To paraphrase what I said before, let us let this xxxx wallow in his dislike of people who are not as perspicacious as he is, and ignore him.
Mookie Have you seen the pattern? Drop a subject line that is sure to get some replies. As the subject gets more attention - the troll gets more obnoxious. Then when the whole forum is in an uproar and calling for him/her to be drawn and quartered, they drop out of sight. Kyle pulled this same stunt a few years ago. He surfaces every so often under this name. He may even be a lot of other memorable names.
Have you seen the pattern? Drop a subject line that is sure to get some replies. As the subject gets more attention - the troll gets more obnoxious. Then when the whole forum is in an uproar and calling for him/her to be drawn and quartered, they drop out of sight.
Kyle pulled this same stunt a few years ago. He surfaces every so often under this name. He may even be a lot of other memorable names.
Do not insult me, or try to tarnish my reputation. I didn't even start this topic. Your last paragraph is full of lies, 1) I have only been on this forum for about 3/4s of a year, 2) this is my one and only username/account ever! I have never used another account or user name on this forum. I am no troll, and I am deeply offended by your effrontery.
I am simply a forum member who is expressing his opinions. I have tried not to affront anyone. I carefully choose my words when politics were thrown in, and I have kept religion out of this as much as possible. I am nicely asking you to delete the content your post. Once you have done that, I will delete the content in this post and we can get back to our debate of the topic. Thank you
I do not tolerate those who will write a post that just insults and damages reputations of other member. I believe those on this forum should be respectful of the other members even when their opinions differ.
Deggesty To paraphrase what I said before, let us let this xxxx wallow in his dislike of people who are not as perspicacious as he is, and ignore him.
Please read my last post. The part where you said "let this xxxx" leads me to believe you are impling an insult. You have yor opinions, I have mine. If you don't like my opinions on this topic then just don't read them.
Please do not attack people in this manner. I will nicely ask you not to try to offend me again.
Let's give credit where credit is due. Troller Kyle cleverly came up with playing the victim card!
C&NW, CA&E, MILW, CGW and IC fan
schlimm Let's give credit where credit is due. Troller Kyle cleverly came up with playing the victim card!
I will not tolerate members insulting me. I have tried to be as respectful and courteous as possible. I apologise if I have insulted you in any way. I am not playing the victim card, I am simply, respectfully asking you kindly to treat other forum members with respect. Even though you are attacking ne with this effrontery, I have remained calm and respectful. I have never insulted a fellow forum member. Who do you think is a troll? Someone who tries to respectfully debate his point, or someone who goes after and attacks a person who kindly asked the other to stop and be kind. Let's think about that.
Victim? No, more like target. I kindly have asked you to stop, but you didn't. Now, I will kindly give you a warning. Be respectful to all forum members, or I will contact a moderator.
My suggestion for you would be to delete the posts where you insult other forum members, and treat others with respect. I will then delete this post and the other ones asking you to stop. Let's act like civilized gentlemen, and simply get back to the topic.
As I have suggested on other threads, when accidents happen, instead of news agencies blasting the RR and placing all the blame on the train, the RR and news agencies should get together and use the accidents as tools to educate the public. The news agencies broadcast tips from state police, so why can't they do the samething for RRs. It is sad when the uneducated are killed. It would help save some people, and when combined with overhauling the legal system, we'll see it severly decrease after several years, your problem will be solved almost completely in 50 years,
Thanks to Chris / CopCarSS for my avatar.
KyleI am simply a forum member who is expressing his opinions. I have tried not to affront anyone. I carefully choose my words when politics were thrown in, and I have kept religion out of this as much as possible. I am nicely asking you to delete the content your post. Once you have done that, I will delete the content in this post and we can get back to our debate of the topic. Thank you
She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw
Kyle schlimm Let's give credit where credit is due. Troller Kyle cleverly came up with playing the victim card! I will not tolerate members insulting me. I have tried to be as respectful and courteous as possible. I apologise if I have insulted you in any way. I am not playing the victim card, I am simply, respectfully asking you kindly to treat other forum members with respect. Even though you are attacking ne with this effrontery, I have remained calm and respectful. I have never insulted a fellow forum member. Who do you think is a troll? Someone who tries to respectfully debate his point, or someone who goes after and attacks a person who kindly asked the other to stop and be kind. Let's think about that. Victim? No, more like target. I kindly have asked you to stop, but you didn't. Now, I will kindly give you a warning. Be respectful to all forum members, or I will contact a moderator. My suggestion for you would be to delete the posts where you insult other forum members, and treat others with respect. I will then delete this post and the other ones asking you to stop. Let's act like civilized gentlemen, and simply get back to the topic.
Kyle is obviously doing a parody by highlighting the “idiot, moron, and Darwin Award” response by the critics of every train transgression. The suggestion that society would be better off if Darwinism killed off all the idiots is a staple response among this crowd. Just read the comments that follow every crossing crash. It was the subject of this thread long before Kyle even joined the conversation with his clever parody.
LOL, I just checked this old thread to see why it is still going after all this time. Why does an old Family Guy skit come to mind? My guess is that our Kyle has the same level of emotional intelligence, and that we would be better off without him and all of his various handles.
I'm a bit brain dead after reading this entire thread, and I'm sure many here might think I was brain dead to begin with and who am I to argue, but the impression I get is that Kyle, and maybe 1 or 2 others, say something along the lines of "don't do anything to stop the stupid from getting themselves killed", then others respond and accuse them of actively killing off the stupid, and use nazi comparisons.
I think there's a big difference between saying we might be doing more than we should to keep people from killing themselves and saying we should actively kill them.
Patrick Boylan
Free yacht rides, 27' sailboat, zip code 19114 Delaware River, get great Delair bridge photos from the river. Send me a private message
Everybody play nice.
"A stranger's just a friend you ain't met yet." --- Dave Gardner
gardendance ... but the impression I get is that Kyle, and maybe 1 or 2 others, say something along the lines of "don't do anything to stop the stupid from getting themselves killed",
... but the impression I get is that Kyle, and maybe 1 or 2 others, say something along the lines of "don't do anything to stop the stupid from getting themselves killed",
One or two others??
The whole thread was predicated on that idiot/Darwin response, and many chimed right in with the usual Darwin solution. Kyle just exaggerated it for parody, and now it is hitting a little too close to home.
gardendance I get is that Kyle, and maybe 1 or 2 others, say something along the lines of "don't do anything to stop the stupid from getting themselves killed", then others respond and accuse them of actively killing off the stupid, and use nazi comparisons. I think there's a big difference between saying we might be doing more than we should to keep people from killing themselves and saying we should actively kill them.
I get is that Kyle, and maybe 1 or 2 others, say something along the lines of "don't do anything to stop the stupid from getting themselves killed", then others respond and accuse them of actively killing off the stupid, and use nazi comparisons.
You totally miss the underlying philosophy by only distinguishing between an active program as opposed to a passive one. The message in both is that society is somehow better off by the elimination of certain groups. In this case, it is the so-called idiots that are careless around trains. I, for one, find such a message unacceptable, whoever espouses it.
The difference is that most folks generally ascribe such incidents as Darwin fodder after the fact.
Kyle came across as advocating for it.
Kyle appears to me to be about 14, with that level of over-the-top mindset.
Larry Resident Microferroequinologist (at least at my house) Everyone goes home; Safety begins with you My Opinion. Standard Disclaimers Apply. No Expiration Date Come ride the rails with me! There's one thing about humility - the moment you think you've got it, you've lost it...
schlimm gardendance I get is that Kyle, and maybe 1 or 2 others, say something along the lines of "don't do anything to stop the stupid from getting themselves killed", then others respond and accuse them of actively killing off the stupid, and use nazi comparisons. I think there's a big difference between saying we might be doing more than we should to keep people from killing themselves and saying we should actively kill them. You totally miss the underlying philosophy by only distinguishing between an active program as opposed to a passive one. The message in both is that society is somehow better off by the elimination of certain groups. In this case, it is the so-called idiots that are careless around trains. I, for one, find such a message unacceptable, whoever espouses it.
Gee .. I actually like what shlimm said.
Kyle is only advocating a viewpoint that is widely held by railfans and railroaders. You hear it all time. The “Darwin Award” is seen as the perfect solution to the problem of having "idiots." Kyle is just saying we should speed it up by not doing anything to protect the “idiots.”
Got a penny I want to throw in here: Darwin Award and (while i don't especially like it) Idiots are throw away remarks. I can be just as sarcastic as anyone, but to make a rant of it day after day and in each thread and create fantasy in my mind about how to handle anyone under those headings...
Penny ran out.
Randy Stahl You totally miss the underlying philosophy by only distinguishing between an active program as opposed to a passive one. The message in both is that society is somehow better off by the elimination of certain groups. In this case, it is the so-called idiots that are careless around trains. I, for one, find such a message unacceptable, whoever espouses it.
[/quote][quote user="Randy Stahl"]
Long odds on that. Too bad it wasn't the lottery.
Well, that makes two of us, so you may want to start thinking about what numbers you are going to choose!
23 17 46 11
Murphy SidingYes yes yes. Those mean, old forum bullies Mookie, Johhnny, schlimm and yes, Murphy Siding are picking on poor, innocent Kyle. Poor, innocent Kyle was doing nothing wrong, well, nothing except espousing a system of ridding the world of those he felt unworthy- something that went out of style in 1945. Man up! You're throwing these firebombs out there just for the attention it gets you. It's a really familiar pattern on the internet. When you're called on it, you scream bloody murder, that the whole world is out to get you- nothing new. Step back, take a look at your behavior. If your behavior makes you swell with pride, then maybe you should contact the moderators about those mean, old bullies. Maybe you could arrange to have them *taken care of*. Long and short of it: When you grow up, get married and have children, your outlook on accepting others will change dramatically. When your kid gets hurt chasing a ball into the street, you'll be glad there's not a Kyle around, advocating eliminating you, your child and your parents from the gene pool. If you don't like being treated like a troll, don't act like one. If it walks like a duck.....
I have said many times, children are a different case. Children need to be taught about danger, and guided by responsible adults who have common sense. Parents should teach their children while also watching them. I have personally seen a big problem with society today in my neighbourhood. Young children aren't taught the dangers of moving vehicles, and they are let loose to run around outside without a parent watching them. The children ride their bikes around in the street with no care for cars. Recently there was a kid who was riding the wrong way on a one way street. He clearly saw my truck, but yet he kept riding straight towards me. Then, he started going to one side before crossing to the other side of the road. Other times, kids will fly by behind you as you are backing out of your garage. The kids have absolutely no respet for cars, and sometimes the parents glare at you as you drive by like you are driving through their play ground. Eventually, a kid will get hit, which will be a terrible accident that I hope will never happen. Parents should teach their children to be aware of dangers, and to demonstrate proper safety, ex: yield to cars. If your kid is not responsible enough to do that, then you shouldn't let them ride their bike without supervision.
Children need to have parents that set good examples and have common sense. Let's use an example of a math teacher. Teacher A got As in math, and can easily example how to correctly solve problems. Teacher B got Ds, and half the time solves problems incorrectly, and sometimes misses simple problems. Which teacher should teach? Teacher A of course. It is the same as parents.
If a poor parent aka idiot raises a child, how do you think the child is going to do. First, remember children usually do things like there parents do. Let's use another example. Two parents have taken their children to see the Big Boy come through town. Parent A is watching his/her kids and making sure they don't get too close to the tracks, and quickly reacts, and pulls the child away when he/she gets to close, and explains safety rules. Parent B wants "THE shot" of his/her kids, and encourages them to stand on the tracks (this happens), and then stands on the tracks as well. Which parent is the better one? Parent A, his/her kids will grow up following safety rules an will be a good example for their kids. Parent B kids will probably continue to stand on the tracks and will either die, or will teach their children these horrible action. You don't want a child to die because his parent is an idiot.
As I have explained, there is a problem with idiots. I have not deemed them unworthy nature has. I have not created a system of getting rid of them, nature did, long before humans ever existed. It has been demonstrated that messing with nature can have some bad results. If you don't believe nature created this system, let's look at another example, dogs. When strong dogs have puppies, the puppies are most likely to be strong. If weaker dogs survive, when they have puppies, the puppies will be weak and may die.
Birds are another great example of evolution, their beaks are shaped certain ways because ty are the most efficant. The birds that had the better beaks could eat more, and therefore survive, whole birds with poor beaks died.
By the way, I am not throwing firebombs as you claim. I am also not debating just to get attention. I am debating a side that I believe is the best.
gardendance I'm a bit brain dead after reading this entire thread, and I'm sure many here might think I was brain dead to begin with and who am I to argue, but the impression I get is that Kyle, and maybe 1 or 2 others, say something along the lines of "don't do anything to stop the stupid from getting themselves killed", then others respond and accuse them of actively killing off the stupid, and use nazi comparisons. I think there's a big difference between saying we might be doing more than we should to keep people from killing themselves and saying we should actively kill them.
That is completely correct, and my point. I am just giving people more "freedoms"
I would also like to point out that one of the key principles our great nation was founded on was freedom. You should have the freedom to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't take away other people's freedom. However, with freedom comes great responsibility. You are responsible for your actions and decisions.
For billions of years, nature has demonstrated that "societies" are better off without the weak. Think about evolution. The stronger creatures produce strong offspring that are most likely to survive. The strongest traits are passed down and the "society" now is stronger as a whole. The weak are unable to survive, so they don't have offspring, and the weak traits die off. Your "society" is greatly improved over time. Here in the tropics, some birds where flightless, when cats arrived, the birds weren't able to get away and were eaten which led to extinction. The birds that could fly, got away, had offspring, and still survive.
Strong minded* people make good parents since they teach their kids safety, and watch their kids. Weak minded* parents aka idiots, show their kids bad habits, and let their kids do whatever. The idiots kids are most likely to be idiots when they grow up, if they survive. Idiots' kids are more likely to get injured or killed. It is sad when a child dies simply from the stupidity of the parent. A great example of a terrible tragedy ennobling a idiot and their child is when the idiot tries to race the train at a crossing, and both are killed in the accident.
* referring to level of common sense
Euclid Kyle is only advocating a viewpoint that is widely held by railfans and railroaders. You hear it all time. The “Darwin Award” is seen as the perfect solution to the problem of having "idiots." Kyle is just saying we should speed it up by not doing anything to protect the “idiots.”
Correct!!! Thank you very much for summing it. That is exactly my point.
KyleYou can also use the idiots that didn't follow the safety rules and got hit as an example of how deadly a train is. There will still be the idiots who don't listen and break the safety rules, but they will deserve to get hit. The parents you talk about are complete idiots. They shouldn't have kids, they are teaching the kids to be even stupider idiots. That is why I believe we should let Darwinism go to work, so the idiots don't create more idiots that are worse.
The parents you talk about are complete idiots. They shouldn't have kids, they are teaching the kids to be even stupider idiots. That is why I believe we should let Darwinism go to work, so the idiots don't create more idiots that are worse.
KyleA great example of a terrible tragedy ennobling a idiot and their child is when the idiot tries to race the train at a crossing, and both are killed in the accident.
A great example of a terrible tragedy ennobling a idiot and their child is when the idiot tries to race the train at a crossing, and both are killed in the accident.
"Sparta must be regarded as the first ethnic state. The exposure of the sick, weak, deformed children, in short, their destruction, was more decent and in truth a thousand times more humane than the wretched insanity of our day which preserves the most pathological subject at any price in order subsequently to breed a race of degenerates burdened with illnesses." (1928)
The author is obvious; the philosophy is what Kyle espouses. Since our moderators choose to permit this form of political expression, yet delete other forms, it is the duty of those of us to oppose this vile dangerous nonsense posing as "science" by not engaging it but exposing his "social darwinism" for what it is: a pathetic rationalization of eliminating those who one labels as "weak."
Twice in two days I like what shlimm says. Lottery tickets are on the kitchen counter.
One hazard around railroad tracks that is not always obvious is the effect of train noise obscuring the sound of another train that you are not aware of. People normally rely on their hearing as backup warning rather than constantly shifting their visual attention to watch for trains.
Like the video in the OP, here is another one showing the same loss of audio warning by someone who is not aware of the loss:
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