Re: EDITION: 2009 #6 Coffee Pot. Here we gather with friends with trains for chats Locked

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Posted by sir james I on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 6:28 PM

It's the "pot" everything is open to discussion. Just don't let it get the best of you.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by anjdevil2 on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 6:28 PM

 Jon - no hard was just an observation based on what is going on with GM, et al and the apparent government take over of that business.  Waggoner moved out because the Prez din't like him?

Ok, that's all I'll say.  But like I said it's just an OBSERVATION of the current news.

Fife - I'll bring the hor d'vours and bubbly - see ya in the inner harbour...Smile,Wink, & Grin

I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.
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Posted by jonadel on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 6:37 PM
Patrick (aka Lawson Farms) :) Thin skin????? Give me a break....... I taught for 32 years and have done 9 years of mentoring and consulting, don't even start!


So many roads, so little time. 


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Posted by Brutus on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 6:41 PM

Howdy boys - shhh, don't tell the F-B-I that I'm hanging out here!  Laugh  Excellent joke, Charlie!  But that's right, your pic was missing!

Jack - too funny, loved the skunk story and the thumbtack story!  You should write for Lake Woebegone!

Heard the President reply to the feelings by other countries that this global recession is somehow all our fault.  I thought he did a pretty good job.  OTOH, I don't think that America really wants socialism and I'm not sure that our leaders get that.  Heard some lady on the radio the other day - now, she has some power in the current administration, but I don't know her name.  She said that the higher level of care (costs more but you get more options) of Medicare should go once we nationalize the healthcare system - not fair for some to get more/better care than others.  Banged Head

I'd love to have the money for a 2 Million Dollar layout, but I doubt that my wife would let me spend it on the LAYOUT!  Man!  Still - I would love to check it out, I'll bet it's wonderful!  Sounds like this guy is a crook and trying to rip off the builders to me.

Gotta go put a coat of mud on something while it's light enough out to clean up the tools later - be back later.

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 6:57 PM

sir james I

It's the "pot" everything is open to discussion. Just don't let it get the best of you.


I could not have said it better.Thumbs Up If you took the non-train things out of all of the "Coffee Pots" we would still be on Pot #1. It is what makes the Coffee Pot the most interesting thread on any forum. Period.


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Posted by rtraincollector on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 7:21 PM


sir james I

It's the "pot" everything is open to discussion. Just don't let it get the best of you.


I could not have said it better.Thumbs Up If you took the non-train things out of all of the "Coffee Pots" we would still be on Pot #1. It is what makes the Coffee Pot the most interesting thread on any forum. Period.


Now with that said and I agree, We sometime do get under each others skin no matter how thick or thin. and we seem to have the knowledge and courtesy to back off and go on with the next subject.

Evening all still not a lot going on even took a short nap and about ready to go out for the night to dream land, just one more drop in befor I do.

Hope all have a good night and will talk to you all tomorrow.

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Posted by rtraincollector on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 8:01 PM

Oh to patrick and the rest of you nascar fans out there here a little relief


April Fooled: NASCAR Hoax Causes Web Frenzy

by Claudine Zap

April 1, 2009 03:05:41 PM 

Sure, April Fools' Day comes but once a year, and some silly stories have been making the rounds. (Stairmasters in the NYC subway? Brad and Angelina married? Really? No.) But one thing is now clear: Keep the jokes away from NASCAR.

All Car and Driver magazine tried to do was drive a little levity into the auto industry bailout with a prank. The serious publication ran a joke story that announced that Obama had ordered Chevrolet and Dodge out of NASCAR if they wanted to keep their federal funds. For a brief web-fueled moment, NASCAR fans had to imagine a future of cheering on Japanese cars. Or worse, French ones. The horror.

Immediately, the Internet went crazy, with searches on "obama nascar" accelerating in Search and zooming across Twitter. Although the story was clearly marked a hoax, Car and Driver eventually pulled the fake story and apologized for going "too far."

Not to worry, NASCAR fans: Nobody's pulling out of NASCAR. Yet. As Automobile magazine's blog noted nervously, "Let's just hope that the auto task force doesn't read this and get any ideas."

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Posted by GregM on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 8:19 PM


  And my SPF contributions will be something like,"Here's what the Port of Baltimore looks like from the Patapsco", and "in the foregound you see the Amtrak bridge over the Susquehanna, and that's CSX over Garrett Island"...

I've got it baaaaad... 


And then one day you wake up, look around, and say "What the blazes was I thinking."

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Posted by dougdagrump on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 8:27 PM


Figured that was an "April Fools" joke, kinda like the one S.I. did a few years ago about the kid who threw a consistant 100+mph fastball.  Laugh

Got a question for you about the NASCAR expansion packs, the searchlight cars in particular. Are these the searchlights that rotate as the car moves down the track or have to be positioned by hand ? Planning some halloween cars based on bashing potential of others.

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Posted by cnw1995 on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 8:37 PM

I liked Google's CADIE April fool's joke! Cleaning out the visitor before it leaves...

Inspecting the new arrival

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 9:00 PM


            I sent you an email.

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Posted by sir james I on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 9:07 PM

Good Evening,

I got Brutus and Charlie on chat line, snuck away to say hi.

Had butter pecan tonite instead of banilla, it's good too.

Brutus fire up the thingy whenever you are ready...S.J.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by RRCharlie on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 9:38 PM


The hour was really only about 45 minutes but was WITHOUT nitrous oxide. My dentist is good. Once or twice I almost raised my hand but the stay in the chair is expensive enough without adding the charge for the gas. Back to his office for a follow up cleaning tomorrow. Have a 2.5 hour session end of April to do the broken tooth extraction and get the permanent bridge created. I probably will opt for the gas that day.

It wasn't the cows that damaged the railing. It was the fold down ramps that don't retract all the way. The ramp came out yesterday and now I need to find another location, off the main line for it.

Mel Hazen; Jax, FL Ride Amtrak. It's the only way to fly!!!

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 10:38 PM

Evenin' Fellas.

Lest we remind ourselves that BK has been known to pop in from time to time and has warned about political talk... so post politics at your own risk. That's all I'm saying on the subject.

Been a long week and it is only 3/5 finished... not looking forward to tomorrow as I have a couple End Of Month projects to finish up, then I really need to put the finishing touches on two other projects. IF I can get that done then I should be OK to finish the major report I've been working on for 4 months... I'm tellin' you this project is either going to make me really happy, or it is going to be the end of me. Never could understand the philosophy to keep changing requirements, nearly daily, and justifying it by saying, 'Well we over looked that and it is a requirement'... Banged Head We could have had this thing out the door 2 weeks ago if we had stuck to the plans from 1 month ago. Now we're being told 'We HAVE to get this done.' NS... maybe we should soldify the requirements BEFORE we do any more work AND stick to those plans? NAH... much more fun to keep complaining and whining about it! SoapBox Oh and did I mention that the PM has ZERO formal education in IT? Wink

My plans were foiled again tonight. I was going to take SusieQ out for a light dinner, stop at the grocery store, then get gas in the Bimmer, then stop at Home Despot to get the ply for the town... we did go out for dinner (got subs), stopped at the grocery store, filled up SUSIEQ's BMW, the came home... notice anything missing from the trip? Banged Head. So I definitely have to stop at Home Despot tomorrow on my way home...

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Posted by 8ntruck on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 10:49 PM

Tonight's comments:

Rock Island - the only bells I've got up in the train room are the electronic ones in the locomotives.  Technically, I've got bells in the room at the top of the stairs, so I guess it would qualify as a belfry.  Have to file this one for a train station name on the future layout.....

Fife - Boat; a hole in the water lined with wood, fiberglass, aluminum, or steel into which the owner pours surprising sums of money.  I used to race R/C boats.  Same definition applies.  Amazing how much money one of those little things could hold.  Got tired of them after a few years.  One of the last boats I built was a model of a Star class sailboat.  THAT was relaxing to run.  I understand your infatuation.

Lawson Farms - Isn't it amazing the trouble that you can get into with a tractor and actually survive?  My tree/tractor story involved my old 8N, 80' of 3/4" sisal rope, and a dead tree that had broken off, but was still a leaner.  No problem, just tie off to the base of the leaner and drag it down.  At least I was bright enough to realize that the 10' piece of logging chain was too short to keep me out of trouble.  I sold the 8N when I moved to Missouri, I still have two 40' pieces of 3/4" sisal rope, and the tree eventually made it into the wood stove.  Suprising how much that tree jumped up and down when I was pulling on it!

Low 60's, mostly cloudy here.  Pushed the lawnmower around.  Fielded a couple of calls from the plant.  Made a run to WalMart and Dairy Queen with the wife.  Looking forward to my Thursday stop at the hobby store tomorrow.

'Til tomorrow.

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 11:12 PM

Brent......Apparently SusieQ didn't read the fine print in the marriage contract.  It clearly states:

"The dining room table shall be shared equally between the marital combatants parties.  Deliberate interruption by the one of the other's exit strategy from use of said table shall be deemed a violation of the contract and shall result in an immediate two week forfeiture of possession by the former, and extended to the latter."

Which means you retain the use of the dining room workbench table until after the relatives leave town.  If Don can get you into trouble with Susan, I may as well help to keep you there.



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Posted by ChiefEagles on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 11:30 PM

Wow, get busy and the Pot goes wild.  From who is managing who and racing.  All while Don, Jack and Brent fight over who owns the dining room table.   Well, had meetings and then worked at Town Hall until 4:30.  Since we only had a few sprinkles, I jumped on tractor, hooked up disk and disked my garden and neighbor's again.  Took disk off and put on bottom plow [not an easy job].  Broke up my garden and then neighbor's.  His was real wet.  Hope it rains good or his will be bricks as his soil is clay.  Mine on the other had [right across the fence] is a sandy loam so will dry out by disking [which it had some].  Finished plowing both gardens, washed bottom plow and put under shelter [will oil with chainsaw oil tomorrow to keep from rusting].  Hooked back up to disk.  Disked my garden once and neighbor's twice.  Put disk under shelter and parked tractor under shelter.  Then fed birds, deer, geese and ducks at the pond.  All by 7:30 PM.  Came in to dinner and TV [Midway on AMC].  Was watching 11 PM news when reclinerizing took over.  Now off to bed. 

Sleep tight.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by dbaker48 on Thursday, April 2, 2009 12:14 AM

 All while Don, Jack and Brent fight over who owns the dining room table.  


Hey guys, no battle !! Not here !!!  I know of what I speak.............

This was the problem, too many cars and no sidings available.

This seemed like the solution......


IMPLEMENTATION .............

 So see it can be done !!!!!

 By the way, has anyone hear from WES?  Hope my car made the move with him.





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Posted by SPMan on Thursday, April 2, 2009 1:17 AM

Evening all, April fool's day is almost over.  No tricks so far.  Not feeling too hot today and just layed low.  Termite control guy coming tomorrow to apply barrier all around the house.  Hope they don't tear up anything.  Getting new roof put on April 13th if all goes well.  Everything happens at once around here.

Don, if that is your wife's pretty china closet that you are parking those trains on, you're a dead man.

Chief, congratulations on all that plowing and disc work.  Sounds like you are doing some industrial strength gardening.  I remember years ago we would get a man with a horse to break up our garden every year.  We got some free fetilizer from the horse too.  Nowadays they have those nice small tractors for people to use.  All that stuff is history to me now living in the city.  One good thing about having your own garden.  At least you will have something to eat if things get bad.

Later, Ray












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Posted by rtraincollector on Thursday, April 2, 2009 4:40 AM



Figured that was an "April Fools" joke, kinda like the one S.I. did a few years ago about the kid who threw a consistant 100+mph fastball.  Laugh

Got a question for you about the NASCAR expansion packs, the searchlight cars in particular. Are these the searchlights that rotate as the car moves down the track or have to be positioned by hand ? Planning some halloween cars based on bashing potential of others.

Doug will try to look tonight or saturday and let you know as I don't know and don't have time right now

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Posted by kpolak on Thursday, April 2, 2009 5:16 AM

Morning all!

Watching the news this am.  Appears that Danica is in the SI swimsuit addition, for those interested, but no tattoo  (airbrushed out).

So getting Chrysler and GM out of nascar bunched some shorts?  Laugh

Fife:  Stainless Steel track for the new agua hooptie?  Are you planning to boat (with your new boat to St. Thomas?)  That would be awesome!

Jack:  I sent you an e-mail.

I was planning to take to take the girls to the movies, but it's supposed to be 60...maybe I'll run the trains outdoors!


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Posted by laz 57 on Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:18 AM


 43 here and foggy.  To get to 62?  WOW, 4 pages of a lot o bull going on here.  I think I'll just read all of JACKs posts now he seems to answer all that is going on.  JACK KNOWS!!!!!

DON, cool siding WIFE probably thinks so too?

HAPPY FRIDAY EVE!!!   Only running a 3 miler to day sorry BUCKEYE.

Stay frosty,


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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Thursday, April 2, 2009 6:25 AM

Good Morning from beautiful Southern Ohio,

It’s 34°F and to be sunny and up to 70°.  Bride on her way home from Florida with her mom this morning and will be in by Friday.  Spent some time cleaning up the house and will finish tonight after work and doing some yard repair.  I am going to repair the ruts I put in my friends yard where I got the truck stuck pulling the camper out Sunday.


Dennis – I agree with you.  It does seem odd to develop friendships with folks who you communicate essentially only through words.  I guess it is like pen pals.


Fife – B-O-A-T = Bring – Out – Another – Thousand


Don – I like what you did with the Dining Room!


Jack – I like your summations also

Got to go

May God bless



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Posted by cheapclassics on Thursday, April 2, 2009 7:12 AM

Good morning all,

It is mild with some rain moving in today in SE Indiana.  Well, I did it again.  Went to soccer practice just to play goalie.  Five minutes into it, one of the kids kicks a screamer from five feet away which jams my left thumb.  Ouch!  Iced it down last night and will do so today, but some more bruises.  Maybe I am getting too old :-(   Did watch part of "Lost" and last episode of "Life on Mars".  At least I did not have to drive today.  Brutus, some one else will have to drive the Tardis.  You need two good hands on the wheel as we never did get the power steering fixed.  I had the regular fare on the dining car for breakfast before sending it to "Points East".  I hope everyone (especially me) has a good day. 

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by ChiefEagles on Thursday, April 2, 2009 7:24 AM

Morning all.  Been up since 5 AM.  Pam had bad headache and I got up with the kids [they usually get up with her at that time].  Then was not sleepy.  She got up and went to work [much to my surprise].  Then I sat down and watched an old Phillip Marlowe movie with Robert Mitchum.  Pretty good movie.  After 4 cups of coffee, now I am sleepy again.  Oh well.  Cloudy and calling for showers.  None yet.  Think I will shower and shave.  Then I can reclinerize for a while.  Have a great day.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by anjdevil2 on Thursday, April 2, 2009 8:08 AM

Sunny now, rain later mid 70's today..

Harley Saga Day 75: SURPRISE!!! Still won't start and it's in the ignition system (gee...I thought I said that..Banged Head)  Won't get a price on it for trade until it's fixedBanged Head.  Scoped out a nice replacement, just need a warranty or get a '08 Sportster....hmmmm maybe not.

Devils lost but good last night, starting to think getting the center ice package was a bad idea, shut it off in the 2nd period...just too painful to watch.

Mike C. You're NEVER too OLD!!! It just hurts more for a longer period of time....

Catch ya later!


I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.
I am the venom in your skin  --- Breaking Benjamin

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Posted by Ole Timer on Thursday, April 2, 2009 8:20 AM

Lousey breakfast ... doctors took my eggs - bacon - ham - real butter - creamer - sausage - chocolate - salt - caffinated coffee - regular milk - and junk food away from me ! Told me to eat cream of wheat or oatmeal every day ...  YUCK ! That's just the breakfast foods ... the list is too long for supper and lunch I can't have anymore  .... Dead .

I asked her if my blood pressure and cholesterol was high or something ... she said ...

" I'm surprised the top of your head has'nt blown all over the ceiling or your whole body did'nt explode " . I guess it is ... huh ?

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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Thursday, April 2, 2009 8:41 AM

 Chief - All that work from 4:30 to 7:30? Over two days, 4:30 one day until 7:30 the next day? Man I wish I had your energy. To take your picture would require a very fast lens. Otherwise it would be one big blur!

RT - Thanks for the Info. on the NASCAR July 4th hoax. There has all ready  been to much messing with NASCAR.

8ntruck - Enjoyed your "leaning tree" story. I certainly can relate to it. I caught the fact that the 80' rope became two 40' pieces!

Ole Timer - There is always Grits. It will cure you or you won't care. (I apologize for one more grits joke)



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Posted by sir james I on Thursday, April 2, 2009 9:01 AM

Good Morning

Sunny and 60s today.BUT rain is on it's way for tonite and Friday. I guess this would be a good day to "summerize" the snow blower. I always remove the gas and spray defogger before storage. I know many who just push their mower or blower  aside gas and all. But not me. My wife is going out to take lunch to a church member who had surgery this week so I'm thinkin good time to run some noisy trains. I try to keep the noisy level down when she is home. Oatmeal and toast this morning but I am thankful its not an order.

Enjoy this day,,,S.J.


"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by Ole Timer on Thursday, April 2, 2009 9:03 AM

Pat .... I've eaten them waydown south before .... wife said they looked like underwatered wallpaper paste ... they are'nt all that bad ... good for you though .... my favorite is hominey ... can eat that with fried eggs I can't have ... by the pound . Any of you yanks ever hear of hominey ? Yea my doc is a joking woman ... DARN PRETTY TOO ... in fact beautiful !!!


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