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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XVIII Locked

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, September 27, 2009 11:34 PM

Tom....... Evidently, you are unaware that Jack Danials whisky is distilled in Lynchburg, TN which is located in a dry county.

This vote has been quite an adventure. One of my model railroad friends, Dan, is active on the committee to vote "yes" to end the prohibition. His wife, Toni, is also on the committee, and she was interviewed on TV for the Paducah TV station. She was professionally dressed and spoke very intelligently. Next, the TV reporter interviewed a frumpy women in need of a diet and dental work to explain the "vote no" view. She spoke in her Western KY accent about how she did not want her grandkids getting drunk.

It is funny to see the "Vote No" signs on the tobacco fields next to the highway.

The old timers here still complain about the Federal government for damming the Cumberland River to make our lake.  Anyhow, Shelley and I are part of the "Lake People" to be shunned by some oldtimers.

This is the first place I've known where you can get a lifetime membership in the Newcomers Club.

In spite of all of that, this has been a very nice place to live. The lake looks nice all of the time, and we have made good friends with local people as well as retirees from other locations.





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Posted by AmanaMedic on Sunday, September 27, 2009 10:46 PM

Ah, sometimes, I wonder.  All the Evil's running around for us to test, because the Nannies are thoroughly convinced that we have never discovered the Joy of Moderation.


BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MischiefSmile,Wink, & GrinThumbs UpThumbs UpBowApproveBig Smile

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by twhite on Sunday, September 27, 2009 10:34 PM


DRY?   You mean that there are still areas in the USofA that are still DRY?  Pardon my Mirth, and I seriously hope that I have not offended you, or any particular beliefs, but I really didn't know anything like that was still around in 2009. 

Of course, I'm from California, and I still remember the 'culture shock' I underwent when I was stationed in Texas during the early 1960's and realized that there were liquor laws that made absolutely no sense to me.  For instance, one could not obtain beer on Sunday, however one COULD obtain beer at a drive-in, and getting pulled over for driving drunk was a Misdemeanor, yet riding drunk on a horse was a Felony. 

Go figure. 

I was also stationed near a city that prided itself on being the largest 'dry' city in America (though it was on a county line and the liquor stores were lined up like bowling pins along the other side of the highway, LOL!). 

I also remember having to go into a Texas State Liquor Store and buy a bottle of liquor if one was going to go to a bar.  The bar's served what are called "Set-Ups" (the mix) and you brought your own bottle into the bar, carefully wrapped in a paper bag so that none of the liquor stamp was visible.  The waitress served your "set up" for the price of a regular alcoholic beverage, and you added yor own liquor.  Let me tell you, this was a HOOT to watch at an 'upscale' Texas bar after a play or concert, all those tuxes and formals and jewelry and those little paper-wrapped bottles.  This was of course, ridiculous if you were planning on only having one cocktail, so you'd write your name on the paper bag containing your bottle, seal it, give it to the waitress, and she'd put it on the shelf until the next time you came in.   Talk about WEIRD!

Of course, out here in SunnyCal, alcohol is available 7 days a week from 10AM to 2PM (in next-door Nevada, it's a 24-hour situation), but those who smoke cigarettes are prohibitied from doing so within 20 feet of a building.  Or for that matter, outdoors in a park.  Pollution, you know.  Of course, the people who signed this into law still drive SUV's in Los Angeles and the State Capitol here in Sacramento, two of the worst weather spots in the entire state and pollute the air more than any cigarette could ever hope. 

Ah, sometimes, I wonder.  All the Evil's running around for us to test, because the Nannies are thoroughly convinced that we have never discovered the Joy of Moderation.  I enjoy a drink, but if any Evangelical Pastor ever came up to me and said that I was courting the fires of Hell, I'd just tell him to go and re-read the New Testament, and this time using his BRAIN!

It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun out in your area.  Keep us posted. 


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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, September 27, 2009 9:09 PM

Good evening.

Todd ... Those pecan logs were something. There are few Stuckey's left now, but I recall seeing Stuckey's in my recent travels. I did not stop. It may have been in Alabama.

Jeff ... I'm concerned about your situation. I hope you can have somebody let us know how you are if it is a hospital stay.

Ulrich .... Keep getting better! The model RR project sounds like fun. You were asking for advice. Do you have a budget for the project? ... Several years ago, I modeled 1900 era. I included some 1880's locos made by Mantua. I had two twelve wheelers (4-8-0). They had plenty of pulling power unlike some cheap 4-4-0's that were available back then. Possibly there is a bras locomotive tha twould meet your needs. I have numerous railroad history books, and I am sure some of the pictures are what you want. It costs a lot to mail overseas, but perhaps Ebay has some used books that would help enough to justify the mailing expense.

Jim .... I'm glad you are now back to eating lunches. As for ballasting turnouts, I put masling tape over the pints while I apply ballast. later, whe nI tough up the ballast in other spots, I also ballst between ties at the points being very careful not to get it on the moving points. (How is that for a "pointer"?

Lee .............Wow!  That is a huge haul for a modest amount of money!

Chris.... the photos are great. it would be fun modeling the elevator. The RI caboose and bulding are classics.

Ray ... Wha is this business about playing hooky from church? Tsk Tsk.

Barry .... The layout for Eric will be interesting to work on, I bet.

Vincent..... The GTW box car looks familiar to me based on my past years in Michigan.

Sawyer ... I can tell your layout will be a good one.

Duke ... Let's see if we can awaken you. SPAT! .... That's a German Pizza hitting your Berkshire!

Time for a report from Rednecksville....... The current events here have the whole county all riled up. There is a vote this Tuesday, Sept 29th. The vote is to repeal the county's long standing prohibition of alcohol. The county has been dry for decades. It really stops nobody from drinking because it is a short drive to the next county. There are bars over the county line with the liquor stores. Remarkably this county was a major supplier of moonshine to Al Capone's gang during national prohibition. Anyhow, a group of people interested in growing the county's economy organized a petition drive to get it on the ballot. Local Southern Baptist preachers got up in arms and reacted. They got the names of petition signers, and church members who signed heard about it from the church's pastor. This stirred up a hornets nest, and the petition group complained to the KY state election board. While that was going on, certain individuals deicded to "guilt trip" the petition signers by sending letters from children to the petition signers telling them to vote "No" and enclosing information about the dangers of alchoholism. Next thing we knew, all of this stuff is on TV in Nashville and in Paducah, the closest local TV stations. Next, NPR did a story. ... Manwhile, there are signs all over the county saying "Vote Yes" and "Vote No". ... The "Vote No" activists have parked a wrecked car next to US 68 with  huge sign saying a drunks driver caused the wreck. The "Vote Yes" people say the next county gets tax revneue badly needed in this county......... I'll be glad when Tuesday is over!








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Posted by twhite on Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:57 PM

Evening all from GodHelpUsAllHotCal: 

Last week of September, and the temp outside was 103 down here in the SactoValley.  Hit 86 at Lake Tahoe (el. 7000' in the Sierra) and that just doesn't happen--average September temperature up there among the pines and the peaks is usually about 70 or so.  I'm sure the natives around Tahoe City and South Shore were dropping like flies.   

There IS supposed to be about a 20 degree temperature drop heading our way tomorrow and for the rest of the week, but I'll believe it when I experience it.  Something coming down from Alaska or thereabouts.  It can't get here FAST enough for me!  Angry 

I'm tired of Hot, Spooky and Uff-Dah are tired of Hot, the garage and the MR are tired of Hot, and I've got three bags of Sculptamold and about 10 rolls of plaster cloth that have been waiting around all summer for me to get out there and USE them, for cryin' out loud.  They're REALLY tired of Hot!   Tongue

The Great Summer Scenery Project looks like it's going to become the Great Rainy Weather Hope-To-Heck-You-Dry-Someday project instead.  I've got to finish up Yuba Pass and the Buttes and get rid of those pink forms that keep cropping up behind Bullard's Bar. 

In case you're wondering, having a garage railroad means that you generally reverse the seasons:  Summer is when you do all the scenery, Winter is when you run all the trains.  Not THIS year!  I'm gonna be doing a Cram Session on BOTH!   Oh well, at least it'll keep me out of the Singles Bars, LOL!

End of rant. 

Jeff:  I really hope you can get that ankle fixed.  The past few weeks as not been kind to your health at all.  Take it easy and get healed.  I'm putting you on our Parish Prayer List.   

Sawyer:  Already complimented you on the yard in WPF.  Just wanted to add that the MR looks as if it's going to be a winner!  Looks GOOD, buddy!  Bow 

Garry:  Thanks for the compliment on the photos.  I kinda/sorta thought that thread might go somewhere, but then it turned into a dicey little thingie because of the E-Bay numbers on his photos.  And no, I don't think he was advertising.  I put my photos on WPF instead. 

Ulrich:  I think that getting involved in that project is just what the doctor ordered.   Keep us posted, okay? Smile

Well, Uff-Dah had a minor coughing spell yesterday.  Lasted about ten seconds or so, but I've got to keep an eye on him for a while.  If it keeps up, it means another trip to the Vet for a Pregnozone shot, and taking Uff-Dah to the Vet is sort of like walking into a Federal Office Building with a small Nuclear Missile tucked under your arm.   In case you guys didn't know, Uff-Dah is Athsmatic, and since we have about a 9 or 10-month Pollen season down here, it can get pretty dicey when the heat goes up and a breeze hits.  He's been fine today, so maybe it was just some dust he inhaled with his Kitty Treats.  Let's hope.  I don't want to put my wonderful Vet through the handling of a 20 pound furry angry Viking unless it's absolutely necessary. 

Spooky, of course, is not amused at all.  "You're a Stud-Muffin, ACT like one!"  is her usual look to him. 

Well, that's it from GawdAwfulHotCal.  Got to get ready for my LooneyTunes week at the school.  And find out how Ryan, my Jock-Bass with the injured knee fared at the Homecoming dance using my borrowed leg-brace, LOL!    Oh, to be young and Nuts and Invincible again! 

Best to all, prayers to those in need. 

Tom Big Smile

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:37 PM

Chris, nice man. Handlebar mustache maybe?

Nah, I believe those have perpindicular additions at the bottom. Many of my fellow firefighters (nationwide), and a lot of bikers have this same style. Hmmm. Maybe if I shave my head and figure out how to get the handlebar effect... A guy who w**ked at Amana had a handlebar kinda like Snidely Whiplash...used some kind of cream/wax/substance. He was an odd duck, but mostly harmless!

Oh, and I'd be trying to figure out how to pack in more industrial tracks too if I had space like yours, and was in N-sane scale.My 2 cents

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:26 PM


Sawyer, I forgot from your video, but I was thinking you had a pretty good length of yard lead. Or am I wrong on that? (Of course if it were my layout, I'd be looking for places to put lots o'sidings/industries for switching, but that's me...).


You are correct. in fact, I can pull a full cut of cars from the longest yard track all the way up the lead. 

While a smaller lead would probably work fine, my goal is to have good operation and a nice, wide-open feel to the yard, which has been accomplished. I also think that has been accomplished with the new mainline section. The town switching section will be packed full of industries though.

Chris, nice man. Handlebar mustache maybe?

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:25 PM

Good evening, Flo? can ya refill that coffee pot for me please??? Whatta gal!Thumbs Up

Well BARRY and JIM, odds are pretty good I'm gonna stick with the original plan (CR '88-'93), and just file the mill/elevator in the "gee, I'd like to build that someday" file along with about a hundred other plans/articles I snagged out of RMC and MR over the years. Thanks much for the suggestions on how to build it though! The second photo (with the caboose) was from Walker. The more I look at the elevator there, it looks like a little N-sane scale wooden elevator perched atop N-sane scale modern elevator silos, with HO scale silos sitting next to it all... maybe I'm drinking too much Diner coffee this evening...

For your amusement, here's the "options" I've pondered while contemplating and cogitating on what to put in the RR room.

Option 1: Cedar Rapids, Quaker Oats area including CCP yard, Feder and Sons scrap, and Stickle Enterprises (ex-RI roundhouse and shop complex). 1988-1993 era. I got "hooked" on this area when I was railfanning it on a daily basis. It's amazing how much train-watching you can do when you skip classes...Dunce. This was also my "see it today, build it tonight or tomorrow" phase as a modeler.

Option 1A: Same area, late 70s, early '80s when ICG, RI, Milwaukee, CNW, CRANDIC, and Waterloo RR all w**ked there.

Option 1B: The Milwaukee main from Marion to the above-mentioned area, later CCP industrial branch. Home to 2 cement plants, a Nash Finch food warehouse, and other stuff. Could be in the MILW era or under CCP ownership.

Option 2: A protolanced/imagineered branchline in SW Iowa (Hamburg, Shenandoah area) with ag-based smalltowns (elevators, oil dealers, etc.). Late '60s-early '70s. CB&Q. Mom was born/raised in Hamburg (Exit No. 1 on I-29), spent a lot of time there during the summer as a kid.

Option 2A: A protolanced/imagineered/freelanced branchline "somewhere in eastern Iowa). Same industries as above, but CNW, RI, or Milwaukee Road. Mid-late '70s. Lots of abandoned ROWs in the area, lots of "gee, wish I'd seen it in action."

Option 3: Freelanced/imagineered branchline in NE Kansas, Flush area. Dad is from Flush, again spent a lot of time there in the summer as a kid. Later in life, it was my "hide from the rest of the world" R&R spot. Flush was settled in anticipation of the RR coming. The ROW was graded, but the rails never came. Today, a church, cemetery, and 2 or 3 houses stand along the road. A very old wooden elevator stands alone out in a field nearby. This option would roughly follow the original planned plat map for the town. Era? 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's...doesn't matter, it's almost all fiction anyways.Big Smile But, it would most likely be Union Pacific...Disapprove Then again, the Rock made it as close as Manhattan, so a Rock branchline would be justified. Also, '80s or later could lead to a protolanced/freelanced shortline...maybe using cast-off CNW geeps. Hmmmmmmmm.

THAT all said...I'm probably sticking with Option 1. I've been acquiring stuff for it since 1988...and it's about time I start putting it to use. Plus, several of these options would call for wholesale selling off/replacing of much of what's been sitting on the shelves collecting dust.

Hey, a guy can ponder/contemplate/cogitate/think/dream right???

SAWYER: "soul patch?" GEESH, I'm more of a square than I give myself credit for! Back in the early 90s, I had a "Riker beard" like the dude on Star Trek, Next Generation. It worked better on that actor than it did on me however... Now, I just go for the mustache that continues down almost to the chin. Don't know what it's called. I call it "I can still have facial hair and safely wear an SCBA."

Think I'll just "chil" here at the 'ol RC and do some more dreaming...

ChrisEight Ball


The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by Packer on Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:02 PM

Made myself a test track out of a 1x6 and the track from the old layout (meaning the switches are snap switches, but my big 6-axles will make it through them). Im using it to speed match my locos (QSI decoders are kind of a pain since they have no CV 6, have yet to try my genesis F45 with it's MRC decoder) and check couplerheight.

Also got 2 new cars. Both are athearn kits that have had the trucks reamed, intermountain metal wheelsets and kadees added, and weighted up to 4.5 ounces. I've never used intermountain wheelsets before (most of mine are branchline or proto) and they roll insanely well in the reamed trucks

Bordem shot:

Also got a wash in on this bulkhead flat, in addition to it's pipeload.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Sunday, September 27, 2009 7:46 PM

Hey Flo, better get that man a beverage - he looks worn out! I see Lee's back with his truckload of goodies from the show... and sore arms! Smile,Wink, & Grin

My Mother went with me and made it a point to tell certain vendors what I bought and how much of my business “they” lost to the other tables due to high prices.

  Yeah, Lee, but some of them probably won't listen any better to her than they will to anyone else... Good haul, from that list! Thumbs Up FIVE POUNDS of loco motors? So, how many are you hoping are good?

Barry, on those trestles, do you figure on being done by Easter? Whistling That's a passel of trestles to put together, all right!

Sawyer, I forgot from your video, but I was thinking you had a pretty good length of yard lead. Or am I wrong on that? (Of course if it were my layout, I'd be looking for places to put lots o'sidings/industries for switching, but that's me...).

Well, I may head on out for the evening now - you all take care (and get to the doctor, those of you needing doctoring). I'll be back tomorrow...


Whew - that one was close; if I'd stayed a little bit longer...Shock And Vinnie doesn't look too pleased with that, either. Glad I'm leaving now, and I'd hate to be the one who set that one off when he catches up with them... Oops


Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, September 27, 2009 7:35 PM

 Jim, the factory will have a backdrop behind it that runs down along the middle of the layout. And yes, that falls into the soul patch definition, that's what everyone calls it, lol

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Sunday, September 27, 2009 7:28 PM

Good Sunday Evening, Flo - I'll have a RBF please, over at the RC. Thanks!

Jeff, I'd say you are probably not a technophobe - now, part geek, yes. Cool How's that foot, and good for you, planning on getting to the doctor in the morning. Nip that in the bud, yesindeedy! Thumbs Up And as for your mother's comment on your new eating habits...Laugh I see where you get some of your fun attitude. Wink Do you think with your new appetite that your local eateries are in danger of financial ruin? Better take some MR's along to the doctor's tomorrow, just in case he wants to send you over directly to the slammer - I mean, hospital!

Garry, yep, getting lunches (Thursday and Friday, anyway; we'll see how Monday goes). No problem on my fingers today. Got the rest of the mainline re-aligned (but in my true protofreelancetypical fashion, with a little bit of unevenness in it - hey, they don't pay union scale for their tracklayers like the UP or Santa Fe might...) I also found that with the change in the turnout and placement, I needed more cork roadbed added on the near side of what I had in place. So over to the cork roadbed pieces, and cut a piece to approximate dimensions (see previous comment on alignment...), get the push pins and Elmer's bottle, and glue and pin down the 'widened' roadbed part down. So since I leave mine down overnight to ensure they hold pretty well, I'll get back to the turnout later. Not sure if I have Atlas flextrack or not - couldn't find any lettering on the underside of the pieces I got out for this afternoon's session. As for the holes in the ties, I still use the centered location, but sometimes I need another spike closer to where the sections join up. And I spike the turnouts down on the outside ends (one spike on each). Haven't decided how I'll do ballasting around the turnouts yet.

Todd, you know, those pecan logs might've been shrunk in size over the years, too. Or else your appetite has grown. Oops And since 1) I borrowed the S-I-L's drill bit set, but 2) haven't yet returned the set to Wally's place that I bought, what does that do to my chances of finding the old gray case with the B&Decker set? (Didn't find it today, but that was for another reason - read on...). And on getting the Flashwave w**king again, it doesn't matter how you did it - the important thing is that you did it, and now you are 'da Man' around your house, right? Smile

I did get some of this stuff done this afternoon (before I started on the roadbed):

so I am actually caught up for tomorrow a.m.'s start. Big Smile

Ulrich, I think your duty doctor probably was only meaning you were 'stressed out' by the 'psychic' part of the comment - and given both the financial and the health stuff you've gone through over the past few months, yeah, that sounds accurate. Keep resting up, eating good food (whether the stalag fixes it or it's delivered in), and rabble-rousing. Thumbs UpYeah!! On that layout, are they going to have the turntable for show (old Rio Grande, gallows-style?)? I would figure for a department store, they'd want something that just keeps running (what some call loopey-de-loop) unattended, to keep the customers (and their kids) amused. Love your track plan - I might steal a few ideas from that.Smile,Wink, & Grin You also could ask your doctor for some tips on relaxation and stress reduction methods to help with your getting ready for sleep, if you want (and if medical and psych. arrangements there  are anything similar to over on this side of the pond). Which is a roundabout way of agreeing with Todd and Ray's comments/suggestions... Oh, on the loco, I have a MR issue (series of them, actually) which are set in the 'Olde West' style, and I'll check tonight when I get home to see what locos they used. Will post tomorrow morning, hopefully (along with my H1N1 avoidance tips list).

Sawyer - the factory w**ks as a good view block, also - and, you can have one side of it different than the other (just watch the transition on the ends). Like your video with the explanation of the changes on your layout (cool chin, too - forgot; is that still within the 'soul patch' definition, or something else?).

Robby, when I looked earlier, it looked like the Steelers were doing okay (but things could've changed by now).

Some fog this morning here, so I did the old 'pull the old t-shirt out of the trunk, wipe the fog off the windshield and windows, toss the old t-shirt back in the trunk, drive off' routine before heading out for church. Fog was gone by the time I headed for home, and it got up to 81 F (25 or 26 C) this afternoon, but I didn't have to turn on the A/C. Just ran fans and had the deck door open, too.

CN Charlie, actually, I wasn't nudging Todd in the direction of DCC, as there are (and have been) walkaround throttles for DC for a while. I even have the directions in one Kalmbach book I have, that you can build your own. But I was telling him about a DC one (that I was given back when I had been thinking it would be a while before I went to DCC). Speaking of your harbour extension, if you'd like an idea for that, e-mail me, I may have something you could use for yours...

Rob, that's frustrating about your concrete (mis-)pour. Remember to have the doctor check out what's going on with your BP in the morning. Yeah!!

Chris, that looks like a pretty good kitbash from the newer Walthers head house w/silos, and the Sunrise Feed Mill, plus assorted smaller pieces/details. You could use a Medusa Cement kit in place of the Head house, if you find it easier to get.

I'll try sitting at the window booth for a bit (checking under the booth seats, around the back, over on the side, nothing anywhere at the moment...). Vinnie, do you have any devices for clearing possible, uh, 'load-lifters'? Thanks, glad you got my back!

Prayers will continue for healing, good doctors' visits, good nights' rests, relaxation and a calm evening for all of us Diners.


Blessings and prayers,

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, September 27, 2009 6:51 PM

blownout cylinder

Sawyer:  Saw the vids--some good work there!Smile,Wink, & Grin


Thanks Barry! I like how this new design looks, and expanding for some staging will accommodate better ops in the future. also, I can still operate the yard and do a bit of running a local turn (can run from yard, switch trailing point, run around train in yard (pull straight through main at the back), then switch the other point and pull back into the yard. Will also give me a lot of scenery work to do as well Smile

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by LSWrr on Sunday, September 27, 2009 6:45 PM
After Action report: Toledo Train Show 27SEP09Spent: $150
Parking $3 (Redeemed after spending $25 at vendor indicated on ticket)
Admission $8 (Early bird admission)
Two 40FT Athearn PRR Merchandise Service box car metal wheel sets, Kadee couplers.
50FT Athearn Pere Marquette Auto-Furniture box car, Kadee couplers
50FT Athearn PRR Automobile box car
40FT Athearn NYC Early bird fast Freight Box car KIT.
Two 2-bay PRR hoppers Athearn
MDC Undecorated 3-bay hopper Kit
36FT OPPX Ventilated Refrigerator car
LifeLike Erie 2-bay covered hopper
40FT NYC Double Door Box car
5 pounds of used locomotive motors
3 Atlas Trainman steel Caboose NIB
Erie B-2 steam crane
1940 REA truck
Erie B-2 Steam Shovel
Two TYCO hoppers
Spectrum 44 TON locomotive
Power Sub-station
12 Coasters, various railroads
Micro-Scale Catalog
2 sets, Micro-Scale Boxcar data sheets
2 Sets of nose safety stripes for GP7
4 bags of HO logs
3 Junk pile castings
Lowenbrau Brewery 

Most vendors had items reasonably priced. SD9 – Brass-$45, Athearn rolling stock w/knuckle couplers $5, 0-6-0 locomotives $20.  There were the vendors that wanted Local Hobby Shop (LHS) prices or higher, and the general female operated table that would not make ANY DEALS whatsoever! I did manage to walk past slowly complaining my bags were WAY too heavy from those dealers that were willing to negotiate a little on quantity.  My Mother went with me and made it a point to tell certain vendors what I bought and how much of my business “they” lost to the other tables due to high prices.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, September 27, 2009 6:35 PM

I think the conveyors would be the toughest, but I suspect some Walthers parts could be "tweaked" easily enough for that too. Hmmmmm.

Chris: I found some mills around here had some conveyor systems covered right up as well. So who knows---I think anything is possible with these thingsTongue Some Walthers parts should fit the bill even without too much fiddling ---neat mill pix there tooThumbs Up

Sawyer:  Saw the vids--some good work there!Smile,Wink, & Grin

Jeff:  Take care of that ankle---either way home or hospital--get well


Got some more stuff done for Eric's layout. The trestle/bridge is going up to 22"---recalculating the height of the valley after finally getting some good traverses off google earth led to this change--otherwise we's still 6.5' longWhistling--so far I've got enough trestle bents to do a footWhistling So we're slowly getting there. To top this all off a pet project of mine---yet another feedmill/elevator/coop is coming off the planning stages and getting some basic shell pieces done---next will be the conveyors---yes Chris, those things---I had a boatload of ABS pipe that just fit the scenario for the grainbins---although there are some out there---Banged Head--where does a person find short squat bins for example?Banged Head---

Anyways aside from that we's been very relaxed in this house---

Chloe, I'll have a SRP with a RBF please---I'll be at the RC for the momentSmile,Wink, & Grin

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, September 27, 2009 6:21 PM

CN Charlie- It's not a matter of "if" but "when" when it comes to DCC. The sound isn't the reason as much as the ease of running more than one loco.

Rob- Sounds weird, but I'm hoping for the parasites or better.

Chris- I gotta get out and get some elevator shots for you. There's at least one or two around here I'm sure you'd like. I'm already confused. Problem is I like both setups. I think I like the looks of the single panel more than the functionality of it. When I go DCC, who knows when, then the switches can be replaced by lights to signify which way the little choo choo train will go so it won't be a waste of really anything. I've almost convinced myself it will be several small panels.

Jeff- Could have used you earlier today as I was trying to get Brendas computer to take Flashwave. But I see you haven't been yourself. (light salads?) Flashwave wouldn't work. Re loaded several times and still nothing, Used their uninstall too. Then I removed ran the uninstall, got a registry cleaner and then ran the uninstall again. Loaded Flashwave and all is good now. Go figure.

OH well she's happy and once again I'm a hero.Approve


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, September 27, 2009 5:57 PM

 Whoo, Green bay won 36-17. wish Favre had thrown a int in his game instead of a TD, then we'd be tied w/ the Vikings for the NFC North lead (like I said, I pull against him until he leaves the Vikings).

In other news, redesigned the town switching area of my layout, waiting for the vid to upload to youtube, then uploading the pics to photobucket.

EDIT: it is done:



Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, September 27, 2009 5:45 PM

 Tomorrow may be the last day of freedom for me for a while. I have to go in to see the foot doc about this infection that's trying to take my foot and ankle over and he may park my carcass in the hospital for it for for a while. I did have a little fun today though. I went to lunch with my mother and had a light taco salad. She wants to know who the heck I am and what have I done with her son. Later I went to dinner with my sister and had a light salad and a chicken fried steak. I cut most of the breading off and ate the meat. I brought half of it home so I can nibble on it later if I want to.

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Sunday, September 27, 2009 4:30 PM

Good afternoon, double cheeseburger basket with a Coke please 'n thankyou...yep, over at the RC.

I found what I thought was an interesting old elevator/feed mill yesterday in Ely, Iowa while photographing Ely Fest for w**k:

Sometimes, I give serious thought to modeling a branch line in the late 60s/early 70s instead of Cedar Rapids late 80s/early 90s. This was located on a Rock Island secondary main which ran through West Branch, Solon, Ely, Cedar Rapids, Center Point, and Walker to name just a few towns.


I think it would be a fairly easy scratchbuild, and enough grain bins commercially availible to make a reasonable copy. I think the conveyors would be the toughest, but I suspect some Walthers parts could be "tweaked" easily enough for that too. Hmmmmm.

Flo? how about setting a pot of coffee over here?? I may be in for some cogitation...

TODD: Glad some others have also offered you their opinions on the control panel/DC or DCC dilema. If enough of us chip-in on it, we might be able to get you well, truly, and thoroughly discombobolatedly confused! Mischief

JEFF: Ahhhhh, well-done, I guess, on the infected ankle... yeah, best see the doc about that tomorrow.

ROB: Glad you're doing at least a little to sick call for you too.

ULRICH: That's pretty cool, getting the dept. store offer. I think the little B'man steamer would w**k just fine, a little paint wouldn't hurt it's appearance any. I think that's what we (Cedar Rapids Model RR Society) used back in '90 or '91 when we built a display layout for the Usher's Ferry Historical Village in Cedar Rapids. They took a bunch of old houses, barns, etc. from around the area and created "Usher's Ferry." The actual site was a ferry launch, but never the town they created. We built it in a Milwaukee Road depot hauled in from Olin, Iowa. Last year's flood pretty much wiped out everything inside the well-restored structures. I haven't heard, but I think the layout was destroyed. I'd be surprised if it wasn't. Anyhoo, I'm pretty sure we used the B'man 0-4-0 for the locomotive. Hope you're feeling better as well...maybe another unauthorized pizza delivery would help perk you up...MischiefPirate

I'm in shock. For the first time for most of the season, my NASCAR driver (Matt Kenseth) is...running well...and *GASP!* in 3rd place?!?!?! Holy crap!

I'm gonna settle-in here at the RC, listen to the rest of the race...ponder the posibility of completely new, radically different layout ideas....Banged Head

ChrisEight Ball

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Posted by Cederstrand on Sunday, September 27, 2009 1:35 PM

A small coffee, please.

Really enjoyed the live steam pics. Will use one for our latest desktop background.

Looks like water is seeping into the room under the porch between he original concrete support wall and the new concrete floor. Once it is completely dried out in there, I'll seal the heck out of it and hopefully that will keep water from coming through. As it stands, it is worse than before because water that puddles in there now has no place to run out. Gurrrr!

Really anxious to see the Doc and finally get all the test results. Hopefully there is something that actually takes care of the problems and not just treat symptoms. My normal baseline BP is fine, so this high BP is being caused by something not normal. My guess is parasites and/or tooth related issues. As long as it isn't a progression of the sarcoidosis, it should be "fixable".

Finished the barn chores and am trying to get motivated to work on the wife's models.

Healing thoughts to those in need.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by CNCharlie on Sunday, September 27, 2009 1:26 PM

Good Afternoon Diners!

Well summer is finally over here as it is cloudy, windy and about 15C with the forecast of much the same for the rest of the week but I can't complain much as that is normal for us at this time of year.

Todd, I agree with Jim in that you might want to think of going DCC as it can readily give you mobility you want. I had my little layout all wired up for DC with all the blocks, controls, etc and it did run fine but then I discouvered sound and that means DCC. I bought a Prodigy Express and with the up-grade to 3.5 amps it cost only about $150. I can move about 8' up and down the side of the layout and with the extension port I can run the layout from the other side. With a small set-up  being able to run it from different vantage points is really a plus. Instead of about a dozen block controls I now have one switch to kill the power in the service yard so that I can programme on the main.

Ulrich, that store layout seems just the thing to get your mind of things and sometimes a change is as good if not better than a rest.

All these layout expansions going what with Robby and Todd and I am wondering if I should do a 1' or 2' extension but it will have to be removeable to satisfy the CEO. Oh well I am just happy to be able to plan my little harbour scene.

Have to go soon to pick up my Mum as we are having here over for dinner tonight.

CN Charlie

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, September 27, 2009 11:44 AM

 Got hit by another fever last night. This one however has nothing to do with the virus I was battling. That's finished. No, there seems to be an infection trying to take hold in my ankle. I'll be at the docs bright and early to see about getting that nipped in the bud. I drained it this morning and the swelling has gone down some but that's just a stop gap measure.

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Posted by Cox 47 on Sunday, September 27, 2009 11:12 AM

Good morning..Its sunny and 63 here..I'll have coffee please..thank you..Didn't make it in yesterday just fiddled around all day and looks like more of same today...planning on watching cards game at 2 on tv...You all have a good one...Jerry

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Posted by howmus on Sunday, September 27, 2009 10:31 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Flo, since it's Sunday, I'll have the eggs benedict, sausage, and some whole wheat toast. Oh!  Don't forget the dark roast coffee in a R&GV Mug.

Todd, looks like more than one here is skipping church this morning......  I had planned to anyway.  I was going to head out to the Museum this morning to see if they need help (Cub Scout group coming today) but I managed to sleep in late instead.  Felt like I was starting to come down with something last night, but I guess it was just my body telling me to get some rest.  Been burning the midnight oil all last week....

Ulrich, sounds to me that you are just emotionally out of fuel!  You certainly have had way too much to deal with over the past few months.  I think that store layout might be just the ticket to get you on the mend.  Have fun!

It is cold and wet outside and chilly here in the house as well.  Currently 59°F here in the Finger Lakes with drizzly rain.  The rain is good as we have had a very dry September so far (less than an inch - 3.5 inches is the norm) 

I guess I'll spend today cleaning the house a bit and putting the final touches on a few things in the layout room. 

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, September 27, 2009 9:41 AM

Good Morning. Nothing for me. I don't want to choke on it. You see, I should be in church.Disapprove

Today: Patchy fog before 10am. Otherwise, sunny, with a high near 80. Southwest wind between 8 and 16 mph, with gusts as high as 23 mph. Tonight: Partly cloudy, with a low around 51. South southwest wind 14 to 18 mph becoming west northwest. Winds could gust as high as 26 mph.

Lonestar went well last night, they cooked the steaks correctly and they even, in addition to a free entrée, gave her a free dessert for two. A Brownie with ice cream and whipped cream with chocolate syrup. I don't like to complain about something that was given to me, but Lonestar doesn't have the best brownies. Oh well, we ate it and that was enough to shove us into too overfull status.

Ulrich- Sounds to me like you are just mentally and physically worn out and in need of some rest. How to do this I wish I knew. With all you have going on in your life you are just worrying yourself to a frazzle. I wish I knew what to say to you to help. If you try a way will be open for you, so keep you eyes open it may come in strange ways. Like possibly the department store layout. Sounds like an excellent way to occupy your mind and have a good time. I agree on the loco choices. The tourist trap town I have has a tourist train that is running the same type equipment you're looking at. I have the Bachmann 4-4-0 Jupiter I got off the bay. It is indeed toy like but if you've seen the real Jupiter.... I figure a little paint job and It should be fine for my purposes. I haven't decided if I'm going to redo the tender load for coal or leave it wood. I guess I'll have to get with the Gold Creek tourism group and the area resources to see what would work the best. I found a place that sells wooden open platform coaches like what I need, but I failed to bookmark it and can't remember what their name was. If I find it again I'l let you know. I already have a combination car that was an old Roundhouse kit from my first go around maaaaany years ago. I assembled it here about a year ago and now I wish I had repainted it first, but that was before the big idea change. It was just a car I had back then.

Think I'll head down to Toddland and ponder the ole control board thing a bit. I believe I'm leaning towards small ones. For my future plans it seems to work best. Maybe I can make a fake big control panel with a lot of switches. Oooooo!!! Lights. What tracks are powered at a glance. Brilliant!
Ya'll Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, September 27, 2009 9:10 AM

Ulrich: That looks to be a neat station layout!

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:38 AM

 Jim, the track that curves off around the forest does go to the other side. The pink foam that's piled up though is a mock-up of a factory, not a mountain.

Thank you Garry!

Thanks Ulrich; I'll have to go look for that kink.

Well, my plan for today is church, NASCAR, football and possibly  soldering feeder wires. Also will come up with my oral presentation for a project; got the other two parts finished yesterday.

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:32 AM

 Good Afternoon, everyone,


it is such a beautiful day here - clear blue sky, not a cloud in sight, temperature around  22 C. Went for a little walk to come here and have a  RBF here in the Diner.

Started to make plans for that display layout - the station could look like this:


 Need to detail the plan a little more - but not today, I will go and sit on the bench outside.


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:22 AM

Good Morning

I had a little 'Spring' making all kindsa comments and staying off the layout while I was doing up some more trestlework last nightWhistling I'll be doing some work on my own layout today--need to build up a service yard in another areaSmile,Wink, & Grin

Ray: There are a couple of people just out of town that I know who have had( or they might still have?) a few live steam---one was a 2-6-6-2 something or other (can't actually remember the model) that they used for a small passenger train---open gondolas--I've got to check up on them---BTW--neat pix of the show!

Chloe, I'll have a super duper breakfast special and a bucket of coffee please---I'll be at the RC for nowSmile,Wink, & Grin---no one let off any more blasting caps have they?Whistling

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Posted by Robby P. on Sunday, September 27, 2009 7:52 AM

 Good morning.  Its raining here, as well.  Seems like rain is all over the place up north.

 Added some plaster to the layout yesterdays (hills, etc).  I also ran the train for a few laps on the upper part.   I don't move off the couch at all.  Hopefully the Steelers do something today.

 Hope everybody is doing good.

 Ray.........I will have to not show the wife the pictures you posted.  She wants something like that in the backyard.  Might give her some ideas!!   I like them thou, very neat Big Smile.

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