Happy Tuesday, everyone.
Jim A - sorry to hear about the two boys. How tragic!
Dennis - just now read about your friend's passing. My belated condolences. Glad to hear he was a man of faith.
Wow! I can't believe I'm posting as frequently as Buckeye!
Had a nice Labor Day - cooler and more rain over the weekend. Alabama and Auburn both won, though Auburn had a fight on their hands. What's up with Michigan, Notre Dame and Florida State?
I'm leaning towards buying a Tacoma. There's a few in Montgomery I want to look at this coming weekend.
Have a good day and be safe!
YIPPEEEE !!!!! back Buckeye !!! Boy, was I gettin' skeared we wouldn't get him back !! I hope he told that attorney about The Chief not saving me any popcorn lately !! That may be the next big issue !!
Well, back to the old grind again later today !!
One more month till the big train show in Burea !! Two months till I get my new engine, I think.
Hope everyone has a nice Monday, oh, I mean Tuesday !!
Thanks, John
Good Mornin' Guys & Gals !
Well they say the heat wave should be cooling down, but I'll believe it when I see it. I was out early and got the required yard work done that had been put off due to weather. Wonder if the lawn mower woke-up anybody. Not that I am being a tad cynical but next week the Public Utilities Commision begins hearings on construction of a new set of hi-voltage power lines and yesterday we had some brown-outs, hhmmm.
What a day at the museum yesterday. We are normally closed on mondays but when it is a holiday the kids club runs it the entire day, they can sign-up for one hour blocks so a lot of the kids can get some run time. Unfortunately there were a couple that only had two speeds off & full bore, luckily there were no major collisions. Next time we are going to try to make some changes ahead of time to limit power availability to restrict speed. I was going to suggest a "Time Out Corner with a Cap" but it more than likely would have not been well received.
Working on the halloween train and have not been able to find some of the items that I need. If you guys happen to be out shopping please keep your eyes open for some little plastic skeletons, want to use a small gondola as a coach with seats. If you come across any LHS's with the "Lionel Lines" orange step van, 6-18423 I think, please let me know. I want to remove the Lionel decal and and make a decal copy of the Ghostbusters logo to put on it. I want to pair that up with the halloween pumpkin handcar to chase each other around the layout.
Later Dudes & Dudettes !
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Since I am out from under the bridge, I ordered the Polar Express Disappearing Hobo Car and two special cars from Justrains. Boy, they are good people to deal with. With Davis Trains gone, they are becoming my go-to guys for trains.
And again, this year don't tell Baby Buckeye about the Polar Express Car. It is a surprise for her Christmas layout, shown below:
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
My daughter and I just finished doing her homework. It's going to be a long year! This is just day one.
Good to see Buckeye has returned to us. Here's to 4000 more posts!
The Chief has been quiet of late. What is he up to?
Earlier this afternoon, I painted a Lionel hopper B&M blue. Pretty. Now to fill it with baked beans.
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
Do you have some pretty wide turns on your "G" rr, thankfully I only have 4 footers or I might be tempted to aquire loco's like this that require much bigger turns.
Check it out, it is SWEET !!
Doug, I have a 5' curves on my Garden RR. LGB equipment will negotiate everything. MTH needs at least 8 feet. This poor guy built his with too big of curves and look what he had to buy.
I'm still alive. Just came off of a 26 day trip for work. The forum seems like it is full speed ahead. I find it harder to post here because of having to find the login link first instead of pressing a reply button and then sending me to login. And the differnt hotel services and jibsite services won't allow a reply to this forum. Not sure why.
There has been so much gone on since my last posts so I'll end with...Have a great day!
Trying to update my avatar since 2020
MartyE and Kodi the Husky Dog! ( 3/31/90-9/28/04 ) www.MartyE.com My O Gauge Web Page and Home of Kodiak Junction!
Buckeye Riveter wrote: Doug, I have a 5' curves on my Garden RR. LGB equipment will negotiate everything. MTH needs at least 8 feet. This poor guy built his with too big of curves and look what he had to buy.
Those are nice, but I don't want to have a hernia operation every time you need to pull that puppy off the tracks.
Hey Buckeye, welcome back! Neat Garden railroad pic!
Doug M - I did not get the windows all done yet. Everything was ready for primer, except still drying off from the final scrub down when the family got home and we went out to eat, then it was too late. I was going to prime tonight, but the can says not when humidity is above 50 percent. We have not had a drop of rain in a month, so should be good to go, right? Nope... Humidity 60 percent and expected to rain tonight and all through Friday....
No more brownies, but you can come over for icecream anytime! John S, heard you cleared Chief out of popcorn! By the time I got there, all he had left was boiled peanuts
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
So many roads, so little time.
dougdagrump wrote: Not that I am being a tad cynical but next week the Public Utilities Commision begins hearings on construction of a new set of hi-voltage power lines and yesterday we had some brown-outs, hhmmm.
Standard Operating Procedures around here! Plus they play the local news stations like a violin. Any time the schools want $$$, they have story after story about problems at the schools running up to the vote. Ditto police, fire, utilities, etc. We were barraged for a month with stories about a new bridge and how draconian our Governor was for wanting to let it be built by a private concern that would pay for it with tolls. Now, Missouri doesn't need the bridge as far as I can see. But, all my friends who live over in Illinois and work in St. Louis would LOVE to have another bridge. I don't blame them, but do I want to pay for it? I think you can guess the answer!
I just read this....Anybody have one of those locomotives ??
Made in China with lead based paint............
The recall covers 675,000 units of various Barbie accessory toys that were manufactured between Sept. 30, 2006, and Aug. 20, 2007. The action also involves 90,000 units of Geo Trax Locomotive Toys and 8,900 Big Big World 6-in-1 Bongo Band toys, both from the company's Fisher-Price brand. The Big Big World products were sold at retailers nationwide from July through August of this year, while the Geo Trax toys were sold from September 2006 through August of this year.
MartyE wrote: I'm still alive. Just came off of a 26 day trip for work. The forum seems like it is full speed ahead. I find it harder to post here because of having to find the login link first instead of pressing a reply button and then sending me to login. And the differnt hotel services and jibsite services won't allow a reply to this forum. Not sure why. There has been so much gone on since my last posts so I'll end with...Have a great day!
Marty, Nice to see you back on board. Will you be able to make York in October?
Evening folks,
As of 3:30 PM today everything the lightning strike damaged has been repaired or replaced. At least as for what is known at this time. I'm still waiting for a bill from the electrician(s) and then a talk with the adjuster.
No trains rain here today as I spent most of the afternoon helping the repairman from the alarm co. He had the knowledge for the job, I helped by opening windows and watching the key pad,you know lite is on lite is off,etc.
I guess I'll say goodnite as I missed my nap today.I'm hoping everything will ease up now but I just can't shake that feeling.:whats next: Sir James
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Good Evening everyone. Dr. John, thanks for the thoughts....like you say, he had great faith.
David, you may want to try Zanfel, a OTC product at most pharmacies. It is expensive, I think about $40.00 for a small tube, but it works if used as labelled. Also, you may want to get ahold of your family practice doc if it continues....get some steroids and it will help with itching and longevity of symptoms.
A bit tired.....had a early morning big case that went all day, then, had to pick up the new TV and theater system. Just got home and then had to turn around and get the new entertainment console. Also had daughter's first class in Ballet. She loved it and did well according to the teacher. We then had to go for dinner to Red Lobster as we celebrated her first day of "school". Stuffed and tired, so I will check in with y'all in the morning.
Evening all!
Welcome back Buckeye and Marty!
Not such a great day today. Got a mail this morning that my good friend's wife who was striken recently with an agressive cancer died peacefully Sat night.
Have a great evening all and a great day tomorrow.
Regards, Roy
Roy, very sorry to hear of the passing of your friend's wife.
Roy, sorry to hear about the loss of your friend's wife.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Well that was a short lived time off. Just got a call and I need to go to Chicago tommorow AM. After this week I will have been out a month straight. Sorry guys but as you could imagine my mood right now is about as fowl as it can get. Next week my wife has surgery so there will be little or no down time there as well.
Sorry to vent. I am out of patience with work.
Evening all from Southern Ohio,
It is really nice out tonight. Working night shift and lots of stars out.
Glad to hear from you again Buckeye. Next time you are a little further south let me know and I'll have you over for supper. Bride sets a great spread.
Roy-condolences and prayers for your friend
Jim F and John-youngest daughter made homemade oreo cookies incredible, brought some into work and everybody loved them.
Getting ready for vacation. Daughter taking cat and brother taking dog. Looking forward to Glacier. Leaving this Friday and will be gone for 10 days.
Marty-Good to hear from you. Go ahead and rant, we'll listen. We'll also keep your wife in pray for heath and quick recovery from her surgery.
Check in later
May God Bless
I don't have any of those but this lead paint thing is effecting alot of toys. From what I read it looks mostly on toddler toys. First ones I heard of was the Thomas the Tank Engine Wooden Railway toys about 2 months ago. Now it seems any toy made in china is getting effected with this recall. I know I'm getting concerned with alot of my little one's stuff. Makes me leary about buying anything for him cause you don't know what else might be recalled.
Check this out, talk about surprising an unsuspecting squatter at your computer:
http://www.smallscalerailway.com/01-0005.html .
Roy - Sorry to hear about your friend's loss, that's tough, but at least she isn't in pain anymore.
Marty - You're working too hard, as if you needed to hear that! Hope your wife's surgery goes well and a quick recovery.
Sir James - Glad your almost back to "normal" hope things go well for you, certainly been an ordeal!
Buckeye - That Garden RR looks great, need more pictures!
Jim - When you talk about the bridges, we have a section here, (91 Fwy through Corona & Riverside) which is one of the primary routes east. A private company was "awarded" the rights to a "Fasttrack Lane, they were given an exclusive for toll charges. And a contractual guarantee from the state that no additional public lanes would be built for 80 years. They then "adjust" the toll relative to traffic flow. If its heavy the toll is as much as $6.75 for 4 miles, when its light then its $1.60. If too many people use the Fasttrack, then they raise the price pushing everyone back to the public lanes. Then when the pain level gets high enough people go back to Fastrack. Then if too many do they raise the price again. To make matters really bad it is the only road through the area. Next closest one is 30 miles north and it is always blocked. Can't win.
Chief - How many sheets of soundboard you putting down? I used 4. I NOW HAVE TRACK LAID, CURRENTLY CHECKING FOR CLEARANCES, THEN WILL SECURE TRACK. Skirting around entire layout is up, layout is covered with a synthetic ground cover. Connected electric and TMCC up to check operation, and it all works!!! Perfectly !!!! What a surprise !!!
Doug (notagrump) - You probably don't recall, but a LOT (most) of this is a result of YOU! Remember when I was complaining about the 072 engine requirements, and was considering selling it off. You talked to me on a number of occasions NOT to do it and keep working it. Its been a long trail, but Im getting there. It was a significant achievement to see an engine run tonight. As soon as I check out a couple of other things, I will put the cab forward on, but didn't want to test with that engine. Again, Thanks for the encouragement. !!!!!
Hope everyone has a great day !!!!
Good morning from a chilly New England. The boys start their first day of school today. I hope the school is insured!
Looks like my turn in the barrel continues. Along with all the appliance headaches of late, one of my Lionel diesels started smoking the other day, so that went to be repaired. Now my car is acting up. "Insert telephone pole here"? "Death where is thy sting?"
Buckeye, I bought some Williams trains from Justrains, and let me tell you, they had the best price, free shipping, and I had the locos in less than 2 days. They were extremely helpful on the phone when I placed my order as well. I hold them in high regard.
And Buckeye, if I may ask, what were you doing under that bridge all summer?
My condolences, Roy.
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a foggy 60 degrees. Sun is trying to break thru. Going up to 92 today, with lots of sunshine. Gonna be hot.
Today is the day, that I drive up to Cambridge for the groceries. The gas prices are staying high, here. Last one I saw in Caldwell was $2.85 a gallon. Looks like it's going to stay that high.
On a lighter note, the first annual TOTTSGEOTST is scheduled for next Tuesday, Sept. 11th. There will be a lot of touring.
No time for trains, today. I need to spend some quality time in the train room. It's ready for a good cleaning.
That's a good question.....Jim.
All aboard for the Dining car. It's time for breakfast. Later.
Y'all have a great Wednesday.
Speaking of good questions, Chuck, what is the first annual TOTTSGEOTST?
Good morning all,
IIABSDISEI with temps in the 90s again. I went to the YMCA to do weights last night after watching "my" soccer girls lose a very winnable game, 3-1. At least I did get to ring the bell once when they scored. Hopefully the boys will do better tonight. There was one positive note from last night. I got the team shirt for the girls and it is some kind of awesome (I already had one for the boys' team). I would post a picture, but I do not think a picture would do it justice. I will have to post some of the observations that are on the back of it tonight. Some major chaos broke out at work just as I was getting ready to leave yesterday. I will have to clean it up today. Roy, sorry to hear about your friend's wife.
There was a little extra on the dining car this morning as it arrived from "Points East". I hope everyone has a good day.
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