Don ... there was thunder and lightning during the snow storm from berkley springs west virginia ... 30 miles west of me yet ... and miles east of DC and Baltimore . My youngest son never saw it before ... he was freaking out ... LOL . The crazy part the lightning reflects off the snow coming down and turns a huge area into a bright-white blueish huge light show . He thought transformers were blowing up on the telephone poles at first ... and then the weird sounding booms it makes ... unlike the sound of a rain storm ... also had a loud hum added in in it like a huge electrical arc .
I told him ... don' let it spook you ... that's just GOD showing you his power and reminding us of who's really boss . That's only the third time I've ever witnessed it in my life .
OldTimer - That would have been awesome to see! Really liked your explanation !! So True !!!
Yankee raid is foiled. Snohio falling hard but 35 degrees so melting as soon as it hit the ground. Had to run back to pond. Buddy had locked himslef out of his pickup. No jacket or hat. COLD! Had put rifle and jacket in truck, walked around and doors locked. Driver's was a jar. Tried to use coat hanger to hit buttons. Then he remembered he left back sliding window unlocked. Crawled partially through and used rifle barrel to hit door lock button. Got in. Ford for you. Told him about hiding a key in an easy place. He will now.
Bob, sent you an email about sending you a power point you would love to see.
Glad Fifey made it home OK.
WHURR WHURR [blowing front inland about MA] Want to make sure our buddy Jack gets his share of the snohio. Surely don't want to leave him out.
Hudson, you getting big snow???
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Don - I have the same problem. The trains are in a seperate building. Not that far from the house, about100', but to lazy to shovel over to it. Would rather wait until my son plows the drive over to the building.
59 degrees! How do you stand it!
RFD-TV --- Rural America's most important network!
Chief ... glad you were there to help your buddy ... that could have been a trajedy in the making ... hypothermia does'nt take all that long to begin .... a gold star for you with the big man ... ... gold stars in his book wipe out 3 black marks I'm told ... LOL .... not saying you're ever naughty and get any ....
hope that all you guys get through the storm ok. it is rough i know. fellow squids will have no problem as we are used to improvising. the rest of you guys have grit and know how to use it and to make light of problems.
sbmmbob....did you escape the snow?
doug... i know you did.
pat... i know that you did not.
ChiefEaglesused rifle barrel to hit door lock button
I can just visualize that situtation now. Lucky the rifle did not go off and shoot the darn thing off. Anyway, kudos to the Chief for helping his buddy out of a tough spot.
Sympathy for all you guys in the East coping with snohio right now. We are having lots of rain but you don't have to shovel it. I have a brother and sister in Suffolk, Virginia. Bet they are getting snow today too. It rained hard here off and on all night and kept waking me up. Sump pump did a good job and kept everything dry in the train room. Got to pump some water out of the pool though. Don said he got a quarter inch overnight. I'm sure we got a lot more than that. Maybe two inches or more up here against the foothills.
Buckeye, get well fast. Don't shovel snow and let somebody else do that.
Later, Ray
navyjackhope that all you guys get through the storm ok. it is rough i know. fellow squids will have no problem as we are used to improvising. the rest of you guys have grit and know how to use it and to make light of problems. sbmmbob....did you escape the snow? doug... i know you did. pat... i know that you did not.
The grit you refer to is Grits and us Grit eaters are known to make light of problems simply because we regularly eat Grits.
You are right. I didn't escape the snow. 20" now and still snowing. No trains today. The driveway plowing will be tomorrow.
Ole Timer This guy ate grits every day and just look what it did for him !!!!
This guy ate grits every day and just look what it did for him !!!!
And just think hes only 14 years old
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
Forgot to mention its a balmy 52 degrees today.
We are back. Gun show was not worth going. Folks think their holding gold on the tables. Guy wanted more than a $1.00 per round for 380ACP...rediculous. I found a place here in Georgia that has much better pricing...and it is a retail place with quality product. Son wanted a "rubber band" shooter, but the guy was selling them for $20.00each. I am sure we can make better for less.
Jim, Fifepup 2000, I believe that is Fife's son who he plans to put to work. My kids are a little too young for outside work, but they are old enough to pick up after themselves.
Chief, glad you were able to help out.
Happy Saturday
Windy, sunny and up to 60 today, winds gusting to 35, 22 mph usually.
Installed the new battery in the Harley and rode to the HOG meeting. Did not go on the bike run, as it was blowing the bike all over the road.
Buckeye and his family, Brutus & his family and anyone else..
Saw The Lovely Bones last night. kinda odd, but interesting...
Steve - good luck in Indiana - I have ANOTHER opportunity in Jersey, closing date is Monday, and have already put in for it.
Mom & Dad safely in Oriental, NC so no snow for them. I'll have to call my sister later to make sure she and the BIL are doing ok.
Fife - glad you are home - I know what it's like with snow and wacky drivers....
Will check back later
I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.I am the venom in your skin --- Breaking Benjamin
Snowblowed driveways, took dog for walk down to BROs. Feeling great!!! Now going down to work on layout a little.
Stay frosty,
Driveway and paths to the bird feeders, fish pond, greenhouse & petting shed done. Grandson did the bulk of the drive with their tractor mounted blower. I did the rest and in the process managed to suck up the newspaper, didn't know they delivered it, and a copper hose guide that I stupidly left to close to the drive. Glade it's all done.
More on the way next week.
Aloha gents. Sunny and blue sky but cold - no snow here fortunately. Bride and her friend got off ok - only an hour late waiting on their plane to come in from somewhere east. I was surprised how quiet O'Hare was... Then spent the afternoon unloading the belongings of our new worship pastor and his family all the way from Reno. Hope to run trains tonight. Bride left a list of to-dos everyday...
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Good afternoon all,
IIABSDISEI with temps in the 20s. Lots of Snohio on the ground, but got the sidewalks shoveled and former neighbor came by and plowed alley. Took it easy today. Just went to Post Office to mail birthday present to my Norwegian soccer friend, go to the YMCA, and pick up Pizza King pizza. Put together a pants rack wife bought for me. Thing was made in China and the manufacturing quality was junk. When I think of the work I used to see being done in the factories where I used to work...... I had waffles and bacon on the dining car for breakfast before sending it on to "Points East". TBIL any time. I hope everyone has a good day. Prayers going out to all who need them.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Good Evening, Busy day, time for dinner break.
Chief: The amont of snow varied through out NJ. Home in Ocean County, my son measured 22 1/4 inches. In Central Jersey, where the garage is we have 8" according to local radio. The farther north the less. Very interesting story about the lockout. I had my brother tell me about the time he and a friend locked the keys in his buddy's Oldsmobile. They called AAA, waited an hour for the guy to come. the guy opened the door. His buddy signed the paper the guy was leaving, the driver's door shut, the door locked and they where SOL again.
Buckeye: Glad that you are doing better and watch out for those GRITS.
Fife: "FAHGITABOUDIT" "Youz are soundin likea gee from Nort Joisey" Believe me, I work with a bunch of them.
Steve W: Congrats on the job and good luck in selling the house. I know what you mean about the market. Last summer (2008) my daughter took advantage of the market and bought a fixer upper house for the price of a vacant lot. The "bad part" is that it is across the street from me. "Everybody Loves Raymond" exept we don't but into their lives.
Ole Timer: I have seen a few snow lightning storms. The spookiest was when we where repairing a vehicle at a sub station and one hit. I was really shaken with all the extra BUZZING around us. The guy I was with was fairly new and almost quit that day.
Jim: You might have to use a metal detector to find the sunbird or wait for the "Sun" to find it for you.
JELECTRIC: Been there done that with the newspaper.
Doug: the to do list. Make a half hearted effort and if she asked why something isn't done tell her it was a good thing that she wasn't home because you came done with the flu. It will work better if you call and ask her if there is any Pepto Bismal and Vicks in the house. And then it is off to the trains.
Laz: You and my wife my call 16" of snow beautiful, I call it annoying.
Sir James: You are lucky, NO SNOW
Mike C: I agree with you on the quality.
Keep warm and dry, John
RT ... good one .. got a laugh out of that .... only 14 .. I know you heard that old country song == rub it in - rub it in .... 52 balmy degrees ... geez last time i peeked out the door wind blew a bunch of snow right down my collar .... an eye opener for sure .
Dweimer/Dennis ... at $20.00 @ for rubber band guns .... I'd fire up my bandsaw and start making them here and selling them ... WOW !
Anjdevil2 .... what brand battery did you decide on ?
Poor Doug/CNW ... momma's in florida basking and he has a long list of to - do's ..
Hudson#685 ... the first one I saw I was very young and home alone ... a very severe one with extremely high winds and alot of lightning and thunder ... I actually thought the world was coming to an end ... LOL ... that onery lil boy was praying like a wild man .
Wife made homeade stuffed peppers ... going to go munch down a couple and cruise the Bay .... and fire up the tardis thingy .... I love green peppers but oh the burps for hours later .... .... but they're worth it . Of course my ritual of hot popcorn on snow days is yet to come ... along with homeade hot chocolate from hershey's cocoa ... the boil in the pan real stuff with a scoop of marshmallow on top ....
anjdevil2 Mom & Dad safely in Oriental, NC so no snow for them. I'll have to call my sister later to make sure she and the BIL are doing ok.
Maybe not today but they had freezing rain and sleet the other day.
cnw1995 - Me too. I'm surpised when O'Hare is quiet.
Hudson - Shoulda been here when SOPRANOS was in its final season. BADA BING!
Good Evening
26 and sun today.
A lazy saturday, did some in house chores and watched TV. Ready for the thingy and some banilla. S.J.
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Ole Timer Wife made homeade stuffed peppers ... going to go munch down a couple and cruise the Bay .... and fire up the tardis thingy .... I love green peppers but oh the burps for hours later .... .... but they're worth it.
Wife made homeade stuffed peppers ... going to go munch down a couple and cruise the Bay .... and fire up the tardis thingy .... I love green peppers but oh the burps for hours later .... .... but they're worth it.
Ole Timer, I like stuffed peppers as well but got very tired of tasting them til some time the next day. Last time I made them I used the red bell instead of the green, came out almost as sweet as sugar and NO BURPS !
Guess the rain is over, for today at least.
Museum run was good yesterday, visitors were kinda sporadic. Quiet for a while then the next thing ya' know they're elbow to elbow in the place and smiling like a Cheshire cat.
Started on the garage clean-up this morning, took all the "hazardous waste" type stuff to the disposal facility. Now I just need to get SWMBO in the same mindset as yours truly.
Later All !
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Fife: Because of my job, I can name almost every location on the opening credits of the Sopranos. The episode when they dump the body in the Pinelands and get the car stuck is not far from where I live.
That's gotta be some job, John ;)
Hey Guys,
Just got done with the food shopping and came home with Chinese for dinner - overstuffed now.
OldTImer - Went cheap and got a WallyMart battery at $70. The Harley was $120. Ran fine, filled it up 92 Octane and rode her home. Has a 1 year warranty and may be done with it by the end of the year.
John/Hudson - so what, your a Piney??? Where are you near? Ocean is a big county...used to hang in Toms River and Seaside back in the day..Me? Just off Exit 8 on the NJTP. Miss it much and visit often. I was going to fly home with the family for the 55th birthday bash, but finances as they are...may settle for Orlando or just a bike ride to Daytona. Bike Week is in 3 weeks...
Still very windy, going into the 30's tonight and drying up. Going to change and head to bed. Tomorrow is another day, need to have the Princess get her homework finished.
Seems like I'll have NO interest in NASCAR - what, only 3 Dodges and Petty with FORD? Shades of 1969!!
In the morning...
Doug: It is never a dull moment in our service territory.
ANJDEVIL 2: I am a Piney transplant. I moved to Bayville (GSP Exit 80 or 77) in 1982. My wife, her sister and brother spent their summers down there at their grandparents summer home when they were kids. All 3 moved there as adults. I was born in Elizabeth, raised in South Amboy and Sayerville. I can tell that you are from Jersey: What Exit? I spent my young adult years in Seaside and Belmar.I fell in love with this section of Jersey. I have the Bay a 1/2 mile to my East and to my West the edge of the Pine Barons. As the saying goes,"Yes I am a Piney, From my NOSE to my Hiney.
Dougdagrump ... never thought of using the red ones ... will next time .. thanks for the info !
Anjdevil2 ... no look at the sears diehard ? I miss going to bike week .... went every year when the mother in law lived in DeBary ... and the october bash as well ... New Symerna beach is fabulous ... of course the thong bikinis at Daytona bike week were'nt slack either ... LOL . 2 strings and 3 - 1" patches of cloth ... you could'nt even see the bottom piece ... .... just the string . Wife almost threw me out and left me there ... lol .
Great night on the tardis/chat with RT - SJ - CHARLIE - BRUTUS - CNW / DOUG and CHEWY of course .... some of us wishing we could just go back to the 40's or 50's for a little while ... fabulous news about Char ... Brutus' wife ... ! The prayers are working guys !!!
So the bride lands late in Daytona, goes to get her car and the rental folks give her a Prius which she can't figure out how to start. After another half-hour of not figuring it out, they go back in, find they have nothing else so after arguing she goes to another co. and gets a Yaris then bang, gets stuck in race traffic. She now hates NASCAR and after another half-hour is still stuck 300 yds from the rental lot. Oh boy.
It's kind of funny but I'm not telling her that.Does anyone have an idea of what kind of voltage would make the solenoid move in a 97 coal elevator - I've tried a bunch of different hook-ups from 8 - 16 volts and nothing yet - though the plunger does move....
Went to church, came home made meal for me and wife went down stairs ran trains for 4 hrs. NO PILE UPs. Ol Mils were tasten real good! Hope all had as good o nite as I did. BUCKEYE not sayin much had to be the OL MILs I sent him? They do have an effect?
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