RE:COFFEE POT #4 April 1st, 2011, for all to take a drink and chat. 5+ years and going. Menu adjustments -> KIBBLES ! NO GRITS, and Some coffee and tea.

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Posted by Demay on Monday, April 4, 2011 10:11 PM

Good evening all,

We had Greek lemon chicken, couscous, and salad for dinner.  The wife prepped all of it, and I grilled the chicken.  It was delicious.  Before and after dinner I was able to run the trains for a while.  I have been really giving the new locos a workout.  The power unit is still a bit sticky.  I will post photos of them in a new thread and ask for some assistance.  We also had one small pile up.  My two older kids and one of their friends were with me when I was running the new locos.  Well, their friend had many questions and wanted to run the trains very badly.  Needless to say I was distracted and forgot to throw a switch.  Fortunately I was not running at a high speed and no damage occurred, just a minor derailment.  I also caught most of the Yankees’ game tonight; THEY WON! Big Smile

Jim SP - I'm with you as far as having no debt.  I'm sure God will provide you a solution.

Jim Probe - I can't wait to see more photos; that 624 is going to look great and the barrel car sounds great.

It's time to catch the last 10 minutes of the game.

Good night,


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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 4, 2011 8:57 PM


            Wow.  I am glad everyone is okay.


          Sorry for the loss.

The forum has been hit and miss here tonight.  I am in the middle of priming the 624's frame.  Had another package from Rich and Debbie waiting for me when I got home.Big Smile  I am really satisfied with this barrel car, which is the -25 gray from 1955.  

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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Monday, April 4, 2011 8:31 PM

Evening all

Traindad - I will pray for the soul of your friend'sson.

Jack - I am thankful no one was hurt.

Went to Sears Sunday and got the bride a new grill.  She is happy and we've had hot dogs yesterday and grilled chicken tonight.

Bride and I are thinking and praying on what to do.  We are going to need some extra bedrooms fast.  The kids are getting to the age where they will need seperate bedrooms for the boy and the girls.  We could add on, but the value of our house is already maxed out for the area and the added room would add no vaalue to the house.  Unfortunatly the house we fixed up has not sold, and our house is really nice, but because of the run down houses around us, it would be very hard to sell. 

IT is very tempting when looking at houses that have enough room where I could have a layout, but I really want to avoid any more debt.

We'll see.

Good night and God bless


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Posted by sir james I on Monday, April 4, 2011 6:56 PM

Good Evening

Temp went to 63 for a few hours today, Had to test it out and it felt good. BUT you already know what happened next, yep its in the 40s now. I survived the day with cereal for breakfast and a sandmich for lunch.  I spelled it that way on purpose. Banilla will be waiting for Brutus and the thingy...S.J.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by laz 57 on Monday, April 4, 2011 6:38 PM


  Glad you all are ok.  Musta been a real heart stopper there.  Hate when things creep up on you real fast.


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by dougdagrump on Monday, April 4, 2011 5:43 PM

Hey All !

Been cruisin' thru a few times but not much posting time, nor in the mood. Been fighting with wifey's laptop for 2+ days, good thing the grandson wasn't here. Don't think the daughter & sil would want him talking like a 40yr retired boatswain's mate, needless to say it still ain't working rite. Grumpy  (Fill in the blank) wireless connections & cable modems, think I'll dump them both and get one of the combo units. Anybody know anything about the Motorola's.

Gonna give the eyes a bit of a rest, don't see how anyone can look at these monitors for so many hours at a time. 


Remember the Veterans. Past, present and future.

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Posted by rtraincollector on Monday, April 4, 2011 12:00 PM

RI52 glad all came out okay there on the highway. I'm fine infact I worked 8 + 4 OT yesterday as it all broke sat afternoon. I hit a high of 103 on sat went home and went to bed woke up with a soaked head and bed and temp at 98.6 ( my normal is like 97.5 but that was close enough for me)

Traindood sorry but way I have been feeling it just kept slipping my mind when I came to post sorry to hear about your friends son and i did say prayers to include there family in this time of sorrow.

well starting to pack up the carpet central railroadSad But it for a good reason I need to be able to get around and finish working on the Ceiling/shelf layout in standard gauge Big Smile then the carpet central will be put back down on the regular carpet as the green will be all gone as I'm using it on the standard gauge shelf layout.

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by cnw1995 on Monday, April 4, 2011 11:55 AM

Wow, glad your bride, Maximus and you are OK, Jack. Almost clobbered a deer last night driving home in the gloom. Good thing I was going slow. Not sure the decade-old minivan wouldv've liked that. Warmish out. Off to watch trains coming in on the old IC.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by SPMan on Monday, April 4, 2011 11:29 AM


Good Mornin' Ya'll from Overcast and Soon To Be Raining Taxachusetts,

Still looking at a bit of at snow in the back yard.......temperatures didn't reach the forecast over the weekend (what else is new), warmer air and rain missed me to the South.  50s for most of the week, rain tonight.

Has a close call last night.  Wife, dog, and I were tooling along on the interstate, left lane, 65mph, about 7 car lengths behind the SUV in front of us.  The next thing I know a 5 foot wide by 2 foot high pipe structure emerges out from under the SUV in front of us....not an exhaust system and not from that vehicle.  BANG!!!!!! ...... as it fortunately managed to pass under my vehicle and not get hung up.  Could have been curtains for Maximus, wifey, and RI52 if the structure had flipped up into the air and through the windshield when the SUV in front of us hit it first.  Unsecured in a pickup truck?  It must have fallen off of someone's truck and they just kept going.  Stability control system deployed.  Everyone else just kept tooling along.  Pulled way over onto the right side shoulder, right behind the aforementioned SUV which was doing likewise. Called the State Police to report, and then checked for damages, fluid leaks, and tire damage.  Suffered front fascia damgage.  I got a good sized dent in the undercarriage, that's it (so far).

Local news.....first, a brewerery "pub crawl" bus tour headed back to Taxachusetts from points North somehow (at highway speed)  "lost" two passengers out the bus' bathroom window.  The passengers were splattered toast.  Lesson in how to have a designated driver and still manage to kill onesself.  Second, a local teen driving 100+ mph lost control of his car and hit a tree, the tree won, another fatality.  Now we will watch the sad aftermath on the news while the teen's fellow students and friends seek counselling at school, build a memorial, hold candlelight vigils, and grant interviews to the media at the crash site......and some of these same individuals unfortunately will learn nothing from this tragic event and in a few short weeks may themselves become victims during the upcoming Prom season.  How soon they forget, tragically.       

Joe and all.....Red Sox starters looked like batting practice pitchers out there this weekend.  It was home run derby for the opposition over the last three games.  This could be a long baseball season. Sad

traindood..... Angel prayers for your friend who lost his only son to a tragic accident.  Your post comes three weeks after a friend of ours nearly lost her only son in a snowboarding accident, a collision with a tree.  Medflighted from a ski area North of us to Massachusetts General Hospital.  Massive injuries, but he survived.

JimmyT....Angel hang tough on the job search.  It is a networking and numbers game, and you will eventually score.

RT...... Angel hope you are feeling better and that your temperature is gone.  Recommended course of treatment:  trains and beer.  Beer

MikeC........looks like Indiana may rule NCAA college basketball world when the smoke clears tonight.  ND women crowned champions last night and Butler versus UCON is on tap for tonight in the men's finale.

DougDG....... Thumbs Up cruisenight with the grandson, doesn't get better than that, except if Grandpa buys himself the grandson a slightly early 16th birthday present, a street rod. Whistling

LAZ and I recently had a chat about the education system, how the tail is wagging the dog, and how too many parents are MIA and accept far too little responsibility for their children's education.  Education and work ethic have their foundations in the home.  So do expectations and accountability. 

LAZ and HudsonJohn .....minor league baseball games, the solution to the high MLB ticket prices,  You get a bargain and still get to see top shelf players with AAA and those about to emerge.  LAZ......yard work with the company of the dog, I love it.  And no worries about funding a zillion dollar fence making the homestead look like Fort Apache or the worries of a dog escape.

Brent........I hear ya.  At the rate we are going, workers will owe money at the end of the work day.  Retirement?  That term is fast becoming obsolete.  All of our economic issues are fixable, except for the blundering of the 535 members of the Congress and the Senate who couldn't make a sound, objective, and effective decision if their lives depended upon it.  The root of the problem knows no party lines and will never be resolved until there are term limits, when elected officials have no other incentive (like re-election, a a war chest, and a career in politics) than to git 'er done.  That's my 2 cents.  My 2 Cents

Roy.......your post struck a chord, work's (travel) treadmill.  I was chatting with a recently married younger friend last night.  His job responsibilities have consumed him and he is burning out.  His company is running far too lean.  He was able to squeeze in a half day off work in between planes to get married.  His thrice- divorced, childless, workaholic boss lives his job and is clueless about the quality of life, a family, a hobby, or just the concepts of work overload and the necessity of unwinding.

HudsonJohn.......last minute crunch with the kids' homework and projects?  My daughter and son-in-law recently had to step in and cut back the granddaughter's schedule. and she is only 7!!!!!!! Bang Head  Multitasking is highly overrated.

SP Ray.........I couldn't sleep a wink last night worrying about you.  90+ degrees in the former garage/now train room?  They invented air conditioning about 7 or 8 decades ago.  You ought to look into it.  Whistling  You have earned it.  Bite the bullet. skipped two consecutive meals yesterday?  I'm worried about you too.  Wasting away to a twig.  Smile, Wink & Grin

Brutus.......I'd suggest you consider still getting a stated preference out of Char on the jewelry front, buy it secretly if you can manage it, and stash it away as an ace in the hole.  A camera is a fantastic gift, gives back every week.  But jewelry touches a woman's heart.

submmbob........was thinking about you while looking up at the stars last night when I had the dog out for the last pit stop of the day.  I am so glad I bought a home 20+ miles North of Boston almost 24 years ago.  Closer in, the air pollution ruins the upward view.

8n.......was reading your post about all of the stuff on TV yesterday.  I wind up trying to watch 2 or 3 things at the same time.  Bang Head

Later, gang.


Jack, no one ever accused me of rushing into anything.





















































































































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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 4, 2011 11:06 AM

Demay - thanks! Yes they are very nice. While I was messing around with them I noticed that the rear unit's headlight stayed lit no matter what direction the engines were travelling, but when in reverse the lead unit's light would turn off. So I pulled the trailing unit off the layout, looked for a PGM switch and there it was! Programmed the dummy as a new engine, set it up in the Legacy Remote, then built a new 'lashup'... works like a charm now! TALK ABOUT SMOKE! Holy Cow! Both units have smoke from 6 small stacks. When they are set to HI look out! Smile

I started rebuilding the town area of the layout yesterday. I have the new framing in place, and the lower tracks realigned. Now I need to build the supports, framing, and underlayment for the upper level on the new section. Once I have that laid out I'll need to take the upper level off and redo the framing on the lower level, and cut a couple pieces of underlayment for the track. Then lay down the ceiling tile, put down the sub roadbed, and screw down the track. I'm planning on making the lower level in this area a visible tunnel. Will be my first attempt at modeling the inside of a tunnel. I'm thinking some sections of Scenery Express rock walls are in my future! But I will start the scenicing after I have the new upper level in place, the existing upper level realigned and the new transition from new area to existing realignment completed. Also redoing the transition from lower level to upper level as part of this project. I'll have quite a bit more room to work with for the transition track as well so the grade will be greatly reduced.

Throw in a bathroom remodel and installing hardwood floors in the Living Room and Dinning Room, and it is going to be an interesting Spring/Summer. Smile

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Monday, April 4, 2011 10:37 AM

Good Mornin' Ya'll from Overcast and Soon To Be Raining Taxachusetts,

Still looking at a bit of at snow in the back yard.......temperatures didn't reach the forecast over the weekend (what else is new), warmer air and rain missed me to the South.  50s for most of the week, rain tonight.

Has a close call last night.  Wife, dog, and I were tooling along on the interstate, left lane, 65mph, about 7 car lengths behind the SUV in front of us.  The next thing I know a 5 foot wide by 2 foot high pipe structure emerges out from under the SUV in front of us....not an exhaust system and not from that vehicle.  BANG!!!!!! ...... as it fortunately managed to pass under my vehicle and not get hung up.  Could have been curtains for Maximus, wifey, and RI52 if the structure had flipped up into the air and through the windshield when the SUV in front of us hit it first.  Unsecured in a pickup truck?  It must have fallen off of someone's truck and they just kept going.  Stability control system deployed.  Everyone else just kept tooling along.  Pulled way over onto the right side shoulder, right behind the aforementioned SUV which was doing likewise. Called the State Police to report, and then checked for damages, fluid leaks, and tire damage.  Suffered front fascia damgage.  I got a good sized dent in the undercarriage, that's it (so far).

Local news.....first, a brewerery "pub crawl" bus tour headed back to Taxachusetts from points North somehow (at highway speed)  "lost" two passengers out the bus' bathroom window.  The passengers were splattered toast.  Lesson in how to have a designated driver and still manage to kill onesself.  Second, a local teen driving 100+ mph lost control of his car and hit a tree, the tree won, another fatality.  Now we will watch the sad aftermath on the news while the teen's fellow students and friends seek counselling at school, build a memorial, hold candlelight vigils, and grant interviews to the media at the crash site......and some of these same individuals unfortunately will learn nothing from this tragic event and in a few short weeks may themselves become victims during the upcoming Prom season.  How soon they forget, tragically.       

Joe and all.....Red Sox starters looked like batting practice pitchers out there this weekend.  It was home run derby for the opposition over the last three games.  This could be a long baseball season. Sad

traindood..... Angel prayers for your friend who lost his only son to a tragic accident.  Your post comes three weeks after a friend of ours nearly lost her only son in a snowboarding accident, a collision with a tree.  Medflighted from a ski area North of us to Massachusetts General Hospital.  Massive injuries, but he survived.

JimmyT....Angel hang tough on the job search.  It is a networking and numbers game, and you will eventually score.

RT...... Angel hope you are feeling better and that your temperature is gone.  Recommended course of treatment:  trains and beer.  Beer

MikeC........looks like Indiana may rule NCAA college basketball world when the smoke clears tonight.  ND women crowned champions last night and Butler versus UCON is on tap for tonight in the men's finale.

DougDG....... Thumbs Up cruisenight with the grandson, doesn't get better than that, except if Grandpa buys himself the grandson a slightly early 16th birthday present, a street rod. Whistling

LAZ and I recently had a chat about the education system, how the tail is wagging the dog, and how too many parents are MIA and accept far too little responsibility for their children's education.  Education and work ethic have their foundations in the home.  So do expectations and accountability. 

LAZ and HudsonJohn .....minor league baseball games, the solution to the high MLB ticket prices,  You get a bargain and still get to see top shelf players with AAA and those about to emerge.  LAZ......yard work with the company of the dog, I love it.  And no worries about funding a zillion dollar fence making the homestead look like Fort Apache or the worries of a dog escape.

Brent........I hear ya.  At the rate we are going, workers will owe money at the end of the work day.  Retirement?  That term is fast becoming obsolete.  All of our economic issues are fixable, except for the blundering of the 535 members of the Congress and the Senate who couldn't make a sound, objective, and effective decision if their lives depended upon it.  The root of the problem knows no party lines and will never be resolved until there are term limits, when elected officials have no other incentive (like re-election, a a war chest, and a career in politics) than to git 'er done.  That's my 2 cents.  My 2 Cents

Roy.......your post struck a chord, work's (travel) treadmill.  I was chatting with a recently married younger friend last night.  His job responsibilities have consumed him and he is burning out.  His company is running far too lean.  He was able to squeeze in a half day off work in between planes to get married.  His thrice- divorced, childless, workaholic boss lives his job and is clueless about the quality of life, a family, a hobby, or just the concepts of work overload and the necessity of unwinding.

HudsonJohn.......last minute crunch with the kids' homework and projects?  My daughter and son-in-law recently had to step in and cut back the granddaughter's schedule. and she is only 7!!!!!!! Bang Head  Multitasking is highly overrated.

SP Ray.........I couldn't sleep a wink last night worrying about you.  90+ degrees in the former garage/now train room?  They invented air conditioning about 7 or 8 decades ago.  You ought to look into it.  Whistling  You have earned it.  Bite the bullet. skipped two consecutive meals yesterday?  I'm worried about you too.  Wasting away to a twig.  Smile, Wink & Grin

Brutus.......I'd suggest you consider still getting a stated preference out of Char on the jewelry front, buy it secretly if you can manage it, and stash it away as an ace in the hole.  A camera is a fantastic gift, gives back every week.  But jewelry touches a woman's heart.

submmbob........was thinking about you while looking up at the stars last night when I had the dog out for the last pit stop of the day.  I am so glad I bought a home 20+ miles North of Boston almost 24 years ago.  Closer in, the air pollution ruins the upward view.

8n.......was reading your post about all of the stuff on TV yesterday.  I wind up trying to watch 2 or 3 things at the same time.  Bang Head

Later, gang.



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Posted by Demay on Monday, April 4, 2011 10:11 AM

Good morning all,

It's been a few days since I lasted posted, but we have not been home.  We drove to my wife's parents’ house in Broken Arrow on Friday and spent the night.  I went to a train show on Saturday and picked up a Walther's building (deli) and a Lionel FA-2 A-A Alco set (Reading).  They are not high-end, but they fit my theme and budget.  I was very excited to get home to place the building on the layout and run the locos; however, my wife wanted to stay another night so we did.  We returned home around 1700 yesterday and I immediately ran the locos.  I tested them at the train show and they ran fine, but they were a little sticky.  I believe that was due to them being in a box for so long.  They loosened up as I ran them on the layout.  The powered unit's headlight worked fine at the train show but did not work when I got home.  The non-powered unit's headlight and horn worked fine.  I will do some troubleshooting on the powered unit this weekend; hopefully the light is just burned out. 

88 – Thanks for sharing the photos of your great find.  They are very sharp.  

AF Ray – I saw both games Saturday and enjoyed them very much.  Tonight’s game should be a good one; however, the Yankees are on ESPN as well.


Jack – I love listening to baseball games on the radio even though that medium wasn’t popular when I was a kid – television ruled.  However, my father loved to listen to games on the radio and he always had a Yankees or Phillies game on the radio every Saturday and Sunday during the season.  Now I find it quite enjoyable to listen to a game on the radio while working in the garage or on the layout.


Traindood – I’m sorry for the loss of your friend’s son. 


Bob – We had great weather this past Saturday and Sunday morning, but the winds starting picking up Sunday afternoon and have been crazy since.  The winds were steady last night and this morning at about 35 mph with gusts way over 40 mph. 


Steveo – Did you enjoy the Bixby train show?  There is a show in Enid this Saturday, a bigger show in OKC in May, and a show in Dewey in June. 


Good day,


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Posted by ChiefEagles on Monday, April 4, 2011 10:05 AM


Hello all,

Haven't even had time to lurk this week, Making a slash & go on the way to join my lovey Mrs in bed. Hope I haven't missed any thing special. My long hours should end this week.


Prayers for those in need.

Most important thing to do. WhistlingWink

Plumber is here re-plumbing the house and David [owner of Hunters Haven, the gun store] and Polo destroying the master bath.  We will be using the one upstairs for a week or more.  Probably more.

Off to County Commissioners and then back for Town Board.  Meetings all week.  Sure wish I could make York.  Got invites to attend more receptions and "thank yous" as well as meetings.  Big parade too.  Don't think they will let Lucy stand in for me. Laugh

Real warm here.  Had to water greenhouse and open up the glass in door.  Fan [set on 90 degrees] was running solid.  Got one tomato plant that looks like it may be ready to bloom.  Will transplant into garden in a couple of weeks.


 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by traindood on Monday, April 4, 2011 9:17 AM

Morning fellas and gals:    Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. Events like this kinda helps to get our priorities in order.   We have the tendency to lose sight of the things that really count, not another gadget or do-dad  to fill our lives with empty material products.  I'm probly the worst offender on that score. Tragedies happen all the time. We humans are a fragile bunch. Life is too short for our vain ways. How odd we are; we try to atttain great wealth, but the only satisfaction we get is when we give it away!   Ho-ray  for humankind!   later.    

Think good thoughts, do good deeds! 


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Posted by cnw1995 on Monday, April 4, 2011 8:32 AM

Aloha and happy Monday, That's a sad story, traindood. Praying for that family this am. How 'bout those Irish women's team? Their biggest win ever. Sure wish Junior had a win at the's sure been a while.  Lots of lightning last night but the wildest storms missed us completely. Spent the afternoon and evening celebrating a young nephew's birthday - he's been very sick for a long time so it was a nice party. Mitch, it's interesting that after years of growth, our local schools are trying to plan for significant decreases in enrollment as no young families are moving in anymore. Elder meeting tonight. May run a few trains after.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by sir james I on Monday, April 4, 2011 8:00 AM

44 and 60 today

Some rain overnight. Spring break means grannys gone 8 to 5 this week so I'm not sure what I'll burn for breakfast yet..Hmm maybe go with cereal. Nice chat with the guys but no train running yesterday...S.J.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Monday, April 4, 2011 6:30 AM

Good Morning from Blueberryhill....

It is a warmer 48 degrees. Going up to 70 today with rain coming. Then, colder tomorrow.

Today is a busy day. Grocery shopping for the wife. I have some chores to do and then some paperwork. Maybe a nap later. Too bad Junior #88 didn't win yesterday at Nascar. He needs a win.

Dining car is here with Cheerios for breakfast.

Y'all have a great Monday.


Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by laz 57 on Monday, April 4, 2011 6:17 AM


  48 here going up to 75.  Then dropping back tomorrow.  Oh well another week, 42 more days o school.

Stay frosty,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by Hudson#685 on Monday, April 4, 2011 5:54 AM

Good Morning from Central Jersey,

Traindood, Ken thoughts and prayers for your friend's loss.

Mike C, I wish your wife luck with her blood sugar. Keep it in check.

Mitch, You hit home with the health care costs on the pension. We have to pay also on pension and it is not capped anymore.

RT, Good conversation last night.

Have a great day,


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Posted by mitchelr on Monday, April 4, 2011 5:23 AM

Morning to All,

Lazy weekend. Took naps on Saturday and Sunday. Feel something coming on, not sure if it is a cold, or allergies, or what is going on. No fever or aches, but a bit of a sore throat yesterday morning,  and congested and tired today.

Nothing new on the train front, looking forward to York and a few days off.  Really feeling the pressure of budget reductions, etc. at work. Pension cost increases passed back by the state to the employees are going to cost us 2%, medical insurance premiums are going up.  County government is cutting another 1.9 million which means more staff cuts and reduction of hours for staff.  Could lose up to 2 teaching staff even though enrollment is up more than 30 students over the last 3 years. Probably the fourth year without a pay raise. Retirement is not an option yet. Really need to work about 5 more years, but the pressure is building. 

Enough griping, better get to work.

Take care,



Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839

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Posted by cheapclassics on Monday, April 4, 2011 4:52 AM

Good morning all,

It is supposed to be stormy in SE Indiana today, but quiet this AM.  I see where another Indiana basketball team has made it to the NCAA finals with the Fightin' Irish upsetting U Conn last night.  Hopefully, both Butler and ND will bring home championship trophies.  Long day ahead of me.  I had the regular fare on the dining car for breakfast this morning before sending it on to "Points East".  TBIL anytime after the game tonight.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by 8ntruck on Monday, April 4, 2011 12:37 AM

A couple of nice days this weekend.  Radio said it was 88 degrees today.  Falling temperatures tonight and a line of thunderstorms is blowing through.

Yard work this weekend.  Cleaned flowerbeds, mowed the lawn for the first time, and vaccuumed cars.

BBC channel had a Peter Sellers marathon on today.  Enjoyed bits and pieces of Casion Royale, Dr. Strangelove and a couple of Pink Panther movies.

My wife wanted to take a walk today, so we did one lap of the .6 mile path at the nearby park.  Was as much as she wanted to do.

Jim - Thanks for the Super Clean tip.

All for now.

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Posted by submmbob on Monday, April 4, 2011 12:33 AM

Last night of the VLBI observations. Winds calmed down enough that we could run. Back to normal observations tomorrow night.

Looks like some interesting weather from OK to Chicago. Watch out Joe, Brutus, and Doug M.

Traindood - sorry to hear about the loss of your friend's son.

Nothing much new on the train from. May use a gift card for a couple more switches I need for the current layout design.




Tucson, AZ (aka the Ol' Pueblo)

Home of the Mt. Graham & Arizona Eastern Boiler Shops

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Posted by Brutus on Sunday, April 3, 2011 10:22 PM

Well the wife and I went to the mall, just the two of us, today and walked around like we used to do years ago.  We looked at some jewelry, but she decided she wants a new camera instead.  We then did the grocery shopping, then came home and had dinner with the kids.  Nice chats with C, SJ, and RT tonight.  No world problems solved, though.  Mike - I'll be waiting for you, have a couple ideas to talk about related to some plot points in that movie :)

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by sir james I on Sunday, April 3, 2011 8:55 PM

Good Evening

No signs of spring here either, at least temp wise, 39 right now, should be 50s at least. Banilla is waiting for Brutus and the thingy..S.J.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by Banks on Sunday, April 3, 2011 8:26 PM

Hello all,

Haven't even had time to lurk this week, Making a slash & go on the way to join my lovey Mrs in bed. Hope I haven't missed any thing special. My long hours should end this week.


Prayers for those in need.

Banks, Proud member of the OTTS  TCA 12-67310



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Posted by ChiefEagles on Sunday, April 3, 2011 8:19 PM

That sneeky little girl.  Got internet service at the lake and I did not know it.

HOME and tired.  Been putting siding on shed and golf cart shed [it is free].  Got new energy efficient windows installled Tuesday.  Rained Wednesday [big time].  40 MPH winds yesterday.

Hungry, haven't eaten since breakfast.  Trying a Hardees turkey burger.  [first time I've been to Hardees here since BoJangles opened]


 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by SPMan on Sunday, April 3, 2011 7:43 PM

Cool cloudy day here today.  Went to TTOS meet and got there late.  My heart was just not in it although there were lots of things on tables.  Auction started three hours after meet opening as usual.  By that time everyone is burned out.  They never seem to learn.  The place is half empty by the time they start.  Not very good for sellers.  Saw a couple of old aquaintences but I miss the guys I remember from the past who are no longer with us.  Time marches on I guess.  Lots of trains running at the meet however.  They have two portable layouts going at most meets.  Went out with friends last night to a quiz show at local college for the benifit of our Library.  Price included buffet dinner and the show.  We had a good time.  Early mass this morning in order to make train meet.

Have a good week all,













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Posted by laz 57 on Sunday, April 3, 2011 7:42 PM


  Busy day here.  Cleaned up all the flower beds and sticks from the trees.  MINNIE watched me.  Took them all to our recycle area and dumped it then took MINNIE on walk at the Ned Smith Consevation Lands.  We did a nice 3.5 miler the last 1.5 we ran.  She is a fast PUP.  It was all I could do to keep up but made it.  Lots o fun and got my run in too. 

TRAINDOOD, sorry for the loss prayers for the family.

PROBE, you will get there, sometimes its the weirdest things.  Keep on keepin on.

Ran trains for an hour NO PILE UPs AGAIN.  That's what I get for running the speed limit.

Stay frosty,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 3, 2011 6:54 PM


            Bow Well said. 


           When I was considereing what to go to college for, IA teacher crossed my mind several times.  Seeing the behavior of my classmates throughout IA changed my mind.  Couldn't handle that and still have a job.  The teacher was great, but the same few students were the issue.


          Too bad you aren't in the area.  The store I work at would probably take on Fifepup.  I just want to move on to bigger and better things myself.



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