Thanks guys.
Laz, where did you go on the St. Lawerence for Pike?
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
magicman710 wrote: zeke wrote:had a horrible nightmare last night.... i dreamt i sold all my trains stuff to buy a pocket rocket. it was very weird!Zeke, sounds like you've been thinking of trains to much! Your already having dreams about them! Grayson
zeke wrote:had a horrible nightmare last night.... i dreamt i sold all my trains stuff to buy a pocket rocket. it was very weird!
had a horrible nightmare last night.... i dreamt i sold all my trains stuff to buy a pocket rocket. it was very weird!
Zeke, sounds like you've been thinking of trains to much! Your already having dreams about them!
Well ive been dreaming about them for awhile now but never sold them yet. It was so wierd i almost woke up crying i felt very sad, so i had to run out tor the train room in my boxers and check, all was safe.
rt--- sorry thats not gonna happen,lol. I do have a stubborn 2025 thats ticking me off and become a paper wieght right now but.....nvm
and happy 23 rd to you to my friend i only made it 11 yrs before i was single again.
wish i had 4xr today i loaded my truck down with wood about 3ft about the cab, it finally sagged a little lol. but when i tried to leave i sank the rear end in some stinking sand, whats sand doing out in the foresst? threw some bark under them tires and pulled right out but was still amazed there was sand there..
I rescued two kittens today to. I really wasnt interested in getting them at the time but it was either me or the pound. so i got a fluffy white cat and a black on with white spots...pretty cute actually.
well ill catch you guys and gals later
Good morning. [really have not made it to bed yet, was running trains and downloading pictures to post] Light shower. Rained good near by but fell apart when it got to Roseyville. Paying the preacher good and I even taught the Senior Ladies' SS Class. Still no rain.
Hope to sleep late tomorrow [well this AM].
Buckeye, notice your wife sends you out of the Country when you all have an anniversary. I'm sure it is so she can cry all by herself. [really, Mrs. Buckeye and Little Buckeye go out and celebrate that he is out of their hair for a week. ]
Read so many posts I forgot all my planned replies. Marty, good to see you here again. fife, good watching as mostly NS and no CSX. Where is Dr. Dennis? Probably helping his Budds play with someone's heart. Better he do that instead of playing with trains [as they will run off of his layout that is not finished]. Posted to Dr. John I was coming to visit in Aug and he left town [no post from him since]. Laz, try putting some flies on the end of the leader. Helps catch more fish. Jim F. and Mitch, how about sending more rain this way and quit hogging it all. You three California beach bums, put up those surfboards and play more trains.
ALERT, ALERT! Jim A has his computer. As soon as he can get internet service, we will have to put up with him 24/7.
Off to bed. [John S., had two bags of microwave popcorn tonight ]
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
ChiefEagles wrote: You three California beach bums, put up those surfboards and play more trains. ]
You three California beach bums, put up those surfboards and play more trains.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wonder who hes referring
i bought ....................
I had a visitor earlier and for a cpl hrs and we made a mess!
this is my godson Donovan hes a handful and just awesome kid!
well catch you all later its popcorn and a movie time for me. Some chick flick tonight, not my turn to pick.
Good morning all,
It is a foggy morning in SE Indiana with temps in the low 80s and rain forecasted for today. Not much more to report since yesterday. I did run the 384E again last night. It just runs and runs. I may have to get out some more equipment later this week as this will be the first "normal" work week in quite a while. There was a load of bran muffins loaded on the dining car for "Points East" this morning. I hope they enjoy it. Thanks for the donuts, Zeke, as they were delicious. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
PS. Thank you for thoughts, Jim F., and I agree with you on Steak'n'Shake.
iI just watched hope floats...i dont know why i let the other half pic a movie, its always a girly crying flick.....well now that ive been bored to death im off to bed. I have to get up early and meet with an electrician. Well non is early ....isnt it?
take care everyone and stay cool!
Jim A, Glad to see you back. You can now take over the job of keeping the Chief on the straight and narrow. He has been rambunctious this weekend. We need to find him another job where he is required to fly overseas to sell battery chargers. Outer Mongolia would be my first choice.
Clarification: Anniversary this week, fishing next week. Mrs. Buckeye sends me fishing for a week as an anniversary present. I give her flowers. Great deal on my part.
Fishing buddy was over for burgers last night and we plotted our fishing strategy so that we can beat Boat 1 again this year in the number of fish caught. Our boat, Boat A, has led the way for the last three years. After taking fishing lessons from a buddy in Indiana, I won the Grand Slam of fishing in 2005; first fish, biggest walleye, biggest pike and most fish several years ago. I hauled in 42 fish including four big lake trout.
BTW, getting into Canada is getting to be more and more difficult. If you have had a DUI, Canada considers that a felony and can prohibit you from entering the country. The resorts in Canada have seen their guests drop dramatically in the last two years, not only due to the DUI law, but do to the strengthening of the Canadian dollar against the U.S. Remember those tar sands that contain oil?
If you must have trains with your fishing check out this website:
I have fished at Tatnall Camp in 1997 and 1999, and train or sea plane is the only way to get to the camp. We boarded at Hawk Jct. and rode in the baggage car.
Need to oil and lube the G scale. G scale when run outside seems to need more TLC.
See ya down the tracks,
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a cloudy 66 degrees. Humid. Suppose to get some rain later. The grass needs some. Going up to 86 today.
Today, I have to run some errands, locally. I got some gray paint, and some sand to mix for a concrete look. Came out pretty good. I need to work on scenery, now that the bridge is done. I've been spending a lot of time outside, enjoying the warm weather.
Dining Car is here early. Well stocked. Been to " points west " already. Now it's time for breakfast. Later.
Y'all have a great Monday.
Buckeye, any day now, I'll have home access to the forum and I can keep an eye on the Roseyville Rascal 24/7. I'm doing it for the greater good...
Sore back today as I had to break down a wooden swing set next door and lug it to our yard for re-assembly. It's all done, but that sucker was heavy!
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
laz CAMP started @ 0530 this morning with a nice 6 miler, now hit the weights for 40 minutes. Then start ripping up the bathroom. We got some rain a sprinkle this morning but felt humid when I ran. To get to 90 today.
BUCKEYE, we wnt for Pike in Ontario a little town called SUMMERSTOWN Ontario. a few miles up river from CORWALL ONTARIO. And abot an hour from MONTREAL. We use to take the train up to MONTREAL to see a EXPO game every now and then. Great time.
RT, CONGA on your 23 ANEVERSARY, and many more.
All have a good one.
BUCKEYE, How are the bugs up there? Big as birds?
Good morning from a sunny and warm Chicago where it looks like a nice quiet day at work today. Congratulations on 32 years, Buckeye and Karen - we have 25 more to go to catch up to you. Had a low-key weekend - spent a cloudy Saturday fixing up the layout - cut down some of my tall hills that I had taped up to my hanging backdrop - it's like a curtain (made of blue plastic banquet table cloth) and the tape doesn't hold very well. I was tired of an occasional hill in the far corner of the layout falling down to cover the track. The bride was also throwing out a lot of fake flowers she has around - the associated foliage makes great trees so I planted what I rescued. Spent yesterday at the wake of a neighbor whose eight-year-old daugther who had been fighting cancer finally passed on. Nothing sadder when it's a little kid.Laz, those northern 'skeeters will pick you and your Bear up and carry you both away.
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Sorry about the neighbors little girl,prayers for her.
Buckeye Riveter wrote: Clarification: Anniversary this week, fishing next week. Mrs. Buckeye sends me fishing for a week as an anniversary present. I give her flowers. Great deal on my part.
As if the poor woman had a choice
Buckeye Riveter wrote:Fishing buddy was over for burgers last night and we plotted our fishing strategy
Fishing buddy was over for burgers last night and we plotted our fishing strategy
Let's see - bait hook - put in water
Buckeye Riveter wrote:BTW, getting into Canada is getting to be more and more difficult. If you have had a DUI, Canada considers that a felony and can prohibit you from entering the country.
BTW, getting into Canada is getting to be more and more difficult. If you have had a DUI, Canada considers that a felony and can prohibit you from entering the country.
From personal experience?
Buckeye Riveter wrote:I have fished at Tatnall Camp in 1997 and 1999, and train or sea plane is the only way to get to the camp. We boarded at Hawk Jct. and rode in the baggage car.
They wouldn't let you in with the regular passengers?
Well good morning from sunny rainy Dallas. Lightly raining this morning and rain predicted for the next 5 days. Weatherman Weatherperson says we may get from 1" to 3" today. We are starting plans for an ark. Looks like the Evan Almightly movie has some good tips.
Have a great day all!
Regards, Roy
Blueberryhill RR wrote: Good Morning from Blueberryhill............ I got some gray paint, and some sand to mix for a concrete look. Came out pretty good. I need to work on scenery, now that the bridge is done. ............ Chuck
........ I got some gray paint, and some sand to mix for a concrete look. Came out pretty good. I need to work on scenery, now that the bridge is done. ............ Chuck
Should have painted the whole bridge gray.
Morning all. Was typing on the forum and the old Peek started having breathing problems and then suddenly let out a long howl. Went to check him out. Was streached out on his bed and stiff. Rubbed him and he got better. Had peed on his bed. Figure it was a heart attack. Up wanting to go out now. 17 years old and still going. Got to wash his bed cover [bed is one of those Cabela's with waterproof liner].
Hot and humid. Had some light rain during the night. Got to get going here. Slept until Town Hall called for an answer to a projection question. Got to get them to stop calling before 9 or 9:30 AM.
Have a good one. Later
Greeting from HOT/HUMID/HAZY NorthEast FLA where it'll hit 91 afore the day is over.
Started moving stuff into my 3rd FLOOR apartment Sat & Sun, so a little sore today, on top of getting an ultrasound of my kidneys....what for, they dunno. Something related to my hospital stay in April, and they didn't like my blood work either...
A happy annniversary to RT & Buckeye...I'm running on 18 and still haven't figured the missus out yet.....
Well, the motorcycle is gone and the StreetMachine is on the eBay block. So, without any HiPerformance wheels, it'll be a long summer until the next project comes along...
maybe I can get my roadrunner back from my brother in law....
Till later!!
I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.I am the venom in your skin --- Breaking Benjamin
Hello from hot humid and sunny south Florida!! May get some rain before the day is over but I don't count my chickens before they hatch, in otherwords I will waity & see about the rain.
Feeling a bit better today but still have pain from the surgery, taking pain medicine, find out more from doctor on friday.
Had to replace my A.C.'s thermostat this morning, over the weekend it kept cooling things off too much/like it was in cohoots with FPL-Florida Power & Light a.k.a. Flickering Powerless & Lightless, especially after a hurricane!! After Hurricane Andrew no power almost seven weeks in Homestead FL, then again it looked worse than a combat zone after Andrew!!!
Rich-anjdevil2, hope the doctor can find out what is wrong with you, an ultrasound of the kidneys could be kidney stones or something more serious but hopefully not.
Anyway about women-you may never fiquire one out completely so stop trying!!! Just accept the woman as she is!! I think electronics would be easier to fiquire out than women.
Cheif, thanks for the heads up on the NE Yank and his comp.
Lee F.
Good evening from a wet and windy Stockport, could do with a few thousand grits to soak up all this rain, been at it for 48hrs and the weather totty says we have about another 24hrs to come. The eastern side of the nation is almost submerged and in a state of chaos, come on over Chief, and don't forget your diving gear, you'll be glad to get back to FLA after a week here.
Still struggling to shake off this heavy cold, had to cancel my trip to Scotland and take to my sick bed (alone). Plenty of hot sweet whisky laced with lots of tea.
It's getting almost impossible to put together a post as so many guys talk on so many subjects I lose track and finish up forgetting what I am going to say.
John Baker
Hi all, Catching up on the pot as I have been working away. John B keep taking the whisky in the tea. You could also try mixing some whisky in hot water and adding a big spoon of honey. Remember for real emergencys break out the Wild Turkey 101 proof!
Due to the amount of rain we have been having I am thinking of buying a Submarine for my personal transport....
Well construction of the Garage/Gamesroom began today. Which is really the start of our Lionel Layout. The builders made a sterling effort against the weather.
See this is what happens to your back garden when you buy your son a Lionel set for Christmas.....
Later folks
wrmcclellan wrote: Afternoon all!Good to hear from Marty!Buckeye - we will be on the Tennessee River about 20 mi north of Chattanooga on a section called Chicamauga Lake. God bless the TVA! We will do some fishing. Hope it is better than last year!Watching the IRL crash fest. Doing some light projects. Hope to catch some of the NASCAR race later.Partly cloudy here. Rain has held off. More heavy rain predicted Mon and Tues.Have a great day all!
Afternoon all!
Good to hear from Marty!
Buckeye - we will be on the Tennessee River about 20 mi north of Chattanooga on a section called Chicamauga Lake. God bless the TVA! We will do some fishing. Hope it is better than last year!
Watching the IRL crash fest. Doing some light projects. Hope to catch some of the NASCAR race later.
Partly cloudy here. Rain has held off. More heavy rain predicted Mon and Tues.
Roy, it is a beautiful area. If you get the chance, the Chattanooga Aquarium is very nice. They just opened a penguin exhibit. Also, they have several steam excursions. Only a few hobby shops and they are about all HO/N.
Been a crazy few days. Had one emergency after the next. Started out with a heart, then a shooting, stabing, another heart, ruptured spleen,...... I need a vacation. Bride took the kids to the gulf and while I hope to get a lot of work done on the layout, right now all I can think about is sleep. Anyway, hope it is a good day for everyone.
God Bless,
Buckeye, congrats on the anniversary. May you have many more. As to Canada and DUI, when I went up for a deer hunt, you have to "register" your firearms. If you had a DUI, you could not register and thus, could not hunt. They do take it seriously, but also like to generate $$$$. Anyway, have a good trip.
anjdevil2 wrote: A happy annniversary to RT & Buckeye...I'm running on 18 and still haven't figured the missus out yet.....Rich
My boss is running on 72 years married and hes 96 years young and says he hasn't figured the misses out yet so I figure we never will lol
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
Good Evening Everyone !! Pretty hot today at work but getting hotter tomorrow. I'm kind of exhausted tonight !! I noticed The Chief had 2 bags of popcorn last night ! Hope he has enough for us tonight !! Did you guys also notice he said he only watches the NS trains ? I say Hogwash to that, he loves the CSX trains !! Especially if he's in a hurry & gets stopped by one at a road crossing !! I can just imagine what he's saying to himself then !!
Be sure to click on to enlarge !!
I see Lisa visited yesterday too ! Hope her hubby is doing well !
Happy anniversary to RT & Buckeye for this week !!
Hope Dennis gets the rest he needs !! We don't want him making any mistakes !!
Nick DCM : Looks like progress is being made for the layout !! Keep us posted & I hope John Baker tries the chat forum again !! Some of us had some fun there last night !! I was pretending to be Boxcarwilly !!
Hope everyone has a nice evening !!
Thanks, John
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Cooking a big pan of squash and onions in bacon greese and some water. when they get soft and most of the water cooks out, then they are ready. Having them and cucumbers in salt, pepper, vinager and some sugar. Wife did not eat all of her prime rib and it has been in the frig since Friday night. She is at the beach so prime rib will be on my plate too.
John B, get well. Told you Dennis was playing with someone's heart. Sure enough. Better get to work on his trains. Western on Halmark Channel. Eat the cookings and then popcorn. Later.
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
well good evening all. not much happening today, went and saw charles and theres no change. i wis he'd just get better. i feel so bad for him.
well been feeling blue about charles so me and my friend jose been hanging out all night.....well later
Morning all,
BuckeyeHappy Anniverary. I've found the best gift we can give our spouse is appreciation. Sometimes I get so self absorbed in my stuff, I fail to appreciate how special our spouse is. Fall into the trap of taking them for granted I guess. Someday I may learn.
Rained the past couple of days so grass is greening up and growing. Hope to get off work on time to take my bride out for dinner. Her 50th was Sunday and we had the kids up, tonight will be lower key. Bride's present is going to be a trip to Glacier National Park in early September.
The house we "rent" to daughter and kids had septic tank problems and had trouble finding the tank. Previous owner forgot where it was and we did a lot of digging where he thought it was. Well, we know now.
Got some trees off ebay for my American Flyer All Aboard set. This will fill in for the missing ones. Tried for some extra houses but missed out. Looking forward to this year's train show to set it up. Folks around here not real familiar with AF to beging with and the All Aboard is rarely seen.
Off to work!
May God bless
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