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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XVIII Locked

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 9:21 AM

Good Morning, Zoe - yes, it has been a while, nope, I've just been busy at w**k in the days for a bit. I'll have a glass of Ed's OJ, one of those egg, bacon and cheese muffin things, and a Santa Fe mug of coffee, please 'n' thank you. Smile I'll be at the window booth, checking out the morning local and see who else comes in.

blownout cylinder
now that I'm missing a pair of blunt nose pliersConfused--I'll see if'n I can't find them after cleaning it up a bit---Whistling

Barry, if you go to your local hardware place and buy another pair of pliers, that might help, too, I hear...Smile,Wink, & Grin

PC, I could sign your I-S petition, but cold weather doesn't bother me much. Now, the February ice, that's another matter. Shock Long johns, eh? Don't those get a bit warm at w**k, or do you go to the bathroom once you get there, and 'change out' of them for the w**kday?

I can understand your signing up on PC's petition, Todd - you guys up north get the really bad stuff through the winter! Have you had frost there yet? We're supposed to get into the (upper) 30's (F) later this week here.

Robby, at least now you'll start accumulating some (weathered) cars for your layout. Yeah!! So the antique white is a thin wash over the whole side, or just the lettering areas? I'm a bit slow on understanding at times...Confused

MRR club last night was kinda thin on attendance, with one member just stopping by (his CFO was in the car outside). That member is gonna be on a vacation trip for the next 3 weeks or so, New York and eastern areas there. No club business meeting, didn't even have a quorum anyway. Saturday, our LHS owner/club member is having the members over for a Garden Rwy. pizza party at his place (rain or shine). He has built a G scale RR out back of his house, which is pretty nice, a few structures, a loop around/under itself (to raise the train from the lower end to the upper level's start), passing siding and he has plans for a couple of sidings. He bought one wooden truss bridge and used that as a 'pattern' to build 2 or 3 others. I'll see about taking some pics on Saturday and post 'em in the Diner.

Time to kick back and have breakfast, before it gets busy at w**k. Prayers for Jeff, Rob, Ulrich, JR's mother, and all others in need of healing, comfort or other needs. Hopefully, we'll hear from our MIA Diners later today.



Jim in Cape Girardeau


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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 9:20 AM

 I'm petitioning for a long indian summer!

I'm in! Where do I sign.



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

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Posted by Robby P. on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 8:38 AM

 Gooood morning. Its another cold and windy day. 

 I worked on the Railbox most of the morning yesterday.  I hope to get it finished up today.   Maybe do some painting on the layout as well. 

 Jim.......I'm kinda fading away from eBay.  I still sell once in awhile.  I wanna do some for myself, and keep them.  The Railbox was done with a paint called "antique white".  

 Sawyer......I agree, very nice.  Plus thats one thing I can't do, "SOLIDER".

 Well everybody have a good morning, hope all is well.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 8:26 AM

Jeffrey gave us warning he might be out for a bit, I wonder about Rob? He did make an appointment for yesterday didn't he?

He said something about going and getting something checked out---tests maybe?

AngelAngel to both Rob and Jeff----and anyone else in need--

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by pcarrell on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 8:24 AM

Mornin' all!

51 degrees for the ride in this morning!  It's getting a might "Brisk" out there!  I broke out the long johns, winter leather, and ski gloves though, so I didn't feel a thing.  BTW, I found out this new beard makes a pretty good chin dam for my modular helmet.  I didn't even have to snap in the factory one!

Tomorrow is supposed to get even cooler in the morning.  Those silly weather guessers () are saying it's going to get down to 44 degrees!  It's too early for this!  I'm protesting! I mean, after all, we had the coolest, wettest summer in Indiana history, only to launch headlong into an early winter!  Whats up with that? I mean, all these years I'm driving hot rods year round, and weather is only an issue if it's REALLY nasty out, but this year I trade the rod for a bike, and this is the weather we have?  I'm not down with this at all! 

I'm petitioning for a long indian summer!

Who's in?

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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 7:56 AM

Good morning all. Coffee please. Today: Sunny, with a high near 63. North northwest wind between 11 and 15 mph, with gusts as high as 21 mph. Tonight: Clear, with a low around 38. North northwest wind between 3 and 6 mph.

TrainsRme1- Welcome back. Looking forward to your upcoming series!

JR- Glad to here your Mom's doing well.

PC- Racecar video was a good set up for the Sermon. Your brothers based in Austin eh. Good choice, that is a great place to be for bands. There is an amazing amount of talent there. I believe a person, or band, stands a better chance of being discovered, or at least finding work, in Austin than in L.A., N.Y., or even Nashville.

Nik- Sorry about the Fall Festival experience. I'm glad you showed responsibility, respect and maturity by doing what you did. Or should I say NOT doing what the others did.

Chris- exactly right. No matter what happens, you'll always wish you did at least something different. These guys can probably say the same. Can't you guys. Guys? Come on guys..... OK, humor me. Thank you.

Speaking of decisions, small panels it is. Weighing all the options and the intended future, small panels seems the best. Next month I'll probably tell you about me changing to a large panel.

Jim- Oh just because I don't go into the Big Guys house doesn't mean we don't chat over the fence.

They must have commited, er, I mean admitted Jeff. I hope all is well.

Jeffrey gave us warning he might be out for a bit, I wonder about Rob? He did make an appointment for yesterday didn't he?

Have a Great Day Ya'll!!



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 7:07 AM

Good Soggy Morning

9C and rainy this morning. The weatherguessers have a high for us at 13C and showers/windy. Another rather dull moist day for our viewing pleasureSigh

Got a bit of cleaning up/straightening up in the train room--now that I'm missing a pair of blunt nose pliersConfused--I'll see if'n I can't find them after cleaning it up a bit---Whistling

Chloe, I'll have the super duper breakfast with a bucket of caffeine fix please--I'll be at the RC for a bitSmile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by GMTRacing on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 6:48 AM

Good Morning All,

    48 and damp this morning with a high in the 70's and scattered showers this afternoon. We're catching up on our preps for this weekend which is good as we leave tomorrow noon. Half the crew is at Daytona for a test there through tomorrow with the R-8 so we know what we're up against for the historic race there this November. The season has just flown by - amazing.

   Hope Jeff and Rob check in today, good to see Ulrich is getting back up and running (or out of respect to PC ambling).

   Days in the shop and evenings at the house but progress on the house front is sweet. Right now we're just moving stuff around to set up and moving boxes of stored items back in to put away. With some new and some old furniture and the upstairs reconfigured (the one benefit to having the entire floor gutted to the outer walls) there is a lot to suss out.

   Sawyer - you're well on your way with the layout! The big benefit to the feeders is good running a few years from now when all the track has shifted and the connections move a bit (even when they're soldered). The videos are great.

   Gotta run - lots to do again today and I best get with it.   CUL, J.R.


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Posted by LSWrr on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 5:46 AM
Good morning all,

Sawyer, this is cool to watch an “n-visible” layout unfold every morning, the videos are great as well.

Jeff, how’s the foot and the flu?  Yea, I’m behind on posts.

Last night in a vain attempt to get organized I sorted through the 4 MRR projects I had started and put some things on the shelf and some things I finished up.  I was so proud of myself I started a 5th project, LOL.  I picked up 3 trainman C&O cabooses for $20 still in the original box and I’m erasing the numbers and logos from them so I can put the LS&W numbers and Logos on them that will bring me up to 8. 

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Monday, September 28, 2009 10:02 PM

Evening, Chloe, just a hot cocoa in a Rio Grande mug, please. Thanks!

Chris, probably good that you go with the stuff you already have (and maybe I should do that, as well...?).Oops Age-old "If I only had that building taking up the south 40, I could do all that I'd like to build..." drill, eh? And I'm with you on cramming all the switching and industry tracks that I could, if I had all of Sawyer's space there. Smile,Wink, & Grin

Calif.Tom, I won't rub it in that we only got into the low 70's (F) today, and are supposed to be dropping off to about 44 F (around 7 C) tonight, should I? Whistling Your weather has pretty much s**ked this summer for you, I'd agree on that one. Hope you do get that Alaskan pipeline of cooler air showing up on your doorstep finally. Yeah!! You're likely right, you want to avoid a trip to the vet unless absolutely needed (otherwise the Vet may add on his combat pay adjustment for his/her services...). Spooky's look for Uff-Dah sounds like what I recall that wives give their husbands sometimes. Oh, your memories of 'dry' areas reminded me that Columbia, MO (home of Univ. of Missouri), back when I was a freshman (and pledging my older brother's fraternity), we had a party at some 'private club' which also provided the setups you described. There are still counties (I'd guess more likely in the Midwest and some Southern areas (rural counties, mostly) which are 'dry' counties. Come to think of it, my daughter's undergrad college (Ark. State in Jonesboro) was in a 'dry' county, or was it just the town that was 'dry'?

Oh, and if black horn rim frames are in (no offense intended), I'll be glad to be 'out'. Of course, I never did get into whatever was in fashion - I'd think about it and maybe (after several months/years that it had gone 'out' of style) get around to it late, VERY later than the rest of the fashion horses....Smile,Wink, & Grin

TrainsRMe1 - good to see you back again, and great to hear about all that new space for your layout-building! I'm sure you are delighted to have the house painting done, as well. Thumbs Up When you get rested up, have a RBF or other beverage on me, okay? And you don't have to stay away so long until next time, y'hear?

Lee, since your mother was the one telling those (female) sellers how they had lost your business with their prices (and 'quality' offerings), I don't see how they could complain too loudly.

JR, good to hear your Mom's surgery went well - now, she needs to rest up and do what her doctor told her for recuperating. Great to hear you are moved into the house, too! Yeah!!Thumbs UpThumbs Up

Yep, PC, I'd say that message 'hit' a bit too close to home for you and yours. And I bet it also did for anyone who knows about your daughter's accident, too. Sounds like you got the cold weather a day ahead of us, too.

Oh, and my condolences to all the Steeler fans in here... I don't keep up with football much (not that I did when St. Louis had the Cardinals football team), except that I thought the Rams blew it when they sent Kurt Warner off (my My 2 cents)...

Ulrich, as you say, maybe the owner will reconsider (or be able to find a justification for the added expense beyond his initial projections). Have you been talking to the 'chef' at the Stalag any more? Keep a little pressure on him (so he will keep some on those in charge of the food planning. And keep yourself on track for your recuperation and healing, okay?

Robby, keep at 'em with those freight car sales (but remember to save a few for yourself). Thumbs Up And what did you do for that Railbox to get it that way? Inquiring minds and all that...

Todd, at least you didn't use the old 'I was communing with God in nature' excuse that I've heard at times. It is okay to occasionally miss church (just don't forget the way there, y'hear?). But stay in touch with the Big Boss when you aren't in the house...

Nik.n, just wait until those 'kids' have kids of their own (or neighbors') who do the same to them as they did to you and the other helpers...(heh, heh, heh...)Mischief

Ray, your search sounded about as productive as mine for the drill bits (but you found your tune). Since I understand that my odds would go up, I took the new drill bits back to WalMart after w**k this afternoon. Should I start looking again for my B&Decker set now?

 I will join the rest of the crew in the chapel car on the next track, and will keep Jeff, Rob, and their doctors and other medical staff in AngelAngel to get things fixed up so they can rejoin us soon enough.

And with that, I'll be heading for home. See everyone tomorrow!


Blessings and prayers,

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, September 28, 2009 9:51 PM


Evidently, we have no word from Jeff or Rob about their doctors visits. Prayers continue.

I am still working on my freight yard. For operations, I have my CBQ 4-8-2 hauling a heavyweight passenger train in the old green colors.

Keep up the good work, Sawyer.

Big vote in the county tomorrow.





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Posted by Packers#1 on Monday, September 28, 2009 9:07 PM


Sawyer:  I like your attitude--getting it right the first time.  You just might be on the way, my friend! Smile,Wink, & Grin   


Thanks Tom!

Speaking of getting it right the first time; wired up some feeders today, connected one pair to the power pack, and the train ran all the way around the layout!
Pics and vid.
first, vid link:
The feeders:

Roster shot:

The GP9 (shell was received from a member of another site):

The test train:

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by howmus on Monday, September 28, 2009 9:05 PM

Evenin' folks!

Zoe did I hear something about chocolate pecan pie???  You do?  Well better bring me a slice of it ASAP and I will need a cup of decafe to wash it down as well.  Heh, heh......  That ought to bring the sugar right up there!

Been doing a lot of odds and ends today.  Took a comforter from my bed that Blackie had decorated with a hairball a month or so ago up to Canandaigua to a cleaners...  It's too big for my washer and dryer.  Then stopped in at the JoAnn Fabrics up there to get some more cloth to finish up the skirting in the layout room.  They didn't have the right fabic in stock of course so they had to get it from one of their other stores (not in stock at their warehouse either) so the 10 yard bolt with tax and shipping set me back $85....  It decided to do the rain and thunderboomer thing all the time I was in Canandaigua.  Cleared off just as soon as I got back into the house.

Tom...... Black horn rim glasses huh?  Well ya gotta look cool to play all that jazz......Whistling  Reminds me of the time that one of the guys in an eith grade class had his ear pierced and was looking for my reaction.....  I looked at him, said "Cool".  You know I should get one of them.  Do you think I should just get an ear stud, or go for something bigger???  I thought the kids in my class were going to die......  They were horrified!  To a one! EvilSmile,Wink, & Grin  Losing "the big game" every now and then is good for the soul.  I'm sure your students don't understand that right now, but hopefully they will.  I always have felt sorry for those teams that lose all the time.  Almost as much as I always feel sorry for those that win all the time.........Wink

Jeff:  Keep us posted on that ankle.


I'm wondering if Jeff got himself admitted to the hospital?  He posted over across the street this morning at 6 AM, so he should still be alive and kicking.....  I will keep him in my prayers.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by twhite on Monday, September 28, 2009 6:57 PM

Oh, My! 

It was 103 here yesterday in SunnyCal, the high today was 82.  Now you go figure, eh?  Tomorrow's supposed to be in the high 70's with a chance of thunderstorms.  Lows in the 40's.  Sierra Nevada highs are supposed to be somewhere in the 60's with lows in the 30's.   Which means all of those New England dedciduous trees our ancestors brought out here with them in the 1850's will FINALLY start turning color.  YEAH! 

How'd THAT happen, LOL?  Tongue   Well, that Alaska front is dipping down toward us like some kind of jet-propelled whacker, is what.  The rest of the week--if it doesn't rain--is supposed to be mild to cold. 

PERFECT weather to go out into the garage and start working on the trains, tomorrow, since Tuesday is my day off from school (I only work Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, this year--at least for now).   I'm already eyeing the Sculptamold with an Evil Eye, LOL! 

Well, sad news from the school front--no not as bad as the past couple of weeks, but Jesuit lost the Holy Bowl this Saturday to our chief rival Christian Brothers.  First time in seven--count'em--years.  There was much gnashing of teeth on campus today, my guys just sort of sat in class very quietly (!) with glazed looks on their little teenage eyeballs.  I won't go into scores, but Frosh had the closest game, JV and Varsity just got CREAMED!   From reports I got, the CB Varsity lineup looked like a bunch of WWII Russian tanks.  

So needless to say, there was a lot of sighing going on today in River City.  Hopefully, when I get back on Wednesday, the shock will be over and I'll have a choir again.  Bright side:  My Bass-Jock scored like a Bandit at the Homecoming dance wearing the leg-brace I loaned him  ("Oh, Ryan, you poor BABY, what happened--".  He wants to keep it until the Open Dance at the school, this coming weekend.   I told him to keep it, but I am NOT responsible for the consequences.  He just grinned. 

Have to go to the Optometrist this Friday and get my eyes reconfigured--I'm getting a little blurry if I stare at things too long.  I mentioned this to my Concert Choir today and they all agreed that I need new frames--if not new lenses, the frames I've got (wire) make me look kind of Old and Geeky--their opinion.  And they agreed unanimously that Doc needs black horn-rims.  Evidently out here in California High School Land, big black horn-rims are the Newest "Cool" Thing (good God, I wore them when I was in high school!).  We'll see.  But I sure need new lenses!

Jeff:  Keep us posted on that ankle.

Sawyer:  I like your attitude--getting it right the first time.  You just might be on the way, my friend! Smile,Wink, & Grin   

Oh, BTW, to all my friends in Texas--I hope I didn't insult you about the liquor laws there--it was just a kind of 'Culture Shock' when I lived there.  Other than that, I really LIKED the state!   And let me tell you, Palo Duro Canyon west of Amarillo--holy cow, is that SPECTACULAR!    Now there's some serious HIKING country.  Gorgeous! 

Well, time to go out into the garage and eyeball those three bags of Sculptamold.  I think tomorrow just might turn out to be a messy day.  And I've got some new BIG Bragdon rock castings that are just waiting for--well, we'll see. 

Best to all, prayers to those in need. 

Tom Big Smile

Well, that's about it from RightNowNotSoSunnyCal. 


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Monday, September 28, 2009 6:01 PM

Good Blustery Rainy Evening-

It is kinda wet out here---and windy---the umbrellas are dancing up and down the street and what all elseWhistling

 Chris, aight man, cool. Eh, I'll be packing those industrial tracks in on the shelf portion, I just want a nice, open stretch of mainline

That sounds like a plan---I like stretches of mainline with scenery around--get to see the train then!Approve

A couple of things got done from the HD list and then I've been spending some time getting some metal foil burnished on to the styrene sides of this one elevator I'm building up---I've also got a wash prepared for it so hopefully my weekend seminar series won't get in the way of photographing the thing--if'n it's done by thenMischief

PC:-----er---um---interesting way to introduce that sermon---and I know about that too--Whistling

nik.n.:  That stuff about the "orienteers"-----patience is a virtue with that lotSighWhistling

Chloe, I'll have a coffee and a large slice of chocolate pecan pie please----I'll be over at the RC with everyone else---Smile,Wink, & Grin

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Packers#1 on Monday, September 28, 2009 3:23 PM

 Chris, aight man, cool. Eh, I'll be packing those industrial tracks in on the shelf portion, I just want a nice, open stretch of mainline.

Tom and Garry, thank you! I'm trying to take my time and build this layout right the first time around.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Monday, September 28, 2009 2:36 PM

nik .n
There we had the confirmation kids "Orienteering" to help. It was a nightmare.

Sounds to me like they need a little more "conditioning" before the confirmation...Disapprove

Good afternoon, ladies? a pot of coffee please, black, full-caffiene...yup, at the RC please 'n thank-you. What's that? You've found a CNW Iowa Division coffee cup?? Well yes, that would do very nicely!

Well, yesterday we still had "summer" although very windy. Today, it is very much fall: cold, very windy (you guys east of here, it's gonna be miserable for awhile), very October-ish. Rather depressing, actually. A good day to be w**king from home, it's a perfect afternoon for "hibernation." The only good thing about the wind, is it has cleared out the trees between here and the tracks. I guess home-based train watching season will start a little early this year.

TODD: combining theory 2 and 2A 'eh? Interesting... Of course, no matter what I build, I'm sure I'll end up standing before it all and asking "why didn't I do X instead?" I see much head-banging in my future the closer I actually get to building this thing.

We have a MOUSE in the house! Loving Wife saw it a few nights ago, neglected to tell me about it until last night. I had a little chat with Rerun about how could he be negligent enough to allow this situation to occur! I honestly think he understood, as he immediately went about "patrolling" and looking/sniffing in all the "mouse" places. He got one a few years ago, we haven't (until now) had one since. The dog is more of a mouser than the Wife's cat!  His favorite toy is "Frank," a battery operated mouse. It's really a cat toy, but he just goes nuts on it. He'll grab it by the tail, whip it around, fling it across the it down, pounce on it; just really does a number on it. I don't think our new "guest" will be long for the world, Rerun is very much on the case now.

ULRICH: Glad the food has improved if even a little bit. I guess I also thought the store would want a little roundy-rounder. Then again, our Usher's Ferry display was a big oval, highly detailed, and we easily spent a few thousand on it (in 1990 dollars). We had a tree covered hillside along the back. The train "disappeared" into the trees on one end, and re-emerged in the other, so it looked like it was just passing through. The full oval wasn't seen. Maybe that's an option for the store display??? We modeled roughly the same era. I'll see what if anything I've got for pics of it. I didn't take nearly enough then. I remember it had a dummy siding at the depot, we sorta modeled the switch; just enough to "look" like a track switch without the derailment risk of a real one.

PC: Sounds like one heckuva sermon there Preacher.

Rats...I'd best get back to w**k. I got crappy assignments for the week, not looking forward to them. But, they pay the bills and keep the bosses happy.

Have a good one, and best wishes to our guys on sick call today, and all others in need...

ChrisEight Ball

***EDIT*** the link to Usher's Ferry, with a crappy scan of the map.

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by howmus on Monday, September 28, 2009 11:59 AM

 Mornin' .... er.... Afternoon everyone!

I got up late again today.  finally getting caught up on the Zzz I think.  Got the coffee pot going, and noticed a message on the phone machine.  listened to it about 10 times.  With my hearing aids, without my hearing aids, from half way across the room, right on top of it, standing one my head......  Still couldn't make out who was calling, except that I kind of recognized the voice and that he needed some help with some electronic stuff....  Went and started the computer and checked my email and found out who it was (the calling number was at the bottom of an email.  It was a guy who is currently doing the job that I did several years ago at Woodbadge.  Needed a copy of a song they use on day 6 as a background for a powerpoint presentation that completes the week.  His copy was sounding garbled.  I knew that I should have a copy of it and spent an hour and a half looking for it.  Finally found it on the 1Tb LaCie HD I used for DJing.  It was in iTunes on my laptop computer which I had to set up with the HD.  Gave him a call and he said he had just found on the CD I gave him when he took the course....  The one I was Scribe for......  So half of the day is shot!  But I am glad he found a working copy of the song, it is an important part of the final presentations (gets grown men teary eyed....)

Flo I just need another cup of dark roast coffee in a R&GV Mug....  Weather forecast for today?  It is currently 60°F here in the Finger Lakes with a high around 62°F.  Sun is shining for the moment but it won't last long as we are under a severe thunderstorm warning for this afternoon.   I had hoped to drive up to Canandaigua for a couple of things but that may have to wait....  We shall see.

Hope all of you have a great day!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Robby P. on Monday, September 28, 2009 11:50 AM

 Nik........Didn't sound like to much fun.  I worked at a video arcade (video games) years ago, and always had some kids breaking or trying to break something.   Even more, wanting free games.   It got to the point I started to kick them out!!!  They made me raise my voice Whistling, and that made them not come back.  

 Here's a shot of my Railbox.  I'm trying something new to fade the letters out.  Kinda gives it that faded/sand blasted look.  I will try to get it patched as well with new numbers/road name.  I don't have the nice stead hands as I would like, but its a start I guess.


 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by nik .n on Monday, September 28, 2009 10:18 AM

 The usual, Zoe.

I'll start filling in on the details of the week.

 Thursday I went to the farmer market with my mom, where we picked up the pumpkins and some apples, among other things. The day before I helped my dad mix, pour, and strike about 3/4 of a yard of concrete for a outdoor coal furnace with a manual stoker, (So now I'm really sore) Yesterday I went and ran the church's games with my family at the fall festival. There we had the confirmation kids "Orienteering Volunteering" to help. It was a nightmare. They stayed for five minutes, then left, then came back, and left again all day. They had the cell phones out, and took three minutes to notice the parent and crying child in front of them, played with and broke nearly all the prizes, then gave the broken prizes to the winners of the game, and played the nickel pitch continuously, abandoning the games they were supposed to work, and making the nickel pitch operator (Me) work the pitch and all the other games at once, and make the nickel pitch nearly run out of glassware. The worst part was, they played the nickel pitch without paying, and took the glassware when I was running the other games. Sigh

 I'll sit in the middle and watch the trains roll by. 



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Posted by TMarsh on Monday, September 28, 2009 9:10 AM

Good Morning. Toast with Damson Plum jam please. What? No, I don't know what a "Damson" Plum is, It just says it on the label. Boy it just feels cold outside this morning. Don't think it made it as high as they said yesterday either. Today: Mostly sunny, with a high near 65. Breezy, with a west northwest wind between 18 and 24 mph, with gusts as high as 34 mph.Tonight: Mostly clear, with a low around 42. Northwest wind between 13 and 17 mph, with gusts as high as 26 mph

Jim- I'd say your chances are 50/50 at this point for finding the bits. Take the new ones back and I'd say 75/25 your favor. Don't worry about your track perfection too awful much. I've seen some track by the "big boys" in the magazines that I say I could do better. And the prototypes, my gosh there are some spots and stretches I think about when they are pushing the high speed rail that's so big around here, and makes me want to say " are gonna do something about that aren't you? I mean my HO has a pretty tall flange on the wheels for it's size but the real thing..... (raises eyebrows) not that much.

H1N1 (still known round here as the Swine Flu)avoidance tip 1- Don't let Jeff sneeze on you for a while.

Chris- I kinda like a mix of options 2 and 2a. I like the "somewhere in this general area" idea. That's what I'm doing. I won't feel the need to be so exact. More like build a world like I'd want sorta thing. Love the ‘70's era. Best time since I've been alive. I was going to model that time myself, but I got the opportunity to pick up a few modern things at great prices and here I am. Actually, other than a few vehicles the two locos are the only thing that makes me modern. Hmmmm. No, I remember looking for vehicles from the seventies before. Not much to choose from. One can only have so many Gremlins and Pintos driving the streets before they say with squinty eyes.."is that the only thing they drove back then?" Ah but alas you are correct. Go with what you've got.

Tom- You're in the 100‘s, we're in the 60‘s. Split the difference with you . 80's all around! Hahaha! Texas hasn't changed a whole lot when it comes to standardizing liquor laws. Though I do believe they've made open alcohol in a vehicle illegal now, but then again, it could depend on how the officer who catches you feels about it. I guess it's not real well received even by the lawmakers. Ah, gotta love Texas. And what do you mean "Oh, to be young and Nuts and Invincible again!" Why I'll have you know I'm as invinci....OH! My back. I'd best sit back down a bit. No Zoe, I'll be fine could I just get some coffee and do they still make those Done's Little Pills?

Why is Ray bouncing up and down in his seat pointing at me? Oh, I see. Look Garry, Just because I skipped Church doesn't mean it's ok for Ray, besides East Coast is an hour ahead and my church starts at 9 am so.....Whistling

Ulrich- Have a backup to the "nice" layout. If he backs down at the first you can show him what a plain one will cost . Get a figure what he wants to spend and go from there. I don't think the average Joe, (or Hans) knows how much these "toys" cost. Well I see I was too late for that, but at least there is hope for something. Maybe you could tone the layout down a bit and re approach him?

So I'm reading along, then I see it, "5 pounds of used locomotive motors". Gave me a chuckle. Don't know why just sounded kind of funny.

Lee- Great haul once again. Don't you just love taking Mothers places? I just can't take my Mother anywhere without here spouting o..... Wait, oh no I sound like she did...when...I...was....a kid. Oh no, it's true, what goes around does come around. Seriously, Moms are great to take places. They say many things I want to say but was raised not to.

Wait a minute, I just realized something.........MOM!!! (runs out door)

Ya'll Have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Robby P. on Monday, September 28, 2009 8:44 AM

 Good morning.  Its rainy. windy, and pretty cool.  Yeah, the times are changing. 

 Lets see........Steelers lost.  To the Bengals Banged Head.  Sold a train car, that means I gotta go to the post office.  Plus I need to get gas for work.  Maybe work on some more cars today.  You can't do much when its raining.  

 Hope everybody is doing good, if not......Hope you get better Big Smile.

 Have a good morning.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, September 28, 2009 8:11 AM

 Good Afternoon, Folks,

Zoe, I´ll have a mug of hot chocolate, it is too cold outside for a RBF. Temperature dropped by more than 10 C compared to yesterday, and the gutsy wind makes it feel even colder. You can watch the leaves turn brown. September was much too dry, we hardly had any

Talked to the shop owner about the budget for his display layout and the guy seemed to be shocked by the figures I stated. He was completely unaware of the cost involved. As he liked my idea of a highly detailed display, he will rather abandon the idea than go for a "merry-go-round"-layout. I have a feeling, however, that the last word has yet to be spoken on this issue. Smile,Wink, & Grin

The days are really boring here in the "Stalag" as ChrisEight Ball so aptly calls this institution. Food has improved to a degree one could accept. Most of my fellow "inmates" go to the handful of local coffee shops we have for coffee and cakes, but I can´t afford to do this. And eating is not a good way of spending boring afternoons, any way.  Zoe? What? My bill amounts to... - are you sure? well, errr, I don´t have that change with me right now - will it be OK,  if I help you clean up later on?

For those of you who are just starting into the day - have a good one!

Jeff and Rob - take care!

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Posted by pcarrell on Monday, September 28, 2009 7:49 AM

Mornin' all!

How's it going this morning? Ready to get to work?

Boy, I'll tell ya got cold around here QUICK! Yesterday was well into the 70's, but a strong cold front swept through the state overnight, and in its wake are cold and wind. Winds will be strong throughout the day today, with expected sustained winds to be 25-35 mph and gusts over 40 miles per hour for most of the day. It was in the mid 50's for the ride into work this morning, and highs will only hit the mid to upper 60’s later. Yup, winters on the way!

Anyways, I had a good weekend, how about you?

I got to see my brother who was passing through town. He's touring with a band and had a show in Indy, so he stopped by. I don't see him much as he lives in Austin, TX. nowadays.

I also had a great evening preaching on Saturday night. It was a tough message for me because it hit WAY too close to home for me. It was titled, "Life At Breakneck Speeds". It was about how we run through life with our hair on fire, and we miss so much. I started out with a video on the big screen (250 inch screen) shot from an in car camera on an F1 race car. The car whips through the city street course, twisting this way and that, darting in and out of traffic. The sound of the engine is screaming through the speakers. A bit over two minutes in, as you're exiting a corner, the car swaps ends and you crash headlong into the concrete barrier. The lights come up, and I begin by saying, "Isn't that your life sometimes? It's mine."

So, what did you do this weekend? Anything interesting?

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Monday, September 28, 2009 7:03 AM

Good Soggy Morning

Getting those t'underin'boomers this morning as well as some heavy showers---currently the temperature is sitting at 15C with a 97% humidity. Supposed to get winds of upwards of 80kmh later this morning---winds now are just peaking at 50kmh. Makes for interesting times trying to walk with an umbrella---Whistling. The temperature today is supposed to sit at around 16C today and go to 11C tomorrow and sit there tomorrow---so's we be getting cooler--and wetter againGrumpy

Got some stuff to do in the HD department----so it is off I go to do dis----Whistling

Chloe, I'll have a coffee and toast this morn---I'll be at the RC for a bit---Smile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by GMTRacing on Monday, September 28, 2009 6:34 AM

Good Morning All,

   Just a quick regular to go please Zoe. well we're in the house (urban homesteading as it were). Sat night was the first and though the first floor is still under construction most of the second is finished and certainly enough to move in. Still moving stuff out of the rental and into the storage container in the driveway or the house as we can. That should be done today or tomorrow depending on the weather. The idea is to get the container emptied asap so we can use the driveway again as well but I'm still juggling race weekends w..k and the house and am just not in a position to take a chunk of time out.

   Thanks again for you thoughts and prayers for my mom. I spoke to her yesterday and the corneal transplant is doing nicely and starting to come into focus for her. No pain or complications so far either.

   I'll try to catch up and check in later (no puter at the house yet either)  Catch ya later, J.R.

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Posted by LSWrr on Monday, September 28, 2009 6:14 AM

Not sure how many of those motors will run I just might take them to the MRR club and see if anyone can use them.

Garry, Toledo is a one day show, so most of the high volume dealers won't go because they claim they can't make enough in one day to pay for their trip.  Most of the vendors are locals with stuff for sale. That's just fine since the Berea show is Saturday.

No offense to female sellers, but $10 for a TYCO 4-bay bright blue Conrail hopper?  They justify the price by compairing TYCO RTR to Accurail KIT rolling stock prices.  If a guy is running the table I normally can get a discount on volume or if I pay in singles.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by LSWrr on Monday, September 28, 2009 6:00 AM
Today: A chance of showers after 1pm. Cloudy, with a high near 62. Windy, with a west wind between 25 and 32 mph. Chance of precipitation is 50%. New rainfall amounts between a tenth and quarter of an inch possible.  Tonight: Showers and possibly a thunderstorm. Low around 54. Windy, with a west wind around 33 mph, with gusts as high as 43 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. New rainfall amounts between a quarter and half of an inch possible.



Might add NWS said after 1pm, dogs and cats were falling out of the sky at 5am, 


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by TrainsRMe1 on Monday, September 28, 2009 12:40 AM

Hey Guys-n-Gals

  It's been a looooooooong time since I've been in this joint, How's everybody doin'!!!!! Flo, Nice to see ya, I'll take a slice of apple pie with a cold glass of milk please.  Well all My wife and I have been really busy paintnig our house,  and as of tommorrow, we will be done!!!!!Bow in the process I painted what is now a garage but will be turned into the 17x19ft trainroom (great for Nscale), this has been our plan of ours for the last 2 years, meanwhile I have torn down my old layout that was in the basement.  I've takin; my loco's to a LHS and ran them on there layout, Man I can't wait to get my layout up and rollin' again!!! 

 Well I'm really draggin tailend so I'm going to crash for the night, so we I can rest and finish our project, I'm going to post some pic's of the paint job done on the garage/trainroom. I planned to have a progress report with pics on the Trainroom construction, Titled:( Trainroom Report) stay tuned!!!!Smile,Wink, & Grin

     It's really good to be here again, I will stop by more often now that things have quiet down some. See Ya soon!

                      Happy Life, No Drama, Smooth Turnouts,


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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, September 28, 2009 12:36 AM

 Good Morning/Good Night,

daylight is just breaking over here in Germany. It seems, as if fall has finally got its grip on the weather, it is a dull and overcast day, much colder than yesterday. 

We had general elections yesterday, with an all time low of participation. More and more people are just fed up with the way this country is run, some of which drift to the ultra left or right positions and some just don´t go - like me. Frau Merkel will continue to be our chancellor, but she will get a new partner. This will be about the only change that will happen...Disapprove

 I started working on the budget for the display layout and I am already in excess of $ 1,000 - just for the track, some switch stands, a loco, 2 passenger cars, a caboose, a boxcar and a flatcar, not to forget the DCC control, as he wanted to have some decent sound (bells and whistle). If I add the cost for lumber for the benchwork, scenic materials and structures, it might go well over $ 2,000, not including any remuneration for my work. I don´t think that this is, what he had in mind, when he asked me to do that. I am afraid that it will be boiled down to a simple oval, with a "choo-choo" train circling the loop - or am I just to pessimistic? We will see...

 Need to go down for breakfast - I am already late.

 Have a good one!


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