I'm back from the Upper Penisula of Michigan where on Monday, it was nearly 100 and we were just a tad south of Lake Superior. Nothing finer than being deep in the woods, even on a river, without a breath of moving air. Ugh. Drew and I had a good time at camp - lot's of dad-son time. Not too bad catching up with work - even with a four-year old following me everywhere today.Jim, potty training here seemingly continues forever - thank goodness for the carpet cleaner.Mike, hope Lucas's diet improves with his appetite.Chief, I'm sorry for the recent difficulties with your mom. Not fun having a relative in the nursing home - especially if you're like my dad - he's the biggest person in there with all the little ladies.Spankybird, oooh, the loss of those albums must hurt! Thank goodness the trains work. Our basement is the coolest. nicest room in the house with all the hotness.
Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.
Good Evening Everyone !!
Good to see you back, Doug !! Sounds like you had a nice trip !!
Well, talked to Keith last night, & said to check with The Train Tender for some new rubber tires for my MPC/ RDC car. Sent them an e-mail & in an hour he answered it saying he has a lot of those! I think they are the same size as my K-line MP-15 engine, too. Couldn't believe it, only 24 cents each, if you order a dz. She wobbles going down the track a little, as these old tires are just old, & kind of stretched.!! That's the only thing I could find wore on this set, & that's ok !!
Doug ; this one's for you !!
Thanks, John
jaabat wrote:Laz, I've been gone for 2 weeks. What's new with your layout? Got any photo updates? Jim
Trying to change the subject about maple syrup and what was that about taking wife's hand?
Mom is really something. Have had to be the tough guy this PM. She kept wanting to get out of bed and clean the house and make the bed. She was going to wash some clothes too. Problem, she was in her hospital room. Then she said she was going home tomorrow to Wilson Co. That was where she was born and raised. She lives in Edgecombe Co. Then she could quote word for word what the Dr. said she had yesterday. Got a lady, she knows well and has stayed with her some at nights, to stay with her during the day. That is a real relief. Will take her home tomorrow PM. They have found a big heart murmer that she has never had before. The ceramic tile guy has to finish up tomorrow AM. All done except one door and getting the freezer back inside. Maybe some train time. If not, hope to make the train show early Sat. Good night.
God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of the NRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified
Trying to update my avatar since 2020
MartyE and Kodi the Husky Dog! ( 3/31/90-9/28/04 ) www.MartyE.com My O Gauge Web Page and Home of Kodiak Junction!
Modeling the Baltimore waterfront in HO scale
Good morning all,
It is cooler and still humid with temps in the 70s heading to the low 80s. The air is supposed to dry out later today. Doug, good to see you back and glad you got some quality time with your son. Chief, I hope you have some good events happen with your mom. Jaabat, I remember those days when the kids were young (and I am glad I am thru that period of my life). Just remember, this too shall pass, so to speak :-) Lucas actually felt like doing something yesterday. He put the dishes away out of the dishwater and helped put groceries. Small things, I know, but every journey begins with a single step, and he took one yesterday. I know there will be relapses, but the positives are much more appreciated now. I will have to mow grass tonight and maybe I will get to see the grandson sometime soon.
I hope everyone has a good day.
Keep on training,
Mike C. from Indiana
Good Morning from Blueberryhill....
It is a humid 72 degrees. Going up to 84 today. We had thunderstorms last night until about 11:00pm. Then some distant thunder. It looks like rain now, but it's suppose to clear up today. Sunny and cooler than 95.
I see that Doug Murphy and Jim ( jaabat ) are back from their vacations. Must have been hot. Hope they had a good time.
Today is Friday. We have a few things to do around the house. A couple of little projects. This summer is going fast. I am really enjoying it.
Off to the Dining car for breakfast. Be back later.
Y'all have a great day.
jaabat wrote:Great to have Doug Murphy back!!! I feel your pain, Doug. I just spent 2 weeks in a cabin in NH with no AC. It was sweltering hot, especially the day we went to see Thomas at the Conway Scenic RR. Hey Chief, maple syrup isn't just for breakfast up here. We put it on all sorts of things. Like ice cream. Jim
Yankees just can't take the heat!!!! Crying all the time. I'm out doing jobs in the heat and humidity. Not sitting behind a desk in AC. [use to though ]. Jim, I know about the maple syrup and ice cream. My Canadian [Canadien] buddies taught me that when I use to visit them. Also some gooood Canadian bacon. We ALL know you are talking around the subject about your REAL use.
Morning all. Now that I have given that New England Yank a good "ribbing", more to do on the flooring project before driving east to take Mom home from hospital. This had better finish it today. Guy did not cut the door off right. I think he did not understand what I asked before I left yesterday. He is from Cuba and does pretty good English but.... Going to be another hot and humid one here. Front suppose to come through so I hope it is cooler tomorrow AM for the train show. The folks in charge do not rent the good building and this one has no AC. Poor leadership in this old TCA group. No need of me upsetting the apple cart. Got to go for now. All have a good one.
Yesterday I joined a club with a gym & a pool/rec. facility, pick nick shelters and fishing pond.
Today it is totaly overcast after days on end of cloudless skies and 100* heat indexes.
What luck, no cool dip, no sun burns, no hot dogs for lunch today.
Saturday the epool will be full of kids.
I will stay busy today working on this coal tipple or maybe just go back to bed.
DOUG, nice to see your back. Sounded like a hot cabin there? Hope the water was cool.
JIM, the layout is coming along will get some pics later? Yesterday changed the track configuration of my dog bone to make another oval but then threw in a switch for a spur to the coal breaker. This way can get some backup action going. Also going to put in a few activation tracks for loading and unloading logs and coal. Still don't know about going overhead of the town with track and bridges?
CHIEF sorry to here about your MOM. Ouch it hurts when something like that happens. Went through the same with my DAD when he had cancer.
No GOLF yesterday. My brother called and has Bells Palsey. We usually play and when we came back from my college football golf outing, he complained of being flushed and his jaw hurt. He is sort of paralized on the left side of face. Can't blink to good and left side of mouth doesn't work. The doctors say it is caused by a virus and is only temporary, thank GOD. Could last a week or so?
Anyway TGIF.
Oh yea, got my workout in, not to bad here today, a little cooler.
So many roads, so little time.
Mike - glad to hear that Lucas is doing better.
Chief - our son-in-law has/is going through the same things with his Mom, it finally reached the point where he had to trick his Mom by coming to visit them in Md., she's from NY state, and telling her she was staying at a hotel. The assisted living facility is about 15 min. from their house so they can visit daily. She has since forgotten her home but has reached the point of needing almost constant watching.
My prayers are with you both.
Just spent 2 1/2 hours cutting grass before it started getting too hot, about another 45 min. to go. I'll finish up early Sunday a.m. As soon as I finish a cup of coffee I have to vacuum the pool. Not sure what time the granddaughters will be over, they have open house at school this afternoon to see/find their classrooms and meet their teachers, school starts Monday.
Be back later.
jefelectric wrote: John, I am surprized that you can buy just a motor, is it an aftermarket part? Whenever I have had this problem they tell me you have to buy the whole assembly which is usually a couple of hundred dollars. Mike, Hope your garden recovers. We had a lot of wind and a little rain but no damages. Just a few twigs blown off the trees. We are west of you, near Hershey. Did you guys notice that a YORK thread was started.
John, I am surprized that you can buy just a motor, is it an aftermarket part? Whenever I have had this problem they tell me you have to buy the whole assembly which is usually a couple of hundred dollars.
Mike, Hope your garden recovers. We had a lot of wind and a little rain but no damages. Just a few twigs blown off the trees. We are west of you, near Hershey.
Did you guys notice that a YORK thread was started.
Where are you, John???
Yep scared the heck out of us too. It does look like a stroke and I sure hope it clears up for him. He too is a wood shop teacher and if it doesn't he will have an extended vacation. Something he really doesnt want, at least not for this.
Bob Mitchell Gettysburg, PA TCA # 98-47956 LCCA# RM22839
Walthers mine tipple, killing time and beating the heat at the kittchen table all week.
The Madison cars arrived
Weather in a word - HOT At 3:00 its 101 in the shade in the yard, the pool is up to 95, not much relief. Since my workbench is in an unairconditioned room off of the garage its too hot to even work on my scratch building project.
Chuck - nice looking consist.
Steve - good looking coal tipple.
Blueberryhill RR wrote: jefelectric wrote: John, I am surprized that you can buy just a motor, is it an aftermarket part? Whenever I have had this problem they tell me you have to buy the whole assembly which is usually a couple of hundred dollars. Mike, Hope your garden recovers. We had a lot of wind and a little rain but no damages. Just a few twigs blown off the trees. We are west of you, near Hershey. Did you guys notice that a YORK thread was started. Where are you, John???
Yes, where is John (Jeffelectric) ? Chuck: I was wondering the same thing last night ! Well, if he doesn't show up pretty soon, I know The Chief will get to the bottom of it !! Oh, & nice cars too, Chuck !!
Steve ; nice job on that coal tipple !! That's really getting big !!
Laz ; sorry to hear of your brothers Bells Paulsy. My buddy had it years ago & didn't look like the same person. He said he got his because of air conditioning. That's some bad stuff.
Mitch : that sounds like a pretty good deal on those milk Divcos !! I have a couple of those also !! They're just neat to look at !! I have an ice cream delivery one & a milk delivery one !
Well, finally cooled off enough to cut the grass ! Got that done, now, off to the dining car for supper !!
Hope everyone has a nice weekend !
The thunderstorms yesterday, cooled it down nice today. It was not as humid and only got up to 84 today. I just came in, from sitting under a big shade tree. Nice sunset.
Everyone must be busy tonite. Hi John ( csxt30 ).
Hi Chuck !! I'm not too busy !! Just been checking what I can get for my RDCs in the way of a TMCC upgrade ! I'm lost !! Indians still winning ! Wish I went to the OTTS meeting tonight, should have listened to Tom !! They're having all the fun !! Well, maybe we'll see some good pictures, they're at a big layout tonight !!
Sorry to hear about you mother Chief, you know we lost our mom a few weeks ago.
It is tuff when they need that sort of care.
I will go work out about noon Saturday.
One of these days, I would like to attend one of the meetings. That would be very nice. I hope they post pictures.
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