December Coffee Pot. 11 years old. Wonderful grits and sweet ice tea for the southern gents. Coffee and yucky oatmeal for the Yankees Locked

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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Saturday, December 19, 2015 7:06 PM

Evening all from cool (28F) Southern Ohio.

My bride and I took advantage of the  kids being with the other grandparents having their Christmas family party today.  We slept in till 7:30 am, wraped their presents, and chilled a bit.  

Went to vigil Mass at my home parish this weekend.  I like my Deacon assignment serving all 7 parishes in the county, but I do miss serving at my home parish.  Serving Christmas Mass at home this year too.

I may try and get the train under the tree Sunday after the last Mass.  Trying to decide what I want to do.  It will be a simple loop.  

Good night and may God bless


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Posted by tinplatacis on Saturday, December 19, 2015 1:32 PM

The 258 came in today, almost directly after I mentioned getting it. Runs great considering its age. Might add it to the roster for under the tree this year, I was originally only going to run my grandad's Marx set. They'll look mighty fine together, though.

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Posted by SPMan on Saturday, December 19, 2015 12:59 PM

Good morning all,

Had a rough night with pains from my neck/arm and even threw in some diaharea for good measure.  I think I ate too much chocolate candy yesterday.

My sometime live in son cleaned out the pool filter yesterday and is gone again this morning to be near his fiancee for the weekend.  Lucky I got him for one day.

Checked the TCA Western web site this morning and discovered that the Christmas meet is today.  I am going to miss it since I have too many problems to deal with at home.  They mentioned that refreshments were available but did not say anything about a pot luck lunch.  In the past we have always had a pot luck for Christmas.  Maybe they decided to cut it out this year?  I only know a hand full of members now due to death and folks moving away.  Maybe only two or three members that I know well and have interacted with in the past.  Well, that's life as they say.  Time to meet some new friends.

Wife was supposed to get a permanent last Wednesday but I blew that and took her in on Thursday.  Her regular hairdresser had already left town for the holidays but she got another girl to just give her a shampoo and set to hold her until later.

 Hope you all have a nice run up to Christmas.













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Posted by tinplatacis on Saturday, December 19, 2015 11:10 AM

Finished wiring the layout. Not bad considering that I put the framework up 2 weeks ago, eh?

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Posted by sir james I on Saturday, December 19, 2015 9:56 AM

Sun later, a high of 32 is all we get today.

A late evening snow shower froze on the roads causing accidents all over the place. Our favorite York place is filling up on reservations already.


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Posted by KRM on Saturday, December 19, 2015 9:24 AM

Good morning guys, 19 going to 29 with sun. House is dry as the desert even with the whole house humidifier running. So my sinus problem has me plugged.

Wife is off till the 4th of Jan so I have no clue what will happen today.

Thanks 8N for the PM.


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, December 19, 2015 8:38 AM

Good Morning

It is another dull day here..with little tiny snowfluffies flying abouts. High going to 29 today...yay.

Going to get the Xmas foodstuffs today as well as a few last minute giftie things..last minute guests showing up...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by tinplatacis on Saturday, December 19, 2015 7:55 AM

I need to go watch the new Star Wars movie. Itll happen eventually. My Christmas present to self was a Lionel 258 2-4-2, and some of the 4 wheel 800 series cars.

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Posted by fifedog on Saturday, December 19, 2015 6:44 AM

Mornin' boys.  A brisk 31 in the Mid-Atlantic region.  Some folks received a light dusting of snow over night (not fifedom).  Wifey planned an excursion with family tonight.  Took grandson to see the Kenilworth train display.  There were 3 busses of elementary school kids there at the time, so it was very close.

Speaking of chips,  Wifey and princesses went to see Road-Chip last night.  She loved it, more likely than not because grandson is becoming more and more like Alvin.  She was in awe of all the middle aged men dressed up like Star Wars characters at the Avenue.

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Posted by cheapclassics on Friday, December 18, 2015 9:13 PM

Good evening all,

A good day at work.  Got a lot done.  Hopefully next week will be smooth sailing.   Dodged a bullet doing something stupid with my legs again.   They were sore for a while, but seem to be back to the normal level of pain.  Ran trains tonight.  Had problems with one engine and the cars that go with it, but got it running a little bit better.  May need a new motor and possibly add on an E-unit.  Ran the 1970 Wabash Cannonball and other cars from that era.   It ran well, but the manual reverse is a bit annoying over a distance.  It is definitely "hands on" railroading when running in that mode.   Younger daughter and grandson went to see Star Wars tonight.  They really enjoyed it.  Cold but sunny in SE Indiana today.  Granddaughter has a  birthday tomorrow.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Friday, December 18, 2015 5:43 PM

KRM-The OEM fuel injectors are a weak link in the LB7 and very prone to failure.  The original owner said they were replaced at around 56K, but I question if they were replaced.  They were not replaced at any GM dealer based on the VIN.  Evidence will show if the injectors were replaced when I tear into the motor.  The fuel balance rates indicate I have two injectors that are bad.  It is very possible that only the injectors that were bad were replaced and if that is the case the remaining would have 75K on them which is on the early side of failure but it doesn't take much to totally foul the injector.  It is a fairly involved job requiring removal of the uper heads once you get all the other stuff out of the way.

I'm replacing with the best OEM on the market from a vendor that has a real good reputation and  I'm not going oversized since the stock rate is more than adequate for 500HP.  


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Posted by KRM on Friday, December 18, 2015 5:04 PM

Phish, I spent two hours today cleaning and waxing the Silverado. That should make it snow and feel like Christmas.... Laugh

  I am wondering why you are changing the fuel injectors at such low miles? Are you going with big boy injectors or are yours already having problems?  That is a lot of money for replacement.

My gift to me is the re-chrome of the 1975 Triumph Trident header and the 205 ALCO A-A set.  Wink

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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Friday, December 18, 2015 2:17 PM

Evening all from overcast and cool (34F) Southern Ohio

KRM-Winter showed up to day!  It actually snowed some flurries.

SJ-I looked at the 350 I added smoke to.  It actually was the frame from a 290.  The frame drops right in.  The 282 should fit also.

I helped oversee the high school kids this morning on a pre-Christmas break field trip.  We went to see the new Star Wars movie.  It is really good.  It has sequeal written all over it.

I ordered my Christmas / Birthday present this afternoon; a set of fuel injectors for my LB7 Duramax 3500.  For all the parts and pieces to change them it came up to right at $2300.  

Last night I won a Marx tinplate set on eBay.  The plan is to tune it up and get it working good and put it in school fundraiser auction in the spring.  Depending on the condition, I'll swap and keep the better pieces, but someone will end up with a nice good running set.

Have a good evening and may God bless


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Posted by cnw1995 on Friday, December 18, 2015 10:45 AM

Aloha. Instead of cleaning the house, I found another holiday layout to visit at a local bank (posted in the Christmas thread) and chatted with the manager who owns the trains. All nice post-war trains and accessories in great shape that could be activated by buttons along the perimeter. Like Kev said, it's sunny but breezy and cold. I think I'll stock up on more Star Wars books at the library before starting the laundry Wink

We've gradually received chip cards to replace the non-chip ones and just about all our local merchants have transitioned. Of course, I like to add to the confusion by using Apple Pay on my phone. Big Smile

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by sir james I on Friday, December 18, 2015 9:06 AM

So far our Chip card has worked both ways without issues, If the card doesn't work there will be no sale. Our Walmart will take the chip but the brand new Menards is not set up yet. Go figure eh.


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Posted by blownout cylinder on Friday, December 18, 2015 8:58 AM

Good Morning.

Got the dull dull dull dull day here...again. Going up to 34 later on. With a 20% chance of little tiny snowflurries around.

Ran some choo choo's Mischief last night and had no going to ground have an open house this weekend..guess what I will be some choo choo's Mischief with some friends...

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by tinplatacis on Friday, December 18, 2015 8:54 AM


Hi guys, 24 heading to 32. UGH. Winter has returned. It least there is some sun.

Just don't feel like Christmas this year.  Tongue Tied



To quote a minion, I believe Bob: "WHAAAAAA?!?"

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Posted by KRM on Friday, December 18, 2015 8:36 AM

Hi guys, 24 heading to 32. UGH. Winter has returned. It least there is some sun.

Just don't feel like Christmas this year.  Tongue Tied


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Posted by JTrains on Friday, December 18, 2015 8:07 AM

Good morning from Chi-town!

On tap today is getting ready for the onslaught of relatives that will be descending upon us this weekend.  Don’t see much train time for myself the next few days – but with my wife’s nephews coming over I think we’ll get a lot of running time next week.

DJ: you’re experiencing one of the issues that those of us who have to implement EMV predicted would happen, which is that until all merchants are converted to EMV consumers will have different experiences using the same card at different merchants.  Those retailers without EMV will still have you swipe; those that have converted will have you “dip” the card but may then choose to be “PIN-preferring” (prompting you for a PIN, assuming the card has one) or not (think a fast-food drive-thru where moving consumers through quickly is paramount and fraud is typically low).  And a single merchant might move from one acceptance mode to another over the course of time.  All very confusing but is the nature of the beast as it was foisted upon merchants by the card brands…

IT consultant by day, 3rd generation Lionel guy (raising a 3YO 4th generation Lionel Lil' Man) by night in the suburbs of the greatest city in the world - Chicago. Home of the ever-changing Illinois Concretus Ry.

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Posted by JTrains on Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:11 PM


Evening all!

Having "fun" with credit card. Received updated card with the "chip". Even though nothing changed except the expiration date ( and the chip), I am unable to simply update the date on a few autopay and card-on-file accounts. I had two charges rejected. I am having to go in and completely delete the card and reenter all the info. Stupid. In one case I had to get a company rep on the phone to update the card. I noted to the credit card company phone rep that the letter with the card did say to update those accounts, but it did not say that the card must be deleted and completely reentered as it is essentially a new card. If that was the case they should have changed the number. Stupid.

One of my recent consulting projects was working with a large restaurant chain on their conversion to accept the new EMV "chip" cards.  It's a very challenging endeavor that will take years to complete here in the US - however, I'm surprised to hear you needed to re-add your new card to a merchant's system.  What merchants required you to do this?

IT consultant by day, 3rd generation Lionel guy (raising a 3YO 4th generation Lionel Lil' Man) by night in the suburbs of the greatest city in the world - Chicago. Home of the ever-changing Illinois Concretus Ry.

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Posted by wrmcclellan on Thursday, December 17, 2015 9:13 PM

Evening all!

Having "fun" with credit card. Received updated card with the "chip". Even though nothing changed except the expiration date ( and the chip), I am unable to simply update the date on a few autopay and card-on-file accounts. I had two charges rejected. I am having to go in and completely delete the card and reenter all the info. Stupid. In one case I had to get a company rep on the phone to update the card. I noted to the credit card company phone rep that the letter with the card did say to update those accounts, but it did not say that the card must be deleted and completely reentered as it is essentially a new card. If that was the case they should have changed the number. Stupid.

Hope Mike C and others get over their cold/bugs quick.

Buckeye - you can just mail my present!

Freezing tonight but 60's for weekend.

Regards, Roy

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Posted by cheapclassics on Thursday, December 17, 2015 7:48 PM

Good evening all,

Good day at work.  Spent half of it at home, which went well.  I am now in the throes of a full on sore throat.   Ouch.   Weather colder.   I see where the Speedway (IMS) is going to have airplane races there next year.  Nothing can go wrong there......  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Thursday, December 17, 2015 3:40 PM

SJ-I'll look tonight since the modified 350, a 282 and a 283 are among my favorites that still sit on the display shelf after taking down the layout.

I'll be off till next Thursday, Christmas eve when I'll be coming in on night shift. I must work Christmas night shift too. Maybe I'll see Santa in the night sky flying over the plant.


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Posted by sir james I on Thursday, December 17, 2015 12:22 PM

Phish no smoke in the 350, never understood why Flyer never added it to that loco.

Does the 282 frame fit the 350 shell? if so Hmmm

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Posted by cnw1995 on Thursday, December 17, 2015 12:09 PM

Aloha. You're always welcome to borrow the car, Buckeye. Take it on your next trip down to Lafayette. Found another model train layout in a local bank - I guess that's a thing around here - to visit tomorrow. The bride will be happy - her new appliances were installed today. Sigh. 

Oh, I understand now, Fife. I thought it was still in the water. Around here, Columbus Day seems to be the latest I've seen.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by SPMan on Thursday, December 17, 2015 12:04 PM

Good morning all,

A little on the chilly side this week with even a shower predicted on Saturday.  We'll take it!  Finally got a little relief this week from doctor appointments but wife has to get a permanent today.  Went to caregiver meeting on Tuesday and wife went to Day Care while I was there.  It all went well.  Her surgery is healing up nicely and the brusing is going away.  Picked up my annual Christmas spiral cut ham yesterday and some scalloped potatoes for Christmas which will keep in the frig until then and microwave to serve.  Younger son's fiance has to work on Christmas day (registered nurse) but will be off Christmas eve.  Sounds worse than the railroad.  At least we got Christmas off.  Glad somebody is on duty though for emergencies.

D.Baker, I saw a photo of your old #41 at Knotts all decorated up for Christmas.  You probably don't miss it.

Had a nice long phone conversation with old friend that I saw at a recent train meet.  He is 98 now and doing pretty good.  We will try to get together for lunch soon.  He and I were in the same model railroad club back in the 60's.  He was a charter member.  He was the only one left when the club finally folded their tent.















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Posted by dougdagrump on Thursday, December 17, 2015 11:46 AM

Good moorning all !

Little frost on the pumpkin here, again. I am going to have to invest in a pair of gloves, hands just don't get warm when I'm out for my walk.

No new train news so I thought you guys might get a chuckle out of this: .

Got to get a move on, the BetterHalf and I have a whole bunch of stuff to deliver to Rady's Children's Hospital. The ladies in the auxilliary have been really busy making a bunch of things for the neonatal unit and the  children's critical care unit.

Later Dudes & Dudettes.

Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.

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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Thursday, December 17, 2015 10:21 AM

Good morning from overcast Southern Ohio

May see more rain and dropping temps.

SJ- Gotta love the 350 & the Alantic, great locos. Did they add the smoke to the 350 also? I took a 282 frame and put the 350 shell on it. I drilled out the smoke opening but it was ever so slightly offset, but the smoke still came out.

Buckeye- I'll keep an eye out for the S&ME trucks. If you get down this way and have time, feel free to swing by andwe'll set another plate for supper.

RT-Hope the bug bypasses you.

Later, May God bless


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Posted by rtraincollector on Thursday, December 17, 2015 9:49 AM

Kevin when I saw that last night I laughed like no tomorrow it tickled me. Glad you got it really. I been getting enough. I seriously need to put the breaks on. 

Morning all hows it going think I caught my wifes flu/cold. it hasn't hit full blown yet but it's sure is trying so I'm probably going to be out of it for a couple of days it put her completely bed ridden for two days basically. So if it gets ahold of me like it did her I'm in for it. 

Kevin will be sending you an email in a bit your going to be shocked I think. 

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by KRM on Thursday, December 17, 2015 8:25 AM


That was you who out bidded me on that! I made you pay an extra $5 for it sorry. I still won the 229 A-B and the Williams Southern A-B-A 

Go back to Ebay lol Big Smile Glad you go it not a bad price either I really wasn't that into it anyway I was more into the A-B combo M&STL 


RT you sly dog.  Laugh Better let me know what your bidding on over there so we are not killing the deals. Whistling If you would of just bid $65.01 you would of got it.  Wink Yeah, the 229 set was nice and you can't go wrong with the Williams A-B-A sets in any road name. JMHO.

Winter is back,,,,,,,,,,,30 now with a high of 35 today.

Joined 1-21-2011    TCA 13-68614

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