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Elliot's Trackside Diner, Mark XIX Locked

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Posted by ns3010 on Saturday, October 24, 2009 7:34 AM

Morning all. Janie, I'll take some french toast and OJ, thanks.

Vincent, glad to hear you're starting to get back on your feet.

Rob, sorry to hear about the loss of Lorenzo. Hopefully Luigi is well and will last a few more years.

Not even sure what's going on today until my parents get up. It's a long confusing story that I'm not going to bore you with...

I'll be at the RC for a while.

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Posted by LSWrr on Saturday, October 24, 2009 5:38 AM

Morning all,

Rob, sorry to hear about Lorenzo.

Jeff, my Dad had Satellite Internet for a three years; he said wind and rain can cause you to loose signal.

Vincent, glad you didn’t get hurt in the accident, I’m sure the next car will be better, faster, and cooler than the last.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, October 24, 2009 4:21 AM

Good Morning--Sleepy

Chloe, I'll have a toasted bagel with cream cheese and a large mug o' coffee please---I'll be at the window booth watching the day unfold.

Ulrich: My mother used to make that Borscht. We would eat that stuff on the weekend that my dad would be getting his paycheck---we knew we were broke then! LOL!

Rob: I'm at that point where one can look at a flyer and go ---meh--I already have such and such. The only things  really need are some more trees---filters and such---think I'll go play with some more braided wire and putty------heeheeheeMischiefSmile,Wink, & Grin

Welp--got my weekend seminars to do and some sidework--busy busy busy. Might get some time to go play with the R/C boats--considering how much rain we got clobbered with--that dang lake in our back yard is big enough to throw a floating dock into it----Whistling

Have a good one, peopleSmile,Wink, & Grin

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, October 24, 2009 2:25 AM

 Good Morning Everyone,

another dull and wet day - time to stay in the house. Zoe, only coffee for me in my LKAB mug - thank you!

Rob - I am sorry to hear about Lorenzo. Losing a long time companion is always hard - it reminds us, that we all have to go one day.

Vincent - you are a lucky one - I am glad you weren´t  hurt more than just this little scratch. Being without a ride is tough, but I guess that won´t last very long, will it?

Sawyer -  I forgot to comment on your new logo colors - I like them! They look more "railroady" to me!

Keith - Polish Chili Verde Soup? I worked for nearly 3 years in Poland as a managing director of a ship yard, but I never encountered a Polish Chili soup - only their infamous cabbage soup called borszcz (no, I don´t know how to pronounce that correctly, either).

Robby P. - that background looks just great in the combination with the trees you made - Thumbs Up

Ray -  good looking stove - like to share the recipe for its inauguration meal with us? Petra would make her famous PPB casserole - that´s Pear, Potato and Bacon - one of my favourites, very tasty and low on calories... Big Smile (well, not really)

Chris - you made me think about the use of THAT word - is it really THAT much important, THAT we limit the use of THAT word in what we say and write - or is it only THAT editor who has a slightly disturbed relationship to THAT?

Speaking of my dreams, eh, plans - I am still working on the idea of having a yacht-like cruise ship in the Nova Scotia waters. This area enjoys a growing interest among German tourists, especially if you offer "up-market" cruises in the range of $4,000 - 5,000 per person/week. All I need is some guy with some spare cash to help me finance this venue... Again it all depends on - My 2 cents and more... Sad It is this dream which keeps me ticking - it is a perspective, something to hold on...

Well, a good day for all of you!

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Posted by CNCharlie on Friday, October 23, 2009 11:18 PM

Rob, So sorry to hear of your loss. Lorenzo looked like a fine fellow. I can imagine  Luigi is bewildered losing his pal as the same happened to us a year ago when our little Jamie died on Oct. 19. Pippa was very depressed for many months as she had been with him for 13 years. I think she still misses him.

Extra scratchies for Luigi.

CN Charlie

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Friday, October 23, 2009 11:11 PM


ROB.    My Wife and I along with Patches and Buddy ( rescue Dashound) are sorry to here of your loss of Lorenzo.

He looks like he was a kind fellow. No matter their age it is difficult loosing a friend, 2 legged or 4 legged

I hope Luigi can stand the loss of his Buddy as well.

Prayers and blessings to all in need at this time.

A middle of the night hello to Ulrich and Petra from the Canadian prairies.

Will try and get back in tomorrow morning for a bit.

Night all,   Time for ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzsssssss.

Johnboy out for now.


from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

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Posted by Cederstrand on Friday, October 23, 2009 10:40 PM

Sorry, I must have spaced out writing the post, it was Lorenzo who passed away. I went back and corrected the "RIP Lorenzo". That pic of Lorenzo was taken over 3 years ago. He had become increasingly white around the whiskers since then. Thank you all for the kind words.

Luigi is our last surviving Italian Greyhound. He seems a bit bewildered/upset presently. I gave him an extra can of soft dog food tonight. He's in his teens, but I do not recall his birth year. All the IGs were rescued. 

The new Walthers flyer came today. Wife didn't see anything in it she wants or needs. That's a first. I saw a few things, but want to wait until I know what is going on with my health first. 

Well, off to feed old Sandy her nightly meal and then hit the hay. Good night all.

Cowboy Rob


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, October 23, 2009 10:03 PM

Vincent: Man, that sounded scary reading the dang thing!! Good that you did not get injured as bad as could have been----sheeesh!Shock Hopefully things will come together again----

Welp---my weekend seminar series continues on tomorrow---so's I befigure that this here fellow be trundlin' off to Zzz

G'night all

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by ns3010 on Friday, October 23, 2009 9:43 PM

Evening all. Flo, I'll take some cheese fries and a RBF, thanks.

Quiet in here tonight...

I'll be chillen at the RC for a while.

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Posted by howmus on Friday, October 23, 2009 9:17 PM

Evenin' folks!

Zoe just a cup of decafe to help me unwind.  

I got the rest of the skirting done in the old room.  No photos as of yet, maybe tomorrow night.  I also got out the CMX Clean Machine car to make sure that trains will run properly should we decide to run a train or two on the SLOW after (or during) the judging next Monday.  The 2-6-6-2 couldn't pull the car and the flat car with the magnet on it so I saw my new Bachman 2-8-0 sitting right there and thought, "Bet the 2 of them can move them...."  So I fired up the Connie and moved her around to the back end of the train, coupled on and had me a consist....  Using the DT400 throttle, was a breeze having each of them run separate just like the prototype would have.  Only had one derailment and that was the flat car being pushed ahead of the 2-6-6-2.  Must have been a bit of scenery foam left on the track.  Ran over the entire mainline twice and everything should be running well.  Been a while since I really ran a train so it was fun.

Rob, so sorry to hear about the dog....  Hope he went peacefully.  There seems to be some confusion as to which one died?  Always hard to lose such wonderful friends and companions. 

Lets see, today was Vole Day?  No...?  Ah, hmmm, It sounded like some kind of rodent.  Oh MOLE Day!  Blasted hearing aids!

May or may not get in for breakfast tomorrow as I will be heading out to the Museum with the woodsplitter.  Probably will leave it out there for a few weeks after we split as much wood as we can tomorrow.  There is supposed to be a truckload of cut but not split wood being delivered this week, so I will find out what I will be doing when I get there.  Sunday I will be playing "Car Host" again.  Last time this season as we close on November 1 and I will be bringing the Boy Scout Troop out that day.

Well, I think it is time I turn in for the night, so I'll finish the coffee and head out.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, October 23, 2009 9:12 PM

 I just went through a battle I don't want to repeat anytime soon. Earlier today a Google search engine had set itself up as my Firefox homepage and had reset all tab settings to normal. Try as I might I couldn't get rid of the darn thing. It wouldn't even let me reset the home page! I finally had to clear all the history and cookies and reinitialize everything so I could set up my normal homepage and tab settings. Man! I HATE GOOGLE!

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Packer on Friday, October 23, 2009 9:08 PM

Hey ya'll, just an RBF for me.

Sawyer, the geeps look good.

Rob, sorry to hear about Luigi. My condolences

And life dealed me a big pile of crap on tuesday, I no longer have a ride. My car got totaled. I went up a hill (really a super steep bridge) and make a pass, only to find that on the other side, there was a car stopped maybe 50 feet away. Couldn't turn out of the way (right would have been side-swipe an SUV, left would have been concrete wall, sticks, then incoming traffic; either case still lands me in the same boat) or brake in time.... My car pushed the Accord I hit into the back of the Tundra in front of it. Both of them walked out but the guy in the accord said his back was hurting after walking around for several minutes. I had to get out through my window since the fender was preventing the door from opening. Then after talking with the fuzz for an hour (mostly, asking if I was okay), I had to walk the half-mile back to work. Halfway there there was a bridge that is close to 100 feet up with cold shark-infested water with a 100-yard swim to either shore there. I stood at the top for a few wondering what to do. No car, no money, maybe no job and school if I can't get a ride.

I only got one small scrape on my finger from where one of the cruise control buttons popped off when the airbags deployed. Despite the fact I should be extremly grateful for getting out almost unscathe (I only noticed the scrapewhen I walked back to work and got a soda and got it on that finger), I think I'd rather have a bunch of broken bones and still have the car. I cried a bit when I saw the damage done to my car, then again when I started taking it apart to cannablize it for parts.

That car was my first of so many car (and girl) related things. I spent so much time and effort on that car to bring it back from being some "fast and the furious" project to something presntable. It was the first car I had, first one I rebuilt, first mustang I had, first car I raced, tuned, and tweaked. Just to see it busted up like that, then tearing it apart for parts was a bit to much for me... I'm managing a bit better, but still choking up a bit when I think about it.

By some irony my father sent me an e-mail with a car he though would be a good deal. I'm going to be taking a look at it tommorow.


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by Packers#1 on Friday, October 23, 2009 6:32 PM


SAWYER: Hey, first of all, I'm lovin' the geeps Thumbs Up I got me an ideer, for your situmacation. You said you didn't have tape thin enough to do the white first. Well, a straight edge and an Xacto would take care of that...but I'm gonna take it a step further, with the disclaimer I have no earthly idea if this will actually w**k or not. OK, that said, why not grab some blank decal paper, hit it with the white, cut it with straight edge and Xacto...and apply to the diesels. With Solvaset, it'll snuggle down over the louvers, etc., and you won't have to look at multiple coats stacking up, running, bleeding under the tape, etc.

Let me know if you try it and it w**ks. If it don' never saw me, I never said nuthin'!


Interesting idea. I've already bought all the supplies to paint though, and money is kinda tight, so I'll stick with the tape for now. good idea, idk if it would work. mgiht try it later on.

Sawyer Berry

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Posted by ns3010 on Friday, October 23, 2009 5:01 PM

blownout cylinder

That is an interesting holiday innit? Smile,Wink, & Grin

Yes, and as I type this, the celebration is just ending. Happy Mole Day!!

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Friday, October 23, 2009 4:52 PM

OK, so Happy Mole Day from the guy who about flunked out of every chem class he ever took...Disapprove

SAWYER: Hey, first of all, I'm lovin' the geeps Thumbs Up I got me an ideer, for your situmacation. You said you didn't have tape thin enough to do the white first. Well, a straight edge and an Xacto would take care of that...but I'm gonna take it a step further, with the disclaimer I have no earthly idea if this will actually w**k or not. OK, that said, why not grab some blank decal paper, hit it with the white, cut it with straight edge and Xacto...and apply to the diesels. With Solvaset, it'll snuggle down over the louvers, etc., and you won't have to look at multiple coats stacking up, running, bleeding under the tape, etc.

Let me know if you try it and it w**ks. If it don' never saw me, I never said nuthin'!

I got the last of the stuff done for THAT editor, so I'm a free man again...until early tomorrow morning when I go cover the big waffle breakfast in North Liberty. So...gonna get back to either the RR room, or the stuff on the table.

I'll have me a seat here at the RC, sip on a RBF and see who comes in...

ChrisEight Ball

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, October 23, 2009 4:41 PM

Ray, my computer's such a pain. It does random things, and now the charging cord somehow isn't working (again!, I just replaced it not that long ago). And the computer is only from just over a year ago, and it already runs like crap. And in case you're wondering, I'm on the other computer now, which seems to be working (knock on wood!).

Isn't the computer such a wonderful thing? It offers us all kinds of randomness for our viewing pleasure---Grumpy

Rob:  That is so sad. To lose a pet that is so loving---Angel

Oh, BTW, HAPPY MOLE DAY!!! Seriously, who makes a holiday about a unit of scientific measurement? We did a project for Chem where we had to make a "Mole Halloween Party invitation" and explain why Mole Day is celebrated from 6:02am to 6:02pm on October 23. Apparently it's because the scientific equation of a mole is 6.02x10^23. Anyway, Happy Mole Day!!!

That is an interesting holiday innit? Smile,Wink, & Grin

Good Afternoon--

Got some of those tracks into that undulation mode for a wracked up spur--now to see how the lokes run on it with the rolling stock----this oughta be funMischiefWhistling

Kinda dark and wet---lotsa rain be fallin' and we are just about in night time mode now---all the street lights are on now----oh, it is now pouriin'---wonderfulGrumpy And we never got outside of 4C today---sheeesh

This calls for drastic measures----

Chloe, I'll have a 48oz rack of ribs with mushroom gravy, Grilled veggies and a baked potato with sour cream please---for desert I'll have 3 Lemon Merigue pies and a barrelfull of RBF please---I'll be taking the whole lot to the corner booth.Dinner I's be VERY HUUUUNNNGGRRRYYYYY!!Dinner


Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by ns3010 on Friday, October 23, 2009 3:50 PM

Afternoon all. Chloe, I'll take a RBF, thanks.


Ray, my computer's such a pain. It does random things, and now the charging cord somehow isn't working (again!, I just replaced it not that long ago). And the computer is only from just over a year ago, and it already runs like crap. And in case you're wondering, I'm on the other computer now, which seems to be working (knock on wood!).
Keith, sorry if I've been quiet. And I don't put my name at the bottom of my posts because it's in my sig. And thanks for the complements on the photos!! Yesterday, I went and got my shots for the Trains Mag photo contest. I won't show my official entry yet, but I've "leaked" a few others on my Flickr if you're interested. And OF COURSE I'm the fun here!! Wink Fun is my middle name!! And I'm from Jersey. Pretty good for trains; got NJT, NS, CSX (further east of me), and some shortlines, *cough*Morristown&Erie*cough*...
Jim, if you really want to know, I've been busy with my english paper... Sigh And for the model railroading/trains, it's the way many other kids of this way probably have... Thomas the Tank Engine... Whistling Whoops, did I just say that out loud??...
Rob, sorry to hear about Luigi Angel

Not much from me, I guess.

Oh, BTW, HAPPY MOLE DAY!!! Seriously, who makes a holiday about a unit of scientific measurement? We did a project for Chem where we had to make a "Mole Halloween Party invitation" and explain why Mole Day is celebrated from 6:02am to 6:02pm on October 23. Apparently it's because the scientific equation of a mole is 6.02x10^23. Anyway, Happy Mole Day!!!

I'll be hangin in the back corner for a while if anyone wants to chat.

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Friday, October 23, 2009 3:03 PM

Good afternoon, Chloe? is the pot on? Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet. Yup, a cup of the Diner's finest.

KEITH: Thanks again for the recipie, Loving Wife is intrigued...but the crock pot is deceased. Guess I'll have to see about procuring one this weekend.

RAY: So, you made it to "the little room," and the phone rang. Fire/EMS pagers have the same "magical" effect. It is as if the dispatcher KNOWS when you've "settled in," as it were. Fine time for the tones to hit...Shock

ULRICH: Laugh Actually, she's not THAT bad... Whistling Continued best wishes to you and your Loving Wife. Is there anything in particular you're looking for on this side of "the pond?" Maybe we can start doing a little reconnisance (sp.?) for you.

JIM: Yeah, the plastic grabs do get a bit...frustraticating...Banged Head I grabbed some extra sets off "theBay" just to have spares on-hand...and it's come in handy. I'd say the closest to pre-'60 is the smooth-side boxcar...and Accurail makes a ton of 'em. I'm not so sure the fit and finish is all that much better. I had to do paint w**k (ends and roof) on the last Accurail boxcar I got, and seems like the doors were the same test fit, file, test fit, file, test fit, oh crap too much Banged Head "fun" I've had with the Front Range and McKean versions. As for the book, at risk of violating advertising policies...if you like what you see, PM me. The wife has some, she will gladly personalize them. Also: is a good resource.

ROB: Very sorry to hear about Luigi, Rerun and I send our condolences.Angel

I am still w**king on the city council candidates forum article. THAT editor wanted "around 700-800" words...I'm almost to 1500. Then again, I'm excerpting three questions, with five guys, THATs fifteen answers. I chose two of the most pressing issues: explosive growth of the city, and on-going issues with a messed up piece of road called Highway 965. The third question I pulled out clearly shows differences between candidates. They mostly echoed each other on the first two. THAT editor will wail and gnash her teeth, then she'll break out the scalpel and surgically trim the article to fit her needs to a "T." THAT's why she's the editor...and I's the grunt writer.

Well, best get back at it. Oh yeah, hey KEITH, in case you missed it, we call her THAT editor because I'm absolutely NOT allowed to use "that" unless that word happens to be included in a direct quote. Why? That's a good question, thanks for asking. "That" is supposedly the most overused word that there has ever been in the English language. That means, that I have to find alternatives to that word whenever possible. Only if no other word will fit in that situation am I allowed to put that word into my articles.

Now, is that clear?


ChrisEight Ball

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Posted by Blazzin on Friday, October 23, 2009 2:04 PM

  Jim, you weren't the only one.. but here's my pm to Chris.

  Ron's Polish Chili Verde soup. 

Alrightie then, I'm glad to share this with you and your wife.  I know, from 3 decades of being with the same woman.  If she isn't happy.. everyone suffers, including the dogs and cats.  Ok.. Cilantro is also called Coriander in euorpe and maybe where you live.  But I believe its in most vegetable isles of any grocery store.  Looks like parsley but has a zip to the taste.. a must in this soup.

Ok.. I just made this yesterday.. ate some this morning.  Whew.. you'll feel warm.~

1. I like to have a partial frozen Pork rump roast (3 lbs). It makes cutting the excess fat off easier, as well as cutting up the meat into smaller sizes.. about 1x1 inch size. Now honestly.. you can't cut off all the fat.. its too hard.  But look at it this way.. for a sore throat, I can't think of anything that could coat it as well.  After cutting up the meat and placing it in the crock pot ... you'll want to cut up the Garlic.

2.  Garlic- about 4 medium size cloves that break off the main bulb. Cut em up as small as possible.. depending on if you can handle it.  LOL... wait til the onions. I use rubber gloves when cutting garlic or onions.  Ok.. if you cut up the garlic... place the garlic into the crock pot and stir .. with out the heat on.. just let the garlic soak into the meat.  Plenty of other things to do, while the meat is being seasoned from the garlic.  It also helps take away the smell of garlic cuz it went into the meat.  Ppl notice the meat.. and how it tastes. 

3.  Onions- 3 medium sized yellow onions.  I always peal off the first layer of the onion beside the dried part.  The first layer of the onion is too rubbery for my palate.. and you end up finding them in the soup.  So, get rid of the first layer. Almost a must.  Now after you've cut the onions.. place them into the cold crock pot.  Just stir em around and let the onions and garlic soak into the meat.

4.  Cilantro- one bunch. It comes in a bunch.. with a wire tied around it.  Sort of like a small bouquet of flowers.  Cut up the cilantro, but keep in mind.. you want the tops of the greens.. not usually the stems.  So after you've cut the leaves.. to keep.. you then go through it and lightly pull the long older stems, the ones that are too old and course. The younger stems don't worry about. Then take the cut up cilantro and mix it in with the meat.  Stir it up.. and let it season some more.

5. Green Chili's.. a 28 oz can of whole green chili.  Take each chili and open it up. Take out any remnants of seeds or the seed stem.  Too hard on some ppl with polyp's or verticuli in the intestines.. also the seeds make it hotter .. so get rid of any seeds left on the inside.  Cut them up.. and then place them into the crock pot.. and let all those season the meat... Stir it up.. make sure each piece of meat gets the vegetables touching it.  This is the real secret to the flavor of the meat.. and not in the soup.  The meat sucks it all up.  Now gently smash the meat and the vegetables down.. making room for the good stuff.  Green enchilada sauce.

6.  You will need  2   ... 28 oz cans of Green Enchilada sauce. But, BUT only 1 can into the Crock Pot. Just pour it on top.. but DON'T stir.  Leave the good stuff on the bottom and let it cook and season for a bit. You could just leave that for a long time.  But when its done.. it might look brown and yucky.. don't worry.. the final and most IMPORTANT Secret is to...

7.  to add the final 1 can of Green Enchilada sauce (28 oz) into the pot.. and cook for 20 mins on 'low'. No longer or you will lose the green chili taste amongst the other ingrediants.

  So, how do you know if its done?  Well, the onions are like melted.. or resemble thin like paper.  If the garlic isn't crunchy too, then you know its done.. same with the whole green chili's. 

  Cooking on 'Slow'  over-night or on High during the day.. at work thingy.  What ever the case.. you will smell the ingrediants through out the whole house... but one taste.. you'll say what I said.. as I was scraping the bottom of the crock pot.. "Heck I'll just add water to this.. heat it up.. THIS IS THE ELIXIR OF LIFE!"  no kidding.  You will have kind thoughts of me.. when you taste this. Your chest and sinuses will thank you~.  By the way.. in all this recipe'  water is not added.. just let all the juices do it.. the only other thing to add.. might be some salt.  Good luck.  The Gospel truth.. 'You'll never get a flea bite or a mesquito bite.. or a cold .. for one year.  Two bowls worth... and you're covered.~


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, October 23, 2009 1:59 PM
Up to 54 and cloudy here. Expecting 64 for a high with some clouds. Cable went out after my earlier post. I'm really getting tired of this. Every weekend it seems to be the same darned thing. Cable goes out for a while, comes back on for a little while, goes out for a while for most of the weekend seemingly almost every weekend. If satellite wasn't so darned slow (58 kbps) I'd go with Hughes Net in a minute!.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Cederstrand on Friday, October 23, 2009 12:44 PM

A small coffee in a  SOGGY SOUTHERN  mug, please.

I just burried Lorenzo, one of our last very affectionate Italian Greyhounds. His lifelong companion, Luigi , may not be to far behind. Lorenzo will be missed.

 RIP Lorenzo.

Sigh Rob

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Posted by LSWrr on Friday, October 23, 2009 12:30 PM
Barry,  Sdyam originaly made the kit (metal kit) and they were bought by Alpine Division Models, who was bought by California Models and are now called California Models – Alpine Division.  I’ve noticed fewer and fewer Sdyam kits on the market; even the Walther’s catalog only has a few of them listed.  Very disappointing those were good inexpensive kits.  I had: 2 stall engine house, Wyoming Coal Mine, Pacific foundry, electronics factory, Swift packing, Passenger station, and the box company on my layout in the early 80’s.

Keith, I plan to have most of the layout done in 5 years, then I plan to buy a nice 1 story 3 bedroom ranch house with a full basement as my retirement home.  That will give me more room for a layout and I’ll have more work to do.

 Barry, I lived in Toledo during the 1977 blizzard, it was so bad I think 13 people died walking out to their mail box.  They would walk out and couldn’t find their house found most of them frozen to death in their front yard.  I heard Chicago asked all the residents to grab a shovel and start digging, and they did.


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by howmus on Friday, October 23, 2009 12:17 PM

Afternoon folks!

Zoe just a Dr. Pepper if you please.....

Happened again this morning.  No sooner decided that I needed to visit the little room in the house, got sat down, and the phone rings.....Confused  It was the installers for the stove.  They came right over took out the old one and got the new one all hooked up and ready to go.  I think it looks right at home in my kitchen don't you?

Ray, I hope you get a stove/oven that'll outlast their expectations for one. Are you planning on a mill complex, with both of those kits?


I'm hoping the next one I buy that I will have to have help getting to the store using a walker....!Whistling  The kits will be separate industries near each other at the end of the peninsula on the layout.  One will be a flour mill, and the other a feed mill of some sort.

Oh, and copying off Ray is something I plan to do, also!

Jim and Kieth, thanks!  They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

OK, need to get some stuff done!  Later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Robby P. on Friday, October 23, 2009 11:52 AM

 Here's a few shots of the trees I made.  Most of the new trees have the same looking trunk, thanks to my wife getting about 500 chop sticks Whistling.   I can make these kind all day, but I will have to buy other kinds of trees.



 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by LSWrr on Friday, October 23, 2009 11:42 AM

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by Packers#1 on Friday, October 23, 2009 11:37 AM

 Thanks Jim! I'll have some fights with the white though, but oh well, should hopefully turn out pretty good.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by Robby P. on Friday, October 23, 2009 11:32 AM

Jim........He used the "fine" turf.  I also used it.  After I sprayed the tree with hairspray, I used a small plastic container and poured the fine turf all over the tree.  Of course I had a piece of thin cardboard under the tree (kinda picks up what the hairspray didn't get, and I just pour it back into the jar).  Then I shake the tree lightly and spary a light coat of hairspray again. 

I'll get a picture up of my trees for you.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by BamaCSX83 on Friday, October 23, 2009 11:17 AM

Well guys, I'm stopping in for a light lunch before heading off to w**k.  Nothing happening around here at the moment save for wind, gray skies and rain.  Supposed to rain all day, but I guess we'll see, if it does rain all day, then I guess I'll be sellling and installing a ton of wiper blades (no big deal, I can do a pair in about 2 minutes, but still I know that people always wait until it does rain to get wiper blades... (the joys of working in a parts house...)  Well, enough of my griping, I'll take a hot ham and cheese sandwich with a large glass of sweet tea. 

Jim, you're right, things have been pretty busy, not just with Amy, but with things in general.  I also hope that they aren't finished up by the time the Mikayla gets here, so we (Heather, Mikayla, and I) can all go watch choo-choos together. 

My only really good memory of snow would be the blizzard of '93 (yes, it was a blizzard, at least for down here in Alabama, it was).  It was fun for a little while until I fell throught that iced over ditch and got a little hypothermia and frostbite whilst walking home from a snowball fight across the neighborhood.

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, October 23, 2009 11:05 AM

Keith: Any talk around here of THAT year or 'season' gets us kinda wishing for some Hawaii weather! LOL!! My memory of the winter of 1977 is of getting a snowstorm that stuck around for a full week---left us a dumping of 4' in one night--on top of a 2' total snowfall prior. Then a week of rain--which left a lot of huge lakes/puddles and a flooded region then the blizzard which gave us another 2-3' of the dang stuff!Grumpy We still had barrels of snow hanging around until early May that yearBanged Head The London Free Press put out a booklet about that series of 'things' for our viewing pleasure.

One memory? Having to 'fall into' the bus in order to get in the bus. The snow piled up along the sides of the road was such that you had to back your car into your driveway so that you could slowly nose your way out the next morning---everybody was creeping around because you were never really sure someone was not trying to get out of their driveway or what have youWhistling

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Friday, October 23, 2009 10:48 AM

Good Morning, Zoe - I'll have the #2 special, scrambled, with wheat toast and blackberry jam, glass of Ed's OJ, and a Rio Grande mug of coffee, please. Thanks!

Jeff, I'd agree with Chris - get you a tape recorder and then somebody else can write it down for you. I like your shed in yesterday a.m.'s photo. Good to hear your doctors' visits turned out well. Smile

Garry - congratulation on the addition of Oliver to the family. How'd your Mom like the layout (or has she seen it before)?

Chris, I'll have to take a look on Amazon and see that book - sounds a bit more stimulating than some (which put you and the kid you're reading it to, asleep). Thanks for the info on the kits, but unless they're pre-1960, probably will forego them for my RR. The grab irons are plastic AND individually applied? I think that alone might rule out having any weapons near the w**kbench. I'd sooner fool with metal grabirons than plastic ones, just for the durability (and that I could re-bend them if I got them out of shape).

Jerry, good thing that no major damage occurred with your chair mishap (to the cars or to yourself).My bottle/can of Modge Podge was bought with one of those H-L 40 percent off coupons (helps to knock the price down as much as possible).

Robby - are you (or - I forgot - does Aggro recommend) using fine, or what size of the grass (foliage?), or whatever W-S calls it? I have some W-S foliage and scenery stuff that came with the W-S corner module kit I got a ways back, so I may use that if it's fine enough.

Keith, keeping yourself active (mentally or physically) definitely helps (now, I just need to work on that physical thing...)Whistling I meant no insult about the 'bouncy' - have days I wish I was that energetic.W**k can wear me down some days (but not the clients I see..) I'd definitely agree that first grade (even with the most hyperactive kid) is wayyyy too soon to be thinking meds. Sometimes I've seen parents bringing in a kid and they want him/her on meds (and my personal assessment is that that's only because the parent doesn't want to keep up with the kid (like a parent would). Guess I'd better step down from the SoapBox for now. (And can you e' me that recipe? You have my interest perked, even if it involves more w**k than I usually do for fixing food). Oops Oh, and copying off Ray is something I plan to do, also!

Barry, looks like you're moving along with your layout, even having to cuddle Spring every other minute. Thumbs Up

Ray, I hope you get a stove/oven that'll outlast their expectations for one. Are you planning on a mill complex, with both of those kits?

Sawyer, like your paint scheme there (and nice weathering on the hopper)! Yeah!!

NS Joe - Like Ray said, so what have you been up to, and how'd you get snagged into model railroading, anyway?Yeah!!

Ulrich, I'm sure (especially since you designed your own house) that it may will be emotional for you and Petra to move. But we're here for you, and know that better things are down the road for you (including the other side of the pond...). Thumbs Up (And DO keep the model!) Are those chocolate shavings on the top of that cake Petra made? Yummy! Dinner

Bama (Eddie) - yeah, we kinda figured you might be distracted with, uh, something or other connected to Amy about now...Whistling Maybe they'll still be w**king on the track and crossings after the new baby arrives..Wink

Calm day here at w**k this morning (and I like that!), so I could take time to stop by the Diner. Think I'll grab a seat in the front window booth a while, see how busy the morning local is today.



Jim in Cape Girardeau

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