Is the forum dead?

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Posted by MichaelSol on Monday, August 7, 2006 9:44 AM
 bobwilcox wrote:
 MichaelSol wrote:

I have asked him on several occassions for his background, including education, as the basis for various opinions he has offered, and other than his years in sales, he has never honored the request once.

I do not recall you ever asking. If you did prove it! You can see my background in my profile.  I earned a BS in Transportation at the University of Tennessee. 

IMHO opinion this forum is dead.

On the most recent occassion, you and Greyhounds were pontificating on wheat farming -- and you have many times -- and you asked my number of years involved in that industry. I specifically told you, and then specifically asked how many years you had.

No answer.

That was your right and privilege, and I did not pursue it further.

Your comments speak for themselves. The problem with LC's is, he never adds anything to any discussion anymore.  He just shows up as the anonymous head of a self-appointed insult posse. Thread after thread. And this thread is no different than any other recently in that regard. Indeed, each post he makes further proves the point.

And as this thread points out, people are simply sick of it. It's killing the forum.

If you have something to say, say it. Otherwise, go out and live a real life and enjoy the day.

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Posted by vsmith on Monday, August 7, 2006 9:43 AM
 bobwilcox wrote:

IMHO opinion this forum is dead.


I dunno Bob, 4 pages going on 5 of the equivelant of a internet river with two angry bands of monkeys on each side throwing poop at each other, seems to me the forum is most alive and kickin'!Shock [:O]Black Eye [B)]Wink [;)]Whistling [:-^]

   Have fun with your trains

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Posted by bobwilcox on Monday, August 7, 2006 9:37 AM
 MichaelSol wrote:

I have asked him on several occassions for his background, including education, as the basis for various opinions he has offered, and other than his years in sales, he has never honored the request once.

I do not recall you ever asking. If you did prove it!

You could have seen my background in my old  profile.  I earned a BS in Transportation at the University of Tennessee. While at UT I spent one summer as a sale intern in the Southern Railway at Hattiesburg, MS.  On graduation in 1966 I took a job as a management trainee at the Rock Island and was assigned to their new marketing department.  In 1969 I left the Rock Island to take a job in market research at the Northwestern and after several promotions became Market Manager-Chemicals.  I left the the the Northwestern in 1982 to become Manager Product Development-Chemicals at the Espee.  I did product management for plastics and petroleum in the marketing  department untill the merger with the UP.  At the UP I was on the sales team for ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and Cheveron in addition to being the Product Manager for petroleum.  I retired in 2003.

During that time I made my employer and customers a lot of money.

Michael, I you are not too shy I look forward to hearing the details of your work and education.

Going back to the original subject of this thread. IMHO opinion this forum is dead. Who would want to hear anymore from Michael or Dave?  However, its a free country so people can spend their time as they see fit.


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Posted by MichaelSol on Monday, August 7, 2006 9:26 AM

 bobwilcox wrote:
Mike and Dave are free to not back up their opinions with a history of their education and work experience.  In turn people reading their posts are free to form an opinion of the validity of their posts.  It sounds even to me.

Bob is absolutely correct. I have asked him on several occassions for his background, including education, as the basis for various opinions he has offered, and other than his years in sales, he has never honored the request once.

His opinions, and anyone else's, rises or falls on their intrinsic merit.

That avoids the prevailing double standard of anonomous claims of authenticity under fake names.

It also avoids the "I've switched for ten years and so I know all about monopoly pricing," which is the expert opinion we always get from that expert.

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Posted by MichaelSol on Monday, August 7, 2006 9:15 AM
 edblysard wrote:


The list of insulted is broad and covers everyone from a shortline owner operator to the former editor of Trains magazine, currently working for the DOD and the Deputy Director of Iraqi Railroad Reconstruction.

If fact, with the exception of arfbe, who is also nameless, I can’t think of a single railroader on the forum they haven’t insulted.


Now, if you were going to tell the Deputy Director of Iraqi Railroad Reconstruction how to do his job, tell a switchman with 10 years experience how to do his job, tell a shortline owner how to run his railroad, tell the Chief Surveyor of the ATSF how to design and build a railroad, tell an attorney, who has argued cases in front of the US Supreme court how to be an attorney, and informed a practicing CPA how to manage finances, don’t you think you should provide proof that you know what your talking about, beyond “because I said so”?


I may be wrong, but having a picnic lunch with someone daughter doesn’t qualify me to comment on open heart surgery, any more than it qualifies Mike to comment on railroad operations.


One thing I don't comment on is railroad operations. Other than being around it 24/7 for 18 years, I have not, in fact told anyone in Iraq how to do anything, a switchman for 10 years a single thing about his job other than to point out that real wages for T&E have declined between 1975 and the present, never told a shortline owner how to run his railroad since I don't know anything about shortlines except the one I see every day, nor the Chief Surveyor of anything how to build a railroad.

Simply false.

Don't see any attorneys who have alleged to have argued to the Supreme Court here, he won't provide his resume or name, and doesn't pass the smell test. Odd you don't demand public disclosure of that? Told him "how to be an attorney?" Hmm. Is this the same guy that claimed here that he is now running trains?

The CPA? The one who changes his stories every time he is confronted with some actual facts? The one who argued that gateway conditions were useless? And didn't understand word one about them? Who had not a shred of proof that shareholder value had increased, whereas the "accounting" measures showed a deep decline? Then he changed his tune to some other odd explanation.

Why can't he ever seem to justify his wild statements with a cogent argument? Why the distinct lack of numbers in his presentations? Don't you think that's odd for a CPA? I'd sure enjoy seeing some from him instead of the usual fare.

Your post is standard fare for you. Distortion and misrepresentation. You started the name-calling out of the gate on this thread, and apparently intend to continue it for all time unless something intervenes.

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Posted by MichaelSol on Monday, August 7, 2006 9:02 AM
 edblysard wrote:


Mike claims to be an attorney, and a former judge, so he know a simple technique that every law student learns…if your expert witness cant produce their qualifications, or if their “qualifications” are not up to snuff, then they are no expert.

False. Never "claimed" it. It was "announced" along with the suspicion I did FELA cases, for some odd reason. "Every law student learns ..." And you learned this where ... TV? I think you're the one claiming to be the expert on all things ...

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Posted by MichaelSol on Monday, August 7, 2006 8:58 AM
 edblysard wrote:

If I kept a file, as Mike and Dave seem to do, I could cut and paste Mike’s rant from a previous thread on what he thought of T&E employees…I didn’t keep it, but to paraphrase, we are all cannon fodder, useless, uneducated mindless morons worth only minimum wage, who have to be kept in line by management like himself.

Actually, it was only directed to you, after your rant that "unless you worked  in T&E, you didn't know anything about railroading". Just the beginning of a long line of arrogant remarks ...

You don't give a rats about people's backgrounds, what you're looking for is insult fodder ... what state they live in, what they do for a living, and the insult barrage commences because you never, never, address a discussion on its merits, only by caustic references to someone's state being on welfare or some other ridiculous such slander.

If you can't argue civilly, don't play. But there are four or five of you playing the same game. Thread to thread, over and over. Most people want to read to see a discussion, or get some information, or maybe even contribute what they know.

You wreck the system with your single-minded mendaciousness.

Suppose I critiqued your lack of education on every thread you post to?

That's your mode. Attack the person, never enlighten the discussion.

See your first post about me on this thread. And many other threads I have never even posted to.

You are obsessed.


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Posted by Randy Stahl on Monday, August 7, 2006 7:49 AM
 zardoz wrote:
 edblysard wrote:

If fact, with the exception of arfbe, who is also nameless, I can’t think of a single railroader on the forum they haven’t insulted.

I feel so neglected.....I haven't been insulted......yet.Sigh [sigh]

Maybe I'm not controversial enough.

We are cheeseheads , perhaps the group views us with pity ?

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Posted by bobwilcox on Monday, August 7, 2006 7:48 AM
Mike and Dave are free to not back up their opinions with a history of their education and work experience.  In turn people reading their posts are free to form an opinion of the validity of their posts.  It sounds even to me.
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Posted by CopCarSS on Monday, August 7, 2006 7:46 AM
 zardoz wrote:
I feel so neglected.....I haven't been insulted......yet.Sigh [sigh]

Maybe I'm not controversial enough.

What aspect of your job would you like to be insulted on Zardoz? I'd hate for you to feel left out! Wink [;)]Evil [}:)]

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Posted by zardoz on Monday, August 7, 2006 7:33 AM
 edblysard wrote:

If fact, with the exception of arfbe, who is also nameless, I can’t think of a single railroader on the forum they haven’t insulted.

I feel so neglected.....I haven't been insulted......yet.Sigh [sigh]

Maybe I'm not controversial enough.

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Posted by edblysard on Monday, August 7, 2006 5:42 AM

Corn Maze…

It is not an obsession…just simple debate protocol.

If someone is going to come on board and debate operations, then wouldn’t it make sense to know their qualifications?

After all, if you were going in for open heart surgery, wouldn’t you want to know if your surgeon attended medical school and had done one of these before?

Both Mike and Dave have presented themselves as experts in the fields of economics, railroad finance, and railroad operations.

They have repeatedly told those currently in the business how to go about their jobs, and thoroughly insulted anyone who fails to agree with them.

The list of insulted is broad and covers everyone from a shortline owner operator to the former editor of Trains magazine, currently working for the DOD and the Deputy Director of Iraqi Railroad Reconstruction.

If fact, with the exception of arfbe, who is also nameless, I can’t think of a single railroader on the forum they haven’t insulted.

If I kept a file, as Mike and Dave seem to do, I could cut and paste Mike’s rant from a previous thread on what he thought of T&E employees…I didn’t keep it, but to paraphrase, we are all cannon fodder, useless, uneducated mindless morons worth only minimum wage, who have to be kept in line by management like himself.

It went on for almost an entire paragraph, a perfect example of class hatred.


After a statement like that, don’t you think he should offer his bona fides as to what management position he held at the Milwaukee Road?

So ask him, and all you will receive is an “it’s none of you business” response.

Now, if I were to go to the Model Railroaders forum, and begin to tell the folks there that all they are doing is wrong, that they don’t have any idea how to build a model, construct a layout, or install a decoder…and one of them ask for my Master Modelers Certificate, don’t you think that I, by my comments there, obligated myself to provide the proof that I knew what I was talking about?


Both Mike and Dave make detailed, emphatic and insistent statements in the field of economics, railroad operations, railroad finance, and railroad management,

Yet when asked to provide their bona fides, specifically when Mike was asked the afore mentioned question, and Dave was asked what school he received his degree in economics from, the resulting barrage of insults from the two made just about any forum flame war you ever read seem tame.


Mike claims to be an attorney, and a former judge, so he know a simple technique that every law student learns…if your expert witness cant produce their qualifications, or if their “qualifications” are not up to snuff, then they are no expert.

Both Mike and Dave, from their own statements, claim to be experts in the fields mentioned, yet both refuse to offer any qualifications beyond “because I said so”.

Dave states he has several advanced degrees in economics, yet refuses to produce a single one…


Now, if you were going to tell the Deputy Director of Iraqi Railroad Reconstruction how to do his job, tell a switchman with 10 years experience how to do his job, tell a shortline owner how to run his railroad, tell the Chief Surveyor of the ATSF how to design and build a railroad, tell an attorney, who has argued cases in front of the US Supreme court how to be an attorney, and informed a practicing CPA how to manage finances, don’t you think you should provide proof that you know what your talking about, beyond “because I said so”?


Not an obsessions at all, but attempts to find the qualifications of the person telling us we are incorrect in the things we do everyday.


I may be wrong, but having a picnic lunch with someone daughter doesn’t qualify me to comment on open heart surgery, any more than it qualifies Mike to comment on railroad operations.


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Posted by Limitedclear on Monday, August 7, 2006 12:46 AM

 corn maze wrote:
I am going to agree with Mr. Sol.

I am tired of the obsessions with peoples' backgrounds, professions, educations, etc, on these boards.  Good ideas stand on their own merit and it really doesn't matter what the person expressing the idea does, or did, for a living.  It is also no one's business.

I also think it is unfair for someone anonymous  to demand from a person using their real name to divulge all their personal and employment history.

It's easy to become a bottom feeder on these boards, and I confess I have found myself down that path lately -- which I regret.  I hope people will strive for something better for themselves than to try to bring down other people here.


CM -

You are forgetting how all of this began with Mr Sol and "Dave" (FM) demanding to know my qualifications and identity and those of others. I gave my general qualifications, but not my identity and they refused to respond truthfully in kind when asked and they still haven't. While I'm on the subject, I don't see you revealing your identity either. I have no issue with that as I understand well the reasons not to do so. I also know that they have nothing whatever to do with having some sort of evil or misleading purpose. Unfortunately, Sol and FM like to portray the use of a handle as dishonest to discredit anyone who has the audacity to disagree with their pompous and ridiculous positions. They can take whatever positions they wish, but they don't have the right to insult me and the other fine people of this forum, some of whom I've had the pleasure to meet in person. I don't consider standing up for myself to be "bottom feeding" and I will continue to take that position when challenged.



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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, August 6, 2006 11:18 PM
I am going to agree with Mr. Sol.

I am tired of the obsessions with peoples' backgrounds, professions, educations, etc, on these boards.  Good ideas stand on their own merit and it really doesn't matter what the person expressing the idea does, or did, for a living.  It is also no one's business.

I also think it is unfair for someone anonymous  to demand from a person using their real name to divulge all their personal and employment history.

It's easy to become a bottom feeder on these boards, and I confess I have found myself down that path lately -- which I regret.  I hope people will strive for something better for themselves than to try to bring down other people here.

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Posted by Pathfinder on Sunday, August 6, 2006 8:27 PM
 Randy Stahl wrote:

Great ... another thread gone to waste , yet another waste of time about forum members and personalitys,   not much useful info here for sure .

I'm new here, does this happen a lot?
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Posted by MichaelSol on Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:23 PM

Even if true, your association with railroaders doesn't change your situation one bit...


You've got a problem. Grown up people don't have to go from thread to thread obsessively proclaiming to the world that they work for a railroad. It surely shows that the condition doesn't improve either IQ or manners one bit. And insulting everyone they can get their jollies from as some bizarre form of "proof."

 It wastes the time of the rest of us.

My "association" with railroading comes from a total of 24 years of either living on the property or working for the company, not counting the seven years of working for a railroad consulting group. I just don't need to proclaim it on every thread, nor, oddly enough does it stand in place of articulating cogent arguments based on researched facts.

You feel the opposite -- that your doubtful credentials supplied under fake names should substitute for any argument at all -- and that it somehow grants you the blank check to just go from thread to thread barging in with your juvenile name calling. If you have an argument, present it --- it does neither the thread nor your dubious reputation any good to act like a troll, which is just in fact precisely the role that you play, thread after thread.

Get a hint from this thread, people are just tired of these threads where you and your ralphies barge in just to call someone a bunch of names. Get the hint -- nobody cares who you think you are despite your constant reminders that you think you are really somebody.

The proof is in the quality of the debate and the quality of the discussion.

You fail. 


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Posted by Limitedclear on Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:49 PM
 MichaelSol wrote:
 Limitedclear wrote:

And neither does your buddy Mike, who "knows" all sorts of people in the railroad business...(that's a great qualification too...)

As a matter of fact, just got back from having a nice picnic lunch today with Bill Brodsky (MRL), Marty Garelick (VPO MILW, COO Amtrak) and (MILW Pres.) Curtis Crippen's daughter, Mary Crippen Marshall. And arbfe as well. One thing that has always impressed  me is that real railroaders are usually first class people.

Not at all like the two or three "characters" who keep claiming that they are real railroaders with their "look at me, look at me" antics, and their two or three ralphies that routinely troll Trains forums that are, frankly, an insult and an embarrassment to the industry by their constant repetitions of who they think they are and how much they think they know, as this thread, once again, conclusively shows.

I agree Randy, these guys have wasted more threads and more time on their personal vendettas than any other 500 people here put together. These guys are like the kiss of death to any reasonable discussion. The LC post above -- that's all I've ever seen that clown write -- just catty insult streams over and over, thread after thread.  

That's railroading?

Well, I'm sure impressed....NOT...

I doubt you carry on with those folks the way you do here, assuming what you said isn't a pure fabrication...I guess we'll just never know...

As I said before, anything you and FM have to say here gets the full discount. Good thing I'm used to moving trains of rock salt, now I'll have plenty of grains (even solid chunks) to take your words with...

Even if true, your association with railroaders doesn't change your situation one bit...





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Posted by gabe on Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:25 PM
 futuremodal wrote:

As much as I hate to admit it, but I owe 18% of my train knowledge to futuremodal.  Not that he personally educates me, but some of the stuff he says prompts others to give very learned responses back.  In many ways, I think futuremodal is the most valuable contributor.  And, I think his missives should be encouraged.

Gee, thanks for the compliment........I.....guess......Confused [%-)]

Of course, you do get it apparently.  There is a method to my madness, in that such can elicit responses that otherwise would go unposted.  But yes, the forum has lost it's edge in terms of liveliness.  I blame it on the transition from the old red-orange background to this new calming earth tone background.

As for the "thread for everyone" outbreak, I pin the source blame squarely on Murphy, who started a "everyone" Milwaukee thread in response to the rancor on the usual Milwaukee threads, and pretty soon every third topic was an "everyone" thread.  But I'm sure he did not envision it getting so out of hand.Oops [oops]

BTW - It's never too early to start the young 'uns on cultivation of railroad minutia.  Surely you can type and babysit at the same time?


It was intended as a compliment.  Just because I disagree with 84.7% of your ideas--I am 100% in agreeming with your no more major mergers in the near future ideology--doesn't mean I do not enjoy reading your posts, etc. etc.


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Posted by MichaelSol on Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:06 PM
 Limitedclear wrote:

And neither does your buddy Mike, who "knows" all sorts of people in the railroad business...(that's a great qualification too...)

As a matter of fact, just got back from having a nice picnic lunch today with Bill Brodsky (MRL), Marty Garelick (VPO MILW, COO Amtrak) and (MILW Pres.) Curtis Crippen's daughter, Mary Crippen Marshall. And arbfe as well. One thing that has always impressed  me is that real railroaders are usually first class people.

Not at all like the two or three "characters" who keep claiming that they are real railroaders with their "look at me, look at me" antics, and their two or three ralphies that routinely troll Trains forums that are, frankly, an insult and an embarrassment to the industry by their constant repetitions of who they think they are and how much they think they know, as this thread, once again, conclusively shows.

I agree Randy, these guys have wasted more threads and more time on their personal vendettas than any other 500 people here put together. These guys are the kiss of death to any reasonable discussion. The LC post above -- that's all I've ever seen that clown write -- just catty insult streams over and over, thread after thread.  

That's railroading?

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Posted by Limitedclear on Sunday, August 6, 2006 2:02 PM

FM blathered:

"  Working for a railroad does not make one an expert on transportation economics, on the contrary it probably makes one less adept at economic postulation than one who has the chance to step back and observe via contrast and comparison independent of work day influences.  And usually, to be considered an "expert" in an economic field, you first have to have the economics degree."


So, FM, since you are such an expert in rail transportation, where is your degree in railroading?? Where is your pertinent experience?? OOPS, I almost forgot, you don't have any...

And neither does your buddy Mike, who "knows" all sorts of people in the railroad business...(that's a great qualification too...)

Guess we can't rely upon anything you say. Not that we did anyway...






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Posted by Randy Stahl on Sunday, August 6, 2006 1:35 PM

Great ... another thread gone to waste , yet another waste of time about forum members and personalitys,   not much useful info here for sure .

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MP173 in the house
Posted by MP173 on Sunday, August 6, 2006 1:01 PM

I had a hectic week and havent had much time to check in.  I had my fourth annual edfest and it was a success with record crowds and massive amounts of ribs, rib tips, pulled pork, etc eaten.  It consumed my life this past week and after it was over Saturday at 2am, I was exhausted.

I think the format shift had an effect, but I also believe the summer season had something to do with it also.  During the month of July during any week, about 25% of the population (at least with school aged kids) are on vacation.  Many dont have access.  Many dont have time.

Regarding Dave and Michael...I personally enjoy those threads they participate in.  They have their opinions and stick to them.  No doubt their attitudes get to some people.  Personally, I dont have a problem with people who are closed minded.  It forces me to examine my beliefs and either modify the opinions or strengthen them.  Often, I change when presented with compelling reasons to do so.

The forum would be rather boring if we all walked in step with each other on all topics. 


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Posted by Modelcar on Sunday, August 6, 2006 12:50 PM
.....Ed....I came on here just now searching to find a few words to add to the subject of just what is wrong on the threads....But after reading your above post I need not say anything.....You said what needed to be said and said it very well...Thanks.


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Posted by CSSHEGEWISCH on Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:39 AM


Since my advice to you in the past has been ignored for reasons known only to you, I'm probably wasting my breath but I'll try again.

You appear to me (and probably most other people) as being a self-righteous prig who claims to have all the answers and believes that the world would be a perfect place if it only heeded his advice.  This is a common attitude of youth, they believe they know it all and don't realize until they get older, gain some experience and find out how little they actually know.  I was young and unrealistically idealistic at one time so I know whereof I speak.

The unceasing denigration of those who disagree with you (myself included) will cause you to be marginalized as others realize that you are a zealot and refuse to consider other points of view that may add to your experience and wisdom.  You will be viewed as an unrealistic person of no consequence who has nothing to offer.

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, August 5, 2006 10:13 PM
 edblysard wrote:

So, then it is quite OK for Mike and Dave to insult folks, and if anyone has the nerve to reply in kind, then they are labled trouble makers....?

But find any thread where Mike or Dave didnt throw out the first would be hard pressed to do so. I am sure there might be one or two, but compared to the sheer volume of their other posts, the amount would be so small as to be meaningless.

Your allowed to "return the favor" but no one else is?

Your flavor, or none at all?

Funny, I respect your opinion on just about anything to do with a computer or robotics, after all, it is your field of employement.

If you told me this works that way, I would accept it as a fact, knowing you have done the work or designed the program yourself.

But to have a fabricated persona named Dave tell me how wrong I am in the field I have worked in for the past ten years, all the while having never touched a piece of the equipment himself is somewhat aggravating.

Somewhat along the lines of me telling you that Windows is the only real operating system, even though you know better, and calling you a rude name when fail to agree completly with me.

Between the two of them, they would argue to death with anyone the concept that the background color for the forum is not white, but a shade of grey.

And somewhere in there, Mike would point out the correct word, according to some graph or book he has, is gray.

Then they would argue the pixel counts, tonal shades, and somewhere along in there, slip in open access, BNSF is evil, and Mike's financial genius.

For a guy who claims to have such a tremendous knowledge of the stock market and financial performance, he seems pretty broke to me.

Point is, you at least have the nuts to say outright what you think...but Dave seems incapable of saying he is really pissed off the faimly farm went down the tubes because BN pulled out of town...instead, he goes about his vendetta under the pretense that he has real, functional knowledge of how and what railroads do...and then resorts to sideways insults if anyone calls him down on his silliness.

If the sneak attack dosnt work, then he resorts to just plain rudeness and insults...and when it is given back, he plays the injured party and quits the fight...what a child, cant even face the music he started playing.

Paper tigers, the pair of them.

And on purpose, to boot, because you cant really win an arguement with a non-person.

They hide behind pretense and bull...t, and like most trolls, are afraid to let anyone know who they are.

If you knew the qualifications, and quality of some of the folks who seem to bear the brunt of Mike and Dave's distain, you might rethink your version of bright...

So far, they both have told the former chief engineer and surveyor of the ATSF he was stupid, informed a stock broker he knew nothing about the stock market, although the man makes quite a good living at it, managed to get his kids through Harvard, and told the owner and president of a succesful short line he knew nothing about railroads...not to mention all the blue collar guys like me who do this every day being told we are dumb and useless...somehow that dosnt qualify either one of them as bright wicks in my book...

If they seem that way to I am sorry, but it must be awful dark at your house.


This latest falsehood-laden tirade from EdBlysard is a joke, right?  Otherwise, we have a new champion for bottom scraping forum posts.

If I may, a few points to ponder....

1.  Working for a railroad does not make one an expert on transportation economics, on the contrary it probably makes one less adept at economic postulation than one who has the chance to step back and observe via contrast and comparison independent of work day influences.  And usually, to be considered an "expert" in an economic field, you first have to have the economics degree.

2.  Most of the grain in this area is either trucked down to the barge ports or shipped via UP.  BNSF has rendered itself impotent in the PNW grain trade for the most part.

3.  Ed, if you had any evidence of Mike or myself throwing out the first insult, you should've presented it.  You didn't, because such does not exist.  Which proves you are a liar.

4.  The only folks who have said that "BNSF is evil" is yourself and TomDiehl.  I have never said it.  Mike has never said it.  Again, you are a liar for making such an accusation.

5.  Yes, Dave is my real name.  You are a liar for stating that it is a "fabricated persona".

6.  The family farm is doing just fine, and it's success has nothing to do with BNSF's actions one way or the other.  Again, for most folks around here, BNSF is irrelevent by it's own actions.

7.  Speaking of paper tigers, you still haven't apologized for berating my statement regarding the hypothetical situation of a derailed car being pulled 20 miles along the track, even after I posted the recent news item regarding a BNSF coal train doing just that, albeit for 30 miles.  I guess you're still scraping the egg off your face on that one, huh Ed?

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Posted by wctransfer on Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:53 PM
" edblysard wrote:
But find any thread where Mike or Dave didnt throw out the first would be hard pressed to do so.

This is, what, the third, maybe fifth recent thread in which I have not posted at all, in which Blysard has launched one of his highly personal attacks on me.

I suppose if there were an award for irony on Trains forums, edblysard, laucher of personal attacks, might win hands down for his accusation that others "are first."

I was glad to see the moderator finally take action against one such thread and delete it entirely; no doubt to Blysard's consternation, but I think as a useful warning about his type of continued personal vendettas. And there are four or five people who consistently troll from thread to thread just to call a couple of other people some names. These people's posts are finally being deleted outright.

The usual, however, is for Blysard to appear on a thread he has nothing to offer, only to offer a personal attack, usually in the form as it appears on this thread: a diatribe, maybe a sarcastic remark, sometimes as here, that his friends know more than anyone, so there.

However, I see now he even claims personal knowledge of my finances:

For a guy who claims to have such a tremendous knowledge of the stock market and financial performance, he seems pretty broke to me.

News to me, but I do think Blysard takes far too much interest in where people live and their bank accounts, to be truly interested in honest discussion.

And of course, the usual clincher:

If they seem that way to I am sorry, but it must be awful dark at your house.

You see, there is always something wrong with you if you disagree with him.

If others are tired of it on forums, believe me, so am I."

Usually not posting in these threads, but I do have to say I do agree about Ed. Sure, he can probably tell you what you want, but he always feels because HE works for them, or it, or w/e, that HE must know the answer. Seems he is always on a high horse just because he has to be right, and he always throws in the "I Work for them so I Should Know". Just saying I agree,

Check out my pics! [url=""]
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Posted by Poppa_Zit on Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:06 PM
 edblysard wrote:
Ever try and comb out a about your big time hairball!Big Smile [:D]
 zardoz wrote:
 edblysard wrote:

…ask about running really hairy big freight trains, he has you covered.

I'd like to know more about these hairy trains.....grafitti is bad enough...........Wink [;)]

Some of the rolling stock around Chicago is so old, it's bald on top.

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. They are not entitled, however, to their own facts." No we can't. Charter Member J-CASS (Jaded Cynical Ascerbic Sarcastic Skeptics) Notary Sojac & Retired Foo Fighter "Where there's foo, there's fire."
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Posted by edblysard on Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:02 PM
Ever try and comb out a about your big time hairball!Big Smile [:D]
 zardoz wrote:
 edblysard wrote:

…ask about running really hairy big freight trains, he has you covered.

I'd like to know more about these hairy trains.....grafitti is bad enough...........Wink [;)]

23 17 46 11

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Posted by zardoz on Saturday, August 5, 2006 9:48 AM
 edblysard wrote:

…ask about running really hairy big freight trains, he has you covered.

I'd like to know more about these hairy trains.....grafitti is bad enough...........Wink [;)]

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Posted by doghouse on Friday, August 4, 2006 10:14 PM
 TheAntiGates wrote:
 nanaimo73 wrote:

 TheAntiGates wrote:
Which to a n00b coming here for the first time, could be interpreted as intimidating.

Which brings up the question, do you look like your avatar ?  Wink [;)]


Heh heh heh,do YOU look like YOURS? Clown [:o)]

Actually, I'm a 97 lb limp wristed, pencil necked milquetoast who is afraid of the dark.

But I've got a BIG ford pickup truck that makes up for it. Wink [;)]


I couldn't resist.  Go Cheve!  BTW,  I may not agree with all the things you post, but your avatar has to be the best on the forum.


The professional(paid) lurker,


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