Hello everyone. Since this thread seems to be catching on I might as well join in.
My alias is Yoshi; I'm not willing to give my real name. I'm 15. My location is as specific as I'm willing to be unless we are planning to meet in a public place. That's all you really need to know about me personally. Ask for anymore and I'll never speak to you again out of fear that you are a stalker. That should help break the ice.
I model a fictional shortline called the Vermont And South Troy (VAST) Slogans are "Business thinks vast, business ships VAST", or "Think fast, ship VAST". The route follows the former B&M Cheshire route from Bellows Falls, VT to Winchendon, MA, from which it turns south over the Heywood line to Gardner, MA. Between Bellows Falls and Winchendon it passes through the major town of Keene, NH and the line's summit at South Troy, NH. Also included in the route is the line from Keene, NH to Bennington, NH as well as a fictional branch from Bellows Falls to Westminster Heights, VT. My current layout is 7x11 modeling the Westminster Heights branch, butI have 15x30 allocated for expansion in which to model the route between Bellows Falls and Keene, NH. The next phase of construction has already begun.
My fictional line has been merged into a fictional system called NEAT, New England & Atlantic Transportation. The group running the system, the Boston Area Rail Fans, or BARF, was spearheaded by Guilford Guy and I. We are planning a round-robin group and a physical interchange system. We are open to teen modelers across New England, with the center of membership currently in Metrowest Boston. Come check us out:
Yes, we know corporation is spelled wrong, you can blame Guilford Guy. ;-).
The current membership is all HO, but other scales are definitely welcome in the round-robin. The only thing that they will be unable to participate in is the physical interchange system.