Thanks galaxy I appreciate the kind words
Jeremy B!
Well, I finally slept 7 hours last night...not all at once, but 4 hours then 3 hours some 2 horus later. Still trying to make some sense of the new house order.
Today's Word:
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
Morning guys
today is my birthday. I have to work today but that's ok, just another day right.
was back in the workshop on Sunday putting together a kit and the model railroading spark just wasn't there as I thought it may have been. Maybe just need some more off time from the railroad. Sometimes too many hobbies can be a pain also,lol well at least I cannot say I'm bored at any time,lol
i may drop back in tonight at some point
December 9:
The quotes and word of the day.
I believe in living today. Not in yesterday, nor in tomorrow.
-Loretta Young
If you count all your assets you always show a profit.
-Wilson Mizner
Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself.
-Andre Breton
Objet Trouvé (noun) \AWB-zhay-troo-VAY\
1: a natural or discarded object found by chance and held to have aesthetic value
Amtrak America, 1971-Present.
Evenin' folks...
Janie, I could use a hot cup of decaf, please.
blownout cylinderwe had triple the amount of things go worgn I am not a happy camper....
Fetridge's Law, Barry? That is: "Nothing ever happens until it is no longer favorable for it to happen." Go back down there by yourself tomorrow, I garrantee everything will be running the way it should......
I finally have enough rivets on the Girder Bridge to put the two halves together.
Test fitted it where it will ultimately do service to see if it actually might do the job:
Have a few more things to add before it gets the first coat of paint.... The next "fun" part is figuring how to build the center support right over where the trackage it goes over is. The middle of the bridge is directly above the track..... The track below is in a cut, so there are several possible solutions.
Have a good night. Prayers for all in need!
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
Good Evening
Today was something of a slow one here...until tonight when I had an operating session. 6 guys showed up and we had triple the amount of things go worgn I am not a happy camper....
I'm going to the back booth and sulk....
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...
Good evening diners, If you please, I will have a cup of cocoa. Today was bridge day at the senior center and I had my usual run of rotten cards missing low by about 40 points. My wife, on the other hand, was second missing the high score by about 100 points.
On the layout front, I received a somewhat surprise package yesterday evening with my tie supplies from the manufacturer. Walthers has still not shipped the back order of ties. The decision to go direct to the manufacturer will allow me to lay some more track and build several more turnouts. Starting to layout the yard for my layout so I can get lots of practice scratch building turnouts.
The 25 lb steak was a little extreme but any kind of poutine is over the wall. Never have seen anything as unhealthy in terms of food. Hope it will not lead to are neighbors to the north all dying of early heart attacks.
Howmus, laughed a lot reading the cat pill thing. Been there, done that. Never had much of a problem giving dogs medication but cats are an althogether different story.
Ken, nice picture of the big B&O steamer.
Jeremy, happy birthday to you.
Time to head for the basement and break open the package of tie materials.
Evening Dinners
Flo, please
John Boy Said
"Ken, Glad work is a little better now, but why don't they let you, the store manager, do the hire for the store?"
John, work is not better, it is worse! I have lost all of my over time, that is $135.00 a week. Plus I will lose spiffs because I will only get half of the coustmers! Far as why I cannot hire my own sales person? That would be to logical, besides I only did it for 25 years for a living so what do I know?
Remember when I said I did not turst Jerry to turn on the light? I'am off today but I stopped my the store to pick up my paycheck at 2:00 PM. Store was open for 3 hours. I will be darned, I was right! After 3 hours Jerry did not notices he had left 3 rows of lights off on the right side of the store?
YGW I sure hope your sister will be OK. You sure do need a few breaks of late. Good luck on the biopsy results!
Later Ken
I hate Rust
Afternoon folks...
Found this from my sister while cleaning out my inbox today.....
How to Give a Cat a Pill in 15 easy stepsNote Especially Steps 10 & 11, Dog People can skip to #16
1. Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby.Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand As cat opens mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.2. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.3. Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away. 4. Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm, holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.5. Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe.Call spouse in from the garden.6. Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.7. Retrieve cat from curtain rail. Get another pill from foil wrap. Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later.8. Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw9. Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans and drink one beer to take taste away. Apply band-aid to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap. 10. Retrieve cat from neighbor's shed.Get another pill. Open another beer. Place cat in cupboard, and close door onto neck, to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.11. Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Drink beer. Fetch bottle of scotch. Pour shot, drink. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus shot. Apply whiskey compress to cheek to disinfect. Toss back another shot. Throw tee-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.12. Call fire department to retrieve the --------- cat from the top of the tree across the road. Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat.Take last pill from foil wrap.13. Using heavy-duty pruning gloves from shed, tie the little --------'s front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of filet steak. Be rough about it. Hold head vertically and pour two pints of water down throat to wash pill down.14. Consume remainder of scotch. Get spouse to drive you to the emergency room. Sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table. 15. Arrange for ASPCA to collect mutant cat from hell and call local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters. 16. How To Give A Dog A Pill1. Wrap it in bacon.2. Toss it in the air. 3. All done!
40 degrees and cloudy, but it's hockey night so I have no interest in a bike ride today, anyway. They are saying mid-50s again by the end of the week, though, so I'll have a few more of those "bonus" warm days this December to get out on the trail.
Lion, golfers should never go higher than 18th street, right, unless they are a bit tipsy on 19 street? Well, I guess if the trains are late, they could be teed off almost anywhere on the system.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
Oh! Forgot to say "Many Thanks" for all your welcome back comments. Not sure just how frequently I'll be by - but it's an emcouragement to know that high test Dark Roast is to be had! " alt="" />[/URL]
"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.
Hey Galaxy - you're playing my tune with that prosopagnosia mention. I didn't know it was a, what's the word? Syndrome? until recently. I came across a survey by a Brit prof which I took (well, truth be told, am taking because the software is buggy and I may end up filling out his .pdf version and emailing that LOL) Anyway I now have a name for my life-long embarrasment.
JeremyB - Many Happy Returns - which is what we said to birthday people in the UK back when - I don't know if they still do. Peace and healing prayers in your behalf.
Heartland Division CB&QLion .... Evidently, subway service will soon be resored in ND. The subway patrons can hardly wait
As a matter of fact, a hobby shop in Dickinson went out of business, and I bought a 130 pack of LPPs for $20.00. She said name your price and so I did, and she said OK. I never really boucht anything from her since my layout was far more progressed than anything she caried, but at least she was happy that the LPPs went to a layout where they will be appreciated.
I'm not quit sure where I will set up the Golf players, probably on the 79th Street platform.
The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.
Here there be cats. LIONS with CAMERAS
Mornin' everyone!
Zoe.... I see the breakfast bar is open on the weekdays now? Oh!!! That is just the stuff ready for Barry. I just need a pot of Marrakesh Express Dark roast coffee and a couple creme filled doughnuts to start my day...
Barry! Good to see you back in here my friend!
Lion, careful on the stairs! Don't want to hear you took a spill right off the bat... I look forward to seeing more progress on the subway.
I'm going to go over to the local college this morning and buy myself an early Christmas Present. Decided to get a walking pass for the winter over there for their indoor track complex. I had a pass for many years back when I was teaching, used to stop in on my way home from school. I really need to get some excercise and that is a ghood, safe way to get back in shape. should anything happen they would have folks to me in a matter of seconds. I have seen it done over there.
Also have a large stack of stuff to get done today, so I best get at it! Catch you all later.
Garry: A little bedtime snack would be even more.
Good morning ..
Lion .... Evidently, subway service will soon be resored in ND. The subway patrons can hardly wait
Barry.... That was some bed time snack last night !
Galaxy .... Good to hear about your train stuff. Sounds like you will have a lot of model railroading to do.
Happy model railroading !
The physical Theripist cleared me for climbing up to the train room. She also cleared me for doing dishes on Sundays again. You win some you loose some. I'll go up to the train room this morning to check things out, I still need a 2/56 tap and a number 50 drill bit to mount some drawbars. Yes, yes, I *know* that I had the original screws(Probably 1/60 or 0/something, but once you drop one to the floor, it breaks up into the quarks and nono-particles that it was made of, never to be seen again in this lifetime. And the smallest I could buy in town was 2/56.
Oh well, maybe the originals were metric anyway.
Later this week or next, I'll talk to the Prior, since I *can* go up there, running up and down to sell whine is out of the question, that would be too much exercise, so I'll plan a morning or an afternoon up there, and let someone else deal with the wine.
Good Morning
Kind of foggy out here, still, but supposedly we are going to see some sun this afternoon. High is going to be 44
Have some running around to do this afternoon and then I might get a chance of running some trains around.
Galaxy: Great on the train stuff!!
Have a good day peeps!!!
Plugging away at teh small stuff. Put out LOTS of recycle and tgrash this morning.
Trying to make some semblance of order atg hte house...boht of them.
The small stuff will get you in the end when you move!!!
Trains are NOW ALL Secure over there..I found I have LOTS mroe structures than I thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew I had MORE than enough rolling stock {and still would like MORE} But I didn't realize I bought about one of every structure I liked!!!!!
Got a load of laundry going here then I load some more schtuff nad off to the house. Gotta call the electrician we wnat about 11 things done.
Todays word:
In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.
Hey guys
just dropping in quick before work. Was off yesterday as I wasn't feeling good at all stomach was upset, my general anxiety and stress about my wife. tomorrow is my birthday, I don't really do much on my birthday though. I do remind her that its my birthday everyday for about two weeks leading up to it just to joke with her,lol
December 8:
A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.
-John Keats
Land really is the best art.
-Andy Warhol
Communism is like one big phone company.
-Lenny Bruce
Adamantine (adjective) \ad-uh-MAN-teen\
1: made of or having the quality of adamant
2: rigidly firm: unyielding
3: resembling the diamond in hardness or luster
Evenin' folks!
Janie, I could use another refill on the decaf, please.
Busy day here, that is for sure.... I finally got down to the train rooms and got to putting decals of rivets in place. Had several cut to size and soaking in distilled water. I was putting the first of them in place, when the phone rang.. I got up and looked. It was my sister, so I just let it ring. Finished up those decals and then shut down the heat and lights and came upstairs to call her back. No answer.... Called every 10 minutes or so for over an hour. No answer. She has a recording machine so I wasn't sure why that didn't cut in. I was about ready to panic and call the Canandaigua police to check out her house. Finally she answered. Found out she was trying to find some information about an adress in the family for her Christmas/Holiday cards. She had been on the phone all that time with my DIL. She also has the call holding crap on her phone where your phone beeps and your supposed to say, "Oh! I have another call! Can you hold while I see if they are more important than you???" Hate that and so does she so niether of us changes to whom ever else is calling. I figure they should get an old fashioned busy signal and can call back later, but if I set the phone top do that, then I don't get caller ID. Dumb, stupid technology!
Barry, I was going to send my condolences earlier about Spring. Somehow it didn't make it into what I typed. He/she lived a long life for a kittie! I hope my boys will make it to 20... But, who knows with the diabettes....
Prayers for all in need! stayed foggy all day today and never even got past 34F out here. Tomorrow the guessers have some sun for us....maybe.
Did some gotta buy stuff then went to my LHS to see what they had around there...ended up picking up a whack of Cornerstone Ethenol Plant and modular building kits...
Came home and seen our neighbour...ended up yapping for about 2 hours...outside...
YGW: Good vibes your SIL's way...hope things work out for her.
Der5997...hey!! Nice to see you back!!!
Ray: loved those ALCO shots as well as the passenger cars.
Johnboy: Spring passed away in his 20th year. As for the is called Ex Nihil (out of nothing-roughly translated )
Ulrich: Where are you?
Galaxy: Try to get some rest for your back...
Chloe, I'll have the 25lb eye of round steak with all the fixin's as well as a 20quart container of poutine and 5 SRP's as well as a 10 gallon RBF please...there, that oughta get some reaction...
Janie, just a refil for my decaf please...
Well.... Deep Subject! At a few minutes to noon today, I went down cellar to the train rooms and turned on the lights and the heat with the hope I would get down there right after lunch to work on the rivet decals some more. I then sat down at the computer and found the Superintendent's Secretary at the local schools had replied to my email asking for updates on the emails of the Principals and their secretaries so I could get materials out to the buildings for the MLK Art and Poetry Contest....
Decided to do that right then, so lunch ended up an hour later... Then, I was just about to head down there when my son called. Granddaughter #1 got sick at school, and since he had to go to work, could I have him drop off the kid to my house for a couple hours. I said, "Absolutely, glad to help". She had a stomach ache at school, but was feeling good enough to play Wii for an hour or so. I was working on an updated list of the emails for the NMRA Division as I needed to get an email out to those who hadn't signed the petition yet. Found there were a lot of updating needing to get done. DIL arrived to pick up granddaughter about 3:45. By the time I dealt with the email to members and several other emails that required an answer it was time to start supper. It is now 7:45 and I still haven't gone down to the train rooms again! Need to answer a question from the Principal of the local Catholic School about the art and poetry contest, and then I AM going to go swear at the rivets for a while!
Glad some of you enjoyed the Alcos and Budliners I put up this morning. The LA&L now uses 3 Alco Centuries when they pull the cars. Usually due to the fact it is usually early spring or late fall when we do an excursion and they have one 2% grade on the line. One unit can easily pull the train, but if there are leaves on the rails they want to have the locos with lots of sand for extra braking. They are beautiful old locomotives. One thing they are very aware of is the railfans that crowd along the ROW when we have the cars out on the mainline. I am always found in one of the cars as a "Trainman" aka Assist. Conductor/car host. You know, the guy who comes along and punches your ticket... I realized a couple times ago that we were riding on the old Erie tracks in NYC Coaches, and I was punching their tickets with an old LV ticket punch. What is interesting about that is we were on our way to Mortimer Junction! OK.... Look it up! Hmmm... Hard to find actually, so Ill tell ya. Mortimer Junction is where the LV and the Erie interchanged with the NYC just outside of Rochester, NY... The RIT Campus is located on some of the old Junction Property.
Catch you all later!
DerJohn, Long time no sea, You maritimer you.
It is good to hear from you, we always wonder and mention those MIAs.
A lot of us Ol' Pharts are still here and keeping out of the way of our better halves.
There has been alot of great modelling gone on here in the last while, don't know if you have been peeking through the windows or not, but when you get a chance to look around you will be amazed.
Glad to hear your wife in encouraging you, it is great for both mind and spirit. It has certainly helped me recover from the big C. as in cancer not coronary.
Don't be a stranger, and keep us posted on your progress. We are always glad to get a look as well, if you are so inclined.
It's a little early, but TOPS of the season to you and your wife. We are looking forward to a nice Christmas here with some sons coming home. We have already been to a couple of Christmas pageants and have some of our decorations up. The tree is up and lights placed on it but is yet to be decorated.
Ray, Loved those Alcos, but the Western Pacific didn't have any that I know of.
Ken, Glad work is a little better now, but why don't they let you, the store manager, do the hire for the store?.
YGW, How are you feeling today?, hope each day is getting better for you.
BARRY, So very sorry to hear about little Spring, how old was he again ? And what is the name of your band ? I didn't know you were coming out this way this fall.
Still working in my mind about getting those station tracks concreted in (like in street running, but not on the street) It is getting set in my mind how I want to approach this. I know, I know, I always seem to give so much thought to things that it seems I waste a lot of time. But when I do get to it, I think it goes faster as I have pondered over all the issues that could come up.
Prayers and blessing to all who stand in need.
Johnboy out.
from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North..
We have met the enemy, and he is us............ (Pogo)
Der John (der5997) ... ! ! ! .... Good to see you back. .... Glad you still have your train stuff packed. .... I'm sure you can put together another great layout.
Ray ... Thanks for the museum train photos. Alcos and Budd passenger cars ! Gotta love them !
YGW.... Your SIL had a terrible ordeal evidently. Prayers for her.... Also prayers for your situation.
Good Afternoon,
A sunny 4C here which is far above normal. So nice, in fact, that we are about to go out and take Robbie for a walk. It is quite slippery on the streets though as there is a lot of ice.
John(der), nice to see you back! How are things in Pictou? Glad to hear you are about to start another layout. I am slowly working on my little N scale door layout.
Barry, sorry to hear about your little Spring. It is always tough when they go.
Well better get a move on as the sun will be setting soon, and I don't want to walk the dog in the dark.
CN Charlie
Hello Folks: My Profile tells me that what I thought was "quite a while" turns out to be "since November 2012". That would be since I last was in the Trackside Diner. Elliot's then - Jeff's now; and an appropriate choice - I'm still awed by his skills and endurance!
Anyway, why I'm dropping in is to give the glad tidings that, not only has my lady wife given me a MR subscription, but also has urged me to "do another layout"! So, despite worse eyesight than 3 years ago, and fewer funds, I do have some Normal Scale gear in storage; and room in the basement to give it a whirl. This time, definitely continuous running; probably double tracked main, and if I can control myself, a MORE SIMPLE track plan! Wish me luck! Suggestions for sources of track plans appreciated.
Let us never forget the Day of Infamy.
WEll, we had 5 of us to move on Sat and a freind helped me load about another 10% of our stuff Sunday.{and I foudn MORE HO train stuff stacshed! Never realized I had so much!}
The thing is it was only him nad I as MOH had to work, and DID/was able to help in the offloading. But afweter trying to make semblance of order int he house SUnday nite I was making a sandwich for dinner and litterally had tears rolling down my cheeks I was in so much pain form my back!
I tranfsfered to the big regualr bed last night as it is finally atthe house {MOH sleeping on the couch here}. But had no bedding extcept the rollaway bedding for it,. Was nice btu fitfull sleep within a half hour of being uprgiht again, I was in pain. Taking a break athe old house to get a few things liek tghe bedding and do some washing. There is a mess of schtuuff we left behind. I will try to help MOH get it ready for garbage/recycle day.
The cat is confused, miffed angry and doesn't know what teh heck is going on. I said we should soon take him over, but MOH wants to wait til last minute.
we are turning the trailer {minus appliances} over to the park, but it will take some doing to get it ready to "leave" still. We are turning it over to the park-easiest thing to do-they want to be involved if we sell it to anyone and we don't want their noses in the deal!!! so we weren't going to sell it for much anyway....but beats scrap prices, though that could bring in a lot. dunno
well, tghe washer is one, and I;d best get a packin'
don;t know when I be on next.
Zoe, I'll have a pot of Marrakesh Express Dark Roast coffee and a couple of the sour cream Glazed doughnuts tokeep my blood sugar up where it isn't suppoesed to be.....
Dec. 7th.! A day which will live in Infamey! Also means that the Beautiful old Budliners from the NYC Empire State Express are now exactly 74 years old! They they are in service still at the museum. We use them every so often for an excursion trip on the LA&L that runs right by the museum on the old Erie tracks.
Photo taken in Lakeville, NY a couple years back on a very dark rainy day. The excursion that year went from Lakeville to the R&GV RR museum in Rush, NY and back. Last year it went from Lakeville to Mortimer junction in Rochester and back (unfortunately I was working crew and didn't get any photos of the much larger train that day).
Here she was at the museum and you can see the whole train (half on each side.. Since that time the other coaches have been put back into service as well).
Motive power for the day are also "antique" but considerably newer than the cars... (ALCO Century Units)
YGW, will keep your SIL in my prayers!
Have a good one!