EDITION: 2009 #5 Coffee Pot. Here we gather with friends with trains for chats, 4 years of coffee and sweet ice tea. Locked

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Posted by laz 57 on Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:31 PM


  Got lots o things done around the house today, cleaning.  Got churchin done, then went to WAYNES for WISCONSIN CHICKEN.  It's chicken ans green and red peppers with you guessed it cheese sause on it.  Great!!!  Then came home and watched HBO, with wife, Sex in the City.  Absoutly the worst film I ever watched.  Nough said.

BRUTUS, on the other hand, ESCAPE from NEW YORK, is in my top ten.  Love the part when SNAKE PLISSKIN takes on OX BAKER in the weapons match.  Me and BRO count up the times that the baseball bat with spikes is in or out of OXs head.  Great stuff, SNAKE is soooo hard in that flick, but everyone thought he was dead?

SIR JAMES  HAPPY ANIVERSERY!!!!!  Hope you have 50 more.

Gave up 2hrs of train running for that stupid movie on HBO.  DA!!!!!


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by MichRR714 on Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:13 PM

 First off-

HAPPY 50th to Jim and Pat !!!

 This is coming via a very shakey dialup in the north woods!!!!!!!



Kurt- the Ore Tipple/Grain Elev.  Looks Great! 

Charlie a.k.a. MichiganRailRoad714 (Charter Member TTC)      


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Posted by Brutus on Saturday, March 28, 2009 7:27 PM

Don - or should we call you Doctor Frankenstain?  Good luck with the experiment Laugh 

8nTruck - Wow!  Bats in the trainroom, how cool!  I am collecting the halloween stuff from Lionel - started about 4 years ago!

Chief - glad Carter is okay!  I did something similar and the doc told my mom my knot was a bump of learning Smile

Kurt - I think that grain elevator looks outstanding!

Ray, are you related to 8nTruck?  You two look a lot alike Wink

Laz, I hope you saluted that spilled soldier Sad  Sounds like a nice new locomotive man!

Mike - good news on the toe, hope it continues to heal up fast!  Picked up some breakfast to take into work for me and a buddy - jalopeno sausage rolls and bacon and scrambled eggs sandwich on an english muffin.  Good!

Jack - I think he got her a Sager Place car?

Sir James 1 -- BIG Congrats, man!  50 Years - wow!  Bow

Had nice talks with RT, then Doug, and then Charlie last night.  Got up early and worked 6 hours of OT - got off at noon.  Picked up a cake for a party tomorrow for my wife's birthday, which was last week.  We already celebrated as a family, but this will be to share with friends.  Got home and checked emails - caught up with Sir J for a little while.  Then I worked on the basement for a few hours.  Finally, my son and I ran up to Subway and picked up some $5 footlongs for supper for us all.  I had the meatball sub with provolone and extra provolone, parmesan cheese, and banana peppers for a little zing!

Now, we are watching Escape from New York, which was filmed here in St. Louis when I was in High School.  I took Heidi Cerneka to see this movie.  It was so good, I went back with a couple buddies so I could see the movie Wink

Prayers for Doug's wife and kids, stuck in KC the last I heard!

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Saturday, March 28, 2009 5:40 PM


So what did ya buy her?????  ..........You did buy her something, didn't you? Big Smile



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Posted by RockIsland52 on Saturday, March 28, 2009 5:35 PM


Brent thanks to Brutus figured out it was my firewall.

A few weeks back Brent had suggested cleaning out the cache.  The increase in speed I experienced was substantial.  The cache was something missing from my routine maintenace.  Now I can get through all of the Pot insults much more quickly! Big Smile



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Posted by SPMan on Saturday, March 28, 2009 5:06 PM

Chief, I enjoyed talking to you on D Baker's cell phone.  Nice to put a voice with a picture and a name on the Forum.  Sorry to hear about your grandson's crash down the stairs.  Hope he is doing OK now.  Kids can scare you to death sometimes.  Your North Carolina accent makes me homesick.  You sound just like my relatives in Eastern North Carolina.  I've been out here in the land of fruits and nuts so long, I probably sound like a Yankee to you but don't worry,.  Underneath I'm still a tarheel.  I've been out here now for 41 years.  I suppose some of California has rubbed off on me.  D Baker and I chewed the fat for a couple of hours at the TCA train meet today.  First time meeting for us.

DBaker, Great to meet you today and thanks for the introduction (sort of) to talk to the Cheif on your cell phone.

Hope you enjoyed the meeting.  Some people get bored with the show and tell but I guess it's because of hearing the same stuff too much.  As you can tell we have a few characters over there.  Normally, I hang out with the guys in the back room running trains on the floor layout but wanted to shoot the breeze with you today.  I told RAK that I might bring my Metrolink Train to run next month.  I just went home after the meet and did not go to the Train Shack.  Probably saved some money.

later, Ray












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Posted by cheapclassics on Saturday, March 28, 2009 4:17 PM

Good afternoon all,

It is both sunny and cloudy at times in SE Indiana with temps in the 50s.  Did weights at the YMCA last night and this afternoon.  Also did one mile walking and shot hoops today.  Watched "Dollhouse" last night.  Got the new MTH Lionel Corp Tinplate catalog in the mail yesterday and drooled all over that.  Odd thing was that I got it thru my Lionel Railroader Club number.  Got both John Deeres ready to mow.  Chief, hope the grandson is doing ok.  Toe is doing better, not 100%.  Must be bad week for grandkids as younger daughter's son dropped a ten pound weight on his foot at home.  Only broken item is big toe, but foot is bruised.  Long days for her.  Good news is that real racing starts this weekend (open wheel) with F-1 race in Australia.  Irony is that Honda worked all last year on the 2009 car, sold the team to someone else who is using Mercedes' engines and the new team is starting 1-2.  I had bacon and biscuits in the dining car this morning for breakfast.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by ChiefEagles on Saturday, March 28, 2009 2:40 PM

Afternoon.  Strong looking clouds all around.  Home from Miss Edna's.  Going to rest.  Hot and sweating.   That is a reverse.  Usually chilly and freezing.  Got to chat with Ray [SP].

Congrats Sir. J.



 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by Ole Timer on Saturday, March 28, 2009 2:07 PM

hey Laz .... did you ever see those "BUFFALO BUTT " beer cars ? since you're a beer drinker I thought of you and laughed when I saw them .

 Chief !!  Slow the heck down ... you're burning yourself out .

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Posted by kpolak on Saturday, March 28, 2009 1:43 PM

Sir James:  Congratulations to you and your Bride on 50 years!  Hope you kick that bug.

More Clint Eastwood on the tube!

Great am swimming with the kids, they're sleeping now.  Smile,Wink, & Grin


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Posted by laz 57 on Saturday, March 28, 2009 12:10 PM


  54 and cloudy here, got a little rain not much, suppose to get more tonite?  Went to BARRYs for some repair work.  Got there and saw the JOHN BULL set, WOW is that small.  I thought it was HO but BARRY had a pic of the original right next to it and it is small.  Nice for the collector but I will pass on it.  I did get a DH GP38 that was yelling to me to take me home.  Runs great!  Oh yes, came home and then rain trains for 2 hrs, NO PILE UPs, but did spill a little bit o beer, BOY WAS I BUMMED.  I knocked it over with my foot when I put it on the floor.  Only half a cup but ahhhh .......

  Stay Frosty,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by SPMan on Saturday, March 28, 2009 11:16 AM

Morning all, not much time to scan the coffee pot.  I'm getting ready to go to the TCA meet and hope to meet D Baker there.  Decided not to go to Train Shack Sale today.  Too many things to do, not enough $$$$$.

Don, I love that record feature on DCS too.  Great stuff!












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Posted by 8ntruck on Saturday, March 28, 2009 11:10 AM

Morn'in all'

40's, thunder and rain here - headed for low 30's and 2" of snow, so the weatherman says.  This kind of day does not encourage activity very well.

Glad to hear that your grandson is OK, Chief.  Quite a scare for everybody, I imagine.

Sounds like several of the group are not feeling well - take your meds, lay low and get better.

My wife just left to get her monthly massage.  That is a good thing - mellows her right out for the rest of the day.

Think I'll go upstairs and run trains for a while.  See if my fuzzy winged friend shows up again. Looking forward to the Australian F1 race tonight.

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Posted by sir james I on Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:55 AM

Good Moorning,

Welcome Banks, sorry I missed your arrival,caught the "bug" from the chief and just made a quick pass yesterday.

Sunny this morning but storms expected for tonite and Sunday. Kids are taking us out for dinner tonite as our 50th. is tomorrow. Big problem is I will be staring at a plate of food I don't think I can eat.

Run some trains and enjoy the day...S.J.

"IT's GOOD TO BE THE KING",by Mel Brooks 

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Saturday, March 28, 2009 9:21 AM

Brent......I must have missed the part where Susan changed jobs.  Knew she was looking and about the UoP thing.  Congratulations to you both.  Did you make sure the A/C is working in her car?  Sounds like neither of you will have much free time.  And thank you for the Cliff Notes version of the usual suspects.and Pot insider's guidelines.  Wish I had them when I found this place.  I could have avoided a lot of mud puddles. need to lay low for a while and get better.  Close call with Carter, glad he's ok.  We worry about that all the time with the granddaughter, been lucky so far and have had the stairways gated off.  Hope Lucy is feeling better too.  These pups get into and "sample" everything.




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Posted by dwiemer on Saturday, March 28, 2009 8:32 AM

Back to the forum after reading the other pages since I had checked in. 

Chief, sorry to hear about Carter....glad he's OK.  Kids can cause us much anxiety.

Krump, welcome to the Pot.  Don't known much about Marklin, but one of the guys at work has a set and has some questions, I'll post and ask when we get the information into what he has, etc.

Watched "I LOve Toy Trains" this morning from RFD, then took in Best Sniper competition from Ft. Benning.  Don't feel like doing much, the dog is laying on the couch with his head on my lap, the kids and bride are now playing Legos and dolls on the floor.  Just want to be lazy for a change.

Catch up with everyone later.




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Posted by ChiefEagles on Saturday, March 28, 2009 8:28 AM

Morning.  1.7 inches of rain in 24 hours.  Cloudy now but more rain to come.  Guess I will visit Miss Edna's.  Not much energy as still got cough meds in me.  Pam off to go shopping with friend.  Chat later. 

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by cnw1995 on Saturday, March 28, 2009 8:09 AM

Morning all. sunny and cool - supposed to rain / snow later. Off to men's breakfast complete with 'man toys' at church, then driving downtown to meet with brother for lunch (more food) and then finally to airport to pick up family - just noticed a few punch list items the restorers forgot - I'll try to get those fixed too.  

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by dwiemer on Saturday, March 28, 2009 7:50 AM

Good Morning Y'all!

Chief, get used to the doctors with accents.  Medicine is becoming less of a field to enter.  60% of Cardiac Surgeon fellowships are going unfilled.  Many foreign doctors are coming in to fill positions as they will work for quite a bit less.  Many radiology departments are outsourcing the readings to India as they are done over the internet.  I am sure we will see more and more of it.

Don, a good friend of mine who retired from the FD, but also is a electrical engineer (very smart) took his Ham tests.  He did a whole lot of studying for it.  I did not know how much it took to pass, but am impressed that you are doing it.  No easy task and glad you are doing well.

Well, we've had a bit of a thunderstorm today and we are staying in as bride is making home made waffles.  Later we have a birthday party to attend and bride is working tonight.  Perhaps I'll get some time in on the layout.

God Bless,



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Posted by rtraincollector on Saturday, March 28, 2009 7:23 AM

Brent thanks to Brutus figured out it was my firewall.

morning all not much happening here. Working today even have OT tonight for 4 hours Big Smile

hope all have a good day and prayers out to those in need as these storms are bad

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by fifedog on Saturday, March 28, 2009 7:15 AM

Mornin' b--Dead Okay 8ntruck, that just gave me the hoo-boo-jeebies!  Do we keep Fang, or exterminate himConfused

Chief - Boy is L-U-C-K-Y...

Lawson Farms - Party's over.  Back to dayshift Monday.  Gonna be a long day in Martinsville tomorrow.

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Posted by kpolak on Saturday, March 28, 2009 5:47 AM

Morning all!

Watching a bit of Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood/Morgan Freeman) ramping up for swimming lessons, and some time in the pool.

Chief:  Scary stuff Chief.  Shock  Prayers for Carter, and Mom.

Doug:  Sounds like a great evening!  Boy, you sure have a nice view of the lake!  Laugh

Charlie:  Did some more to the Coal Tipple...added the chimney and roll-up doors.  Let me know what you think.


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Posted by ChiefEagles on Saturday, March 28, 2009 12:34 AM

Bed time.  Been watching The American President.  Don't agree on their handgun stand but still great movie.  Been raining hard off and on.  Sump pump running a lot.  Guess TV has shown videos of I 95 blocked by trees and 18 wheeler.  One guy stopped and videoed the tornado coming at him.  Usually you don't see them as hilly or lots of tall pine trees.  Not like out in Kansas and Ioway.  They [the twins] kept bouncing up and down for quite a while.  Then went off shore in lower VA.   More for tomorrow they say.  Can hardly stay awake now.  Meds getting ot me.  Mom Ok but staying in hospital until Sunday afternoon or Monday AM.  OH!!!!!  Grandson Carter [will be 2 this coming week] rode his toy motorcycle down the steps from the second floor.  Since he was not Evil Kenviel, got big knot on his head.  He did real good as they gave him a blanket and told him he had to stay still through his CT scan.   He did.  All OK.  Think his Mom [Youngest] was in worse shape than he was.   Sleep tight.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by Sturgeon-Phish on Friday, March 27, 2009 11:27 PM

Evening all

Just got home from services and a late meeting.  The grandkids are with the other grandparents tonight so it is quiet around here.  I want to try and get Doug's caron the layout for some shots.  It is really a neat car.

Welcome Krump and all new folks.

Continued paryers for MikeC toe and Chief's Mom and Lucy

May God bless


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Posted by 8ntruck on Friday, March 27, 2009 10:42 PM

Welcome, Banks & Krump.  Entertaning bunch of people here. 

30's and cloudy here today.  Hopefully the snow will miss us.  One of my friends in Michigan called me at work today asking if it was snowing yet.  I think he was getting even with me for braging about the temperature being in the 70's and the forsythia bushes being in bloom when I called him last week.

I live about 30 miles east of Whitman Air Force Base where the stealth bombers (B2's) live.  It is not uncommon to see one in flight. 

I was really surprised last night when I was up running my trains when an O scale stealth showed up over my set up.  A brown bat, with a wingspan of about 12" circled the train table a couple of times, then went back to wherever it came from!

On one hand, it is kind of a cool layout accessory.  On the other hand, it is not good.  Maybe I'll start running the helicopter and satelite launching cars.

Think it is a sign that I need to start collecting the Halloween stuff?

Just tried the edit key on the forum.  Seems to have worked.  Spell check is going to be the downfall of civilization - I'm lost without it!

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Posted by dbaker48 on Friday, March 27, 2009 10:24 PM

Don, I agree with Don, you are (1) an evil genius, and (b) you should keep us posted!

Man - there was a ton more!  That's all I can remember.

My sister's (Christine's) husband took her to Aruba, which is where they spent their honeymoon.  They spent a few days there, before going back to work this week.  She is doing well, thanks for all the prayers and kind thoughts.



 Brutus,  We had a conversation out here and decided we would share with YOU the results of our testing.  (No one even responded to the original post regarding the significant accomplishment, so that is why I had to respond to it myself!)  The result were disappointing!  The Session Programming feature will not work with the TMCC/Legacy engines.  Disapprove  An error message displays "This engine will not respond with this function".  So the only alternative would be to "integrate' those operation commands with the Cab1/Cab2 hand helds.  I think it can be done and will try that next.  But, I certainly see a high potential for a mistake, we will see.


 Brutus, That was a great idea for your BIL to take your sister to Aruba,  hopefully the pain will disapate quickly.  Never goes away, but does become livable.

Doug,  Where are the neighbors?  If an aerial picture was done around here, not telling WHAT you would see.  Hope the families flight is not to rought considering the weather going across the country.

Plan is in place to meet up with SP Ray tomorrow, boy, am I going to give him the "TRUE" story on all you guys.

Going to an electronic swap meet first, want to see if I can find a couple of toggle switches.  I want to hook up the traffic lights so I can have them on, with or without all the layout lights lit.  Also pick up some other small items.

Hope the weather doesn't become to disruptive for everyone, and the tornados behave themselves.

Jack, make sure you thank your wife for the contribution to the Calif. Train Acquisition efforts, we really appreciate all she did for us.

Take care, and hope everyone has a great day !!




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Posted by Banks on Friday, March 27, 2009 9:27 PM

 The Steamers are nearly bullet proof. I run them a lot. The plastic gears on Diesels are fragile. Some run and last well and others disintegrate


Banks, Proud member of the OTTS  TCA 12-67310



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Posted by cnw1995 on Friday, March 27, 2009 8:40 PM

Great photo, Northwoods. I like learning more about AF through your posts. Boy, what a great night. Came home after a long day - cleaned up the house, especially the bathrooms, then it's beer, pizza, basketball on TV and trains. Nothing better for my last day as a bachelor before the fam comes back from their vacay tomorrow afternoon. Beacon is on, Brutus!

Oh, plenty of cheese popcorn too.

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by Northwoods Flyer on Friday, March 27, 2009 8:30 PM

Gilbert started their HO line in ’39. Of course that got interupted by the war. After the war they let it slide to concentrate on S guage. When they did start it was sacrificed for the Korean War restrictions. I ’55 they started in earnest on HO. Much of the early rolling stock was built by Varney and the only way to tell the difference is the car #’s. Due to the hit all trains took production ceased sometime in ‘63

Hi Banks,

andSign - Welcome ,

I enjoy everything American Flyer, although I have very little of Flyer HO.  What I do have is mainly just to show that Gilbert did have a toe in that market, and to have some comparison pieces when I put on exhibits.  How do you like the way Flyer HO engines run?  Are they reliable?

Here is a picture of one of my engines that I had handy.

Its nice to have another Flyer enthusiast and collector here.
Enjoying the World's Greatest Hobby
Northwoods Flyer

The Northwoods Flyer Collection


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Posted by Brutus on Friday, March 27, 2009 7:44 PM

Banged Head Something flashed and I lost a big post Banged Head

Krump and Banks - welcome!

Doug, here's that pic we took of your roof - thought everyone would like to see how well they blended the shingles Laugh

88 - Laugh

Fife - O, I saw it!  Wink

RT - could it be your firewall?  That is my first best guess.

Don, I agree with Don, you are (1) an evil genius, and (b) you should keep us posted!

John - pics!  'Nuff said.

Man - there was a ton more!  That's all I can remember.

My sister's (Christine's) husband took her to Aruba, which is where they spent their honeymoon.  They spent a few days there, before going back to work this week.  She is doing well, thanks for all the prayers and kind thoughts.

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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