QUOTE: Originally posted by uspscsx Wow. Two RDMT/Mother sets on one train? Or are those both different trains? I'm glad this topic was brought back up, as it doesn't get much traffic anymore. Nice shots. uspscsx
QUOTE: Originally posted by csxguy Today I got my camera! They were out of the CX7530 so i got the Z730. 5 megapixel, 2.2 inch LCD screen, 4x optical zoom, and video capability!!! It is cool. As soon as I learn everything about it and install the software, pictures will be up.
Scott - Dispatcher, Norfolk Southern
QUOTE: Originally posted by ChessieFan13 Here in Huntington WV I see quite a few geeps that are running around. 2 to 6 consists are a common sight. There are a few UP and KCS that run here as well. I was down by the shop in East Hgnt the othe day and what I saw was sooooo Cooooolllllllll............Chessie Paint......Think it was a geep as well but it was too far away and angled but the paint was definitally Chessie
QUOTE: Originally posted by 4884bigboy Very nice Ken! I don't think I've ever seen a CSX Geep on a mainline train.
QUOTE: Originally posted by csxguy Hey guys, I am proud to announce that i will be buying a digital camera to take pics of CSX!!!
QUOTE: Originally posted by PBoilermaker I am now living in the Chicago area due to work and I saw my first Union Pacific train not long ago. Having spent most of my life living in VA and railfanning in Brunswick/Point of Rocks/Harpers Ferry, UP was something that always appeared in magazines and in product lines, never in person. Although neat to see something different, I really miss CSX, though. I digress... -Mike