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Posted by galaxy on Monday, June 1, 2015 1:55 AM

 In memoriam:

In memory of

Jeffrey Scott Wimberly

July 07, 1960-December 15, 2014 

AKA Running Bear, Dr. Frankendiesel, The Spray Can Rembrandt

Volunteer firefighter, exceptional model railroader and friend.


Jeffrey´s Trackside Diner is a meeting place for all who wish to join. We talk on-topic, but also off-topic here {the only place allowed by our hosts}, but always within the framework of the forum policy. Talk about your ongoing or future model railroading projects, show us your latest acquisitions or simply share your day. If you need to let off some steam, you can do it here, but beware - Cousin Vinnie, the proprietor, is keeping a close watch on the language and is unforgiving when it comes to violations of the house rule.

There is a new menu item, JSTL - that´s Jeffrey´s Special Tabasco Lemonade.




Come in a sit a spell


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, June 1, 2015 2:08 AM

Good Morning!

Today's word:





adjective: Self-styled; so-called.


From French soi-disant (self-styled, so-called) from soi (oneself) + disant (saying). Earliest documented use: 1752.




“For some reason, the soi-disant ‘entertainment capital of the world’ has never been able to sustain a resident [ballet] company.”
Patt Diroll; A Step Ahead for Ballet; Pasadena Star-News (California); May 25, 2009.

“Hannah turns to the suspiciously handsome soi-disant geek.”
Virginia Heffernan; Really, Mom, We’re Just Going Out for Ice Cream; The New York Times; Feb 16, 2004.

Today's Quotes:

Make it a GREAT day!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, June 1, 2015 2:24 AM

RE: Ulrich:


For those who are wondering:

His last post was May 14th {here in the diner} and it went like this:

"The last couple of days have not been really good to me. My BP was down to 110/70, while my heart rate varied from 55 to 90, making me feel just awkward. I could not do a thing, no HD list, no MRRing. Most of the time I just dozed away. Monday will see a trip to my cardiologist to have a word with him about this. I wish I could go earlier, but today is a public holiday here and he has taken a few days off over this long weekend. If need be, there is still the hospital...""


My BEST GUEST is he went to the hospital, and is either recovering at home or still in there.

Makes me a bit nervous, How about you?

Have MANY prayers and healing thoughts for him...for him!

Have a winderful day..


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by "JaBear" on Monday, June 1, 2015 5:06 AM
Gidday Chloe, a large pot of Seneca Lake Blend Dark Roast for Ray please. You certainly fit into the category of person who appears to work harder in retirement than in their working life not that that’s a bad thing, being born and brought up a farm boy , I’ve observed over the years the amount of farmers who having worked 24/7, dropped dead 6 months into retirement. Suddenly having nothing to do has a fair bit to do with it, I think.
  JaBear, am I correct that in NZ trains use _ . for the crossing whistle signal rather than the _ _ . __ used in the States? 
To be perfectly honest, I don’t know but have done a little digging.
From the New Zealand Government Railways Rules And Regulations To Be Observed By All Employees Who Are Connected With The Running Of Trains,” dated 1965.
(d) One long, to be sounded 300 metres from and again immediately before entering a tunnel. Warning signal to men working in tunnel.
 (e) One long.
Approaching stations, signal boxes, sidings, Public level crossings, or workmen on or near the track, or while passing another train which is stationary or shunting at a station on an adjacent line; also, when required, where Whistle Boards are erected.
The current rule book does not appear to be in the public domain, Kiwi Rail property rights, use of uncontrolled copies, etc, but the following is part of their general information for the public.
Our operational rules allow drivers to use the horn:
·         At their discretion
·         In any situation where they think there may be someone or something ahead of them
·         As they approach level crossings, or where there may be people trespassing on the rail tracks.
Drivers are instructed to sound the horn only when necessary within an urban area, in consideration of nearby residents.
Residents ask us not to use horns in areas protected by barriers and bells. However many motorists disregard level crossing warning signs and alarms, with very serious consequences in some cases. In 2012 there were around 140 near collisions at level crossings, with around 78 percent occurring at crossings protected by automatic alarms.
 Being au fait with the NZCAA Rules, and though I am more than at little cynical at how bright sparks, with far too much time on their hands, seem to be intent on reinventing the wheel regarding rules, I’d say that from the following, the one long whistle is still used as it was in 1965.
Now I must admit to have got a little too enthused while looking at the video footage and as each had merit, I couldn’t choose one, and so this is where the large pot of coffee comes in. Coffee
Garry, I’m pleased that you’re enjoying the “Visit”. Nice job on those hoppers, I’ve bookmarked that photo of Kens for future reference.
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them, especially Ulrich and Petra.
Cheers, the Bear.Smile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by up831 on Monday, June 1, 2015 6:14 AM

Good Morning Diners,

Flo, I'll have my usual extra large cup of coffee with lots of cream, please.

Garry:  Those are some very nicely weathered hoppers.  Well done!  (See May Diner).

Still cool here.  It's supposed to get back into the 60s today then back to the 80s by the weekend.  I sure hope it stays around when the warm temps come back.

Yesterday, MOH and I went and got some flowers for the "yard."  I persuaded her to get a couple of cheap jalapeño plants to sneak into the plantable areas.  It's against the rules of our association to plant vegetables in plantable common areas.  I'll probably get about three peppers if he rabbits don't eat them all First.  

We were talking about maybe growing some herbs indoors.  SIL has Rosemary outside of her house and when ever she cooks potatoes, she just goes outside and pulls a few leaves and voila, fresh Rosemary.  

Sure hope Ulrich is on the road to recovery if not OK.

I hope everyone is OK, safe and warm.


Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Monday, June 1, 2015 6:36 AM

The LION is here with the entire Council of Felids, So make a platter piled high with rare wildebeests, and plenty of hot chocolate.


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, June 1, 2015 8:35 AM

Good morning 

Lion ........ A platter of wildebeests with hot chocolate...... Really ? .....LOL

Galaxy .... Thanks for moving the DIner nd continuing to honor JEffrey. I miss Jeff's posts here. ... Also, thanks for looking back to Ulrich's last post. I missed seeing that one. Now, I am very concerned about him.

UP831 .... Thanks for commenting about my weathered hopper cars posted yesterday in May Diner. 


Bear .. Thanks for the videos 




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Posted by MisterBeasley on Monday, June 1, 2015 8:44 AM

Good morning!  For a moment, I thought "Huh? Two Diner thrreads?"  Then I noticed that one was for a new month, which naturally had pretty much slipped my mind.  Thanks for opening, Galaxy.

We are in day 2 of three days of rain.  It's the most precipitation we've had since the long, cold, snowy winter, so we need it.  I put down a whole big bag of grass seed yesterday morning.  I've been waiting for a rainy spell, and we finally got one.

Once again, the rail trails provided me with entertainment.  I took out the mountain bike, thinking "Some people on bicycles get caught in the rain.  I'm starting in the rain."  Since most of my ride was over dirt, now mud, and my bike has no fenders, this was my outfit once I got home:

And, I got some work done on my layout, and even ran some trains.  I've got the scenic cover all cut and in place, and I'm starting to consider how I want it to look.  There's been some inertia on this project, but I'm beginning to have a direction now and I think it will move faster, particularly when it's raining out.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by howmus on Monday, June 1, 2015 8:57 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a bowl of Organic Vanilla Pumpkin Seed Granola and a large pot of Seneca Lake Blend dark roast coffee to start my day.

Another dark, gray, and gloomy day outside.  Son from Chicago arrived safely at thr Rochester Airport around noon yesterday.  We had a pizza dinner out at my other son's house last night.  Unfortunately Other Son was still at work, but the girls and us guys played some Wii for an hour or so after dinner.  I then headed out tyhe door so son #2 could have some time with his neices before they headed off to bed about the time son #1 got home.  He should be arriving here shortly.  We will measure the living room, make a drawing, and head out to spend what little remains in the "Tesla Account".  (You don't really think I could ever afford a Tesla do you?)

Currently 51°F outside with light rain here in the Finger Lakes.  Heat is on inside...  Can't ever remember tunring on the heat in June before.  A week ago it was in the high 80's.  I put in a flannel shirt today.

 Bear, yes, I do keep myself busy...  Never been one to sit and stare at the idiot box.  Thanks for the explaination of the whistle signals used over there.  Evidentally what I was hearing was a "trilling" of the end of the long blast for the crossing.  I haven't had a chance to watch the videos you posted today, but will later this evening.  Thanks!

 Galaxy, thanks for starting the dine thread for the month.  I too still miss Jeffrey!  I also am worried about Ulrich.

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by JeremyB on Monday, June 1, 2015 10:05 AM

Morning guys

woke up feeling off and was sick to my stomach along with this annoying tooth infection. glad today was a off day for me. I have my dentist appointment tomorrow at 4. I might just try to get some more sleep to see if I feel a bit better


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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Monday, June 1, 2015 10:58 AM


Morning Gang,

Chloe, I would like to order a double denver with home fries and cold slaw with a Dr. P. please.

Mr.B.,  You would look like Roseanne in that outfit.  Lol....... I don't really think that PINK becomes you.  But they say if you do wear it, it means you are comfortable in your own skin...??>>>

Back to work for me today for a couple of days, so I am just getting things done to be able to leave here in a couple of hours.

Hope you all had a great week end. Weather here has been very cool and windy, hope that changes soon.  BUT not too hot either.

Just ran a few trains the other night with my Grandson, other than that the progress has slowed on the LM&E. to many outside chores to catch up on as none really got done last summer while I was in recuperation mode.

Planning a visit to Montana again towards the middle of the month as My Son bought us tickets for the Gordon Lightfoot Concert there and he is one of my favorites.  Will of course have a stop at Jim's Junction and pick up a few things as usual. Look at all the newest offerings, pass by some quickly and oogle over others I can't afford.

One thing I am very disappointed with are the new offerings from CMW. Compared to there original vehicles these new ones are garbage. light plastic bodies, iffy paint, wheels that don't turn freely.  They are not worth what they are asking for them. Maybe a third to half the price would be fair.  Really miss the fact that these newer 60s models are not die cast.    OK, I'm done with the soap box... Next.

Have a great day Guys, will check back later.

Prayers for Ulrich and all who need them.

Johnboy out.....................

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by angelob6660 on Monday, June 1, 2015 11:35 AM

Morning diners,

I totally forgot it was a new month.

Well my dad retired from the state (ADOT) last Friday at the age of 55. He's planning on working again when someone picks up his application. What's he's going to be doing... I don't know, but it's in the planning stages.

He also called his brother Lance yesterday for the fun of it. (They barely talk to each other like once or twice a year).

Modeling News: I noticed telephone poles with 3 different styles of single to quad arms while watching old Conrail videos on YouTube. I also know that I'm building one layout to be interchangeable with CR and BNSF/UP.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Monday, June 1, 2015 12:58 PM

Good afternoon. 

JohnBoy ... You may be intersted there is a guy living in Montana who posts regulary across the street in another model railroad forum. 





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Posted by RideOnRoad on Monday, June 1, 2015 2:14 PM

Last night we added five grandkids to our house for the next three weeks. The oldest is six and there is a pair of one-year-old twins. Life is good. Hectic, but good.


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Posted by MisterBeasley on Monday, June 1, 2015 4:57 PM

last mountain & eastern hogger
Mr.B., You would look like Roseanne in that outfit. Lol....... I don't really think that PINK becomes you. But they say if you do wear it, it means you are comfortable in your own skin...??>>>

The color is a trick of the lighting and my cheap cell-phone camera.  The jersey is actually a bright safety orange, chosen for visibility in the summer months.  I've got a day-glo green one for times when the vegetation isn't so lush.

And as for Rosanne, well, maybe I used to, but I weighed in under 200 this morning for the first time in about 15 years, so I'm getting away from that look.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by howmus on Monday, June 1, 2015 10:00 PM

Evenin' diners...

Janie, a hot cup of decaf would be great.  Thank you Ma'am!

I had a fun day spending the last of the available money in the Tesla Fund...  Lets see, my son arrived around 9:30AM, we shared another pot of coffee, did some measuring out in the living room to see what would work best and headed downtown to Lynch Furniture.  Walked through 3 floors of sofa, couches, and nice cushy chairs trying out every other one to see how comfortable they were.  Did some measuring and the I gave up the idea of getting a sectional couch as the styles they carry won't fit well.  I ended up ordering a very comfortable sofa and matching chair for about $1,600.  Paid half down and will have a few weeks wait while it is made and shipped here...

We then stopped over to Water Street Cafe (my favorite old fashioned and very busy diner) down by the RR tracks and just a few stores down from Lynches Furniture to get lunch.  Then we headed out in the country North of Waterloo, NY to the Amish Furniture place.  Man, could I spend some serious money there.  Love the Amish Furniture and did indeed spend some serious money...  Just under another $1,500.  Got an enterainment Center with matching Hutches.  One for each side of the Entertainment center.  Two thirds of what I am getting was ion stock.  Will have a 6 week wait for the other hutch.  Only thing I can say is I really like what I got and I know it is very well made.  The next building over at the Amish place they had the really pricey stuff that was well over twice the cost of what I spent.  We checked it out and went back to the first building....  Haven't found any place locally to buy curtains, so I may have to head up nearer Rochester to get what I want later.  My sister, the Ahhhteeest may know where to get such stuff as that.

By the time we got back to my house the contractor had appeared and was busy doing the painting of the walls.  Looking good.  Will try to get a couple photos tomorrow.  I got the remaining oak boards sanded and stained tonight.  By tomorrow evening they should all have two coats of polyurethane on them and be ready for the contractor.  Just got an email saying he needs to finish up an outside job he has tomorrow as it isn't supposed to rain so won't be coming over....

 Mr. B, under 200 lbs?  Good for you.  I have another 45 to go to reach that goal.  I'll be happy if I can get down to what I weighed a half century ago before I was married (210). 

Catch you all tomorrow!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Monday, June 1, 2015 10:08 PM

I'll be happy if I can get down to what I weighed ... before I was married

That's my goal, too, but it was 185 and 30 years ago.  Funny how that happens.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by cudaken on Monday, June 1, 2015 10:12 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, a Beer please and a round for the dinner.

 Work Front I had a pretty good day today. It was slow till 2:30 PM which I was happy about, need to do a inventory count and places my store order. After 2:30 till 6:00 I was pretty busy. I had a total of $2985.00 in sales. If I did the math right I made a extra $128.00. Yes

 Dave Called to find out when he worked next, the big news it was Dave and not his wife? He seemed luiced, but he has before. All he told me is they have changed his med's and he goes back again Tuesday for more blood work. We will see. Whistling

 So Mr B, you like to get all wet and covered in mud for fun? If there is a slim woman in a swim suite involved I Am In! Big Smile

 I am all so worried about Ulrich. I sure wish Petra could let us know what is going on.

 Gary Glad the photo I posted helped you some, good looking coal cars.

 Train Front While my layout is mainly child like looking, it is good sizes. Love to watch a 16 foot slow moving coal drag pulled by my B&O SD 7 and 8. Now if I can get my PCM N&W back on line, I be in heaven.

 Later, Ken


I hate Rust

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Posted by Weighmaster on Monday, June 1, 2015 11:31 PM



I'll be happy if I can get down to what I weighed ... before I was married


That's my goal, too, but it was 185 and 30 years ago.  Funny how that happens.

 I have a t-shirt (3XL) which reads: "Every older person has a young person inside wondering What the h*** happened."

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Posted by zstripe on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 12:17 AM

In 1968 when I returned home from Vietnam and the service...I was 6ft 1inches tall and weighed 190 47 yrs later at 73..5ft 11 and 3/4 and weigh 195 lbs. Have always been active....not one to sit on my hands.

I too am worried about Ulrich....happened too suddenly.

Take Care All! Big SmileBig Smile


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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 5:08 AM

GOOD Tuesday Morning!

Healing energies,

Positive thoughts

for those in need




(SY-ni-kyoor, SIN-i-)


noun: A position in which one is paid for little or no work.


From Latin beneficium sine cura (a church position not involving caring for the souls of the parishioners), from sine (without) + cura (care). Earliest documented use: 1662.




“Some 200,000 civil servants have been enlisted. Half are fairly useless: former guerrillas given sinecures to keep the peace. This cannot last. Some 75% of the budget is spent on wages.”
A New Country Rises from the Ruins; South Sudan; The Economist (London, UK); May 4, 2013.




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by up831 on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 6:14 AM

Good Morning Diners,

Flo, I'll have a huge cup of coffee with exponentially large amounts of cream, please.

Yesterday after work, MOH and I got the flowers in the ground. Found out she didn't buy enough gardenias for the front.  We both thought we had plenty.  My jalepenos are planted in a semi tight cluster.  Hopefully the landscapers won't yank them out.  I would imagine they will probably recognize the plants and leave them alone.  If I get a "crop" of more than two, they could help themselves to some.

I cracked a tooth at work biting into a granola bar.  That's an expense I don't need right now.  Unless the dentist can glue it back in, he will probably have to pull the remainder of the tooth.  The sad thing is it's a canine tooth.  Right now it's still attached, barely.  I expect it to fall out today sometime.  

I think we're all getting concerned about Ulrich.  If Petra was willing to post even "auf Deutsch" I'm sure there's enough people here who know enough German to eventually translate it.  We're just all concerned that we haven't heard from Ulrich and hope he's OK.  In this case, no news is not necessarily good news.

Well, off to work. 

I hope everyone is OK and safe.

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 8:56 AM

Morning, engineers and trainmen.

I missed my exercise yesterday, the first day off in a while now.  We have had an extraordinary spell of good weather for bicycling, bad weather for growing grass, and that's allowed me to hop on one of my bikes every day.  I suppose I could have bundled up and gone for a walk yesterday, but it was cold, nasty and wet and I just wasn't up for it.  Sunday was rainy but warm, so I rode anyway, but in the cold?  No thanks.  I will have to join a gym in the fall.

I, too, am concerned about Ulrich.  His health problems have knocked him off the grid before, though, and he's always come back to us, so I've still got my hopes up.

I'll be playing hockey tonight, and watching tomorrow as the Stanley Cup finals begin.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by JeremyB on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 9:58 AM

Morning guys

Have a dentist apointment at 12:30 to figure out what is going on with this botherosme tooth. Be back in later

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 11:55 AM

Afternoon folks!

Chloe, I'll have the Rueben Sandwitch and a decaf for lunch today.  thank you Ma'am!

I was going to get here with a post around 9:30AM today...  Other things got in the way.  I have the first coat of Polyurethane on all the last 7 oak boards.  Will do the final coat tonight after dinner.  So everything will be ready for the contractor to finish up the rebuild as soon as he can.

Today is daerk and gray hyere in the Finger lakes Region with some occasional lighter gray periods from time to time....  Sun may make an appearance tomorrow they say.

I need to do some shopping soon and then I will be back to finishing up odds and ends from the convention.  HAve a bunch of "thank you's" to write, several piles of magazines and papers to store someplace or dipose of.

 Jeremy, hope your visit to the dentist goes well and you get the tooth fixed!

Catch you all later.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by JeremyB on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 1:09 PM

Thanks ray

im back, I have to have a root canal next week on it.

he says that I won't feel any pain aside from when he injects the freezing. that's the part I hate the most.

have any of you fellas had a root canal before. I could have it pulled but he said the gap would be quite large.

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 2:05 PM

have any of you fellas had a root canal before.

I've had a few of them.  My best advice is to find a female endodontist to do it.  Women have smaller hands and fingers, and it just goes easier.  The worst one I had was done by a large guy with huge hands.  My mouth just doesn't open up wide enough for that.

The rest were done by Dr. Eliza, who had a much more delicate touch.  She looked nicer and smelled better, too.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by angelob6660 on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 2:12 PM

Well my dad is officially retired. He's been talking about moving to Wisconsin to be with his brother and work for him at the funeral home. He also plans on doing some fishing and hunting.

Train News: I just bought the MRI Conrail historical book, and some telephone poles.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by JeremyB on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 2:41 PM

Thanks Mr B

was going to work on the railroad this afternoon but not really in the mood now, probably won't be until this tooth is fixed. I can't really put things out of my mind

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 3:57 PM

Good afternoon.


Jeremy ... A root canal is a minor precedure, and you will do fine. 

Still no word from Ulrich ? .... Getting worried about him. 



What is the ratio of an igloo's circumference to its diameter ? ...

Answer: ... Eskimo Pi 




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