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Elliot's Trackside Diner September 2010 Locked

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Posted by TMarsh on Thursday, September 2, 2010 7:41 AM

Good Morning. Eggs bacon hash browns and coffee please. Thanks.


Friendliest welcome we’ve had in a long time at the new place, Ray waving us in and all. Thanks Ray!


Well, it’s different, but not bad. I don't get the jumbled up "popular Tags" thing on the right margin. Looks kinda funny but....  I noticed some other box pops up when I click the "pase from Word" icon, but I just right click and paste so all that is the same. I do like the whatever  that things called that allows me to go back to the General discussion page from the bottom without going back to the top to o it. Small stuff. I didn’t have any problems getting here, just been reeeeal busy trying to get stuff done on Mom’s house, but the usual setbacks are so plentiful I’d swear Mr. Murphy actually lives there. Nothing major just little things that take a while to do.


Good news I see has popped up with the new digs here, Robby has another great car up and has a sweet offer to be able to sell some cars, Sawyer has a great plan, the floor at Kens is coming along and, Ulrich has a great big ole light at the end of his tunnel, yup the one we said would have one.

Ulrich- I’m praying for you that if this will be good for you that it happens. Do they have Model Railroads in Tanzania? I’m thinking the train room kinda like in the thread about that Japanese hotel room, but instead a dedicated train room.

Lee- You actually personally know a person who does not own a computer? Wow. I’ve only heard of them. Unless he’s like, real old. You know, in his fifties.

G- Most mechanics and/or businesses will leave your keys alone and uncopied, however all it takes is once and it isn‘t a bad idea to do just what you‘ve done. Besides, if the mechanic has your house keys, how would you get in the house? BUT as important as all that is the fewer keys on the ring that hangs from the ignition key the better. Believe it or not the weight of a super wad of keys will actually wear out the key lock prematurely. I hate keys almost as much as the phone, but seems SOME people out there cause us to ahve to use locks. On my key ring I have the key to the truck, the car and the door to the house. The rest that I have are carried in the ashtray of the truck.


The rest of the keys not being on my key also save so much room for all that money I have to carry around.

Robby- Nothing pitiful about it. I’d be excited also. It sounds like fun and you could get some face time. Maybe even get a few hook ups for some future stuff.


Welp, best get going once again I’ve got a full day.


Y’all have a Great Day now ya hear?!!!

EDIT: OK, next time I won't double space between paragraphs. Apparently they fixed that.


Central Illinoyz

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Posted by cudaken on Thursday, September 2, 2010 7:38 AM

 Good Mourning Madison IND! Dim light went on, I have been to Madison IND many of times when Dad was racing Hydroplanes. I guess I will need to up my intake of Caffeine.

 Speaking of Caffeine, Flo Big Dew with a coffee chaser please.

 Raining Cats and Dogs here this mourning, this is the 3rd day in a row for rain. Odd for this time of year. Guess I am not done with cutting the grass just yet.

 Static Grass Flyswatter I am going to try a little thicker mix of Elmer's Glue. If that does not due the trick I will try reversing the wires. Till I am done with the floor, it is on the back burner for now.

  See you all this afternoon.

                                    Cuda Ken


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Posted by Robby P. on Thursday, September 2, 2010 7:14 AM

 Goooood morning.   Its going to be another hot one.  We have had about four 90+ days in a row!!  I hate to say this, but when it is going to get colder!!

  I know this is pitiful, but I'm looking forward to the show.  Even thou its a couple of months away.   The wife and I will get some numbers crunched in the next few weeks and see what we need to do.    My plan today????  Well.......Probably clean the basement some.  I have another car to do, but probably won't start on it till Sunday or so.   I also have a guy that might send me about 3 - 4 cars to weather.   So...I might have to clean the work bench again.

 Ulrich.....I hope it goes well.  Nothing like starting your own business, were you are the boss.

 Galaxy.......I hope the car gets fixed, and that you get better.   Nothing like a "unexpected" bill.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by galaxy on Thursday, September 2, 2010 6:47 AM

Good morning guys!

Well it has finally happened. My other half started with a sore throat last Sat, and a sinus infection last Sun and has had a miserable cold since then. Well, yesterday afternoon we noticed my voice was fading, but I had no sore throat so I thought was just a dry throat. Well somewhere between 4 am when I got up to go and 7 am when I got up for the day, a sore throat set in on me too! I'm not liking the "share part" here now! The problem for me with my severe asthma is that often when I get a cold it can settle into my chest and turn into bronchitis or worse, pneumonia. It was 2 years ago that I was last in the hospital with pneumonia for more than two weeks and then two opportunistic infections, one viral and one bacterial set in on me and I was as the Dr. put it "very very very sick".  That's right three "very's" on the "very scale" of illness. I'm NOT a happy camper.


I go see the eye Dr. today for eye drops to address the dry eye issue, and we have to pick up other half's paycheck and get it deposited, pay the car insurance on hte caravan, and then wait for word on the Kia Sedona and why it's steering fluid is leaking-hopefully to be covered under warrantee, then after it is fixed to go pick it up hopefully.


 I can't be wihtout a vehicle tomorrow as I have a dentist appt at 2 and my other half gets out at two form work tomorrow, so sharing a vehicle tomorrow won't work well. It's only for a fitting for my new partial plate, so maybe if I need to I can reschedule for next week. SO it won;t do for the Kia to be tied up so long. We even took it in last night at about 4-4:30 to give them some extra time to look it over possibly very early this morning! I want to hear it is COVERED by the WARRANTEE, please! Also having two keys made. No one who sells keys around here has the blanks for the key, and the service tech said the 06 could have the computer chip in the key {the 08 and newer Sedona's definitely do}, which is an extra $40 per key to program!!! But we need a spare key to keep at home and a "mechanics key" I keep int he glove box to give to mechanics by itself. They say never give your mechanic all your keys as some unscrupulous places have key centers that duplicate house keys to later access your house as after all, they know where you live too. I don't expect to have something like that happen, but one never knows this crazy day in age.


Well, I guess I go now. Hopefully this won;t post this as one long runon paragraph smooshed together.  Angel for those who need them. HAve agreat day y'all!



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Wisconsin Railfan on Thursday, September 2, 2010 6:11 AM

Good Morning Folks!

Just a cup of coffee please!

Fingers are crossed that today is going to be a better day.  Spent the evening watching some videos on kit building.  Have a good day all!


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Thursday, September 2, 2010 6:00 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q

Howdy ... Looks like a full day at the diner.


JimCG ..  Extraction went well. I can still whistle Dixie, too.

At least you can whistle--I seem to be just blowing air most of the time!Whistling

Morgan ... Thanks for arranging the move. Where is the diner now? A company in Madison, IN moved it you said.

It's a good thing it is were it is now, at least it did not end up in Borneo or some such

Ray ... Perhaps you RR museum could host the diner for one of the months.

That would be an excellent idea!

Ulrich .... Did you say, Tanzania??? Holy cow! .... Isn't that where all the old fossiles are found?... I suppose, I'd be concerned about medical care with your heart condition.... I did not know you and Petra were considering managing a lodge.... Would you like to consider a ski lodge in Colorado?

Holy Cow is right!! Where did this opportunity show up from? Too bad it was not from up this way but still I'd love to see you doing that!

Ken ... When I applied static grass, I just sprinkled it on watered down white glue. Worked OK for me.

Yep to this idea--works fine here 

Robby ... Good luck getting ready for the November show.

That sounds like fun---


Barry! ... That was a huge burger! What does your cardiologist say about that?

My doctor says as long as it is a 'virtual' quadruplex as opposed to a real one I should be just fine--as it is I've got Ezetrol as well as Lipitrol as my anti-cholesterol meds now.

Galaxy ... New glasses, eh. .... last time I got new glasses, I made a spectacle of myself.

Badda boom tish----Smile, Wink & Grin

Sawyer ... I like the track plan.  

That is a good track plan


Good Morning--

I am now working up a sweat just doing a wee bit of gardening this morning before we see any rain falling--which I don't think will happen either--we have not seen much of anything for the past few weeks now. We are having to water our trees before they go off on us because of drought like conditions.

Today I'll be doing some photo work on my layout so I should be aable to show something of progress here--

Chloe, I'll just have a coffee in an IV bag--nah--just make it rawcaffeine in an IV bag--I'll take it with a breakfast bagel at the RC for now thanksBig Smile

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by LSWrr on Thursday, September 2, 2010 5:58 AM

Good Morning,

wow that sounds like some move!  The resort businesses in northern Minnesota do a great also and it’s right in the middle of Iron Range country, LOL.

Tomorrow I pick up my ore bridge, a Walther’s travel crane kit for the port.  One of the guys here at work that doesn’t have a computer asked me to find him a penguin mobile. Last month I found him a bat mobile in 1/87th scale, would have looked cool mixed in with an auto rack, LOL.

Ok, I’m going to try and catch up on posts….

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by wetidlerjr on Thursday, September 2, 2010 4:04 AM









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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, September 2, 2010 12:34 AM

Good Morning Everyone,


Zoe, just coffee for me, but in an IV bag, please. I did not sleep much - I am a bit nervous about that job idea in Tanzania. That area is certainly one of the most beautiful spots in the world, but being on holidays down there is certainly something else than working there. Petra was kind of shocked at first, when the news came in, but is starting to like the idea more and more. We have been considering managing a lodge for quite some time, naturally with a preference in Canada or the US, but Africa is also challenging. Such a job would be a near to ideal combination of Petra´s housekeeping skills and my managerial expertise, though not an easy task. Making guest feel comfortable can put a heavy tax on one´s patience, and without a "service mentality", it won´t work. Petra and I have not yet worked in the hospitality or tourist business, but both of us are confident that we can be successful.


Keep your fingers crossed, folks, that this one works out for us!


Garry - a ski lodge in Colorado would even be nicer than the Hatari Lodge (and a little easier for us, as well) Petra has relation in the US and I also still have a number of friends from my days as an exchange student. Getting a "green card", however, is not easy, though not impossible.


Sawyer - I like that track plan! A big improvement over your first layout.


Will be back a little later!



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Posted by Packer on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 11:30 PM

Hey guys

I went rooting around in my car's wiring the other day to see why it didn't work. The tank is full of freeon (or w/e they use), but the compressor receives no power. I replaced a relay box (for cooling fan, but the wiring for the compressor also goes through it) since the one one there had heat marks and was clicking. That set me back $60, on top of the $60 from the other day when I got the tank filled. May have been cheaper to have someone else do it....

In train related news, I almost got an athearn RTR SD45 (ex-np with gyralight removed but housing still in place) off the bay but it went crazySad. I managed to pick up a second SW10 though Big Smile. The light overspray of black on that one GP9 didn't work since I thinned the paint too much. Might have to get some clear in the mix to thicken it up some.

Chris, lol at the "find a model railroader to date" thing. with my luck it'd end up like every date I had this year (stood up, twice on my birthday tooWilted Flower)

Robby, Nice work as usual. IIRC, some of those boxcars ended up on the BN.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Flashwave on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 10:41 PM

Heartland Division CB&Q

Howdy ... Looks like a full day at the diner.

Morgan ... Thanks for arranging the move. Where is the diner now? A company in Madison, IN moved it you said.


Eh, throw a dart at a map of the Midwest snd you'll hit us.Howmus read the watertower we passed by as Madison Michigan. I have no idea where that is, but it works. Obviously, you got here, so just let the Dispatchers worry about the wheres and travel safely! Like we said, the further Vinnie is from an unblown WWII bomb, the better off we all are.


Although for grins, I suppose we could take the Diner down the 6% for a lark.

 You'er from Ken-tuh-kee, you might actually have been to Madison.

Heartland Division CB&Q


... Perhaps you RR museum could host the diner for one of the months.


Ray, you wanna move her next month? I'll have John leave the gear here for you if you need it. Is there a track connection? Or does a temp siding need to go into play? (Cha. Ching.)

Heartland Division CB&Q


Galaxy ... New glasses, eh. .... last time I got new glasses, I made a spectacle of myself.




Heartland Division CB&Q


Sawyer ... I like the track plan.  


As do I.


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Posted by CNCharlie on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 10:33 PM

Good Evening,

Well, can't say I'm unhappy the Diner has left Moosonee. No road access meant pumping that hand car for miles and with pushing all those trees off the tracks the beavers left, it was hard work getting there just for a coffee.

Ulrich, good luck with your job prospect in Tanzania. My wife and I had the Hatari Lodge on our short list for our Africa trip next Feb.  We did a fair bit of research on it and it looks like a beautiful spot. It isn't very far from Arusha where we spent a night back in 2007. Northern Tanzania has to be amoung the most beautiful areas in the world, well at least those few bits I've seen.  Arusha is a small city and is the centre for all the safari companies in Tanzania. I would imagine that you could get all the up-to-date medical treatment in Dar es Salam. I know that you can in Nairobi which is only about an hour plane ride but it is across the border in Kenya. We will be in Kenya next Feb. but not Tanzania.

Garry, you are correct about the fossils in Tanzania. That is where the Leakeys found 'nut cracker man' in Olduvai Gorge. Have a picture of my wife and I on the very spot. Sure was hot down there!

As usual not much new on the RR front but I have finally finished about a dozen WS trees that hopefully will get planted this weekend. As it is Sept. the CPR has lost its running rights on the Mortimer sub and all CP equipment except for 2 diesels switchers has been removed.

It's raining here again but at least it is night and time for bed anyway.

Some leaves have started to turn here. Won't be long before fall sets in.

CN Charlie



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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 9:04 PM

Howdy ... Looks like a full day at the diner.

I'll have some gormet cottage cheese with Ryan's rub on it...... uh. no. On second thought, hold off on the rub, thanks. It's great stuff but I'll wait to put it on meat.

JimCG ..  Extraction went well. I can still whistle Dixie, too.

Morgan ... Thanks for arranging the move. Where is the diner now? A company in Madison, IN moved it you said.

Ray ... Perhaps you RR museum could host the diner for one of the months.

Ulrich .... Did you say, Tanzania??? Holy cow! .... Isn't that where all the old fossiles are found?... I suppose, I'd be concerned about medical care with your heart condition.... I did not know you and Petra were considering managing a lodge.... Would you like to consider a ski lodge in Colorado?

Ken ... When I applied static grass, I just sprinkled it on watered down white glue. Worked OK for me.

Robby ... Good luck getting ready for the November show.

Barry! ... That was a huge burger! What does your cardiologist say about that?

Galaxy ... New glasses, eh. .... last time I got new glasses, I made a spectacle of myself.

Steven ... That was quite a long day for you.

Sawyer ... I like the track plan.  





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Posted by teen steam fan on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 8:02 PM

DerJohn, I think I found out where you can mess with the emnicons. Try your profile settings.

If you can read this... thank a teacher. If you are reading this in english... thank a veteran

When in doubt. grab a hammer. 

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Posted by Packers#1 on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 7:16 PM

JR, yes sir I'm planning on having the road bridge, not sure when I'd put it in though. It'll probably require some scratchbuilding, so we'll see. Lime Rock and Watkins Glen? Two great road courses, my favorite American road course is either Mid-Ohio or Virginia International, I forget which of those still has that oak tree at a corner.

Chris, thank you sir, I fancy it myself. I also have the operating scenario figured out (jsut typed it up over on the teen thread lol).

Jim, yeah man I could lol. Too bad it's HO.

Well, this reffing season is looking as rocky as the spring. I missed the meeting yesterday because my dad had to go to the hospital (his blood pressure was THROUGH THE ROOF) but fortunately he came home and didn't have to spend a night in the hospital. They actually think he may have had a tiny stroke or something, he lost the fine motor skills in his left hand but they're slowly coming back. More scared the living crap outta us than anything else. And also with every other kid playing sports here, it's kindof a crap shoot as to when I'll be able to go ref, probably not going to be able to swing tuesdays for sure. MAN I want my restricted, i don't care if I'm the guy that drives everyone else around.

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by Wisconsin Railfan on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 6:36 PM

Good Evening Folks!

A pulled pork w/ white bread, baked beans, and Dr. Pepper Please

I am so glad this day is over, 1st. Got stuck behind a school bus for over 5 min, while the kids dog kept trying to get on the bus with him, but finally made it to work. 2) got a call from FedEx saying they lost my package that I sent for work, which means a stack of paper work to fill out, 3) I had 3 RUSH laptops to get out by 9am, I had everything good to go before I left work on Tuesday, well Access Administration, moved their accounts to another Line of Business, which means I had to spend over an hour on the phone, getting it straitened out. 4) next 3 trouble tickets I had, on a normal day would have taken about 15 minutes, not today - more like 2 hours. 5) The boss for no reason, yelled at me, for having a extra laptop power supply at my desk - no reason why - it's just the way the day was going, at first I though he was joking - but nope. 6) The dishwasher repair guy said that the $140 repair is going to be around $300 and to top it all off, on the way home, stopped at Skyline for 4 bottles of Hot Sauce, they only had 2, put them on the passenger seat and drove off, took the first turn and one rolled off to the floor and broke.  I know it's really hard to explain, in words - but like I said  in the morning post, I should have stayed in bed.

Thanks for listening, and hoping for a better tomorrow,


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Posted by galaxy on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 5:34 PM

Evening guys!


Well got my new glasses. THey seem about right, but will still take some getting used to. I see the eye Dr. tomorrow about the drops for my eyes.


Robby P. if I had some money I'd offer you a business proposition, but all I have is a bunch of unweathered cars...I hope you do well at teh show. You could be in for a new "cottage business" maybe? and do what you love full time? and make some money at it? wouldn't that be nice!

Still not used to double spacing between what I want to appear as a separate paragraph as it is posted and not smooshed together into one big paragraph. I put in a request on behalf all of us that maybe they can do something aobut megabig pics that make the post "fall off" the screen in a thread page. Annoying as all get out and I think many of us hoped they would fix that this time around. GUess not yet, but sure would be nice to read the whole thread on one screen without the slide bar.

I haven't yet tried multiple quotes in a thread, but apparently some are complaining it doesn't work well anymore? ANd some have complained a quote automatically goes to the top of the post when it was inserted into the middle of the post? I haven't yet had much more than one quote in a post and that one quote seemed to work fine for me. I hope they get it fixed before I need to heavily quote some of you guys!!

WEll, have a great evening and a better tomorrow...

for those who need.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 5:26 PM


Jeff, I know you get a lot out of your cars, but really, which Century was it from?Whistling

20th. Confused

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 5:21 PM

Hey!! I's be back to cause more trouble ---errr---to see what is up with the new forum features--I see the font seems even smaller than it was--oh well I'll just zoom it up a mite here---there thats better!

Took myself down to Woodstock for a bit to look after my sisters cats while she was away--I ended up with a mitfull of RR stuff too! Now all I have to do is photograph the things--Smile, Wink & Grin

Chloe, I'll be having a quadruplex burger and fries please along with tthe usual RBF as well--i'll be over at the RC for a bit hereWhistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Robby P. on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 5:15 PM

Jim.......That car is on the "bay".  About 95% of the cars I post on here, go on the "bay".  I already had a offer on it, for exchange for a new car (just like it).   Instead he will send me his car and a few others to weather for him.   I was thinking along the lines of 15 - 20 cars.   If that many!!!   I don't wanna be stuck with them, and what if people don't carry that much money for a car.  BUT............You never know.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by GMTRacing on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 5:14 PM

Jeff, I know you get a lot out of your cars, but really, which Century was it from?Whistling

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 5:01 PM

Jeff, do make sure you get everything important out of the Century. So do I take it that the van is ready to get license and all for it? Ah, I see you only have the inspection (and THAT fuel line reconnected) to do yet. Good deal! Thumbs Up

Hey, I even took the dome light!

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by AmanaMedic on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 4:50 PM

Hey! Thanks to TEEN STEAM FAN, I've figured out how I'ma gonna make my ga-zillions of dollars...

Yup... "Lucky's Find-A-Date for Model Railroaders Service". Pirate I think the lad came up with some good starter questions for clients...this could grow legs! This could be huge! Huge I say!!

IF all goes as planned...I could then branch out into other venues, such as: plastic military miniatures modelers; role play gamers; and those guys who build expensive aircraft models then hurl them skyward...


Chris (imagine an eight-ball here)



The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 4:50 PM


I see the gender symbol has been discussed...I was wondering why they added those. I thought maybe they were incorporating a "find a model railroader to date" feature...Confused

Chris, as TSF mentioned, for those of us who are 'unattached,' a few 'Conversations' here, and I could find out if she's into transition era, standard gauge, etc. (Just to avoid a mismatch with some woman who's only into modern era, graffiti-covered cars and such...) Whistling

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 4:36 PM

Afternoon, Zoe - I'll have a bowl of chili and a grilled cheese sandwich please, with a RBF to wash it down. Thanks!


CapeJim:  I guess I can have your share of the Haggis too!


DerJohn - never having received a clear description of exactly what goes into 'Haggis' (and from the imprecise definitions I've heard), yeah, I'll let you have my share on that, too! Smile, Wink & Grin

Steven (Wisc.Railfan, I think?) - care to elaborate on wha' happened with your 'stay-in-bed' day? Doesn't sound too great, whatever it was.

Jeff, do make sure you get everything important out of the Century. So do I take it that the van is ready to get license and all for it? Ah, I see you only have the inspection (and THAT fuel line reconnected) to do yet. Good deal! Thumbs Up

Robby - another great job on that boxcar! Bow Is that one for the 'bay, or for yourself? Any more news on your college planning? Hey, that sounds good about that train show. You have one advantage over some sellers at train shows - you know you can sell your stuff online if they don't all sell out there (which I really expect will be what happens). Careful that you don't overbook yourself on new weathering orders, or you might be up nights for a while... Oops

Garry, take care of yourself (and your mouth), and remember not to rush things too soon in the more-solid food department. Good trip that you had?

Morgan, i'd agree - the more space between Vinnie and 'unexploded ordinance', the better...Oops

Sawyer, the new trackplan looks good, and with your new colors, you could use that boxcar that Robby just finished, too! Yeah

Anybody see SpaceMouse's spoof on the 'Layout Police Citation'? Got a chuckle out of that (and the rest of the story on his website). At least, I'm guessing it's a spoof...Whistling

Well, I need to get going - supposed to go by my daughter and son-in-law's place with their anniversary and her birthday cards & presents. Then later tonight, do some reading in the 2011 Walthers catalog and see what's new Big Smile and what they've dropped.Sigh

Back later.


Blessings and prayers,

Jim in Cape Girardeau


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Posted by Robby P. on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 4:35 PM

 Thanks for the comments on the boxcar!!  I'm still getting things lined up for the show, and so far everything is working out good.   

 Ken.......You know I was about to email a guy I know to borrow some of his cars for that idea.   Not to sell but to use as a display.    I also was going to weather them for him, and of course give them back.    The show is in a few months, but starting at the end of this month is when I will have to get some cars going.    I will keep you  in mind!!

 Well the wife is at school tonight, so I guess I'm cooking out.  Anybody for some HOTDOGS!!!

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by teen steam fan on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 4:28 PM


I see the gender symbol has been discussed...I was wondering why they added those. I thought maybe they were incorporating a "find a model railroader to date" feature...Confused

There's a concept for ya Chris. Have some questions like region you model, steam diesel or electric, EMD, GE or another brand, might work. 


Chris (hey, they took away my eight-ball!!!)

Sorry to hear that dude, any chance that you can find another one off another site? If I find one, I'll let you know. Smile, Wink & Grin


Well, I'm glad I stopped in for an after school meal. Mystery meat burgers and sandwiches get old fast. How about a nice juicy cheeseburger? Vinny, I trust your judgement. 


If you can read this... thank a teacher. If you are reading this in english... thank a veteran

When in doubt. grab a hammer. 

If it moves and isn't supposed to, get a hammer

If it doesn't move and is supposed to, get a hammer

If it's broken, get a hammer

If it can't be fixed with a hammer... DUCK TAPE!

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Posted by cudaken on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 4:28 PM

 High Folks!

 Flo, big order of BBQ Chicken Knockers (still bet I cannot say chicken Breast) and a Chief Salad and a mug of Milwaukee's Best Light in a chilled Monon mug please. 


 Robby P  (this is about as self self serving as you can get ) If you need some cars for the show, I be more than happy to send you some of mine.  After the show, I would like them back (self severing part) and I would pay the shipping both ways. I am post this as a joke to a point, if you where to take me up on the offer I be a happy man. But, with the quality of your work, I am sure you could make a tidy little profit when the cars where sold.


 Jeffery and others  Guess it was a month ago there was a posting on the older and better site about kit bashing a steam engine. It turned into a thread about free Anti Virus Protection. Now that I cannot use  Zone Alarm with the newer site, I did some Virus Protection. Could you send a link to what you are using? I am running XP Pro.

 Floor Wars.  First let me thank all the kind people that have tried to help me with this project! The bolder is at the Pinnacle of the Mountain and it is all down here from here.  3/4 of the kitchen is in Luna and the pits in the sub floor are no more! I have two more sections I have to custom cut then time to lay the self sticking tile down.

 I cannot tell you folks how nice it is to walk on a level floor with no sink holes! Other than the learning curve the project was really not hard. Learning curve being the Concrete floor lever that I could not get mixed right and my wife nose. 

 Starting to feel a little Bob Villaisy   Next project I like to do is install a new Dish Washer and Stainless Steel Sink. The old Dish Washer only work when she feels like it, which is only ever 3 days or so. I cannot afford a Divorces and don't want the old one out on the street just yet! So after the floor is done that will be the next project.

 Electric Flyswatter I have only tried to apply Static Grass once and it did not work! I think it is the glue and not the Static Grass Applicator it self. First section all ready had ground foam on it, I used wet water, then a 50/50 mix of Elmer's glue and water. It now looks like freshly cut hay, not the effect I was looking for! Then I tried a bare foam section with just the 50/50 Elmer's and water, again the grass just feel over.

 Applicator seems to have good power. On the first section where the static grass was not wet, it would pick up a string of grass 3" long? On the foam section, if I got the strainer with in 1/4 inch of the foam, a spark would jump?

 Well Flo just brought my BBQ Chicken Knockers so it is time to eat.

                  Cuda Ken





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Posted by SilverSpike on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 4:23 PM


 I've been following with interest the denigration of British Cooking (OK, I'll go along so far as not call it cuisine!  I never liked the idea of Tripe and onions, or blood pudding - but come on gang, what's this aversion to Steak and Kidney pie all about It's what we had last Sunday for lunch  in fact the way things worked out, this one had EXTRA KIDNEY! 


Der John, the pie looks like almost GONE!  

Hey Robby, great weathering as usual!

Garry, hope you can eat soon! Put some of thar rub in your liquids! Kick it up a bit!


Ryan Boudreaux
The Piedmont Division
Modeling The Southern Railway, Norfolk & Western & Norfolk Southern in HO during the merger era
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Posted by AmanaMedic on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 4:09 PM

Good afternoon, hope all are well and having a good day. Figured I'd stop by and give the new digs a look-see. Not impressed, but not disappointed (yet) either. I'm just happy they didn't base it through Facebook or some other such (anti)social site.


I see the gender symbol has been discussed...I was wondering why they added those. I thought maybe they were incorporating a "find a model railroader to date" feature...Confused


Not much else going on, as usual I've got stuff to write for THAT Editor, and stuff on the RR w**k table.


ROBBY P: Another fine, fine job...YesYes


SAWYER: Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet track plan there Pal!


ULRICH: Glad to see some hope finally coming your way. Now I have to look up just where in the wide, wide world Tanzania is...


Back at it...

Chris (hey, they took away my eight-ball!!!)

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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