Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a cloudy 65 degrees. Had some nasty thunderstorms this morning. Looks like it is clearing up now. Sun is coming thru. Going up to 75 today, with a chance of more rain later.
Today, I have a few errands to run, locally and then the usual things around the house. Gas is hanging at about $2.78 a gallon with no relief in sight. Grass is starting to grow faster. I will be mowing between rainstorms this week. That's a lot of fun.
NASCAR race today. Got rained out yesterday. Go # 20.
Here comes the Dining Car. Breakfast is ready. Later.
Y'all have a great Monday.
Good Morning from the south, of michigan.
61 and wounderful pouring down rain. No complaints, waited two months for a good rain. Oldest son picked up the train set I bought, kind of glad he took it as the 12 year old likes them. I am taking the wife to Drs. this morning as she moved to a new location and wife doesn't want to look for it alone. No problems known just routine check.I'll drop by later to check on the posts.
Sir James
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Had an "eventful" weekend, went to see Superbad and got carded AFTER we got seated...seems that some "underagers" got in and some without tickets..first time I ever got carded at the movies...Flick was humorous, but I would have waited for the DVD....
Went to the LHS Saturday, I wasn't supposed to "work" but went anyway. Mounted cameras on a UP HO (I think it was a SD somethin..) and a (Chief, are you ready...)Lionel SD90 TMCC Scale NS. A beautiful Lionel. I LOVE IT but the price...I'll wait on it. The cameras work great, just need to get a better antenna. I gave my "boss" a copy of the FEC picture I took and the DVD Polar Express. He's never seen it, so I got him a copy. Him & his wife just got a new DVD player. Good timing!
My 18th anniversary was yesterday and my bride gave me a $100 certificate for trains at the LHS!!! Surprise!! And no one said a word...I guess I can finish getting the rest of my Polar Express cars and set!!
My 15 y/o starts her first day of High School today. Got her on the bus at 6:30, then I got to work by 7. Can't wait to hear the stories...
High of 95 today high humidity too...
PS On the MegaSteam..I have a video of the CSX in West Trenton(NJ) with some shots of the Tropicana train. Lots of freight. I think it was $5, well worth it!! and the Fluid is great. I need to order more (BTW JT lives in the next town from where I used to live in NJ, so he must be a great guy!! Dennis..Exit 8 on the NJTP)
Be safe...
I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.I am the venom in your skin --- Breaking Benjamin
Morning all
Already warm and muggy in Southern Ohio.
Grandpa Greg-Congrats!!!!! I'm sure you will have a great time with your grandson
Lisa- You said "special day" Birthday? if so
Doug-Keep an eye on the eye!
Roy-Autozone will load test the alternator but you said it was still under warrenty, good luck with the dealer. So many times service shops are into "keep replacing parts till we find the one that makes things work" instead of troubleshooting and finding the malfunction. Check all or have the shop check all the grounds. The modern electronics are very sensitive to grounding issues. Disconnect polish with a dremel brush and reconnect with dielectric grease.
Off today, several chores planned. May be watching grandkids later. Going to ordeer parts from Portlines, and continued ground prep for the garage addition.
God bless
Lisa-n-NC wrote:Hoping to get a few train items for my special day (Tues).Lisa
Hoping to get a few train items for my special day (Tues).
Lisa, what type of train items are you looking to get?
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
anjdevil2 wrote: (BTW JT lives in the next town from where I used to live in NJ, so he must be a great guy!! Dennis..Exit 8 on the NJTP)Be safe...Rich
(BTW JT lives in the next town from where I used to live in NJ, so he must be a great guy!! Dennis..Exit 8 on the NJTP)
Rich, I was at the end, exit 18 to either Rt.80 or 46. And Happy Anniversary!
Lisa, in case I can't get back, Happy anniversary of your 29th birthday!
Roy, I understand about the keeping people from playing firefighter. One side note, they caught a guy with fire gear on in the WTC site after 9/11 who was stealing watches and jewelry from a store in one of the destroyed buildings. He was NOT a firefighter, but had the gear. They quietly escorted him to a police station and a little justice was served.
Hope everyone is blessed today.
Happy Anniversary Rich! Happy Birthday Lisa!
(YAWN) Stayed up too late. Now all the kids are here and playing in back. Maybe time for a little nap for Jimbo.
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
ChiefEagles wrote: Don, I'll send you some Soundstop.
Chief, I think it would be too expensive to mail. I'll come and pick it up.
Wishes to Pam, and Lisa !!!
Never seen this before:
Happy birthday to Pam!
Don, I've seen that plenty of times when I post to more than one subject in a short amount of time. No worries.
to Lisa.
to Pam. ( You are a great gal, putting up with Chiefie )
Good morning from a soggy and humid Chicago where I am happy to be at work. Thanks for your good wishes about my eye - the doc ended up doing a lot of work. I have to figure out a way to either change the contrast on my computer monitor so it's not so 'bright' or make the text bigger. I'll figure it out. Look out if you're driving in northeastern Illinois, the daughter has got her drivers license. I told her "no job - no license' and it's amazing how swiftly she's employed. Jim F, plenty of rain heading your way. It's rained almost 2 days straight here - everything is very green.GregM, congratulations on your first grandchild.Lisa, a day early. Hope you get a trolley. also to Pam and Rich.Jim A, I don't know but that B&M box car looks great in the photo thread.
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
cnw1995 wrote:Good morning from a soggy and humid Chicago where I am happy to be at work. Thanks for your good wishes about my eye - the doc ended up doing a lot of work. I have to figure out a way to either change the contrast on my computer monitor so it's not so 'bright' or make the text bigger. I'll figure it out. Jim A, I don't know but that B&M box car looks great in the photo thread.
Good morning from a soggy and humid Chicago where I am happy to be at work. Thanks for your good wishes about my eye - the doc ended up doing a lot of work. I have to figure out a way to either change the contrast on my computer monitor so it's not so 'bright' or make the text bigger. I'll figure it out.
Jim A, I don't know but that B&M box car looks great in the photo thread.
Glad to see you are back to a "normal" routine, Doug. When your eye heals, you will be able to see how badly I botched that box car. It makes me wonder how bad the NH car will turn out.
Good Morning Everyone !! Raining here today.
Hope Lisa & Pam have a nice !!
Jim A. I liked the B&M car too. Makes it look like a reapaint !!
Jim F. the strawberry deserts were good too !!
Doug : hope the eyes get all cleared up soon.
Well, tuning into the race in a little while if it doesn't get postponed again !
Thanks, John
dbaker48 wrote: Never seen this before: Access Denied: Post Flood Prevention The required time between posts has not been met. Please wait a few seconds and try to post again.
We've had about 3-inches of rain here !
to all who have made it another year or are about to soon.
to all who have newly joined the company here at the pot.
Congradulations on anaversries and new additions to families and rosters
doug, you may try one of the "privacy screens" that 3M put out. They keep others from seeing your screen from an angle and also cut the glare a bit. I don't believe they are too expensive. I would guess that Staples, Office Depot, etc. would have them.
As for Pam being so great, I agree, but then again, aren't all of our wives for putting up with us? I know mine is.
dwiemer wrote: doug, you may try one of the "privacy screens" that 3M put out. They keep others from seeing your screen from an angle and also cut the glare a bit. I don't believe they are too expensive. I would guess that Staples, Office Depot, etc. would have them.As for Pam being so great, I agree, but then again, aren't all of our wives for putting up with us? I know mine is.dennis
dwiemer wrote: As for Pam being so great, I agree, but then again, aren't all of our wives for putting up with us? I know mine is.dennis
OK, Dennis. Quit trying to suck-up to the Boss. You know you still won't get off of "Train Restriction".
Hopefully we are going to get a bit of a break in the weather, temps haven't really dropped much but at least the humidity seems to have dropped a bit. It mite be a bit more tolerable if it at least came with some rain, fat chance of that though.
Lots of congrats going out for B'days and Anniversaries but the Biggest & Bestest has to go to GregM & family for the first Grandchild. Ours is turning into my train-runnin buddy after a less-than enthusiastic start. We be lovin' it !!!!!!!
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone.
Jim A - Not sure what I want. Hubby has been helping me "extend" the layout table to accomodate an outer loop of Gargraves track that was given to me by a REALLY NICE GUY who's on this forum occasionally. For some reason, I can't quite get the vision of the scenery that I did on the first one. I know that I need some flat cars and would like to have some gons for coal loads. Mostly I need to figure out the scenery and accessories. Really been on "restrictions" since David and I have been out of work and with everything else I've had to do, have kind of lost my momentum.
Chief - is Pam's b'day today? Give her my best wishes for a special one!
Dennis - loved that "anniversary" and "29th" greeting!
Any of you with an excess amount of rainfall can send it to the Carolinas - we are in bad need! The walnut trees in our back yard are losing all their leaves - even the forsythia shrubs are looking pretty wilted! Some cool air would also be appreciated - AND JUST WHERE IS KEVIN!!!??????
Thanks again for the B'Day wishes!
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
Evenin' boys. Still rainy here. Tragedy struck down in the train room last night. I was placing some risers on the benchwork for my town, and when I stood up I knocked over a ceramic clock tower--NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo----(breath)----ooooooooooooo!!!! It was only a 5 foot drop, but it seemed like an eternity until the breaking sound. 100 little shards of ceramic on the cement floor.
Miss Lisa. Mrs. Chief.
88 - All that talk of getting rid of the fishies...what happened? Where's the tank going?
Blueberry - can't recall the last time a CUP race was postponed two days in a row...
I know a little about cars & Ford problems, 1) have you checked the battery terminal connections at the battery, look at the cables and the cable clamps and terminal condition(terminals at battery should be shiney silver if not they need cleaning, 2) have you checked the starter relay or starter solenoid? It is usually on the inside fender well under the hood & it has the two terminals on it; one with wires coming into it(with other wires on it) and the other wire going out of it to the starter, all the hot wires are tied into the first terminal and a small relay wire or two wires come off the solenoid to the ignition coil, these little wires may be fastened with a small nut on the terminal or just pull straight off the terminal. If replacing the solenoid or tightening the wires don't work I would suggest going to your mechanic or car salesman & buying a new car as this could be a major problem to fix.
I had a brand new Ford Thunderbird back in '92 that would lose power to the air conditioning and power windows but still keep the engine running, also the valve stem guide seals went bad from a minor overheating problem, blew out a big cloud of gray smoke when the car sat for three hours or more, did not blow smoke on acceleration so the piston rings were still good but needed a valve overhaul job. Had to trade the car in on a '92 Geo Prism as the Ford dealer & Ford Motor Company refused to honor their warrenty. That is why I don't own a Ford, excessively bad customer care and refusal to honor warrenties, claim that the Chilton's manual don't let them do the test in question when it is Ford Motor Company that refuses to do anything.
Just hope that Ford will honor the warrenty for you!
Lee F.
Raining again. 2 days straight. Guess it's good weather to do work around the house. Have to clean up the basement.
Just got around to sending my subscription form to start getting CTT mailed to the house. Only place that sells it off the shelf is NS in Bromall. It's a half hour ride from home and don't always get there for each month and then I spending alot of money on something I don't need(train wise) Debating wether to get OGR mailed to house What do you guys think?
Well it's supposed to rain till Thursday here front stalled. And boy was it quiet at work. Eccept for some guy trying to report his car stolen after it was involved in 2 accidents.(Oldest trick in the book and never works)
Fiqure out whats wrong with the Taurus? Best car I ever owned was a 69 Mustang I restored ran great. All you needed to work on it was A pair of screw drivers, pliers and a stardard socket set. No relays no moduals not anything that resembled a computer at all. Gas,spark and timing all you had to worry about. Ouch just kicked myself again for selling it.
Evening all
Been busy today. Hauled trash to dump and more ground prep for garage addition. Haul last of big stuff from site prep then just moving dirt. Looking more and more like doing it by hand and not hiring a back hoe. Saves a lot of money and I'm getting a lot of exercise
Worked on the new coaler some. I ended up re soldering some connections that were frayed and lubing now. Need to work the conveyer mechanism to get the timing down. I want to get the bugs worked out before putting it on the layout. I'll take some pics to post Sunday.
Going to do a little reading then some more train time!
May God bless
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