OCTOBER COFFEE POT Hot coffee with grits for the good Southerners and oatmeal for the Yanks. Locked

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Posted by KRM on Saturday, October 29, 2016 9:03 AM

Hi guys, 64 heading to 74 later today. That is nice for this time of year here!  May pick up 3 year old grand-son Jordan latter and we can sweep and burn leaves and maybe cut some small trees I want to get rid of. Guy stuff. Laugh

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Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by rtraincollector on Saturday, October 29, 2016 8:25 AM

Fife you need to become friends real quick with the local constable and have him write you a waning citation about it being in your yard so long and tell them if it's not out by Tuesday the fines start and you will hold them accountable for them as it was suppose to be out of here by what ever date it originally was to be out. 

Either that or find a nieghbor with a good strong 4 x 4 and have them drag it down to the edge of your property where the street is. Big Smile 

Morning all. Did a little more than I should of yesterday and feeling it today. But think most of it comes from being tied down more or less for the past 6 weeks. 

ROBMCC your braver than me. BTO I can not see it. I don't care if it's something I feel I will die if I don't get one. I've heard to many stories. some good more bad ( your always going to hear the bad ones) but when some are waiting over 2 years for a engine. Notta for me. I risk enough on doing the bay lol. I can not see tieing up $xxx.xx or more for something for more than a month. Where I have to keep it in my account for when it comes in.Personally if they can not have a set date that it will be delievered or say after 6 months After cut off date to order.  ( which should be plenty of time to build and ship ) they should have to come back and see if you still want if not refund your deposite and cancle the order. To me 6 months should be more than enough time. I know it takes a while to get it shipped. Well to my thinking ( and probably all wrong ) from time produced to time to the states should never be more than 3 months. and if you start producing a month after cut off date it shouldn't take more than a week or so to build all thats ordered so that still gives you another two months to get it set up to ship or what have you. will now stand down from my soap box. SoapBox 

Plan on taking a bunch of stuff to the booth the Mrs. has and set it up. Built two of the shelves I wanted yesterday and loaded them into the back seat area of the truck. Glad it's a full size extended cab ( 6 passenger). Boy does that back area ever get used. Have a bunch of trains in back there right now in boxes also. And going to put some in bed of truck to get there. now a lot won't be put there but I have some in each box that will. 

Hope all having a good weekend, talk to you all later. 

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by robmcc on Saturday, October 29, 2016 7:49 AM
Morning all! Should be a nice one today! Not too many 70ish days left in my neck of the woods. I'm hoping to get some yardwork done and clean out the garage (I might actually be able to work on my Camaro this winter!!) before the Battle of Michigan at noon. GO BLUE!!! Still need to take it easy though. I'm supposed to be laying low for a few weeks while my MCL in my right knee heals, but I can't sit still!! I did my very first BTO locomotive purchase this week. I usually prefer to buy "off the lot" so I see what I'm getting. Fingers crossed........ Fife - make sure that girl of yours takes care of her back. Mrs. Mc has been a RN for years and the lifting has certainly taken its toll on her. Her back and my knee. We are quite the pair!! Prayers to all in need.
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Posted by fifedog on Saturday, October 29, 2016 7:05 AM

Mornin' boys.  Sunny & 43 along the Patterson Creek cut-off.  Woke up with headache.  Not sure if it was the primer I'm using, or all of the cat hair (allergy) I had to wipe off of the walls before applying same.

Middle princess was hired by the nearby hospital, in Cumberland, and will start her first official RN duty in 2 weeks.  Hence she will be settling into the new Fifedom for a spell.  That's fine, as JJ is like our "comfort food" in the house.

Need to visit my locol coffee pot (Old Furnace), then go to post office.  Probably head up over to folk's house to visit Mom.

Oh, and POD is still plopped in front of my 2 car garage.  Tuesday now.  Place yer bets.

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Posted by cheapclassics on Friday, October 28, 2016 10:25 PM

Good evening all,

Quiet day at work, and good weather for walk.  Traffic was a bit much.   Joe, no disrespect was intended.  Often during shootouts to decide games, the goalies are shooters as well.  Most goalies are usually among the team's better players.   A casual observer of the game would think the keeper has an easy job, but from my own experience, it is the toughest position to play.   I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by Demay on Friday, October 28, 2016 3:13 PM

Good evening,

Another busy Friday as usual.  I went in to work late as I needed to be home in the morning to await the dryer maintenance crew.  The base loans us German spec washers and dryers while we are here, but that means being at the mercy of their local repair men.  Their window to show up was from 0800-1200 and they arrived around 0915.  The heating element was kaput so they replaced the entire dryer.  The workday hummed along and then the older son had a soccer game this evening.  They got crushed and I stopped counting the score after the other team scored 8 in the first half.  I did have a nice doner kebap and falafel sandwich for dinner.  I think we have a full agenda planned for tomorrow so I need to get some sleep.

Roy - Versaille is fantastic to see.  It's a shame you cannot make the trip right now; Paris never bores me and there is always plenty to see and do.  Unfortunately for this trip, work kept me occupied most of the days and the wife shopped.  However, we enjoyed fantastic meals, people watching from the cafes, and wonderful nighttime strolls. 

Jim Phish - The high speed train (ICE train) hit around 320 kph (around 192 mph) and you couldn't even tell.  It was extremely smooth and a pleasurable experience.  I am looking forward to doing it again soon.

Mike C. - I have a soccer questions for you: Is it considered disrepectful for an opposing team's goalie to take the penalty shot?  As time expired in my son's soccer game tonight, his team committed a penalty resulting in the other team having a penalty kick at the end of the game.  The team was already crushing us and the kick would have no bearing on the game.  The other team allowed their goalie to take the shot.  I see no problem with it as I'm sure the goalie has very little opportunities to score, but my son somehow thinks it was disrespectful and that the other team was rubbing it in.  What are your thoughts?

Good night,


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Posted by Buckeye Riveter on Friday, October 28, 2016 3:11 PM


Indianapolis this weekend for a big wedding.  



Chief - I've seen some of the devastation from around your parts, NOT GOOD! And very little if any coverage from the national media... wonder why that is? Whistling

Simply put, it is hard to tell if it was storm devastation or normal Roseyville. Whistling

Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum. Smile, Wink & Grin

Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..

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Posted by fifedog on Friday, October 28, 2016 1:56 PM

Roy - LaughLaughLaugh  Sounds like a bad episode of Duck Dynasty.


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Posted by wrmcclellan on Friday, October 28, 2016 1:45 PM

Afternoon all!

Sunny and warning to (now) high 80's for the weekend. Wishing for some cooler weather and they say that should happen middle of next week. And it's snowing in Mass?

Continued prayers for those in need, particularly Mrs. Banks, Fife's mom...

Getting ready for son's 23rd Bday tonight. Unfortunately he came down with a bug yesterday and cancelled the dinner out with his friends we had planned. He is better today so we are making mom's special chicken soup and cheese biscuits (his favorite) and just the family and a couple of his closest friends will join.

Fife - seems to me that wild turkeys attacking the flamingos would be quite entertaining...gve you something to do while on POD watch...

Have a great day all!


Regards, Roy

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Posted by KRM on Friday, October 28, 2016 10:38 AM


Kev - The POD trucks only hold 2 PODS (from what I've seen), so no reason they couldn't do a run to get it. They knew were it was going, no excuse for this. IMHO. Wink


Brent I agree as well, no excuse. Just saying that is how they may be looking at it.

Well SIL is out of the stand and did not even see a deer, I told him till the corn is out of the fields around here they will stay in the fields not the woods. But what do I know???

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Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by lion88roar on Friday, October 28, 2016 8:54 AM

Mornin' Fellas

Tired today. With TheQ dealing with the FDA Inspection at NCI and working over 12 hour days, getting the kids to and from daycare/kindergarten, running ehrands, making meetings, etc I'm just worn out, and to top it off starting to feel under the weather. Need some rest and relaxation. Sad

Angel for Mrs Banks, Fife's Mom, and Fife getting rid of his POD.

Chief - I've seen some of the devastation from around your parts, NOT GOOD! And very little if any coverage from the national media... wonder why that is? Whistling

Kev - The POD trucks only hold 2 PODS (from what I've seen), so no reason they couldn't do a run to get it. They knew were it was going, no excuse for this. IMHO. Wink

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Posted by KRM on Friday, October 28, 2016 8:32 AM

Good morning,

42 heading to 70, going to be a nice one here today on The North Bluff.  Dan, SIL is in the tree stand, maybe clean a buck later.
Fife, I would think they are waiting till they have a truck delivering in the area to avoid a dead head run before they get your POD.  Most places hate to run an empty tractor to get anything. Can’t make money doing that.

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Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by ChiefEagles on Friday, October 28, 2016 8:18 AM

HEY!!!!  Fifey is back.  Bow

Hope all are OK.  Been real busy days and nights.  Getting home late after starting early every morning.

Thought I'd be off headed east but have a new seafood restaurant to open at 11.  Then go east.

Spent morning talking to Governor's office and a mjor road connector washed out during hurricane.  DOT dragging its butt.  Told him I was trying to prevent a war but forcing me to go to the TV news.  We'll see.

Have a great and safe weekend.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by rtraincollector on Friday, October 28, 2016 7:38 AM

Morning all. So excited in getting the Wound Vac off and the picc line out ( for the I.V.'s ) I forgot to tell you all there gone as of this past Wednesday afternoon.

We made a celebration meal last night of roast beef, scalloped potatoes,herb stuffing,peas with mushrooms and pearl onions, corn, Biscuits and Apple pie for desert which nobody had as to full lol.  

been working on making some display shelves for trains to put in Donna's booth at the vintage mall she has. Cutting track grooves right into the shelves. I'm thinking I need to take all my trains down and the shelves in here and do the track grooves in them as they are tight with track on them. Lot of work but think I really need to highly consider that. Confused

Hope all have a good day. 

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Friday, October 28, 2016 7:16 AM

Good morning from beautiful 40°F Southern Ohio,

I’m off today and have a few little projects to do and it looks like it is going to be a nice day.  I need to modify the openings on the chicken feeder, clean out the gutters, wash vehicles, and get stuff together to go to a friend’s house and slaughter chickens.


Fife - I’m sending a truck your way

Joe - I enjoy hearing of your excursions in Europe.  What does it feel like to ride the high speed train?


Prayer list: Mrs Banks biopsy, Fife’s mom, DougDG ct scan and ?


May God bless



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Posted by fifedog on Friday, October 28, 2016 7:04 AM

Mornin' boys.  Cloudy and 48 along the Patterson Creek cut-off.  Girls are all headed back to Baltimore today, leaving me and FifeMax behind to start painting.  More furniture arriving today as well.  POD still on driveway.  Unhappy with the back side of this venture.  Asked twice to speak to a supervisor, to no avail.  Their way of saying tough munchies...

Banks - Actually need someone to run electric to my fireplace so I can order the Spectrafire.  Wifey says no flamingos.  Wild turkeys might attack them.

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Posted by wrmcclellan on Thursday, October 27, 2016 10:04 PM

Evening gang,

DougnottaG - hope everything improves soon health wise Angel

Joe - my company of the last 20+ years is based just outside of Paris near Versailles. Spent a lot of time there until a few years back when travel costs skyrocketed. 

Mike C - we are thinking of going to that show. Thanks for the report.

Regards, Roy

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Posted by cheapclassics on Thursday, October 27, 2016 8:56 PM

Good evening all,

A quiet but good day at work.  Wife and I went to see "The Accountant".  Better movie than I thought it would be.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by SPMan on Thursday, October 27, 2016 2:24 PM

SJ, with reference to the taste of Flamingos, I have a jazz record by Ernie Carson, now deceased, called "All Birds look Like Chickens To Me".  I guess that includes flamingos.  He goes on to say "Eagles and Owls and All Kinds of fowl, they look like chickens to me".  Funny record.












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Posted by SPMan on Thursday, October 27, 2016 2:19 PM

Doug, sorry you're having discomforts.  Be careful with that Aleve.  A friend of mine wrecked some of his internal things by taking too much of it.  Of course, he didn't follow the instructions.  Good luck on your next doctor visit.












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Posted by Demay on Thursday, October 27, 2016 1:42 PM

Good evening,

I was in Paris for work since Tuesday morning and since the wife was able to tag along on the trip I saw no need to spend any time on the internet.  We were fortunate to find a nanny to stay with our kids while we were gone.  We have been to Paris numerous time and always enjoy it.  The great part now is the fast train from Kaiserslautern, Germany, to Paris takes only 2 hours and 30 minutes.  That beats the 4 hour and 30 minute drive and one doesn't need a car in Paris anyway. 

October is a busier month for weddings than I ever thought.  Congratulations to all those who celebrated an anniversary. 

Continued prayers for all those who need them.


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Posted by wrmcclellan on Thursday, October 27, 2016 11:46 AM

Afternoon all!

Had a busy yesterday and forgot to check in.

Planning on April York. Hated missing this one but just too busy.

Banks - Angel for the Missus' procedures.

Fife - Angel for your mom's recovery.

KEV - Happy Anniv! The wife and I celebrated 30 earlier this year. She qualifies for sainthood. I should be cannonized (with a cannon).

Mike C - always a good day when an idiot co-worker steps in it!

Our fireplace is purely decorative Whistling


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Posted by Banks on Thursday, October 27, 2016 11:11 AM

Hello There!!!!! Where is everybody?

Thanks for the prayers

TGIF a day early for me.

Mrs has the biopsy on her b**b tomorrow. Not look'n forward to that. Follow up apt. with surgeon is Nov 8. Our 41st anniversary. Appointment with gynecoligic oncologist at West Penn hospital on Nov 9. If there is a bright side upon pressure from us the local Gyne Doc said the cells found are PRE-cancerous. Because of that McGee Womens won't accept our insurance. Did some research and the place we are going has a good rep as well. If the final call is cancer we may switch to McGee.

Fife............welcome back..... Missed ya. Near as I can tell you're about 1 1/2 hr. from me. When you're ready to wire the new layout shout. If my life is back together I'll come help. What are ya gonna do without Flamingos?????????

Best move on.


Prayers for those in need

Banks, Proud member of the OTTS  TCA 12-67310



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Posted by cheapclassics on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 8:48 PM

Good evening all,

Fairly good day at work.  Wrapped up one project more quickly and easily than expected.   Good weather for walk.  Mowed yard (mostly mulched leaves) tonight.  Weekend is now free except for Mini practice.  Fife, good to see you back.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by KRM on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 7:02 PM


Wow ! I feel like I am surrounded by a bunch of newlyweds.

Kev, those wouldn't be matching shirts would they ? It has been a really long time since the BetterHalf and I did that.

DougDG, No they were not matching, we tried but they just did not have mens and womens in the same style, but they are thick and warm. it is hard to find the 8.5oz shirts these days so we found them at a place called Dungarees on line. last year we got coats. I hope tomorrows CT goes well for you.

Rained all day. Went to the old home town and picked up my friend, we went and looked at new John Deere Gators. Wife would like one with a cab and heater,,,$$$$ don't think so. Whistling

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Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


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Posted by sir james I on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 3:52 PM

Do flamingos taste like chicken?

RT glad you had the thread closed, It appeared CWB was gonna continue no matter what.

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Posted by Northwoods Flyer on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 1:46 PM



Northwoods - No flamingos made the journey west...  Thank you, sir.




Lest you forget...........


Enjoying the World's Greatest Hobby

Northwoods Flyer



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Posted by dougdagrump on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 1:44 PM

Wow ! I feel like I am surrounded by a bunch of newlyweds.

Kev, those wouldn't be matching shirts would they ? It has been a really long time since the BetterHalf and I did that.

Last weeks CT wasn't good but could have been a lot worse. Got an "enhanced" CT for tomorrow and an appointment with the surgeon on Friday for what the options are. Been taking a lot of Aleve, the other little blue pill Smile, Wink & Grin, takes the edge off the pain but not all.  I'll pass on some info when it's all in the works. 

Skipping the museum and Kid's Club functions for awhile. Still got some things to finish up for the halloween layout.

 Gotta run, later all.

Almost forgot: Welcome home Fife !  Beer

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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 11:08 AM

 Good afternoon from overcast and 45°F Southern Ohio,

 I used the new leaf blower in the yard last evening after work and I think this is going to be one of those tools I wished I’d bought sooner.

 Buckeye – As the Portsmouth Bypass construction continues and they set these huge beam across the highway from pier to pier, I was thinking about you and your craft.  WOW!

 Fife – No Flamingos!!!!  Want me send you some?

 Kev – Happy Anniversary!!  I think the truth be known most of our spouses have their hands full with us.

 8N – I agree Moe & Joe are neat, and the barrel loader is amazing on the simple engineering that makes it work so cool.  Another kid favorite is the mail pick-up where the car goes by the mail post and snags the awaiting mail bag and tosses out a mailbag in the car.

May God bless





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Posted by fifedog on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 10:17 AM

KRM - Happy belated anniversary.

sirjames - Certainly good to be back.

HudsonJohn --> Angel 


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