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Jeffrey's Trackside Diner, July 2017 - All are welcome, All Aboard! Locked

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, July 27, 2017 10:00 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a couple sour cream glazed doughnuts and a large pot of Marrakesh Express Dark Roast, Organic, fair traded Coffee for my FGLK Mug and just sit here watching the stuff outside the window.....

"It's another rainy day, Just a rainy, rainy day..."

 Brent, just to let you know, I got your PM. YesYes  If you ever get to Central, NY, do know you are always welcome to visit the SLOW!

I have to do some shopping later today, but plan to spend some time getting ready to have a couple structures evaluated for the NMRA Program.  Need to get all the paperwork ready for the guys to come and check them out.

Hope you all have a great day!


Edit:  Looks like I got the top of the page, Zoe!  Just put anything ordered on my tab.  OK?

Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by trolleyboy on Thursday, July 27, 2017 10:08 AM

Hey gang just a quick stop in. I'll grab a tea ( almost time for work  ) but I'll leave a donation by the cash box should anyone need something a bit stronger.


Gary- Love to talk about the rail travels. The wife and I enjoy a good rail journey ( as long as funds permit ) the canadian and the Mountaineer are certainly on our bucket list,but so is a trip over the pond we will have to see how much we can squeeze in while we are on the right side of the turf.


I do hope that the gaspe region gets the ROW rebuilt as I have to say The Chaleur was more fun than the Ocean ,only in that the scenetry was well more scenic and the Chaleur was an all Budd equipment consist with a mid train dome/diner instead of a Park car. The ocean is almost always all new ex Brit channel cars which are not near as roomy of confortable as the older Budd stuff. But at least one gets a Park car on the back of it Big Smile 


Well gang cut it short, I unfortunatly still have bills to pay ( and a model train habit to feed ) Whistling



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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Thursday, July 27, 2017 11:26 AM


Hi Gang,

Nice to see a good group of you here this morning.    CHLOE, I'll have my usual, Double Denver with home fries and a RBF, please and thanks.

The only thing new with the LM&E is that I did get a BLI. observation car done up properly for the CZ. with a dome, radio ant., drumhead, interior, etc.  I would have prefered to have the WP version, but had waited a long time and didn't see one show up, so went with a CB&Q one which as you all know would have been on some of the trains as they were all pool coaches. It was a good price as well.        I also have the PRR sleeper that was in that pool as well.

Now to you BRENT, this is myMy 2 Cents worth.. love hearing about your Son's adventures in the "magical box and screen" world.  very interesting although from my experience with my Son being in a few movies as an extra, it seems it is always >>>>Hurry up and Wait<<<<. But let us all enjoy his experiences as much as we can through the words of his father.

and now ULRICH, I feel for you Buddy, and wish I could help in a  more permanent way.  I do know from my past Medical problems that on some days more than others those problems really do drag you down and change your outlook and ability to withstand the varying problems that surround us. At those times, as I am sure you have too, is that I focus myself on things I can do and like to do most of the time, even though I might not right then. But I do those things anyway. wether they are reading, building, resting, remenising or whatever to keep your mind active and out of the gloom as much as you can. Most times I can at least lighten the mood and lower the glooom.  Continue to take it one day at a time and pray for help in doing these things. A wise man once told me that when things get tough like that and the strength isn't there to physically works things out, remember that there are many loney people in various homes that would like some conversation or maybe someone to read to them if their eyes are failing.  It is always good to focus on others when you are down as that certainly has a way of lessening your blues.Smile, Wink & Grin      Hang in there my good friend and don't leave us here without you. We all enjoy your involvement in the Forums and Diner.  Our dear departed friend Jeff would be telling you to sit up straight and pay attention or something along that line.

GARRY,  After that tire incident, Glad you are safe and got help as well.  That can be come a very serious problem very quick if not handled properly.  Very pleased to hear your health report was good.  I go in next week to the Head & Neck Clinic to make sure I am still Cancer free. We have a neighbor lady that just had a lung removed because of cancer and she could sure use any prayers available. Her name is Carla.

YGW,    I have sure enjoyed your build of the train barn. Its a great setting as well as a good looking functional Building.  Wish you or I were closer.

RAY,     You should be getting a few nice perks or kickbacks from G.M. for having all that fun in promoting their "Volt"   You must be very happy with it.

RoR,  I wish you much success with your new venture.  Also hope it cools off some for you.

Anyone heard from "Flip" lately, or has the Gators got him.

Well, I had better get back to work here or they will turf me.  Ha Ha, I have the last laugh, I am retiring for good (5th time) after Sept. 04 /17.


Prayers and blessings to all in need.

Johnboy out...................

P.S. >>>>>>>>>>Where are we going to be next month ?   Blindfold


from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by BATMAN on Thursday, July 27, 2017 12:35 PM

Good morning from the cool overcast West Coast. Suppose to be hot today, we shall see.Hmm

Got a note from the guy that said I should cut back on the movie talk. He apologized and said he was way out of line and was having a really bad day at the time. No worries from me and all is good on that front. He said he reads the diner news all the time but has never posted, I hope he will join us at some point as he has been around the forum for awhile now.Thumbs Up

This troubled dog we took in has completely changed in the few days we have had her. When she arrived she was fearful, skittish and had been bouncing off the walls. She had bitten a kid in the neighbourhood where she lived and the owners were going to put her down. My wife smelled a rat as far as the dog's behaviour was concerned and offered to take her to see what was going on. It turns out the dog had been seen by four different Vets and was on a bunch of different Meds that each had prescribed without knowing the dog had been seen by the other Vets. No wonder the dog was flipping out. 

She is now quiet and is extremely affectionate. I was lying on the couch last night and she climbed up and lay down beside me and didn't move a muscle except to lick my ear occasionally. So hopefully she will have a long happy life from now on. We have two people that will take her in as they are seniors and would like to adopt a mature dog.

Ray thanks for the offer to see the S.L.O.W. It would be great to see your incredible work with my own eyes. Travel has really taken a back seat because of my arthritis. In the past I would think nothing of hopping on a plane at the last moment and go to somewhere on the planet. Now I have told the kid that when he is in Ottawa, I will fly out when the Canucks are playing the Senators and we will go to a couple of games. I tell him I will be bringing his Canucks Jersey along for him to wear.Laugh I just hope I will be able to do it.

Dave, I often think of you losing your son. I am pretty good about handling losing a person close to me, however, when it comes to my kids, I just don't know how I would be able to deal with that. I hope I never have to find out. 

Garry, I love the pic's of the trip through the Rockies, I have spent a lot of time there and it never gets old. I sometimes wonder if I lived a past life there as I really feel a connection with the place.

Bear, University cost are gradually coming down and hopefully in another ten years or so they will be free, as they are in much of the world. My son has received several scholarships and at his formal Grad ceremony, the headmaster announced he had received another $4000.00 one for being one of the two top students in the province. With all this movie work that at times pays pretty wellWhistling, he informed us he has at least the next two years covered now he has all these Scholarships. I am not sure what to do with all the money we have been saving for the last eighteen years for his university. My daughter wants to go to Medical School in Edinborough so I guess that answers my question.

The kid also found out he gets a private room in a brand new building at Carlton. I said that was great as he wouldn't have to hang a sock on the door warning the roommate if he gets a girlfriend.Laugh 

The kid left the house at 0830hrs yesterday and rolled in at 0330hrs this morning and has to be on set at 1330hrs today. They are on a massive sound stage and he figures it must have cost millions for what they have created inside. The other day he had a very physical day in the extreme running and jumping over and on things. The whole eighteen hours was spent on one scene that they did over and over again from different angles. Every time he did his run he had to have his feet and hands hit the exact same spots while making his jumps for continuity purposes. He figures he did it well over a hundred times in fourteen hours. 

The Director yelled cut at one point and he climbed onto a table and closed his eyes he was so tired. He felt someone sit down next to him and thought it was just one of the other extras. The kid said to the person without opening his eyes "I don't think I can move another muscle". To his surprise, it was Mr. Deadpool himself that had sat down next to him and had responded in his deadpool voice. They talked for quite awhile as they were setting up for the next shot and he said Ryan Renolds talked in his deadpool voice the whole time they talked never getting out of character.

The kid said it is so weird just talking to these famous actors on these movies and TV shows. He does not know quite what to make of it.

The filming of the movie started 7 weeks before my kid started, so it will be interesting to see how much of him we will see. He spent a whole day working with Dan Stevens on "legion" and we saw him for maybe 20 seconds over four episodes when it aired. Though they did tell him the shots were to be used over several seasons.

All the cast and crew park in a secret location and are then bussed to the sound stage where they go through security and have to give up cell phones and other things. They are frisked and screened electronically. Still, some of the extras have managed to sneak cameras in such as having a pair of glasses from the spy shop that have cameras built in. The movie tabloid media pays a lot for any inside pic's. The kid says a few of the extras have been caught and removed. Mega security on this project.

All the best to all. The Sun has just come out.


"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, July 27, 2017 12:58 PM

Afternoon folks!

Chloe, I could use a tall glass of lemonade please....  Huh?  No, nothing to eat right now, I'll just sit here and see what is going on today inj the diner, thank you.

last mountain & eastern hogger
RAY, You should be getting a few nice perks or kickbacks from G.M. for having all that fun in promoting their "Volt" You must be very happy with it.

Good to see you in the diner, Johnboy!  I have to admit, I do like the car.  It is without any doubt the best handling and strongest accelerating car I have ever owned.  Now I have driven a few (like a Porchia 911T) way back when that were a bit more.... Ah, shall we say.... FUN!  But they were not cars that I could afford!  The latest statisics are that I have put 6455 miles on the Volt since I bought it last November.  Of that 4,775 (74%) have been on electric.  The car tells me that I will need to the first oil change when I get 19,000 miles on the car... LOL  That one will be "free" as it came with the car, if I get it before I have owned the car 2 years.  It is kinda "cool" to be an old phart driving a car like this.  I have had some interesting conversations about it with people.  I do like the reaction that people have had when getting a ride in it and I hit the pedal real sharp and burn some rubber....  (I don't do that very often...  I know what tires cost!) Oh, I probably could need a brake job somewhere around 400,000 miles.  Maybe more as, if you brake correctly (avoid panic, hard braking) you basically never use the friction brakes until you are going around 5 mph.....  Much like Dynamic Braking on Trains except the generated electricity is used to charge the battery rather than sent to a toaster and turned into heat energy.  Yep, definately fun!

Have a good one!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by PM Railfan on Thursday, July 27, 2017 1:01 PM

Hello Railfans!

Top of the day to ya! Flo, make mine an extra cold one, its a tad warm out there today.


JaBear - Hey buddy, no need to appologize for getting your funny bone tickled. Laughs, chuckles, and guffaws are free of charge here! Just one thing though.... if my new 'brass' hack is actually 'wooden', whats the goat made of? LaughLaughLaughLaugh

And just because you peeked my curiosity with that picture, dare I ask how the goat got up there? I know some brands of goat can seamlessly walk up sheer rock cliffs like spiderman on a skyscraper. But scaling a caboose? Makes ya wonder what Ed feeds them thar goats, aye?


Garry - Thank you, Its not even seen a set of tracks yet and Im already enjoying it. Hasnt really sunk in yet that I own one.

Indeed it is a PM caboose. A Nickle Plate Products PM/C&O unit of the 300 class to be exact. This was one of those perfect storm moments. Aside from the PM, - C&O and the NKP are two utmost favorites. The price was right (for me). The opportunity was there. Im a caboose junkie. And being brass meant my first one. Yep, something told me a PM/C&O caboose made by NKP, great price at right time said JUMP!

So, much like Ed's goat, I took a giant leap.


Ed - first of all - JINX! for posting brass right after i mentioned I just bought some. Two - thanks for mentioning the ultra-sonic cleaner. I was wondering how to properly clean brass now that it is a necessity.

Lastly, who gets to catch the goat when he jumps of my new wooden brass caboose?  







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Posted by RideOnRoad on Thursday, July 27, 2017 1:06 PM

Well, at the risk of incurring the wrath of Vinnie, I thought I would post the link to my new piano service website. Again, this is not an attempt to solicit business, just to show you what I am up to. It was pretty amazing to see how quickly I was able to stand up the site using the built in templates. I am hoping the musicians out there like my subtle play on words. When one door closes... Etude Piano Services

Yesterday I spent an hour or do getting the layout functioning (cleaning the track, etc.) in anticipation of having a group of Varsity Scouts over. It was easier to hold the attention of my two-year-old grandsons with the trains than these fourteen-year-olds. They were more interested in the cars on the layout (that don't do anything) than the trains. Pretty hilarious.


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Posted by MisterBeasley on Thursday, July 27, 2017 1:47 PM

I am here in New York City.  My GF is at her conference.  I have days to myself.  We went to the half price ticket place and saw Miss Siagon on Broadway last night.  Had a great time.  Tomorrow I may go to Gulliver's Gate, the new miniature world place.  It's only a 15 minute walk, and they have a senior discount.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Steven Otte on Thursday, July 27, 2017 2:23 PM

Brent! Your kid was in Legion?! I watched every episode of that! Since that's already aired, can you tell us what part he played?

Steven Otte, Model Railroader senior associate editor

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Posted by BATMAN on Thursday, July 27, 2017 4:12 PM

Steven Otte

Brent! Your kid was in Legion?! I watched every episode of that! Since that's already aired, can you tell us what part he played?


Steven, this is the only trailer I still could find with him in it. There use to be more with better shots but they seem to have disappeared. Pause the video at 00:54 and he is the guy standing right in front of Dan. They took over four hours to shoot this and then my kid was doing the same thing with Dan just by himself for 6 1/2 hours. The others extras were sent home. We have not seen any of the scenes with just him and Dan, we are hoping they will show up next season. The kid is one of Davids hallucinations and my son was required to yell and scream at him in the shots and he was told his voice would be replaced with dubbed in monster sounds.

The kids grandmother is a huge Downton Abbey fan and has a crush on Dan. She asked why he didn't invite Dan as for Sunday dinner.Laugh The kid and Dan got along really well as they both have a wicked sense of humour and had each other in hysterics most of the day.


Johnnboy, It can be very boring with hours of waiting. It depends on the day. On most projects, the kid gets $35.00 an hour, that goes to $70.00 an hour after eight hours and most of his days are 16 to 19 hours long. He also gets paid for all kinds of things like travel to locations and other silly things. I would be glad to be horribly bored for that kind of money.

One day on "Hit The Road" he got paid $12.00 an hour plus overtime as he was on location for 11 1/2 hours. He was on set for 40 minutes out of that 11 hours, however, he took his laptop and wrote a 32-page law paper while many others were twiddling their thumbs. He said it was great getting paid to do homework.

ROR, some of the "Dailey's" still go South, but not many as editing is mostly done here as the industry has moved in. The kid often gets a call from the studio saying that after they have looked at the daily's they need him back the next day or they don't need him back. He worked on "The Predator" and went into Vancouver for what he thought was going to be a 16 hour night, only to be sent home with a days pay because he showed up in the dailey's too often the day before.

Time for a nap.Sleep


"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by cudaken on Thursday, July 27, 2017 5:20 PM

 Aftrenoon Diners

 Flo, Inch, Ed, Brent, Jan, The Buick Guy and I will have a Beer please.

 Not a geat day at Cuda Ken's house.

 1 Had to take $389.00 out of savings today to make the hated house payment. Last time I had to take out around $400.00 it took me 11 weeks to save it back.

 2 Wife has a heart problem! Few weeks back she went in for a pre opration exaim to have her knee replaced, and had a EKG. They saw the EKG and say no knee replacement for you! Today she was told she had a Infart? If they meant myocardial infarction from what I read, not a good thing. My wifes Ants. Mom and Brother died of heart problems, and she has out lived all but one ant.

 She will find out more Monday when she see's a Cardiologist.

 She drives me crazy and I know I complain about her a lot and I mean every word! But, I pretty sure I would feel lost with out her nagging me. Little more than that I guess. Guess I would be Broken Heart but think of all the train stuff I could buy! Hope to hear her nag another 40 years!


I hate Rust

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Posted by BigDaddy on Thursday, July 27, 2017 5:27 PM

Brent Brag on about your son. I've seen that happen in other forums where people will try to intimidate other members with a pm.  Let them pound sand.

There are parts of Hollywood I find fascinating.  I saw the filming of a comedy show in front of a live audience.  They filmed a  couple different versions of the dialog and the actors threw a couple ad libs which were bound to be cut.  

I also had an uncle who was a writer.  He was a steel worker in WW2, then moved to Hollywood to fulfill his dream.  My aunt was a babysitter for Gypsy Rose Lee and she critiqued his scripts.  He wrote some of the early detective shows, Dragnet, Peter Gunn and co-wrote I Spy.

On the train front I recently weathered a bunch of cars including a DCC Bachmann 45 tonner.  It's a really neat little engine with siderods.  I put it on the track to test a wiring hypothesis and it made motor noise but barely moved?!?  I tested another loco and it ran fine.  I did a reset on the 45 and then it worked fine; but what happens to a decoder that goes upstairs and downstairs then needs reset?  I cleaned the wheels prior to reset and it was not a paint-on-the-wheels problem


COB Potomac & Northern

Shenandoah Valley

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Posted by BigDaddy on Thursday, July 27, 2017 5:36 PM


We posted at the same time and I just saw your post.  I am sorry for your stressful financial situation

My wife would call me an expert on infarts and most certainly they are concerned you wife had an infarct.  An EKG is like looking at your lawn the first thing in the morning.  The grass is wet in the morning.  Maybe it rained;  maybe it's the humidity.  If the basement is flooded and the street has puddles it rained, but the EKG might only be looking at the grass.


COB Potomac & Northern

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Posted by gmpullman on Thursday, July 27, 2017 5:43 PM

 Flo, Inch, Ed, Brent, Jan, The Buick Guy and I will have a please.

Thanks for the cool beverage, Ken!

I can really use it here in muggy NE Ohio (muggy, yes, but not like some of what you folks have endured lately!)

I sincerely hope your wife's prognosis is good. we certainly dont need any additional pain and suffering here in the Diner!

Angel are with you both.

She drives me crazy and I know I complain about her a lot and I mean every word! But, I pretty sure I would feel lost with out her nagging me.

When I hear your comments (complaints?) about the missus I picture Jackie Gleason as Ralph in the Honeymooners. "One of these days— Alice!" Always arguing but backed up with love and compassion.

Good Luck, 


P.S. How is Sparkie doing these days? I hope the heat isn't bothering him much...

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Posted by ricktrains4824 on Thursday, July 27, 2017 9:26 PM

Good evening all.

[Observes Vinnie has a baseball bat on the table at his booth.]

Flo - I will take a nice RBF, and some information. Any reason Vinnie has "the enforcer" out? Oh... Couple of conversations were getting a bit "wide of the line" (to continue the baseball theme) were they? Good to know. Give Vinnie a RBF, on me.

Vinnie - Seeing as we are feeling puny lately,  I promise to behave, I just wish someone would only tell me who this "Have" [said like the last part of "behave" is] guy is they would like me to be... Wink

[Whispering] - Flo - It's good that I have Vinnie smiling now, right? Good.

Been out for a while, but have peeked through the windows occasionally.

YGW - The other guy is still there. Just was told to not do that again! (Your question on if the guy who dropped the fridge got fired...)

Ken - Best wishes for you and the wife, health issues are no fun!

Ulrich - Belated Happy anniversary!

Brent - Your son spoke with Deadpool..... COOL! 

Hello to any I have missed.

Weather - Alternates between hot and steamy, and cool and wet... Not playing well with my allergies or asthma... Hense part of why I was away from the diner for a while. Earlier my order would have been a pot of coffee, made with red bull instead of water, for the caffeine content! (Caffeine helps with asthma issues, for me at least. And, I only drink coffee when I'm having asthma issues, as I really don't care for it.)

W*#k - (Sorry Vinnie, I had to use that nasty word...) Beat our stores sales goal with one sale yesterday... It was a tractor! (I did more than 3 times our goal, myself by the end of the day!) So that was good. Tuesday's truck was not so good... They had us as the first stop, and stuffed the semi-trailer so full the last bunch of items was literally against the doors, so much so that they crushed into the packaging. Bad thing for that? Our lift has a plate that drops into the end of the trailer, and that would not fit because the items were in the way! And, of course, they were double-stacked. 

I needed a Superman cape.... Or my Spiderman costume..... Or some help from Deadpool..... Or some other super-hero.

Finally got them shifted up, with some help from the driver, enough to slide the plate under them. (Not how it's supposed to work, but managed to get it done...)

Then, while helping a customer load a dryer, the customer abruptly let go of one corner of the dryer! The dryer then bounced off my knee onto the ground... Scuffing the dryer in the process. (And leaving a nasty bruise on me!) So, I got some touch-up paint (from the model section of HobbyLobby.... Shhh. That will be our little secret...) to fix that. 

So, not the best of weeks, but been much worse, so...

Trains - Get some clutter off the layout and I will at least be able to run trains, temporarily anyways. (Tools for relaying track, some excess cars, etc....) I have the small yard back in, a yard lead, and a loop. But it is only a temporary setup, as we are still looking at building a house soon. (Making serious inquiries with a couple local places...)

Hope all are well, and all enjoy the night!

Ricky W.

HO scale Proto-freelancer.

My Railroad rules:

1: It's my railroad, my rules.

2: It's for having fun and enjoyment.

3: Any objections, consult above rules.

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Posted by OldSchoolScratchbuilder on Friday, July 28, 2017 4:09 AM

Six in the morning and some rain to start the day. This is a good thing because I won't have to worry about watering my wife's outdoor plants while she's away. Husky Luna slept outside on a throw mat I put on the deck most the night - until the rain started. Everyday she gets stronger. Beagle Pepper woke me up by slamming a door shut - that's how she communicates when she wants food.

I've been working on a few tunes on my ukulele while my car is in the shop. "59th Street Bridge Bridge Song" by Simon and Garfunkle and "One Toke Over The Line" by Brewer and Shipley. Next time I play at Stayner's I'll wear my vintage 60's shirt and tailor-made bell bottoms.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, July 28, 2017 8:11 AM

Good morning, everybody ...

Some of you may wish to comment on my thread this morning honoring Jim Hediger for his 75th brithday. 

I posted a series of photos in WPF (Weekend Photo Fun) showing progress with my current scenery project.

Below is my most recent photo of the project. Next, I will add trees and so on. 

My method for making water is unlike any I have seen in MR or in any other publication. .. It is very easy for me to do.  ......... I'm not done with the waterfalls. 





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Posted by trolleyboy on Friday, July 28, 2017 8:22 AM

Good morning folks,another rainy one this has been one of those summers so far every other day rain and thunder etc. I don't think we have had a day over 85 yet but the humidity has been it's usual southern ontario sauna ugh. I wish we could ship some of this to our left coast to help them with their forest fires.We are having a BC summer this year instead of them.


Ols school - That seems quite the set you are working on ,I think the folks at Stayner's are in for a treat. My fingers just aren't nimble enough tp pluck instrument strings,attempted a guitar but never had the knack.When in grade school ( in the dark ages a grew up in ) general music class required a term of ukelele ( mind you now of us likely got past the "my dog has fleas " tunning. )Smile, Wink & Grin Still kuddos to those who can play ,sing etc. Bow


Day off today so even in the soggieness think I'll head out to the museum to see whats happening. So long as we don't have thunderstorms we will fire up the overhead and operate for the public. If there is lightning we shut her down. No point risking a lightning strike on the overhead wire and the potential for frying the controllers in the cars. Burnt controller fingers are not cheap nor easy to fix. Even wiht the lightening suipression equipmnet installed on the over head you can't trust it not to route itself through the cars controllers if they have their poles or cats on the line. It's not likely,but with 80+ year old cars we don't take the chance.  So it may be a barn tour day.


Take care everyone.



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Posted by trolleyboy on Friday, July 28, 2017 8:26 AM

Hey Gary that is some great looking water Bow I can almost smell and hear that. Think I will pop over to that other thread and see how you did that.Thumbs Up it's just missimg Lassie pulling her young master out of that water by the seat of his pants.Laugh



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Posted by Steven Otte on Friday, July 28, 2017 9:15 AM

Cody Grivno brought in cookies this morning, and there are extras, so I thought I'd share. Dig in!

Steven Otte, Model Railroader senior associate editor

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Posted by BATMAN on Friday, July 28, 2017 10:48 AM

OOOOHHH! Those cookies look awfully good. Thanks, Steven, I will have to pass though as somehow all these virtual goodies have put 2KGS on my not so virtual body. Three extra KGS is alarm mode and it is extra exercise and less fuel. It is easier to lose 2KGS than 20KGS.

Ken, I am sorry to hear of your wife's heart issue's. Cardio Vascular problems run big on both sides of my family, so I am well aware of how it can affect one's life. Most everyone in my family were in their eighties when having to deal with it. My Mother had her first signs show up at 83 when she had a heart attack. They had her back on the road in no time with a quintuple heart bypass and that let her enjoy her young Grandchildren that came to her late in life.

Having regular visits to her Cardiologist meant her Meds were being fine tuned on a regular basis and that gave her a good quality of life after the bypass. 

Rob, lightning can sure do some interesting things. My Sister had a knuckle wire fence all around her property that ended at the side of her house. The lightning struck the fence about 15 metres from the house and blew the side of her house off. All of her appliances and electronics in the house were fried as well. 

Garry, awesome work. I wish I had your talent. 

Another sunny day on the West Coast, best go stick my hand in the job jar.

All the best to all.Cowboy


"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by howmus on Friday, July 28, 2017 11:06 AM

Mornin'    er.... Ahem!  Afternoon folks!

Chloe, I see you are still serving.  Can I get a refill of my Marrakesh express Dark Roast coffee please....  Thank you Ma'am!

Periods of sun today in the Finger Lakes followed by longer periods of grey, followed by even longer periods of darker grey outside.  I've got to get the lawn mowed today if the sprinkles hold off.  I'd better get at it.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Friday, July 28, 2017 12:21 PM

Looking nice Garry!


oooo cookies.


Another hot and Humid day here in deep far Western KY. 

I need a nap. Sat through a hour and 1 half video conference, now my head hurts. 


Brent, What is a "knuckle" wire fence



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Posted by BATMAN on Friday, July 28, 2017 1:06 PM

Brent, What is a "knuckle" wire fence

Here is a link to a pic.

The "knuckle" part may be a Canadian thing. 



"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Friday, July 28, 2017 1:36 PM

Ok, not sure what we call that other than a " wire fince" 

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Posted by up831 on Friday, July 28, 2017 1:45 PM

Heartland Division CB&Q

Good morning, everybody ...

Some of you may wish to comment on my thread this morning honoring Jim Hediger for his 75th brithday. 

I posted a series of photos in WPF (Weekend Photo Fun) showing progress with my current scenery project.

Below is my most recent photo of the project. Next, I will add trees and so on. 

My method for making water is unlike any I have seen in MR or in any other publication. .. It is very easy for me to do.  ......... I'm not done with the waterfalls. 



good afternoon Diners,

Flo, I'll have an extra large coffee with lots of cream, please.

Garry:  that is some superb modeling.  Why not submit an article on how you make your water to MR?  However, a rhetorical question does come to mind.  So, please do not take anything as criticism of the model or your modeling.

Would the structural engineers actually place supporting steel that close to the water?  There is presidence for putting the pylons in the middle of the water flow, but usually they are long front to back with the narrow part facing the current For stability against the current.  If a stream like this is subject to flash flooding or frequent high water, hence debris colliding with the steel and possibly weakening it, rusting it through, or even moving it off of the pylons, then it would compromise the integrity of the bridges and trackage above.  That would be an extremely expensive thing to fix, assuming they would catch it before someone got killed.

Well, like I said, your modeling and model is superb.  It was just a thought.  I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished scene with trees and Lassie pulling her master out of the water.  BTW the scene is really charismatic and artistic especially with the falls upstage center, as it were.

Old School:  I'm really sorry to hear about your Seagull guitar.  Seagull makes some fine instruments, especially in the higher price points.  That sounds like a definite warranty job because the guitar should not have done that even after 10 years unless the owner keeps it in his car trunk!  But, on the bright side, you get a chance to get your chops up on the ukulele.

Steven:  Delicious looking cookies.  Our compliments to Cody for being our benefactor, in this case.

Hello to everyone, and I hope everyone is OK and safe.

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, July 28, 2017 3:30 PM

Rob, Brent, Jim, and MLC .... Thanks very much for commenting on my scene. 

Jim ... Building any layout, there is never enough room to do everything exactly as it should be done. So, I try to make the unreal look real. 




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Posted by angelob6660 on Friday, July 28, 2017 3:36 PM

Afternoon Diners, 

I just popped in to say hi... Are those Chocolate chip cookies, thanks Cody! I would like some.

I had my DQ Blizzard yesterday since they had that charity giving a dollar to children's hospital in the area. It was very disappointing being really watery. I'll stick with my fudge brownie sundae.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by RideOnRoad on Friday, July 28, 2017 5:49 PM

I had my DQ Blizzard yesterday since they had that charity giving a dollar to children's hospital in the area. It was very disappointing being really watery.

I thought they were supposed to hold a Blizzard upside-down before they gave it to a customer. It doesn't sound like yours would have passed the test.


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Posted by BATMAN on Friday, July 28, 2017 6:50 PM

Gooooood afternoon! It is 1600hrs on the West Coast and I need to sit down.

Wife came home with some Pina Colada mix, I think she is giving hints we need to get back to Hawaii this Christmas. I think we will make it so, as that warm sun goes a long way to making these Arthritic bones feel better. We will have to see about getting a flight for #1 son. Does he fly from Ottawa or come to Vancouver first and fly with us. Just thinking of rubbing him out in the surf puts a smile on my face.Mischief With my health being the way it is, scuba is probably out, so we may book a couple of good snorkeling trips.

Actually saw the kid for a whole half hour before he had to leave. He put in 33 hours the last two days. He spent hours with the stunt team learning how to fight. He just got to pummel some stunt guy for ages as hard as he could. The guy was covered in pads so he was protected, however, the kid missed the pads sometimes and hit the guy where he shouldn't have. The kid felt awful but the stunt guy said it was okay and said the kid did way better than most as far as hitting the right spots goes. 

The kid was eating dinner and the Director and assistant director came in and asked him if he would mind doing another fight scene. That will be interesting if it makes the final cut as it is not what you would think. He has spent a lot more time talking to "Ryan" as he now calls him (pushes nose up with fingerLaugh)  as he was blocking out scenes with him for ages yesterday. 

After tonight he was suppose to be off until Tuesday but the phone rang and he is now going out with the second unit crew all day Sunday. For just being an Extra and has never spoken a word in anything he's done, he gets to do some pretty cool stuff. 

He has been texting back and forth with a couple of the assistant directors from Legends of Tomorrow and they invited him out for lunch. He said he couldn't make it because he had an Orthodontist appointmentLaugh. He then informed them that his current movie will likely be his last as he is off to University at the end of August. When he tells his fellow extra's he turned down lunch with these guys cause he had an Orthodontist appointment, He say's you should see their faces.Laugh

The kid had some serious body pain after 14 hrs of fake fighting. Still, beats working at MacDonalds.

All the best to all for a great evening. Now, where is my Pina Colada?Drinks I'll save one for you Ken!

 Edit; Someone just sent me this and I actually saw the kid for a few seconds. I am not allowed to say who he is unless he gets credited in the show. (legal stuff)


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