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Elliott's Trackside Diner - April 2012 Locked

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Posted by GMTRacing on Friday, April 6, 2012 7:13 AM

Good Morning All,

    33F and sunny in the neighbourhood this morning. Haven't been in much and I'm way behind on posts but the shop is incredibly busy just now and time has been at a premium. Had an interesting few weeks anyway what with being burgled a week ago at home and hosting the VSCCA tech meeting last Saturday plus the jobs.

   MRSA is nasty stuff Barry. Hope your frend pulls through it ok. It claimed my friends son at 15 and a couple of others I knew so hopefully with him already being in hospital they got after it in time. Our prayers are still with your friend.

   Gotta run - much to do and little time to do it.  Catch y'all later when I hope to have time to catch up posts.   J.R.

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Posted by james saunders on Friday, April 6, 2012 7:15 AM

As promised here is the updated photo of the module.



Few tree's planted, fascia installed. doing a bit of work in the yard to make smooth transitions to the (slightly) lower yard tracks, to make a gentle hump so freight cars don't roll over the bridge.


Time for bed,

Night all.


James, Brisbane Australia

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, April 6, 2012 7:19 AM

Jim: The module is looking good.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Curt Webb on Friday, April 6, 2012 8:08 AM

Morning All,

Wow... last night was really quiet here in the Diner.

Only plans today are grocery shopping and some casting painting. Temp's next week are supposed to drop to the low 80's.

Tested the new printer last night by printing out a PRR color sign I made for "FRANK COALING FACILITY". It turned out well so I need to mount it later.

Barry- Last year we had a teenage athlete here die from a MRSA infection. It  is really nasty stuff. I hope your friend beats it.

Jeff- I hope your Mom continues to improve. 

Oz Jim- I think you asked  about scenery being eaten. Our club has this issue from time to time. Ours is caused by mice or rats (in a warehouse complex).

Everyone take care and prayers for those in need.

Curt Webb

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, April 6, 2012 8:22 AM

Curt Webb

Jeff- I hope your Mom continues to improve.

As do I. No new today yet.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Morning coffee at Elliot's 4/6/12
Posted by galaxy on Friday, April 6, 2012 8:32 AM

Have some errands to run. Banking if the bank is open, and go to my father's. Have to pick up a few things alongthe way also.

MOH working a short shift today. But It is hours at least.

Then home to tackle the vaccuum issue with the belt.

Hope JEFFREY and his Mother are doing better today....Angel for them both and anybody else who needs them.

Jeffrey...I hope you condition passes quickly. I can usually figure you out like many can figure my dyslexic typing, but I have to reset my brain for it...not bad, and not good either...hang in there bud!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Stourbridge Lion on Friday, April 6, 2012 9:01 AM

Happy Friday Modelers!

Well, we did get some Rain/ Snow mix the other days that made a huge difference.  Sadly the forecast shows another Hot / Dry stretch coming and about 40% of the state is under "Red Flag" warning coming into the weekend.  Snow pack levels they said today are at a 30yr low statewide.

The past few days we had replacement widows put in the ground floor so hopefully this will give us cooler summers and warm winters by having better windows.  The 50yr old old windows with cheep interior storm windows actually kept out more sound; must have been the wider air pocket dampened the sound better.

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Posted by howmus on Friday, April 6, 2012 9:09 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a short stack of buttermilk pancakes with real maple syrup, a side order of sausages, and a cup (or two) of dark roast coffee in a FGLK mug, please.

I think I'll sit in the front booth and soak up some of the sunshine coming in the windows.  Nice bright sunny day here in the Finger Lakes.  Currently 40°F with a high around 47°F this afternoon.

I hope my barber is open today....  Never thought that today is Good Friday and many places will be closed for the day.  have several other short errands to run as well.  I'm feeling a bit better today, so I guess it was a virus of some kind.  Blood sugar was better this morning but still a bit higher than I like it. 

Barry, your friend will remain in my prayers for his recovery.  MRSA is nasty stuff!

Jeffrey, any news about your mom?  Both of you are in my prayers as well.....

Best get moving as I have lots to do.


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 6, 2012 9:59 AM

Stourbridge Lion

Happy Friday Modelers!

The past few days we had replacement widows put in the ground floor ...


I don´t think they are what I think they are ... Laugh

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Posted by Stourbridge Lion on Friday, April 6, 2012 10:05 AM

LOL!!!!!!!  Dunce

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Posted by Cederstrand on Friday, April 6, 2012 10:48 AM

Extra strong coffee in a BURLINGTON NORTHERN mug, please.

***OzJim, verry nice work!Yes

Rough night of sporadic sleep. I'll blame it on the AlienAlienAlien and not the late coffee I consumed.Hmm

Healing thoughts to those in need.

Have a good day y'all.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, April 6, 2012 12:18 PM

 Hum, guess it is afternoon all ready. So afternoon fellow dinners!

 Flo, Lemonade Please.

 Did not get to sleep till around 3:00 AM and woke up around 10:15 AM. I feel better than you would think but I am glad I am off today.

 Going to get something to eat, will drop by later.



I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, April 6, 2012 12:54 PM

Got the couplers on the U30EM645 changed out. Found a pair of air tanks from a U25B. Going to try them on top of the SD27J and see how they look. If I like them I'll dig around and see if I can find another pair. I'm toying with the wild hare of an idea of making a set of torpedo tube tanks for one of the SDP40F's. I haven't seen anybody do that yet.


Rob: Gotta watch that late night coffee.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, April 6, 2012 4:19 PM

Good Afternoon/Evening

We just got back from the hospital...friend is doing...hooked up to IV for just about everything is MRSA they are dealing with.Black EyeSad...we are basically taking each day as it comes...

I'm going to need a few BeerBeer tonight .....

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by howmus on Friday, April 6, 2012 4:48 PM

Evenin' folks!

Chloe, I'll have spaghetti with Italian sausage,garlic bread, and a trip to the salad bar along with a cup of decaf.

Barry, my ongoing prayers for your your friend and for his family!  You are included as well.....

Got my hair cut today...  Actually I got them all cut!  Good thing I didn't wait as my barber will be taking his once a year weeks vacation to SC next week.  Then went over and got my allergy shot, and then..... went downtown to a new high priced, specialty chocolate shop in Geneva.......  Got 4 little bags of Chocolate to give out to family on Easter...  $43!!  It had better be good.  It's all hand made in the store itself and I have heard some good things about it so I thought i would give it a try.

Have almost finished one turnout and got a good start on another this afternoon as well.  The first one just needs to have the final paint put on the PC ties and be glued to the ties.  Should be installed and w*rking by tomorrow.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Friday, April 6, 2012 5:43 PM

Good (Friday) Afternoon, Zoe - I'll have a RBF and a bowl of chili please. Thank you! (And yes, I'll wash my mug when I'm done...)

Ulrich, good to hear your appeal came out in your favor; now they just need to get off their keisters and send you what you're owed. GrumpyYeah Nice little CN loco there! Thumbs Up If you go with that RR, you can w**k on some mountain scenery for that layout. (cool!)

Ray, yep, you must have a good son, kicking in for your 'ears' (maybe making up for all the noise he made when he was little? Smile, Wink & Grin). About your electric bill on the G5? One word - fan(s)!

Gabe, sorry I missed your birthday celebration (I think I recall 17...) - and yours too, Dennis (V8Vega)(Hope to get there in a handful of years). Hope you both had a good birthday! Cake Smile As for spicy sandwiches, I think Jeff's the king of those - just ask him about that HOT sauce he likes to put on his at home...WhistlingDevil

Gabe, is that RR street house their Company house one (comes individually or as a set of 3)? If so, that one would make a pretty decent general store kinda place.

Jeff - sorry to hear about your having that virus, as well as about your Mom going to the hospital again. If your virus's like the variations of it that have been circulating in my area, people here were in varying degrees of out-of-commission for up to two weeks. But hey, I trust that you are tougher than that ol' virus, and will kick it out the door a bit sooner than them. Yeah Your Mom's stubborn? So, does she get it from you? Whistling Do take care of yourself and eat enough, though, okay? AngelAngel for your Mom, and for your aphasia (that it goes away quickly).

Ken, you do know that Barry does have an appetite on him (one heckuva!), and those Super-Gargantua-sized burgers don't come cheap, right? Smile, Wink & Grin

TSF, having a DCC system that's the same as your other club members will be helpful when (not IF) you have questions. Wink

Galaxy, want to offer my thanks for your prayer candles (and I'm sure I'm not the only one who appreciates you doing them). (See, no longer a 'thank-less' job!)Smile, Wink & Grin (But seriously, thanks!)

Forgot who mentioned their grocery bill (Galaxy?), but I'd agree with that happening (especailly since I've tried eating a bit healthier meals, which seem to cost more than the ordinary junkfood does. Confused

Curt, thanks for posting the photos of your local train station/museum! Thumbs Up Looks to be in pretty nice condition.

Barry, I hope you meant that your friend has the doctors getting the MRSA tamed/beat down. AngelAngel

OzJim, the module looks great, about like another whole module. Bow That is a bit puzzling about the shrinking trees, though. Question

Darren - interesting typo there, yes? LOL Laugh

Must be the day for haircuts - got mine done, too! Also did manage to get together for a (late) breakfast with my buddy Mark (and then took him by to look at a place that a guy from church wanted him to see about fixing, drainage problem on outside of a warehouse building). It's also payday, so got the money order for the car payment and put that in the mail to good ol' GM Financial... few other things to pay yet (forgot to get by the landlord's office, but they know I get it to them once it's payday).

Had a 'slight' problem on the laundry (this last week, due to how the laundry did/didn't do my laundry the week before..). Didn't notice on all of the affected items, but most of the shirts wound up with small black spots on the (like ink spots/drops), as well as some of the tan socks (might have on the blue and grey socks too, but didn't show up on those). Because some of the spots weren't very big, I didn't notice them, but then it cooled off the latter part of the week, and when I went to pull a long-sleeved shirt out that they had washed/dried, there next to the front button strip is this rather obvious set of small spots. After talking with the worker and the owner, they kept almost all the short sleeve shirts to try to get the stains out (said the workers are supposed to check pockets for anything before putting into the wash). Getting the stains out turned out to take from Friday until about Tuesday after I got off w**k...Bang Head I was not happy. When I came by to pick up the shirts, I talked with the owner (who had offered me as compensation 'free laundry time' (to do the laundry myself, I guess), which wasn't quite that appealing to me, for some reason. I said I'd just take my shirts and be done with it (but never take laundry there again to be done). Owner had the worker give me some cash (which almost covered the two shirts and pair of pants that I had to buy to have clothes for the rest of this week). Ah well... needed some more short-sleeved shirts anyway.

Tomorrow I need to get laundry done, and also to pick up groceries (pretty low on food in the fridge/cupboard). Glad it's payday.

AngelAngel for comfort and for healing, and for good night's sleep for all those in need of it lately (which is a lot, it seems).


Blessings and prayers,

Jim in Cape G.

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, April 6, 2012 6:19 PM

  Evening Dinner?

  Wake up Flo, I would like a Beer please.

  Hum, wheres Todd? Guess old Brenda has taken away is computer and making him work, or he ran off with Ziva? Whistling

  Work Front Well the good news is I am off for 3 days! And I am not sick! Yes Cannot believe how burned out I am after only 24 weeks of working there! Sigh

  I cannot believe this happened last night at work! Last night around 8:15 I was cashing out a customer. (Dave had left around 6:45) Installer forgot to get the DOT numbers off the tires. Bryan went out to get the numbers and was having a hard time finding them so I went out to help. While I was out there I noticed the tires had a lot of the white stuff on them. Went back in and grabbed a spray bottle and some rags and went out and cleaned the tires for the customers.

 Came back in and the phone rings. Its Dave and he asked "Whats wrong with the tires"? The Caboose was sitting in the mall parking lot watching me! I was lost for words for a second, then I explained what I was doing. Next question "did the customers complain"? Well, no Dave, I saw it and took care of it.

 Just because I am paranoid does not mean they are not out to get me! If it is to the point he is sitting in the mall parking lot trying to catch me doing something wrong it is time to ask for a transfer to another store! Bang Head I cannot remember dreading going to work anywhere before like I do now. It such a shame, I had such high hopes for this company.

 Well, I did buy another Power Ball Ticket, wish me luck!



I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, April 6, 2012 6:24 PM

Got news on my mothers condition. No improvement. Not what I wanted to hear.

Well, this is the progress made on the SD27J today. All the air tanks up top have been replaced and moved around a bit just so it's a bit different from anything else out there. Yes, I know the cab is sitting a little high. It won't go down any farther. The loco was badly damaged in a fall last year when the display rack broke and fell off the wall. The frame is slightly warped but it runs OK.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Curt Webb on Friday, April 6, 2012 7:32 PM

Evening All,

My next 1 1/2 weeks are going to be busy. I w**k Sun, Mon, Tue, off Wed and Thur, then w**k Fri-Tue. At least it will be a little cooler.

Tomorrow I will probably go to the club for a couple of hours.

Just got done updating my Train spreadsheet. I have been having issues with it but after MOH looked at it she said it was operator errorWhistling.

Today I got all the loads painted and installed with the exception of 1 junk load that needs a 40 ft gondola. I realized that out of all the rolling stock I have, I only have 5 gondolas (2 of those on order). I put 1 load into a gondola my Dad has. I also attached the Frank coal sign.

Yesterday I hand mixed a batch of Red roof (locomotive) paint for the Bachmann 2-6-0 I have and re-painted the roof and the deck of the tender. I had  previously painted it gray but was not happy with it.

Jeff- That is not good news about your Mother. I am very sorry and will continue to say prayers for her.

Barry- I am also sorry your friend is not improving. I will continue my prayers for him also.

Everyone take care and prayers for those in need. 

Curt Webb

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Friday, April 6, 2012 8:38 PM

It is raining in the land of Dakota North... and we do need the rain. Some thunder showers as well.

It is windy, I did not walk out to Highway 8 but cut my afternoon walk short at the edge of the shelter belt.



The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

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Evening drinks at Elliot's 4/6/12
Posted by teen steam fan on Friday, April 6, 2012 9:41 PM


Can I bother one of you girls for a green river float? Thanks. 

DCC system- I know all to well that I WILL have questions. Matter of fact, one of the guys at the club just looked at a couple of locomotives for me to install DCC in them. So far looks good. I'm going to do a good cleaning and lube along with some other maintenance and changes to get it operational on the club with minimal difficulty (In theory) 

Meant to come in earlier but yesterday was a club work session and I was running a tractor with a cultivator for a guy to help him out. 

Speaking of witch, today was not my day on that thing. Started out with a blown out tire on the cultivator, fine, not bad, an extra half hour mainly because I wanted to make sure that it didn't happen again. Then, of course, with my luck, I blew the hydraulic line that raised/lowered the cultivator in the field. Sure the hose was shot anyway, but still. 

And that is why I like International Harvester. 


If you can read this... thank a teacher. If you are reading this in english... thank a veteran

When in doubt. grab a hammer. 

If it moves and isn't supposed to, get a hammer

If it doesn't move and is supposed to, get a hammer

If it's broken, get a hammer

If it can't be fixed with a hammer... DUCK TAPE!

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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Friday, April 6, 2012 9:53 PM

evenin folks,


Been on call all week at the hospital ( IT support.... 2 days to go), I can tell it is a full moon, all kinds of weird calls. Then tonight I get a call from the movie theatre and the film ( yes they still use film) screwed up and they could not show their 9 pm show. So I get to go deal with that in the morning. Been a weird day. 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, April 6, 2012 10:19 PM

Time to call it a night. Been working on the SD27J most of the day. Replaced the air tanks on it. Moved them around so it's different from any others. Still have to put on air lines. The loco runs extremely well considering it literally has a bent frame. I have it permanently mu'd second in line with a Bachmann GP38-2. Tomorrow I may work on it some more and dust up the long hood some.

See y'all tomorrow. With luck my mind will be all here.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Friday, April 6, 2012 11:57 PM


Hi Gang,

Hi Cloe, I'll just have a couple of oatmeal cookies and a HC to chase. before bedding down.   Thanks.....

Here we have a very chilly, wet, snow flurries kind of evening.  Not pleasant to be out and around. Temp at 0 c.   CN Charlie and Seamonster were enjoying about 16 degrees today, quite a bit nicer than us.

Prayers for all in need, especially Your Mom, Jeff. and your Buddy, Barry.  Hope and pray all goes well.

We usually go out for supper on Friday evenings, but tonight it was so ugly out we stayed home, had a great supper here and watched a ol time movie.   Cary Grant & Eva Marie Saint in "North by Northwest"

Don't think I have watched it since I was about 18.  That Eva Marie was a real fox.   Great Alfred Hitchcock Mystery.  lots of great film of the 20th Century Limited both outside and inside., also inside Grand Central Station as well as copies of Mount Rushmore that were done on the back lot, but very realistic.   A real neat way to spend an evening.

Changed my truck winter tires over to my ten ply summer ones, by the look of it tonight that may have been a little premature.

The window guys didn't come today because of the weather as well.  Will re- book.

So the LM&E didn't turn a wheel today.   Possibly tomorrow, I hope.

Hope you all have a great  and restful sleep, especially Rob, Galaxy, Jeff and all others who have had difficulty lately.     zzz] Zzz Zzz Zzz

Happy Rails Gang.    Will check in tomorrow.

Johnboy ZZZZzzzzland

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Breakfast at the Diner 04/07/2012
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 7, 2012 3:47 AM

Good Morning Gang!

Zoe, hot chocolate to warm me up, please!

Woke up this morning and everything was white. Now, where did that come from? This is the easter weekend, and not Christmas! It´s all gone by now, but temperatures will stay just an inch above freezing.

Not really much planned for the day. My friend will come for a visit (and coffee and a slice of Petra´s Easter cake). we will make plans on how to build that Z scale layout. I guess there will be lots of stuff left for him to build his long wanted layout in a briefcase...

I still cannot do much, as my right arm still hurts when I move it. Even typing is a hassle.

Barry - continuing Angel for your friend. Doesn´t sound to good.

Ken - I have been following your comments on your work front. What kind of an odd shop is this? I think you need to settle that issue pretty soon, before you turn ill - even if it means looking for a new job.

Job front - no news on this end. Money front - no payment received... Things are getting pretty tight now.

Have a good one!


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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, April 7, 2012 4:24 AM


Today is Saturday, April 7th, 2012!!!

Enjoy your Easter Weekend!!!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, April 7, 2012 4:32 AM


   Work Front Well the good news is I am off for 3 days! And I am not sick! Yes Cannot believe how burned out I am after only 24 weeks of working there! Sigh

  I cannot believe this happened last night at work! Last night around 8:15 I was cashing out a customer. (Dave had left around 6:45) Installer forgot to get the DOT numbers off the tires. Bryan went out to get the numbers and was having a hard time finding them so I went out to help. While I was out there I noticed the tires had a lot of the white stuff on them. Went back in and grabbed a spray bottle and some rags and went out and cleaned the tires for the customers.

 Came back in and the phone rings. Its Dave and he asked "Whats wrong with the tires"? The Caboose was sitting in the mall parking lot watching me! I was lost for words for a second, then I explained what I was doing. Next question "did the customers complain"? Well, no Dave, I saw it and took care of it.

 Just because I am paranoid does not mean they are not out to get me! If it is to the point he is sitting in the mall parking lot trying to catch me doing something wrong it is time to ask for a transfer to another store! Bang Head I cannot remember dreading going to work anywhere before like I do now. It such a shame, I had such high hopes for this company.


KEN- Read this VERY carefully, then read it again, and save it in your favorite spots on the computer:

He is Creating a HOSTILE, OPPRESIVE  and INTIMIDATING working environment for you!!! THAT is HARASSMENT!!!

CHECK at work for the place where they post the phone number of person to contact to report HARASSMENT!!!

Check your employee HANDBOOK for that information and the proceedure to follow to report HARASSMENT.

If NOT, Report it to the HIgher up the chain Manager you can go that you know of.

KEEP A JOURNAL OF ALL SUCH ACTIONS!!! DATE it, then report what happened!!!

If you can't find it in the company, Look in your phone book and contact the labor board about it, they can direct you on who to call to report HARASSMENT!!!


DO SO NOW before it gets worse!!!



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, April 7, 2012 4:47 AM

Ken - I can only second what galaxy has stated!

With nothing better to do, I started on the wiring diagram for that Z layout:

Needed to change the track plan, as I am short of two left turnouts - don´t want to spend $ 100 for two turnouts!

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Good Morning...
Posted by wetidlerjr on Saturday, April 7, 2012 5:50 AM


Good Morning! from Tipton IN.








Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, April 7, 2012 6:35 AM

Ken: Do as Galaxy suggested and report the SOB for harassment. It's frowned on by employers and it's illegal. The guy is creating a hostile environment to force you into leaving or doing something stupid. He either considers you inept (seriously doubtful) or he considers you a threat to him (very possible). You can bet that if you hadn't cleaned those tires he would report that you let the costumer leave with dirty tires. The guy is a snake and needs to be treated like one! Identified, destroyed and disposed of. Failing that find a job elsewhere and get out of that squirrel cage!

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
Space Mouse for president!
15 year veteran fire fighter
Collector of Apple //e's
Running Bear Enterprises
History Channel Club life member.
beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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