Evenin' boys. In a FOG here in the Mid-Atlantic region, too Chief. Let's just blame Idaho for the weather...I think that is safe.
and a hardy "Howdy-do" to all of our new Coffee pot visitors.
rt - I'm scared of heights.
kpolak - That's a nice start on that layout, but you should expand into that exercise machine space. You'll get more of an arobic workout climbing under the benchwork. Tomorrow, we'll discuss how much you really use that fireplace...
Sorry to hear of your loss, Kurt - prayers for your family.
Nice layout too.
Gave Chewy some of my chicken as wife isn't home - she is in dog heaven! Might still have room for icecream, so we'll try and swing by later Sir James! Wanted something really bland to sit on top of a reuben sandwich I had for lunch at our Christmas party from work.
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Evening all
Prayers going out for the soul and family and friends
Great day! I used some permatex on the boiler pump and I will teat it in the morning to see if it seals. Got all the trusses set up on the walls and the end trusses set in place on the garage addition. I was in a tee shirt and it felt good the weather was so warm. If I have a good day Wednesday I hope to set the remaining trusses and get started on purlins and braces.
Going to fix supper so when the bride gets home from the hospital we can eat.
As a thought from the dryer fire, I read where to ocasionally wash the lint trap to remove static I guess to allow it to flow better. I washed ours and it did seem to help.
May God bless
Evening all!
Went from low 50's yesterday evening to foggy and 60's this morning. Then colder and huge storms (like in the spring) this afternoon. Cooling and back to the 50's for tomorrow.
Prayers for those that need them
It has been a very busy season so far. We have a couple of layouts left to ship in the next week or so and then it should die down until after the beginning of the year. One layout is HO and now I recall why I got out of HO in the first place. Nice stuff- just tedious - particularly laying track.
Kurt - the layout looks nice!
Have a great evening all!
Regards, Roy
Hello from a rainy nite in Det. area. 36 and rained most of the day could have been a heap of snow. Going to 28 tonite so we'll see in the morn.
Kurt- sorry about your family loss. -- Your christmas layout looks good. how do the kids like it?
Brutus- got banilla, chocolate, or one serving butter pecan. I checked at P&D today about Grandt Windows & doors. He has quite a few but none in quanty which you would want for a building. He said he has not been able to get a catalog from them and did not put them in his O scale mailer. Thought I could get that for you. So if you follow up your idea on line would be best.
Christmas cards are ready for mailing but I think next week will be soon enough...TTFN, Sir James
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Evening all. Sorry I havnt posted in a while on here, I've been busy.
Been busy and WAITING on my BIG BOY. Delivery date is supposed to be Friday, says the tracking info. Guess what the weight is on it? The tracking says 19 pounds! I dont know if thats alot in the 'big' toy train world, but it is for me!
"Lionel trains are the standard of the world" - Jousha Lionel Cowen
sir james I wrote:Brutus sounds like a good project. Average price per door/window apx. $3.00 each.
The "prototype" is a small stone masonry construction station with a door and 2 windows plus a side tower with a large window and a smaller attic window above. figure a couple windows in back and also maybe I would add a "cargo" type door.
Brutus - that is why I was trying to get something I could mail or fax so you could see the different styles. But Pat told me he can't get them to send anything that shows what they have now. So like I said B 4 the web is your best way,
Edit- I forgot to tell Chewy goodnite,,,,,Good nite Chewy.
magicman710 wrote: Evening all. Sorry I havnt posted in a while on here, I've been busy. Been busy and WAITING on my BIG BOY. Delivery date is supposed to be Friday, says the tracking info. Guess what the weight is on it? The tracking says 19 pounds! I dont know if thats alot in the 'big' toy train world, but it is for me!
Look on the bright side, it's not a "G" gauge Big Boy. If memory serves they tip the the scales at better than 65 lbs.
Check out the ceramic tile departments at Lowes and Home Depot. They carry what looks to me to be a border type of tile that is small random length pieces on a plastic grid. One of them is a bit larger, I have plans to use it for "G" gauge buildings, but the other was a bit smaller and might work for "O". If not for the building sides maybe as part of the foundation or as sidewalks and/or streets.
Now this not train related but have you ever wondered why some folk have such a difficult time making change at a fast food joint, and heaven forbid the cash register not tell them. Here is a contributing factor:
San Diego, CA) -- The San Diego School Board will consider a new proposal today that will let schools look into each failing eighth-grader's case before letting them move on to high school. Under a policy adopted last year, students with two or more Fs in core subjects were supposed to be held back, but some were still promoted because of a loophole that allowed parents to appeal. Under a new policy, those appeals would no longer be automatically granted without a case review.
Pretty sad.
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Doug -
Just got word this evening, we got approval on availability of a room to hold our Kids Klub in. We have the room begining in April. So boy did I get my self into this one!! I now have responsibility to set the whole thing up! And with all the investigating and planning goin on regarding the future of Fort McArthur, it has become a major factor in the survival of our club. So will have a lot of planning an organizing to do. I've already started some of the ground work. As you know everyone has a lot of suggestions and ideas, and they want to dump them on someone else to implement. Well, I allready put out the word, "That if YOU have an idea or suggestion, be preparred to bring it to fruition." And, that this endeavor requires the support of every member which means involvement.
This is going to be fun, but a lot of work too !!
Great News Don !
As you say now the fun begins, hopefully you will be able to develop a core of members who are willing to commit to being there when the kids meet and run. We try to make not only a play time but also a time of learning, from setting up track to maintenance of the equipment and all points in between.
If memory serves me correctly we aren't having a kid's club meeting this month but they will be running the layout the day after Christmas.
Looks like Mayor McChief is up late tonite.
Don,We belong to a club full of talented individuals- I'm sure there will be more than a few guys willing to offer help. Just make to sure to involve those members who speak with action and not just words, and are willing to actually finish what they start.
The mountain section of our club is a perfect example of why you should implement such a policy-that project was started over two years ago and is still slowly being worked on. This is not the type of progress you want to show the dept. of Parks and Recreation., especially if you want to showcase AGHR as an active, contributing organization to the local community and the Park.BTW, just in case anyone hasn't told you- I'm a journeyman carpenter and remodeling specialist, so if you need assistance in that area, let me know and I can help. Geno
Up keeping an eye out for those CA guys. They are a "bunch". Been busy and did get to psot from Town Hall today. No New England "air polution" this time of night. Grayson, good luck on the Big boy. You will love it. Do some photos when you get it.
BTW: got my check from US Airways for stolen camera. Off to the camera store soon.
Glad to see so many new faces here. Good bunch on the "Pot".
Ran trains tonight. Man, wiring engines that do not have "cruise control", in series really make a difference in slow performance. Hgighly recommend it. Got two more to do.
Bed time. Got 9AM meeting for Town but it is here.
Had turnips, colards and fresh tomatoes [from garden, wrapped green ones in newspaper and boxed, opened today and most were ripe].
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Chief: Uncle Ziggy lived in Northern Indiana all his life.
Fife: Origional layout was to have a 90-degree crossing, and go around the tree at the same level. Held up in land appropriations. Settled for the Superstreets to run the Trolley. Baby steps. Next year. You're right about the bowflex. Bride had to have it. I get more out of it...moving it. Fireplace???...Woa there cowboy. I need that for my single malt. I bet I could go over it... Honey, we need a mantle!
Thanks for the prayers everyone.
OH what a great couple of days I have had! Doing the movie, we were filming the train scenes and I got several rides on a SD40-2. Some in the cab, some hanging off the side while holding the cameraman's harness to keep him from falling off. It was a lot of fun. Filming officially ends Friday and then it's off to edit.
I hope everyone has been having a great week. It has been in the low 80s and beautiful here the last few days, and looks to be so for the rest of the week. Hope y'all aren't having too much snow up in snohio.
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a rainy 39 degrees. Going up to 43 today, with rain stopping. All the snow is gone. Yesterday, it went to 64 degrees and was sunny.
Today, I am driving up to Cambridge for groceries. Not a fun job. Prices have stayed high on gas. Last one I saw was $2.99 a gallon. Looks like it's going to be here to stay. No train time today.
Dining car is here and it's time for breakfast. Later.
Y'all have a great Wednesday.
kpolak wrote: Chief: Uncle Ziggy lived in Northern Indiana all his life.Fife: Origional layout was to have a 90-degree crossing, and go around the tree at the same level. Held up in land appropriations. Settled for the Superstreets to run the Trolley. Baby steps. Next year. You're right about the bowflex. Bride had to have it. I get more out of it...moving it. Fireplace???...Woa there cowboy. I need that for my single malt. I bet I could go over it... Honey, we need a mantle! Thanks for the prayers everyone.Kurt
----BIG NEWSNot THE big news I've been hoping for... but the Master Bathroom is nearing completion! Last night I hung the shower door - required pretaping 1/4 masonary bit so I could use the 3/16 diamond tip bits I bought to drill the holes for the anchors... burned up 2 diamond tip bits on this tile... Well the door is in, level and plumb (took 2 hours including drilling 8 holes). Have the shower faucet in and the shower is sealed. Still need to finish the grout along the edges of the shower, put up two sections of baseboard, touch up some paint on the trim, hang the dental molding around the ceiling, and install the faucet in my vanity when the replacement part arrives! Should be done this weekend if Price Pfister gets the faucet part to me.I have to say I am very pleased with the results... pics as soon as it is all done.---- why is this train related?Because now I can start construction on the main layout... I'm still going to do the christmas layout first because it will be enough to get me going and work on some modeling techniques (screw up small and learn so you don't screw up big)... Plus it will be large enough to run 2 or 3 trains... and if I don't get the main layout done quickly I can keep this one up in another area of the basement till I get the main layout done and then this of course remains as the Christmas layout.Susan is heading to Chicago tonight on business... so that means I'm free to do what I want till Friday!
Good morning all,
It is another rainy day in SE Indiana. Last night was very unusual for December. The temps reached into the mid 60s and it was warm enough to run trains in the attic. Fortunately, I had left the 318E at home from the museum, and I installed one of the 210 switches I had gotten off eBay. It worked perfectly. The 318E rolled perfectly with out dimming the lights or hesitating. The acid test will be when I bring the 8E and the 10E home to run. They are a little more finicky over switches, but so far the $30 I spent for the two 210s looks pretty good. I also fixed one of the barn doors so I can latch it properly from the inside. It was warm enough to drive the truck into work today as I will not drive it in freezing weather (too light in the back end). For once, I slept well last night. I was out when my head hit the pillow and did not move until the alarm went off this morning, and I got to read most of the paper before I left for work this morning. Life is good. I had the usual fare for breakfast this morning. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
My 17mo old son Jack took control of the trains last night. I can't even get in the house and get my coat off before he is beating on the basement door wanting to get down there.
It was the first time he actually reached out and decided that he had seen enough of me trying to control them. He would honk the horn and look at me and just bust out laughing. Then he would do it again...and again...then he just held it in for what seemed like a minute, laughing the whole time. He also messed with the speed control some as well, and found the nuetral switch...
Great time to have trains!Wes
Good morning from a grey and cold Chicago where I am happy for buried utility wires at home so we're not affected by the ice. I've started kitbashing a plastiville Schoolhouse I've had around into a passenger station for Thomas' branch line. I adjusted some areas where parallel tracks were too close so inevitably the trains were sideswiping each other. A pile up! Last evenings highlight was spending a delightful half-hour sitting in the middle of the layout with all the trains and trolleys roaring around me. Though I got the 'you spending too much time in the basement' warning last evening, so maybe I'll wait to work a bit more until the bride is in Iowa this weekend. LOL. I've been re-reading Tony Koester's book on model rail ops and it's making me feel 'guilty' for enjoying just watching them run around - but seriously folks, I think I may put in a few more things or change the sidings at the front of the layout to play with...Stubbs, come back to Chi-town - or wait'll Jan when it's not only cold and snowy but there's nothing to look forward to except a far-distant spring - LOL. I like your #520 nickname.Kurt, sorry for your loss. Wes, your 17 mo.-old is impressive. My five-year-old is now more capable than I am of running four lines at once, and blowing all the horns.Brutus, have you seen thought of something like this as a basis for your station (heck I can't add a link): http://www.ogaugerr.com/cgi-bin/shopper.cgi?preadd=action&key=B-501Dennis, can you say where you've been filming the trains?Brent, what will I do without your bathroom updates when you are done?
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
cnw1995 wrote: Brent, what will I do without your bathroom updates when you are done?
Brent, what will I do without your bathroom updates when you are done?
cnw1995 wrote: Kurt, sorry for your loss.
Kurt, sorry for your loss.
52 and rainy again this morning. Feels like I'm rusting no sun in about a week. Bracing for really ugly weather tomorrow? We'll see? and then they are calling for BIG WINTER NOREASTER coming up from NC.
Ran trains for about an hour. Ran BB alls good with da world, NO PILE UPS.
B safe,
laz 57 wrote: Hi GIZ, 52 and rainy again this morning. Feels like I'm rusting no sun in about a week. Bracing for really ugly weather tomorrow? We'll see? and then they are calling for BIG WINTER NOREASTER coming up from NC. Ran trains for about an hour. Ran BB alls good with da world, NO PILE UPS.B safe,laz57
Just keeping you Yanks in line.
Morning. Been out on the streets meeting with Progress Energy [old Carolina Power and Light] on additional street lights for the town. Off to Town Hall. Sunny and warm here. Record highs. Leaves this PM. Later
laz 57 wrote: they are calling for BIG WINTER NOREASTER coming up from NC.
they are calling for BIG WINTER NOREASTER coming up from NC.
Better a belch than the alternative !
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