Is it necessary to be insulting in order to get your message across?

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, February 11, 2005 9:49 AM
I just read your signature line, Mr. Kevin. Now that's funny!

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, February 11, 2005 9:39 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by trainluver1

A lot of people use forums like this one to release their stress and anger, taking it all out on total strangers because they think no one can do anything about it, but...
A good hacker can trace you down to your address, and some of these guys aren't taking their medication... All they know is that you've insulted them and they're coming after you no matter what the law might do to them afterward.
What's really gets me is when someone gives their full name, general location and a picture of themselves, then insults you. How stupid can they be...


That's a tad bit overboard, You can't not sail in a boat because your worried it's going to hit an iceberg and sink- sure it's happened before, but the likelyhood.. nah.

I think it's ashame, but msot of us these days have to resort to sarcasm in order to be heard; I Really can't comment, because i do to- It's out ability to listen, mine included, that might be comprimised.

If we listened the first time instead of picking the flaws out of what someone said/wrote, there wouldn't be a need for sarcasm or name calling and what not.

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, February 11, 2005 4:12 AM
A lot of people use forums like this one to release their stress and anger, taking it all out on total strangers because they think no one can do anything about it, but...
A good hacker can trace you down to your address, and some of these guys aren't taking their medication... All they know is that you've insulted them and they're coming after you no matter what the law might do to them afterward.
What's really gets me is when someone gives their full name, general location and a picture of themselves, then insults you. How stupid can they be...

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, February 10, 2005 9:09 AM
Agree- We should accept everyone for what they are. There is no reason to criticise another person just because his opinion is different than yours. We are a country of many types of people from all over the world. I think this is what makes us so great as a country. There is no reason to ever use the N word or other offensive words. Even using this word in a joke is demeaning. How would you feel if you were on the but end of such a slur? My Grandmother used to say that profanity was a feeble mind attempting to express itself. How true it is!

As to spelling I think I am a good speller. However, I suffer from the fat finger syndrome. The fat fingers occasionally hit the wrong key. Perhaps the web master of this forum could install a version of spell check to help those of us who have fat fiongers. See the fat finger just put an extra letter in the last sentance.

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Posted by Mookie on Thursday, February 10, 2005 6:36 AM
JF - Think it was a passing wind....

She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Junctionfan on Thursday, February 10, 2005 6:14 AM
I hope this isn't still an issue. Much of the flamers have gone and much of the aggression has turned into truces.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 5:15 PM
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Posted by Mookie on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 12:30 PM
Guess you are speaking from experience?

She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 11:50 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by tatans

I quit reading this forum after page 4, this is really scary, I hope some of the repliers don't own guns or drive cars,YIKES. they really are mad!!!---- Spelling?? I'm sorry guys, in order to communicate to one another you can't make up your own language, some of the words are cleary unknown, (were not talking about "i" before "e" here) As the warden in "Cool Hand Luke" said "What we have here is failure to communicate"

I wouldn't worry too much... The majority of the people who act so brave on the Internet, would never have the nerve to say two words to you in person... And in most cases they are either kids, or guys in their 40's that still live with their mom, and have no life.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 7:21 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by tatans

I quit reading this forum after page 4, this is really scary, I hope some of the repliers don't own guns or drive cars,YIKES. they really are mad!!!---- Spelling?? I'm sorry guys, in order to communicate to one another you can't make up your own language, some of the words are cleary unknown, (were not talking about "i" before "e" here) As the warden in "Cool Hand Luke" said "What we have here is failure to communicate"
May I recommend the current issue of Proceedings from the U.S. Naval Institute for your readings. A professor at the Naval Academy writes in much the same manner as you have in the above post. Yes you may suffer from the indignities of the misuse of the language, yet take comfort you do not suffer alone.
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Posted by espeefoamer on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 5:15 PM
I try to be tolerant of other people's spelling or graammar mistakes, but sumtymes thee spelin and gramrrissobadICANBARELEREEDTHEPOST[;)].
There is an edit icon,so one can re-read his posts and make corrections. I have used it many times. I suggest others do the same.Good spelling,and good grammar makes for,clean easy to read posts.
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Posted by tatans on Tuesday, February 8, 2005 2:26 PM
I quit reading this forum after page 4, this is really scary, I hope some of the repliers don't own guns or drive cars,YIKES. they really are mad!!!---- Spelling?? I'm sorry guys, in order to communicate to one another you can't make up your own language, some of the words are cleary unknown, (were not talking about "i" before "e" here) As the warden in "Cool Hand Luke" said "What we have here is failure to communicate"
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, September 25, 2004 9:43 PM
[*^_^*]I wrote an apology in one of my responses to someone else's forum. It shouldn't matter what another person's perspective is about a subject. What should matter is that we're RESPECTIVE of one another, no matter if we happen to disagree with them. THAT is why we are called INDIVIDUALS![^] Once again, my apologies to anyone in here whom I may have offended.[;)]

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 24, 2004 5:20 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Overmod

"Gentlemen" (I use the term rhetorically):

BTW is a standard Internet abbreviation (although often seen in lower-case letters) meaning 'by the way'. Not in older dictionaries, but I suspect you won't find IIRC, LOFLMAO, or particularly imho in the ones you claimed to be using either. (BTW, I concur with the regal Oxonian take on these abbreviations, and on smileys ... er, emoticons ... too, whenever I come across them outside the context of Internet posts!)

Molson is nowhere near as good as Labatt Bleu, in any case. That's my opinion, and I'll stand by it.

I seem to have missed much of the context of this exchange, but unless Kevin can provide a scan of the official Canadian name-change form or whatever that proves he has legally changed his last name to "stheRRman", he has no cause to twit LC for using a pseudonym. If, in fact, he had cause to twit anyone for using a handle on a list. It's easy enough to find out real names -- if you want to -- with a simple e-mail off list.

I've been through the flame wars of the Eighties, and don't subscribe to many newsgroups because I don't particularly care for either trolling or flaming as SOP. Please eschew further behavior of that type -- at least of a person-to-person nature -- no matter how provoked you may become, or think you become, when someone else starts it. Didn't your mothers or whoever raised you teach you that sassing back just lowers you to the same level?

Junctionfan got it. Now let's see if some of the others get it, too...

Kevin Ilaqua
(1) 514 296 7245
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Liscenced to use CP lines between Vaudruil Sub. and M&O sub.

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 24, 2004 5:14 PM
AS for this slang, BTW, ROL however that goes, when You can use it in an english eassy, I will therefore begin to use it in my everyday typing.

Until then.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 24, 2004 5:12 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Limitedclear

QUOTE: Originally posted by kevinstheRRman

ACTUALLY LC- heres more of your own medicine for you

I doubt YOU have any RR affiliation!- your too chicken to even post your own name! Put a name with your posts and I may start to take you somewhat seriously!

Signals can't type- in case you were wondering.


You believe whatever you want. I frankly could care less if YOU take me seriously.


Deal- done- I won't take you seriously. I never did, So it won't make much of a difference.
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Posted by Junctionfan on Friday, September 24, 2004 3:55 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Limitedclear

QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan


"You don't have to live like a refugee"

(Musical reference, Andrew...)



Sorry LC I don't have too much knowledge outside the classical aspect. Maybe somebody could explain it to me and then I can make a wise-guy remark if that's what you were looking for.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 24, 2004 3:51 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan


"You don't have to live like a refugee"

(Musical reference, Andrew...)



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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 24, 2004 3:38 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by kevinstheRRman

ACTUALLY LC- heres more of your own medicine for you

I doubt YOU have any RR affiliation!- your too chicken to even post your own name! Put a name with your posts and I may start to take you somewhat seriously!

Signals can't type- in case you were wondering.


You believe whatever you want. I frankly could care less if YOU take me seriously.


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 24, 2004 3:36 PM
I'll second the motion with the caviet of; unless the moderator or the leadership should deem necessary (leadership by definition to be four stars or greater) for descency and good order. Which is, as we all know, that most subtle of requirements for the reasonable discussion and shareing of information in this topic of our mutual interest, enjoyment and study.[2c]
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Posted by Junctionfan on Friday, September 24, 2004 3:06 PM
Thankyou Overmod and for everybody's information my full name is Andrew Hugh Little and I have no secrets worth keeping and I don't care if people get things wrong about music. I have studied music for almost 20 years now and I still don't know everything. I could be the next Leonard Berstein or the next Beethoven but I would never assume I know it all because that would be the furthest thing from the truth.

Bottomline is (I'm speaking to Limitedclear in particular) I would rather get the facts wrong and just learn from my mistakes eventually as my life progresses, than profess that I know everything and be as obnoxious as possible and without hesitation, go around and put folk down just because it doesn't meet with your approval and eventually start alienating folk around you.

Now please, ladies and gentlemen of the forum; let's just have some fun o.k? Just let the need for this thread to pop up go and let it die.


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Posted by Overmod on Friday, September 24, 2004 2:41 PM
"Gentlemen" (I use the term rhetorically):

BTW is a standard Internet abbreviation (although often seen in lower-case letters) meaning 'by the way'. Not in older dictionaries, but I suspect you won't find IIRC, LOFLMAO, or particularly imho in the ones you claimed to be using either. (BTW, I concur with the regal Oxonian take on these abbreviations, and on smileys ... er, emoticons ... too, whenever I come across them outside the context of Internet posts!)

Molson is nowhere near as good as Labatt Bleu, in any case. That's my opinion, and I'll stand by it.

I seem to have missed much of the context of this exchange, but unless Kevin can provide a scan of the official Canadian name-change form or whatever that proves he has legally changed his last name to "stheRRman", he has no cause to twit LC for using a pseudonym. If, in fact, he had cause to twit anyone for using a handle on a list. It's easy enough to find out real names -- if you want to -- with a simple e-mail off list.

I've been through the flame wars of the Eighties, and don't subscribe to many newsgroups because I don't particularly care for either trolling or flaming as SOP. Please eschew further behavior of that type -- at least of a person-to-person nature -- no matter how provoked you may become, or think you become, when someone else starts it. Didn't your mothers or whoever raised you teach you that sassing back just lowers you to the same level?

Junctionfan got it. Now let's see if some of the others get it, too...
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 24, 2004 2:17 PM
ACTUALLY LC- heres more of your own medicine for you

I doubt YOU have any RR affiliation!- your too chicken to even post your own name! Put a name with your posts and I may start to take you somewhat seriously!

Signals can't type- in case you were wondering.

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Posted by Junctionfan on Friday, September 24, 2004 2:11 PM
I just wish Limitedclear would say something stupid involving music; than he would get a taste of his own medicine.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 24, 2004 2:03 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Limitedclear

QUOTE: Originally posted by kevinstheRRman

Yeah, Andrew you have to list all the bad apples that really make you angry, let me see:

LC- Your head is so friggin big, your either going to fall over and need firefighter assistance to get up, or your going to have trouble fitting into a locomotive soon- you aint' the best thing since Molson, hate to tell you- don't become one of those Old head "know it alls" who get "righted" every 3 secondes by young wipper snappers like myself

WOW- I do feel better!


I guess you must have a lonely brain cell somewhere in that empty head of yours. BTW, it's "whipper snapper" and I've never seen seconds spelled with the extra "e" either. Is that the Quebec spelling??

Frankly, I'm not sure I buy your claim of former railroad affiliation in any event. You must have flattened a lot of wheels and upset a lot of engineers with your unsafe behaviors. That certainly could explain your not working on the RR. I know that many engineers who don't like conductors they work with have their own suite of tricks that can make life miserable for the conductor. That aside, pulling the air would require the conductor to walk the train and perform an air test assuming there were no defects. Not something I'd want to do as a conductor (why would one want to expose themselves to multiple emergency applications?), no railroader I know would do that for kicks as you imply you have done.

It is really easy to type the words here on the page, much harder to do the job in real life.


WOW- I posted that 60 years ago- Congradulations about picking up on it so soon. Yes, "secondes" is French actually, And i've checked Two dictionaries and none of them have "BTW" in them, Actaully oxford 2004 said BTW, see "Lazy"

You don't mean BTU, do you?

Pull the Air- I've done it more then once to wise-alecs like yourslef- Remember passenger Trains cannot surpass 10 cars long (Canadian Railway Safety Act, article 93), most not exceeding Five.. whopee an entire Five Car train- Besides, passenger cars have a "pull in case of emergency" inside them, ever noticed that? If you weren't too busy pretending to know everyhting, you may have noticed- They are EASILY, and i mean EASILY reset, I'll even post the directions for you...

1. Move the lever from the DOWNWARD poition to the UPWARD position- And wait for the Air, as you so put it, to build up.

Never even have to step a foot outside, Mr. Know-It-ALL!

A nice gradual stop!

Says in my rule books thats what i'm to do, and if I was with a thick headed engineer, like yourself, I'd do the same thing.

Teaches the Engineer REALLY fast that he better call a yellow signal when he sees one, Hell I'd probobly teach you a thing or Two- Or not you know, If you know it all already, like your post certainly illustrates you do.

Ciao Bro.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 24, 2004 12:08 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by kevinstheRRman

Yeah, Andrew you have to list all the bad apples that really make you angry, let me see:

LC- Your head is so friggin big, your either going to fall over and need firefighter assistance to get up, or your going to have trouble fitting into a locomotive soon- you aint' the best thing since Molson, hate to tell you- don't become one of those Old head "know it alls" who get "righted" every 3 secondes by young wipper snappers like myself

WOW- I do feel better!


I guess you must have a lonely brain cell somewhere in that empty head of yours. BTW, it's "whipper snapper" and I've never seen seconds spelled with the extra "e" either. Is that the Quebec spelling??

Frankly, I'm not sure I buy your claim of former railroad affiliation in any event. You must have flattened a lot of wheels and upset a lot of engineers with your unsafe behaviors. That certainly could explain your not working on the RR. I know that many engineers who don't like conductors they work with have their own suite of tricks that can make life miserable for the conductor. That aside, pulling the air would require the conductor to walk the train and perform an air test assuming there were no defects. Not something I'd want to do as a conductor (why would one want to expose themselves to multiple emergency applications?), no railroader I know would do that for kicks as you imply you have done.

It is really easy to type the words here on the page, much harder to do the job in real life.


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, September 24, 2004 8:44 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by tree68

QUOTE: Originally posted by kevinstheRRman

Oh blast- they are playing Stairway to heaven on the Radio-
I don't like that song it is too long winded-

That's one reason I like it - no blathering DJ, no H-H-H-U-U-U-G-G-G-E-E-E-!-!-! car dealership commercials - just rock and roll.

Ok that is a good reason actually- But I wish you know, 3 minutes maybe 4- could of wrapped it up, we got the point.. stairs.. heaven.
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Posted by Junctionfan on Friday, September 24, 2004 8:43 AM

Now that's advertising.
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Posted by tree68 on Friday, September 24, 2004 8:35 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by kevinstheRRman

Oh blast- they are playing Stairway to heaven on the Radio-
I don't like that song it is too long winded-

That's one reason I like it - no blathering DJ, no H-H-H-U-U-U-G-G-G-E-E-E-!-!-! car dealership commercials - just rock and roll.

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