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Elliot's Trackside Diner - Sept. 2014

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 7:16 PM

Duplicate post

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by rdgk1se3019 on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 7:11 PM

Hi all,


Just about done moving into the new place...........and already planning a new three deck layout.

Dennis Blank Jr.

CEO,COO,CFO,CMO,Bossman,Slavedriver,Engineer,Trackforeman,Grunt. Birdsboro & Reading Railroad

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Posted by rdgk1se3019 on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 7:01 PM

Working Out Well not that I am lifting some real weight, I have a problem. My old weight belt is not close to fitting, I had a 32 inch waiste at the time. Whistling While I can find the sizes belt I need on line, I cannot afford the $60.00 plus shipping. Sigh Well I will figuer something out.


Two words on that Ken........Ratchet Straps.

Dennis Blank Jr.

CEO,COO,CFO,CMO,Bossman,Slavedriver,Engineer,Trackforeman,Grunt. Birdsboro & Reading Railroad

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Posted by cudaken on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:29 PM

 Evening Dinners!

 Flo Beer please

 Not a bad day off! Yes While I started out slow and took 2 naps I did get engauged later in the day! After the little running I had to do I worked on the rear patio. Like I have said before I have not gave hoot about the house for the last three to four years. So to say I have a mess is a understatment! While it still looks like a abandoned house in back. But I am making some headway.

  Wife does not help a bit! Her idea of cleaning the patio is to push off everything off to the side. If she would only pick stuff up and throw it away. Bang Head So the edge of the patio becomes a big Composting Pile! She does not believe that the leaves and twigs she pushes off to the side becomes dirt! Then stuff starts growing in new dirt and makes the problem worse.

  Filled up a 30 gallon trash can with the stuff! Then filled a 20 gallon can 1/2 way before I was done, Me not the patio. Threw my right shoulder out throwing the can in the back of the Town Car.  I will dump the stuff in the woods behinde work so it can keep rotting.

 Ulrich There are two way to messure my garage. The part that my current layout is in (takes up 75% of the floor spaces) is 19 foot wide and 17 foot deep. If I knock out the storage room it would be 25 foot deep. My problem is I need to stuff this into the garage! Whistling

 Mine is a 1968. If you would like I will send or post a scale drawing on the garage showing the garage door and doors in to the garage and outside.

 See you all Wednesday


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Posted by dbaker48 on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 5:27 PM


Good Luck with your procedure tomorrow.  Prayers are with you!


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 5:23 PM

Somehow my nephew found a GOOD heavy duty triple core radiator for my van. It's from a scrap yard and they want $65 for it. A new one costs $200. As the son of a confirmed cheapskate I already know what my fathers answer will be. $120 - $65 = $55. He'll buy the cheap one (used) and call it a great deal. I know how scrap yards test these things. They put a tight cap on it, plug the bottom hole, put a plug with an air line connector in the top hole, pressurize it and sees if it leaks. I've bought one of these before. Didn't leak with just water. However when anti-freeze was added multiple leaks appeared. Being a smart guy who knows a bit about cars I already had the solution. Two raw eggs did the trick and that radiator never leaked again.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 3:47 PM

Good afternoon. It's 87° with 66% humidity. The high will be 88°.  Cloudy. A slightly better than fair chance of showers and thunderstorms.

In and out of the hospital , no problems with that. Got a case of dry mouth that you wouldn't believe. Gotta go back tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 2:31 PM


Jimmy B: ONLY $200 for brakes? I WISH I could get brakes done for that here, try more like $700.

Mr. B; I am surprised NY has not yet added the tailpipe sniffer to the inspection! When I moved to Cape Cod some odd 30 years ago, I was surprised thta they did such strange things for inspection there. I also had gotten the new plates for Mass. but forgot to put them on when i went to get the inspection. The gas station LADY said she couldn't do the inspection without the Mass. plates on it. I thought the inspection had to be done before that...oh well, i turned to her and said" do you have a screwdriver?", like she was going to say NO. and I changed the plates. It passed. It should have it was only 1 or 2 years old at the time.

It is nigh on 3:30 here, I will wait til 4-4:15 pm then call the plumbers and see how "late" the "late drain cleaning" will be tonight. I had also asked about a furnace servicing, he said to discuss it with the guy when he gets here. I happened to get a card for a $79 inspection/servicing coupon from a competitor we have used in the past. If this company's price is higher, I will ask if they take competitor's coupons? Can't hurt. Otherwise i call the competitor and have them do it for the $79. The drain plumber is supposed to be at an installation nearby town and I know how those can go..easy or hard and long. I just will call to be sure I haven't been forgetten.


dinner will be MOH bringing home a Subway sub...I don't feel like cooking as I have had a headache/migraine at times for a week now. I couldn't take my script today as I'd likely sleep through the plumber!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 1:31 PM

NeO6874 noticed:

ahh... you're getting the e-check (or equivalent) then.  No fun :(

Yeah, they stick a probe up your tailpipe.  No, wait, that's a colonoscopy, right?  You're right.   No fun.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by Jimmy_Braum on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 10:33 AM

Morning all.  Well, good news and bad news from me today.  First the good news-I have been given the maximum hours that the place I work at will give an employee.  I started working on a construction site trailer for my diorama of a locomotive being dug up, and I have friday night off to work on the club layout. 

Well the bad news- I had to do my car inspection today-and it failed on the brakes.  I told them I want the brakes done so it passes inspection today, but it's gonna be kinda pricy for me-almost 200 dollars.  Well, at least I have the max hours coming my way so I can start paying it off.   Well, I have to get a bearing replaced before too long as well.  Last thing I needed....

(My Model Railroad, My Rules) 

These are the opinions of an under 35 , from the east end of, and modeling, the same section of the Wheeling and Lake Erie railway.  As well as a freelanced road (Austinville and Dynamite City railroad).  

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Posted by howmus on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 10:06 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I'll have a cup of dark roast coffee and a couple sour cream glazed donuts that i see over there....  Thank you Ma'am!

No sooner got in the shower this morning than the phone rang.  I didn't hear it, of course, as I don't wear the hearing aids in the shower!  Not a good thing to do with $7,000 worth of electronic devices....  It was a guy from the NMRA Division, the Member Aid person, who I am giving my old UT4R throttles to.  He goes all over the country to operating events.  He uses NCE (I just changed over to NCE) and sometimes needs a Digitrax throttle to operate on layouts.  He is going to a group of sessions down South sometime this fall and they all are using Digitrax so he needs something to use.  He wanted to buy one of my UT4Rs.  I told him that since they may or may not work properly, he could have both of them....  No charge.  I often go to operating sessions on his layout.  He is an MMR by the way, and has a gorgeous mostly completed layout.  He created the layout in Texas when he lived there and moved it to his home in Hammondsport, NY.  He has some business to attend to in Canandaigua and then he is stopping in to pick up the throttles.  We will go out to lunch early this afternoon.

Sun is trying to shine outside this morning.  Not being completely successful though.  Currently 58°F with a high of 65° later this afternoon.  Fall arrived early I guess.  Need to start bringing in stuff from the garden.  I have about half the onions harvested, there are more green beans (some way to old to eat), possibly another zuchini or two, and a number of green (and now ripe red) peppers.  The carrots can wait untill after the first frost and the parsnips won't be harvested until the January thaw.

Best get to w*rk!  Catch you all later...


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 9:47 AM

If you didn't like last winter, get ready for more repeats.

Whether you believe in "global warming" or not, the forecasts are for more of what we had last year:

Jeffrey: you might wanna get a snow shovel! Apparently we will share with you again!

And here I was hoping for a warm mild winter.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by NeO6874 on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 9:19 AM



NeO6874 wrote:

Mine's 2 ... but it has the 3 year "it's all covered" standard service, so I'd be surprised if you had to pay anything (well, other than gas to get there).


I've got a 10 year 100,000 extended warantee on mine, but the state inspection fee isn't covered by that.  I don't think the dealer even does inspections.  Part of the inspection fee goes to the gas station (typically) that does it, and part of it is just another dang tax.


ahh... you're getting the e-check (or equivalent) then.  No fun :(


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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 8:51 AM

Mr. B: The IS a trust set up from my father. I am well beyond any 'age requirement'..he was merely pointing out that the chain of custody for the house was my G-ma, my mother, him, them MAYBE me{and my brother}  if he doesn't sell it or what have you. It is in anohter state and neither my father nor I really want to live there, and the rental income is rather nil as the agent {required by out of state owners laws} does the bare minimum to rent it out and it is no longer in the "good part of town" it was in when my G-ma built it. Bad influences from the near by very large overcrowded city have made it a "bedroom community of bedlam" in that area.


Since neither MOH nor I have any children or nieces/nephews, and none apparently coming {remember my brother is AWAY for a long, long time}, we have decided to whom we shall leave any estate we may have. It will go to the "grand nephews" we have. Close friends of ours have an adopted son with two nearly 5 and one newborn. Those sons would be our "grand nephews". We have set it up so as they will inherit it/anything we have to leave behind when THEY turn 30, just like Prince Harry and William. We decided that as, as their mother agreed, "if we got it before age 30 we'd have blown it by then", so it is all agreed. The adopted son wiill administer the estate and see to our final arrangements fro whomever ios left behind. Since one child  is 5, one is 0, we could easily live another 30 years, I'd be 80-1 and MOH 84-5, so it IS reasonable we could live that long. I don't expect to with all my health problems.

Our estate is small now, but could grow exponentially if/when the fathers die. We hope to 'grow our own' estate too in the mean time.We will, as it grows set up a trust that will spell out all that is to happen, especially if it does grow exponentially. We expect to keep as much invested as possible to keep it either growing or that we can live off the interest. Right now only a will settles things for our estate, such as it is.. And there isn't much to settle now.

My father is 80 and healthy, and could go strong another 12 years,and  i'd look forward to it. FIL is now 86, and may not go so strong for another 6 years. His health is a bit questionable. and he has been sorta rampantly randomly spending some money in ways maybe he shouldn't. SO we wonder if HIS estate will last HIM. It was nice of him to buy MOH a new car for b-day, and all, but other major expenditures he makes seem rather odd to us. Of course, naturally he has the "its my money and i'll spend it the way I see fit" mentality. A new car for him would be reasonable. Ohter purchases he made, well , not so much, he could use a  newer car. and his new Hybridge teeth seem reasonable, though very expensive. He'd liek to chew his food with somehting resembling teeth nad not a few straglers and  ill-fitting partials. I can fully understand that as I will face the same problem too sooner than I'd like to think.

well, I gotta get going on the shower already. Im late.




-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by JeremyB on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 8:23 AM

Morning guys

Nice and sunny out today but a tad cool, tomorrow is going to be warm and sunny so that will be good as its my off day and have some things I want to do outside. I also have a few chores around the house that need to be done.

Not much work lately in the way of trains. In my free time lately I have been playing alot of strat o matic baseball and football. I am thinking about maybe getting hockey but it doesnt have a big following like the other two. I love hockey but dont know if I would in board game form.

Also have been playing alot of NHL 15 and Madden 15. I figure I am getting alot of exercise at work so when I get household chores done I think I earned the right to sit down for a hour or so and play some games Yes actually I play mostly when the wife is on her laptop.

Talk to you guys tonight sometime when I get home from work

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 8:21 AM

Good morning, everybody. It's good to see you all. 

We don't have vehicle inspections here. Sounds like the government where Mr.B lives is poking its nose into personal decisions. 

After installing grab irons on 4 Northern Pacific passenger cars, I'll wait to do more of them. It's tedius work. Now, I'll work on soem track on my layout extension for a while. 


Happy Model Railroading 




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Posted by MisterBeasley on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:47 AM

NeO6874 wrote:

Mine's 2 ... but it has the 3 year "it's all covered" standard service, so I'd be surprised if you had to pay anything (well, other than gas to get there).

I've got a 10 year 100,000 extended warantee on mine, but the state inspection fee isn't covered by that.  I don't think the dealer even does inspections.  Part of the inspection fee goes to the gas station (typically) that does it, and part of it is just another dang tax.

On a different subject entirely, Galaxy remarked:

And a  property through my mother, unless my father sells it first as it is his now that mother has passed. I told him to do what he thinks best regarding keeping/selling it, as will I, IF i get it. My father then made it clear to me that it was HIS inheritance, not mine. At least not yet. Maybe I will inherit, maybe not. 

We set up our wills to not give full control of our estate to our daughter until she turns 28, as I recall.  She's 23 now, so hopefully that day will have long come and gone and it won't matter.  We made an old trusted college friend, who is himself well off, the trustee of the estate.  No way I would let my wife's brothers do it - they would figure out a way to siphon some money off for themselves.  (My wife agrees.)

And, we have no idea how my in-laws will distribute what's left of their estate.  They're 96 and 93 and still living independently, so they're running down their reserves.  They've put everything in the hands of a law firm.  I suspect they feel the same way about those two brothers, and they didn't want anyone to have to be the "bad guy" in any future distributions.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by zstripe on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 6:23 AM


Look up tool rental shops in your area and rent a sewer snake drill....they come in different lengths. A lot cheaper than buying one. About 20.00 a day around here. Did it a few times myself:

Take Care!


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Posted by galaxy on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 4:41 AM

GOOD Tuesday Morning!

September 16th, 2014!


Sir Madog

Good Morning!

Galaxy - we had issues with our pipes as well. Liquid plumber did not help at all, but actually made it worse. I ended up buying this:

That thing sure does its job!

Have a happy day!


I would need a motorized 50 footer! Its NOT a short pipe. It is about 46' long. The kitchen is in the very front of the trailer, and the sewer/hookups/discharge line is the next to the last room in the far back of the tailer.

They DO actually sell them at Harbor Freight, If you can find one. One 25 footer manual model comes with drill attachment, and is only $15.99 currently on sale for $11.99..BUT IT IS TO SHORT.

The electric 50 FOOTER is $259.00 on sale! since it does cost about half that for the drain cleaning service, It might be worth it as it seems now to require two cleanout jobs a year at $129 a piece. Or more.

Problem is, my luck, I'd get the danged thing stuck and have to call a plumber anyway!

So If THEY get it stuck, it is up to them to "fix" it. Me? can't.

As I said maybe time to change all the outlet pipes from the cheap thin black plastic installed  to minimum code in 1983 to the heavy duty 1/4' thick walled pipes.

The company that's coming to do it, will want to sell me on replacing the pipe, but since we sunk money into the roof re-do; the stove; the water heater etc this year, no room in the budget for now. They wanted $1500 to replace it last year. Hah! Probably $1800 now. They also offered to do the water heater when i said "it comes first"..he quoted me "a real good deal for cheap" onthe water heater...just a mere $1350. Lowes did it for less than half that. $3000 for th tankless on demand water heater! MY father is NOT happy with his he had installed, so I think not. It DOES shut off periodically and the water turns to cold when it does. There is also a delay of getting the hot water to come out whereas our tank model has hot ready and waiting.

Plumbing, you can't live with it, can't live without it, but I sure don't want to go back to outhouses like my hillbilly relatives in the Applachians Kentucky have! The durn seat to the toilet may be cold in winter, but at least it's INSIDE!

well, the plumber will be here later today. SOon soon.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 3:43 AM

Good Morning!

Summer seems to have come back into my neck of the woods. It is a bright and sunny day here, temps will reach a (still) comfortable 22°C today, but will rise close to the 30´s during the next days. I try to enjoy the weather while it lasts.

The layout is ready to go, but it´ll be another 3 weeks before it actually does. I am glad when it´s gone, I have second thoughts about my move, now and then. Still no plans for its successor. I will take my time and save up some funds for a good start. At the rate I can save money, that could be more than just a little while.

No plans for the day. The HD list is short, so there will be plenty of time for odd thoughts and twiddling thumbs.

Johnboy - nothing in today´s mail. I guess it will take a few more days to arrive.

Ken - October MR has a nice room-sized track plan, which appears to be quite close to what you wpuld like to have. Let me have the dimensions of your layout space and I´ll try to rework it for you!

Galaxy - we had issues with our pipes as well. Liquid plumber did not help at all, but actually made it worse. I ended up buying this:

That thing sure does its job!

Have a happy day!

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Posted by cudaken on Monday, September 15, 2014 10:53 PM

 Eneing Dinners

 Flo, Beer Please

 Work was pretty boring today. So that is covred.

 Working Out Well not that I am lifting some real weight, I have a problem. My old weight belt is not close to fitting, I had a 32 inch waiste at the time. Whistling While I can find the sizes belt I need on line, I cannot afford the $60.00 plus shipping. Sigh  Well I will figuer something out. Did strain my back a little tonight, right now just a tad on pain in the lower right. I wonder what it will feel like in the morning.

  Tuesday I am Off! Yes For a change I dont have a ton to do. Only real thing is cut the front grass. Well maybe the back as well? I have been doing some planing on building a Precher Bench for arm curles. It will keep me off my feet for two to three exercises. Only thing I think I lack is drywall screws to get started. Have a lot of left over lumber from when I built the current layout.

 Jeffery Soory about the knuckel dragger that is your nephew. I will have to let the guys know at the Mopar Site that there is No Such Thing As Vapor Lock! Laugh Here we Mopar folks have been fighting it for years for no reason!

 See you all Tuesday



I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, September 15, 2014 7:22 PM

I went out today to see if I could get the vans engine to turn over. I wasn't very surprised when there were no indicator lights on the dash. I raised the hood and saw an empty space where the battery had been. My nephew had pulled the battery out and put it back in my mothers old ski boat, the Myna bird, a sixteen foot 1963 Lone Star Medallion Impress. Big boat with a big motor. 1980 90hp Evinrude, rebuilt of course. Typical. Only those things important to him are worth thinking about.

Had to go to the hospital this morning to give a blood sample then came home to get my dressing changed then got a call from the hospital saying that my blood sample had been fouled up and they needed a new one. So they came out here and drew the new sample. Nice of them. Later I finally got the call I was waiting for. Arrival time at the hospital was set at 0630 tomorrow. 6:30am for you civilians. Notified my sister as she's my ride there and back. Two hours later they called back and said the time had been pushed back to 10.00 or 10am. Again I notified my sister. She was happy. She could sleep in! I asked the nurse that came out to get the blood sample why I was required to have so many blood tests. I'd had a total of six already. Turns out it's because I'm an extreme high risk case. They keep coming back for more I might start charging for it.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by howmus on Monday, September 15, 2014 1:32 PM

Afternoon folks!

Chloe, a RBF would do very nicely right now.

 Tom, interesting car in the last photo.  I think that is the type of car the Museum President wants to get a hold of to take the old H12-44 out and put in notch 8 for a while.  It would probably tear our museum tracks apart to try that on the home line.... 

I have half cleaned the old 20 gal. aquarium so far today.  Scrapped down the algae and crud on the glass and vacumed out some of the crap on the bottom of the tank.  Right now I am waiting for more stuff to settle to the bottom so I can continue the process.  I'm going to dissappear to the train room for a while and start putting the plaster cloth in place where the line going to the bridges is, then finish cleaning the aquarium.

This will ba another horrifically busy week around here with lots of NMRA, Scout, and MLK business to attend to.



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by tcwright973 on Monday, September 15, 2014 1:02 PM

We had another good weekend of railfanning, although Saturday was very overcast & quite chilly. Sunday was a little nicer, but still too chilly to sit outside the car. Anyway, we caught 9 trains on Norfolk Southern on Saturday in 3 hours. 4 intermodals, 3 mixed freights, 1 auto rack, & 1 unit train of about 70 Norfolk Southern covered hoppers.

On Sunday morning, we headed over to the other side of Pittsburgh to CSX, where we caught 1 mixed freight & 1 auto rack. We left there, stopped for a burger, & went back to our spot on Norfolk Southern. There we saw 6 trains. 2 mixed freights, 1 crude oil, 1 coal, 1 Herzog ballast train, & 1 intermodal.

Foreign power seen this weekend were 3 BNSF & 2 Union Pacific.

Sunday while we were watching CSX, I had gotten out of the car to take some photos. When I got back in, the wife said a NS dispatcher had told a train he was going to have wait at the signal for quite some time, as there was a derailment west of Conway Yard, & things were getting really backed up. Sure enough, on our way over we saw a couple of trains just sitting where we normally don't see that. For the next 2 hours, we only saw eastbound traffic. Then around 1:00 in the afternoon, westbound signals started coming up & traffic began to move. I haven't been able to find out anything about a derailment though.

This DODX depressed center flatbed was spotted & I thought it interesting because of the stairs & railings going up from the both ends of the well:

The other car that caught my eye was this NS scale test car:

Today was our usual Monday, with Breakfast at Bob Evans, grocery shopping & some errands. Now I'mdoing laundry. That will fill out the afternoon I'm sure. Oh, the furnace kicked on last night. It went down to 41 & I got up in the middle of the night to go downstairs to turn the furnace on. This isn't the way I was planning on easing into winter. I would prefer a more gradual approach so I can get my old body adjusted. Other than that, nothing else of any great importance to relate, so I'll wrap this up for now. Take care & stay safe.


Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, September 15, 2014 12:23 PM

last mountain & eastern hogger


Morning Galaxy,

Simple preventative, >>  Liquid Plumber twice a month, cheaper than a plumber and I have had great success with it at home here and at a rental property when a problem occurs.

Johnboy out.........................It's great when your plumbing works properly.


Actually, Liquid Plumber or any others, make it WORSE. It clogs faster. the problem is most likely further down the pipe as they tell me. either too many elbows, or the black cheap exit lines really DO need to be replaced, just as the supply lines did. It was built in 1983 as cheaply as basic code would allow. We are not releshing putting much or much money into it, it isn't worth it. 

SOmeday we will either: afford a house of our own; inherit one, two or three of one two or three houses;  or inherit money to buy something with; or inherit nothing and buy a newer trailer in a tent in the swamp nearby., or the back of the minivanin the parking lot at Walmart...

MOH would dearly love to replace the carpeting, remodel things like the bath and kitchen, turn the semi-enclosed porch into an enclosed room addition, but I nix all ideas. Its not worth putting that money into it! Doing the roof and the water heater this year was enough, the stove was too, but the stove we COULD take with us if we sold it. same with the recent washer/dryer.

thnaks, though


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Monday, September 15, 2014 12:01 PM


Morning Galaxy,

Simple preventative, >>  Liquid Plumber twice a month, cheaper than a plumber and I have had great success with it at home here and at a rental property when a problem occurs.

Johnboy out.........................It's great when your plumbing works properly.

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

We have met the enemy,  and he is us............ (Pogo)

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, September 15, 2014 11:26 AM


Prince Harry turns 30 today.

Inherits some $17.3 million dollars. Plus another $2 million from grandma the Queen. Plus other assets Mother left the boys for when they turned 30. 

Must Be Nice.

Actually it was supposed to be inherited at age 25, but the "high court changed it to age 30". Bummer for them.

Only thing my grandmother left me was a picture of herself.

And a  property through my mother, unless my father sells it first as it is his now that mother has passed. I told him to do what he thinks best regarding keeping/selling it, as will I, IF i get it. My father then made it clear to me that it was HIS inheritance, not mine. At least not yet. Maybe I will inherit, maybe not. 


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by galaxy on Monday, September 15, 2014 11:18 AM


GOT the plumb/heat guy tomorrow late afternoon to unclog the kitchen sink. Again. Once more. I have heard it all for reasons why: oil/grease down the drain{very little as I keep a jar in the fridge for oil/grease to go to the garbage weekly}; to the type of dish soap {Dawn specifically}; to the slope of the trailer asks water to go uphill {slightly true}; to the pipe is "too long"; to the pipe has "too many elbows in it"; to the "wrong type of pipe" { black instead of white}; to "it's freezing in the pipe" {winter only, then why does it clog summers? DUH!}; to "there is a bow bending/sag  in the pipe that clogs"; to "you need to replace the pipe...we can do it for only $1500"...

I think it is the "mush" that forms between and in the bond of food particles and the soap, simple as that. I find it in the screen drainer catcher thingies-which I can clean out into the garbage, and it clogs pipes. I bought a different brand of soap, but I think it will be the same...I DO do a 'dish at a time" instead of filling the sink and probably use more soap than necessary as it runs out of the scrubber sponge, i replace it {the soap}, so probably too much soap. Maybe try to do it one full sink of water to a few drops of soap. MAybe last longer. I also think that the pipe, being the cheap black stuff is probably scored from being roto-rooted {even though it is "safe for plastic pipes"} one to many times and sludge latches onto the scrapes. The old "fill up the sink to the top with cold water and pull the plug to drain her out and blow that gunk out" did NOT work, either. I DO agree maybe new piping, but I will shop around another time to get a quote lower than $1500 for oh, about some 40 feet of piping that costs only about $50 at Lowes. It cost us $3200 a decade ago to have all the supply lines replacing the old gray plastic pipes that crumbled as they aged. THEN we foudn out AFTER the fact that the company was ordered to pay for replacing it as they sold it knowing it crumbled, and we COULD have gotten it done for free, but to late, to late.

Thta about sums that issue up. I asked about a furnace servicing..he said I could "discuss it with the guy when he gets there"..really? they don't have a standard price for servicing a 3 year old natural gas furnace? Probably could get away without servicing, but like to get it done. Just in case. I did fire her up as it got down to 65 in here and was to chilly for me, so I fired her up and she did good. She refired later twice too then I turned the 'stat down to 63 again from 68. I only did it to take the chill out of the house. Good. Later I will probably put the a/c on as the sun is to be out making it "warm" today...a relative term when "warm" means mid-60s. But that will mean the trailer will heat up to 75 again, just a tad too warm. Its already 70 in here now. I gotta remember to change the batteries in said thermostat when he is servicing, so if IT fails, he can install a new one. Its been about a decade,and it no longer takes programming well, so it may be dead/on its way out too. I don't mind not programed, as we change which time we are up and to bed so never know when to set it to what, just as easy to do it manually when needed. Base line is always 62, though.

Those illegal aliens V8 mentions might freeze to death at 62!!! They shoud be used to hot temps, maybe not 100 and somehting, but at leas the warmer temps. 

I forget who posted here last winter, a southwesterner all his life, who took a job back and forth to St. Loius I think it was, and he said he had "a new respect for you guys who live in the north" when he found out what cold/snow/ice was all about and how we continue as best we can with our regular routines regardless, unless blizzards or ice storms blow through, and even then, as soon as possible back to the same old grind!

May we be blessed with a mild winter, and early spring.





-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by NeO6874 on Monday, September 15, 2014 9:06 AM

Now it's time to get my car inspected.  It's only a year old, so it should be just a formality and a waste of time and money.

Mine's 2 ... but it has the 3 year "it's all covered" standard service, so I'd be surprised if you had to pay anything (well, other than gas to get there).


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Monday, September 15, 2014 7:48 AM

Jeff: Sorry to hear your nephew is treating you like that, sounds like he is very inmature.

You just nailed a carpenters finishing nail with a twenty-four pound sledge hammer! The only reason I'm allowing him to work on my van is because my father guaranteed he'd do the work, including replacing the radiator. Where he's gonna find a heavy-duty triple core radiator in good condition I don't know. Those haven't been made in years! My van is ONLY thirty-three years old. It's remarkable that it has factory new crated tranny in it. Try findind one of those for an '81 Dodge B250. Your chances are somewhere between slim and nil and slim just left town.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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