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Elliot´s Trackside Diner - February 2012 Locked

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Friday, February 10, 2012 6:25 PM

The photos were taken in New York City.

Here are some that I took on my own layout.

The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by Curt Webb on Friday, February 10, 2012 6:29 PM

I see that I have top of the page. I gave my CC to Flo so everyone eat and drink up.

Curt Webb

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Posted by Cederstrand on Friday, February 10, 2012 7:32 PM

The House Special, please. And a mint tea while waiting.

***Lion, I would have guessed India, although can see NY city as well. You've captured it well on you layout.

***Terry & Curt, really enjoyed your layout pics. Excellent work guys!

Long, exhausting day. Plum tuckered out. Have a good night all.

Cowboy Rob

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Everybody is welcome in the Diner!
Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, February 10, 2012 7:40 PM

Howdy ...

Just got back from Nashville, TN where I had appointments at the Vanderbilt heart clinic. So far, they have done a great job enabling me to have a nearly normal life as well as saving my life. The doctor told me today my implanted device is approaching an end to its battery life, and I can expect surgery to replace it in about a year.

Rob ... Look out for coyotes!

I was scrolling through here and some some nice layout photos from Curt, Lion, and Terry. I see Jeff is busy again with Sundown Shops doing some "patching". I see a lot of Diners ahve posted including Ken, Alvie, and many others, and that is good. Keep on posting, everybody. Have Lee and JimCG been here this  week? Also, what's up with the MIA's?

I just posted pictures in WPF of activity in the City of Heartland. I plan to work more on the downtown area this weekend.




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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, February 10, 2012 8:31 PM

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, February 10, 2012 9:18 PM

Good Evening...

Well, it has been one of those days of not getting a lot of things done.. it turned out to be another one of those brokenpipeville kind of days..except said broken pipe occured behind us..with all its water running into our back yard and into our multiyard lake...GrumpyBang Head

So, here we were watching our sump pump going at 15 second cycles as water started to seep...yes...I said seep into our basement from one of the window wells that caught some of the dang stuffSoapBox

I'm going to go to the corner booth to sit and mope...AshamedGrumpySigh

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by howmus on Friday, February 10, 2012 9:21 PM

Evenin' folks!

Janie, I could use a cup of decaf and a small slice of the pecan pie over there on the counter.  Yes, just a sliver...  Not THAT small, double that and you got it right.  Sheesh!

I have had an interesting day today.  I'm going to grab a seat by the stove in back, If you want you came join me and I will tell you about it.....

An old Scout friend of mine, a gentleman who has been the Camp Chaplin on a few occasions and spent several weeks on commissioner staff with me over the years, gave me a call out of the blue this afternoon.  He asked where I live.  Told him , "In a House on a street in Geneva...."  He knows me so he wasn't offended at all.  I asked, Why?  He said he was going to be driving to Geneva to go to the old Scout Service Center just outside of the city and to meet him there at 2:15PM.  He said he had something he thought I might be interested in and it was about trains.  Of course I was thinking somebody sold off an old toy train set or something and he picked it up at a garage sale and wanted me to give it a good home or something.  (I have had that happen several times....)  Nope, he had a patch for me he had gotten....  I drove the half mile over to the Service Center and went inside, and he and the new District Executive walked out to the counter where I was standing.  The guy grinned and pulled this out of an envelope.....

This is a backpack patch from National Jamboree in 2010 from Three Fires Council (Northern Illinois)!  It measures 7.5 inches across flat side to flat side.  I was floored!  Then..........  He pulls out a small plastic bag and inside there are 6 more patches for me!  These are pocket patches to be worn as a temporary patch on the Field Uniform for Scouts....  One for each of the 6 Fallen Flags that used to serve the area!  They fit on each flat side of the main patch to complete the entire design.

I was speechless!  Although he intended it as a gift to me, I will be taking some of my patch collection to the next Commissioners Roundtable to let him have his choice of several......  Patch trading is an old Scout Tradition.  He told me he traded at a patch site online for them.  The owner had 2 complete sets and decided to part with one of them for several other patches. 




Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Friday, February 10, 2012 9:32 PM


what a great gift Ray,

Talk about killing two birds with one stone.  Railroading and Scouting.  Thumbs UpThumbs Up

I bet you were surprised.

ROB,  We want you to take better care of yourself.   I know it is difficult under the circumstances, but stop pushing so hard.  The animals need you and we want you here for the long haul.

I wish I was closer I sure would like to help you out.

Barry,  I feel for you.  Even though I have only had one water heater let go and put about an inch of water onto the basement floor, I know what a pain it is in repairing drywall and insulation etc. as well as any goods on the floor that have to get trashed.   Good luck with that.

Good night JEFF,

Good Morning Tipton Bill and Galaxy and Ulrich.

Sleep well and sweet rail dreams to all others.

Johnboy out,.............................................on three days off   YeahSmile, Wink & Grin

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by Stourbridge Lion on Friday, February 10, 2012 10:00 PM

Ray, those are some fine looking patches, very cool!  Cool

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Posted by GMTRacing on Friday, February 10, 2012 10:14 PM

  Good Evening All,

 I know I've been remiss stopping in but between the shop and making up for being sick last week it's been fraught. Both my trailers flunked annual DOT inspection, one had a cracked cross member and the other had bad brakes on one axel. I now have the trailer up on blocks and all 6 wheels off while I replace all 6 brake sets and turn the drums. Better safe than sorry especially as it will go to Fla in a couple of weeks. Based on wear not all the axels are working the same so I have that to figure out as well. At least the cars we're taking are in good shape and on schedule. I did get the leaks stopped at the house by digging out the old grout and sealant and starting over on both tubs. This along with fixing the cross threaded compression fitting seem to have done the trick.

   I love the pics you guys are posting. I especially like the subway pics and the look of Curts' trackwork.

 Ulrich - how are the modules coming? Did you ever solve the space/configuration problems?

Bob and Ken - I love the way the articulateds' look but except for a borrowed MEC 2662, the New Haven never used them.  My loss I guess.  Ken - hope some change for the better comes your way. I must be tiring being there in that situation all the time. Even if you get canned (bearer of bad tidings and all) it's better than no change.

 Jeff - sounds like you have a good handle on your latest escapade. safety switches are over-rated.

Ray - Nice haul on the patches. I lost all mine in the house fire save for a couple of neckerchiefs. Yeah, I used to do the scout thing too up to being a scoutmaster for a short time before I was drafted then a cub scout program at a local elementary school before we were shut down for being not politically correct enough.

Curt - On most northeast railroads, the yards and a lot of the sidings built by the roads were done in cinders and slag. The yard in Danbury is cinders and a bit of trap rock.

  On the layout front I have been beavering away on the viaduct and the river basin it crosses. Not much else - tons of tedious little bits to figure out but it shoud look good with the Beichenstaller bridge in the backround at a higher level both crossing the same basin.

   Back into the shop tomorrow to see how much more I can get done on the brakes (supposed to snow and of course the trailer is outside).   Catch y'all later, J.R.

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, February 10, 2012 10:43 PM

 Hello Fellow Dinners!

 Flo, Beer Please and I will pay the tab tonight!

 House Front, Todd what are you doing next Friday? Big Smile Yep, the Illinois Hardest Hit Program has came through for us and is paying $19,520.00 on the house note. I will be in Springfield Friday to sign the paper work. For the newer dinners the reason I am so far behind is because of the way Bank Of Stupid handled my home loan when they took it over 3 years ago? Guess it was that long ago. They reduced my payment from $872.00 to $480.00 for 16 or so months, then went Surprises We Want $17,000.00 Now Thank You!

 While I have other worries about the coming help, I will save that for a later post. For now I going to take the help at face value.

 Bob Thanks for the links! I do scan U Tube everyday all most for newer EM 1 videos. Sound is a little weak from what I have heard. Sounds like a snare drum when it comes to the chuffing sounds. I think it is the fact it only has a 1 inch speaker and not the decoder. If I can skip this coming house payment, I will have one of the EM 1's next week. If I can I will contact Ulrich Models about a better speaker first.

 Steve knows is stuff (Owner) and is top shelf as far as bending over backwards to make things right!

  Latter folks.


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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, February 11, 2012 2:16 AM

Wa Sa Bi


Today is Saturday, February 11th, 2012!!!

The weekend is Here!!! Hoo Ray!!!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Good Morning...
Posted by wetidlerjr on Saturday, February 11, 2012 2:25 AM


Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.








Bill Tidler Jr.

Near a cornfield in Indiana...

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Posted by gear-jammer on Saturday, February 11, 2012 7:38 AM

Good morning, Chloe.  Looks like it has been quiet in here this morning.  No one but Bill. I can have a leisurely large mug of black coffee today.  Let's see who shows up.

Bob,  The car shop is fashioned from one in an old Narrow Gauge and Short Line Gazette.   Projects always take longer than you expect.  I will try to get photos when I get further along.


Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.

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Posted by GMTRacing on Saturday, February 11, 2012 8:05 AM

Good Morning All,

     33F and snowing so no point in trying to wire up the brakes on the trailer this morning. No prob - plenty else needs doing.

    Terry - how did you do the roads in the recent pictures. I like the coloring and the tar patched cracks?

I'll have the breakfast special and hang for a bit. Yes please regular coffee with that.   J.R.

Ah top of the page as well - it's been a while - do I need to update my CC info ladies?


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, February 11, 2012 8:21 AM

Good Morinng..

Coff Coff...

Lots of dust floating around our abode this morning...I have to finish the other bathroom today as we got told that there will be relatives showing up next week..Confused

Currently blowing snow and snow be falling on our'n heads this morning...and bitter cccold as well...only 10F with a windchill of -3F...yay.Dead

Flo, I'll have a coffee for now please..I'll be at the RC for a bit here...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by saronaterry on Saturday, February 11, 2012 8:39 AM

Mornin'. 2f and clear.

JR, I used for sale signs. gave it a coat of gray paint I had laying around then a wash of flat black. It's still too shiny for me, I'll shoot it with dulcoat. The tar lines are just a fine point black sharpie.:


Not the same road, but you get the idea.

 I used the big signs for the roadways and the small yellow ones for between the tracks. Smaller ones are thinner styrene.

Hope that helps!

Train show today in Rice Lake. Yay!!

Terry in NW Wisconsin

Terry in NW Wisconsin

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, February 11, 2012 8:57 AM

Nice use of styrene for roads and crossings Terry.


Good morning. It's 34° and sunny with a 10 mph north wind right off the lake giving a wind chill close to the teens. In other words, it's cold! The high is due to be 49°

Yesterday I went out between rain showers and took a photo of my vans starter relay. I had tried locating an easy photo online but it seems like there's fifteen types that fit the Dodge B250 Sportsman and they vary between types that fit on the firewall, on the starter, on the fender. Round ones, square ones, rectangular ones, fat ones, skinny ones. My repair manual also shows quite a selection but the contacts all fit within a general plan. Between the photo and the book I was able to deduce the the ignition wire that trips the relay connects to the bottom left contact on the relay. See photo below:

I went out this morning and hooked up my meter to the contact indicated then bumped the starter and watched the needle jump to 12 volts. Definitely the one I want. The job now will be getting that wire out of the one piece harness that connects to the relay and replace it with a spade connector and wire that will connect to a rocker switch. Another wire will run from the rocker switch to the existing spade connector on the ignition wire. Once the connections are made and wrapped turning off the switch will cut off any power going to the relay and will put an end to the random starter hits.

But you know what? I'm gonna wait for it to warm up a bit cause with that north wind  it's too dang cold for my taste.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 11, 2012 9:14 AM

Good Afternoon,

after a little sunshine in the morning, it turned out to be a gray and nasty day. We are getting ready for a bad snow storm. i bet everything will be covered by a white&wet blanket Sunday morning.

With nothing else to (after working down the weekend´s HD list) I went through some old photo files and found a couple of pictures I´d like to share with you:

The pictures were taken in 2007, on the occasion of our last vacation. Petra and I spend a few days in the Harz Mountains, not only to ride the steam trains there. It´s been the last time we had the chance to get a change in view. I dearly miss being able to go places. There is still so much to see around us.

Jeff - good luck with that repair job. I hope you get the van going soon!

Well, nothing else to report from my side, so CUL, Folks & have a good one!

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Posted by Curt Webb on Saturday, February 11, 2012 9:24 AM

Morning All,

I think it's supposed to get cold tonight but I haven't checked yet. Only thing planned for today is going to the club later. Sunday I w**k the late shift and on top of my regular shifts Friday I am w**king 16 hours for a guy that is working for me when we are on the cruise.

I did some deep thinking (dangerous) last night along with staring at the layout and I need to fix 3 different areas that I am just not happy with. Two are the entrance and exit to the Meat Packing siding. Both ends have really sharp radius turns and when I built it I thought it would be OK just to use my smallest locos and 40' cars. Unfortunately the more I try to use the siding the more it irritates me. The last area is the coaling tower complex. I have a lot of issues with derails and power together again with sharp turns. I figure that this is the only layout that I will have so I need to fix it so I'm happy with it. On a positive side note there is no scenery rip up it is all pretty much straight track work.

Ray- Those are neat Scout Patches. I have been involved in scouting my entire life until recently.

Barry- Hope your backyard is no longer a lake and you have no more leakage into the basement.

Lion- Very nice modeling.

Ken- Congrats on the house note. I hope it works out for you.

Sue- I know what you mean about time. If I think a job is going to take 2 hours I double it and usually end up pretty close to how long it takes.

Everyone take care. 

Curt Webb

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Posted by tcwright973 on Saturday, February 11, 2012 9:27 AM

Good morning everybody,

We had about an inch and a half of that white stuff overnight here in Pittsburgh, and it's still coming down pretty good. I think they are only calling for about 3 to 4 inches overall. It was enough to get the snowblower out this morning. Did my driveway, and with me being 72 and the driveway being 110' long, I don't hand shovel it anymore. Also did my sidewalk and the ones for the houses on either side of me and those across the street as well.

Well, my wife and I are nearing the end of the saga of her broken leg and ankle. She has finished up physical therapy and had surgery on Thursday to remove the screws in the femur. I though they were going to give her a local anesthetic and a small incision to remove the screws. You know, snip-snip and out the door. Boy, was I wrong. We were there from 8:00 in the morning until after 1:00 in the afternoon. She was in surgery for about an hour and fifteen minutes. She's taken a couple of pain pills but is moving around okay. We see the surgeon again next Friday to remove the stitches, and that should be it. It's been kind of a long haul since October.

I will probably be outside again this afternoon for more clean-up of that white stuff, and I have a couple of loads of wash to get done. But then I'm also going to take a couple of hours for myself today. I have a 2 bay hopper from Bowser to assemble, and have a couple of box cars I need to take photos of for my inventory list on the computer. The hopper is for the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh. Another addition to my Western Pennsylvania railroad collection. It's been on the market for sometime, and I don't know how I missed it.

Stay safe and warm...Tom


Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by GMTRacing on Saturday, February 11, 2012 9:44 AM

Jeff - when the time comes, you should be able to release the wire in question by getting a small thin screwdriver or your trusty X-acto  blade up between the back of the connector and the housing to release the little tab holding the spade connector into the plastic clip. Not always as easy as described but with perserverance it usually works ok. I had one van come in with a jumper via suitcase connector which of course corroded, fractured and parted stopping everything. Your idea is better.

 Ulrich - that little tank engine has the smallestdrive wheels I've seen since a diesel!. Should be able to pull a train up the side of a cliff, no?

  Terry - thanks for the tips. I've tried a bunch of different ideas before but never the gray with wash. Nice.

  Barry - if you are using just a regular dust mask, they don't stop the fine dust from tile and concrete w..k very well. Next time through the hardware store, check some of the other fancier types and see if they aren't better suited for what you're doing. Application info should be printed on the package. I used the basic el cheapos until whilst doing demo on the house I noticed I had as much dust around my nose as I did on the mask (and no cheap shots about nose size please).       J.R.

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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, February 11, 2012 10:30 AM

Extra strong coffee in a GUSTY & SOUTHERN mug, please.

***Ray, those are very cool patches. As an old, top Eagle Scout from a troop of over 100, I have never seen anything like those. Congrats! 

***Tom, that is good news about your wife's progress.

This morning it felt like I had been in a car wreck after yesterdays coyote chase (more like fast hobble). Lead legs, achy back, tired lungs, semi blood-shot eyes. Nothing a good cup of coffee can't fix. OK, today is one of those mandatory rest days. I'll be in the corner booth. 

Cowboy Rob

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, February 11, 2012 10:37 AM

Good Morning!! Coffee and a blackberry jelly filled donut thanks.

Cold out with a skift of sn*w. Didn’t look at the weather for today….don’t want to know.

Welp, as we all figured today is stove day. She wants to leave now so I have to cut this short or die. (just kidding) Haven’t read much what went on so pardon if I seem uneducated as to what went on yesterday.

Ray- I figured you to have real close to my sense of humor. Many who do not know me take what I say wrong and those that do usually end up saying “you just have to know him”

Bob- Actually I’m a retired mechanic. Granted most was on diesels, but I have w**ked on a fair share of “regular” vehicles. Jeff’s van, if I recall correctly and if I didn’t I’m sure Jeff would have corrected me< the starter relay is on the fire wall and all he will be doing is unplugging the trigger wire and replacing it with his switch.  Normally I wouldn’t suggest doing what he is doing, but Jeff is an old hand at “making it work” and despite the fact he lives in Louisiana (zzziiiiiing! ) he still won’t do something if he deems it unsafe. He’s just that way. He probably is one of those guys who always gives the gear shift lever a little check see every time he starts a vehicle just to be sure. I have been away from the car game for a while and truthfully would have no idea how to bypass anything on a new vehicle, but his is old enough that it can be done fairly simple.

 Welp, she’s pacing around and mumbling. Gotta go.

 Ya’ll have a Great Day!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Stourbridge Lion on Saturday, February 11, 2012 11:06 AM

BRRR! Morning Modelers....

It's 9F and Snowing right now Coffee

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 11, 2012 11:18 AM


 Ulrich - that little tank engine has the smallestdrive wheels I've seen since a diesel!. Should be able to pull a train up the side of a cliff, no?


J.R. - she is a cute little brute - and a hefty puller, too. She was built in 1939 by Krupp, has a top speed of 50 kph and a tractive force of 7.4 metric tons - that´s quite a bit for such a small loco. This design was intended to replace the older Mallet locos of the 1890´s, but the outbreak of WW II stopped all further orders of this successful little staemer.

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, February 11, 2012 12:12 PM

Mornin'.....  Er..... Oops!  Afternoon folks!

Zoe, I'll have a turkey club sandwich for lunch and a cup of dark roast coffee I guess.

We are having some little white thingies falling outside right at the moment.  Partly cloudy is what they tend to call it around these parts.  Looking at about an inch today and another tonight.  Then they say we could get 3" to 5" tomorrow.....  I'm not holding my breath.  Besides every time I do THAT I turn purple.  Currently 20°F out there and dropping down to 16°F tonight.  Have about 2 face cords of wood left for the Winter, so I should have plenty to see me through to even warmer weather.

Didn't get in here this morning as I decided to go down to the layout rooms and turn on the heat which resulted in my moving the rest of the storage cabinets and the small sofa to the other part of the basement.  just need to finish vacuuming and it will be ready for the painters next week.  I know i made the right decision to get the floor painted as the amount of concrete dust I am vacuuming up is mind boggling.

Ulrich, nice little switcher!  Love it.

I am always amazed at how many model railroaders are also involved in Scouting...... 

Back to w*rk...


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by GMTRacing on Saturday, February 11, 2012 12:39 PM

Ray - batter to turn purple inside than blue ouside shovellingWhistling  J.R.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, February 11, 2012 12:50 PM

Van starter relay wiring update. I have the wiring under the hood done. Now I just have to run the wires into the passenger compartment then up through the dash to where the old police siren and air horn is. I already have the cover off the unit and just have to hook up the wires to the siren switch then put the cover back on.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by saronaterry on Saturday, February 11, 2012 1:41 PM

Back from the train show! Pretty good this year, a few more layouts and vendors. Rice Lake's a small town, so can't really beef about the size. My buddy the decoder installer was there with the Barron Co. club. Dropped off 3 geeps he had wired in a consist, 2 Bachman Spectrums and a LL P2K. The LL was NOT playing nicely with the Bach's. He said he'd worried a little that might happen when he did them, but would take a look for me and straighten out the miscreant LL. Nice guy!

 Here's the haul:



 Tom, glad the wife's moving along in the recovery.

Jeff, thanks! You too, JR!

Ya gotta give that some time, Rob! Whenever I've tried to " hurry-up" a hockey injury, it invariably took longer! Just sayin'.

Ray, my Dad was a Scoutmaster. That's why I live where I do, he took my 3 older brothers (scouts) to Tomahawk Scout camp on Long Lake up here. He fell in love with the area , bought some lake shore (1965) and ended up retiring here. I can see Tomahawk through the trees as I type. Sent my own Son there ,too!

I've had a couple re-dos, also, Curt. The spur at Sarona was only 24", don't need a feeder, right? Wrong. Should have added it right away. It died at the worst time, too! Had to move a bunch of structures to get at it, stand on a ladder, etc etc. Lesson learned, I guess.

 That's all for now!


Terry in NW Wisconsin

Terry in NW Wisconsin

Queenbogey715 is my Youtube channel

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