I wish we could get junior members..One club has 3 the other has 1 only because Grandpa goes there.We need young blood because none of the members is getting any younger.At one club we have a wide age group from 16 to 75.
Both HO clubs I am a member we believe in behave in front of our guest.The N Scale club is still untried as far as open houses.It is my belief we will do well.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
BRAKIE wrote: loathar wrote:I am "lightened up". I didn't make the MATURE ADULT HOBBY post.Well take a CLOSER look at the next open house or train show..What do you see kids? Sadly no..You see adults running trauins..This is what the none modeling public sees as well so,as adults we must show the public that we are not reliving our childhood or adults playing with toy trains..We are in fact mature adults enjoying what can be a adult hobby.Understand now?
loathar wrote:I am "lightened up". I didn't make the MATURE ADULT HOBBY post.
Well take a CLOSER look at the next open house or train show..What do you see kids? Sadly no..You see adults running trauins..This is what the none modeling public sees as well so,as adults we must show the public that we are not reliving our childhood or adults playing with toy trains..We are in fact mature adults enjoying what can be a adult hobby.
Understand now?
The last show I went to was about 50/50 (adults/kids) I was surprised to see quite a few kids in the clubs too.(under 16 I'd say) THEY were the ones that seemed happy to be there and explained things to people. (really good young modeling talent too) It was the older club guys that acted like they had been sucking lemons all day. This is what turned me off on the club thing when they tried to recruit me. They were bad mouthing each other to me and the rest of the audience.(NOT cool!)
We can all agree to disagree about the disagreement we're agreeing upon.
Not too long ago I went to an promenent local HOn3 club's open house and was completely ignored even when I asked questions. I'm in my 40's, so its not just youngsters getting the brush off at these open houses, needless to say I left unimpressed by their attitude. This is not the first time I have encountered the brush off attitude at an open houses or at a train show, in fact, over the years its been one of the most consistent things I've come to expect in the smaller scales.
One of the main benifits of switching to large scale is that everyones a whole lot more friendly in LS than the ever were in HO or N, must be all that sunshine and fresh air from working in the garden
Have fun with your trains
Can't we all just get along??,,,, or can we agree to disagree??
Adios Wyatt
Safety Valve wrote: Now, Pranks I can do.I was taught to drop a box of parts behind a operator intense on concentration at a coupling.See the man jump 5 feet.
Now, Pranks I can do.
I was taught to drop a box of parts behind a operator intense on concentration at a coupling.
See the man jump 5 feet.
LOL! LOLROF! Gotta try that one!
SteamFreak wrote: BRAKIE wrote: Suffice it to say I have a Athearn 50' double door boxcar that weighs over a pound..The wheels are glued..Many a new member has had his pride and joy sit and spin its wheels as the new guy gets bombarded with cat calls like "Sheesh,get that junk off the layout since it can't pull! I would be ashame if my locomotive couldn't pull 15 cars! Etc,etc.We then shout "Welcome to the club!" I was cuss out once by a sourpuss.He later apologized for his out burst over a harmless joke.Brakie, I'm surprised at you. I thought this was a mature adult hobby, not an opportunity for for immature frat pranks. Tsk, tsk.
BRAKIE wrote: Suffice it to say I have a Athearn 50' double door boxcar that weighs over a pound..The wheels are glued..Many a new member has had his pride and joy sit and spin its wheels as the new guy gets bombarded with cat calls like "Sheesh,get that junk off the layout since it can't pull! I would be ashame if my locomotive couldn't pull 15 cars! Etc,etc.We then shout "Welcome to the club!" I was cuss out once by a sourpuss.He later apologized for his out burst over a harmless joke.
Suffice it to say I have a Athearn 50' double door boxcar that weighs over a pound..The wheels are glued..Many a new member has had his pride and joy sit and spin its wheels as the new guy gets bombarded with cat calls like "Sheesh,get that junk off the layout since it can't pull! I would be ashame if my locomotive couldn't pull 15 cars! Etc,etc.
We then shout "Welcome to the club!"
I was cuss out once by a sourpuss.He later apologized for his out burst over a harmless joke.
Brakie, I'm surprised at you. I thought this was a mature adult hobby, not an opportunity for for immature frat pranks. Tsk, tsk.
Well there is a time to act crazy..We all do that but,not when the non modeling public is watching us.Well maybe a little laughter or prank is harmless but,not train wrecks,trains at running at hyper speed etc.Thats what I am talking about
Even Thomas is ok for the kids.
BRAKIE wrote:Suffice it to say I have a Athearn 50' double door boxcar that weighs over a pound..The wheels are glued..Many a new member has had his pride and joy sit and spin its wheels as the new guy gets bombarded with cat calls like "Sheesh,get that junk off the layout since it can't pull! I would be ashame if my locomotive couldn't pull 15 cars! Etc,etc.We then shout "Welcome to the club!" I was cuss out once by a sourpuss.He later apologized for his out burst over a harmless joke.
Brakie, I'm surprised at you. I thought this was a mature adult hobby, not an opportunity for immature frat pranks. Tsk, tsk.
Ex-Southern 385 Being Hoisted
TA462 wrote:Sometimes when I'm in a Golf tournament at work I'll put a hockey stick in my Golf bag. I get more then a few comments, lol.
I was cuss out once by a sourpuss.He later apologized for his out burst over a harmless joke..
Then I guess I pre-suppose too much intellgence in some people.
Nevertheless, having done half a dozen shows, most folks ask good questions, but some people (who otherwise look and sound as if they should know better) ask some really stupid questions.
People sometimes forget themselves. They'll sometimes talk about you and your layout as if you're not really there (that's the TV effect) or will sometimes say completely rude and insensitive things.
I had one guy stand at my layout for several minutes pontificating about how "N scale is too small, you can't se the trains, they don't run well, and you can't even get them on the tracks, etc." to the other folks at my layout. I politely reminded him that, in fact, my trains were doing a fine job running and staying on the tracks, and even though I wear glasses, I have no trouble doing work on them without the aid of an optivisor. He eventually agreed that N scale "might be for some people." Hopefully my layout spoke louder than his words to the other people at my layout.
Modeling the Rio Grande Southern First District circa 1938-1946 in HOn3.
Dave Vollmer wrote: secondhandmodeler wrote:Sorry, I guess I can see where you are coming from. One question, why go to a show if you can't be bothered? I just thought that the comments about stupid questions were rather.....stupid. I realize that some questions probably get asked over and over. What I don't understand is, how are these people suppose to realize that their questions are somehow invalid? Yes my post was a wise guy attempt at humor. I am sorry if I offended you.You would be very surprised at the insanely stupid questions adults sometimes ask. I go to shows for the 95% of questions that are insightful, or at least not obvious. I enjoy shows very much.It's the 5% of questions from adults (not children... their questions/statements are nearly always forgivable) that makes your jaw drop.Unfortunately there is such thing as a stupid question.Such as (from an adult): "Who bought this for you?" Um, me , I guess! Although, technically I was just the middle man. The money flowed from the Air Force to the hobby shop through me. So, your tax dollars bought it for me, right?Also from an adult: "Do you ever run them head-on into each other on purpose?" Yeah, that's what I do.Here are the real questions I expect and enjoy answering:"How long did it take to build?" "How much did it all cost?" "How did you build the table?" Etc.
secondhandmodeler wrote:Sorry, I guess I can see where you are coming from. One question, why go to a show if you can't be bothered? I just thought that the comments about stupid questions were rather.....stupid. I realize that some questions probably get asked over and over. What I don't understand is, how are these people suppose to realize that their questions are somehow invalid? Yes my post was a wise guy attempt at humor. I am sorry if I offended you.
You would be very surprised at the insanely stupid questions adults sometimes ask. I go to shows for the 95% of questions that are insightful, or at least not obvious. I enjoy shows very much.
It's the 5% of questions from adults (not children... their questions/statements are nearly always forgivable) that makes your jaw drop.
Unfortunately there is such thing as a stupid question.
Such as (from an adult): "Who bought this for you?" Um, me , I guess! Although, technically I was just the middle man. The money flowed from the Air Force to the hobby shop through me. So, your tax dollars bought it for me, right?
Also from an adult: "Do you ever run them head-on into each other on purpose?" Yeah, that's what I do.
Here are the real questions I expect and enjoy answering:
"How long did it take to build?" "How much did it all cost?" "How did you build the table?" Etc.
To the majority of casual observers, model railroading is not a serious subject. I would bet that a lot of people view it as playing with trains. I would also imagine that a fair amount of people come to shows to entertain their children. Some of these adults only exposure to model trains is from tv. What do you see people doing with trains on tv, crashing them. If you can get past their "stupid" question, their next questions may be more intelligent. Can you imagine if somebodies only exposure to golf was Happy Gilmore? There would be a fair amount of correction needed when that person arrived at the golf course!
loathar wrote: BRAKIE wrote: We are trying to show the public that model railroading is a ADULT hobby and we should act like mature adults and not like Gomez Adams.Hear THAT kids! It's an ADULT hobby. NO FUN ALLOWED!!!Maybe that's the attitude the OP ran into that started this thread in the first place.
BRAKIE wrote: We are trying to show the public that model railroading is a ADULT hobby and we should act like mature adults and not like Gomez Adams.
We are trying to show the public that model railroading is a ADULT hobby and we should act like mature adults and not like Gomez Adams.
Hear THAT kids! It's an ADULT hobby. NO FUN ALLOWED!!!
Maybe that's the attitude the OP ran into that started this thread in the first place.
Good grief man lighten up and understand the majority of the public sees our models as kids toys and sees us as adult playing with toy trains or reliving our childhood..
SteamFreak wrote: I can understand frustration with destructive behavior, like touching or derailing equipment, damaging scenery, or pulling wires; these should not be tolerated. Short of those things anything goes. The average person who has no contact with model trains is going to ask questions that might make most of us want to roll our eyes, but ignorance isn't necessarily stupidity. I always liked the Gomez Addams questions; if someone asked if I ever blew them up, I usually told them there are days when I'd like to.Don't try to convince me that even the most sober modeler doesn't have an inner Beavis and Butthead that thinks "Uh-huh-huh-huh - that was cool!" when a harmless derailment occurs on their pike. At any kind of show the majority of people are just passing through, so we have to accept the fact that they're not going to take it as seriously as we do.
I can understand frustration with destructive behavior, like touching or derailing equipment, damaging scenery, or pulling wires; these should not be tolerated. Short of those things anything goes. The average person who has no contact with model trains is going to ask questions that might make most of us want to roll our eyes, but ignorance isn't necessarily stupidity. I always liked the Gomez Addams questions; if someone asked if I ever blew them up, I usually told them there are days when I'd like to.
Don't try to convince me that even the most sober modeler doesn't have an inner Beavis and Butthead that thinks "Uh-huh-huh-huh - that was cool!" when a harmless derailment occurs on their pike.
At any kind of show the majority of people are just passing through, so we have to accept the fact that they're not going to take it as seriously as we do.
Nelson,There is a time for a chuckle over a derailment..However,its not during a open house where the viewing public as a whole come to see trains run and not derail.
During our 3 day open house this past weekend I had a gentleman tell me he never saw model trains run so nicely(or words to that effect)..He then ask how we keep them on the track..I then explain how its done and showed him a NMRA gauge and KD coupler height gauge.I then took one of my cars and demonstrated the technique we use.I also told him good smooth track work is a must as well for derailment free operation.The gentleman was impress and thank me for showing him.
Questions and demonstrations can be done during a open house especially on a modular layout when trains are running smooth and free of derailments..
Now had I been at the other club DS'ing or working one of the yards there is NO time for such pleasantries.
See the difference?
Big Beast wrote: How many times have you watched Nascar on TV hoping to see a killer wreck? "Ofc we want everyone to walk away from it" I do if I do not see a wreck inside of 5 minutes I change the channel. Remember how cool the train wreck was on the Fugitive? I have yet to see a train wreck in a movie or show look as realistic as that to me or others. Some people do not know the difference between a Bachman and a Walthers or Athearn. I know when ever I get into a rampage mood I grab my cheap Bachman f7 put the cheap boxcar in the way and see how far I can send that box car creaming into a set of life like cars I set in my yard.
How many times have you watched Nascar on TV hoping to see a killer wreck? "Ofc we want everyone to walk away from it" I do if I do not see a wreck inside of 5 minutes I change the channel. Remember how cool the train wreck was on the Fugitive? I have yet to see a train wreck in a movie or show look as realistic as that to me or others. Some people do not know the difference between a Bachman and a Walthers or Athearn. I know when ever I get into a rampage mood I grab my cheap Bachman f7 put the cheap boxcar in the way and see how far I can send that box car creaming into a set of life like cars I set in my yard.
I don't watch Nascar. And as a combat veteran who has seen the impact when people's lives are ended violently, I don't much care for death or crashes.
Also, I find operating my railroad the way it was intended to operate is a far more relaxing experience when I'm stressed than it would be to smash engines and cars together. But then, I've custom detailed and weathered every locomotive and car I have, so I don't have any "throw-aways" to crash if I wanted to. But my point is I don't want to.
I would also up the ante by suggesting that perhaps ramming F7s into parked freight cars falls outside of the consensus of what is defined by model railroading.
Big Beast wrote: Brakie questions like How fast or do you wreck on purpose are legit questions. Seriously think about it. Most people like speed. We see high speed trains in movies all the time. So why wouldnt they askhow fast does it go?How many times have you watched Nascar on TV hoping to see a killer wreck? "Ofc we want everyone to walk away from it" I do if I do not see a wreck inside of 5 minutes I change the channel. Remember how cool the train wreck was on the Fugitive? I have yet to see a train wreck in a movie or show look as realistic as that to me or others. Some people do not know the difference between a Bachman and a Walthers or Athearn. I know when ever I get into a rampage mood I grab my cheap Bachman f7 put the cheap boxcar in the way and see how far I can send that box car creaming into a set of life like cars I set in my yard.
Brakie questions like How fast or do you wreck on purpose are legit questions. Seriously think about it. Most people like speed. We see high speed trains in movies all the time. So why wouldnt they askhow fast does it go?
Maybe you use train set cars I use cars that cost $10.00-22.00..Think I want to wreck those high dollar cars to impress the crowds? If you do there is a bridge I would like to sell you.
I must protest your lack of better judgement..During a open house should we not put our best foot forward as ambassadors for the hobby? After all don't you think for one minute the public doesn't judge us AND THE HOBBY by our actions? We are trying to show the public that model railroading is a ADULT hobby and we should act like mature adults and not like Gomez Adams.
Big Beast wrote:Brakie questions like How fast or do you wreck on purpose are legit questions. Seriously think about it. Most people like speed. We see high speed trains in movies all the time. So why wouldnt they askhow fast does it go?How many times have you watched Nascar on TV hoping to see a killer wreck? "Ofc we want everyone to walk away from it" I do if I do not see a wreck inside of 5 minutes I change the channel. Remember how cool the train wreck was on the Fugitive? I have yet to see a train wreck in a movie or show look as realistic as that to me or others. Some people do not know the difference between a Bachman and a Walthers or Athearn. I know when ever I get into a rampage mood I grab my cheap Bachman f7 put the cheap boxcar in the way and see how far I can send that box car creaming into a set of life like cars I set in my yard.
You must just live for You Tube then. Sad...
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
You go and wreck if you want to.
I spent 8 of my 9 lives fighting to keep my 40 ton 18 wheel ramming sled out of other people's vehicles and can attest to several lives directly saved by my or other's actions via radio etc.
I am angry with your casual attitude to wrecks.
Edited, story too disturbing to some.
Big Beast wrote: How many times have you watched Nascar on TV hoping to see a killer wreck? "Ofc we want everyone to walk away from it" I do if I do not see a wreck inside of 5 minutes I change the channel.
Big Beast wrote: I know when ever I get into a rampage mood I grab my cheap Bachman f7 put the cheap boxcar in the way and see how far I can send that box car creaming into a set of life like cars I set in my yard.
I don't.
IRONROOSTER wrote:One thing I remember about Gomez was how much fun he had with his trains.
One thing I remember about Gomez was how much fun he had with his trains.
Stop apologizing, you hit the nail on the head.
Being the hosts, there is no excuse for being anti-social and rude, period.
Shot up by BB cannons!!!?, that is no way for engine and cars to die.
The proper way is have to truss Span Bridge failure right over your 100 gal Aquarium.
Pretty dramatic for the fish, and instant dramatic scenery on your seafloor.
secondhandmodeler wrote:I can appreciate your frustration with the " do you wreck them for fun" questions. I just thought that this might have been some peoples first exposure to model trains. Knowing that you have greeters to interact with the visitors changes my thinking. Sorry again for offending anyone. I have never been on your side of the benchwork.
I can appreciate your frustration with the " do you wreck them for fun" questions. I just thought that this might have been some peoples first exposure to model trains. Knowing that you have greeters to interact with the visitors changes my thinking. Sorry again for offending anyone. I have never been on your side of the benchwork.
I remember reading years ago about a club that "lost their lease". As their final operating session they ran trains made up with the cheap cars and locos and shot at them with BB guns as they went around the layout.
So while these are not things I would do, I'm not so sure they are stupid questions. After all, to much of the public we're a little odd to begin with, they're just trying to find out much.
secondhandmodeler wrote: I can appreciate your frustration with the " do you wreck them for fun" questions. I just thought that this might have been some peoples first exposure to model trains. Knowing that you have greeters to interact with the visitors changes my thinking. Sorry again for offending anyone. I have never been on your side of the benchwork.
No offense, just having a healthy discussing are we?
Once in a while it's good to talk about something that no one wants to deal with as a subject from time to time.