jonadel wrote:Mitch-- Still thinking about the wonderful week we had in your state last week and the fantastic weather you ordered for us (except for that rainy Tuesday). The York meet did energize us to think more about trains and what the future might hold for us within the hobby.
Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
42 and nice today going to get to 54. No wind finally.
Last Day o GOLF tonite against brother, I one game up on him. Score for the year is me 6 wins BRO 5 wins and both 3 ties. We have a playoff of three chipping contest if it ends in a tie after that well its time to go drink beer.
More kidos projects to get done.
Good morning all,
It is cloudy (again) in SE Indiana with rain off and on all day today and temps in the 40s. The FFA is having a big convention in downtown Indy this week, which makes traffic interesting. I did weights last night and watched "Lost". I also cleaned gutters. My wife and Lucas surprised me by raking all the leaves that were down from this one ash tree that loses its leaves earlier than most of the other trees.
I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Trying to update my avatar since 2020
MartyE and Kodi the Husky Dog! ( 3/31/90-9/28/04 ) My O Gauge Web Page and Home of Kodiak Junction!
So many roads, so little time.
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a sunny, 29 degrees this morning. Frost on the ground. Only going up to about 50 today. Hope it stays sunny.
The leaves are really falling from the trees. Pretty colors. The wind up here on the hill, just blows them into the woods. Never had to rake any.
Today, I will go a few chores around the house and maybe, run the trains, this afternoon. Pretty soon, I will have to test out the lights for the trees outside. It's hard to believe that Christmas is only a couple months away.
Time to board the Dining Car for breakfast.
Y'all have a great Thursday.
Cool and dreary right now. Forcast is for sun this afternoon. Hope they are right as I have a little outside work to do, but if no sun I can wait.
All this food talk on the pot is hard on a guy trying to lose a few pounds to keep the Dr. happy. Lost 7 lbs past two weeks. Shooting for 20 but that will be tough with you guys talking up all the good food.
Must be old age, I bought 4 WM hoppers and now can only find 3 of them, have all four boxes but can't find the 4th hopper. It has to be around here somewhere but I gave up looking for now. Probably turn up when I least expect it.
Read the post on fast track and the spanking the guy got. Why don't the CTT guys yank those kind of posts?
Has everyone seen the new MTH catalog? Some nice stuff.
Oh, and I almost forgot, if granddaughter #5, doesn't decide to be born sooner, she will arrive on Monday morning. We are praying that all goes well.
Going to work on the doll house project a while, the countdown to Christmas goes on. Jean sent me this link so I stay on schedule.
Check it out.
jefelectric wrote:. . . Must be old age, I bought 4 WM hoppers and now can only find 3 of them, have all four boxes but can't find the 4th hopper. It has to be around here somewhere but I gave up looking for now. Probably turn up when I least expect it. . . .
Must be old age, I bought 4 WM hoppers and now can only find 3 of them, have all four boxes but can't find the 4th hopper. It has to be around here somewhere but I gave up looking for now. Probably turn up when I least expect it. . . .
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Chief, I put a number of squirrels out of my missery when we lived in Columbus, Georgia, not that Other Place. Had a great time when the carcass would hit the ground, the dog would run, pick them up and return. Kim just did not like it when I spine shot one and the dog brought it back with legs still twitching.
Keith, I saw a show on those locomotive carvings, fantastic work, and you would be hard pressed to find another who could do that. Quite remarkable. I hope to see them in person some day. I understand that the family may have a few more of them around.
Jon, sorry to hear about your friend. Sounds like a good person and I pray that you will see him again in that great Depot in the sky. Not easy to have friends and loved ones get to the "End of Line". I wish you and his family comfort and peace.
Chief, it was nice to talk with you last night. It looks like I will be making that slow transition to TMCC, though I do so with a tight grip onto my postwar conventional stock. Thanks, I am sure it will be great in the end, Hey It's Trains, can only be Great.
I am off to Northern part of Tennessee to do some fill in work. It may be a small town, but it does have some hobby shops and I could use some figures for the layout.
Take care,Dennis
jaabat wrote:Good morning everyone.I'm glad to hear that the Chief's Southern Beef Stew was a success. You can't beat a good Southern Beef Stew. No siree, Bob! Our weather has been perfect of late for some of the Chief's Southern Beef Stew. It's been windy and cold for most of the week. Saturday is supposed to be windy with soaking rains. A perfect day for some of the Chief's Southern Beef Stew. We went out for dinner last night. I had baked haddock. It was very good. No trains last night. Too busy with homework and putting little ones to bed. Still not feeling well, but getting better. Have a nice day everyone. Jim
Yes Jim, I know why there was NO trains at your house. The wife was home and not at work. Wasn't the little ones....... Now you will keep your mouth shut. [he'll quit answering the phone when I call]
Dr. John, Yankees do not know Burnswick Stew. Goes with PORK bar-be-que. In fact, my in-laws church has this massive brunswick stew cooking each fall [maybe this weekend ] as fund raiser. All you can eat plus buy quarts and freeze. Love some Burnswick Stew. [Watch that New England Yank try to claim that too]
Sunny and still chilly. Cold rain tomorrow all day [Yanks can claim cold]. One more load of limbs and that project is through. Then time for trains [Jim, my wife is at work .]
FFA, I was a hard working FFA and 4H teen. State winner in 4H Wildlife Conservation Demonstration and State FFA Forestry winner. State FFA Forestry winner went on a speaking tour [with the other Southern FFA State Forestry winners]. We went by TRAIN [1964 when RR's still had passenger service] to Richmond, Cincinnati, St. Louis and ended at Kansas City for the National Convention. Glad to see John's Grandkids still active in agriculture. [Better to have agriculture than no culture at all like some Ohizo Yanks I know. ] Enough damage for one morning. Later.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Good morning, all! Enjoyed some home-made pumpkin bread this AM with my coffee - love that stuff! Chilly and cloudy today. Probably will get some rain later on. The dogs did NOT want to go outside. Let them out for a few minutes then brought them back inside - they made a bee-line for their cage. I'll let them out again at lunch.Kind of a sad day today - saying goodbye to a friend. Our church administrator is moving to Greensboro, NC to serve as administrator at another church. We'll take him to lunch as a staff today, then the church will give him and his family a big send-off Sunday night. The move puts them closer to both sets of ailing parents, so I can sure understand how they would like to be up that way. They'll be missed, though.
Jon: My condolences to you on the demise of your friend. I hope he isn't in any pain. I lost my Dad in 2000 and it was pretty rough on me.
You SQUIRREL MURDERERS are gonna get yours some day!!!!
All you Johnny Rebs are gonna get hardening of the arteries (and softening/enlarging of the belly) eating all that fat food. You need to eat more healthy Sonic.
Virginian Railroad
Deputy wrote: All you Johnny Rebs are gonna get hardening of the arteries (and softening/enlarging of the belly) eating all that fat food. You need to eat more healthy Sonic. Dep
Dep, keeps me in business Possum helps the diet, so greasy, the bad stuff just flows through you. Just kidding. I think Krispy Kream has more to do with our high ASHD rates.
I have to get back to my biscuits and gravey breakfast.
Love Krispy Kreme. Have to stay away from them. I am adicted and can not eat just one. Haven't had a KK in a year or so. Really, eat one and I can not stay away. Sonic!!! Their Chilly Hot Dog. [Yanks will claim chilly without beans is theirs too] Hamburgers at Wendy's called the Carolina Classic is hot dog chilly and cole slaw on a hamburger. UMMMMM
Dr. John, your loss in AL is NC's gain, I am sure.
jaabat wrote:Uhhh, Chief, Brunswick stew originated in Brunswick, Maine. Uhhyup! Be careful with that pellet gun. you'll shoot your eye out!Mary, screen all incoming phone calls! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea . . . ?Ummm. I think that would be Brunswick, Georgia!
jaabat wrote:Uhhh, Chief, Brunswick stew originated in Brunswick, Maine. Uhhyup! Be careful with that pellet gun. you'll shoot your eye out!Mary, screen all incoming phone calls! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea . . . ?
RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.
Dr. John wrote:Ummm. I think that would be Brunswick, Georgia!
Here is a copy of an email I got from a Retired Deputy in Wake Co. NC.
Just at the right time.
RULE OF THE SOUTH> > If you moved from Yankeeland [especially Ohizo and Masstucits] to North Carolina> > If you are going to live or visit in the South, you need to know theserules:> > 1. That farm boy you see at the gas station did MORE work before breakfastthan you do all week at the gym.> > 2. It's called a "gravel road." No matter how slow you drive, you're goingto get dust on your Navigator. Drive it or get out of the way.> > 3. The red dirt -- it's called clay. Red clay. If you like the color,don't wash your car for a couple weeks -- it'll be permanent.> > 4. We all started hunting and fishing when we were seven years old. Yeah,we saw Bambi. We got over it.> > 5. Go ahead and bring your $600 Orvis Fly Rod. Don't cry to us if aflathead breaks it off at the handle. We have a name for those little13-inch trout you fish for -- bait.> > 6. Pull your pants up. You look like an idiot.> > 7. If that cell phone rings while a bunch of mallards (ducks) are makingtheir final approach, we will shoot it (the phone). You might want to ensureit's not up to your ear at the time.> > 8. No, there's no "Vegetarian Special" on the menu. Order steak. Order itrare. Or, you can order the Chef's Salad and pick off the two pounds of hamand turkey.> > 9. Tea - yeah, we have tea. It comes in a glass over ice and is really,really sweet. You want it hot -- sit it in the sun. You want it unsweetened-- add a LOT of water.> > 10. You bring Coke into my house, it better be brown, wet, and served overice.> > 11. So, you have a sixty thousand-dollar car. We're real impressed. Wehave a quarter of a million-dollar combine (it's farm equipment) that weonly use two weeks a year.> > 12. Let's get this straight. We have one stoplight in town. We stop whenit's red. We may even stop when it's yellow.> > 13. We eat dinner together with our families. We pray before we eat (yeah,even breakfast). We go to church on Wednesdays and Sundays and we go to highschool football games on Friday nights. We still address our seniors with"yes, sir" and "yes, ma'am," and we sometimes still take Sunday drivesaround town to see friends and neighbors.> > 14. We don't do "hurry up" well.> > 15. Greens - yeah, we have greens, but you don't putt on them. You boilthem with salty fatback, bacon or a ham hock.> > 16. Yeah, we eat catfish, bass, bream (pronounced brim) and carp. Youreally want sushi and caviar? It's available at the bait shop.> > 17. They are pigs. That's what they smell like (money). Get it - pig farms- income - money? Get over it. Don't like the smell?> Interstate 85 goes two ways - Interstate 40 goes the other two. Pick one.> > 18. Grits are corn. You put butter, salt, and maybe even some pepper onthem. If you want to put milk and sugar on them, then you want Cream ofWheat - go to Kansas. That would be I-40 west.> > 19. The "Opener" refers to the first day of deer season or dove season.Both are holidays. You can get pancakes, cane syrup, and sausage beforedaylight at the church on either day.> > 20. So every person in every pickup waves? Yeah, it's called beingfriendly. Understand the concept?> > 21. Yeah, we have golf courses. Don't hit in the water hazards. It spooksthe fish and bothers the gators - and if you hit it in the rough, we havethese things called diamondbacks, and they're not baseball players.> > 22. That Highway Patrol Officer that just pulled you over for driving likean idiot -- his name is "Sir," no matter how young he is.> > 23. We have lots of pine trees. They have sap. It drips from them. Youpark your Navigator under them, and they'll leave a logo on your hood.> > 24. You burn an American flag in our state, you get beat up. No questions.The liberal contingent of our state legislature -- all four of them --enacted a measure to stop this. There is now a $2.50 fine for beating up theflag burner.> > 25. No, we don't care how you do things up North. If it is so great upthere, why not stay there?> > 26. And no, down here we don't have an accent, you do.
Cool and drizzling now and then here in KC and it looks like the Series in St. Louis may be delayed again. Finishing a building for layout today. Tough to choose a color as I have enough brick colors and browns. Trying a greenish with a little gray in it. Maybe with some weathering it will do.
Gerbil stew. Hmmmmmm. Didn't want to think about that right now. Maybe lunch can wait for a little bit.
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