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Elliot's Trackside Diner XXV- Milepost 25 Locked

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Posted by der5997 on Sunday, February 28, 2010 10:47 AM

Good morning folks:


Pity, but it's attraction stems from somewhere that holds more t han a grain of truth, I'm sure. Big Smile

Garry: Love it! There's a place in Saskatchewan that holds annual Biffy races. Maybe CNCharlie can enlighten us.


Is there some alarm at Microsoft, when you leave the Borg, THAT triggers a response to get you back into the collective???? Good grief!
  A couple of years ago IE8 spontaneously downloaded itself, and wiped out my IE7 in the process! I lost everything.


Mind you interest isn't tax deductable
....THAT was our biggest shock in coming to Canada in 1967!

Jeff:   Great! The steps rust keeps getting better. I was thinking about that last night before I drifted off. It must be difficult to get the effect of rust continuing behind cast on ladders. I was thinking that holding the model down and away from one and "welling" a thin rust paint - probably with alcohol in it) along the underside of each rung (probably one rung at a time for control of what happens), then tipping the car forward so the thinned paint runs as a sheet down the space to the next rung below might work. I like your solution here.Thumbs Up

Ulrich: Check your email. I guess I got to your photo a little later in the day, when the sun was a bit higher. That beauty was moving! Approve


but I'm lucky to see an NHL game once a month
...and this one should be just a tad better than those!

Todd and Jeff:

Colors, I'm real wacked out on colors
  Then there's the changes that come with the different lights under which the colours are viewed - natural; incandescent; fluorescent; Sodium vapour; Halogen; Mercury vapour....

Lunch soon, so I'll grab a small JR Regular to go, TTFN

"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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Posted by Blazzin on Sunday, February 28, 2010 11:05 AM

   "Coffee please"

  Jeff... this is getting good~.. lol.

  I'm starting to see how your mind is working.  God I love it.~  Thanks bud.

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Posted by Blazzin on Sunday, February 28, 2010 11:39 AM

    Sunny morning.  No rain.   Crisp. No breeze.  Air?  Well fresh as rain~

  Nice pics John.. can I copy? .. lol. 

  Oh hey I  I took a pic of my 'Lookout Point' but I dont' think it really shows must.. not worth posting.  Now maybe later today I might.  I can actually say at this point of my layout .. I am having fun.  I've lightly painted the 'old town wall, installed some fancy overhangs.. even with tree roots.. lol.  Today I shall be watching the movie called .."The Train"  while I do some landscaping.. lol.. I'm actually picking out trees. 

  Ok.. lets jump ahead.  Here in Socal we have many towns along the coast.  They were discovered by early explorers.  Well in the old town of Santa Barbara there is an old tree.  Its been there since the time with the explorer Portola first set foot there.  The tree is very old.. and is unique.. and I wish to do the same or something similar in fashion up on the lookout point.

  So there's your update.. who knows.. maybe pics later~


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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, February 28, 2010 12:10 PM

Just back from Church. Lost Brenda afterward for a bit, found out she ducked off with the preacher and had a bit of one on one with him.

I'm changed into me ever day duds and ready to take the outside trashcan to the basement to put the old bead Styrofoam in and it gone to bye bye land on the Thursday trash gone time. What's thatbe you say Flo? Why am I taliking like this?....... I have no idea.

DerJohn- Yes light has a lot to do with anyone, so you can imagine what it's like for me who already has trouble to begin with. Luckily, I can see all the colors, just difficult to determine what some of them are. Plus, and this is funny, the tint on my glasses gave me a different color look also and I never gave that a thought for yeeeears. I was/am really mixed up sometimes. I laughed at this story of a friend of mine who bought what I called a blue truck for some time. One evening while talking, (me, talking. Imagine that.) I referred to his "blue" truck. The lady who I was talking to got a funny look and said to his wife, "I thought it was green". His wife said to her, "it is. But he calls it blue. Always has, so it apparently looks blue to him. Just go with it." After that I see the truck and see it is a blue green. Very dark green and blue, but obviously green. Once I knew what I was looking at the color is so obvious I often wonder why I never saw it that way before. Confused

Jeff- Is the photo today the other side or did you do some blending? Again, the lighting is different so to me, who knows. But for whatever reason, I prefer this versionThumbs Up. Also I finally figured out the color I thought wasn't well suited for the weathering. The Grey. Yup turns out it was the boxcar colorLaugh. Silly me.Laugh

OK now time to head to the basement and start working. Drats! I forgot to get some KILZ this week. Oh well if I get far enough along today, I may just have to run into the Wal-mart if I have enough time to make it worth the trip. Otherwise I have to go to the butchershop to pay for the fish tomorrow and I‘ll pick it up then. It‘s pretty much just right across the street and about a block down.

I hate to just keep going to the place, but on my budget, I just can't seem to pass it up. Like I've said a dollar or two is a dollar or two and since the first place I come across when driving into Springfield is Super Wal-mart, I can't even say gas makes up the difference. 


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, February 28, 2010 12:50 PM

Jeff- Is the photo today the other side or did you do some blending? Again, the lighting is different so to me, who knows. But for whatever reason, I prefer this versionThumbs Up. Also I finally figured out the color I thought wasn't well suited for the weathering. The Grey. Yup turns out it was the boxcar colorLaugh. Silly me.Laugh

It is the other side. The base color of this car is green. I started with a spot coat of 'Cool Lava' that was then dragged downward with a piece of paper towel. After this dried I followed it with some spots of 'Rusted Earth' done the same way. This was followed with some spots of 'Rusty Rail' also dragged with the paper towel. All the colors are latex applied undiluted.



Jeff:   Great! The steps rust keeps getting better. I was thinking about that last night before I drifted off. It must be difficult to get the effect of rust continuing behind cast on ladders. I was thinking that holding the model down and away from one and "welling" a thin rust paint - probably with alcohol in it) along the underside of each rung (probably one rung at a time for control of what happens), then tipping the car forward so the thinned paint runs as a sheet down the space to the next rung below might work. I like your solution here.Thumbs Up

Close but no cigar. I applied a thin strip of undiluted paint just under the ladder rungs and dragged them down with a piece of paper towel, applying several several thin lines under each rung.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by JimRCGMO on Sunday, February 28, 2010 1:10 PM

Good Morning (well, Lunchtime), Flo - I'll have a bowl of the potato soup, some grated cheddar on that, and a BLT, with a RBF, please. Thanks!

Wow!!, Jeff - that car's getting better as you go - the first one looked about ready for the RIP track! Bow

Oh, Chris - THAT kind of dance...Blush I'd agree with you about the 6 (or 8, or 10, or...) year olds NOT needing to parade around in some of those outfits in front of everyone. (Our overs*xed society, might be my take on THAT). (How DID that soapbox get under me again? No, Flo, I'll return it back to the corner, don't really intend to spend any time on THAT thing). On your problem with the reveenuers, do you have any relatives who are tax attorneys, perhaps? Well, it was worth a shot (figuratively speaking ONLY, I am NOT advocating any kind of violence - sheesh, even when I'm not trying to, I sound like I have that box under me again...). As for the bank's mistake, I'd think that since they 'neglected' to inform you, they should have some of the responsibility on THAT. My My 2 cents...

Of course, nowadays, ya gotta watch what you say and how you word it - the ladies at our church have a 'tea party' get-together thing with a speaker each year, but this year that phrase gets people attaching other idears of a more political nature to the phrase. That's ALL lowercase letters, t-e-a party, not(!) TEA Party, folks. Honest!). Ah, the joys of modernspeak (oops, now I'll be hearing from Orwell's estate's attorneys next...) Sigh

Robby - on that (broken) covered hopper, maybe you could find out what day THAT salesman doesn't w**k, and take the car back on that day? Worth a try, at least. And I'm sure you would anyway, but make sure to gorrilla-proof your packaging the guy's cars for the return trip back after you finish the weathering. I don't have any Intermountain, either. But in my case it's cause most of their stuff is for too new of a time period (later than my RR's era).

Hey, hey, hey, Garry, be nice! Grumpy Yeah, after yesterday I heard one or two people talking about the New Madrid crack (it's their fault...), but as one person pointed out this morning, Cape's area has limestone under most of our area, while New Madrid (being former swampland) has mostly sand under it - which I understand in case of an earthquake, would turn into mush (or quicksand?). Besides, the one thing I've heard on earthquakes in our area, is that because we tend to have little tremors every so often, it releases the buildup of pressure on the (tectonic?) plates down under there, lessening the chances of a BIG ONE. Now, if we hadn't had *any* of those little tremors and such, I'd be more worried. Yeah, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Hey, any geologists in the Diner who can fill us in?

Sawyer, so long as you weren't speaking literally about that playing your guts out business...Shock

Keith - March 1st? Of what year, if I might ask? Smile,Wink, & Grin I'm still trying to get to my wiring (followed by scenery, ballasting, foundations for buildings, etc., etc. ...)! Keep at it, though! Thumbs Up Like that cliff/rock thingee. Bannana, eh?

Ulrich, I had one car repossessed on me, and they did that way - sold it dirt cheap at some auction, and I was left with the balance on my loan as MY debt. Bankers....Banged Head Keep sticking with it there. As Garry said, I suspect God might have something nice down the road for you, once you get through this stage in your life. I can't picture Him as being as inefficient as, say, certain politicians on either side of the 'pond'... (Hey, Flo, can you get this box out from under me, please?) Just keep doing whatever small part is within your control, friend. Thumbs Up

I see I missed the whistling/humming festival last night after I went home to sleep...Whistling And then after Todd talks about disco, in comes Sam, talking about fiber optics (to go with that shiny silver ball from the ceiling?) Interesting evening, all right...

DerJohn - cool modern art outhouse there! Yeah!! You may not have had acid rain up there, but you sure have had some cool sn*w-encrusted Canadian/Canadien engines, all right! Thumbs Up Hey, how recently did you take those photos?

Ray, the story might not actually be true, but where there's politicians, there's a distinct possibility that one or more of them could be that stupid:

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress.
But I repeat myself.
    - Mark Twain, a Biography

- And our area of Missouri actually has a representative who has pretty good sense. (Now one of our Senators, that's another matter...) Hey, Flo - I thought I put this soapbox back in the corner! How come it keeps getting underfoot?

Is there some alarm at Microsoft, when you leave the Borg, THAT triggers a response to get you back into the collective???? Good grief!

Chris, probably so...

Welp, the w**k cell just went off, and I have to go see somebody. Will be back later today, I hope.


Blessings and prayers,

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, February 28, 2010 1:55 PM

 john, true. A lot of the guys that will be on the ice play in the NHL though.

Jim, i'd prefer not to actual see my stomach in person, so the guts will stay inside of me haha. I will play my hardest though lol

 Posted these over in WPF, but thought might like to see a few of them



Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by fec153 on Sunday, February 28, 2010 2:02 PM

WOW!!! Very nicely done.. If you were a Boy Scout, you would get your badge.



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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, February 28, 2010 2:19 PM


WOW!!! Very nicely done.. If you were a Boy Scout, you would get your badge.




Thanks Flip! I used to be a cub scout, but except for the pinewood derbies my two years in it I was bored. I preferred the sports field. I'm pretty sure my dad got his eagle scout achievement thing when he was a kid though.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, February 28, 2010 3:21 PM

Sawyer- Thumbs Up

The base color of this car is green.

Uh...... Green. Yeah. That's what I meant.(see what I mean?)

By the way Jeff, since you're here. I got the last part of the old layout down, and while clearing the stuff out from underneath......., I ran into one of Hairy's brothers. I'm sorry. He was curled up and appeared to have passed peacefully or at least quickly. I'll let you pass the news on to Hairy. Best he hears it from someone he knows.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Trainman Sam on Sunday, February 28, 2010 3:58 PM


Hello all!  I had a rather nice day, actually got to do my job!  The engineer showed up today!  I'm hearing now that the "layoffs" are supposed to start from the TOP down... Hopefully there is some truth to that rumour!

Well, dinner is almost ready and I am watching the Olympics Hockey!!! GO USA

BTW THANKS GUYS... It's stuck in my head  Ma nah ma nah...


 May He bless you, guide you, and keep you safe on your journey through life!

 I Model the New Hope & Ivyland RR (Bucks County, PA)

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Posted by puddlejumperoz on Sunday, February 28, 2010 4:37 PM

Morning everybody from Sydney, Australia.

Had a lovely weekend and visited the exhibition, it was in the words of a young kid standing next to me.....awesomeBig Smile


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Posted by AmanaMedic on Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:02 PM

Good afternoon... RBF please 'n the RC, of course!

First, can we have a moment of silence, please...for Hairy's brother, or cousin, or...whatever THAT ex-spider is/was....




Thank you.

SAWYER: Nice job! 

JEFF: You're getting some very interesting rust effects there, I'm liking how the multiple "rusts" are blending. These boxcar shots are giving me ideas for heavy rust effects, so I'm gonna say "thank you!" for posting them!

TODD: I've got a problem with colors too...I see them as RR colors: "oh, THAT's UP yellow, THAT looks like GN blue, Santa Fe warbonnet red..." and so it goes. I do NOT see "chartruese," "mauve," "dusty rose," or "vermillion." Actually, "vermillion" is Pirsch fire engine red...WhistlingI see a lot of different reds: IH red, Case-IH red, Massey Ferguson red, ALF fire engine red, Pirsch fire engine red, Seagrave red, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.Smile,Wink, & Grin

SAM: Hey, glad you got to go play trains for real today...Smile,Wink, & Grin And...."Mah-na-ma-na" was DESIGNED to stick inside one's's insidious! As for lay-off rumors, it makes sense to cut from the top...those guys are more expensive than you newbies! Hope all works out for you, sounds like you've got your heart in this!

ULRICH: Like the man said, do what you can with what YOU can control. I'd keep looking at teaching. Yeah, it's a different direction, but sounds to me like you've got a lot of experience others can benefit from. 

As for our latest craptastic crap sandwich... the IRS was "kind enough" to explain the how/why/wherefore of the situation in the stack of documents they sent. Had we known about it before, it would've been taken care of with the '08 taxes. It would've been nice if CHASE (or the company handling the shake-down, I mean..."settlement") would've said, "oh, by the way...if you do this, you'll have to pay taxes on the forgiven amount..." Short of taking a baseball bat to somebody, I doubt I'll get much empathy/sympathy from those entities. We'll just do the installment plan...and IF we get a refund this year,'ll just automatically go to pay THAT off. It sucks, I don't think it's fair (I heartily disagree with the notion THAT money I no longer have to send to a credit card company is "income")...and it just furthers my resolve to find a viable candidate who will abolish the IRS, cut taxes, cut spending, employ some fiscal discipline... 

Hey, where did THAT soapbox come from???? It's like it KNOWS.....................


Speaking of fiscal enabling Wife encouraged me to be irresponsible. I had to drop-off the porno dance pics and lock-in Loving Wife and Rerun rode along. I said I needed to get a bottle of Testor's liquid plastic cement... Loving Wife piloted her BUG to the LHS in Cedar Rapids. Enroute, I told her how I hate going THAT far just for a bottle of cement...and THAT I feel guilty getting pretty much everything else from "theBay" or direct from Walthers. She said I "should" buy a box car too. Big Smile They still have a dozen or so McKean kits, some Walthers kits which have been in three locations now...faded boxes, sun-bleached labels, etc. I selected three McKean boxcar kits, told her THAT as the Chief Financial Officer, it was up to her to decide which one would be acquired. Her choices: 1) red USLX double plug-door, 2) blue CSX exterior post boxcar, or 3) blue Golden West boxcar. She selected the Golden West. I told her I could use the USLX for either National Oats or Nash Finch (grocery wholesaler) service, the CSX for paper service to Longview Fiber or Weyerhauser box factories; or the Golden West for grocery service to Nash could justify any of 'em. She really liked the colors on the Golden West... I felt better...but still feel guilty spending bucks at all!

I'm lucky, she realizes THAT having a hobby helps to keep me...."sane," for lack of a better word.

I just wonder how "sane" she'll think I am when I go to fix THAT gap on the roundhouse...

Have a good'en!

ChrisEight Ball



The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Sunday, February 28, 2010 6:03 PM

 Wow!! Thumbs Up Wow!! Thumbs Up Wow!! Thumbs Up






from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, February 28, 2010 6:06 PM


   "Coffee please"

  Jeff... this is getting good~.. lol.

  I'm starting to see how your mind is working.  God I love it.~  Thanks bud.

This side has gotten to the point that I should stop or I may overdo it.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, February 28, 2010 6:07 PM

Sign - Welcome to the diner puddlejumperoz. My names Todd. Glad you stopped in to say hi and have you aboard. I see you are Australian. You've got company.  Order what you'd like and whoever gets the top of the page has to pay the virtual tab. The cooks can make anything you'd like. This is a good little place were no one speak harsh or mean spirited. Much good info is also traded in here. We get a bit more involved in personal lives to keep the rest of the forum flowing. Kinda like a club with no dues or membership. Only rule is, keep it nice.Big Smile Well sort of. Should still steer clear of politics, religion and the like, but sometimes we get a bit out of line. Someone usually will speak up before it goes too far. 

I see your new and from your thread out there, you are wanting to get a start in DCC. Good choice. Several of us are in DC still and happy with it and some are DCC and happy with it. Maybe they can give you short reasons why to help you with your decision.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, February 28, 2010 6:16 PM

 Chris and Todd, thanks!

I saw the end of that game, that was a great effort by the USA

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

Building a protolanced industrial park layout


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Posted by puddlejumperoz on Sunday, February 28, 2010 6:40 PM

Thank you for the welcome Todd. Um I'll try to keep my posts as clean as possible, well as clean as an ex-sailor can anyway

Yes I'm planning on doing my layout DCC from scratch, I'm just in the middle of deciding which controller to go with at the moment. Oh and I'll have some pancakes if they're going, just the motor oil, no butter thanksBig Smile

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Posted by teen steam fan on Sunday, February 28, 2010 6:56 PM

Hey guys

Welcome to the diner. The guys here are something else.

The usual for me Cloe

If you can read this... thank a teacher. If you are reading this in english... thank a veteran

When in doubt. grab a hammer. 

If it moves and isn't supposed to, get a hammer

If it doesn't move and is supposed to, get a hammer

If it's broken, get a hammer

If it can't be fixed with a hammer... DUCK TAPE!

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Posted by Packer on Sunday, February 28, 2010 7:05 PM

Evening ya'll, RBF for me 

I fired up my airbrush for the first time, and it works. But I have a long story to go with it:

I though mixing the paint and getting the laquer thinner out of the big jug would be the hard part. That turned out to be the easy part. The real fun started when I tried to spray. For starters, the hose (I bought a badger hose) kept falling off. I fixed that by filling the plug so the hose could thread on by more than 2 turns. But then the rubber ring inside the badger hose went missing. I compensated by cranking the air pressure up to 40; however, that may have did something to the hose since some goop is coming out the sides. It also stopped drawing paint up alot. Then when it started back up, it wanted to shoot a stream of paint straight up into the air. I probably should use a paint filter from now on. I probably have more paint all over the garage patio than anything I painted. When cleaning it afterwards, I noticed most of the o-rings were missing (no, I never checked in the first place). Luckily I managed to get some that fit out of my box of carburetor parts.

I don't think it's too bad of a job for enamels on the 1st try. I will note that cleaning the enamel paints out of this airbrush may be self-destructive. Most of the parts are plastic, so it could end up causing it to break. If it does I'll get a badger since getting parts for a Japanese airbrush would cost more than a new one.

New projects regarding that are to adjust the paint on the RI (the darker one) and NW (the almost white one). The DRGW one looks close enough to me.

Puddlejumperoz, Sign - Welcome

Sawyer, nice job.

Todd and Jeff, color matching is a pain. Especially when using spray cans since they rarely match the cap.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Sunday, February 28, 2010 7:14 PM

teen steam fan
The guys here are something else.

THAT's probably a very...polite way of describing us! "something...else."Laugh



Welp, for probably the first time ever since I've started following NASCAR...I was hoping Jeff "eyebrows from outer space" Gordon would win. Instead, Jimmie won...againThumbs Down. BUT, Matt Kenseth pulled-off a solid top-5 finish (finishing 5th)WOOT! WOOT!Big SmileThumbs Up. I see J-Mac done went and turned his teammate Juan Pablo Montoya...guess the man-crush the media was hyping a week or two ago is over now...Laugh Was interesting hearing Montoya crying about drivers being "reckless" out there, kinda like the pot calling the kettle black! IF Juan Pablo wrecks somebody...he's being "agressive." IF somebody dares wreck him...they're "reckless." Send him BACK to Columbia PLEASE!

And THAT gents is Lucky's NASCAR round-up.

Congrats to the Canadians... sounds like it was a helluva match.

Hey, NOW my goofy computer is receiving updates to repair Internet Exploder 6! I got rid of 8 and 7 last night, got rid of another one...guess I had all three! SHEESH! It's finally stopped trying to repair/update 7 and I gotta convince the BORG I don't want to update 6 too!!!!!!!!!!

Ah well, back to the roundhouse....I'm actually making some kind of progress. Haven't gotten to THAT gap yet...I keep finding other bits to w**k on while I continue to ponder, cogitate, and stew about it!


ChrisEight Ball


The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by der5997 on Sunday, February 28, 2010 7:21 PM


Nice pics John.. can I copy? .. lol. 
  That's what I did! Big Smile


You may not have had acid rain up there
..Only in my little "Kingdom" of the Maritime Trunk Jim. Nova Scotia is the tail pipe of North America (with the highest per captia cancer rate of any Canadian Province BTW there wouldn't be a connection  of course!SoapBox) and all 65 salmon rivers south of a line from Digby to Canso are essentially dead. The West River, Sheet Harbour being the exception because of a liming study begun about 5 years ago. The pH at the river mouth is now 5.5 - 100TIMES less acid than 5 years ago! The know how was brought in from Norway - they are in a similar tail pipe position vis-à-vis Europe, and have been liming their rivers with great success for 25 years and more. I wouldn't have been able to bore you all with that except I stayed awake at the Town Hall meeting yesterday morning!

Those CP Photos are from RT via Flip (Jeff and TrolleyRob have them too.) and he got them from someone near Calgary, They are in the CPR Intermodal yard 25 miles outside Calgary at Shepard. Early Feb this year to answer your question!


Close but no cigar
...Good, as I gave those up a year or 40 back!Dead Car's really coming together now.Thumbs Up


john, true. A lot of the guys that will be on the ice play in the NHL though.
  It's the standard of play that's different, and that shows up in WAY fewer stupid penalties, and a noted retention of gloves! King Furniture is really impressive.Bow

OZRay: Welcome!  Hope you like it here. A polite and knowledgeable gang of  mrr friends awaits, and virtually anything you'd like to order - Hey, we even have Lamingtons. Tell us more about your layout plans while you enjoy those.

well as clean as an ex-sailor can anyway dad was a merchant seaman who ended up in Australia, went on to a sheep station, then became a priest and joined the Bush I guess there's hope! Whistling


(I heartily disagree with the notion THAT money I no longer have to send to a credit card company is "income")...
...No, I don't get it either. You spend money out of income, fair enough. Purchases you didn't are they "income"?Confused

Our part in the Hockey game tonight was NOT to watch! Kris and I are a total jinx to any team or individual sports person we root for. All we have to do is turn on the TV and skaters start falling over, putts are missed, passes fumbled etc. To show you how this works, let me illustrate from tonight's game. We stayed away, especially when we learned the score was 2:1 at the end of the second period. Then when we thought it might be safe, we checked again...2:1 with less than a minute to go! Well, you all know what happened after that. Just think, it would have been all over WAY earlier if we hadn't heard THAT. LOL. Anyway, I'm glad Sid-the-kid scored the winning goal. There's going to be a huge party in Cole Harbour, NS when he brings his medal home for a parade - the Stanley Cup was quite the celebration!

Back to putting railings on the top of the bulk sand bin. Pics when I'm done. TTFN.



"There are always alternatives, Captain" - Spock.

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Posted by Packers#1 on Sunday, February 28, 2010 7:24 PM

 Puddlejumperoz, welcoem to the diner!

Vincent and John, thanks! yeah John, penalties suck. that's one thing that kills us in rugby.

Chris, I didn't watch much of the race (too hyper today lol), but I saw the end. GOOOOO #48!

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by puddlejumperoz on Sunday, February 28, 2010 7:40 PM

Thankyou everyone for the warm welcome *gobbles lamingtons*


My main focus will be on recreating a branch line here in Sydney around the 60's and 70's era. There was a abbatoir there and so that will involve a bit of kitbashing and scratchbuilding as well. I'm looking to purchase a model of one of these, when the missus approves of the price $500 or so for a full DCC sound included job, and lot's of sheep wagons....phew...stinkers.





Are there trains in Heaven?
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, February 28, 2010 7:40 PM

 Sign - WelcomeSign - Welcome Welcome Puddlejumperoz Sign - WelcomeSign - Welcome

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, February 28, 2010 7:41 PM

I think I might have missed something. 

Kris and I are a total jinx to any team or individual sports person we root for.

Laugh Me too! If I watched a one horse race and all he had to do was cross the finish line 5 feet from where he started......,the horse would die before he took a step. Falling 2 and a half inches from the finish. I put $5 on both teams at the World Series a couple of years ago. First time in history no one won. Sigh




Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, February 28, 2010 7:56 PM

Nope, I didn't. The workbench is still there. Just buried under stuff. Can't work on models until I get some more benchwork put up to hold the things I put on the workbench. Then I own't be able to work on the layout until I clear it off. Vicious circle.

Say somebody wouldn't have need for a 25 inch Zenith console TV would they? It's in my way now that the old benchwork is down. Free. Just come pick it up. What's that Janie? Well yea it's old. Does it work? Well no not really. Ok Vinnie, I'll leave.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by fec153 on Sunday, February 28, 2010 8:15 PM

Welcome Puddlejumper. You're the fourth from Oz land recently.

Todd- Yes! Thatb was the thread. But tarnished gives with one hand and takes back with the other. His critique was accurate but could have been stated better. Maybe its me? I'm predudiced. Soon as I see his name, I know he is going to knock something/someone.

Blessings and prayers for all.           Goodnight.



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Posted by howmus on Sunday, February 28, 2010 8:18 PM

Evenin' folks!

Chloe just a decafe for me tonight.  I'll go sit in the back booth by the fire and get warm.

I had no sooner gotten done posting this morning when the phone rang.  It was my son calling to ask what I was doing today.  He finished unloading the trailer ans was ready to go get the last load out of the storage unit.  Most everything was "light and fluffy".  The exception was a monstrously heavy coffee table they got a few years ago.  Has a solid marble top on it and very small edges to get a grip on and move......Grumpy  Art had troble driving the truck and trailer up the grade at the storage unit place.  I finally gave him a few pointers on handling the two together, got him backed up onto some gravel not completely covered with snow and ice, and told him to "give it ****".  She walked right up to the top with no problems once he had some momentum.  He decided to let me take it back down the hill as I have more experience handing the manual brakes on it (I like to use the trailer brakes first to keep it from jackknifing on slippery surfaces.

Anyway, we got her back to his house, got the heavy stuff unloaded and into his living room, and then sat down to a delicious Roast Beast Dinner with all the trimmings including Bliueberry pie and vanilla ice cream for dessert.  Then we all settled in for a word game in front of the fireplace which he had a commercial log lit in.  His wife's family were over for Sunday Night Dinner as well.  I also had to spend some time playing with two pretty little girls who both love their grandpa (me) a whole lot!!! The littlest one will turn 1 year old next Friday.  Parties are planned for Saturday (Friends) and Sunday (Family).  Little Emily may be walking by THAT time.  She is very close right now. Pulls herself up and walks along holding on to things. 

So, I just got back home here a while ago.

(Pssst, who's the "new guy"?  Oh really?)

Hi there Ray!  Allow me to introduce myself, I'm, Ray.....  Oh, and this here's my brother Darrell, and this is my other brother, Darrell.  (Sorry, I just can't help myself sometimes.) Whistling

"Doot Doo bah Dooba..."

Best get moving on, I still haven't started on the agenda for Deacons this Wednesday.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, February 28, 2010 8:28 PM

Flip- Nope not just you.

Aaaah Ray, doesn't he just have the life? Roast Beast, blueberry PIE, fire in the fireplace, monstrously heavy coffee tables. Doesn't have to remember all sorts of different names for his siblings. Boy he's got it made.

Prayers for those in need.

EDIT: Looks like night time snacks and probably Ulrich's breakfast will be on me. I've no idea what they're doing in the land of Oz at this time. 


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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