COFFEE POT #4, April 2010 for all to take a drink and chat. Welcome all posters. 4 yrs old and still going. Sweet ice tea too. (Even some Kibbles)

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Posted by submmbob on Friday, April 2, 2010 3:40 AM

 Well Wed. morning was fairly interesting at the 'scope. Within 3 hours of the end of the last shift of the week, a critical part of the 'scope chose to break, with the VLBI run looming within just a day or so. After figuring out the problem there was some more swearing at the guys who originally set this place up. They were trying to run a 120V AC solenoid on 24 V DC. It kinda worked but not very well. Explained a lot of the troubles we'd had w/ this system in the past. When John got up we ran temporary AC power and  installed a relay to use the 24V to do the switching. I actually used two of my dropping resistors from my old radio parts box to make the circuit. It works but I'm concerned about the duty cycle on the relay. One of our engineers had  a more appropriate one at the office, so I'm on deck in case I  need to make a run up to the mountain before my next shift.

Slept most of the day today catching up on sleep. We ended up having that dinner date tonight as she was busy last night. Still not quite sure where this is going but it's good for me to get out. 

Boxed up the first radio items I have sold tonight. They will basically pay for the clutch pressure plate and throw out bearing for the van. I found a few more things I want to sell off in the process. Excited about making the space and paying for some of the trains. 

Firend is moving back in town and is bringing me a new bed and some speakers to match the prowness of my old Pioneer stereo. It dawned on me last night that I could use the old setup for the futon as a train table. Will be a bit wider so I could use larger radius turns on the outside loop. I see a Railking Y6B in my future...Big Smile



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Posted by Buckeye Riveter on Friday, April 2, 2010 5:28 AM

TGIF Smile

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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Friday, April 2, 2010 6:04 AM

Good Morning from Blueberryhill....

It is a clear 50 degrees, Sun is coming up. Going up to an actual 85 today, ( for real ). Sunshine. It's gonna get hot.

Today is an easy day. I have a few things to do this morning and then, I will take it easy. I have some reading to do and a few things to work on, in the train room. I will spend some time outside, appreciating the nice weather.

Dining car is here with Cheerios for breakfast.

Buckeye..........  TGIF

Y'all have a great Friday.


Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by fifedog on Friday, April 2, 2010 7:31 AM

Mornin' boys.  Foggy & 50 here in the Mid-Atlantic this AM.

dwiemer - "some dude" lent his car to the robbery suspect from WV (of all places) that I locked up last night...  Cat gets around.

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Posted by laz 57 on Friday, April 2, 2010 7:47 AM


  Happy GOOD FRIDAY all.

  54 and nice here today.  To get to 80!!!!!   Going to take netting off ponds and do some outside clean up then clean turtle tank, pull nails from demolition, then later run trains.


Stay frosty,


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Posted by Ole Timer on Friday, April 2, 2010 8:25 AM

 Was over on the 'York' thread and Ole Timer posed a question so I figured I respond over here to see if he can keep up!

Brent .... ya I can keep up  Grumpy  ... if not I'll borrow my buddy's power chair .... LOL .  He told me to take it to train shows/meets and hook a lil wagon on the back  Whistling  .... with 28 lbs. of extra ... you may have a hard time keeping up  Laugh . That remark about keeping up was'nt an asinine one against this old disabled vet was it ? 

Dougdagrump ... did you get that link I PMed you for the tmcc ?

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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Friday, April 2, 2010 8:30 AM

Buckeye Riveter

TGIF Smile


Tasty Grits Ignite Fertility.


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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Friday, April 2, 2010 8:33 AM

Good Morning and a blessed Good Friday to all. The Holy Thursday services were awsome last night. The Church was packed. Got home just after midnight. Tok today off to get stuff ready for services tonight and Saturday and Sunday. I may not be able to start the SPF this weekend. Busy but wonderful. Jim T - The repair looks really nice. May God bless Jim
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Posted by cnw1995 on Friday, April 2, 2010 8:38 AM

 Aloha all. Boy. I'm having the biggest allergy attack of my life this week. Ugh. Hard to sleep and sleep-walking through the day. The gorgeous weather here must be making something come out.  Funny I didn't have any allergies growing up. Could be worse of course. I'm reflecting on it as a small reminder of Good Friday suffering.

Bob, clever solution using the old radio parts on the 'scope. Hope the fix lasts through the cycle.

Jack, teen enjoyed Boston so much. He did mention New Englanders talk funny though. Looks like Lake Lawn Lodge hasn't changed since you were married.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by sir james I on Friday, April 2, 2010 8:49 AM

Good Morning All

Yep we got nice weather too, going into the low 80s today.

We have a church service at noon with a lunch after, guess that will be my meal for the day. Nice chat with some of the guys last nite. I ordered a new PS2 from Amazon, want to get one before they disappear. PS3 will not play the older games I do not want to give up. I will use the new one through the warrenty period and then put the old one back on. Have a great day.....S.J.


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Posted by dwiemer on Friday, April 2, 2010 8:57 AM

Morning all.  It is a beautiful day out there and heading to the 80s again.  Kids are off school for the next week and we have a special Lord's Supper service tonight at the  sports park.  Easter service on Sunday.  Wife and kids are heading out to our friend's house to do the colored egg/egg hunt thing while I head to work.  Typically, our kids do several egg hunt games each Easter.

Fife, Some Dude was up your are right, really does get around.

Can hardly believe York is around the corner....and I can't goSigh WAAAAAAHHHH!  Hope everyone that does go does us some honor and spends lots of dead presidents.  And plenty of material for SPF

Hope everyone has a blessed day and Easter weekend. 

God Bless,



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Posted by PhilaKnight on Friday, April 2, 2010 9:03 AM

Woke up with the sun shining and going up to 80. I just hope it stays like this. We have been up and down all week. One dya it's 40's and today it's 80's. Allergies also have been acting up.

Anyway coming along on the new layout real nice. Started the scrap yard this week. Gonna try to work on more trees today before I go to work. It's nice out, it's friday so it's gonna be busy at work.

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Posted by wrmcclellan on Friday, April 2, 2010 9:41 AM

Morning all!

Cloudy and starting to rain. Storms later today - may be heavy T-Storms. Temps in the 70s next several days and weather for the weekend is supposed to be very nice.

Easy day today. Many at the office are off so that keeps the activity down Smile

Getting back to working from home more and now my wife and I can revive our weekly Friday lunch.

Hope everyone has a good TGIF!

Regards, Roy

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Posted by Ole Timer on Friday, April 2, 2010 10:00 AM

 May everyone have a blessed Good Friday and a Happy Easter ... God Bless you all ...       especially all the Dear little children ....

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 2, 2010 12:05 PM


         Thanks.  I didn't think it was the same car when I picked it up.Smile 


      Even if the PS2 that you are using now develops a disc read error, don't throw it out.  They are very easy and inexpensive to fix.  I wanted to get a PS3, but the fact that it can't play PS2 games caused me to put a new laser into my older PS2 and set it aside until my current one dies.  Need to get some spare lasers asap. 

I had a Controls test this morning, and I think it went well.  I've got to take an online Anthropology test later today,  but I might work on the layout first.

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Posted by SPMan on Friday, April 2, 2010 12:17 PM

The Holy Thursday services were awsome last night

Jim, our Holy Thursday service was awsome as well.  The best part was seeing our deacon who recently had surgery for cancer of the esophagas participate in the service.  He is making a strong recovery and many prayers have been answered.

Have a blessed Good Friday all,












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Posted by Buckeye Riveter on Friday, April 2, 2010 12:55 PM


Buckeye Riveter

TGIF Smile


Tasty Grits Ignite Fertility.


Only in the South where words have completely different meanings than the rest of the civilized world.

Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum. Smile, Wink & Grin

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 2, 2010 1:54 PM

Not at all OT! Not at all!

Hope everyone has a safe, fun, and blessed Easter.

I'll not be on till Monday.

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Posted by John Bakeer on Friday, April 2, 2010 2:12 PM

Hey-up lads!

I'm getting better, only took me 40 hrs to find you.

Happy Easter etc.


John Baker

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Posted by cheapclassics on Friday, April 2, 2010 2:37 PM

Good afternoon all,

IIABSDISEI with temps in the 80s.  Finished getting the mowers ready.  Did go to the YMCA last night for weights and some outdoor trackwork (with soccer ball).  Did go to Good Friday services this afternoon.  WIll wash some vehicles today.  I had bran muffins on the dining car for breakfast this morning.  TBIL anytime.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by LawsonFarmsRR on Friday, April 2, 2010 2:39 PM

Buckeye Riveter


Buckeye Riveter

TGIF Smile


Tasty Grits Ignite Fertility.


Only in the South where words have completely different meanings than the rest of the civilized world.


Thank you for considering us southerners civilized. Smile,Wink, & GrinWhistling


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Posted by navyjack on Friday, April 2, 2010 3:39 PM

hello guys, have a happy easter.  and yes pat southerners are as civilized as northerners, (have better manners too).  i am told i am the only man in town that calls people sir or maam.  i wish all you guys could come over sunday, it is our 40th anniversary and my wife is cooking lots of good food.  (daughter in law is helping also) .  not any training this weekend only family stuff. does anyone have a partially demolished dummy diesel that they would sell reasonably?  need one for a weathering project.

pat wish you and family could be here...lots of good food.  gigi and christina say hello also

there are only two kinds of people....those who are from virginia and those who wish they were from virginia.......   

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Posted by Ole Timer on Friday, April 2, 2010 5:27 PM

 The Fedex man just delivered my Easter present .... yep ... the second Shay !  Wife was home when it came .... she said  " If they deliver any more big boxes here ... go ahead and order one big enough for you to fit in  !!! "   Does anyone understand what she meant ?  LOL .

Brent .......  Wink  ...... thanks buddy .... Thumbs Up

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Posted by rtraincollector on Friday, April 2, 2010 5:58 PM
Ole Timer

 The Fedex man just delivered my Easter present .... yep ... the second Shay !  Wife was home when it came .... she said  " If they deliver any more big boxes here ... go ahead and order one big enough for you to fit in  !!! "   Does anyone understand what she meant ?  LOL .

Sounds very familiar but don't understand it eitherConfused

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Posted by rtraincollector on Friday, April 2, 2010 6:00 PM

Hey ole timer I can ship the empty shipping carton my train set came in to you so you have another big box with lionel on it Buddy just for youWhistling

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Posted by sir james I on Friday, April 2, 2010 6:23 PM

Good Evening All

Nice good friday service and lunch after was filling. Jim if i need PS2 service i will remember who can fix em. RT your moving awful close to the edge man, easy does it. Banilla and rootbeer tonite just waiting for the thingy..S.J.

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Posted by SPMan on Friday, April 2, 2010 7:27 PM

Navy Jack, Happy Anniversay!  What a blessing to have that and Easter at the same time.  We celebrated our 50th last year and it was on Thanksgiving but like Easter, Thanksgiving does not always fall on the same date.   

Got to find some stuff to put in Easter baskets for the kids tomorrow.  Maybe I'll get some goodies too.  I've already cheated with a giant dark chocolate bar from Hershey from the grocery shopping yesterday.  They say dark chocolate is good for your heart (if you don't get diabetes first).

Went to good Friday services at noon today.  Just laying low this afternoon.













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Posted by RockIsland52 on Friday, April 2, 2010 7:50 PM


Buckeye Riveter

TGIF Smile


Tasty Grits Ignite Fertility Flatulence.........and worse!


Big Smile



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Posted by dwiemer on Friday, April 2, 2010 9:05 PM

Hey Ole Timer, has your bride been talking to mine, or is it just something they all have?  Ended up missing the service tonight as I was busy with a patient till too late.  We ended up going out for Italian food when I got home and picked up the family.

Laz, I sent you an email on something that I thought you may have an interest.  Hope you got it.

Will check in tomorrow.  Hope everyone has a blessed night.




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Posted by RockIsland52 on Friday, April 2, 2010 9:11 PM




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