QUOTE: Originally posted by trolleyboy CapeJim Good to see you stranger [tup] I see that you missed Zoe and Chloe's memo on all request for tabs or late paymenst needing to be forwarded through the "business manager " Vinnie Cementshoes ESQ.
QUOTE: Originally posted by hotshot charlie I drove up to Memphis today and dropped into a couple of hobby stores. One store was totally trains only, it was fun to wander around. They had G, HO, N and O layouts setup. Several running. Still having trouble making up my mind on what I want to build on my new layout..... thought today would help, probably only clouded my thoughts even more. This train hobby store was on Sycamore View Road. I also went to a Hobbytown at WolfChase in Memphis, I was pleasantly surprised that they had a fairly nice selection of train stuff.... not a lot, but more than most of the Hobbytowns I have been to.
Bill Tidler Jr.
Near a cornfield in Indiana...
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
QUOTE: JR: Storing unused cars out in the weather isn't good but a square mile of shed isn't in the cards either.
QUOTE: Originally posted by JimRCGMO Fergie - Draftsman? What - are you getting an addition to the train room? Fill us in, man!
If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007
Scott - Dispatcher, Norfolk Southern
James, Brisbane Australia
Modelling AT&SF in the 90s
QUOTE: Originally posted by egmurphy Good Evening Coffee Clubbers, Well the coffee is sure good and strong and hot tonight, just like the sun was today. [8D] Yup, whatever passed for ‘winter’ here is long gone. I think it got up to around 37º or 38º (right at 100º F) today.
"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"
QUOTE: Originally posted by ngartshore350 QUOTE: Originally posted by egmurphy Good Evening Coffee Clubbers, Well the coffee is sure good and strong and hot tonight, just like the sun was today. [8D] Yup, whatever passed for ‘winter’ here is long gone. I think it got up to around 37º or 38º (right at 100º F) today. egmurphy, we're a little cooler now heading into Winter, Brisbane didn't quite reach your heights but I can't say I miss them. Keep Cool! Regards, NG
QUOTE: Originally posted by AggroJones Anyone see that movie 'Hustle 'N' Flow'? It great. The best I've seen so far this year. An instant classic.