via the old main street...  I take it back to the 4 corners and head down toward the other main road going to Canandiagua (a couple miles out of my way).  Go up a few miles and turn right on a side road that takes me back over to the quick route.  Get half way down that road and it too is closed.... Take another 2 mile detour and end up on the other end of Main Street in Canandaigua from where the Drs. office is.  I walk in a couple minutes late for the appt. and tell the receptionist that I am late due to the fact that I am from Geneva and you can't get here from there.....Whistling  Dr. visit went well and only a few changes in my regimen for the Psoriasis.

Go to my sister's house to photograph the quilt which had to be done outside due to its size.....  Pouring rain as soon as I set up the camera.....  Finally I manage to get that done and we head out for Seneca Falls to have her look at a new camera.  I came back down the back road and it was still closed.  I could get close enough to see it must have been a bad accident as there were cop cars from all over and they were taking photos of the scene of crime and using up all kinds of cop stuff they laying around.....  Finally both of us manage to get to the camera shop in Seneca Falls.  My sister tried out the camera for feel and size and loved it.  The old curmugeon that owns the shop was in a good mood and didn't even flinch when my sister started to extol the virtues of film over digital.  He just pulled out some large prints done by a couple of the professionals near here and showed her.....  Her mouth dropped open about 3 feet.  She mentioned her favorite photo shop in Canandaigua and the guy ratted off the name of the owner and told her that he has bought all his equipment from him for the last 25 years.  Anyway she walked away with a 16Mp top of the line Canon Powershot.  (And a bit less money in her bank account).  I bought a boot flash for my Digital Rebel, twice the size that I was looking at, used, but only about $25 more than the one I was considering.  This stuff keeps up my sister just might join the 21st. century.

We drive back over to my house to find everything blocked off at the corner and firetrucks up the street and all the neighborhood  "Uh oh" crowd standing outside staring off the general direction of what I assume was a house in the neighborhood.

Well that was pretty much my day...

Jeffrey I do hope that you are OK and you just are worn out from being busy.......  Got ya in my prayers though.

Maybe this will offer some soothing feeling to the evening:

Have a great night all!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:46 PM

Hello everybody...

Teen Steam Fan ....... I would think the UK hobby shops would have a LNER locomotive, but I'm not familiar with which ones sell on the internet.

Ulrich ..... I am glad to read about your adventures. I hope your recovery continues. Don't hurt yourself when you duck to avoid being hit by flying pizzas. Perhaps, in your spare time you can do some research on your North American dream.

It looks like some people enjoyed the football special thread. I am glad they did.

Today was one of those days with too much of the dreaded non-model-railroad stuff...... I worked a little on laying track for my freight yard, but I did not do enough.

I heard my BIL's next appintment is Tuesday for consultation on his heart valve and bypass surgery. I guess it is not an emergency.

Cheers everybody.






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Posted by CPD95 on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:38 PM

CPD95/Dale - you are up way too late in the night for most of us (except for Ulrich/Maddog - but then again, he's half a world away in another time zoen...)(

Usually i'm in bed by then but I was working a side job at a scrap yard when it went by. Longest string of passenger cars i've ever seen. Being pulled by 2 CSX engines so the Florida destination sounds right.

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Posted by teen steam fan on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:01 PM

hey guys.

I want to build a brass LNER V3. Could someone tell my how much a good model costs and


If you can read this... thank a teacher. If you are reading this in english... thank a veteran

When in doubt. grab a hammer. 

If it moves and isn't supposed to, get a hammer

If it doesn't move and is supposed to, get a hammer

If it's broken, get a hammer

If it can't be fixed with a hammer... DUCK TAPE!

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Posted by pcarrell on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:43 PM

Almost forgot, yesterday on my way home I caught a work train picking up the old ties they changed out last summer.  The second loco was kind of a different one for around here, and it was wearing new paint.  All I had was my cell phone camera, but here you go...........

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Posted by NittanyLion on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:07 PM

 Borrowed a miter saw and holy moly its like some sort of sorcerer's magic.  Pull the trigger, push it down, and its easier than cutting a bagel. 


Of course, botched cut #5 of a 7 cut series.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 5:38 PM

 I had a pretty intense day today. I'll tell you about it tomorrow, maybe.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Packer on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 5:28 PM

Hey ya'll

Finally got that older atlas U33C weight to fit into a U30C shell. Now I wait for my order of roller bearings before I put the unit back together. They are easier to put on the sideframes when NOT attached to the unit.

While tooling around the interwebz, I stumbled across this:

They are doing 6430!!! I just hope the other 2 BNs have the specific stuff that was from their former roads (6416 was an NP, 6465 was a CB&Q). If they don't they'd still be protoypical since it would be after the units were modified in the 80s (mars lights and gyralights reomved in addition the the 4-window cab). I hope athearn is going to do the 4-window cabs on the NP units they are doing, I've wanted to have an NP patch on my layout for a while, and I'm considering getting a BSB to patch.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Packers#1 on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 3:31 PM

 School went well, I've had next to zero homework this whole week. I've got a soccer game tonight. What sucks is it was cloudy this whole morning, about 1:30 or so it cleared up, when I left my high school at 4, there were sun showers (rain when the sun is out), fortunately, they weren't too heavy, and alsot he sun was out full force, so the field should stay dry. My high school is close to the rec dept. fields.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by Cox 47 on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:40 AM

Morning...its partly cloudy and 72 here...I'll have a cheese burger,onion rings and a diet Coke please..Thank You...Another day here on Pearl street..I got a New B-Man 2-6-0 from the yesterday..runs pretty good..I just sent old one in the first of the month so just about a 3 week turn around on this one..You all have a good one..Jerry

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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:35 AM

Rattlin' around in the kitchen - well whatta we got for lunch?

Rob - I hate it when those posts vanish - happens to me also and I always wonder if it was something I said. House is proceeding and we should be in in the next day or so. Complication as usual is the race schedule as I need to get to Lime Rock Thursday for the event Friday and Saturday the leave again next Weds for New Jersey with a different group of cars. It's always somethingSmile J.R.

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 9:51 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Chloe I'll have the #2 special this morning, over easy on the eggs. side of bacon, homefries, and a double order of sourdough toast.  That ought to bring the cholesterol levels back up where I usually have them...   I'll go sit in the booth where Ulrich and Barry are sitting. 

Ulrich you will do very well with the recovery you have the right spirit.  The food was great in the Assisted Living Center my mother was in for a few years.  Well it was when she went there.  They had a trained chef who was excellent at the helm of the food service.  Unfortunately he left to open a highly successful local restaurant.  The Assisted Living Center decided to just do the cheaper "open it up and heat it" brand of "cooking" and it quickly went down hill......  The pizza was great!  Good luck with the "outing" to a diner!!! Smile,Wink, & Grin

Barry, both my 2 little kitties are usually very careful to not step on the keys......  Usually that is.  They have on occasion sent off some email that I was writing signed "jkdsfoqwcwcwmf"....Whistling

Thanks for the kind words about my layout to several of you...  I kinda like it. Wink You can see all the photos at the link in my signature.

I have  a dermatologist appointment early this afternoon, then I get to "help" my sister find a digital camera (she hates technology and is only going digital because she can no longer get decent prints made with her far superior 35mm point and shoot.............).  I am taking her to a Canon shop in Seneca Falls where all the local pros buy their equipment.  She will go nuts in there as the place is half store and half photo equipment museum.  And it is all mixed in together in several piles.....WhistlingSmile,Wink, & Grin  Should be an interesting afternoon.  I am also going to take a series of photos of a family quilt for my son Matt the family historian.  My sister thinks that should only take a couple of minutes.  Wait 'til she sees the car load of equipmnet I am bringing......  I'm figuring at least an hour.

I best get moving!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Cederstrand on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 9:34 AM

I'll have what Philip's having. It may take more than 1 cup to make me feel Human.

My last Post seems to have vanished!?

***JR, Congrats to your neighbor and son. Is the house "finished" yet?

We're having concrete poured under the porch today. Seems the rains are over for a few days, so now is our chance. Sure is a mud-fest out there.

Made a little more progress on the wife's HO hospital. Will need to find some little red LEDs for the helipad on the roof, otherwise it's lit now.

Have a good day y'all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 9:15 AM

Sir Madog
An investigation revealed, that his cat had been playing with the keyboard and must have hit the enter key.


Sir Madog
Btw, Barry - how´s Spring doing these days ... Whistling

'Spring' has not got into the internet thing just yet----note though---the 'yet' partWhistling although he has stepped on the keyboard and sent a post into the aether---so who knows. With a nine+ yr old kitten you never quite knowWhistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:43 AM

 Barry - the following story which I just read in a local newspaper, is just for you:

"Cat alarms fire brigade"

Michael Schulze of Stade called the fire brigade to save his friend. While chatting with him in the internet, he all of a sudden received just garbled words from his friend.  Knowing of his friend´s diabetes, he assumed his friend in a state of hyperglycaemic shock and called the ambulance. Two fire trucks and an ambulance arrived minutes later at his friend´s house, where the paramedics met the man chatting with his neighbor. An investigation revealed, that his cat had been playing with the keyboard and must have hit the enter key.

The man now faces a 5,000 Euro charge for setting of a false alarm.

 Btw, Barry - how´s Spring doing these days ... Whistling

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Posted by Robby P. on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:20 AM

 Good morning all.

 Well we had some rain yesterday, but now it seems like the sun wants to come out.  

 I worked on the layout some yesterday.  I don't have to much planned today.  Maybe clean the basement up some. 

 Honestly I don't mind the food throwing, as long as its not a "pecan pie" Big Smile.  

 Well everybody have a good day.  

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:13 AM

 ChrisEight Ball - thanks for the idea! Now it is not going to be a van, but I will crank up my old Merc and drive the people at my table to a cafe tomorrow afternoon. How can they be so old and just bear the things done to them. I am 53 and most of the folks her are in their mid-forties. Dull - that seems to be the appropriate word to describe the spirit here.

They will probably kick me out of this place by Friday - I am more than a pain in the a..

 Talking of gourmet meals - I am spoiled by my wife´s cooking ability - she´s just an expert! Chef

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 8:03 AM

Todd: We'll be praying for everyone down there dealing with this tragedy. Angel


Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:54 AM

Good Morning. Coffee and a Sweet Roll please. Thanks.

Today: Patchy fog before 9am. Otherwise, partly sunny, with a high near 79. Calm wind becoming north northeast around 5 mph. Tonight: Mostly cloudy, with a low around 60. Calm wind becoming northeast around 5 mph. I see they've taken the rain out of the forecast.

It seems to be heading east. Heard on the news that in a small town North East of here called Beason, a family was murdered in what sounds eerily close to what happened in Tom's area. So far they are looking for the boyfriend of the 16 year old as a suspect. Man-hunt is underway. The three year old daughter I guess is still fighting for her life in the hospital. The rest, Mother, Father two brothers and a sister....Disapprove. So far no reasons given as to why or how other than report of gunshots.

Nik- High Speed Metal huh. Maybe they should have slowed down and made them a bit better. Laugh

Ulrich- I'm saddened at the thought that the food in these places is universally horrid. That would mean to me that, the world over, our convalescing elderly who have nothing to look forward to other than the building and bed don't even have a decent meal to enjoy and we allow this to take place. Maybe you were sent there to take a stand on this. You know the food doesn't have to be 5 star gourmet, (sorry Ryan, I know that hurts) but it could at least be fairly good considering diets. My Mother asked many times, "how can someone take a can of green beans and make them un edible? I think they do it on purpose."

Barry- 97% humidity! gaack! You'll need a knife to cut yourself to work.

Mornin PC.

Well, don't know what I'll get involved in today. I hope it will involve wiring so I can move a train. Even though it is now a sort of point to point until the last leg gets installed. It would be nice to at least move one around without pushing it and making diesel sounds. Though I am getting pretty good at it.

Ya'll Have a Great Day!!!

EDIT- Someone say BUFFET?!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:46 AM


Good morning... ladies? A stack of pancakes, toss some bacon strips and scrambled eggs onto a plate alongside 'em with a bucket of coffee please...and thank-you.

Well, my morning started around 0400 when the pager went off. We had a car miss a stop sign, blow through a T-intersection, plow through a guardrail, and end up in the ditch. Heavy fog at the time. Apparently only minor injuries to the two occupants, but the car will likely be "totaled." We (Fire) were out about 2 hours on this, mostly traffic control and sitting around waiting for the tow truck. Why we wait on the hook to arrive...I don't know. I suspect it's because our county has so few deputies out, and unlike the larger county west of us, they just can't have one sitting there for very long.

Speaking of fire... JR, glad to hear your FF neighbor got some recognition for his efforts, and even more glad your youngest a) made it out, and b) came through it OK.

ULRICH: GOOD to see that "fightin' spirit" in you!!!!! I never did get around to commenting on the dream you had, but it sure sounds like you were getting a message loud and clear. Glad you're heeding it! What's next for you? Comandeering a van and taking your fellow inmates out to a buffet somewhere (charged to the facility, of course...)??? The pizza stunt, in my book, is fantastic! I tip my hat to you Sir! I probably would've told the little twit manager where he could go, and suggested an activity for him to perform.... on the way.

I think this is gonna be a heavy coffee day... I'm already contemplating a short nap before tackling the newspaper w**k. I'm not sure if that Duke fellow is still snoozing in the back, I might grab a booth back there as well.

Have a SAFE day everybody,

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:45 AM

 Hi folks,

it is a nice and sunny fall afternoon and I am through with my exercises for the day.

Make that an RBF for me, Flo - I´ll be with Barry to discuss the issue of the pie catapult...Smile

Today´s food showed some improvement, a first step in the right direction. Lunchtime saw a lot of head nodding towards my direction - kind of feels good. I guess the folks here just needed that kick in their "Allerwertester" (you know what I mean).

Now that the things start to improve here, I have to tackle the next issue - it is so boring here, only "old" people here (most of them are actually much younger than I am), hardly anything to talk about other than illness, which I hate doing. Wish I could afford to buy a kit of whatever, a boxcar, or any structure, and assemble it - but no money, no kit! That side of my life shows no improvement at all... Sad

I´ll be back later in the day!

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Posted by pcarrell on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:36 AM

Mornin' all!

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:30 AM

 Ulrich: The 'yes but' mode is wonderful innit?Mischief That is basically when you can run them around in circlesMischiefSmile,Wink, & Grin The problem with hospital food I think anyways should be tied directly to issues of nutrition ---if the food is garbage, how is that supposed to help---over cooked mush=blargh=no nutrients left at allGrumpy

Todd: I'm not suggesting any food flinging ---- Smile,Wink, & Grin ----coff--coff


We woke up to fog, drizzle--then monsoon and a boom from a rather mellow t'underboomer. We be getting a high of 23C with the humidity at 97%---and we're already at 21C. A chance of showers and those t'underin'boomers is with us today.

I'm back to the evening classes after running around this afternoon at work, so not much going on in the MR front this weekWhistling Maybe get some done later onWhistling

Chloe, I'll have a big jug o' OJ and a coffee with a toasted bagel and cream cheese please--I'll be at the RC and see who else shows up--Smile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:55 AM

I'm not sure about the Avon Christmas village set tho, it's hopeless, just as the cowboy/indian set and cattle from Odd Lots.

Tell me about this cowboy/Indian set.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by LSWrr on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:20 AM
Good morning, Today: A chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 80. West wind around 11 mph. Chance of precipitation is 30%. New rainfall amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms. Tonight: A slight chance of showers before 9pm, then a slight chance of showers after midnight. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 59. North wind between 3 and 5 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:19 AM

Good Morning All,

   Just a regular to go please Zoe. No, i don't want a pickle.  Lots to do again today plus the house.

Garry - that's some nice work!

Ray - the layout looks just awesome. Any chance you'll post the full series of pics (or have you and i missed them)?  The pictures I've seen so far have a sense of continuity to them that i think is hard to achieve.

Tom - It's heart warming to see a community pull together like that in the face of tragedy.

Ulrich - I guess they just didn't figure on person could make a difference like that. Good for you. I hope they act on your "suggestion" and improve things. Often getting bureaucrats to change is like trying to move an iceburg - more likely to hole your hull.

Speaking of single people making a difference, we just learned that our retired firefighter neighbor just won a Carnagie award for his actions along with my middle son in saving my youngest from his room during the fire last year. His prompt action averted a tragedy as my youngests' room was full of smoke to the point that his teeth and eyes were black with soot when I got there.

   Well, lots to do today and I'd better get to it.   CUL, J.R.


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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 12:20 AM

 Good morning everyone,

 it is just 7.15 hrs in the morning here and I have to go down for breakfast in a moment. So it is just some coffee for me, Flo, in my LKAB mug .

Well, there is a story to follow the pizza stunt, but at first let me tell you that I had ordered a family-sized pizza so I could share it with the people at my table. You should have seen their faces Big Smile

Yesterday evening, I was called to see the manager of this place.  He started out to tell me things like "We don´t" and "We do". Normally I am a fairly polite guy, but this kid (20 years younger than I am) just invited me to tell him off. I just interrupted him and told him, that I do not care at all what "We" do here, that I just care what I will do if the food does not improve in no time at all. He went into this "yes, but"-mode and this told me that I had won the battle...Evil

Now he knows, that if the food will not be improved to a stage where it is safe for pigs, let alone humans, to eat, I will invite the local press to test what we are getting served here. He then will see a nice story, with a picture of him in the local newspaper, with a headline maybe not so flattering for him...Evil

What really makes me wonder, is, that generations of patients, or should I say inmates, had to suffer through this food without complaining at all. I guess it is a typical German attitude to just mumble and grumble, but not speak up.

Folks, I´ll keep you posted on the further development of this issue!

Tinman1/CPD95  - a big Sign - Welcome to this crazy place here - you´ll love it!

Tom - when reading about the Helms murder tragedy, I could not believe what I read. This is so awful! I am so glad that there are people to help the boys. Their souls will remain scarred all their life. My prayers for them!

I have to be off for breakfast - CU later!

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Posted by nik .n on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 12:20 AM

 Todd: It is made by High Speed Metal Products, which is ironic becais it is plastic.

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