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Elliot's Trackside Diner..MAY 2013!! Locked

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Thursday, May 30, 2013 1:36 PM

Ulrich, my wife will soon be dealing with some issues with her parents.  It's a long-distance thing, too, since they're in Florida and we're in Massachusetts.  Her Dad is 96 and her Mom is 92.  They still live independently in a second-story condo, right on the beach but with no elevator.  Papa is still mobile, but Nana needs a walker to get around the condo and sometimes stays inside for weeks.  She's "moody," but both are still relatively sharp mentally, and they've decided that they are ready for assisted living.  Until now, they wouldn't even look at such facilities, and declared that they would die before they left their place by the ocean.  But, now it's time, and even they realize it.  I think it will be a good change for them.  In the summer, there are times when there is no one else in the whole condo complex, and most of their friends have already passed on, so they'll be able to have a bit more of a social life.

My wife is heading down there in a few weeks, and this time the search for a new place will begin for real.  Then, there will be details of dealing with the condo, whether to rent it out or sell it, how much fix-up to do and so on.  Fortunately, her parents still have financial resources so that won't be a burden.  It won't be easy for anyone, but it will be better for them once they get used to it.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by chochowillie on Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:14 PM

and then stop over to the hearing center to have them reprogram the hearing aids.

Ah yes, the joys of hearing aids. I just got my 3rd set the other day and am finding adjusting to them to be a little tough. Didn't think it would be a problem but these new digital ones with all the bells and whistles are so good at doing what they do that I'm hearing stuff that I haven't heard in years like birdsong and water running in the sink. 

Guess it will just take some time to get used to those "missing sounds" again Wink

I'm sure glad that my aids are paid for by Workers Compensation. The two aid came to just under $8,000.00 . That is one BIG chunk of money Indifferent

Still raining here so I might just as well go work on the RR some.

CU all later


CDN Dennis 

Modeling the HO scale something or other RR in the shadow of the Canadian Rockies Alberta, Canada

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Posted by howmus on Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:44 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a short stack of Blueberry Pancakes and a side order of bacon.  Don't forget the NYS Reasl Maple Syrup and my dark roast coffee in a R&GV RR mug.

Jeffrey.... 23 thousand posts....  WOW!  Some people sure have a lot to say, I guess.Smile, Wink & GrinLaugh  Your posts are always interesting.  Keep 'em coming!

Ulrich, good choice on the family stuff.  You have done well over your share of caring for your parents, and you brother should have some, ah, quality time with your mother at this point in her life....  maybe she can go and live with him? Whistling

82°F outside the door here in the Finger Lakes at the moment with 57% humidity.  I'm enjoying sitting here in the air conditioning, but need to get outside and get some stuff done.  Will be taking it easy and coming in to cool down often.  This afternoon I have to make some deposits at a couple of financial institutions and then stop over to the hearing center to have them reprogram the hearing aids.

Catch up to you later.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Burlington Northern #24 on Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:15 AM

That's not good, I hope that can get resolved quickly and in your favor Pascaff.

Ulrich, that's not fair that your brother does that to you. 16+ a day, do they give you guys breaks?

work on the layout is the good work right? 

got class in a couple, take care everybody.

SP&S modeler, 1960's give or take a decade or two for some equipment. 

Gary DuPrey

N scale model railroader 

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:13 AM

Just dropping by for a coffee break with friends!

I am loaded with w*rk and family issues. Unfortunately, my brother has decided to change his mind and fight against me again. Well, his own choice - I told him I am out of this game and he can do as he pleases with regard to my mother, how and where she will leave once being released from the hospital she now stays in. After many years of not taking care of my parents, he is now playing the good son and has assigned the role of the bad son to me. With that family, you don´t need enemies...

Party w*rk has entered the stage where I urgently need an assistant, but there is no cash for that. 16+ hours a day is getting too much for me, and my health is showing strong signs of wear.

Other than that, I am fine, but miss some time off to start w*rk on my little layout.

Prayers to those in need, blessing to all and congrats to Jeff on the occasion of post # 23.000 - I´ll never make that figure!

Out again!

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Posted by pascaff* on Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:51 AM

Morning All,

    Currently it is 47 with an expected high of 79 under modtly sunny skies.

   Yesterday moved some track on the layout that looked straight when I installed it, but may have moved or my eyes were playing tricks on me.

  Worked on one gun for a customer, friend of my son, so did not charge him full price.

  Sister-in-law and husband came for a visit and took me out for a late lunch, so I did not cook the spaghetti sauce, will do that Saturday.

  Got served papers from a credit card company that wants to sue me for non-payment in the amount of $4982.57 When my wife passed away i told all the creditors I could not make regular payments as my income was cut drastically. I offered to make arrangements but all, except one, wanted too much money, which I do not have. Now I have to find a lawyer and check out my options. I have 20 days to respond.

   Opening shift today, so I should be home in time to Skype with my son tonight.

    Jeff  - Congrats on 23,000 plus posts. And may I add, that almost everyone I have read are either informative or entertaining.

    Prayers to all in need.


Living in Fernley Nevada, about 30 miles east of Reno, also lived in Oregon and California, but born In Brooklyn NY and raised on Long Island NY

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Posted by Burlington Northern #24 on Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:15 AM

they didn't ship #750 til today .... Sad

SP&S modeler, 1960's give or take a decade or two for some equipment. 

Gary DuPrey

N scale model railroader 

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:04 AM

Jeff:   23,000 + posts!! Yay!!!!!Big Smile

Good Morning

Going to be sticky and hot here...84F feeling like 100+ by the time the day is out...not so yay...

Have appointments with oncologist and others todayBang Head...sheeeshGrumpy...mumble grumble gruffle snort....Grumpy

Have a good day!!

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Lehigh Valley 2089 on Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:57 AM

Jeff, congrats on the 23 kiloposts! YesBeerCake

Good morning. 

Nothing for today really. Look to get more done on the Mustang today, but not a whole lot more than that. 

The Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Route of the Black Diamond Express, John Wilkes and Maple Leaf.

-Jake, modeling the Barclay, Towanda & Susquehanna.

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Posted by TMarsh on Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:39 AM

  Congrats Jeffrey on the big 23!Cake


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by TMarsh on Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:35 AM

Had to fill the PiP with the gunk they pump out of the ground after I got back from the museum today.  Didn't do as well as last tank.  Only got 69.26 mpg this tank.  Too many long trips out to the Museum I guess.

OH Surprise..... well Ray, I'd take the dad blamed thing back if I were you!!! Only 69 mpg..Grumpy.....gas hog.


Good Morning!!!

Coffee and a piece of rhubarb pie please, thanks.

Showers and thunderstorms likely, mainly after 1pm. Partly sunny, with a high near 83.

Well, yesterday went, pretty much as expected. Dealt with the grocery truck a day late due to the holiday, went to town, ate, found some paint for the restaurant, got a dishwasher, got Missy some Oinkies (she was out and hooboy THAT just can’t happen), came home, removed old dishwasher, installed new one and now am waiting on me getting BACK to town to get an elbow fitting for the water inlet that I naturally don’t have and can’t be removed from the old one without destroying the threads, NOT allowing me enough time to get out and dig berries before we had to leave to go to the wine and sandwich tasting. So another trip to town to complete a project is required…. as per tradition.

Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:35 AM

Just hit 23,000 posts! First five pages at the new place are on me.


Good morning. It's 74° with 95% humidity. The high will be 85°.

No plans for today though I'm certain something will come up. It almost always does. Checked the tracking info on my Varney F3B. Best I can determine it's somewhere between Forest Park, Illinois and Shreveport, Louisiana, probably in a mail truck that has a flat tire and no jack. Should be here June 1st. Got a bunch of movies that need watching so I can delete them from the DVR. Better get to it.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by wetidlerjr on Thursday, May 30, 2013 6:49 AM

"Good Morning!" from Tipton IN






Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Thursday, May 30, 2013 6:43 AM

Good morning to all - bright and sunny in New England after a line of thunderstorms came through last night.  But, now we're in for 4 days of brutal heat.  I hope all the ACs are still working.

The one on my bedroom (my wife snores) is falling apart and I plan to replace it.  Unfortunately, it's a through-the-wall model in a non-standard size, and it's firmly stuck in there.  I'll need to hire some help to enlarge the opening, as carpentry isn't my thing.  If this old one will get me through the weekend, I'll be happy.  The weather gets more seasonable after that.

Yesterday afternoon I opened up my Empire Leather Tanning Company kit.  It's 4 complete buildings, plus a water tower.  It should keep me busy for a while.  Walthers put this together with small modular sections, so I will be able to move around the doors, windows and blank walls.  It will take some more planning, as I now have the freedom to put the loading docks anywhere and I can optimize the building locations and track plan a bit better.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:56 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, just a decaf to help me rest a bit.

The Picnic and Meeting well very well this evening and it looks like everything has been sorted out for our 50th. class reunion this summer.  Now we just have to get to w*rk and get it done.

Dennis, yes that would be mud I moved this afternoon....  Hope it dries out a bit as I want to get the first raised bed completed by tomorrow evening. 

I did find out tonight that one of my hearing aids needs to be reset to the proper parameters.  Went to change it to directional sound, and my right ear came on full blast in the wrong mode.  I'll give them a call tomorrow morning.  Hopefully they will get me right in.  i have to go over to the same building anyway for my allergy shot tomorrow.

Had to fill the PiP with the gunk they pump out of the ground after I got back from the museum today.  Didn't do as well as last tank.  Only got 69.26 mpg this tank.  Too many long trips out to the Museum I guess.

Time to turn in for the night I guess... Prayers for all in need!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by kbkchooch on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:52 PM

Flo, BeerBeerBeer please,,,,and I'll chase that with a Beer

Went for a bike ride, SWMBO not happy,,,her bike is was stuck in 5th gear,,,now her legs are sore.Whistling

So , dummy me fixed the shifter ,Hmm,,,now we gotta ride tomorrow!Crying

Since I was now all greasy and hot, I replaced the bearings in the landing gear of the mower that goes behind the big Deere. Then steak and salad for dinner, then finally I got down the basement! Just in time for bed!

Oh well. Cya all tomorrow!Sigh 


NCE über alles! Thumbs Up

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Posted by Lehigh Valley 2089 on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:17 PM

As I said, I did get a start on the Mustang. It's only the seat, but it's a start. 

Well, night everyone!

The Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Route of the Black Diamond Express, John Wilkes and Maple Leaf.

-Jake, modeling the Barclay, Towanda & Susquehanna.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 8:39 PM

Did a whole bunch of nothing today. Well that's that's not quite true. I went down and put my fathers boat back in the boathouse. Not a big thing. It's just a little sixteen foot V-bottom Trimcraft. My nieces husband had pulled it out so he could put his boat in there temporally. There's room for both but he didn't my fathers old boat bumping against his clean shiny boat. He pulled his out today. You'd think he could have put the other one back in. Nope. I finally got tired of hearing my father bellyache about it so I went down and it off the concrete lake wall and used the mooring rope to pull in into the boathouse then tied it up. This evening my father and I went to his lady friends place and cooked dinner then the three of us had a very good meal. At one point I picked up her walking stick and was inspecting it very closely. It has a rose pedal pattern on it. She asked me what I was looking for and with a very straight face I said 'The volume control'. That landed both her and my father. She went and got her other cane. It has a butterfly print pattern on it and is even louder.

Other than that much of what I did today was watch movies. 'Operation Pacific', 'Air Force', 'Run Silent, Run Deep', 'Up Periscope (1959-James Garner)', 'Dive Bomber'.

Well that's pretty much it. Time to call it a day. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Lehigh Valley 2089 on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 7:28 PM

Good evening. 

Well, the P-38J is completely finished now. Will be starting the P-51D Mustang here shortly. 

The Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Route of the Black Diamond Express, John Wilkes and Maple Leaf.

-Jake, modeling the Barclay, Towanda & Susquehanna.

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Posted by cudaken on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 7:08 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, Beer Pleases.

 Work Front My Feet Hurt, My Hip Huts and by Butt Hurts. Not sure why the butt hurts right now, I was on my feet all most all day? For a Wednesday we where slammed from 10:00 AM when I got there till 5:00 PM when I was to leave. I hung around to 6:00 PM so Dillon would not be over ran.

 See you all later.


I hate Rust

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Posted by chochowillie on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 4:38 PM

Guess I should find my way outside and get some topsoil moved while I can...

That would probably be "Topmud Soil I would think Ray Smile, Wink & Grin


CDN Dennis 

Modeling the HO scale something or other RR in the shadow of the Canadian Rockies Alberta, Canada

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Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 4:34 PM

well erm

to say the least, I AM ANGRY {you can insert an expletive if you like} at a certain MAJOR SHIPPER {who shall remain namely here in this bash}!

TWICE the package got "redirected" clear halfway across the country!

NOW on the THIRD time on it's "lost" go around , they can no longer tell me where the package is!

I have called several times and even gave a "address correction" 6 day s ago IN CASE the label was misprinted, damaged, scraped or what have you.

I WAS to get a "call back WITHIN the hour"..that was an hour and a half ago!


NOW they tell the order house I ordered from {again nameless in this bash} {{and I called them to tell them the foul up and the package's round and round}} that even on GOOGLE earth my address does NOT show up...that is {EXPLETIVE}. I just did it and it DOES come up to the middle of the road..not the specific trailer,  but the road,,,and my LOT # is plain as day in BIG NUMBERS on the front fo the Trailer! UPS keeps sending it back to sender!!!

It has been 9 days and the package still is not "on the correct truck"!!!


They {the shipper at fault} say they "will try again".


It BUGS me that THEY HAVE MY PHONE NUMBER ON THE LABEL>>>USE It!!! I will tell you where I am!!!


The package COULD have been here on the 24TH!

The order company is half at fault, again for sending it out now 3 times to UPS,,,shouldn't that tell the company that there is something WRONG????

The ADDRESS thay have IS CORRECT!!!!


Bang Head

OVER SoapBox





-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by kbkchooch on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 4:28 PM

Hiya gang!

Iced tea Flo,,and lots of it please! Feels like Alabama out there,,85 and HOOOOMID! Surprise Gonna be 90 by the weekend. 

I want to hide in the basement, SWMBO wants us to ride bikes after dinner for "exercise". Hmm

Smile, Wink & Grin Boy, the stuff I do for that woman,Surprise,,,being 4th banana around here!Sigh See its like this, SWMBO, Tinkerbell, Midnight then me! Laugh

Maybe I can get some modeling done later, if the bike ride doesn't put me in the hospital!!Dead


NCE über alles! Thumbs Up

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Posted by howmus on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 12:35 PM

Afternoon folks!

Chloe, a nice tall glass of lemonade would hit the spot right now.  Thanks!

Got up early this morning so I could drive out to the museum and open  the exhibits for a nursery school group tour this morning.  Little 3 and 4 year olds with teachers and mommies...  I just had signed in when the pre run for the track cars arrived...  We made sure all was set and they headed back up to midway to meet the trolley.  b y the time they came back with the first groups of kids, I had everything up and ready for them.  Perfect timing I think.

Twas wet, cloudy and dribbling raiondrops when i left here this morning.  Got about .75" of the stuff in the last 24 hours.  By the time i arrived at the museum, the sun was out...  Now tha I am home and had lunch it is cloudy and we are looking to have some major thunderboomers here ihn about an hour.  Guess I should find my way outside and get some topsoil moved while I can...

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by chochowillie on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 12:26 PM

Just checking in folks for a quick cuppa coffee. Thanks Flo, keep the change. Sounds like lots of aches and pains round the Dinner these days Sad I'm in the same boat because of the monsoon season around here for the last week and this week up until today yet.... still. Guess it's the price we pay for all the stupid things we did when we were young Confused

Been doing yard work between rain storms of late. Makes for slow going. Got my big water fall running finally. I had a sneaky leak which took forever to find but find it I did. Finally found a float valve so that I can leave the water supply on and it can replace water lost to evaporation & whatnot without me having to check it all the time. 

On the RR front, I've been working on some basic landscaping of late. I'm currently attaching rock castings to the basic land forms  They are about ready for the old airbrush treatment now. I'm going to try a new method this time around that I've used in the past just for the change.

Got one of those Micro Mark steel viaduct kits the other day. That should be all sorts of fun to build and install. Why do I do this. I keep buying stuff cause it looks like such a great product then take forever to "get around to using it" ?

Darn fence isn't painted yet due to the lack of painting weather. The company always seems to be busy working on änother job" when we do get a day or two that isn't wet. I have to say that I'm getting just a little bit tee'd off with them. We booked this job in Feb. so we should be close to the top of the list. 

I've always done all the home reno's construction and everything myself so this waiting around for somebody to get around to a job drives me nuts. Sigh

Nuf rambling on for now. Think I'll count raindrops...

Good thoughts for all


CDN Dennis 

Modeling the HO scale something or other RR in the shadow of the Canadian Rockies Alberta, Canada

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Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 11:44 AM

Well erm

Got to the grocery store,

Got some scripts, they STILL don;t have my Main Pain med..I am about to be at tears without it..the Injection Dr. wants me to wait to 3 months-end of June- before I get another injection series...UGH!

Went and got the free bread..

went to d o  a few things here, and PAIN! Been a week without it..if they don't fill it today, I will go somewhere where they DO have it.

Time for a lay down..I should be planting the merry golds,,but NO pain med, no planty...


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by pascaff* on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:58 AM

  Morning All,

    Currently 59 with an expected high of 76 under partly sunny, breezy skies.

    No w**k  today (well  paying that is) I have a load of laundry going, and need to do one more, then mow the green stuff in the front, clean the bathrooms, and make sauce for a macaronni dinner tonight, as my sister-in-law and husband will be coming over. I also have two customers who are supposed to come over to have some work done on their rifles. Nothing major, just replace a spring or two.

   I picked up six green led's yesterday to make  six more toggle switch control for the 6 Switch Tender motors I ordered on Monday. I had the red ones but ran out of green.

   Prayers to all in need.


edit: Top, so here is my credit card, eat up  folks the bluberry pancakes seem to be a big hit.

Living in Fernley Nevada, about 30 miles east of Reno, also lived in Oregon and California, but born In Brooklyn NY and raised on Long Island NY

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 7:40 AM

Good morning. It's 70° with 98% humidity. High of 88°. Chance of thunderstorms this afternoon.

Too much work in the heat yesterday. It caught up to me last night. I felt somewhat better around 10:30. I'm still quite sore. Don't have the monster headache now. Muscle aches are still making themselves felt. I'm sure others have things for me to do today. Think I'll crawl back into bed and those that don't like it can stop at the complaint department and take a number.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by TMarsh on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 7:14 AM

Good Morning!!!

Coffee and ya know, what Ray had yesterday sounds good, a short stack of blueberry pancakes and bacon. But I would like blueberry syrup and could I get a couple scrambled eggs too please? Thanks.

A 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly sunny, with a high near 85.

Jeffery- Hope you're feeling better today. You're last post was concerning. A little odd for you.

Hey Aussie Jim! Welcome back home and glad you had a great time.

IndifferentMy how time flies! Doesn’t seem like Jim has had enough time to be back from Thailand since he was talking about going, let alone be back 9 days ago!!

Well today I should take advantage of the one dry day we’ll have this week. Wasn’t rainy yesterday though, but they kept calling for it.

Brenda claims something’s wrong with the dishwasherConfused. Only appliance in the house not new. I was gonna get one a little while ago, month maybe, but she kinda said nothing’s wrong with the old one and we pretty much talked each other out of it there in the store. I guess she has changed her mind. Funny….it was working fine when I came home after w**k.  I said seems fine to me. She said it made a humming noise when she turned it on and she had to turn it on and off a few times to get it to start pumping water. Now, it does that normally and has for what better than 16 years. (Except for the turning on and off part but hey, if you wanna burn something up....just keep turning it on and off Yes) I guess she just now noticed it, or is using it as an excuse. (the latter if you ask meWhistling)  She is afraid it will leak all over the floor if it doesn’t pump the water right and wants me to look at itSigh. So I heard her get up this morning and I rushed to the kitchen and when she came in I was just standing there in the middle of the room staring at the dishwasherMischief.  She said “what’s wrong?” I said, “Nothing. Just doing what you asked me to do….look at the dishwasher. How long do you want me to do this?” Then my wife who does not have much of a sense of humor at all and is getting less as she gets older, scowled and told me that’s not what she meant and I knew it. Then she proceeded to relay her concerns all over again and she doesn’t know what’s wrong with it and it's almost a matter of life and death it's that urgent this appliance gets repaired before it causes the end of life as we know it. She’s "just worried".  I said “Oh well, it is a 1994 or 5 model and served us well. I will get another today I suppose since I’m off and don’t w**k tonight.” Grumpy(she knows today I was saying I’m gonna dig the berry plants up for my friend…who happens to be a girl.Surprise )

She said “I suppose this will be around noon so you can go to the Chinese buffet to see your little buddies?” I said chin in hand  “hmm…Hmm.not a bad idea. With any luck, yes.”  

Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

  • Member since
    July 2006
  • From: upstate NY
  • 9,236 posts
Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 7:00 AM

well, erm

Highs: 55 F yesterday, 81F today? what's up with that?

Things and stuff and stuff and things to do today.

MUst plant merry golds, for instance......

Best get started...



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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