Congratulations Mayor Chief!
Now, time to get started appropriating funds for the Office Christmas layout.
Use 'imminent domain' to run thru the Police Chief's Office!
Doug I hope you get the switches working. However if you got them used the coil could already be bad. they are really easy to set up so something isn't right. But enough- I hope you get them working.
I started to decal today and it turns out they are to old. I put a peice in some water and when they came loose they fell apart before I took them off the paper. So I don't want decals from the same place as they might do the same. Now I have a gray shell and nothing to finish it with.
Brutus- we still have ice cream,but tell Chewy no barking I may be asleep. Sir James
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
Good one Kurt!
Doug - I've got 5 or 6 modern O27 switches and they worked in all sorts of configurations including feeding into each other, so I'm not sure what could be going wrong.... I think Sir James might be right. I guess you'll have to test each of them one by one? Sorry, can't help...
Sir James - I'm on the way. Chewy is feeling herself again, but I'll ask her to keep the frisking to a minimum!
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Doug: Sorry about the switches. Can you tear off the back and check the wiring? Sorry I don't have any information on these switches. The 022's can short out if the metal back isn't isolated from the wiring, with a piece of card stock, causing hot wires to ground out to the back plate.
AKKevinT: Great article! I'll have to look it up.
CSXect: Sounds a little about just some shelves? lionelsoni has 2" metal 'L' brackets holding up long sections of track that are attached to the studs. No wood to cut! that do-able??
Morning all
On dayshift this week. I had my annual physical for work yesterday morning. OSHA requirment for SCBA emergency responders. Initial results BP 120/81 pulse 51, weight 195, blood test results with sugar, chelestrol, and stuff will be forthcoming. Spent most of yesterday catching up once I arrived at work. Had an NRC tour come through, always fun.
The correct trusses came yesterday! Set them smack in front of my truck. So I was moving trusses at 9 p.m.
Congrats Chief!!! I hope your term of office is productive and does not take too much of your train time away.
Got to go
May God bless
Not much today windy and cold at 35 for high.
All have a good one.
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a cold 28 degrees. A little snow on the ground. Going up to 36, today with some snow flurries.
Today is another busy day. I will run a few errands and spend the afternoon relaxing. Maybe run trains later.
Wife checked out " OK ", yesterday. Everything has healed up great. Now, to exercise the muscles. Thanks for all your good wishes.
Dining Car has arrived and it's time for breakfast.
Y'all have a great Tuesday.
Good morning all,
It is cold and cloudy with snow in the forecast for SE Indiana. I got the trains set up at the museum last night with some help from Lucas. He also helped my wife finish the outdoor lights as well. Tonight we may get the tree up. I went to bed early and got a good night's sleep. I am not 100%, but I am feeling better. Doug M, I understand your frustration with switches. Most of my layouts are small enough I just use manual ones. The dining car had bran muffins on it this morning. Congrats to the Chief on officially beginning the mayor position. I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Mornin' boys. Sunny, blustery, and 34 (feels like 24) here in the Mid-Atlantic region. Hey AKKevin!, Close that barn door! Work on layout is progressing again, and perhaps will have some pics for SPF. Ravens had their cleets on the Patriots throats, then let them get away... (coulda-shoulda-woulda...) I predict a complete implosion in the locker room now.
Youngest had her Winter Concert last night. During her big number as the partidge in a pear tree, she almost got knocked off the risers, and the school principal caught her in time (whew!). She almost started to cry, but recovered by 8 maids of milkin' and finished strong. On a sour note, people around us on cell phones, text messaging, one doodle smelled like he's been rolling around in a truck stop, which only helped to cover the Wild Turkey on his breath. What a self-centered society we've begotten.
Chief - Official CONGRATS to you, sir. Actually, a very nice photo of you on the town page. I think you should have used your avatar pic with the bass.
RRCharlie - I thank you sir.
cnw1995 - How many power lock-ons/feeder wires do you have?
Roy - I feel you, brother. My boy had to miss the big game last night over a Spanish project he "forgot" about yesterday...
Well another appointment today must go to eye doctor can hardly read street signs at a distance.
Must get gas in truck for the work week down to a 1/4 tank. Anyone heard about the 2009 Ford Flex? It is a strange station wagon/suv looking thing and very boxy shaped.
It's mid 20s mostly cloudy,nothing new there,no snow and a lot less wind. Looks like everything on the CTT forum is good this morning. Finished latest issue last nite. When is the next one coming? my wife announced that she is now going to paint the dinning room.just finished the kitchen. I told her she was on her own, it does not need painting and she just wants to change the color. does that sound like someone you know?
Everyone have a safe day,,,,,,,,Sir James
Hail to the Chief/Mayor
Jest let me know if you need security...I know people that know people....
42F this AM, is this NorthEast Florida or Central Jersey? Geez, the palm trees are freezin'!!
That Ford Flex is a new crossover. Ford is realigning the line up again, a new chassis with a more compliant(read passenger car) ride. Supposed to be a new take on the staion wagon...just as Dodge is axing the successful this one will be is unclear, reviews are warm to luke warm right now. If the Edge is any indication, it should sell well, the Edge is a nice vehicle, better than the Murano & FX45 (I've driven both Ford & Nissan/Infiniti) in my opinion. So, if the Flex is close to the quality the Edge has, I'd think about buying one.
I've just noticed that this is post 392 (for me!) Just like the 392 Chrysler of me!
I am the monster in your head...And I thought you'd learn by now, It seems you haven't yet.I am the venom in your skin --- Breaking Benjamin
'Morning all, from a cloudy and cold Chicago where it is supposed to snow later today. Congratulations to the Chief! Here's a question we ask of Chicago mayors: what do I get for knowing him?? - it's our other town motto: Qua est mei? (translated: where is mine?)I appreciate all your help on the switches. It sure is frustrating sometimes when I don't know where to start in figuring things out. I sure wish I lived nearby and could just have some of you come over. I can imagine you would eye-ball the recalcitrant switch and instantly know what was wrong right away. It sure was convenient though to read the forum from my Blackberry while perched atop the layout. Thank you, sir James, Kurt, Chief, Jim, and the rest of you -- following your advice, I got a few of them to work by moving the pins around and adding another jumper or lock-on. They don't buzz anymore either! I think later in the week, I will risk moving them around so the ones that work are by the more crucial junctions.Glad things are fine with Mrs. Blueberry.
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Remembering a "sad" day in transit for Chicago: On this day back in 1955, what had been the world's longest trolley line, our 25-mile #36 (Broadway-State) PCC line, was broken into 2 routes: the State Street portion (that ran outside my office) from the Loop down to 120th and Morgan was converted to bus operation.
Good news all over the Forum --
Chuck's wife doing well,
CXXECT - droping weight like crazy, at the hardest time of the year!
Chief's political aspirations becoming real! Congratulations !! (Remember chief, the Homeland Security allocation is meant for the city, not buying food for the dogs.)
Glad to see Kevin's back, even though the cold has been racing through ever since he posted. But that's OK them guys in the midwest, and northeast can handle it. (Buckeye better get that boat in)
Brutus and Chewy might want to lay in some extra provisions for the next storm coming through, understand its a duzzy. (Sure hope my BB doesn't get lost in the snow coming accross the plains states)
Doug - If your still having problem with the switches, I would recommend disconnecting them and adding them one at a time, to isolate where the issue begins.
Sir James - Based upon the weather channel, I wouldn't be concerned about the decal, I think you have other issues brewing. And, its best to paint in the spring, not winter. Sure hope you don't have the problems like last year.
Mike and Roy - While we were decorating the tree, I found an old cassette tape of Chris singing Christmas Carols when he was 3. Certainly was humbling for him. But we enjoyed it. During this time he was working on Math, what a difference in attitude, and performance since he graduated from H.S., good times ahead !
Still working on wiring, got interuppted to help with Christmas tree. Did get 2nd tree up in family room and train running IN the tree.
Hope everyone has a great day !
fifedog wrote:cnw1995 - If you ever make it to Crabtown, I'm dragging you to the Baltimore Streetcar Museum. You trolley guys are a separate breed.
Just woke up and thought I would see what was going on. Dosnt look like too much seeing as coffee is four hours old. Guess I will make a fresh pot. Time to head for the basement and work on the layout. Need to start changing the wiring for duel controll ( TMCC & Conv. ) Fresh pot on every one have a great day.
B&O = Best & Only
I'll say good afternoon and then another try with the switches. after this I've run out of ideas.
Kurt= those switch bottoms are riveted, not a good idea unless you have repair skills.
Now Doug= One way to test each switch seperately. Take your two transformer wires, turn on some volts 12 or so. Touch and hold one wire to the center rail and move the other wire back and forth on the short isolated rail(the ones with plastic pins) the switch should snap back and forth. I can not think of anything else. It's good you made some progress. Jim
cnw1995 wrote: fifedog wrote:cnw1995 - If you ever make it to Crabtown, I'm dragging you to the Baltimore Streetcar Museum. You trolley guys are a separate breed.We certainly are. . It's a deal
Fife - Can I get in on that action? I think I have meetings scheduled in Baltimore next year. And btw - I hope the crabtown part of Balt you are referring is where the restaurants are!
Don - good to hear the wiring is going well.
Gotta run.
Regards, Roy
"Lionel trains are the standard of the world" - Jousha Lionel Cowen
Ughhh....I have to go to work tomarrow
Got the Jan. Issue of OGR and CTT to read.
I have a hopper kit I will try to start on next weekend(reisen and brass parts) first O gauge kit for me.
I have a lot to do on my to do list.
Only thing I accomplished was getting my hair cut(no longer look like one of the cavemen)
still draging out train stuff over to my place.....realy need to get started on a layout, maybe this spring hate working in the cold and do not want get sawdust all over the house inside.
will try to get pic of ny new floor, and a before pic at my heavest not a pretty sight.
Found out that PUTT trains is still in business and hopes to have web page back up in a few weeks a really cool S gauge train maker kinda reminds me of Ready Made Toys. Terry putt makes some cute little brinny trollys they run a bit fast and he also has a small deisel switcher which I have one of. He also has the tooling to the old REX dicast steamers these are scale and awsome models.
magicman710 wrote:Chief, what was your previous job before you became Mayor?
Grayson, I am retired State Fleet Manger. When I retired, I started working part time with with Professional Mariner going to Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops training [about on-board boat battery chargers] and working events. Now that will taper as Mayor's job is almost full time. Tomorrow, will go to office around 10:30, interview at 11:00. Meeting in Raleigh with Wake County Public Schools at 1:30. That wil get me back around 5 PM. That goes on like this for every week. Things scheduled about every week day and some on weekends.
Got my new OGR today. Had seen Miss Edna's copy Sat. Off to see TV. Later.
Evening fellas...I'm about done... stick a fork in me!Got home tonight and had to vacuum the leaves in the yard (yesterday before going to see the refs hand the Patriots their 12th win there was a pile about 20 ft long, 8 ft wide, and 3 feet deep infront of the chimney and my garage door - Susan's door was clear). So I just pushed the pile out from infront of my door so I could get my car back in when we got home. Was going to do some work on the Master Bath tonight, but we're supposed to get rain/snow tomorrow and I wanted the leaves removed... so it turned into vacuuming all the leaves from the side of the house and around the back of the house... 4 hours... YAWN!!!Tomorrow Susan goes away for two nights... hope to get the Master Bath done and start on the Christmas layout on Thursday... have two nights to get it up and running as Saturday we set up for Christmas...So I went to install the snow blade tonight... missing parts hope the guy still has them or I can get from John Deere... ... last thought for the night...
Silver and Gold, Silver and Gold, mean so much more when I see... Silver and Gold decorations on every Christmas tree.---Fife - bumbles bounce!
Stubbs! Welcome back to the 'pot, it's been a while man! Sounds like you are still getting time to play which is good!
Doug, hope those switches are coming along a little better now!?
Chewy just jumped up on me on the couch, burped and puked all over my t-shirt! Guess it's "dog" for good chow!? I think she made room for some icecream, Sir James? You coming over?
Cold this morning but warmed up a bit by noon. Found that Grand Central has the passenger set for my mth train so going to give them a little ringy-dingy tomorrow from work.
Evening all
CSXect - Do you have a contact for Putt trains? I looked at the trolley Putt has and I may see about getting one. I think it would look neat running around the All Aboard panel layout I have.
Super busy at work today. Made 12 hours go by real fast. Did I mention I don't like dayshift??? Two more to go then I'm off for a week. Hopefully set trusses while I'm off. Snow coming. No fun working on a roof in the snow.
All take care and may God bless
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