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Welcome to Jeffrey's Trackside Diner for January 2020: New York, N.Y. Locked

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Posted by howmus on Friday, January 10, 2020 5:53 PM

Evenin' Folks!

Janie I could use another pot of decaf, please.

MisterBeasley No exercise bike for me! Nope, took the old mountain bike out in the balmy 60 degree weather in shorts. Lucky guy, I am relatively pain-free throughout the day, however, if I get out on the road on a bike I am in rough shape in short order.

Wow Brent, I'm glad I seem to be a bit better off.  My excercise regimen has gotten rid of most all of the arthritis I used to be dealing with.  My Doc was already talking to me about how long it would be before I would be wheelchair bound.  The excercise and weight loss got rid of most of my psoriasis which they now think was causing the arthritis... 

I am a little sore tonight. I didn't run on wednesday due to a meeting (NMRA) that I was supposed to be at about a two hour drive away for me, and the nasty weather that kept me from going to the meeting (I attended via phone).  I did go over and put in my 30 laps at the fieldhouse this morning and pushed myself a bit.  That is why I am a bit sore tonight actually.  Feels good!  I think I am gaining some leg muscle as pants that used to be just fine now stick to my legs and I have to reach down and pull the pantlegs down.  Last week when I went out to dinner with a certain lady she told me to pull down my pantleg...... ("Ray?....  Ah...  your pantleg is up to your knee!  You might want to adjust that....") Twice. LOL  I am building some upperbody strength as well.  I will never have the cut or bulk of the muscles I had as a 20 year old again, but it does feel good to know I have a bit more strength these days.

I remember back when I did look a bit like Jabba The Hut.....  Or so my late wife used to kiddingly say....... Whistling

Probably getting a better diet helped as well.  Did some research and found basically what I'm doing is an actual diet out there which is supposed to be very healthy.  Called the Flexitarian Diet...  Not like the one below!

Have a good one out there!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by BATMAN on Friday, January 10, 2020 3:35 PM

No exercise bike for me!  Nope, took the old mountain bike out in the balmy 60 degree weather in shorts.

Lucky guy, I am relatively pain-free throughout the day, however, if I get out on the road on a bike I am in rough shape in short order. I keep my Raleigh Supercourse and Nishiki Mountain bike and sometimes venture out hoping the outcome will somehow be different. Not to be, so far, but I'll keep trying. The last time out I plummeted down Whistler Moutain at breakneck speed doing all the jumps along the way. I only had one run even though I bought a three-run ticket. I made it back to the couch in the hotel and ordered lunch.Laugh

The arthritis in my spine is so bad I was asked to be Mr. show and tell at an international symposium of Rheumatologist in Vancouver. My spine looks like a melted candle on X-Ray and MRI. I was an example of a guy that does everything right to maintain an active lifestyle. The general consensus among the experts at the symposium was that most people in my condition spend a good part of the day in bed. No Jabba The Hut for me thank you very much. 

Image result for Jabba the Hutt


"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Friday, January 10, 2020 3:14 PM

No exercise bike for me!  Nope, took the old mountain bike out in the balmy 60 degree weather in shorts.  OK it's coastal Delaware so it's very flat, but I feel better since the cardiologist let me stop taking the beta blocker.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by SeeYou190 on Friday, January 10, 2020 1:58 PM

I don't know how the Panthers stay in business, the place was empty. The players say it was like playing in an empty building.


Because everyone in Florida is a Tampa Bay Lightning Fan!




The teams in Miami all make killer money on TV revenue.




Living the dream.

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Posted by BATMAN on Friday, January 10, 2020 1:43 PM

Good morning from the snowy West Coast where it is 0c. 

We are supposed to be having a major wind storm along with the snow however it has not materialized here, the ferries are not running due to the high winds on the chuck though.

The wife is away, had a great bottle of wine last night 800 calories, burned off 1400 this morning so we are good. Did 24km on the bike set at maximum tension BP108/68/HR48 life is so good I am retiring to the train room for the rest of the day.Smile 

TF, Glenfiddich is calling, could be top pick for tonight.Pirate

All the best to all.





"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Friday, January 10, 2020 12:30 PM

For those who like subwayLIONS... I meaned to poste every day, but, well, you know...



The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Friday, January 10, 2020 12:29 PM

Good afternoon from unnaturally spring-like Delaware, where it's 63 degrees but getting cloudy.  Rain tonight, but even nicer the next couple of days.

I usually get on this forum from my Android-basd tablet.  Yes, I have frequent freezes from the site, too, and I hope the new software hurries up and gets here.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by CNCharlie on Friday, January 10, 2020 10:38 AM

Good Morning,

A cold day here but it is sunny and likely coming your way TF. 

I have to buy a security package for my computer as I am running Windows 7 and the security and support from Microsoft expires on the 14th. I will likely buy a Norton package as it seems to have a good rating. 

My Hudson wars continue. After a lot of fiddling it is running a lot better. If it ran forward like it does in reverse I would be happy. 

CN Charlie


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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, January 10, 2020 9:10 AM

Good morning ......... Coffee and a donut, please. 

Speaking of Frank / Zstripe , I too wonder where he is, and I hope he is okay. He had some very good advice when I was working on models of 1/87 trucks for my roads. 

Ricky .... I hope you continue feeling better. 

Ed ... I think it was you who a historic phtot of an Automat restaurant. I actually recall eating at one when our family went to New York City a long time ago. Alos, I enjoy phtos of your layout, and I would like to see more of them. 

Everybody ...... Have a good Friday. 









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Posted by York1 on Friday, January 10, 2020 8:38 AM

Good morning.  Just coffee this morning. I've already had a full breakfast at another restaurant.

I had been hoping to see more NYC subway and train photos.  It's still a long month, so here's hoping.  I wish I could contribute, but I haven't been there in years.

We were going to go to see grandchildren for several days, but decided to stay home.  Storms are starting to blow in with ice first, then snow.  I don't trust anyone, including me, driving on ice.  We'll stay in, get the fireplace going, and watch Perry Mason reruns.

Have a good day, everyone.

York1 John       

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Posted by Track fiddler on Friday, January 10, 2020 7:24 AM

Good morning.

Black coffee please,  maybe a half-a-potLaugh

One more day of wxxk and three days off, .... Sweet!

Joe,  My brother is on your page.  He says "Switch to Mac and never look back"

Dave,  You are right in not switching anti-viruses.  That's when problems really start.  Whatever is left in your computer from the last anti-viruse conflicts with the new one.  I've been down that road before too.  Perhaps that may have been the problem I had with Norton in the first place.

I haven't owned a computer in years so that was quite a long time ago.


Make it a great day everyone.




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Posted by joe323 on Friday, January 10, 2020 6:14 AM

Personally, I switched to a Mac from windows for everything except JMRI.  This my railroad has a dedicated computer and stands alone everything else including the web is done on the Mac with appropriate protection. Mac with solid-state drivers are much faster.


Joe Staten Island West 

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Posted by hon30critter on Friday, January 10, 2020 12:13 AM

Track fiddler
With all due respect,  Norton is a virus in itself Dave

Hi TF,

I have heard people say that before, but I have been running Norton for years and I have had very few problems. I have only had two situations were the computer got locked up, and both of those were a result of me surfing where I shouldn't have. ("Say no more, say no more". I don't do that anymore!). I don't think the problems that I have had were primarily Norton related.

A couple of years ago my computer got really slow so I took it to the local computer shop and they cleaned it out. After that it ran like new, that is up until recently. It's still not bad. It just wants to keep changing settings on me.

I do know that Norton is not 100% effective, but I am reluctant to start playing with other security systems. Every time I have tried that in the past it just messed up my computer.

If anybody wants to recommend a good, simple, reliable cleaning system that won't mess with my head, then I am willing to listen.

Where's the icon for 'dinosaur' when you need it?Laugh


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by Track fiddler on Thursday, January 9, 2020 11:34 PM

Good evening Dave

With all due respect,  Norton is a virus in itself Dave

It will fight with everything on your computer eventually

Just sending past experienceSmile, Wink & Grin





When you try to delete it all out of your computer,  you will see what I mean

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Posted by hon30critter on Thursday, January 9, 2020 11:17 PM

I can log in to this site only about 50% of the time and it is a crapshoot as to whether the post I write will make it to print.

I guess I'm lucky. Most of the time the site works just fine. There are occassional hiccups. I have high speed internet (don't ask me what the specs are!).

I do have a problem with my computer. Every so often it will change settings without being told to do so. The other day my font size went back to 100% from my usual 125%. Also, it has been a bit of a crap shoot as to what comes up when I go to my home page. I have Norton 360 running full time, but I suspect there is a bug in there somewhere.



I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by Track fiddler on Thursday, January 9, 2020 10:38 PM

Brent, .... When the Cat is away the Mice will play


What else are you going to do


And how about those Canucks as you share another shot of Glenfiddich with meStick out tongue




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Posted by BATMAN on Thursday, January 9, 2020 10:09 PM

Well, Florida has not been kind to the Canucks.CryingLaugh Oh well, they just came off a seven-game winning streak so we will cut them some slack. I don't know how the Panthers stay in business, the place was empty. The players say it was like playing in an empty building.

I can log in to this site only about 50% of the time and it is a crapshoot as to whether the post I write will make it to print. I could really care less and move on to other things if I can't log on. The forum is where I go to take a break from my strenuous life.Laugh I enjoy the banter you all offer but don't worry about having to catch up at a later date.

The wife is now staying in Portland for two nights, PARTEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!Laugh

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"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by York1 on Thursday, January 9, 2020 9:37 PM

TF, I use a laptop and it is happening quite often.  Just a few minutes ago again.

I usually go to a sports site and check back every few minutes until it is running again.

York1 John       

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Posted by Track fiddler on Thursday, January 9, 2020 8:55 PM

Thanks Mike

That clears things up here

It just happened a few minutes ago again when I tried to get back on and now I'm back on

Imagine that


Start Spreading the News

I'm leaving Today

I want to be a part of it

New York  New York


Just love you Kids   We are all Kids at heart Smile, Wink & Grin




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Posted by mbinsewi on Thursday, January 9, 2020 8:25 PM

Track fiddler
Is that just a posting from a phone thing or is it across the board for you guys on your computers too?

I get it my desk top.  It used to be about 2 times a day, this site would "pass out" and when you try to post, or change page, and the little "gray circle" would spin counter-clockwise, for ever, so I open a new window, and move on to other sites I visit, until MRR is back.

It has increased to maybe 4 or 5 or more times per day?

Waiting for the new upgrade.

Have a good night TF.


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Posted by Track fiddler on Thursday, January 9, 2020 7:45 PM

I'm not going to call myself post-hog this time.  I post here from my smartphone which is hard enough as it is. 

This site freezes up quite frequently.  I can't get back on the site or finish editing while I'm cut off in the middle.

Is this just a posting from a phone thing or is it across the board for you guys on your computers too?




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Posted by Track fiddler on Thursday, January 9, 2020 6:55 PM

I remember Zstripe.   I as well have not heard from him for quite a while either Ed.

I hope he's okay too.


You were on my list Ed to help bust out Ricky as wellSmile, Wink & Grin

I'm hopeful we hear from FrankYes




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Posted by gmpullman on Thursday, January 9, 2020 6:47 PM

Track fiddler
By the way,  you were on my list of Forum members to round up and rescue Ricky out of the hospital clink John

BTW, speaking of MIA forum members, anyone hear from Zstripe (Frank) lately? I usually see a post from him on these forums and haven't seen one in over two months.

Hope he's OK.

Cheers, Ed

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Posted by SeeYou190 on Thursday, January 9, 2020 6:43 PM

It is running a little better, reverse is fine but there still is a hesitation on each driver revolution going forward. I wonder why reverse is ok but not forward? 


My Bachmann 2-8-0, when it was damaged, runs fine in reverse, but clicks going forward.




Living the dream.

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Posted by Track fiddler on Thursday, January 9, 2020 6:41 PM


The drones were back again last night.  This time, there were more.  The police reported they are very large and very quiet.  They again flew in formation along a grid-like pattern.  They also are fast.  The newspaper reporter again tried following them, but driving at 65 mph on the highway, the drones left him in the dust.  The state patrol has been working with the FAA because the drones have crossed into restricted airspace over several local airports.  It will be interesting to finally find out what is going on.

Glad you're out of the hospital.  TF was about to get us all together to get you out.



I certainly wish I was there to see this activity John.  I'm definitely not a skeptic.  I seen things quite frequently growing up in Voyageurs National Park, Kabetogama State Forest, 30 miles South of the Canadian border.

What is interesting, .... my old roommate from years gone by lives down in Oklahoma now.  He has been describing the exact same thing as you are happening almost every night. 

He as well described them as drones.  I told him my experiences that I don't talk about too often and now he's a little freaked out. 

I really want to try to make it down there to re-experience this phenomena that always fascinated me.


By the way,  you were on my list of Forum members to round up and rescue Ricky out of the hospital clink JohnLaugh




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Posted by BATMAN on Thursday, January 9, 2020 5:51 PM

Good afternoon from the Pacific Northwest where it is 5c and a snow advisory has been issued.

We often have years where the temps don't even get down to freezing, nevermind snow. 

With the snow warning in place, the wife has taken off to Portland just now to oversee the breeding of a lady dog she owns. (the forum proper speech police won't let the appropriate word be used for girl dog, so here we are) she left today instead of tomorrow because of the snow heading our way.

Ricky, glad to see you are on the mend. I only had pneumonia once in my life, that was the only year I missed the flu shot. They would come and give it to us at the office at the airport and I missed it that year for some reason. That was the last time I missed it, that's for sure. I was really sick for three weeks and actually missed a couple of days of work.Laugh

I have had an interest in the UFO phenomenon all my life. Most countries in the world don't try to make excuses or try and cover them up, they just say they exist and that's the end of it. Nothing can be done and people just have no interest in them. A good friend of ours was a Deputy Minister in the Federal Government and would tell us what was going on with the UFO file all the time, it is nothing that is not available through the freedom of information act and some of it is really interesting.

Ulrich, I am sorry to hear about the trouble with your Moms estate and family issues. My sister and I would give our lives for each other in a heartbeat, so splitting my Moms estate was a none issue for us. 

The lady whose POA we have taken on (I am her Executor as well) was quite panicked today when the wife went to see her. People had been into "visit" but had been pressuring her about her will, the vultures. I think the wife calmed her down when she told her I had been telling people to mind their own business with regards to her estate. She was happy to hear it. She is worth more than your average 99-year-old on her deathbed and her secrets will be safe with me until I move on.

Well, the Canucks are in Florida today and the game is on at 1600hrs West Coast time. A bottle of wine off the rack, turn on the fireplace and drink to goals being scored for, or drown my sorrows for goals against.Laugh

All the best to all. To the wine rack, er TV! Ya, that's it.PirateLaugh

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"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by hon30critter on Thursday, January 9, 2020 3:45 PM


It looks like that gang of cats stole all the wine from the wine rack!Smile, Wink & GrinLaughLaugh


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, January 9, 2020 1:11 PM

OK Brent!  I'll follow that with this....

For those of you suffering and horse-piddle-ized, remember:

Have a great day out there!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by BATMAN on Thursday, January 9, 2020 12:34 PM

Ray, you call those gangs? Look like a bunch of *** compared to Canadian street gangs.



"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by CNCharlie on Thursday, January 9, 2020 12:15 PM

Good Afternoon,

Well we have about 5" of new white stuff. Think I'll just stay indoors today. I'm a little tired today anyway as the Great Horned Owl decided the elm tree by our bedroom was a wonderful perch and calling place. Wow, they sure are loud. Our dog was growling. The owl hooted for an hour or so. 

Rick, glad to hear you are on the mend. I too had pneumonia once. On Jan. 1,2000 my millenium present was coming down with the worst sore throat I ever had. It then became pneumonia. I stayed home for a month on antibiotics and my MIL's chicken soup.  Once recovered my doc said I had better get the shot so I did. Anyway not pleasant. 

My brass loco wars progress. I cleaned the wheels and did a light lube. I have been running it back and forth on a 4' section of track on my workbench. It is running a little better, reverse is fine but there still is a hesitation on each driver revolution going forward. I wonder why reverse is ok but not forward? 

Well time for more coffee. 

CN Charlie

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