Good Morning from Blueberryhill RR....
Happy 4th of July to Everyone
It is 76 degrees already. Sunny. Going up to 96 today. Record.
Today is an easy day. We are taking it easy and enjoying the day. And A/C. Nice dinner planned.
Dining car is here with Cheerios for breakfast.
Y'all have a great Fourth.
May you all have a very safe 4th of July. Enjoy!
Buckeye Riveter After 100 plus hours, the power is on in Rogers Corners, Ohio.
After 100 plus hours, the power is on in Rogers Corners, Ohio.
Hey Buckeye, nice to see you back. Isn't it amazing what wind can do in just a few minutes? Your photos remind me of what it looked like here after Rita came through in September 2005.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Good morning. It's 78° and sunny. The high will be 95° and it'll be partly cloudy. Anyone caught out in the open will feel like they're being slow roasted at 108°.Gonna be a bit too warm outside for my taste today, besides I have nowhere to go. I might go outside tonight and watch some fireworks displays. Other than that it's just another day for me.
Happy 4th of July.
Stay safe.
Hot & humid, NC weather here, into the 90s till Saturday.
Chief, remember the last batch of MTH switches you tried to use? I hope your new ones work better. We are going to try driving the mile to our daughters house this afternoon for grillin but me thinks old James will spend a lot of time indoors till evening. I love summer would not trade one day of it for a winter one but AC has spoiled us all. Enjoy the day...S.J.
"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks
Charter Member- Tardis Train Crew (TTC) - Detroit3railers- Detroit Historical society Glancy Modular trains- Charter member BTTS
I forgot, yesterday's storms brought down power lines in some areas, Now Detroit Edison is having to call back crews they sent to Ohio. It's ok though we got Chuck and Buckeye back online...S.J.
Morning all. Hot and humid. Guy is here tining the sliding doors [thanks to Frankie]. Frankie and crew are at the lake. I will be driving to train for the kids again around 4 PM. Then do a welcome around 7. Big fireworks at 9.
Glad to see all the crew back on line.
Chat later.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Good morning everyone. Trying to recover from a very long day yesterday, and I was not on call! Got home around midnight. I am off today to say Happy Birthday, America! Sad to hear of the passing of Andy and also of the NCNG guys working the fires.
Jack, does this mean we now have Doug-Da-Grump on the left coast and Jack-Da-Grump on the right coast? I understand about your pool issue. It is kinda like when your kids begged for a dog when they were young, "I will feed him and walk him....", we know who will get stuck with those chores. Regarding your showing thanks to the PO officers you know, rather than bring up the danger, just remember them for special occasions. Do something like get a gift certificate for a local restaurant so they can take their family out to eat. Or, if they have young kids, get a gift certificate for Toys R Us so they can get them something. Like soldiers, the family pays a price too. PO and FF for the most part are way underpaid and it is nice to both show appreciation and at the same time, help them to connect with their families.
Chief, hope things work out with the turnouts. And yes, I like the desert!
Chuck, great to see you here. Hope the damage gets fixed soon and life returns to normal.
Don, wow! An engineer amongst us! While we all play at it a bit with our hobby, you are certainly taking it to the next level! Good luck with that.
Speaking of engineers, Laz, you going to keep busy on the Vulcan this year? Retirement is overrated! At least I tell myself that as with the two two year olds, I think retirement will be put off for a long while for me.
Hope everyone has a fun, safe fourth.
God bless,
KRM LawsonFarmsRR: Don't understand why folks like buckeye and blueberry don't have generators. You can get less than whole house generators with transfer switches. If you can't justify whole house or stand by generators you can get smaller generators for about $2500. Sure is worth it to me. Pat, Humm. it may be no one reads the pot or my posts. You are way above my $250 investment. I have gen set power when I need it and it is no where near $2,500. If it cost $2,500 I would be like them ... without. The reason folks don't do it is all folks don't have the same amount of cash in the bin. JMHO
LawsonFarmsRR: Don't understand why folks like buckeye and blueberry don't have generators. You can get less than whole house generators with transfer switches. If you can't justify whole house or stand by generators you can get smaller generators for about $2500. Sure is worth it to me. Pat, Humm. it may be no one reads the pot or my posts. You are way above my $250 investment. I have gen set power when I need it and it is no where near $2,500. If it cost $2,500 I would be like them ... without. The reason folks don't do it is all folks don't have the same amount of cash in the bin. JMHO
Don't understand why folks like buckeye and blueberry don't have generators. You can get less than whole house generators with transfer switches. If you can't justify whole house or stand by generators you can get smaller generators for about $2500. Sure is worth it to me.
Humm. it may be no one reads the pot or my posts. You are way above my $250 investment. I have gen set power when I need it and it is no where near $2,500. If it cost $2,500 I would be like them ... without. The reason folks don't do it is all folks don't have the same amount of cash in the bin.
KEV - As I recall your generator was a freebe. As to the $2500 cost, that is for a complete new unit with transfer switch. All you do is flip switches in the panel box. A complete all house, hands free generator runs north of $4000. Runs on propane, no going out in a storm to start up.
And what was the cost of food lost in freezer, refrigerator and refrigerator freezer? The cost of the food lost would go a long way to buying the generator. Buckeye says his power was out 100 Hrs.
Every one has a choice and priorities.
RFD-TV --- Rural America's most important network!
ChiefEagles I bought a 5,000 watt portable about 10 years ago for a little over $450. Wired it up myself. Runs everything but A/C and electric range [trying to get wifey to get natural gas like water heater and furnace]. Runs everything else including furnance. Only problem, a gas tank only runs 8 hours.
I bought a 5,000 watt portable about 10 years ago for a little over $450. Wired it up myself. Runs everything but A/C and electric range [trying to get wifey to get natural gas like water heater and furnace]. Runs everything else including furnance. Only problem, a gas tank only runs 8 hours.
Chief - We need the AC. Gas or propane is the only way to go. Hook up to existing service and away you go. Our electric company puts in the transfer switch and our propane company hooks up the gas.
As to the cost it is a matter of priorities. As I said before, the value of the lost freezer and refrigerator contents pays most of the cost of the generator. And there is the problem of disposing of those contents.
We put in an automatic generator back up here...with good reason. With my health the way it is...I much prefer having the thing than not and suffer the consequences....
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...
blownout cylinder We put in an automatic generator back up here...with good reason. With my health the way it is...I much prefer having the thing than not and suffer the consequences....
Saw something funny just a bit ago. I heard one of the neighbors setting off rockets so I went out to watch. It was the usual thing. He'd light them one at a time, drop them down a pipe and it would be launched like a missile, shoot high into the sky and explode. Well I guess he decided it was time to see what a pack of them would do all at once. They're like six to a pack. He set it up so he could light all the fuses at once then lit them. Small problem. Only half of them lit. They were still wrapped in a pack. They still had enough power to take off. The pack then arced over and went over the fence and went into land shark mode bouncing and skimming along the ground and seemingly locked in on the next door neighbors rooster. That's right, a rooster! Feathered fowl, goes cocka-doodle-doo? Well the poor thing, not knowing any better ran off in the opposite direction cackling for all the world like a bunch of scared hens with the pack of rockets skimming and bouncing along behind it. Every time they hit the ground they changed direction a bit and the rooster had the bad luck to keep turning in the same direction. About this time the rest of the rockets lit off and the rocket pack shot upward then arced back over, bounced a couple of times and went back to chasing the poultry. Now there was a new and very serious problem. The rockets started exploding and commenced to setting the yard on fire. Some of the spectators jumped the fence and grabbed a couple of water hoses and dealt with the fires in short order. The rocket pack meanwhile endured several explosions then broke apart. Two rockets arced over into the lake and the remaining one was stuck against a tree root where it exploded. It was quickly doused with water. I think the rooster lost a couple of pounds from all the running. A little while later it went over and started attacking one of the burned out rockets. The neighbor decided lighting them a pack at a time was a bad idea and went back to using the pipe to shoot them off one by one.
Good afternoon all,
It is hot in SE Indiana. Taking it easy today. Going to see "Brave". No chnage on wife's BIL. TBIL and I can drive (Thanks, Brutus, for taking the wheel last night). I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
LawsonFarmsRR Every one has a choice and priorities. Pat
Happy 4th of July everyone! Too Funny Jeffery You’re right Pat, of course everyone does have their choice and priorities. But for some of us needs and finances dictate them. I was lucky to get a freebe gen set. Right now it is 102 out there. I would love to have a unit large enough to run the AC but what I do have works in a pinch and my point was that you can do it at less expense than $2500.00. I have a manual transfer switch that list for over $400.00 that I got on Flea-bay new in box for $125.00 and the 100’ of 10-4 wire to take the power from the gen set to the load center was the rest of the money I spent. I installed it myself. The freebe gen set is only 5,000 watt and 20 amp so it is a no go for the 3 ton AC unit that needs at least 30 amps to start up. So if need be the basement is cool if it comes to that. I looked at a conversion to LP for the gen set but that is around $125.00 and I would rather spend the money on a bigger 7 or 9K generator in the future. As for the cost of lost food we don’t have that. Since the kids are grown and gone we left the chest freezer in the house we sold in Plainfield when we moved here. After the tornado in 1990 in Plainfield we keep our freezer running for 2 weeks in the only building we had left and that was the garage. Sure we had to haul gas but you do what you got to do. I know your right if you get a Honda it is easy to spend $2,500 but there are brands in the Northern Tool and at stores that cost much less. I have seen 9k units as low as $800 and 5k units for $400 new.
Happy 4th of July everyone!
Too Funny Jeffery
You’re right Pat, of course everyone does have their choice and priorities. But for some of us needs and finances dictate them. I was lucky to get a freebe gen set.
Right now it is 102 out there.
I would love to have a unit large enough to run the AC but what I do have works in a pinch and my point was that you can do it at less expense than $2500.00.
I have a manual transfer switch that list for over $400.00 that I got on Flea-bay new in box for $125.00 and the 100’ of 10-4 wire to take the power from the gen set to the load center was the rest of the money I spent. I installed it myself. The freebe gen set is only 5,000 watt and 20 amp so it is a no go for the 3 ton AC unit that needs at least 30 amps to start up. So if need be the basement is cool if it comes to that. I looked at a conversion to LP for the gen set but that is around $125.00 and I would rather spend the money on a bigger 7 or 9K generator in the future. As for the cost of lost food we don’t have that. Since the kids are grown and gone we left the chest freezer in the house we sold in Plainfield when we moved here. After the tornado in 1990 in Plainfield we keep our freezer running for 2 weeks in the only building we had left and that was the garage. Sure we had to haul gas but you do what you got to do.
I know your right if you get a Honda it is easy to spend $2,500 but there are brands in the Northern Tool and at stores that cost much less. I have seen 9k units as low as $800 and 5k units for $400 new.
Anyway enjoy the day and stay cool.
Joined 1-21-2011 TCA 13-68614
Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL.
Happy 4th all!
dbaker - I am living vicariously through you.
Happy 4th of July to everyone
- and let's mind the
Good Spirit
behind and above it all .
Hey DougM, Union Pacific Coal train bridge collapse and wreck in Glenview IL.,0,3431827.story
Hey DougM,
Union Pacific Coal train bridge collapse and wreck in Glenview IL.,0,3431827.story
Happy 4th Everyone!
My gift to all, enjoy!
Bayville, NJ
Life is what happens to youWhile you're busy making other plans - John Lennon
AF53 Happy 4th Everyone! My gift to all, enjoy! Ray
and heres mine to everyone
Life's hard, even harder if your stupid John Wayne
What a great 4th!!
I got to sleep in a room where the temperature was less than 85 degrees and didn't hear the hum of the generators all night. We made ABC National News tonight because we have the biggest power poles down in the country.
Ran trains to day. They are still running perfect. I must have wired my TMCC wrong.
HAPPY FOURTH to Everyone !!!
Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum.
Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..
Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR
TCA 09-64284
Happy 4th all, USA !
Glad to see Buckeye & Chuck are back up and cool (as in AC ).
How about a couple more "youtube" links:
Later all.
Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.
Proud New Member Of The NRA
Time for me to call it a night. I'll be taking my mother to Alexandria in the morning so that's most of my day shot. See y'all tomorrow sometime.
The BIG 4th celebration and MASSIVE fire works display was outstanding. Thousands flock to Roseyville every 4th for this event. No joke. Word has passed to all the surrounding counties. Traffic will take 2 hours to calm down. Folks walked for blocks because all the shopping center and parking lots were full.
Overpass bridge calapses after derailment. Another job for Buckeye. Glad he is cool and can run trains.
Sleep tight.
Happy 4th Guys!
Charlie a.k.a. MichiganRailRoad714 (Charter Member TTC)
Sunny and triple digits again today.
Just got back from watching the fireworks display. We watch it from our church parking lot that is on top of a hill about 1/2 mile away from the fairgrounds. Good view and no traffic to deal with on the way home.
I found it interesting to note that 95 degrees after dark is a whole lot more comfortable than 95 degrees in the afternoon sun.
Practiced sniping on e-bay again tonight. Good snipe, but my opponent had a higher max. bid than I did. That's OK. I only bid what I want to pay and I don't get caught up in the 'competition rush' trying to win an item. There will be another postwar radioactive waste car listed sooner or later at the price I want.
My wife is in the middle of an embroidery project with her fancy sewing machine. It is not been going all that smoothly. I get in trouble for making suggestions, yet I also get in trouble for not being right there when she wants help .
Hid Worked in my basement workshop this afternoon on my dual motor 200 series Alco 'B' unit project. Got the frame ready to be spliced together. I'm taking pictures along the way and will post them when it is more or less together.
Also digitized and cleaned up a Three Dog Night album and a The Who album while I was down there. Slowly working on digitizing my collection of vinyl recordings.
All for now.
Happy 4th of July guys! Had a great time. All of us "kids" and our kids all went to the baked pottery place, including the out-of-towners who were visiting. It was 105 and just too hot out for anything else. Went over to my folks' house for some dinner. My brother cooked brats and we had all the sides etc. I brought beer! We are just listening to the trailing off of all the fireworks in our area now.
Prayers for us all and for our loved ones and intentions!
TARDIS is ready, but we will have to sneak some banilla for the trip. It's okay, I know where the key is hid!
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Busy day for this one..get to go and find out what is up with the treatments and such...
Getting some more stick and gum today..high of 91F feeling like 106. Yesterday? Got to 95F feeling like 116F...just ridiculous humidity
I guess San Diego had an interesting fireworks display..apparently all 5 of the barges set up went all at the same time....
Have a good day!!
Good morning guys, and gals I see. Getting ready to head to work. We did not go see the fireworks, as it turns out, that was a good thing. Some local thuggery were fighting and the PO PO shut it down before they got to the finalee. Our area is divided where there is deffinately a difference between the north side of town and the south side. You do not want to be on the south side at night, or any other time of day!
We did do some shopping for the pending trip, but not much else. Had a great lunch with the family at Mello Mushroom. I have gotten to where I'd much rather spend time with family than most anything else. It was a good time. The other night we went to see Madagascar 3, it was a very clean and fun movie with the family. And with the heat index over 110, it was a cool place to be.
It is a cloudy 74 degrees. Going up to 98 today with sunshine. Nasty storms north of us.
Today is an easy day. I have a few chores to do and some paperwork. Then, I will relax and enjoy the A/C. Maybe run trains.
Y'all have a great Thursday.
It's going to 99 today, 102 yesterday. A couple of small storms has brought us some more needed rain. We spent yesterday afternoon with the kids, good food and the guys gave us a great fireworks display. I will be heading out to the train store soon, Got an Atlas 2 bay hopper waiting for me...S.J.
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