dougdagrump wrote: Jim, Don't sweat "Offending" anyone, if we have become that PC it is a sad day on the C.P. Oh shucks, note PC in use, I forgot about somebody getting their skivvies in a bunch last week over Jim's post. Wouldn't you know, I missed it.
Don't sweat "Offending" anyone, if we have become that PC it is a sad day on the C.P. Oh shucks, note PC in use, I forgot about somebody getting their skivvies in a bunch last week over Jim's post. Wouldn't you know, I missed it.
Just for the Record....I greatly enjoyed Jim's post, last week, on my Birthday. I was NOT offended. I thought it was funny and enjoyed it. If anyone else was offended, remember, it was about ME and not you. Jim..THANK YOU for being my Friend.
Chuck ...( known in the South as TooTs )
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a sunny, but cool, 35 degrees. Going up to 75 today. With sunshine.
Today, is a stay at home day. Need to mow the grass and do a few things around the yard. Better do it today, as it may rain tomorrow.
Jim....That was a great assessment of me. Looks good. I'll be looking forward to your assessment of Buckeye.That should be great.
Don't think I'll get any train time in today. But, tomorrow I plan on running the trains in the afternoon. Need to relax by then.
Dining Car has arrived and is ready for breakfast. Later.
Y'all have a great Saturday.
its quiet in here tonight!
were is everyone...was there a party and i was left out?
well making small progress in the train room..i am supposed to get 42 sheets of dry wall tomorrow...
we shall see!
well have a good evening or morning!
well i am tired and i need to turn the lights out...wanna make sure i wake up in time to catch something off ebay!
have a great morning everyone...its gonna be a good day!
hey thanks great, condidering i drive 4 vehicles with v8's and big throats...
Don't sweat "Offending" anyone, if we have become that PC it is a sad day on the C.P. Oh shucks, note PC in use, I forgot about somebody getting their skivvies in a bunch last week over Jim's post. Wouldn't you know, I missed it. When she dragged you to the computer did she sound like "Robbie" from "Lost In Space".
There is some good news today, regular dropped to $3.37 a gallon.
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
That's weird, Chewy just woke me up and dragged me to the computer - she seems to think we're in some kind of danger???
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Jim Fortner wrote:Sorry Dougdagrump, if I have to explain it it ain't funny... I spend my days reading this stuff, so I thought it was pretty good. Hope I don't offend anyone....
I'm offended!!!!!! You must state [your knowledge of this is part of the required learning] that a bowl of GRITS a day makes the person a perfect 100.
BTW: Fortner's waypoints are now locked into my GPS. Grits raid into his area is being planned.
No popcorn as too full of seafood. Gooood night.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
good one jim
Hope everybody likes that one! Just in case, I'm continuing my post in a separate post so it doesn't disappear
Got home about 8:30 after going from work to scouts - kids crossed over for next year. First one I was at when I wasn't one of the leaders and it was weird. Long and boring for the parents - didn't really get that when I was "working" it. Thought I'd say something, but don't want to hurt feelings. Oh well.
Got my shipment from TRAINZ/ebay. Was listed as 50 to 65 pieces of O27 track (or, in a different line, O and O27). It's actually 49 pieces, all O, which is cool and what I had hoped. One piece is an operating section, but no controller - have to check around for just the controller, maybe do a combined order on ebay or get from one of the usual sources like traintender? I got 24 full curves, 8 half curves, 1 operating section, 6 half straights, and 10 full straights. Still happy for the money and most of it is tight, straight and pretty clean. Might need to put a little elbow grease to a few pieces, though, at least on the tops. Good train day!
wrmcclellan wrote: Jim F - I think we now need phychiatric evals for Buckeye and Chuck in addition to the eye test. I think they are suffering from Spring Fever! A couple of more lawn mowings and they will be back to normal (Whatever state that may be?).
Roy, I completed a first-time assessment of Chuck at your request. I'll need to work Buckeye into my schedule.
Patient - Chuck
Mr. Blueberry formerly polished pedals at Chevy until retiring about 3 years ago. Since retiring, he has enjoyed the company of a great wife and remains close with family. He has many close friends, including those on a certain website. His hobbies include operating and collecting toy trains and maintaining his palatial estates.
1. General appearance and behaviour
Very pleasant man of 65. Appears younger than stated age. Good hygiene and dressed appropriately.
2. Speech
Normal in rate and rhythm. No signs of pressured speech. Normal vocabulary. No problems with volume or tone.
3. Affect and mood
Mood euthymic. Affect congruent.
4. Quality
5. Range
6. Appropriateness
7. Depersonalisation and derealization
None noted. Oriented to person, place, time and situation.
8. Thought (stream, form, content)
Some problems keeping him on track due to interruptions from dining car. Definitely HATES grits, but this is considered a normal reaction considering cultural references and ability to taste. Has a recurrent fear of someone from "Roseyville" finding his house, but this is apparently grounded in reality and appears to be a normal response to external threat. No evidence of actual hallucinations, delusions, obsessions or rituals.9. Perception
No problems.
10. Cognition
11. Judgement
Appears fair to good. Would be excellent, except he continues to contact character ref above "Roseyville". He is capable of managing any and all benefits.
12. Insight
Limited - see ref Roseyville above: continues contact despite apparent distress and repeated references to Grits.
13. Rapport
Excellent. Smiles easily and laughs appropriately.
Diagnosis:Axis 1. NO DIAGNOSIS. Does not meet DSM IV revised ed. criteria for any mental illness.
GAF (Global Assessment of Functioning): 80. Chuck is opperating on all cylinders and retains all bricks in load. He is able to function at the very highest levels, with only appropriate reactions to everyday stresses.
CSXect wrote: csxt30 wrote: Hope Everyone is having a nice Friday !! Don : glad too, that you got that all fixed up at the school for your boy !! That was some accident Lisa. We don't hear of those types of rail accidents much, just the ones on road crossings. Hope everyone here is careful with summer upon us & be careful at rail crossings.Hope everyone has a nice weekend !!Thanks,John Stop Look and Listen at all crossings!!!!!!!!!
csxt30 wrote: Hope Everyone is having a nice Friday !! Don : glad too, that you got that all fixed up at the school for your boy !! That was some accident Lisa. We don't hear of those types of rail accidents much, just the ones on road crossings. Hope everyone here is careful with summer upon us & be careful at rail crossings.Hope everyone has a nice weekend !!Thanks,John
Hope Everyone is having a nice Friday !!
Don : glad too, that you got that all fixed up at the school for your boy !!
That was some accident Lisa. We don't hear of those types of rail accidents much, just the ones on road crossings. Hope everyone here is careful with summer upon us & be careful at rail crossings.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend !!
Stop Look and Listen at all crossings!!!!!!!!!
I want to add my ...i almost was struck by a train in a crossing about 2 months was 3:30 or 4 am and was heading home after a nice cruise in the chevy and theres a light by a set of tracks here...waited for th light and procedded to cross...well lo and behold the was a train about 50 yards out prolly rolling along around 40 or so...the lcrossing didnt light up the bars didnt come down ...nothing..i didnt even look...well a blast of the horn woke my butt right up....but i didnt notice a light and i know the crossing wasnt lite up..very busy intersection during the day but at night not so...point is...even though you cross the same tracks day in and day out you must glance to see if there is a train...i learned my lesson..i always look now regardless..
This is probably the wrong place to mention this but I sent a check to CTT for a renewal supscription back in March and here it is May an I have not seen one issue in the mail, I know there are only 9 per year but it seems like there should have been at least one issue sent?!?
today was the best train day of my cpl things in the mail today that blew my mind away.....
took the beagle for a walk and watched the tail end of a train....
working in the train room in a lil bit
Happy Friday everyone.
Just saw on the local news that a man was killed after his car was hit by TWO trains. This happened just east of me. His car ran off the road, down an embankment, onto the tracks, where his car was hit by a northbound train. His car was knocked onto a second set of tracks where it was then hit by a southbound train.
This poor guy just had no luck at all!
Just saw where they have cancelled JERICO for next season. That was a good show. Yeah, ZEKE, a lot of cliff-hangers this year in addition to CSI.
Evening all. Slosh Slosh That is the shrimp, oysters and flounder swiming around in my tummy. Seafood plater.
Turned cool. Resting. Later.
jefelectric wrote: Good afternoon,Don, Glad things worked out better for Chris.Fife, I agree with you, ban all the electronic crap from shools.John Baker, I too learned drafting the old fashioned way prior to learning Cad. Some years ago we renovated a High School and they tore out all the drafting tables and gave them away and put in computers. The kids didn't even learn the basics. Caught in the field without a laptop they probably couldn't even make a legible sketch.Dep, Thanks for putting me on the right track, via email, to find coaches for my CNJ suburban locomotive. Much appreciated.Zeke, That is not the first series to pull that stunt. Many years back I think Dallas was the first to do that.Take care all,
Good afternoon,
Don, Glad things worked out better for Chris.
Fife, I agree with you, ban all the electronic crap from shools.
John Baker, I too learned drafting the old fashioned way prior to learning Cad. Some years ago we renovated a High School and they tore out all the drafting tables and gave them away and put in computers. The kids didn't even learn the basics. Caught in the field without a laptop they probably couldn't even make a legible sketch.
Dep, Thanks for putting me on the right track, via email, to find coaches for my CNJ suburban locomotive. Much appreciated.
Zeke, That is not the first series to pull that stunt. Many years back I think Dallas was the first to do that.
Take care all,
ya they definatly left everyone hangin...oh well gives us something to look forward to i guess..
My 2671 tender shell is finally finished. Considering what I started with, it looks great. Here's a before shot of the worst:
That's all fixed now and completely undetectable (unless you flip the shell over and look inside).
Photos of the after to come soon. Special thanks to Dep for providing the donor shell!
Have a nice weekend everyone. Chief, Frank53, stay out of trouble on OGR!
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
Hi All,
Doggy update, Boco has improved a little still no word on exactly what has caused his problems. He is having a scan on Monday.
John B, Also looking forward to Ilkley Show. I managed to find a Hotel for the night within walking distance of the show. Chris has informed me that he and Ken are not doing a layout this year so i will have the only layout running on inverter power and TMCC. Chris says I should be prepared for questions......Where's Clyde Coil when you need him Dang
Don, Glad Chris gets to go to the Prom. Our Schools work a little diffrent over here. You can leave at 16. If you stay after that its voluntary from 16-18 known as Sixth Form this tends to be in seperate buildings although still attached to a Seconday School (11-16). I found sixth form a lot better place than Secondary School. Your treated as young adults rather than children. Though you still had to tow the line. I remember some fun times when our A level history class adjourned to the pub complete with our teacher (yes we were all over 18 at the time).
Have a good one
Noon all. Been busy this AM. Got funny things from my company. Shiiped the wrong item to me. Glad it was me and not a customer. Got some errands to run.
fifedog wrote: Mornin' boys. Damp & dreary here in the Mid-Atlantic region, but need the rain.I'm not sure what was worse, Chief posting the same message thrice, or the fact that I actually read ALL 3 POSTINGS expecting to see something different... I did come to this conclusion---> 3 Chief postings = 1 brianl027 posting!GregM - No edits please. (We need this evidence later for Power of Attorney...)
Mornin' boys. Damp & dreary here in the Mid-Atlantic region, but need the rain.
I'm not sure what was worse, Chief posting the same message thrice, or the fact that I actually read ALL 3 POSTINGS expecting to see something different... I did come to this conclusion---> 3 Chief postings = 1 brianl027 posting!
GregM - No edits please. (We need this evidence later for Power of Attorney...)
Fife, low blow. About as low as you can get. Never could be that long winded.
About editing, I know how but wanted it to stay so maybe those computer experts could see them. Would not post for two tries [kept timing out] and then the last one posted three times.
Have a good one.
PS: Don, glad it all worked out.
Good to hear it worked out well Don. Sounds like you did a good job negotiating with the V-P.
We have dealt with similar stuff and deal with it as you have. Sometimes we win and sometimes we find out there is more to the story than our duaghter or son told us!
Another nice day here. Too much work to do so to compensate, SWMBO and I are tinking of going to a movie at lunch!
Jim F - I think we now need phychiatric evals for Buckeye and Chuck in addition to the eye test. I think they are suffering from Spring Fever! A couple of more lawn mowings and they will be back to normal (Whatever state that may be?).
Doug - Blackberry! You have gone to the dark side....
Have a great day all!
Regards, Roy
Glad that it 'worked out', Don. I agree with you --everything here is run through a legal wringer first these days - and these otherwise goofy policies cover one's uh, back - but that's true probably everyplace these days - even the toy train hobby. Great job encouraging Chris and introducing him to the realities of the workplace too - rules for children, et al... must be endured for the next 20 years.
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
I left work early and went to the school, talked with the Vice Pricincipal. It went down pretty much as suggested. I asked if there were constraints on the timing of the suspension, or could any discretion be applied. Since, the parent (us) were partly responsible. He agreed and the suspension is rescheduled to Monday. No impact on graduation activities. The play went on last night without a hitch. Then had a man-to-man with Chris. Emphasized that even though he is an adult for all practical purposes, he must be tolerant of his current situation for the next 20 days. That he has to function in a situation where the rules are intended for children and he must be tolerant.
Then on the way to pick up his Tux, (he was meeting his Mom there), he witnessed a severe traffic accident that occurred right in front of him. Scared the ***** out of him. So was a rather stressful day for him.
I understand the need for rules, policys, and even political correctness in the the education system. But, can't understand why discretion and temperance can not be applied. What ever happened to common sense. Some of the situations I have seen here, I would be embarrassed to admit I was part of the profession. If the timing would have been where their would NOT have been a negative impact for the school, (Play being revenue generating) I doubt that his suspencion would have been rescheduled.) Yes, I was preparred to be at the BOE office this morning if things wouldn't have been resolved. And Chris & I will probably work in the train room on Monday, or maybe go play pool.
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