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Elliot's Trackside Diner - Sept. 2014

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, September 21, 2014 8:22 PM

Good evening. 80° with 78% humidity. Cloudy, lows around 70°. It's comfortable night as long as I'm outside. It's rather chilly in here. A bracing 71°.

As I said earlier I got my old van running very well this morning despite ignoring the advice of God's gift to auto mechanics, namely my nephew. Now it'll bark the rear tires and try it's level best to lift the front wheels off the ground. Now he has to admit that I was right and he was wrong. I wonder if he can bring himself to do it?

Tomorrow morning I have two doc appointments in town. One with my general doc and the other with my podiatrist. I believe Hone Health will also be coming out. Last week they had my me pack up my wound vac and it went out the door with her. I was NOT sad to see it go.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

I think somebodies cat has gotten out!

Little sisters house in Pennsylvania.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by howmus on Sunday, September 21, 2014 7:55 PM


Janie just a cup of decaf for me toninght...  Huh?  Yes, that is my usually evening request...

Had a fun day out at the Museum today.  Not a terribly busy day, about half the ridership of last week, but those days are actually a lot less stressful and more fun as we get to talk to individuals more during the trips.  The best was a family who were our only riders for the last trip of the day.  A Father and Son and a very pregnant Mother.  I asked if anyone was on the other caboose and Harold said no.  I said only 3 people on mine, and Harold shouted back I saw three and a half!  We used the three and a half line several times including in front of the family on the trip back up the line.  The mom thought that was cute!  One older gentleman told me about growing up across the road from a train yard and how he and the other kids used to climb in trains, climb through and under trains, and all kinds of other no, no things.  I told him I was glad he survived it so he could come and tell us about it....  He said, "Me too", and then told me he once saw a kid get run over and cut in half by a train....  That was the day they stopped doing those things.  Nuff said, be carefull out there you railfans! 

We had everything from a major downpour to nice bright sunshine out there today.  The storm hit just as we were pulling into Industry yard with about a dozen people on board.  We were worried that they would shut down the trolley if there was any lightning with the storm (which was what was predicted for the day).  We just kept everybody on the board the train for bout 10 minutes until the storm passed over us.  Most of the passengers decided they did want to get off the train and tour the station.  One couple opted to go right back getting a cab ride.  Gave a lot of cab rides in the 80 tonner today.  One was a family of 5, two high school aged kids and one likely about 5th./6th grade.  Both the mom and dad were.... Ah, should we say.... a bit on the large side (dad had to weigh in well over 300 lbs) but we got them all into the cab and back down the ladder of the 80 tonner safely.  The look on the face of the youngest kid told it all.  He had the biggest grin I have seen in years.  The high school kids were grinning too!

Just about time to get Blackie his medicine, so I will catch up to all later!




Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Sunday, September 21, 2014 3:33 PM


Ulrich, Halaxy. Jeffrey, Dave, Todd, and Tom !  ..... Good to see you. 


Everybody else... Please stop in and say hello!


Tom.... Sounds like you are having a good weekend. Hope the youngster's birthday was good.

Todd.. .. When Brenda is at work, do you have more time for Todd-stuff?

Ulrich .... You are creative and talented, and I bet soon you wull be enjoying yourself as you are building your next project.

Galaxy .... Thomas Edison is somebody long admired in my family. I have an autographed photo of him I inherited from my Dad. Thomas Edison autographed the old photo as he gave it to my grandfather and grandmother  . .. Thanks for posting the quote with words of wisdom.  


Happy Model Railroading !  




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Posted by tcwright973 on Sunday, September 21, 2014 1:40 PM

We had a very nice weekend, well, except for the fact we didn't get in any railfanning at all. My niece was celebrating my great nephew's 8th birthday on Saturday. So we drove up to Camp Hill, PA for the party. Stayed over in a motel Saturday night & then drove home this morning. Nice trip except for a thunderstorm we ran into on the turnpike that lasted for about 10 miles.  He's the youngest of the great nephews & nieces. Hard to believe he's 8 already. We only get to see them a couple of times a year, so it's amazing to see how much they have grown in just a couple of months.

Feel like there's an empty space in my life without watching trains though. Might have to go somewhere on Wednesday or Thursday for a make-up day. When we got home, my wife said she thought I would detour up to Cresson / Cassandra seeing as how we got an early start for home. I lied, & told her I wasn't that addicted.

I have been searching for a PRR Russell snow plow by Walthers since they came out. I knew at the time I should preorder, but never did. I finally found one through the internet this past week, & ordered it. There was a possibility it was to be delivered on Saturday, so I asked my neighbor to keep an eye out for it. It never showed, so hopefully it will be here sometime this week.

Hope everyone had a nice & safe weekend...


Pittsburgh, PA

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, September 21, 2014 12:28 PM

Good morning. It's 84° with 64% humidity. The high will be 92° and sunny.

First order of business this morning (besides sweating) was to work on my van. Got the choke tied back then closed everything up and took it out for a test drive. Went out to the highway and back without a problem unless you count it trying to lift the front end as problem. It has lots of power now. Got back home and decided to see if it can dig as well as it rolls. Held the brake while I punched the gas and it was shooting dirt out the back. Told my nephew about that and he was surprised. He had thought it wouldn't run well unless the choke was working. Quite honestly I've never seen a need for one here.

No other plans for today.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by TMarsh on Sunday, September 21, 2014 8:00 AM
Good Morning!!!
Coffee and the Sunday Breakfast Buffet please. Thank you.
Just popped in to say I’m alive. I’m alive.
Harvest has begun and that means Brenda is working weekends now. I’ve got a few projects done and now the ones for winter prep must get started.
I did spend some time staring at the trainroom the other day and decided I need to straighten things up. I like looking at the pictures of peoples layouts with stuff piled under it. Makes me feel better!Laugh
Best get going, the dog wants out.


Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Sunday, September 21, 2014 6:32 AM

I'll bet you get a kick out of the backfires!Smile, Wink & GrinLaugh

I do. especially when they get a get fight or flight reaction. Those who haven't been ina stressful situation tend to look around while those who have dive for cover.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by hon30critter on Sunday, September 21, 2014 6:22 AM


I have driven my share of beaters, believe me. One of my first cars was an MGB that would corner on three wheels because it was rusted so badly. Chipped all the paint off the edges of the doors where they were bouncing off the body. I rebuilt that car three times. Ran it for more than 10 years. It met its demise when I had to repair the starter motor because the wrapping on the windings had worn through. I decided that because the starter was so worn I would use wheel bearing grease to lubricate the pinion gear. The grease was so thick that it didn't allow the pinion to disengage from the fly wheel, which turned the starter motor into a huge generator! Melted everything it could, including the throttle cable plastic covering and the windshield washer hoses! I had been smoking some strange stuff at the time but I didn't intend to smoke the car!

I was a GM fan big time for a while. I bought my dad's '77 Caprice and ran it for years. The only reason I sold it was because the frame behind the rear axle had rotted out severely and I was scared of what would happen if we were rearended with the kids in the back seat. My loyalty to GM evaporated when I bought a well used '86 Caprice. I knew it needed work from the beginning but I foolishly put more than $15,000 into it before I got it running reliably. That made me swear off spending another dime on the beast so it ended up being sold to the mechanic who had done all the work, and of course it ran for several more years without any major issues.Angry

After that I got into Hondas. Got 10 years out of an '89 Civic before rust took over. The floor used to flood when driving in the rain, and I don't mean a little bit! Bought a '98 Civic and got 10 years out of that. Smart me said I will sell the thing before major stuff starts to go wrong. The kid that bought it from me STILL has it running and he swears he hasn't had to do any major repairs!Angry Drives the stink out of it too!

Then we got a 2002 Odyssey. Great vehicle up until about 250,000 km. Then it became a money pit! Scrapped it at 273,000 km which is way to soon for a Honda, supposedly. HA!

Now we have a 2008 Civic which runs great, and a 2014 Odyssey which is very nice indeed. I hope these two last a while but fortunately we are at the point where we can trade them in before they become liabilities.

I hope your quest to find a better vehicle works out. However, you need to be honest here - I'll bet you get a kick out of the backfires!Smile, Wink & GrinLaugh


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:17 AM

Good Morning Folks!

I am a little late this morning. Did not get any sleep before 3am, so I woke up much later than usual.

I spend a few hours doing some research. I am still looking for alternative layout ideas, which combine my interest in narrow gauge railroads, scratchbuilding and continuous running in the small space I have. Putting all these requirements in a box and shaking it well, this is what I came up with:

Basically, a simple figure eight layout, depicting a station on the famous Mariazell line, an Austrian 762mm gauge electric railroad leading from St. Pölten to Mariazell. Locos and rolling stock are available from various sources, one of them offering a special 30% discount for me (I know this guy for 30+years).

The line still operates its original set of electric locos, dating from 1906, but having been rebuilt in the 1950´s. In addition, they also operate modern electric multiple units from the 1990´s and brand new, ultra-modern units, which went into service only last year and are nicked "Stairway to Heaven".

Just to give you an idea of the line´s equipment:

I quite like the idea of building this little layout, the only flipside of it - it´s not the US narrow gauge line, which I like so much...

Ken- thanks for the info! I still need to know how much clearance you´ll need to the "obstacles"...

Have a happy Sunday!

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Posted by galaxy on Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:23 AM

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, September 20, 2014 10:05 PM


Janie, just a decaf for me right now...  Thank you Ma'am...

Managed to get a good many things done today.  Finally found a layout to be open for the Division Fall Meet.  Need to still find one more.  Mowed the lawn.  Managed to get it all done today.  Can't remember a year where the lawn has stayed this green all Summer...  Have had to mow it at least once a week since last April.  Got some more done on the area of the layout I am doing while the washes were being done as well.  Tomorrow I will be out at the Museum doing Car Host duty on the old Erie Crummy.  Calling for thunderstorms all day... Could be interesting.

Only Chevys we have ever had in my family that were good vehicles were the old 1934 and 1936 4 ton axle farm trucks we had.  They were already a quarter of a century old when we got them.  We would drain the radiators and unhook the old 6 volt batteries for the winter.  Come Spring we refilled the radiators, hooked up the batteries, put the charger on them for a few hours, and then went out to where they were parked in a field.  Turn the key on, then pull out the hand choke, punp the gas a couple times and step on the starter which was on the floor by the gas pedal.  Most of the time the third cylinder over fired them right up!  The old 1934 had a wood frame body with sheet metal nailed on it and cable brakes.  The brakes actually worked on the old girl.  The 1936 was all steel body with hydralic brake.  They hadn't worked in years and never got repaired while we had it.  The hand brake worked just fine for our use.... Smile, Wink & Grin

All the other GM vehicles the family ever owned including a half ton pick up I had (the 'on the column' shift lever fell off in my hand downtown shifting from first to second one day, and that was one of the easy to handle problems.  Just drove up to the dealer I bought it from in second gear, and yelled "Fix the $@&& thing!"), and the cars my youngest son ended up with were complete and utter junk!  Garbage!  Never will buy another one.  We had one really good Dodge car for several years.  The Dodge Omni Miser, believe it or not.  Got 52 miles per gallon on the highway, couldn't get out it's own way, but never gave us a bit of trouble.  I owned 4 Dodge Dakotas.  One of them was great, the '93.  The 91 was an automatic that I hated!  The other two ('87 and 2002) spent more time in the shop than in my driveway I think.  Always something not working right on them.  The first cars I owned were old used VW Bugs.  You could fix most anything that went wrong with them with a cresent wrench and a screwdriver.  One of them (a 1956) finally died the first day of spring my first year teaching.  Transmission wore out right in back of my house.  Only had 236,000 miles on it...  Turned around and sold it to a guy who replaced the tranny and put it back on the road as a dune buggy...  Last two vehicles have been Toyotas.  The Yaris I only had for 4 years and 50,000 miles, but no problems or repairs, ever!  So far the PiP is 20 months old and also no problems whatsoever.  None.  It is also giving me an average of 74 mpg over the 22,000 miles.  Love the car!

Have a good one.  Prayers for all in need!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, September 20, 2014 9:42 PM

Jeffery OK, you know now the 318 is still strong, when the carb is working right, right? Buy a new carb (numbers will be on the carb) or have it replaced. I know it is not the lean burn carb. Does the Van still have a ballast resitior? (Spell Check) When in the run postion (Key) it is only sending 6 volts to the coil. When in the start postion, it sends 12 volts to the coil.

Yep, still has the resistor . I pointed that out to my nephew and he measured the output from it.

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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, September 20, 2014 9:02 PM

 Evening Dinners!

 Flo, Beer and Protien Shake pleases! Big Smile

 Work Front No Well that is covered now!

 Working Out Had another workout I was happy with. Yes Gain rep's in all exercises and will be adding weight next time I work the arms. It has been all most three months now that I have been lifting. I hope it becomes a life style and not a passing fancy. Guess I am the only one here that is working out? Whistling

 Dennis So you think it is the gears? I am guess they did not smear the motors with Lithium grease. They are such a pain to take off the weights so I can unhook the drive shafts so I can run the motor only! Far as the motors, I am to the point I am not that impressed with the PK motors!

 Jeffery OK, you know now the 318 is still strong, when the carb is working right, right? Buy a new carb (numbers will be on the carb) or have it replaced. I know it is not the lean burn carb. Does the Van still have a ballast resitior? (Spell Check) When in the run postion (Key) it is only sending 6 volts to the coil. When in the start postion, it sends 12 volts to the coil.

 Ulrich Top of the dirgram where there is a dark section is the garage door. On the right side with the dark section is door from the house into the garage. Dark section on the left is the window A/C unit. 3 foot section (Each square is a foot) is part off a wall with electric wires in it that I will not mess with. My desk sit rear and to the side of it. Dark section at the very back right is the door to the patio. Big 3 foot X 3 foot Dark section is my 80 gallon air compressior.

 I am beat


I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, September 20, 2014 6:56 PM

Jeff do be careful w/ a choke "blocked open and a flooding carb. That 2V Carter is only a couple of feet away under the 'doghouse" When it pops/ bangs and backfires, keep it cranking and pull the fire/ fuel into the manifold to help stop and engine fire/ The carter 2v carb is a fairly easy carb to rebuild. Your problem is the float (saturated foam) or the float needle/ seat creating the flooding issue..

Way ahead of you/ When it backfires I keeps it cranking and when i starts I floor it. The fire gets sucked down and is ancient history.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by bogp40 on Saturday, September 20, 2014 6:48 PM


Again today the van flooded out! I got the doghouse unfastened then tried starting it again,  iI fired up so I drove back home. I'd already made up my mind. My nephew had his chance so tomorrow I'm tying the choke back Like I had it before. Damn the torpedoes! Full speed  ahead!


Jeff do be careful w/ a choke "blocked open and a flooding carb. That 2V Carter is only a couple of feet away under the 'doghouse" When it pops/ bangs and backfires, keep it cranking and pull the fire/ fuel into the manifold to help stop and engine fire/ The carter 2v carb is a fairly easy carb to rebuild. Your problem is the float (saturated foam) or the float needle/ seat creating the flooding issue.. The late '70s and '80s 318s w/ that carb are quite indestructible and only minor issues cause the troubles. Do you have anyone or can you work on that carb? I know that Dodge is running on last legs, but old Chevy 305s and that "metric" excuse for a "tranny" are no bargin either. If that Chev is a 350, you may have a good deal if the Dodge is going out to pasture..

Modeling B&O- Chessie  Bob K.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, September 20, 2014 6:15 PM

Again today the van flooded out! I got the doghouse unfastened then tried starting it again,  iI fired up so I drove back home. I'd already made up my mind. My nephew had his chance so tomorrow I'm tying the choke back Like I had it before. Damn the torpedoes! Full speed  ahead!

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, September 20, 2014 2:14 PM



Jeffrey: I used to be a GM man. I liked the vehicles they produced. My first vehicle of my own was brand new 1983 GMC S-15 truck {same as Chevy S-10}. My second was a brand new 1987 Chevy full sized 4x4 K10 truck. The starter on it quit every 5 1/2 months, so constantly was replaced under the 6 month warrantee on the new one. The front auto locking hubs and actually the whole axle had to be replaced. Other than that it was actually a fine vehicle til the engine blew at 150K. Then I got a dodge caravan and had a {used} '88, '91, '98 of those, and now have the '06 Kia Sedona minivan, which as you know has had its share of problems. They all had their fair share of probelms, and parts to be replaced. The 98 we practically rebuilt it over the time we had it, and it was rusting form the inside out. I am not "brand loyal" anymore, it is the vehicle/type of vehicle I go for that I need {obviously I am a truck/van person}.


I like the looks of some of their vehicles. Problem is every Chevy I've had was a lemon.



That's mostly why I was a "GM" person.  I LIKED most of their vehicle during my "car/vehicle formative years"!1 I LIKED  my two aunt's {identical} 1977 Impalas, their following up with {identical} Pontiac Parisiennes in 1983 weren't too bad either. I LOVED the Caprice/Caprice Classics of that time frame as well. The, what 83-95 Chevy vans were much cooler than the Dodge Maxivans my parents bought.

I am after finding my "toy/fun vehicle" {could be another hobby coming on???}- that would be My Grandmother's 1983 Cadillac Sedan Deville in Brown, a color she at first thought was a "mans car", but decided to buy it anyway to replace her 1976 WHite Sedan Deville with blue interior, which I liked as well,  but not as much as the 1983. WIth EFI in them, many of them are still going. Problem is around here the Caddys, Caprices of that era can be rust buckets too. There ARE some for sale still going around here and not to bad or little/no rust, well cared for or garaged, but I won't pay the price they are asking for them. And since they stay on things like Craigslist for months on end at the same asking price, looks like other folks won't pay it either! The old "just cause its old {or "classic"} don't mean it's worth nuthin'" applies here.

There is one two tone brown {light/dark} like my Grandmothers a few counties away. he wants about $5k for it. Has for about a year now. Preferably at $1,500, Maybe at $2k, maybe $2,500 I'd be interested..... I know IF I ever get my "fun/toy car, I will probably have to put some money into it, so not looking to spend a fortune just to get one if i cna help it. Has to be "approved" by MOH and MOH is not so fond of the cadillac "boats". Funny cause MOH and MIL selected a new 1976-9 [some year in there} land yacht called a Ford T-bird! It had no A/c in it, and FIL wanted the LTD, but MOH nad MIL suffered with no a/c "falling in love with the T-bird". at that time they were still  long suckers.

As far as the models of Chevy vans I liked, not but a few on the whole east coast, seems they musta junked out by rust or engine failures. Never did like their minivan, the Caravan, especially the Grand Caravan had more space to offer. even more than my current Kia Sedona does.

I bought the S-15 cause I needed a truck more than a van, though I came close to buying a chevy van back  then.

Thank you for this stroll down amnesia lane...


Ah, those were the days.

-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, September 20, 2014 11:03 AM

Hey Jeffrey, I think your have some track missing there! Those thieves have been stealing steel again?

Nope, Just incomplete at the time.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by howmus on Saturday, September 20, 2014 10:55 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Chloe, I just need a refill for my dark roast coffee and I will be good.

Just got back home from the annual Hazzardous Household Waste collection day out at the Ontario county landfill.   I got to say hi to a former Mayor of Geneva who I know fairly well (taught his kids music way back when).  He runs the local company shop that is taking and processes old electrocnics.  They are one of two companies that take the items.  Also ended up right next to an employee of mine back when I was in business.  The kid is now the Business Manager for Scout Camp and a Math teacher at a nearby School.  He lives near the landfill so I asked him why he didn't just walk over rather than drive his Dodge Dakota...  I also told him I find it ironic that so many people come to these things driving there huge SUVs and V-10/V-8 4 wheel drive pickups and sit there idleing for half an hour waiting in line just so they can help save the enviroment....  He grinned and agreed with me.  I did let him know that sitting in line I used up one miles worth of sunshine! Whistling  You know when there is a huge solar spill, they usually call it a nice day....Smile, Wink & Grin

I need to get the lawn mowed today if possible.  Then pack up the Region convention laptop computer to take with me to the museum tomorrow, wash clothes so I have something to wear out at the museum tomorrow, and maybe even get some modeling done...

Hey Jeffrey, I think your have some track missing there!  Those thieves have been stealling steel again?



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, September 20, 2014 9:00 AM

Jeffrey: I used to be a GM man. I liked the vehicles they produced. My first vehicle of my own was brand new 1983 GMC S-15 truck {same as Chevy S-10}. My second was a brand new 1987 Chevy full sized 4x4 K10 truck. The starter on it quit every 5 1/2 months, so constantly was replaced under the 6 month warrantee on the new one. The front auto locking hubs and actually the whole axle had to be replaced. Other than that it was actually a fine vehicle til the engine blew at 150K. Then I got a dodge caravan and had a {used} '88, '91, '98 of those, and now have the '06 Kia Sedona minivan, which as you know has had its share of problems. They all had their fair share of probelms, and parts to be replaced. The 98 we practically rebuilt it over the time we had it, and it was rusting form the inside out. I am not "brand loyal" anymore, it is the vehicle/type of vehicle I go for that I need {obviously I am a truck/van person}.

I like the looks of some of their vehicles. Problem is every Chevy I've had was a lemon.


Good morning. It's 72° with 95% humidity. The high will be 88 and cloudy.

Today I may get out and get some photos of the Chevy van and see what the door post sticker has to say about engine size and such. Seems like as good a way to waste time as any. It'll give me a chance to study the body as well. I'm told it has no dents, damage or rust spots but my nephew has a tendency to exaggerate. In other news, my foot is hurting. The doc carved on and removed bone in the last surgery and the only pain I feel acutely is bone pain.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by JeremyB on Saturday, September 20, 2014 7:56 AM

Hi Guys

Just a quick stop before heading to work, Im sure it will be busy today. My STrat hockey game came yesterday so hope to get into that tonight or tomorrow sometime. I also setup a nice little gaming area. Just have to try to keep kitty off it,lol

See ya tonight sometime

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, September 20, 2014 6:24 AM


Ulrich:regardless of how long you have been in the hobby and regardless of whether or not you will miss it, a new hobby may NOT be the answer! Here's why:

1} start up costs: each new hobby will require at the very least buying some start up manuals and reading materials to study for to learn about it and what the heck you are doing. Even IF it doesn't require manuals, there still is the "first piece" to buy.

2} then there are the needed additional supplies to work your new hobby, more money.

3] to make it "be right" you will spend more.

4} to get what you WANT for the hobby, you will spend more money again.

5} it will become just as much a money drain and storage problem too.

here's an example: It is NOT exactly a "hobby", but my "new thing" has been the Celtic Heritage thing. You remember the KILT{s}?.With a good Irish first name nodding to my Irish heritage, adn a good Scottish last name obvious of my Scottish heritage, Having a Kilt was a "natrual fit"!!!  You would think nothing of "just buying a kilt{s}" {NOTICE: I put the {s} on it for a reason!!} . BUT: Then there was the reasearch into heritage and Kilt tartan patterns to select.  Then there is buying the kilt pin to add to the kilt and to keep your "flap down". Then you want the long hose to go with it so it "looks good". There are Flashes to buy for the hose {2 strips of colored fabric in mathcing color to the kilt} to wear attached to the hose} Then there is the big belt to buy. AND the Sporran to buy/acquire. Then there is the shirt, while I CAN 'wear any shirt', I had to get the casual "swashbuckler" shirt for complementing the casual wearing of the kilt. THen for the "formal look", there was the Vest to buy. If I wear a regular dress shirt for the "formal look" with the vest, there is buying one {shirt} to compliment the kilt's colors. Then there is the Kilt hangers to hang them up to buy {still have to do that, right now so they don't wrinkle, they are rolled in a thick towel to keep them. I saw a "kilt roll" thingy you can BUY and go the idea to use a towel instead}}. Then there will be the garment stprage bags for all. THEN: NOTICE I said "them"!!! One-the purple "Pride of Scotland" Tartan Kilt  one wasn't enough! I then bought a Red/green {red is my favorite color} "Celtic Heritage" tartan kilt! NOW am I done? NO! Now I MUST have a custom made a family clan {sur name} kilt {red/blue for the "modern one"}!!!! WIll THAT be ALL? NO! Of course NOT! I have to get the family clan Heraldry stuff!!!{paper history/diagram for framing}

In short, "Kilting" has become my NEW hobby!!! ANd it WASN'T meant to be!

I swore OFF all "new hobbies" after seeing how much MRRIng stuff I had bought and will probably never use! I have always had a "hobby" of some sort..even when it was "just music" as a young man! {true component stero components, records, CDs, tapes, portable stereos to "take along",and more to buy/spend/store!!

So. just be forewarned a new hobby might not be that much different from the old one!!!


Jeffrey: I used to be a GM man. I liked the vehicles they produced. My first vehicle of my own was brand new 1983  GMC S-15 truck {same as Chevy S-10}. My second was a brand new 1987 Chevy full sized 4x4 K10 truck. The starter on it quit every 5 1/2 months, so constantly was replaced under the 6 month warrantee on the new one. The front auto locking hubs and actually the whole axle had to be replaced. Other than that it was actually a fine vehicle til the engine blew at 150K. Then I got a dodge caravan and had a {used} '88, '91, '98 of those, and now have the '06 Kia Sedona minivan, which as you know has had its share of problems. They all had their fair share of probelms, and parts to be replaced. The 98 we practically rebuilt it over the time we had it, and it was rusting form the inside out. I am not "brand loyal" anymore, it is the vehicle/type of vehicle I go for that I need {obviously I am a truck/van person}.


WEll, I don't know what trouble I will get into today, have another headache setting in. So maybe not much!

Make it A GREAT day!


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, September 20, 2014 4:47 AM

Good Morning!

Summer is biding a nice farewell to us - it´s sunny, but already too hot for my taste.

Flo, just coffee, please.

Ken - a U-shaped layout requires large turnback curves at each end. You will need a width of about 6 ft. for them, which takes up a lot of real estate. Could you amend your drawing with some text, so I can locate the garage doors, windows, doors or any other obstacle (like your car)?

I have been reviewing my model railroading options a couple of more times, without coming to a conclusion. Here is what I see:

  • Build a HOn3 switching layout, using Fremo module standards

It´s been one of my dreams for over 40 years to have a HOn3 layout, but I don´t really want to build another shelf switcher. Building the layout according to Fremo standards would allow me to take it to the bi-annual Fremo HOn3 group meetings, if I find a suitable transport for it. The modules won´t fit into my car. My little steamer would go back into its box Crying

  • Build a HOn30 layout, following European prototype

The space I have would allow me to build a small loop of track, with a station and hidden staging. European locos and rolling stock can negotiate curves as sharp as 10" - HOn3 needs 18" minimum. I am not so keen of building a European prototype layout ...

  • Give up model railroading and look for something else

That will be a hard decision to take, after more than 50 years of being a model railroader. It would be a logical consequence of not being able to build what I like, though.

I will attend that Fremo HOn3 group meeting coming Friday, before deciding which way I will be heading.

Have a happy weekend!



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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, September 19, 2014 9:39 PM

Good evening. Time for me to call it a night. It's 76° with 85% humidity. As I said earlier,went and looked at a '96 Chevyvan20. I never been a big Chevy fan. Used a lot of them for target practice in past years. And GM's current track record doesn't exactly instill me with confidence in their past products. What I see in this van is an opportunity to put my mark on it. From what I remember of the old 305 engine is that it doesn't have a whole lot of pulling power. Tranny's weren't exactly the best either. Far as I know this one has an automatic in it. For the money it looks like something I can have some fun with.

Time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, September 19, 2014 8:16 PM

Wouldn't be surprised to learn of reports of gunfire at the Wal-Mart parking lot today. When that old van fired up today the cylinders were loaded up so when it popped off it sounded like eight gunshots right in a row.Kinda like a big 426 firing off.
Went tonight to look at another old van a 1996 Chevyvan20. Looks to be in fair shape. Bunco of water in gas tank. Told the guy to hook the fuel pump directly to the battery and let it do all the work and pump the water out. Put some gas in along with a couple big bottles of STP gas treatment and that would get rid of the water. Brake system needs work but that could be just a faulty booster. I haven't decided yet whether I want it or not. The guy wants $400 for it. Couldn't really tell in the dark but looks like it has a 305 engine. As my nephew says it's about time to retire the old RAM and start playing with something newer.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

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Posted by rdgk1se3019 on Friday, September 19, 2014 8:08 PM

Train Front Why do the PK2000 SD 7and 9's like to whine so much? I think it was 2 weeks ago I used ATF Dextrion oil to lube them, seemed quiter for awhile. Tonight I placed the B&O's on the RIP track till I lube them again? My Rio Grande PK2000 are on the RIP track for the same reason?


I had a noise problem with my three P2K GP30`s 5 years ago........sent them to Walthers......they came back with white lithium grease.........not a problem since.


The motors however.........I need new motors for them.

Dennis Blank Jr.

CEO,COO,CFO,CMO,Bossman,Slavedriver,Engineer,Trackforeman,Grunt. Birdsboro & Reading Railroad

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, September 19, 2014 6:19 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, Beer Please

  Good Day For Spending Most Of It At The VA Hosptial! Yes Well I finally got a CPAP Machine! I sure hope it takes care of my sleeping problem. I tell you I am impressed with it! It will warm the air to the mask if I like, has a bulit in humidifer and it is quite! Going to sleep on the couch a few more nights till I am uses to it, then back to the bedroom! Big Smile

  Spent a hour with my Doctor talking about things I was a little worried about. He thinks the pain I had in my foot is never (cannot spell the word for some reason) damage. I will be seen a foot Dr soon. Blood pressure was 120 or 60. and my weight was up by 1 pound? Odd thing is my clothers are getting a little to big. So I am loosing fat and gaining some muscle.

 Workout Had another great one tonight! Increased the weight on side shoulder exercises and hit 10 reps each! Will increses again after I do 13 reps for 4 sets. I all so picked up 2 reps in the last set of bench pressing!

 YGW With what I have invisoned, pullys will not work. Main problem is the two car garage door.

 Ulrich My thoughts is a U shape or around the room layout that goes around the Road Runner. I am pretty sure I can make a pop up roll out section for the garage door.]

 This is a rough plan of the garage with doors and the big thing in the rear is my Air Compressior. I will give more details later and do a bad drawing of what I have in mind. This drawing is with the storage room removed.

 Got to walk Sparkie The Rocket Dog!

 See you all Saturday, Ken

I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, September 19, 2014 6:06 PM

Went to Wal-Mart today to replenish my supply of powered drink mixes. You've seen them. Pour one into a 20oz bottle of water, shake to mix, and instant drink. The carb flooded out on me several times on the way there and several more times on the way back. Told my nephew about it and he said he'd be right over to correct it. To me that means he'll be over very soon. That was several hours ago and I haven't seen him since. When I came out of Wal-Mart it wouldn't start. So I tried the little trick he told me about. Turned the key all the way forward and held it there while I pressed the start button.  It backfired once through pipes Then started.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by galaxy on Friday, September 19, 2014 3:33 PM

Gee, No one in here for hours?

Well, Details for the wedding have been somewhat finalized. MOH did not immediately ask me for the new vestments, will use existing for the wedding. SOme details may have to change depending on  the weather the next to last week of October. Around here it could be 75 and sunny or 28 and snowing then. Or at least raining and 40. Hoping for SUnny and 70 then for the wedding party, small.

I have puttered. My right shoulder is really killing me and nothing I have is working pain wise. I cannot wait til the 30th to find out WHAT the orthopedist has planned to solve the problem and WHEN! I find the cold, whether A/C or chilly weather, seems to make it hurt more. Folding laudry I have to do, but dreading it as it will hurt my shoulder badly.

I am on my own for dinner tonight. dunno what yet.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, September 19, 2014 12:15 PM

Good morning. It's 80° with 75% humidity. The high will be 85, cloudy with a slight chance of rain.
Not much going on this morning. Got the dressing on my foot changed. Popped a stitch. Very bloody. The new dressing has been tight wrapped to help prevent another stitch pop. On my way to town now to pick up a small thin crust pizza for lunch. I should be able to snack on it all day.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
Space Mouse for president!
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Running Bear Enterprises
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beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

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