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Jeffrey's Trackside Diner, July 2017 - All are welcome, All Aboard! Locked

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 24, 2017 9:21 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q
Ulrich... Evidently, I hurt your feelings a couple of days ago when I rpelied to your comment about bad weather putting you in a bad mood.

Not at all, Garry! I am just a miserable old sod these days, with nothing much to tell - at least if I want to stay within the forum policy.

It´s difficult to be cheerful while there are dark clouds looming over one. Stormy seas ahead of me.

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Posted by howmus on Monday, July 24, 2017 10:07 AM

Mornin' I think....  Hard to tell outside!

Heartland Division CB&Q
Ulrich... Evidently, I hurt your feelings a couple of days ago when I rpelied to your comment about bad weather putting you in a bad mood. I only tried to say it is best to be cheerful rain or shine. Your reaction surprised me. If you look at Ray's comments, he has had stormy weather, but he does not suggest it affects his mood. We like you a lot, Ulrich. Smile ! .. Smile, Wink & Grin

Well, Garry, I think for Ulrich it isn't so much the weather, but more the the "Storms he's Weathering".....  Ulrich!, please know that we care about you and wish we could could send better days and times to you and Petra.  Hang in there old friend!

I woke up around 6:30AM this morning to "Rumble, Flash, BOOM!, rumble Rumble...."  Manet deserted the bed and went to hide under furniture out in the living room.  Currently it is dark and raining outside....  The forecast for today here in the beautiful Finger Lakes Region of NYS is: Scattered Thunderstorms followed by dark clouds, rain, Heavy Thunderstorms, 10 minutes of sunshine giving way to dark coulds with rain and rumbling, then thunderstorms, followed by heavy, dangerous thunderstorms with a chance of high winds.  Repeat cycle all day and into the night!

In fact I better get finished dressing and head down cellar to drain the pond behind the staircase...  I'm sure it is ready to overflow with what we have gottewn already. 

Herrinchoker said: "Dogs are not humans", is true--In my life experiences, I find most of them are far better.

You are very right!  Being a teacher I dealt with kids who had to endure horrid homelives.  (BTW - they came from all circumstances...)  My Father in Law used to have a sign in his kitchen that said, "The more I deal with People, the more I Love my Dog!"  I often feel the same about my kitties!  I can always expect them to be loving and cuddly to me..............  They seem to know when I need some good attention.

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Monday, July 24, 2017 10:08 AM

Hey, I've got a rainy day, too.  And a root canal this afternoon!

When I feel like I'm drowning in mile-deep water with no hope of rescue, I like to listen to this song:

Stan Rogers was one of my favorite performers.  Sadly, he perished in a plane crash, but his music lives on.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by BigDaddy on Monday, July 24, 2017 10:23 AM

Thanks Herringchoker, I hope they get you stepson's infections squared away.

About 4 lines of thunderstorms came through yesterday, the last one bringing a tornado to the eastern shore of MD, maybe 12 miles from me as the crow flies. 

In OK and West Texas people have tornado alert radios and live by them.  Here a tornado happens every year or two somewhere in the state, but not so much that we have a mental association between a thunderstorm and a tornado.

Toby had confined himself to within 6' of the front door.  At 4 am he walked into the living room to see me camped out on the couch.  He can go down the steps without yelping but not up.  I'd call that a big improvement. 


COB Potomac & Northern

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Posted by der5997 on Monday, July 24, 2017 10:59 AM

Good afternoon Diners:
der5997: Definitely before Bedford but I have seen them come to a halt or slow down at Windsor Junction as well. Might be the autoport or National Gypsum trains that cause the slow downs but I'm not sure of this. Could also be rail activity at the final destination in Fairview.
  I’ve only seen them slowly creeping through Bedford, or dead stopped.  That rain would have had to lose a fair bit of energy to slow to a crawl by Bedford!  Cooling fans roaring, no doubt…  Those National Gypsum gons; is that all exported?  Good for balance of payments of course, but couldn’t we support a drywall plant here?  Have you ever thought that, whereas we regard “Cave Men” as primitive, in fact we live in gypsum = rock “caves” almost universally in our society. Confused  Like the ground level video, and I caught that rush of wind through the grass just ahead of the first loco. Reminded me of the blast of air from the tube tunnels in London.
Going to do another video of the Halifax-bound CN intermodal train from the top of a bridge in Laurie Park this morning. Should be a unique perspective from above.
  Rarely there, but have yet to see any movements. Not surprising, really, as rarely is just that.
TrolleyRob: That’s a whole lot of w*rk!  Remarkable indeed that #4 was so complete after all that time. The consist looks great, I bet.
DER   I won't be able to post pictures because I haven't checked into another site to post them yet and PB wouldn't open my account.   I think I still have your Email address and I can send some that way.
  That would be cool. Better send them soon as I’m switching ISP in early  August. I’ll PM you the email address – save you digging for it.
Off to Der and Old Scratch Builders backyard tomorrow as my daughter and I go up to finish cleaning out my Moms house in Lockeport.
  Sorry for your loss Angel – and  back – it’s getting to be like the old Coffee Shop times!  Lockport isn’t too far from where friends of ours are on vacation this week – but a tidy step from Pictou County!
  Good to see all the familiar faces especially Trolley Rob who has been around longer than most. Is Fergie still about?  
… Yes, he dropped by a month or so ago. He’s a neighbour of Dennis but I’ve no idea if they’ve met. Still with the Coast Guard I think – and prospering.
  (by Ray )Well, Garry, I think for Ulrich it isn't so much the weather, but more the the "Storms he's Weathering".....  Ulrich!, please know that we care about you and wish we could could send better days and times to you and Petra.  Hang in there old friend!
  Couldn’t  have put it better – and this motion is seconded!Thumbs Up
Must get about the day – Mañana having arrived!  Mowing after lunch – but it’s dry and not too hot, so shouldn’t be a chore; especially as I was able to get he mower up on a ramp in the garage and clean out the grass crud from under the deck. Sharpened the blade (just the one, 30”) while I was at it. TTFN

"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 24, 2017 12:05 PM

No better way to say hoow I feel.

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Posted by RideOnRoad on Monday, July 24, 2017 12:29 PM

It is even raining here in the desert. We have been under a flash flood warning that just lifted. For us, rain is a nice change of pace when we have nearly 300 days of sunshine every year.


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Posted by yougottawanta on Monday, July 24, 2017 12:38 PM

Hello all from Hot Humid Virginia !

Hobby barn news - Lot happening. This weekend I was able to get the entire front caulked and all holes puttied and the exterior sanded. Talking to the electrician about getting the cost down on the svc. 

Patio - TIME TO GRILL ! The patio is officially open, put in your order for how you would like your steaks cooked - well done, medium or in Lions case just plane raw !! Grubs on YGW and his better half today.

Der - How is your layout coming? Was tickled to see an email from you this weekend !

Henry - Thats cutting it a bit close on the toronado. How is your pup doing today ?

Howmus - We have the same saying here for horses. Lot of truth in that although I have met a few fury four legged beast that I was not to fond of either !

Ulrich - Storms are the preludes to lots of sunshine. Hang in there my friend. 

JR - Good to see you in here again

Old school - How is your dog healing ?

Ed - WOW how cool you got to work on one of the big guns ! Did you all get to test fire it ?

Duke - Good to see you in here again. Pull up a chair and stay a while !

Mr. B - From ashes the most beauttiful flowers are born. This is not the end just a new beginning

JaBear - What ! Hot water for chocolate ? Hot creamy milk is much better !!

ATSF - Nice engine and passenger set ! Did you get to run them much ?

FRRYKid - Come to Va we just got dumped on so hard we have some extra water for forest fires !!!

Garry - Thanks ! How would you like you steak ? T-bone or porterhouse ?

Trolley boy - 1 to 1 scale ! Nice bet that is very interesting !!!

ken - Really you like wearing those mask ? Not me. Cant snuggle up to MOH cause of the hose and the fact that t blows out air.

Gotta run lot of w**k to do in a short time


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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 24, 2017 1:10 PM


It is even raining here in the desert. We have been under a flash flood warning that just lifted. For us, rain is a nice change of pace when we have nearly 300 days of sunshine every year.


We have 300 days of rain here, which the locals call descriptively "Schietwedder". I don´t think I have to translate that.
I am used to bad weather, even if I don´t like it. The rain that pulls me down is the rain in my heart.
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Posted by trolleyboy on Monday, July 24, 2017 2:04 PM

Afternoon again folks. Coffees all around.


GMT- wow another blast from the past good to see you again sir. Yes I see Fergie pop up in the forums occationally,last I heard he had made captain and was spending alot of time cruising the Grand Banks and artic patrol with the Coast guard.


Der- yes indeed we were supprised,I suppose we shouldn't have been we did strip some bits of before but no one thought to look under the wooden deckOops if we had we may have made a push to get here years ago,and perhaps she would ahve been fullu operational by now oh well the museum was not built in a day so perhaps before I am older and greyer she may run by herself.

Young Ottawa  Yes the one to one scale is fun if you can get into an operating museum around where you live,it gives perspective to what we want to do in our modelling pursuits.The only downside is that like most people who are still working your downtime is finite so it's a chore to fit both model railroading and real size museum railroading as well as family into so sort of functioning routine.

Catch everyone later



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Posted by angelob6660 on Monday, July 24, 2017 2:27 PM

Afternoon Diners,

I'm slowly reading two to three days of posts.

Ken- Why can't your wife save up money for a new A/C unit with her SSI? 

Ulrich- Sorry about looming days of dark clouds.

YGW- Enjoy your cookout on that patio.

We had a bad week. Both our cars needed work. First dad's car needed a new battery but he was stuck at the casino. Tow truck came rounded down his window for some reason. That also needed to be fixed because it won't go back up, and of course it rained. Total paid around $900.

My mom's car needed some new spark plugs and other things. (I don't know everything). That also came out to around $900.

We might have a problem in a few days because we don't have money for food.  Sometimes it might be a good idea to empty the cabinets of what inside. My dad said that will change when he gets his monthly retirement pay check. I don't believe it.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by JAMES MOON on Monday, July 24, 2017 3:15 PM

Good afternoon to all.  Our 17 day trip to England was wonderful.  Saw lots of castles, manor houses and ruins.  Decide I really liked lamb and local ales.  Also enjoyed smoked salmon for breakfast several mornings.  Visiting the National Railway Museum in York, was a real highlight.  Will post a few pictures later.

We have made the annual migration to northern Sask.  It is warm here but lot better than what we left in SE Ohio.

I have to lay out a set of outside stairs for the friends front porch.  After  50 yrs. the old stairs have seen their better days.  At least stair building is one of the more useful skills I acquired.

YGW, hobby barn sounds like it is progressing.  Sometime late this fall I would like to stop by for a visit.

Time for the dog's afternoon walk.


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Posted by yougottawanta on Monday, July 24, 2017 3:50 PM

Hello again

Ulrich - The rain in the heart is the hardest to deal with. I hope you read and reread the phamplet I sent you. There is hope there. If it helps shoot me an email. Your friend YGW

Jim - Sure come on by. Probably will not have any bench work up yet but I will give you the tour.

Angel - Hmm that doesnt sound good. Is there food in the pantry to feed you ? Is tehre a local food pantry that can help with basics ? Shoot me a PM. Come on by we will feed you at the patio grill.

Rob - LOL its not young Ottewa - WISH I was young, it was Yougottawanna , some forum members ( dont remember who ) shortened to YGW : ) I always say call me what you want just dont call me late for dinner !!






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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, July 24, 2017 4:17 PM

Howdy ... 

Jim Moon ... I've been to the railway museum in York, and I really liked it. 

Everybody .... Time for some jokes. Here is one. .......  

I hire the same landscaper every year. .... He is easy to get a lawn with. 




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Posted by GMTRacing on Monday, July 24, 2017 7:04 PM

yes, but every time he sends you a bill you get clipped.Whistling

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Posted by yougottawanta on Monday, July 24, 2017 7:17 PM

Ha ha ! What did the excited Gardner do when spring finally came ? 

He wet his plants !

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Posted by yougottawanta on Monday, July 24, 2017 7:22 PM

What is the difference between a school teacher and a steam locomative ?

The teacher tells you to spit out your gum while the steam locomotives tells you to CHOO CHOO CHOO 

Smile, Wink & Grin

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Posted by BigDaddy on Monday, July 24, 2017 8:00 PM

YGW Toby came around the kitchen at dinner looking for things falling on the floor.  He is supposed to be strictly confined for 2 weeks then gradually we can expand his walks.  He is used to long walks so a trip around the yard hardly triggers the walkies reflex.

[Political portion of post removed by admin]


COB Potomac & Northern

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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Monday, July 24, 2017 8:15 PM

Hello every one, 


Been a bit. I was out of pocket for a couple of weeks. 

week one we went to Mississippi to work on our "getaway" house.( we had already post poned this trip twice, once for death of a pet, and then Tropical Storm Cindy) We have some exterior stuff left to do. I borrowed my dads truck, we get down there, unload tools at the house. go buy $200 of plywood, and the transmission goes belly up on the truck. We get resucued by some friends, were able to get the wood back to the house. My parents make a trip to rescue us. we sell the truck to the auto shop as it was not worth it to us to spend that money on fixing it ( was a 92 ford ).


We actually get the front porch ceiling replaced ( the whole goal of the weekend) Come back to KY and then I head off to Michigan for an antique radio show in Kalamazoo. I camp instead of hotel as it is fun for me and cheaper, howver it came a gulley washer the first night I was there, my campsite had 2 inches of water on it after the rain but no water got in my tent. Then I dropped my phone in the 2 inches of water.   The next day it the phone thought headphones were plugged in. put it in a bag of rice and it dired iit out and no issues since.

after that epsiode, things were much betterm had a great time and great show.

Got to hear the Amtrak each night as it passed not too far from camp.


I had to try to catch up on 10 pages of forum posts. whew.


Talk to you later.  

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, July 24, 2017 8:24 PM

Howdy ..

MLC .... Good to see you. I might go to Paducah sometime next week.... Will you be back from Kalamazoo, etc. then? .... Might be a good time to finally meet. 

Everybody .... Happy Model Rairloading !  Big Smile




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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, July 24, 2017 8:28 PM


Ha ha ! What did the excited Gardner do when spring finally came ? 

He wet his plants !



YGW .... Laugh




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Posted by trolleyboy on Monday, July 24, 2017 8:41 PM

YGW it is Thumbs Up I'm not as young as I used to be either lol,still it beats the alternative.


Well folks catch everyone  on the morrow.



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Posted by FRRYKid on Monday, July 24, 2017 8:45 PM

Given we seem to be in a punny mood lately, let's try these: Why did the railroader go to the gym? He was in training to go training! (I might have posted that one before.) Why was the engine sent to anger management? It was all steamed up!

More resources have been and are being sent to the fires to the north. Our governor approved the use of the National Guard to assist with fire fighting and there are fire fighters coming from all over to help with the fires all over the state. There are even a few slurry bombers from Canada helping as part of a multijuristictional resource sharing argeement.

This is a question for the entire group given that we have quite the range of age groups. Is it a parent's job to drive their kids crazy no matter how old the kids are? I seem to be getting stuck having to look things up for one of my parents, but when I get in a position to do it, it no longer needs doing or it already has been taken care of. Angry

Hobby Front: Busy Busy Busy!! Thanks to a a FB classified market page, I was able to sell a gondola too new for my era to someone in Missouri. (Mispurchase a few years ago from a now-defunct auction site.) Got enought for it that I will use to it to purchase a new freight car. I also got three BN boxcars that were purchased from a seller on that same page. (I won't do business with that particular seller again as it was a pain getting the cars.)

Also might be bidding on a hopper car that, if I win it, will be put into sand service for one of the expansion railroads. (It is a Northern Pacific prototype that wasused to haul sand at points.) I am waiting on the seller to get back to me on a question that I sent him.

"The only stupid question is the unasked question."
Brain waves can power an electric train. RealFact #832 from Snapple.
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, July 24, 2017 9:34 PM


Given we seem to be in a punny mood lately, let's try these: Why did the railroader go to the gym? He was in training to go training! (I might have posted that one before.) Why was the engine sent to anger management? It was all steamed up!



FRRY  ... Smile, Wink & Grin

Why couldn't the locomotive sit down?.... It had a tender behind.

Why do many railroaders have spouses or significant others? .... Railroaders couple up. 





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Posted by cudaken on Monday, July 24, 2017 10:24 PM

 Evening Diners

 Flo, give the folks around on my tap and I will take a Beer please.

 Not much to type about so I guess that is good?

 Best news for me today? I ate a real Cheesebuger on a white bun last night, reason Good News? My Blood Surgar Level was only 81 when I got up!Big Smile I was afraid it would be in the 160 plus range.

 Later, Ken

I hate Rust

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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Monday, July 24, 2017 10:31 PM



I am back from Kazoo now, I am on call this week with work. 24/7 

next week would be fine, just have to pick a day.  No trains here though as I filled the basement with stuff and anrique radios and parts. we are sifting through the stuff and  the radios I can do without are going to get sold. a bunch of people gave me stuff after the paper ran an article in 2006 and it kept growing. Decided to purge some as I visted the house recently of a deceased member of our museum and his cousin was having to deal with all of his stuff. ( he had paths and every nook was filled. ) So i don't want to be " that guy" 

Ironically he had given me all the radio tubes he had a few years back. So there was nothing of interest I needed from his estate. 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, July 24, 2017 10:40 PM

MLC ... I lived in Kalamazoo for 3 years many years ago. ... I'm not sure exactly when I will be in Paducah, but it may be Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday next week. I want to stop in at Classic Trains to see Bill there. 




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Posted by OldSchoolScratchbuilder on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 1:40 AM

Raining outside at 3:30 am. I'm awake checking on my husky Luna. I have a sore back after all the moving stuff around in the basement to make room for stage 1 of the Pidgeon Creek layout published about 50 years ago in Model Railroader. Here is a short video as the first train negotiates Pidgeon Creek.

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Posted by RideOnRoad on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 9:32 AM

Well, it is no longer a dry heat in the desert southwest. This moring it was 81F with 87% humidity. Ugh, how do you easterners do it. After my bike ride this morning I wasn't sure if I had been riding or swimming.

The business cards arrive today, the website goes live today, and the email server should be configured in a day or two. We are nearly open for business.


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Posted by tin can on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 10:13 AM

Oh for some rain.  Pop up showers all around us, but nothing at the house.  Grass is slowly dying.  Which is secretly fine with me, because then I don't have to mow it.

Did not work on the sectional layout this weekend because it was too darned hot.  I was looking for some decals I had stashed in a safe place; finally found them on Sunday.  I have been looking for them for 4 weeks.  Guess they were safe?

Started stripping a blue box GP38-2 for an eventual repaint into A&NR colors. 

Remember the tin can; the MKT's central Texas branch...

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