Don the chief claimed he had a nut case across the street well I don't think he evens compares to what your wife will think when she gets home . By the way rest in peace ole freind was nice knowing you .
Getting ready for work have to work 10 - 7 today . thought I'd stop in and say hi looks like pay last respects while I'm at it for one west coaster.
Brent don't listen to him if you want to see tomorrow by the way look at your age and his hes about lived a full life you haven't so guess its okay for him to say goodbye
Well all take care talk to you all later
Oh by the way Don it does look nice but just don't seeing it fly with the misses
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a cold, 34 degrees. Foggy, with sun trying to push thru. Going up to 70, today, with sunshine.
Today, I have a few things to do outside. Mow the back yard and put away the water hoses. Then, do some yard clean up. Later, this afternoon, I will take an hour or so, and run the trains. Nice days are going to get scarce.
Indians won last night against Boston. 13 to 6. I fell asleep before it was over, but wife watched the whole game. Now 2 games at the Jake. I hope they keep up the momentum.
No Nascar races today. Jeff Gordon won last night.
All Aboard for the Dining Car. Breakfast. Waitress is sleeping late today. So, it will be self-service.
Y'all have a great Sunday.
Don, you are in great big fat trouble when the wife gets home!
Kids woke me up early again this morning. Chief sounds like you live on the wrong side of the tracks. Which for some reason, reminds me of a story. We used to live right next door to my dad's best friend. They were always pranking each other. One day, my dad's buddy called the cops and told them my father was on the roof with of all things, a machine gun, drunk, yelling and hollering. So the cops swarmed down the street and when my mom let them in the house, they found my old man sound asleep on the couch! Those were the good old days...
Move up here, Chief. I'll let you mow my lawn. I'll even walk around the yard in my speedo if you want. Oh wait a minute. I already do that.
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
Don: I LIKE IT! You can turn that old silver tea set into a chick Cali Diner. Install the pot pouring the tea, with a smoke unit inside.... This way you didn't have to throw out the chotski.
Sorry, reality sides with Nick...dead man walking...
Morning all, 09:00hrs here in Peterborough. Hope to do a bit more to the Gamesroom today. I'll try and post some pics of progress later.
Don, Its been nice knowing you. Maybe you could say you wanted to reduce the amount of dusting your good lady has to do. This tact may not work however so I suggest securing all sharp objects out of reach before her return.
Have a good one
Good Evening All -
Been real busy being a Mom & Dad and all. But, we are survivng. Havn't been up on all the posts, will have to go back and check to see what's been happening with everyone.
One thing that I've been working on, is laying track for the layout. I Will post some pics later. Anyway, had a major problem. The area that I had allocated for a staging for passenger trains just isn't working out, and has created a sifnificant problem! Primary issue is; 2 pass trains that are 7' long, and 1 that is 6' long. So been really fighting the space issue.
(Remember, the Wife is out of town, right..... Well, also be aware it is ALWAYS easier to get approval on something when it is already done, as compared to trying to get prior approval on an idea or plan. (Free advice Brent.))
So, here is the problem situation:
Notice the limited space! As you can see I'm trying to use every sq inch. Now if you focus toward the upper right corner. There lies the opportunity and solution !!! That big opening in the wall leads to a vast untapped resource !!!! Unlimited opportunity!!! Free for the taking !!!
And the solution:
Below is a couple of snaps of the undeveloped, under utilized, land of opportunity ...........
Now in the above picture on the right side you can see this predefined mesa, granted it has a few obstacles in the way, but no problem.....
These things are easily moved, after all you have to keep it all in perspective....
So, laying in a temporary bridge is easy, I think I will actually enclose it in a tunnel. Having a tunnel is always impressive. But initially just a adaptive track section. (could actually function as one of those classification corridors where the cars are free wheeling down the ramp).
Finally, after securing the ADDITIONAL track, you can see it affords considerable extra space! Notice the special affect the mirror in the back provides, gives an additional perspective to the depth of the cars, and can also be used to do visual inspections.
So as you can see the resulting solution really worked out well. I have thought about it considerably, and can't find anything wrong. I might be able to squeeze another siding in.
So all in all, I think she will really be surprised when she gets home! I think I will hook up a couple of yard lights, it should really be cool with the mirror affect.
Howdy gang. Back from MIL's. FOOOOOD Now I'm over full. Jim, I should spray his lawn and then I would not have to mow it.
Think he is off his meds. Left his garbage cart at the street for days [not usual for him]. He got mad when I mowed his lawn for him the other day because he was about to get a letter from Town Hall. He has a new mower but has not used in two months. Waiting for the 2 AM or 4 AM loud music and him running around the place yelling at the top of his voice using the "N" word and threatening to kill someone [waking me up so loud]. Yes, twice I've called the PD. He will not come to the door. Main breaker is outside. They shut the electricty off. He'll stay like that the rest of the night. Never ran A/C during the summer [some days 105]. Left front and back doors open [along with windows]. Called the landlord today and his wife was home. She says her husband went there today to fix a toilet and said the place full of boxes and only walkways to get around inside. Sad really. Think his problem came from an accident. Tall fellow with a pot belly . Runs around all the time is black shorts that look like short boxers and nothing else. Looks really weird in his long pony tail. Might be one of Jim A's "buddies".
Gooood night.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Hey Chief, did you know that you can write things on people's lawns with Roundup?
Back from the gathering. Had a great time and plenty to eat. Didn't lose any weight today, that's for sure. Talked trains with Mary's cousin. He works for Verizon and is trying to get us to switch to Fios. $40 cheaper per month = $480 saved each year means $480 more to spend on trains.
Blueberryhill RR wrote: And away we go................Go Tribe.LAZ......We need some cheerleaders.
And away we go................Go Tribe.
LAZ......We need some cheerleaders.
Where's 'Da Chief in his Snow white outfit????? ... Ra Rah Rass Kick 'em in the other knee!
Well its almost 8 and time to watch DA TRIBE. GO TRIBE!!!!!
John, show us photos of the dollhouse you're working on.
Chief, good for you! Serves them right. Jim, nice um cow.
Rode the oldest working Interurban in America today - CA&E#20 -- she was built in 1902 and ran continuously until 1957! Had the original ads from the final run. A big wooden car. Got some photos. Went out on the Fox Valley Trolley Museum's pumpkin train.
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Sounds great John! If I can meet up with Mitch somewhere and catch a ride, that will be ideal! Will have to get more details this week.
Chief and Nick, you would have an easier time identifying me now, as I have cut my hair!
Well, as usual I don't do things right the first time. I misread the manual on my multitester and wired it for microamps instead of volts. Really made an interesting experiment! Got it right now, but waiting for my remaining hairs to lay down flat again before I make another test! J/K, but I actually did pop the breaker, though!
Going over to finish the decorative rock boundary at my friends' house, for their patio. Need to get it done before the weather changes for real. Supposed to be 75 tomorrow, so that's good.
Chief, good fences make good neighbors. Maybe you need a better fence? Maybe 10 feet high, electrified, with some razor wire at the top and set out in rolls to the very end of your property!? Or a MOAT! That would be very cool. You could stock it with Alligator GAR, fed up on GRITS!
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Thats a nice pair of horns you have there Jim!
Here's a link to some info on Cavity walls. Ours is a conventional one. You put the insulation in as you build up and use wire wall ties to connect the two walls together. The wiring is put on the internal wall with special plastic covers that you just nail to the wall. These get covered by the drywall. This is standard practice for most new build buildings. Having said that quiet a lot of new/kit houses are built using timber frame with brick/block on the outside which are more in the US style of building. (Extreme Makeover Home Edition has reached these shores).
If you look at the back left of this pic you will see the inner wall starting to be built. On the front and one side we used artifical stone rather than thermolite block for the outer wall.
mitchelr wrote: Brutus wrote:Hello folks! No new train stuff today. Found out today I was put up for national training, so might have to travel in a few weeks and then maybe next month and then ??? I suspect I'll be in Baltimore for about 7 to 9 days? I'm sure week days will be busy, but not sure about the weekend?Brutus/Jim F - Let us know when you are going to be in B'more and maybe I can pick you for a trip to Strasburg or the B & O Railroad Museum. Lots of train related stuff in our area. Who knows maybe we could meet up with Fife and Brent for a lunch or dinner?Mitch
Brutus wrote:Hello folks! No new train stuff today. Found out today I was put up for national training, so might have to travel in a few weeks and then maybe next month and then ??? I suspect I'll be in Baltimore for about 7 to 9 days? I'm sure week days will be busy, but not sure about the weekend?
Brutus/Jim F - Let us know when you are going to be in B'more and maybe I can pick you for a trip to Strasburg or the B & O Railroad Museum. Lots of train related stuff in our area. Who knows maybe we could meet up with Fife and Brent for a lunch or dinner?
Sounds like a plan.
Brutus wrote: Hey, I got a pic from the Scottish Festival with some Heeland Coos!I'm the one with the South Park t-shirt!
Hey, I got a pic from the Scottish Festival with some Heeland Coos!
I'm the one with the South Park t-shirt!
Glad you told us. Couldn't tell the difference at first glance.
My crazy neighbor [brain damage] got mad because I had the tree trimmers cut some bushy trees back from over the fence line between him and our yard. Told him his landlady was aware and said OK. Came home this afternoon and he had cut a limb off of a pecan tree on the property line. He had cut it back with a saw but cut it back on my side of the fence. The thing that made me mad was, it had a suiet feeder hanging in it. Been there for years. Well, I fixed that. See the pictures [post burried and wired to the fence. use to hang in my way when mowing. now out of the way and hanging over some lettuce he has planted right on the fence line which is my property]
You can see the picture of the limb I threw over the fence on his "stuff". It was laying on my side of the fence when I got home.
Hope the birds POOP all over his lettuce. Might even spray it with Roundup. Sure hope he doesn't touch this now. If he does, he will get a free ride in a Town car.
Hey, thanks guys (John, Mitch, and Fife) I'll have to find out next week if I got selected and if so when I'll actually travel. I suspect that I would be traveling 10/30 to 11/9, which will wreck my Halloween layout plans this year though Then, I might have to travel again somewhere else in November/December. We'll see - sounds like it would be great fun! I'm not sure, but I doubt I would rate a government car, but might be able to take a taxi to meet you guys somewhere somewhat local and then see what trouble we could cause!
Wife is in all-day girlscout leader training today so I took the kids to the Y for swim practice and then picked up some McDonalds. Just got off the phone with my friend Jim Y who retired to SC. Need to get my new multitester out and see what I can figure out about that basement wiring. I'll be back!
Nick - I looked up that building material you were using, can't remember the name, but it's basically cement brick with built in insulation in the middle, right? Does it have built in "tubes" for electric too?
Been busy today. Took the Mrs. car for new tires, then lots of little chores around the house, recycling to the center, washed the car, filled the bird feeders, etc. Must get a shower and will watch to football, maybe take a . tonight I'll watch the race. Tomorrow to Mom & Dad's. We have stayed away this week because the Mrs. has been pretty sick and didn't want to take a chance on reinfecting Mom or Dad. So far I have been pretty lucky, the germs haven't caught me yet. (He said with fingers crossed.)
Take care,
Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839
jefelectric wrote: Nick, If you glue drywall to the block, what do you do for insulation?
Nick, If you glue drywall to the block, what do you do for insulation?
Jefelectric- Cavity wall. There is a outer wall and a inner wall with a gap between the two filled with insulation. 85mm of glass fibre in our case.
fifedog wrote: kpolak - It's a good idea to post some pics as you are building. You get some good feedback here, and it kinda motivates you. Any particular theme...?
kpolak - It's a good idea to post some pics as you are building. You get some good feedback here, and it kinda motivates you. Any particular theme...?
Bride has a few (10) Christmas in the City buildings...That's the center, and I am planning to do a 48" pike with a 4% grade on the outside and out and around the tree and back. The inner loop will be 36" (fastrack) that will run on ehthe lower level only, with a tunnel in half...I'll see if I can complete some sketches for tomorrow. Benchwork today...I'm bad at math in my head. I sure miss AutoCAD. I am trying to run the outer benchwork on a curve to match the track.
Chief - "SWISH! Nothing but the bottom of the net!"
cnw1995 - It's much better when they just stay out all night and don't bother you. At least you're well rested for the "full frontal assault".
I have a layout plan that I worked several months on, and didn't use. Mrs. fifedog likes it when my hobby PAYS me...
cnw1995 wrote:Anyone entering the layout contest?
I have two working ideas I might submit one is an around the room the other is an up and over dogbone style.
Good morning,
Late riser today. The boys came through last night, but it was a nail biter. Behind 7-6 in the first quarter & only led 14-7 at the end of 3 quarters. Finally got their act together and won 41-14. The last touchdown by the other team was a gift from the 2nd string defense. Now 7-0.
Working on dollhouse project today.
Lee F., How about some pictures of the superstreet project. BTW I dropped Comcast a while back and switched to DSL from Embarq. Comcast would be unavailable for periods of time and when you called they would deny it. Embarq DSL is a tad slower, but always there. Since I don't download things like music and videos it is no problem with the slightly slower speed. Also saving almost half the cost.
Chief, You are way ahead of me, haven't done anything to the greenhouse yet. It will have to wait till after York week now. This recent HOT weather we have had has me all fouled up with fall work.
Brutus, Don't forget that Strasburg is not a bad drive from the Baltimore area. Lots of train stuff to see and do. Let me know if you want to try it, maybe we could meet up.
Laz, You are right about Weaver service, it is hard to beat, and they do it with a one man service department. BTW I got my SPRING 2008 WEAVER CATALOG in the mail yesterday. Some nice stuff, not a lot new. They have brought back the aluminum streamlined passenger cars which are VERY nice, but you need at least 056 and they recommend 072 as they are scale length. There are 8 road names and a five car set lists for $599! Nice Set with a C-1 Switcher with TMCC and 5 cars for $719. You can always do better than list on Weaver.
Doug M., You make me happy that my teenagers are now parents, revenge is good!
Well I think this has been long winded enough for now,
fifedog wrote: dweimer - not sure how a picture of your son's closet will fly. Now, then, a picture of Jim A.'s closet might be worth a peek...
dweimer - not sure how a picture of your son's closet will fly. Now, then, a picture of Jim A.'s closet might be worth a peek...
Jumijo wrote:No photos of my closet, Fifey. This is a family forum.
No photos of my closet, Fifey. This is a family forum.
That is because Jim A is still "in the closet".
Off to Miss Edma's. Later a story about sorrry customer service from UPS. Brown has brown stains in their "drawers". Cool [heat came on several times] but warming fast. Later
Good morning from a grey and cool Crystal Lake where I have a long to-do list - which I kinda like - maybe take the youngest to find a local farm to pick out a few pumpkins. Hey, better yet, maybe one of the train museums is running a Halloween train. Bride re-did the master bedroom this week with her girlfriend while I was at work. I have to hang a few things, swap out a head-board and then pay for it all. She apparently has Sunday plans which may impact my going to the train show (I want my Thomas!). I hope not but we haven't caught up yet. Went out for pizza last night whilst the older kids went to the big game - the home team got walloped, something like 50-0. The daughter had the gall to call me at 1130 to see if she could stay past curfew (which is a state law)... "Help me to understand - you're waking me up to see if it's OK for you to knowingly break the law." Sheesh. Good excuse for a nap later.
Our pastor is announcing he's leaving for another church. It should be interesting to see how this is handled.
43 and nice here today. Wife and I had a nice fire last nite and ate some burgers and drank a few beers. Great way to end the week. Came in and ran trains for an hour while watching DA TRIBE loose, DA! Anyway NO PILE UPS all ran good. I got my WEAVER L1b back from repairs, they put in a new radio board and replaced the chuff switch, ran good. Only took a week, it helps when the WEAVER Plant is only 30 miles up the road.
Going to close down the pond today.
Mornin' boys. Sunny & 45 degrees here in the Mid-Atlantic region. It was a good morning to snuggle with my Honey, but then my nose started to whistle... Made good progress on the layout yesterday; will post some pics tomorrow. Lots of running around to do today.
Brutus - Let us know when you'll be in Baltimore.
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