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Elliott's Trackside Diner - April 2012 Locked

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Posted by howmus on Monday, April 2, 2012 9:10 PM

Evenin' Folks!

Janie, I could sure use a hot cup of decaf....

Well!  Today I did something I have never ever done before in my 65 years.  Never would have ever thought I would do such a thing either!  Huh?  Yep, mowed the lawn on the 2nd. of April!!!  It should have been mowed last week, but I made a solemn promise to myself THAT I was not going to mow it before the 1st. of April....  And I didn't!  Actually have about 2/3rds done and will get the rest done  with a freshly charged battery tomorrow.  High, thick, and wet so the mower had to earn its keep to get THAT much done.

Talked to my son early tonight (the kid in Chicago).  I had sent him an email saying I would be getting new hearing aids soon.  He wanted to know how I was fit for cash to buy them.  I told him I could actually come up with all but $500 of it with cash on hand.  Total price is $5625 so I am not in bad shape and could just put the rest on the house revolving credit.  He is sending me a check for the $500 as a present to his dear old Dad!  He is a good kid!  He was in Washington, DC as part of his job at Argonne National Labs last week.  A friend of his at the lab arranged a private tour of the West Wing of the White house for him (his friend has connections in high places).  He said it was fascinating!

Got a bit more done down on the layout, but not nearly as much as I had hoped to.  Had way too many other interruptions today (like mowing the &@%$ lawn).

Hope you all have a good night!  Prayers for in need (including you Jeffrey!).


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by Cederstrand on Monday, April 2, 2012 10:24 PM

Chamomile tea, please.

***Ken, please do not break that "starter", you only have one spare and that one usually does not work as well.Hmm

All this talk of mowing, already need to get back out there and do the orchard and front yard again, this timing also adding the pony pasture. Yikes, that's a back beating on a Cub Cadet.

For the big pastures, ordered a larger rotary cutter today for the Beast. It was either that or dump the same amount into the old J.D. with it's tiny Squeeler Bushhog which takes forever to go over the farm with. Makes little sense not to make full use of the larger tractor.

Can't play in the train room at night, because there is a little bird nesting in the light fixture right outside the door and I haven't the heart to disturb it.

Cowboy Rob

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Morning of April 3rd, 2012
Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 4:51 AM


Today is Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012!!!

Make it a GREAT day!!!

Smile at eveyone you see, will make them think you are up to something!!!


-G .

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Good Morning...
Posted by wetidlerjr on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 5:45 AM


Good Morning! from Tipton IN.








Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 6:01 AM

Good morning. It's 66° and cloudy, 20% rain chance for morning, 30% afternoon. High 82° mostly cloudy.

Doctor appointment 9 am. Nothing else going on.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 6:14 AM

Good Morning

Partly sunny today with a 40% chance of showers and those ol' t'underin'boomers this afternoon/evening...

Got some of the yardwork done yesterday, hopefully will finish it off today....

Friend is home from hospital yesterday. We had a wonderful evening at his place ....

Have a good day people!!

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morning of April 3rd, 2012
Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 7:24 AM

Good Am Greetings to you

Had a migraine over the weekend so didn't post much, Spent most of yesterday sleeping off the migraine meds.

LAundry day. Dishes already done.

Still thinking on dinner.

Have to take pants to be hemed from 29 inseam to 28,maybe even 27, without cuff..I HATE cuffs! {Yes I am short...} Bought a new jacket to go with the pants. We ahve a wedding to go to and the last time i wore a suit  Blazer I was several time smaller in the waste department and it was 7 years ago.. we went to Men's Warehouse and they had a suit, with new shirt woulda cost me $600 on credit {and they would have to order my pants}, but I got the new jacket and pants and a shirt in my sizes for less than $200 on credit at the Big and tall store. It also hangs better on me I think than the more expensive one. It is also a classic look new jacket, so it's style may last. Even MOH was impressed and MOH is my "clothes critic". Hmmph.

Well, I will check in on y'all later and see if you are behaving yourselves here in the diner.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

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Posted by gear-jammer on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 7:41 AM

Good morning, Diners.   I got some sun yesterday, and climbed in an area that was new to me. Today I can be lazy. Chloe, I will have a large black coffee and sit in this back booth, please.


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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 7:58 AM


Good Afternoon Folks!

Right in time for the Easter season, our weather has turned into what it is normally at this time of the year, windy, gray and wet. Temperatures do not go much above 4°C, and it is not really inviting to go outside. Our gas prices have reached an all time high, and they are expected to go up even more. For us, this means we will have to stay put over Easter, no family visits Sigh

On the better side, I can now move around a little more freely without being hampered by any pain - only my right arm still hurts. Still no MRRing or any other hobby activity possible.

Did I tell you that I won the case against our labor administration? Well, I did, but that does not necessarily mean I will get the money they now owe me in short order. It´ll probably take another couple of weeks. I am just glad that friends of ours stepped in, so I could transfer last month´s rent. Having an eviction looming over one´s head sure is no fun.

No news from the job front, other than I have received a couple of those "thank you for applying, but..." emails. Can´t say that I am pleased about this. Each application I send out is accompanied with a lot of hopes and wishes ... SighSigh

Did some minor tweaking with that plan, just to improve the radius of one curve, which was below the 200 mm mark, which is too tight. Now the overall minimum is 250 mm, the average is 275 mm, which equates into 24" in HO scale. I am also thinking of moving the location of the layout up north to an NOB location, as UP rolling stock and locos are a rare bird to get here in Germany. I have to admit that I also fell in love with the looks of this beauty:

The picture shows just about the size of the loco.

Well, dreams, just dreams!

Have a good one!

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Posted by TMarsh on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 8:56 AM

Good Morning!! Coffee and a breakfast pile please. Thanks.

A 40 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms after 1pm. Mostly sunny, with a high near 83.

Grass is done!!!! Well for now anyway. Finished the area around the berry bushes yesterday and then went back and remowed the whole yard front and back. Well except for the part I just finished. Used far less bags this time around. I took yesterdays haul to the compost pile myself. I didn’t want the Village kids to go on strike saying that it’s just ridiculous, they’ve already made three hauls out of my yard as it is.

Jeff- Hope you’re feeling better today and got some rest.

Welp, as I suspected I think I learned the wrong LanguageSigh. After talking to a friend last night, he said some things that contradicted what I was told by Uncle Sam’s representatives. He knew some Chinese acquaintences when he was in San Diego a few years ago working, (computer program guy)  so I figured he may have some sort of real knowledge. I did some quick research this morning after remembering some bad info from the linguists while in the Ukraine a while backConfused, and it turns out true, Mandarin is the “official language” of China and is the most widely spoken. That is in China. However Cantonese is the most spoken world wide and the most likely one we would run into in the US or elsewhere. HmmOdd. Anyway, turns out Goodbye in Cantonese is bye bye so Ima thinking it may be the one. Problem is Nancy/Susan doesn’t say bye bye much. She usually just says “tank you vey much” and waves. And come to think of it, I don’t recall the waitresses really talking much to each other alot so they may speak differnt versions cause who knows where they came from. Course they are usually busy. The old if you have time to lean you have time o clean thing I guess. Upside is it should be easier to learn as it turns out, I’ve apparently been speaking Cantonese most my life. Downside is, them saying bye bye is not as funny as it was. “Thank you bye bye” in a Chinese restaurant is akin to “Thank you adios” in a Mexican restaurant. In my free time today I’ll pick up a few words in Cantonese and if I get in there tomorrow I’ll throw a few words at em and see which ones they respond too and hope they don‘t shove an egg roll up my nose. Who knows they may not be from China at all. Born and raised right here and can't speak a lick of anything but English. They do a good job on the accent. 

Ya’ll have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

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Posted by Cederstrand on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:05 AM

Italian roast coffee in a UNION PACIFIC mug, please.

***Todd, too bad my brother doesn't live closer (lives in Hong Kong), because he speaks both mandarin and cantonese fluently, among other languages. Teaches private students over there how to speak english.

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:07 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a couple poached eggs on a slice of whole wheat toast and a side order of bacon.  Don't forget the dark roast coffee in my R&GV RR mug.  Please and Thank You Ma'am!

A bright sunny 46°F outside at the moment.  Going up to about 55°F later this afternoon.  I still have about 1/3rd. of the lawn to mow today, so I will be out getting some sunshine for a while.  Should also keep weeding the herb garden before it gets ahead of me....  Then I have to do some grocery shopping, run the vacuum, and several other items, none of which involves any time in the train room.......Sigh  I do have to get a start on my clinic I will be presenting on the 14th. at the division meet.

Ulrich, congrats on winning the appeal.  I knew it would come out in your favor, but sorry it will take so long to get repayment.  I keep you in my prayers for better times ahead!

Todd, your story reminds me of my mother who's GP doctor was named Dr. Goh.  After my dad passed away I used to have to take her to her appointments with her "Chinese Doctor" (her words).  At one appointment she asked him, "Now where exactly are you from?"  He didn't bat an eyelash and said, Philadelphia.....  On the way home Mom said, "I didn't know there was a Philadelphia in China!"  Once he mentioned his family has been American Citizens for 5 generations.....  But if he looked anything other than English, they must be foreign!  BTW, Dr. Goh was wonderful to my Father when he was dieing of heart failure...  He considered him more a friend than a patient.

Hope all of you have a good day!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by gabeusmc on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:13 AM

Hello laura... I'll take the Happy B-Day special

Yup, I turned 17 today. the nice thing about having my birthday on April third is that it always corresponds withmy spring break, which gives me time to work on all of the model railroading stuff I get. I'll tell Ya later what I got.

Edit: I just remembered! Today's the 1st birthday of my MInrail layout. Last year I got a bunch of track for my birthday to get it started.

"Mess with the best, die like the rest" -U.S. Marine Corp

MINRail (Minessota Rail Transportaion Corp.) - "If they got rid of the weeds what would hold the rails down?"

And yes I am 17.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:34 AM

MusicMusicHappy B-Day 2U, Happy B-Day dear gabeusmc, Happy B-Day 2U MusicMusic

All the best wishes from this side of the Big Pond!

17? Boy, that´s young - I remember celebrating that date on Bainbridge Island, WA. I just had arrived from Germany a couple of days before, so my English was not at all present in those days.

Have a big slice of this Cake - if you were here, I´d buy you a Beer (hey, that even rhymes!)

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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:54 AM

 Morning Fellow Dinners

 Flo, Diet Dew Please.

 Well Happy B-Day Gabeusmc! I think I was 17 once? Whistling Yea, I had to be, I think.

 Well it is going to rain Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. So I guess I will be cutting the grass again Friday. Sigh

 Getting ready to break out the passenger train and take her around the track.

 See you all later.



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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:56 AM

 Looks like I a buying.


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Good afternoon...
Posted by wetidlerjr on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:15 AM

Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 11:53 AM



Jeff- Hope you’re feeling better today and got some rest.

Feeling better. Virus has gone I think. If I could get rid of aphasia that easy would love it. However stuck with it just hope it settles back down soon. Already deleted five nonsense words from this post and keeping spell check busy.

Sue: Glad you had fun with climb. Haven't done much since 80's. Now can't do any. Climbing front steps hard enough for me now.

Ken: Careful with mower starter. You came only with two original equipment.

Gabeusmc: Happy birthday. My 17th was at Ludwigsburg Germany. Boy, had trouble spelling that correct.



Got doc appointment behind me. General checkup/blood test/urine test. Did grocery shopping after. Got new alternator belt autozone and dropped DVD Final Countdown at library.

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Afternoon of April 3rd, 2012
Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 1:32 PM

Happy B-Day to the Happy B-Day Boys!!!

Sneezed myself into a pulled muscle/headache of epic proportions.

Well, my show is on...

See ya later.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 1:33 PM

Good Afternoon

Got finished with the backyard stuff and started to get some of the yard prepped...of course having to do this with all the daffodils and such peppering the back lawn here...

I'm going to run some trains later on tonight..once I finish the prepping thing here....


Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 1:34 PM

Gabe:  I was in a rock band when I was 17.... we were a weird bunch....Whistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 3:55 PM

Went to Subway for lunch with parents. They were buying. Had flatbread, roast beef, pepperoni, pepperjack cheese, hot mustard, jalapeno pepper, all type vegetable they had but no tomato. Sour cream onion chips and Dr Pepper. Great meal. Can wait to tomorrow to change alternator belt on van. Rain keeps trying to fall when I go ouit.

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Posted by gabeusmc on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 4:38 PM

Jeff-wasn't that a spicy sandwich?

Thanks for all of the well wishesBig Smile

"Mess with the best, die like the rest" -U.S. Marine Corp

MINRail (Minessota Rail Transportaion Corp.) - "If they got rid of the weeds what would hold the rails down?"

And yes I am 17.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 5:32 PM


Jeff-wasn't that a spicy sandwich?

Thanks for all of the well wishesBig Smile

Spicy? What that? I'm redneck Cherokee Indian. That''s not even mild.

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Posted by james saunders on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 6:09 PM

Hey, Todd!


My boss is chinese, and half the work force here is too. 

They all speak Mandarin, however his parents can only speak Cantonese, with basic understandings of mandarin, although they are similar they are very different. Even some of the workers who come from different areas can't understand fully, as certain regions have their own dialect, they call it bird language Laugh so even though they are speaking mandarin as a base language certain regions throw in cantonese and make a hybrid language which no one except the locals understand. For instance my boss and one other guy come from the rural province Jianxi  and most of the workers come from cities Beijing and Shanghai.

Basically, if they've only just come from china in the last generation they would most likely understand and speak Mandarin, if they've been in the states for at least 2 generations they would most likely speak cantonese.

As you pointed out earlier, the writing is similar, but some strokes mean totally different things between cantonese and mandarin!


I see some Tornadoes hit the DFW of TX, so far I've not heard of anyone killed or injured but lets hope everyone made it out. I see a Schneider truck yard got hit pretty hard and the footage on CNN showing whole tractor trailers getting tossed about to quote the reporter 'like a lionel train' was amazing to see. Apparently AA had several aircraft damaged by hail at DFW.


Anyway, back to w*rk.



James, Brisbane Australia

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 6:24 PM

james saunders

I see some Tornadoes hit the DFW of TX, so far I've not heard of anyone killed or injured but lets hope everyone made it out. I see a Schneider truck yard got hit pretty hard and the footage on CNN showing whole tractor trailers getting tossed about to quote the reporter 'like a lionel train' was amazing to see. Apparently AA had several aircraft damaged by hail at DFW.

No injury/death reports yet thank God. Hope for best.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 9:47 PM

Good night. Working on two Atlas locos. Damaged bad when display rack fell last year. Maybe get them running soon. SD24 built to SD27J and U30C rebuild by EMD to U30M-R-EM-645. Truck on U30C broken. Make repair with JB Weld. Hoping holds. Both locos getting Bmann decoders. Be back tomorrow whenever.

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:12 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, just a decaf for me please.  I'll go sit in the back by the stove for a bit.  I see it is working tonight. 

Going down into the high 30's tonight here.  Actually very seasonable weather for this time of year.

Got some more track installed tonight and have my clinic powerpoint presentation almost ready.  Need one more photo to finish it up.  I still have to create the handouts for it, but all I have to do is modify and rewrite what I already have from a similar clinic I did a couple years ago.

Cleaned out part of the shed in back of the house today after finishing the lawn in the morning.  Did some grocery shopping, and got a pile of old electronic equipment ready to take over to the recycling center tomorrow...  I will be saying goodbye to the old Mac G5 that served me so well for 8 years...  Kinda sad to see the old girl go.....Sigh  On the other hand my electric bill is down by about 40% last month....  Hmmmmmmmmm???

Time to call it a night I guess.  Prayers for all in need (especially all the folks around Dallas and Fort Worth after a very bad day down there).


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

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Posted by Cederstrand on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:17 PM

Chamomile tea, please.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Seems I missed one or two!?! 

Ever had one of those days you should have just stayed in bed? It was a comedy of errors.

Good night all.

Sleep Rob

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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 10:50 PM

 Evening Folks!

 Boy Flo, the dinner as been slow today, I will take a beer.  Yea, I will take care of today's tap. Angry $1736.45 DOLLARS? BERRY!

 Work Front Today was lets say, odd. Larry was nice to me, nothing said about the mess I made Sunday and this week schedule was no longer posted? But a lot of other stuff was taken down as well.

 Just because you are paranoid, does not mean there not out to get you. I was the closer tonight so Dave may not had someone to take my places and I was spared the ax today. Or, he might understand it was a honest mistake and it is in the past? Guess I will find out Wednesday, I go in at 9:00 AM and get off at 3:00 PM.

 Over all I had a good day, felt way more relaxed than I have. No longer worried about getting fired, so the tension was gone. Had some good sales and hit $2000.00 in sales on a slow day.

 Far as the trains, been running my passenger train for a few hours now and it running great! Engine is a PK 2000 E 8 which is pretty slow ad caused me to post a question on the main page.

 Jeffery Hope you can fix the engines that where on display. On the Am Track looking engines you post a few day ago, did you get them from me by chances? I have trade and gave away so much stuff I can not remember where it all went? I use to have 4 of them, now I think I am down to one shell. I know you made some MOW cars out of the Am Tracks cars we trade for.

 Well, time to watch Band Of Brothers again.



 My 68 Road Runner. 

 Flo, tap is only open to Midnight

I hate Rust

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