Murdering den of thieves

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Posted by cabforward on Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:07 PM
with your attitude, i wouldn't want to be nearby when you get the feeling to whip something out.. if you think a r.r. i.d. will mean something to a cop, go ahead, make his day.. tell me how it turned it out after you put up bail..


Blue Streak

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Posted by cabforward on Thursday, June 26, 2003 6:59 PM
as do so many impatient souls, you're jumping to the conclusions you prefer.. i never said r.r. police arrest anyone off r.r. property, did i? i never said r.r. police give tickets, did i? jump, jump, jump.. you should try for the olympics, you'd hafta break some records for the biggest leap into confused thinking..

r.r. police and any security official for any type of employer have the right to detain anyone for offenses committed on the property they are hired to protect.. local customs dictate the local procedure.. r.r. police technically have the right to investigate an accident on the r.r. right-of-way.. they might not, because local police have more experience and the ntsb better resources..

r.r. police act as investiators: they carry a badge, id, and gun.. they can use deadly force to protect themselves or others on r.r. property..

r.r. police have close connections with local police where the r-o-w crosses into a city or county..

r.r. police gather evidence and investigate the same as police detectives.. if a case is minor, the local police might find it easier to prosecute and allow the r.r. police to follow cases elsewhere..

r.r. police can apply for warrants and be present when local police make an arrest.. r.r. police attend court and testify as witnesses and authenticate evidence they gathered and handed over to local police or the dist. atty..

all class 1 have r.r. police, probably many regional or short lines share security firms where a small r.r. can't afford a special force for police work.. how am i doing so far?


Blue Streak

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Posted by cabforward on Thursday, June 26, 2003 6:39 PM
mr washed-up or washed-out, or whatever you call yourself today,

who they call is whomever they need to call!! DUH!!

grade crossing accidents- local police, or whomever investigated the accident, got it?

assuming you're quite as uninformed as you sound, pay attention, maybe you'll learn something..

pilferage from a freight car -- the fbi; vandalism to switches or signals, the ntsb;

drugs, why? you planning on a party? the do drug tests, o.k.? positive results on an applicant reject the applicant.. positive results on a crewman, probably firing, and being reported to the dea and local police..

background checks? the probably have terminals to check criminal histories; if they don't, they probably forward requests to the fbi..

why do i say probably? because i don't know for sure.. but i can certainly voice my opinion, and if anyone has better information, they can certainly speak up..

after all, if YOU can find your way to the top of a soapbox, i know i have a shot at saying what i believe..

i notice your communique bears no helpful information, just a lotta nuts-o whining.. if you have nothing to add to the discussion, SIT DOWN and be quiet until the bell rings!!


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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 26, 2003 6:02 PM
Hmm! A name caller? There must be some invisable ink on my computer screen. Just where is the name calling in Mr. Ex Forum Member's post? I think he was just responding to an eariler post that had referenced a religious perspective.

Now just who is this "J" person, who "seems" to harbor so much hostility and comtempt for so many posts in this forum? Let's see - there are 340 million people in this country, and 26 letters of the alphabet. "J" could refer to a first name or last. So do the math, he or she is therefore one of 26 million people, or shall we say, "Mr Anonymous" - just like the ex forum member.

OOPS - did I just call someone a name! NO! No need to take it that way!

As for capitol punnishment, are we to understand that you favor death to people who simply do stupid things or some how goof. Surely I must be misreading your retort!

Also did you mean to say you haven't been to church in thirty years! - only when you were a kid. If you chose to go back, you might find nuttin's changed much. They will still preach pretty much the same old love and caring for others.

But I guess that those in our society who don't want to hear it don't have to - so they won't. And especially not in this forum! Right! And by all means, lets not affend anyone by suggesting that we as a people should have any concern or compassion. And also we must not dare mention the Empiror's new cloths, to anyone, Right? (Now see who's really trying to censor this forum?)

Maybe, if most posts had the moniker on the thread list, we could simply not read the opinions of those who have affended us in the past. Then no need to censor anyone. We all could then spend all our time here contributing instead of defending.

So enough of the hostility already. Those of us who want to protect even stupid people by eliminating, or at least signaling all remaining grade crossings, are NOT THE ENEMY.

Now to the point of my post!

What can be done to solve the problem that has inflamed so many? I think I see in between the lines of many of your posts, that you, Mr. J, would like to not run over any more stupid people. I couldn't agree more, and I also would prefer we all stop bickering and just go ahead and do something positive to solve it! But how - is the only remaining question? Maybe these suggestions could help.

1. As for "stupid" or "careless" drivers, pedestrians, and tresspassers; we must continue to try to educate them, persuade them to be more careful, ticket them for infractions, apply increasing social peer pressure, etc.

2. As for blind, unsignalled crossings, they are a public menace, a criminal nusance, and the're everywhere. They all must be immediately closed, until they can be signalled. Period. NO EXCEPTIONS!

3. As for the existance of grade crossings in general, we must pound harder on our politican's heads to stop making more of them - at least not on trackage faster than 15mph. We must close as many existing ones as possible. Cost money? So what. Its money or lives - take your choice.

If the politicians won't stop it - don't just VOTE THEM OUT - CAMPAIGN THEM OUT. Every locomotive engineer alive should be regularly storming the state houses. Raise a stink, man - where it will be heard by the really guilty ones.
And keep it up until they are shamed into fixing it!

Now go ahead and yell at me because I want to stop the carnage in the only practical ways available. But remember, Mr Ex was right; He!! will be populated by the "Cold Hearted" Indeed, cold hearted people also make this life a living he!!, too.

Oh, and by the way - What's my bias? I've been in the railroad signal profession for thirty five years. I still think crossings at grade should be outlawed. Period!

Yours Respectfully,
Old Pole Burner
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 26, 2003 5:24 PM
Oops Terry

I bet your under the impression that i care about what you have to say...

sorry.. i hate to burst your bubble.. I DON'T!

You must be the type to jump to conclusions!(i.e the bimbo type).. It's called Reading! Read what people have posted and there Sequential order..

Don't call me a "child" agin.. you'll regret it.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 26, 2003 5:14 PM
So what you are saying is that when a Automobile is hit by a train at a grade crossing. It is investigated by the rail police and not local Police? That does not sound correct. What court hear's there case's?
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Posted by mnwestern on Thursday, June 26, 2003 4:59 PM
Once again I thought I'd check out a thread to see if there was anything useful about railroads on it and once again found nothing but useless blather. I haven't been on forums for a while. What happened? There once was good stuff here. Now all I see is five or six children filling out the threads with drivel. Can we get back to railroad talk?
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Posted by wabash1 on Thursday, June 26, 2003 4:45 PM
Well cabforward or backward which ever you are almost right. If the railroad police do background checks who do they call? what accedents do they investegate? drugs on the job? and usage. hmmmm looks like i been mislead. and if they do undercover with who ?
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 26, 2003 3:06 PM
Another Thing...

One of Ken's posts Reads this:

"Modified by administrator on 6/24/03 4:28 pm."

AM I the only one that takes offence to this? Editing someone elses posts is Surely Not the CANADIAN way!! I take strong offence to that.. I hate it when people Edit other people stuff, and my stuff.

In Canada.. Radios Don't Edit songs.. TV Stations don't Bleep out vocabulary.. WE stand proud by Claus #3 of The Canadian Charter of Rights And Freedoms.. saying EVERYONE has the right to free speach and Freedom of Expression.. WITHOUT EDITING!

I find that appauling that the Editors would do such a thing.. surely you folks have bigger fi***o fry.. no?

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 26, 2003 2:41 PM
Hey SHUT UP McArthy's son.. opps i mean cabforward i didn't ask for your opinion.. if i wnat any crap from you i'll squeeze your head.



OR DETOUR KEV... does that now meet your aproval.. ?
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Posted by cabforward on Thursday, June 26, 2003 1:13 PM certainly do have their own police depts.. their powers are substantial and serious..

r.r. police do b'ground checks for new employees; they investigate.. accidents, trainwrecks & vandalism; deaths of r.r employees, passengers and trespassers; theft & pilferage of shipments & r.r. eqpt.; presence of drugs on-the-job & usage..

also cooperate with local & federal agencies where investigations overlap jurisdictions..

there are probably many functions not publicized, such as undercover..


Blue Streak

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Posted by wabash1 on Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:44 AM
so let me get this straight. If i am on a snow covered road and i slide into someone and haft to call the police and they show up. then i whip out my locomotive engineers lic and show it to him. he puts blame on the innocent person i slide into for being there and he is paying all damages becouse the railroad trained him and infact is a railroad employee. and sinse we all stick together i am in the clear. and should never get a traffic ticket.( i must go back to court and get a refund for that speeding ticket. 77mph in a 55mph zone) let me know for sure cause i wont pull my state lic out anymore just my loco lic.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 26, 2003 5:31 AM
Railroads do not train police officer's.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 26, 2003 2:04 AM
Because the insurance pays the claim and not the railroads. The cops are stupid when it comes to investigations becaus ethe railroads train them to be stupid.
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Posted by wabash1 on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:59 PM
another name caller that wont sign his name but decides to hide. then says he wont be back. i say great. this site is getting better already. and what is this administrator take note junk. then we get a church lesson i see that these must be young kids couse i learned that 30years ago in church.

i will answer some of his junk . yes i believe in capitol punishment. if we had more of this instead of putting them in prison then this country be better off and not in debt

if the people dont tresspass or go past flashing red lights they wouldnt get killed. but if they are not at fault ( at least in your mind) then its fine to hold up a ambulance with lights and sirean or a fire truck a cop. then the traffic intersection. go thru red lights . then i wonder why my insurance is so high
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:54 PM
Another gutless wonder afraid to sign his name. On top of that you have the gall to try to preach to us. Shame on you. I hope you do leave.
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Posted by wabash1 on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:49 PM
Duh so why not go to those sites like we told you. we dont care. the fact is i see what goes on every day. i see people run past the gates around other cars to beat a train. and for some reson it is our fault. like i said i dont care ill hit them and if they are lucky ill kill them. and ill be at work next day. more than i can say for them. its not the speed of the train its not the terrain or the design it is the idoits behind the wheel that dont look listen and live.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:41 PM
Actually, He could. But He won't. He allows us to choose for ourselves, even when He forbids it.

But when we choose an action, we also choose its consequence as well. He won't interfere. We are free! But it's always stupid human choices, our own or someone elses, that causes all the pain.

Now what do we do about those who are dead because of someone elses choice - the choice to build the grade crossing in the first place.

Maybe some of us believe in capitol punnishment for even a momentary lapse or a confusion when at the crossing - the one that shouldn't have been built in the first place.

OOPS, I forgot. Some of us don't care. Or is it that some of us are just tired of all the foul mouthed talk by intolerant cold hearted "let 'em die" types on this issue! I am!

And I almost forgot, HURRAY for "Missouri". There is some rational thinking here.

I'm done,
Now Ex Forum Member (administrator take note)

Scientific theory has been postulated that Hell is actually endothermic, therefore will be perceived as infinitely cold - COLD AS THE HEARTS THAT WILL GO THERE!

God will Judge!
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Posted by foamer4000 on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 6:13 PM
I belive that Jesus would tell his dicipels to: stop, look, listen and live. He could perform many miracles but he couldn't stop a train or fix what is messed up with your brain!
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Posted by csxns on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 4:25 PM
Angels on track sux so do you denny.


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Posted by edblysard on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 2:14 PM
What, you mean they charge you to butter your peas?
Do they use real butter, or oleo?
My oh my, whats next?
The Unihead Ed

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:44 PM
HEY MORON!!!!!!!!

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 1:29 PM
I'm concerned as much as anyone about safety. In the transportation field we should be paying more attention to the land use decisions made by local and county elected officials. It seems developers can build wherever they like with no provisions for alternate modes of transportation. We're forced to drive, whether we like it or not. That's the freedom people die for? - forced to depend on modes of transportation so dangerous they require seat belts, air bags and crash helmets?

There are plenty of other web sites on the internet dealing with sprawl development, smart growth, etc., but none of the experts there seem concerned about who has a right to what where transportation is concerned. Whether you agree with me or not it might be good to express our safety concerns on these other websites that deal with the planning process.
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Posted by wabash1 on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:33 AM
I only have a few things to say to this post. by missouri.

1) everything you have posted in the past that we said we didnt care about that the railroads and the goverment ( that you elect) work together to make things safer and that it is the public who disobeys laws and get them selves killed. seems like a old record to me. but now i will post the best

2) I realize you are not from missouri as i know there is no such news paper in st. louis . so with that ill tell you this stop look listen and live. the only decent advice i can give you.

3) missouri why dont you go and help the amish out. horses are considered the #1 transportation mode in america that is why laws on the books still should be inforced couse horses have the right away at all times even padestrians have the right away and look at how many get hit. why dont railroads lose cases in court couse the railroads have the right away at crossings its kinda hard to sue someone who is in the right.
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Posted by BRAKIE on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:03 AM
Missy Go take a bungee jump off the nearest bridge and forget the bungee cord..We are tired of your trash,lies and half truths...Why do you insists on making a fool of yourself? Can't you read? If so reread that carefully and you will see how big of a fool you made yourself..AGAIN!



Summerset Ry.

"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt  Safety First!"

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Posted by Mookie on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 8:22 AM
Thank you Dave for a breath of fresh air!


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by dknelson on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:58 AM
Well lots of programs get cut in economic hard times. It is a matter of priorities. Nothing can take the place of an alert and intelligent driver.
This is off topic but I once read that it would take about $2200 worth of added safety devices and engineering in an automobile to give the driver the same protection and benefits that a $20 bicycle helmet would provide. But nobody wants to wear the helmet when they drive (I am talking autos here not Harleys) so we "prefer" I guess to spend thousands more on our cars to make it involuntary. The human mind is a strange and interesting thing, is it not? If you need further proof, go to the frozen food section of a store and price out frozen peas -- compare buttered and unbuttered peas and then notice how much you are paying the company to butter your peas for you.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming's a beautiful day ... Go Rochelle Webcam!

Dave Nelson
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Posted by eolafan on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:51 AM
Hey Missouri, don't go away mad......

JUST GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eolafan (a.k.a. Jim)
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Posted by JoeKoh on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 7:21 AM
oh my Operation lifesaver is working!
the gov't funds railroad crossings
the railroads try to work with local gov'ts.
we've said this all before clown!
go back home to mamma!

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 5:04 AM
What is the point you are trying to make? What I read here only proves that railroads and communities are working together to improve railroad safty. Do you even read what you post? Please find another WEB sight to play on.

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